Agenda 04-18-00April 18, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH REGULAR Cl-FY COMMISSIONMEETING AGENDA 6:30 P.M. · r. OPENINGS: Call to Order- Mayor 3erty Broening Invocation - Reverend PJck Riccardi - Police Chaplain Pledge of Al eg ance to the Flag led by Mayor Gerald Broening D; ZF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMZSSZON: BEFORE THE '~OPENINGS" · COME TO ZND~'ZDUAI~ MAY SPEAK FORTHREE UNINTERRUPTED MINUTES, E. Agenda Apprevat: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption II. ADMINISTRATIVE," Appointments to be made: Appointment To Be Made I Weiland II Black Mayor Broening III Sherman IV Fisher Board Children & Youth Advisory Board Alt Children 8~ Youth Advisory Board Alt Children & Youth Advisory Board Reg Children & Youth Advisory Board Stu/Reg/Vofing Children &Youth Advisory Board Stu/Reg/NenVo~ng tli Sherman Bldg. Beard of Adju~b~ent & Appeals Alt tV Fisher-- ' Bldg. Board of Adjust3nent & Appeals Alt Mayor Broening Bldg. Beard of Adjustment & Appeals Reg IV Fisher Cemetery Board Reg Mayor Broening Cemetery Board Reg IV Fisher Code Compliance Board Alt LE tgth of Term E> )iration Date I yr tErm to 4/01 Tabled [2) 1 yr ti rm to 4./01 Tabled (2) 2 yr t~ rm to 4/02 Tabled (2) 1 yr tqrm to 4-/01 Tabled (2) Iyr t~rm to 4/01 Tabled (2) 1 yr|term to 4/01 Tabled (2) 1 yr t~rm to 4/0/, Tabled (2) 3 yr term to 4./03 Tabled (2) 3 yr t~rm to 4/03 Tabled (2) 3 yr t~rm to 4/03 Tabled (2) ! yr term to 9/00 Tabled (2) Agenda Regular City Commission April 18, 2OOO III Sherman Mayor 8mening II- Black Community Relations Board Community Relations Board Community Relations Board III Sherman IV Fisher Mayor 8roenJog II Black III Sherman IV Fisher Mayor Broening Education Advis°ry Board Education Advisory Board , Board III Sherman Ubrary Board .Mayor Broening Library Board tli Sherman Mayor Broening I W~nd Nuisance Abatement Board Nuisance/~batement. Board Nuisance Abatement Board III Sherman IV Fisher Mayor Broening Planning & Development Board Planning &Development Board Planning &'Development Board III Sherman Mayor Broening Recreation & Parks Board Recreation & Parks Board Mayor 8roening S~nior Advisory Board ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS= Alt Reg Alt Reg Reg Reg Alt Alt Stu Stu Reg Reg Reg Reg Alt Reg Reg Alt Alt Reg iyr term to 4/00 Tabled (2) 3 yr term to 4/03 Tabled (2) 1 yr term to 4/01 Tabled (2) 2 yr term to 4/02 Tabled (2) 2 yr term to 4/02 Tabled (2) 2 yr ten to 4/02 Tabled (2) t yr ten to 4/01 Tabled (2) 1 yrte n to 4/0t Tabled (2) 1 yr. te nto4/0i Tabled(2) 1 yr. te ~ to4/0I Tabled (2) 3 yr t( m to 4/01 Tabled (2) 3 yr 'm to 4/03 Tabled (2) 2yrtE n to 4/02 Tabled C2) 2 yr tEn to 4/02 Tabled (2) 1 yr tem to 4/0I Tabled (2) 2 yr tem to 4/02_ Tabled (2) 2 yr tel m to 4/02 Tabled (2) 1 yr t~ into 4/01 Tabled (2) 1 yrtel m to 4/01 Tabled (2) 3 yr tel m to 4/03 Tabled (2) 2 yr tm m to 4/02 Tabled (2) A. Announcements: TNT Co, n, cert on April 2I, 2000 from 6:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m. at Oceanfront Park - Brothers" 'm Parad~e' "(Folk/Easy Rock) Brealdast In 8oynton & Green Market' - Saturday, Apnl 22, 2000 from 8:00 ~.m. to 11:30 a.m. - Ubrary Lawn "Spdng Egg Hunt and Egg-stravaganza - Saturday, April 22, 2000 from I0:00 a.m. to I:00 p.m. - Ocean Avenue between Seacrest Boulevard and l~ Street (No Charge) 4. "Annual Corporate Tennis Challenge" - Saturday, April 29, 2000 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. - Tennis Center (Free to Spectators) 5. "Concert on the Green" - Saturday, May 13, 2000 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. - The Unks at I~oynton I~ach (Golf Course)l B, Presentations: 2 Agenda Regular City Commission April 18, 2000 1, Proclamations: a. "Days of Remembrance" - April 30 - May 7, 2000 b. "March of Dimes WalkAmerica ay - Aprd 29, 2000 W1,900 for the upcoming ashington Mutual Bank ' PresentaUon of= check to the City of Boynton Beaclt in the amount of Youth Expo - Laun Henley-Shepherd, CONSENTAGENDA: Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by i "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with ail o' material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comment ~e City Manager for the accompanying 3. A, Minutes: Agenda Preview Conference - March 30, 2000 Regular Meeting Minutes -Apdl 4, 2000 Bids - Recommend Approval - Alt expenditures are approved in the 1999-2000 Adopted Budget Award the "PURCHASE OF ,O.,,NE (1) GASOLINE PqWERED 18 FOOT ALUMINUM BODIED STEP VAN ', Bid #044-2110-00/.qD, to Steve Moore Chevrolet, LLC. Of Greenacres, Florida, in the amount of $37,895 plus the additional under body condenser for the Air ConditJor ar unit for $2,100, for a grand total of ~39,995 Extend the "ANNUAL SUPPLY OF METAL CONTAINEF Bid #055-2510-99/SP, to Industrial Refuse Sales, for, for an estimated annual expenditure of $150,000 (Cc 17, 2000 to 3uno 16, 2001) Approve a piggyback of PALM BEACH COUNTY BID FJectTical Signs and Lighting Services Inc, for tigh repairs/maintenance at various ballfields with estimat~ $i4,500 AND ROLL-OFFS", ~ne additional year ~tract pedod 3une #98-020/VMG to poles and light expenditures of Approve Change Order #3 to Pu~hase Order #00092,~ $22,793 for Temporary Custodial Support util zing theI for Temporary Labor Services from Tandem Steffin,,g_~ 99/SP. This Change Order will bring the Bid st expenditures to $62,599. in the amount of City's Annual Bid BID #076-2510- total estimated Agenda Regular City Commission April 18, 2000 Renew the bid for "ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SECURiTY OFFICER SERVICE FOR THE EZELL HE~ I ER, 3R. COMMUNITY ~ENTER" to Art Hall Protection Service of Miami, Florida, w~h'an annual expenditure of $19,968 (New B d #061-2710-00/C. JD) -- Awardthe "CO-OP FOR CHEMICALS AND ' Beach 7. Award $61,701 Resolutions: proposed Resolution ~No. R00-53 Re: App release of surety in the amount of $27,645.2c improvements at the project known as Stanton Magneti Quantum Boulevard ' 2. Proposed ResoluUon No. R00-54 Re: Appi release of surety in the amount of $9,520.96 for the improvements at the pro~ect known as Via Lugano Ratification of Planning & DeveloPment Board Action: 1. Quantum Park Business Center (Lots 32-38) (N Gateway Boulevard an.d., Quantum Boulevard) - Re( Chapte~ 2 Zoning~ SectiOn. 7. H.17 requiring a 40 fool greenbelt where adjacent to a residential district, to greenbelt for a 65 foot (apProx mate) segment along the of lot 34B ' - [3-B-1 for : FOR WATER AND Co. of not to FOR CITY $112,620 ~ving the full for the water s located at 2700 )ving the full ~ater and sewer ~east corner of uest relief from wide peripheral allow a 25 foot ;asr property line Agenda Regular City Commission April ~.8, 2000 Quantum Park Business Center (Lots 32-38) Gateway Boulevard and Quantum.Boulevard) - ReqL approva to construct throe warohouse/office buildi square feet in the Quantum Park P[D on 23.56 acres Lowe~s Home Zmprovement Center (Sign Ap comer of [.95 and Woolbdght Northeast corner of est for new site plan lgs totaling 336,050 proval) (Southwest High Ridge fur Request ocate the Home overall PCD' Greeting Card) of permitted uses and related Land Develo.pment RegulaUons, ~ operating Jingle food vending Zoning Distri~ 7. Aboveground Swimming Pool~ - Request to amend the Development ReguiblJ(~h~ ~haoter 2 ~,,~,~'- . ...... ~ L. and u~ ~ar se[Dae,~ tot aDoveground swimming pools as 10 feet Approve the donation of $2,500 f~om the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to the Boy Scouts of America Approve funding for Housing RehabUitaUon Case #2-98-013, Wretha Belle Watson, residing at 119 Nw 5~ Avenue, in the amount of $12,~ 20. _ Approve Change Order #5 for Post,. Buckley, Schuh and Jemig~ rn, the consultan~ for the design and contract administration for the Gateway Boulevard Road Improvement Project, and Change Order #12 for Smith ar Company, the con~ractor for this project. Approve an agreement with FPL for the conversion of overhe, electric lines to underground on the Ocean Avenue-Promenade project Agenda Regular City Commissio. n April 18, 2000 I. Approve an agreement with FPL for removal of the existin streeU~ the construction of the Ocean Aven ..... - - ' ' g igh~s during u~ rromenaae construction Project CITY i~IANAGER'S REPORT,- PUBLIC AUDIENCE: ' ZND~DUAL SPEAKERS WILL BE I. Zt4ZTED TO 3-HINUTE PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC HEARING,- 7:00 P,f4, OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERHI't'S None VIII. BIDS: None DEVELOPMENT PLANS: None X. NEW' BUSt'NESS: XI. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2~ Reading - PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Ordinance No. O00-11 Re: Amending Chapter 2. AdministraUon, Section 2-12.2(a) providing for two addiUonal members of the Community Redevelopment Agency, to be appointed by the City Commission in accordance w th the provisions of Chapter 163.357 (1)(c), Florida Statutes B. Ordinances - 1~ Reading 6 Agenda Regular City Commission April 18. 2000 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 000_12 Re: Development Regulations, Article II, Chapter 21/ billboards in public use districts on property owr adjacent to I~g5 as a conditiOnaI use 2. Proposed Ordnance No, 000-13 Re: 18, ArUc!e IV, Pensions for Firefighters; creatin a entitled '~Deferred Retlremen~ O'tiOn p ,, g P lan Resolutions: None D. Other: ~mending ~nd Sect/on 3. to allow ed by the City and ~/,~/0o) mending Chapter new Section i8-222 XZZ. UNFZNZSHED BUSZNESS: XZZZ. OTHER: A. Proposed Commission Meetings in the field B. Preliminary Discussion of Teen/Family Center C. CIP Process and Proposed Neighborhood Meetings. AD3OURNMENT: NOT~CE IF A,PERSON DEC~DES TO APPEAL ANy DECT~JON MADE BY THE O'TY COMMISSION ~ RESPECT TO ANy MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND~ FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE HAY ~ECO ~RD._C)F_T?E pEOCEEOING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD [NC3.UDF_~ ......... REED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM LF.S- Z~b. UI05) . ,,,~ ,r--~, zmuff, AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH TH~ APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. THE C[TY SHALL FURNISH APPROPR.[ATE AUX/LTARy -'~DS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARy TO AFFORD AN [NDW~DUAL EQUAL OPPORTUN~'j'y TO PAR'r~C[PATE [N AND EN30y THE BENEHTS OF~ A DISAB[!.[Ty AN CO.ACt ]mr_E COS'mU.O, (561) 742-6013 AT ........... A S~VZCZ, FI'NAL AGENDA - 04/14/2000 11:32 AM ):\SHRDATAt, CC~WP\CCAGENDA~GENDAS\O4.~.8OO,DOC III-ANNOUNCEMENTS WH EEEAS, the Holocaust was the state~-sponsored, systematic pemecution~ and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collabomtore between 1933 and 1945. Jews wer~ the prima~ vicl~ms million were murdered; Gypsies, the handicapped, and Poles were also targeted fo~.!es~ru~on/or decimation for racial, ethnic, or national reasons Millions more, including homosexuals, jehOvah's W'~e~ses, Soviet prisoners ofwar and political dissidents, at~ suffered grie¥oqs oppre.ssion and death under Nazitymnny; and WHEREAS; ~he~ hist0~p[the:H~10caUSt 0fiefs and oppbr[unity to refled on the moral responsibilities of individuals, societies, and govemmentsi and . WHEEEASi Were pecp~e of the CityOf Boynton BeaCh should always re= nember the terrible events of the HolocaUSt'and 'rem~ n vigi~nt against I'~atred,;Pemecution~and)~Jtanny and WHEREAS, we the people o~-the City of Boynton Beach shOuld ecitv ;ly rededicate ourselves to the pnnc~pte~ of individual freedOm in a'jus~oc~ety;and WHEREAS~ the .Days~ of .... Remembrance ~have been set aside for the peo e of the City of Boynton Beach to rameP~ber the vi~ ~of.~e:Ho[oc/~t as~Well asto reflect on the need for resl: ~ of all peoples; and ' 'WHEEEAS, ~urSUant to an ~ 0{ C0ngr~ss {public Law 96-388, Octo ,er 7, 1980), the United States Holocaust Memorial CeundldeSignates~the Days of Remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust to be Sunday, Ap~I 30 through Sun~lay~ May ~, 2000 inctd~g~the international Day of Remembrance known as Yom Hashoah May 2r~. NO,W, THEREFORE,:I,Gerald Bmening~ by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Boynton [~each, Fl°rid~, I~mb~:pm~la~th~ week 0i Sunday' Ap~t:30 through Sunday, May 7, 2000, as DAYS:OFREMEMBRANCE In memory of the victims of the Holocaust; andin honor of the survivors, as well as the rescuers and liberators, and furl. her proclaim that'we, as citizens of the City of Boynton Beach should strive to overcome intolerance and indifference through learning and remembrance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Sial of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to be affixed at Boynton Beach, Florida, this 18~h day of April, Two thousar~d. ATTEST: Gerald Broening, Ma~/or City of Boynton Beach City Clerk (Corporate Seal) ~UNITE A~TES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM this yOU tO ts essential, as r encourage enclosed for ~bserving We are gratefuI-~ you~:.~!aeadershitl a~d~suPP~, in this im~t ~ndeavor. Sincerely, Benjamin Meed Chairman, Days of Remembrance Enclosures RE CEIVED CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 100 Raoul WaIIenberg Place. SW. Washington, D,C. 20024-2126 · Tel (202) 488-0400 · Fax (202) 4880-690 · www. ushmm.org CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3RM NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM in to~,[ty Cl~kts Office M~ ~,~00 (5:~0 p.m.) March 22 2000 (5:00 p.m_) .~Jril 5, 2000 rS:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Comm/ssion Meeting Dates [] May 16. 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June20. 2000 [] July 5, 2000 Ill-Announcement & Presentations "B"- Proclamations: Item Date Final Form Must be Turned m City C!erk'$ Office May 3,2000 (5:00 p May] I'L 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p ~m .~ 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] Administrative [] Develop~ [] Comem Agenda [] New Bii~ [] Publfc Hearing [] Legab' [] Announcement [] Pre, sental RECOMMENDATION: Please read the attached proclamation at the April 18 Commission meeting. ~ent Plans [ness ',fl Business [on EXPLANATION: Proclamation for March &Dimes Walk America Day on April '29, 2000. PROGRAM IMPACT: N~ FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A ~C~Dgp~mnent Head's Signature Leisure Services/Recreation Department Name City Manager's Signature City Attorney / Finance ? Haman Resources WHEREAS, on = avera~'dayin Amenca41't babies'are bom wi~a~birth defect and t8 b~¥es die as a rasult of a bir~ defect; and WHEREAS, the March of Dimes is the national nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve this health of babies by pmVer~lJng~birth defects and infant mortality; an~ WHEREAS, for more than 60 years, the March of Dimes has been successfully fighting to save babies' lives: and WHER~ EAS, the March of Dimes. ~ beel3 a plan ~e~r: ,in .~n~..tmg birth, defed, s~ the natio, 's. n umber one child health prab e~ ,a~ ~.~p~ms-of research community serve' ~mes~ ~ucaupn arid ~cecy~ an(~ . ~lNalEAmerica was,Jnit~ in, I~970 fe,raiSe~;~ha~ su~ vitally impertsnt March of Dimes p~ograms; and W~EREA$, Wall~America has been a remarkable sacceas for,29~years, raising rr~re than $1 billion fur the March of Dimes m~ssion ~e~ssve babies; and WHEREAS, the nation's hopes for ensuing that future generations get the bast chance for a healthy {t{rt'in life depends on the efforts and commitment of all Americans in events like WalkAmerica; and~ WHEREAS, The City of Boynton Beach supports the efforts of the March of Dimes and wilt be ac~ely pa~cipafing in/~- WalkAmedca; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gerald Broening, by virlue of '~'e au~'~ity vested in me as Mayor of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby proclaim the week of Saturday, April 29. 2000, as MARCH OF DIMES WALKAMERICA DAY and urge all residents of the City of Boynton Beach fu celebrate this day by supporting the vi~ efforts of the March of Dimes in its fight to save babies. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ceuasd the Seal of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida, to be affixed at. Boynton Beach; ROi'ida, this 18a day of April, Two thousand. ATrEST~ Gerald Brcening, Mayor City of Boynton Beach City Clerk (Corporate Seal) Proclamation WHEREAS, on an average day n America 411 babi~ are born with e t)irth dm~ect, and babies die as a result of e birth defeot: and' VVI-iEREAS, [he March of Dimes is the national nonprofit o~anization whose mission [s to ~mprov~ the health of babies by preven~ing~birth defects and Infant mortality; and ~/HI~REAS, for more than 60. years, the March of Dimes has bee~. successfaliy fighting to save babies' lives, and WHEREAS, the Mamh o~ Dimes has been a p;~3neer iq preventing birth de, acts, t~le nat oWs number one child health problerd, through proQrams of~researcn.:communlty se~icos. educeUon and advocacy; and WHEREA$~ WsJkAmarica was Initiated in 197(1 to raise funds that support vitally [mpor~ant March of Dimes preQrams: and WHEREAS, wa~k~merica has been s remarkab~ sucOess for 29 yearn, rasing more than $t bittion f~ :iqe ~larcil of Dtmes mission to save bab es; and WHEREA$;:~-~tati0~!S hopes for ensudng that future generations get the best c~,ance for ,a, heatthy s~rLl~ iifs deper~ts on the efforts and commitment of ell Americans irt events iike Wa~.meri~a: a~nd WHEP~EA$, the City of Bo'ynton Beech supports the efforts of the March of Dimes and whl be actively paFJclPating in WalkAme~;[ca; ' NOW THEREFORE t Gerard Broening Mayer of the City of Boynton Beach, declare ~g. 2000 as MARCH OF DIMES WALKAI'~ERICA DAY urge ail resiGents of the Cty ~f Boynto~ Beach to cerebrate this day by supporting the vita] elto. [s o, [be Mar~J3 Of D~mea m its fight to save babies~ IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my bend this 18;* ¢tay of April, 2000. Attest: Serald Brushing, Mayor MEMOKA_NDU~%i III. ANNOLrNCEMENTS PRESENTATIONS B. 2 Washington Mutual March 3 ]st, 2000 Interim City ,Manager L attr ai&Ien! ey-$h ~pard · Advisory Board on Cl!ildr~n & Youth, Lending OPemfii~iisManager w $ ingroh Mutual Agend~ ~,Cit~COmlnigsior~Meeting to. be held Apffi RECEIVED 3 2000 C TY MANAGER'S ..... ~ u~'F,CE Dear Mr. Hawkins: Washington Mutual is the world's largest tN-iff bank. t~e nation's largest portfolio land,r, and the new guy on the block in Boynton Beach VCe toke an aefiveuart in our ommumtms and promote and support prog~aras tach as the Advisory Council on CNldren and Youth whenever and wherever possible. It is our distinct honor to be {bl'e to donate this check.in the amount of $1900.00 to the City of Boynton Beach as Spon~or for the upcoming Youth Expo to be held in November of this year. We are also making ~hia a; CAN even~ (Committed Active Neighbors), which will enable us to provide volunteers and workers for thc event as needed Washington Mutual encourages their associates to volunteer by granting time offduring the work day in order to volunteer in our communities. ,nly work in our Financial Centers and Home Loan Centers, but in the e, ommunity as well. ~ease advise as to whether we have made the a~enda for the 18th. and ffttmbe isany time S ' set aside for a CAN pre entauon., My office te ~phone number ia 561-642-5579_ Thank you for your attention tc tl. as matu:r. Congratulations on hftving such a fine program for our yomh! Sinc~_ Laura Henley-Shepard Re~luested City Commission Meerin~ Dates [] March 21,2000 [] Apffi 4, 2000 [] April 18, 2000 [] May 2. 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned m to Cit~ Clerk's Offico~ March $, 2000 rS:00 p.m./ March 22, 2000 (5:00p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m./ Requested City Commission Meeting Date~ [] May 16, 2000' '[] June 6. 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] July 5. 2000 IXt-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 8.1 D~te Final Form Must be Turned ~nto City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.i M~iy 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.j NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adm/nistrative [] Develot~ent Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] UnfiniShed Business [] Announcement [] Presentation S_..E .O~O__N~_ (1) GASOLINE POW~[ RED 18 - FOOT' ' - ~U-UUJL.JU [0 ~IEVE MOORE CHEVROLET, LLC. Of Greenaeres, Florida, in the amount of: $37,895.00 pins the additional under body condenser for the Air Conditioner unit for $2,100.00, for a grand total of: $39,995.00, EXPLANATION: On March lS, 2000, Procurement Serviees received and opened three (3). - · . · ids for the above ~h;~toi;;:td, ~;Ps;:e~oAfn;ie:er;eV's;~n~t~:~a_s3e~r~m_m. ed that St.e, ye M.oore Chevrolet, LLC, of )Gl~eenaeres, Florida, was · .. -- -- r , p *m~e muuer who meets all specafications. Robert Lee, Fie Administra works ~epartment concurs with this a~ara t~ ~*,~ ........ e~ tor, Public PROGRAM EVIPACT: The purpose of this bid is,to seeure a source for the purchase of one (~) Gasoline powered 18 - Foot Aluminum Step Van to be used by the Police Department. FISCAL IMPACT: BUDGET ACCOUNT: BUDGETED AMOUNT: 501-2516-519.64-30 $40,000.00 (Public Works/Vehicle Service Fund) At the end of the year, a transfer from the Forfeiture 'and Donation Funds will occur. ALTERNATIVES: Deputy Directo] Of Financial Services Procurement Servmes Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Htunan Resources S:~BULLET1N~FORMSLAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC ~LIC WORKS MEMORANDUM #00-048 To: Thru: Bill Atkins, DePuty Director of Finance Chris Roberts, Interim Public Worl~ Director~-, From: Subj: Bid #044-2110-00/CJD Date: March 30, 2000 In reviewing all submitted bids for the Police Department Special 18' Step Van, Fleet would like to award bid #044-2110-00/CJD to Steve Moore Chevrolet, LLC., 5757 Lake Worth Road, Greenacres, Fl. 33466. Steve Moore Chevrolet, LLC., quoted a cost of $37,895.00 for the resource that we had bid. In the quote from Steve Moore, it was noted that this vehicle's rear air conditioning unit would not function effectively wilton, the requested set .up when the unit was parked. A . recommendation fOr the installation of an underbody condenser with dual cooling fans was made. Talking with the Police Department personnel, it was felt that this option should be taken, as this vehicle will also work as a command post during operations. The cost of the option is $2,100.00, bringing the total purchase cost to $39~995.00, In reviewing the tab sheet, contact was made with General GMC Truck Sales to obtain a cost quote for the larger condenser. A stated p~ce f.o.r the additional unit w~ ,given at $2,100.00. Th!s ~ information did n°t change the core bid. General GMC rema~neu as second choice for this product. Funding for this vehicle should be taken from account #501- 2516-519~64-30-The Police Department will be charged at the end of the year, at which time a transfer from the Forfeiture and Donation Funds will occur. ....... avo~ r~orom~l~Ll~, I(ESPONSIVE BIDDEll WHO I4EETS ~L SPECIFICATIONS *********** ,~ ~ 'r~"J PURCHASE OF ONE (~) GASOLINE POWERED ~8 - FOOT ALUMINUM BODIED STEP VAN BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 15, 2000 "offers from lhe vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING TIME: 2:00 P.M. received timely as of the above receiving date and time. All other Dffers submilted in msp.o.nse to this solicitation, BID #: 044-2110-00/CJD if any, are hereby rejected as late VENDORS ~ ~ -- ' EET~LC. 954,~N-FEORIDA--AVENUE~ 360 SOUTH MILITARY TRAIL 5757 LAKE WORTH ROAD TAMPA, FL 33612 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33415 @REENACRES, FL 33466 813-933-6571 561-686~8906 561-433-5757 ATTN: YOUNGS ABRAMSON ATTN: LEONARD DE SANTI ~,TTN: AUDREY ADAIR TOTAL COST $41,795.00 $38,170.00 $37,895.00 '" ]NDER BODY CONDENSER FOR A/C CALENDAR DAYS ~t ,1~(1.~ 00 · 150 , 120-150 10 WEEKS NUMBER OF BID PROPOSALS SUBMITTED 1 1 1 S~ECIFICATIONS "CHECK-OFF" SHEET *YES SUBMITTED *YES YES MANUALS ENCLOSED YES YES AT DELIVERY MANUFACTURER FORD/GRUMMAN OLSON ,~VORKHQRsE/UNiON CITY WORKHORSE CUSTOM CHASSIS MODEL ' ~'FIP~E~ CHASSISTROUTE STAR WP31842 WITH 18'ALUMINUM - WP3~42 ~,NTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT YES STEP VAN SUBMITTED YES YES ONFIRMATION OF M NORITY FORM suBMi-~ED/N ' OT A FORM SUBM TTED/NOT A FORM SUBMITTED/NOT A OWNED BUS NESS SUBM I::O MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS MINORITY owNED BUSINESS MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS CONFIRMATION OF DRUG;FREE YES WoRKPLAcE SUBMITTED ~ YES YES PURCHASE OFONE (1) GASOUNE POWERED 18 - FOOT ALUMINUM BODIED STEP VAN "Offers from the venaors listed herein are the only offers ~n,~U{~G pATE! MAECH 15, 2000 received timely as of the above receiving date and time. B D OPENIN~ TI'~ 2i~!=~:M. A, other offers submitted in response t(3 this solic,tation, D·~: 04/1'i~1t 0~Q~jlCJ:B ' if any, are hereby rejected as Is e ': -'. ' ........ '~ . .... '~--~, .* ' , ..... SALES STE · "'".-:":': ...... ~ ............. ' FIAiI~BP, D; ]NC: GENERAL GMc TRUCK DORS [ E'~I~ ~ ~ ;,.,~..,, iL 5757 LAKE WORTH ROAD ~/E~I m E 360 SOUTH MILITARY T~ 9545N FLORluA~v~ U ........ u ~ ~A4~ R ENACRES FL 33466 ...... ~. WEST PALM TAMPA FL 336 2 ....... 5757 ---~ :, ' - ~' - -' 813-933-6571 ~ oo~-oou-o . DAR NT~ ADD TIONAL'SPECS SUBM ~ED BROCHURES ~ ADDITIONAL SPECS *SEE NOTA I ~Ne , .... ' ' ' * Submit Bids To: BIDDER,ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PROCUREMENT SERVICES 100 E; Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 3~0 Boynton Beach, Flodda 33425-03'10 Telephone: (561) 742-6323 Mailing Date (City):: FEBRUARY 10;2000 Bid Title: Bid Number: #044-2110-00/CJD Bid Received By: MARCH 15; 2000, NO LATER THAN 2:00 P.M. unless ,, days after sucl~ All awards made as a result of this Bid shall conform to charter and Codes of the ;City. Name of Vendor: .~... Federal I.D. Number:. 59-1:632181 A Corporation of the State of: Florida Area Telephone Code: (56z) NUmber: Mailing Address: 433-5757 5757 Lake Worth Rd. City/State/Zip: Greenacres, Fl. 33466 Vendor Mailing Date: 3/15/oo Aubrev Adai~ Name THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEF rIME) bid TIME) _ sections of the Signature yped ABLE 16 18 BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR ther The City ENGINE: Electronic controlled V8, gasoline powered engine, minimum 5.0 liter Heavy duty cooling system Dry type air'cleaner Single exhaust THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMIt-rED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BID SPECIFICATIONS CONTINUED ......... ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: Minimum 115 amp 12 volt alternator. Dual Batteries to have a minimum total~ of 1200 CCA @ 0 degrees F. All electrical systems to be protected by fuses'/breaker~. TRANSMISSION: Automatic with overdrive. Remote auxiliary transmission oil cooler. DRIVE AXLE: X Gear ratio: 4.88 / 5.13 ., ~ Minimum 15000 GVWR. METERS/GAUGES: Factory installed speedometer Odometer Ammeter or voltmeter Fuel gauge Engine oil gauge Coolant temperature gauge Dash mounted engine hour meter THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BID SPECIFICATIONS CONTINUED .............. COMFORT ITEMS: Air conditioning integral with heater refrigerant (CFC Free) Factory installed AM-FM radio Ri34 SAFETY ITEMS: ~' Dual Horns. ,X' Daytime running lights ~ Fire Extinguisher, 5lb. minimum mounted behind ddver .~ Triangle road hazard kit 2<~ Stainless steel, power adjusting 6"x16" west coast type mirrors ~< Automatic / a(~ustable volume backup alarm BRAKES/STEERING: ABS brake system Power assist Four (4) wheel disc Power steedng with remote oil cooler TIRES AND WHEELS: Six (6) 8:00R x 19.5-hwy All wheels to be one-piece steel One full-size spare tire and wheel THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMrFrED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BID SPECIFICATIONS CONTINUED ......... CHASSIS/FRAME: Standard front bumper Rear steo bumper Frame mounted tow hooks on front Fuel tank, minimum 31 gallon BODY EQUIPMENT: Forward control chassis Left front seat (driver) high back seat with seat belt and shoulder strap. No seat right front 18-foot aluminum body Bulkhead behind driver only Interior side walls lined with ~" plywood Rear doore, barn door type, must be operable from the ins de Interior cargo area lights, minimum of six (6) Interior lights to have switch controlled by driver and remo~e switch door entrance (All mounted overhead) au rear Intedor height, 76" Rear cargo area, roof mounted NC system (CFC-free) BODY PAINT: Manufacturer's standard white, "IMRON" quality paint pre: rred THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDEI FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPEETE AND ACCEPTABLE 4 MANUALS TO BE INCLUDED; One full set of chassis service and repair manuals One full set of body service and repair manuals THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE. CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE 5 PROPOSAL BLANK BID PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA To A/1 Bidders: Date 3/15/00 When submi~g more ~ one bid proposal price for this product =d/or servi~ ~gjcdh.ual and/0r c°mbmatzon ~tem(s' are to be tabulated~and ~0nsidereil ' Xttach a The undersigned proposes to deliver the in accordance with the specifications for the ONE (1) GASOLINE pOWi~RED 18-FOOT ALUMINUM BODIED STEP VAN $ 37,895.00 TOTAL AMOUNT Al J. PRICES F.O.B. BOYNTON BEACH It is further agreed that the product/service will be delivered/completed wi~ days fi.om the date of the Purchase Order from the City. Number of Bid Proposals submitted 1 ; Cd/rote how many · eparate proposal sheet am of: n _~_x. i J~ic~alendar Specification "check-off' sheets submitted YEs Yes/No Manuals Enclosed AT DEL. Yes/No WO~O~E Custom Chassis MANUFACTURER Stove Moore Chevrolet COMPANY NAM~ ( 561 ) 433-5757 TELEPHONE NUMBER WP31842 Aubr~yAdair PRINTED NAME Commercial Fleet Manager IITLE THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEP' [BLE 17 ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH the undersigned hereby duly sWorn, depose and say that no portion of the sum herein Bid will ~e p~d to ~gy emplqyees 9f the ~ity of~ BoYnto~ ~ea?h ~ a commiss!pn, kickback? reward of Sworn and subscribed before me this day of Printed Information: at Large "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" STAMP Aubre7 Adair NAME Commercial Fleet Manager TITLE Steve Moore C~evrolet, LLC COMPANY THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMi'I-rED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED coMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE [8 CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS A requested form to be made a part of our files for future use and in , formation. Please fill out and indicate in the appropriate spaces provided which category best des~hbes y~ur company, Return this form with y~)ur ~id proposal sheet making it an offi-cial part 0f your bid r&ponse'. AMERICAN AS~N BLACK ( ) HISPANIC ( ) WOMEN ( ) OTH~ N/A (specify) Do you possess a Certification qualifying your business as a Minority Owned YES If YES, Name the O~ganization from which this certification was obtained and isiness? NO x ate: N/A Issuing O~gmdzation for Certification ~/A Date of Certification THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMI'I'FED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL 19 CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE IDENTICAL TIE BIDS yen to businesses with drug~free has implemented a tied x a g,fme 1) any counseling, be ns. contractual services 3) (1). 4) In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employee that, as a condition or contractual services that are under bid, the will notify the employer of any to, any violation of chapter 893 or of ~ law of the United States or any state; for a violation in the workplace no later than 5 days after such conviction° 5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse 'S assistance available in the employee community by, any employee who 6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through imPlementati6n 6f~this ~ection-. Asthe person authorize.d to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. ~/ ' nature / THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMII-I'ED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE 20 Prepared~r: The City of'Boymton'Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425-0310 Prepared by: Joseph S. Cable Steve Moore Chevrolet 5757 Lake Worth Rd. Graenacres. FL 33466 Phone: (800) 258-5757 Fax: ~561,433-3775 CHEVROLET I 'ehic[e De,'ailed MODEL 2000 Forward Control Chassis 178" WB STANDARD EQUIPMENT - CHASSIS FEATURES Alternator: 105 Amps Battery: 600 Cold Cranking Ames Brakes 4-Wheel Anti-Lock Brakes: Power Hydraulic Cooling System: Transmission & Engine Fuel Tank: 40 Gallon Capacity Stabilizer Bar: 1.25" Front Steering: Power Suspension: Front. lndepenOent Coil Suspension: Rear. 2-Stage Multi-Leaf STANOARD.EQUIPMENT. EXTER OR TRIM & FEATURES Dumper: Painted White. Fro,t Wheats 16.0'x6.0" Dual Rear STANDARD EQUIPMENT - INTERIOR TRIM & FEATURES Instruments: Engine Tempe ~r'/ature. Fuel Steering: Tilt-Wheel. 2-Sooke Engine Hourme~er STANDARD EQUIPMENT - SAFETY FEATURES Power Hydraulic FR Disc/RR Drum Brakes Standarci Ti;t-Wheel and Steering Column DECOR & PACKAGES Equipment Group 1SA Preferred Equipment Group Discount Tire Weight Tax ~ Model DRIVELINE Standard Body ~6~O0O lbs GVWR ual Rear Wheels Federal Emission Requirements No Emissions Override Desired 5700 Vortec V8 SFI 4-Speed Automatic HD with Overdrive 5000 lbs Front Axle 5000 lbs I-Beam Front Suspension 11000 lbs Rear Axie 11800 lbs Rear Suspension Engine Oil Cooler Auxiliary Transmission Oil Cooler Prepared for: Prepared by: JosePh S. Cable Stev_e Moore Chevro[e~ 5757 Lake Wo~h Rd. Greenacres, FL 33466 Phone 800 258-5757 =ax: (561! 433-3775 CODE DRIVELINE 5.13 Axle Ratio air Conditioning Prowsion 124 Arno Alternator wired uo the s~&rmer. 8.00R;~9.5tE' Front Blaclo~ail : Tires include an isolanor Tire T~re COLOE ScH~E~E Soiid Paint Special Paint interior Trim G[ay Wheel Color --PA City: N/A mpg EPA Highway: N/A mpg Soecifications suDtec~ to change w~tnou~ notice. The graphic ~rinted On t~l$ repar~ may not reflect me vef~tcte :age 2 March P~eparad for: Prel)ared by: Joseph S. Cable Steve Moore Chevrolet 5757 Lake Worth Rd. Greenacres, FL 33466 Phone: (800) 258-5757 Fax: (561) 433-3775 CHEVROLET O tote Summa , VEHICLE For'ward Control Chass s 178" WB ........................................................................ TRADE None OTHER CHARGES None Quotation Total ..................................... Comments: Body Description 18' Cargo 178"wheel base 76' interior heigth 77.5" interior width Radio AM/FM Stereo w/speakers Back-up alarm Dome lamp sW~tch in cab and at RH rear door for ail load area lites Dome lamp (2) additional in load area Dome iamp (3) additional h~ioad-area- 1/2" Plywood Lining, Body Sides and Rear 2" Fiberglass roof insulath3n and aluminum headliner full length 2' Fiberglass insulation, side walls and rear hinged doors Mirrors, heated remote adjustable Air :onditioning, front Fire extinguisher 5 lbs. B-C dry chemical Reflector kit (trangle) =aint body exterior white Duoont 5000 Series N3505H Expanded metal 3artition 27" wiae behind driver 38" Rear double hinged doors Sunvisor_ interior RH Roof mounted A./C Kysor hard hat .... NOTE: This set up wilt not work efficiently in high heat WHEN TRUCK IS NOT MOVING'*~;"'-~RECOMMEND ADDING EXTRNAL CONDENSER MOUNTED UNDER 3'NE TRUCK WITH TVVO COOLING FANS. AD[} $2100. Page I March 15, 2C0O Requested City Corramssion Meefine Dates [] March 21. 2000 [] April 4. 2000 [] Aped ts, 2000 May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22, 2000 [5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 pan.) Requested Cit~ Commission Meeting Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6. 2000 [] June 20. 2000 [] July 5, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B.2 Dl~te Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.n,~) / Ju~e 21, 2000 (5:00 p.n'~) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfmish~dBusiness [] .Mmouncement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: A motion to extend the "ANNUAL SUPPLY OF METAL CONTAINERS AND ROLL-OFFS", Bid #055-2510-99/SP, to INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES, for one additional year for an estimated annual expenditure of $150~000.00. CONTRACT PERIOD: JUNE 17, 2000 TO JUNE 16, 2001 NEW BID #060-2510-00fKR EXPLANATION: The current bid will expire on June 16, 2000. However, we have the option to renew for one additional year under the same terms, conditions, and price, providing all parties agree. In.~instrial Refuse Sales of Lakeland, Florida has agreed to this extension (copy of extension letter attached). The service from Industrial Refuse Sales has been excellent in the past and Larry Quihn, Solid Waste Manager, concurs with this recommendation (see attached Memo 00-050). PROGRAM IMPACT: The purpose of this bid is to establish an annual fixed price for the purchase of metal containers and r01izoffs used for refuse collection throughout the City for commercial and multi-residential accounts. FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT/DUMPSTERS BUDGET ACCOUNT # 431-2515-534-64.19 Deputy Director of Financial Services Procurement Services D ~partraent Name ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE $150,~000.00 S :kBULLETIN~rO RMSL~.GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #00-050 TO: Bill Atkins, Deputy Finance Director VIA: Christine Roberts. Interim Public Works Director FROM: ~m'ry Quinn, Sol~d;~as~¢ Manager . ' DATE: March 28, 2000- SUBJECT: Annual Bid for Metal Containers and Roll-offs RECEIVED The Solid Waste Division would like to extend the bid for metal Containers and roll-offs for one year. We have a very competitive price and have received excellent servme. The budget account number is 431-2515-534-64.19 with annual estimated expenditures of $150.000. Please prepare the appropriate paperwork for Commission approval. LQ/pl The Ci(y of Boynton Beach Bo3mton Bea~, Florida 35425.0310 (561) 742~06 RECEIVED M~I 27 2000 PU RCH ASI N C.~ DEPT~ NAME OF BID: "ANNUAL SUPPLY OF METAL CONTAINERS AND ROLL- OFFS" BID#: 055-2510'99/SP Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach, Owner; and INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES (Company's Name) Contract Renewal Perio& JUNE 17. 2000 TO JUNE 16, 2001 Yes, I agree to renew existing contract under the same Terms and Conditions, for an additional year. No, I do not wish to renew the contract at this time. NAME OF COMPANY SIGNATURE NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE (please print) / DATE TITLE (AREA CODE) J- TELEPHONE NUMBER America's Gate~ay to the Gulfstream -~w~o~, mvo~ ~x~,, tl~oN~zvm BIDDER WHO MEETS ~ATIONS ~a M. ~0~8~HASING AGENT , ~SIS~C~0RKS / ~ ~' Offem from the vendors sted here n are the on y o~ers BID OPENING DATE: APRIL 21, 1999 . received ~imely as of the above ~ceiving date and time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. ' ~Allo~er, offers submitted n response to th s so c a on. BID ~: 055-2510-99/SP VENDORS ; EBCO E~V~:'BiNS'& CONTAINERS ¢:'O~IR STEEL H~O SALES, inc. ~ 2101 S.W. 56TH TERRACE 518 W. OCEAN AVENUE 85~i~N.W. 74'~R STREET HOLLYWOOD, FL 33023 5OYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 MI.~Iyl FL 33166 (954) 967-9999 (561 ) 734-1100 . (3~) 597-0243 EDUARDO BRANDAO MICHAEL DE SlMONE sAM'EISSEN 2 C.Y. 10 ...... $252.00 - NO BID $255.00 3 C.Y, 10 ' $320.00 ~ - .N.O BID $331.00 4 C.Y. 20 $369.00 ' . NO BID ~ . , $360.00 6 C.Y. 20 ................. .$.4.6..5...0. .................. ] · NO BID ' . ........ .¥60.00 6c.v. 20 $529.00 ................ ;~;~';;,'~'"": ..... : ..... $5~6.00 ............. ADD'L SETS OF LID~ W/RODS; ::' ":' ' 2 C.Y, 10 $.2,0.20 NO BID ............... 3c.Y. lO $2~.1o . ~1~;'~,',1~ ..... ' ..... : ..... ~[.~i~'~.~ ............ : ..... 4c.Y. . .. . ...... ::-77 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 6 C.Y. 10 . $24.80 . NO BID -_' $3~.00 8 C.Y. 10 $24.80 NO B D . $35~'.00 ROLL-OFF METAL CONTAINERS: -;.. Green- open roll-off - 10 C.Y. 5 . $1,590.00 $1,700.0.0 $1,625.00 Green - open roll-off- 20 C.Y. ~5 $2,139,00 $2 2.00. 00 . · $2,160.00 Green - open roll-off - 30 C.Y. 5 ...................................................................................................... .$2 450.00 .$2 400.00 ~:b.':~r ~ ....... 00 .............. .. .................................................................................... ~ ! .-:-- ............. Green- open roll-off- 40 C.Y. 5 ................ .$.2.,.7.?.9...0..0. ............................... .$.3.,.q90-..o.9' ..... ,%~?0:9o Green - rec¥clin~ roll-off - 40 C.Y. 5 $3,590.00 NO BID .' ' ........................ '~;3~:0.00'" ':~'~ ........ ........... CALENDAR DAYS 30 DEPENDS ON ~UANTITY NUMBER OF BID PROPOSALS SUBMITTED 1 1 1 SUBMITTEDSPECIFICATION/."CHECK'OFF".~'t SHEETS YES '~' '~ NO *YES ?~ --~ ANNUAL SUPPLY OF METAL CONTAINERS AND ROLL-OFFS BID OPENING DATE: APRIL 21, 1999 "offsre fram the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. received tlmeiy as of the above receivin{~ date and time. BID #: 055-2510-99/SP ..All other offers subm ted in response to this solicitation. ffany; are hereby rejec[ed as late" VENDORS · EBCO ENV. BINS & CONTAINERS FOUR STEEL ~HESCO SALES, INC. ' ; 2101 S W 56TH TERRACE 518 W, OCEAN AVENUE 8505 N,W. 74TH STREET HOLLYWOOD, FL 33023 .~ BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 MIAMI, FL 33166 (954) 967-9999 · (561) 73;4-1~100~ · (305) 597-0243 CERTIFIED ENGINEERING DRAWING EDUARDO BRANDAO MICHAEL DE SIMONE SAM EISSEN NCLUDED YES NO YES BIDDERS WARRANTY INCLUDED YES NO YES METAL CONTAINER MANUFACTURER E.B.C.O. N/A HESCO SALES, IN~ METAL CONTAINER MODEL GPFS 02, 03, 04, 06, 08 N/A HESCO FRONT LOAD ROLL-OFF MANUFACTURER E.B.C.O. FOUR STEEL HESCO SALES, INC. ROLL-OFF MODEL GPOS -10, 20, 30, 40 HESCO ROLL OFF '~' ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT SUBMITTED YES YES , YES CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY~ FORM SUB~411 I ED/NOT A OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS NO NO CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE SUBMLTTED NO YES YES COMMENTS PRODUCT BACKUP SUBMITTED . ~ *SEE NOTATIONS PRODUCT BACKUP SUBMITTED ANNUAL SUPPLY OF METAL CONTAINERS AND ROLL-OFFS BID OPENING DATE: APRIL 21, 1999 BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. f: 055-2510-99/SP VENDORS "Offers from Ihe vendors listed herein are the only offers received timely as ef the above receiving date,and time. . ~._~ -~ , All.other~offers_submitf~ed.jll [esponse.to this solicitation, late" INDUSTRIAL i075 LAKELAND, FL 33807 BAUGH 4 C.Y. 6 C.Y, 8 C,Y, $244.00 $309,00 $349.00 $449.00 i19.00 2 C.Y. 3 C.Y.' 4 C,Y. 6 C.Y. 8 C.Y. p~OLL-OFF METAL CONTAINERS: Green - open roll-off- 10 C.Y Green - open roll-off Green - open roll-off - 30 C.Y. CALENDAR DAYS [ ~ 40 C,Y. NUMBER OF BID PROPOSALS SUBMITTED >ECIFICATION "CHECK-OFF" SHEETS SUBMITTED $58.00/SET $60.O0/SET $62.001SET $62.00/SET .... .$..2.,.3..7.6...0..0 ...... .$~,.6.46.00 $3,115.00 3O *YES ANNUAL SUPPLY OF METAL CONTAINERS AND ROLL-OFFS BID OPENING DATE: APRIL 21, 1999 "o~e~s from the vendors I sted hereto are the only offers BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. recetve~ ti~ely as of the above receiving date and time. BID #: 055-2510-99/SP All otherpffer, s subm. tted n response to th s so icitation, if any, are hereby rejected as late" VENDORS INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES ; P.O. BOX 5075 LAKELAND, FL 33807 (941) 665-6507 CERTIFIED ENGINEERING DRAWING TOM KALTENBAUGH INCLUDED NO BIDDERS WARRANTY INCLUDED YES METAL CONTAINER MANUFACTURER INDUSTR AL REFUSE SALES METAL CONTAINER MODEL FL/FLS ROLL-OFF MANUFACTURER INDUSTRIAL REFUSE sALEs ROLL-OFF MODEL IRS ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT SUBMII I ED YES CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY FORM suBMITTED/NOT A OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE SUBM LT'I'ED --YES COMMENTS *SEE NOTATIONS PRODUCT BACKUP SUBMITTED BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Submit Bids To: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. B°~X 310 Boyntofi Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TelephOne: (561) 742-6322 Mailing Date (City): March I:6, 19,99 Bid Title: OFF ' Bid Number: 055-25~0-99/SP Pr0iect Number: Bid Received By: APRIL[21, 1999, NO LATER TI{AN 2:30 P.M. (LOC~ TI~iE) Bids will be opened in the Pumhasing Department unless specified otherwise. Bid:~e~i~ing date- and time is scheduled for:. Apl-il 21, 1999, no later than 2:30 P.M. (local time) andlmay not be withdrawn within ninety (90) days after such date and time. All awards made as a result of this bid shall conform to applicable sections of the charter and codes of the City. WASTEQUIP MANUFACTURING, INC. D/B/A INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES Na~ne of Vendor: Federal I.D. Number: 22-3191624 A Corporation of the State of: OHIO Area Code: 9~,1 Telephone Number: 6.6 5 - 6507 PO Box 5075 Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: Lakeland, Florida 33807 Vendor Mailing Dater 4/19/99 Authonzed Signature TOM KALTENBAUGH Name Typed THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG %VITI{ PROPOSAL 16 PROPOSAL BLANK BID PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA To All Bidders: Date: ~[ / 3~ 9 / 99 The undersigned declares that he has carefully examined the specificatio] familiar with its provisions and with tho quality, ~Yl~e and grad'e of eqUi;ment ?S:alledandfor.iS thoroughly When submitting more than one bid proposal price for this product, indicate and/or combination item(s) are to be tabulated and considergd. Attach a sepm each. The estimated annual expenditure for this product is $162,630.00 The undersigned proposes to deliver the equipment in accordance with the sum of: how many individual ate proposal sheet for ~ecifications for the I. METAL CONTAINERS: EST. QTY. .SIZE UNIT PRICE 10 2C.Y. $ 244.00 Each 10 3C.Y. $ 309.00 Each 4C.Y. $ 349'90 Each 20 20 6C.Y. $ 44'9.q0 Each 20 8C.Y. $ 519.00 Each Additional sets of lids with rods: EST. QTY. SIZE UNIT_PRICE 10 2C.Y. $ 58.00/Set 10 3 C.Y. $ 60. oo s t 10 4C.Y. $ 62. 007Set 10 6C.Y. $ 62.00/Set TO BE CONSIDERED COI%IPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE 17 PROPOSAL continued ...... II. ROLL-OFF METAL CONTAINERS: EST. QTY. SIZE 5 10 C.Y. 25 20 c.Y. 5 30 C.Y. 5 40 C.Y. 5 DESCRIPTION Green - open roll-off Green - open roll-off Green- open roll-off Green- open roll-off Green - recycling roll- off w/plastic doom UNIT PRICE $ 1500.00 Each ¢ 2D79.00 Each . Each 31,-o.00 Ea=h $ ALL PRICES F.O.B. BOY1N'TON BEACH THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL QUANTITIES IF NEEDED 30 It is further agreed that the containers will be delivered within __ calendar days fi.om the date of the Purchase Order from the City. Number of Bid Proposals submitted Specification "check-off' sheets (Pages 3-6) submitted YES Yes/No Certified engineering drawing (indicating dimensions, gauges, weight, etc.) included NO Yes/No YES Bidders wan'amy included ' ' Yes/No THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE I8 PROPOSAL continued ...... INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES METAL CONTAINER MANUFACTURER INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES ROLL,OFF MANUFACTURER WASTEQUIP MANUFAC'~URING, INC. D/B/A INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES COMP~ NAME F~FLS METAL CONTAINER MODEL IRS ROLL-OFF MODEL TOM KALTENBAUGH PRINTED NAME ( 9~1 ) 665-6507 TELEPHONE Nq3MBER GENERAL MANAGE~ TITLE THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE 19 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ANNUAL SUPPLy OF METAL CONTAINERS AND ROLL-OFFS The purpose of this bid is to establish ar~ annual fixed price for the purehase of metal containers -- ~ ' ' u~ho tthe Cit of Bo tonBeach forc6mm~ial/multi-i'e~idential and roll-offs to.be used thro ~ ,?: ~ y yn; ~ ; ~ .,. ~cc.~unts for the oum0s~ of r~fu~.i¢ollection The estimated annual eXpen~!tit~:for?h~ product Please place an (x) on the b!~ !ine next to each item if a specification is met. If exception is taken (~ltematives),'bida~:~Uie using a separate sheet of paper. Bidder must submit specifications ,,check_off-',sI{eet~;i~ige~ 3-6) with the proposal sheet in order for a bid to be considered. I. ~METAL CONTAINERS METAL CONTAINER DESIGN: × All containers shall be of slope design so as to not damage top doors when emptying . Steel box construction x Water tight with a minimum 1 lIT' drain plug flush with bottom of container x 10 gauge bottoms X 12 gauge minimum front, rear and end walls X Containers with split lids to be high density polyethylene resin PAINT: To insure protection from rust, the following paint procedure is required: x All surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned to remove ali grease, foreign matter and weld slag Rust and roug/i edges shall be removed by grinding ×Prime coat - 1.5 mils thickness when dry of epoxy resin compound of zinc chromate and ~ron oxide ptgrnent, s catalyzed with a polyamide resin, one coat inside and outside x Finish coat - high gloss epoxy enamel of- the same film thickness applied to outside of container THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE X SPECIFICATIONS continued ...... ,~,TR DRY Oven baked i~ a convection oven at 180 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes Color - Dark Green SIZES: The overall loading height Of containers shall not exceed: 40" for a 2 yard container x 44" for a 3 yard co~ntainer x 46" for a 4 yard container X X 46" for a 6 yard container 48" for an 8 yard container ACCESSOR/ES: X X X Plastic material 2B Maartex CL100 - black in color, no less than 3 hinge points per lid section II. Constructed as to automatically close the: top lids of containers lifting arms without necessitating the operator to leave the cab of the __ External deep "V' plates at pickup pmnts ~hen employing the rock ROLL-OFFMETAL CONTAINERS: Open top constructi~ t/demolition, solid waste collection/transport containers (must be designed for outside-rail and cable loading) The intent of these specifications is to describe four different sizes of roll-of waste collection and transport containers. This will include I0 yard through The full capacity level for all size containers will be described as "water Ie, the sides. The materials described are minimum requi.rements. CONSTRUCTION: Each item listed herein shall include alt size containers mentioned abo All sheet materials used in the construction shall be "high carbon __ SIDES: Sheeting,' shall be not less than 10 gauge H/R steel, all weld construction that contains waste material% shall be continuous on al inside and out [ype open top solid 40 yard containers. 'el" or at the top of steel" ag involved in side [ horizontal seams, THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITT,,E,D ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEP;FABLE SPECIFICATIONS continued ...... X FLOOR: Plating shall be not less than seven (7) gauge FUR steel with all seams -- continuously welded when horizontal r-,, rn-~o o Arl C qhnll h~ aan~tmcted of 2" X 6" x 2/16" ~ c~bon rectangul~ tubing With the front com~ of the body ~omon of the rafts to be solid 1 1/2 prate msened 9 ..... '- ~ ..... +-' ~f 18" and a 1/4" mb rail plato weld~ to t~ the t~bln eac~'mrecno~ tu.a tma~ ~ , ~* . ' . i~er or bott~g~ md, the ~1I length of the rail conunuous[y {v~Ided ir6Un~ t6P p~fimeter Chain & "Key hcie" x FLOOR SUPPORT-S: Shall be at least 3" structural channel; located and welded~at46" center x REAR DOOR_: Shall be constmc!e.d from'!0 gaug.e ~i~s~e~!'-.[ei~r~c~d~ -- x 10 gauge formed channels framing the. door and remforc~.ti,wttn.g c.n. atm,e~ and divided, equally from center continuous weldigg . , ,.: ..... u_,, .... ect tO 8" X 7" 'c, au.~e f0nn~ Ct/~/nnel Vefticat;side'~i~ost~ and latch adc'post shall be 6" x 7" gauge formed channel post on body stdes SAFETY: A safety chain and a s,afety pin with springkey will be ins/ailed at the bottom gftfi~ rear door for security during iran'sp6rdlO~d['ng ~diinloading container - ......... -- '---~ ~ ...... 'o-o 6" x 9" constructed with not less than 1/4" x ~'. . . ., . . , '. . "' .' Iocateo thick walls and s~des. -aqth 1 1/4 removable axles, eqmpped wtth grease fittings at both sides of ttie rear of the container. x There shall also be two large rollers located at each side of the front of the container, desLgned contact hoist rails, equipped with removable axles and grease fittings. Axles shall be retained with cotter pins x PICK-UP HOOKS: Shall accommodate standard cable hood-up systems, such as "Galbreath'" and will be constructed of I 1/4" plate steel x PAINT & COLOR: All containers shall be "sand blasted", "vapor blasted" or ".air x ' ~eaned to remove mill scale and weld splatter and slag prior to any painttng or sealing x The bottoms and insides of containers shall be undemoated with TECTYL 300 Resin, mst preventive, and one (1) coat of a good industrial primer, and two (2) full coats of "Dark Green'7 _high gloss industrial enamel paint NOTE: Any unpainted surfaces shall be considered reason to reiect acceptance of any container x DOOR HINGES:' Shall be constructed and fabricated of 1/2" thick plate steel, and will be 10'" x'9" on container side and 10" x -7" atthe door side with a 1 7/16" solid round hinge pin equipped with a grease fitting, and will be welded to the body and door with continuous welds THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG %VITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE A.ND ACCEPTABLE 5 SPECIFICATIONS continued ...... X PRICING: All pricing shall be based on each unit and carried into the total cost of each size and a grand total of the bid NOTE: The City of Boyuton Beach reserves the right to determine how many, if any, containers will be purchased as a result of this bid, and will regulate how many containers may be purchased at-any one time. III. no X X X X X SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Certified en~neering drawing by the mangfacturer's engineering department, indicating dimensions, gauges, designation of reinfo~ement and weight of each size container shall be included With the bid Containers will b~ ordered as needed Bidders warranty will accompany all bids submitted Bid price is to be firm for a period of twelve (12) months from date o ~'awarding of bid The Purchasing Agent may renew the contract, at the lame terms, cc nditions, and prices, for an additional one (I):year period, subject to vendor acc{ ~tance, satisfactory performance and determination that renewal will be in the best intere:: of the City. __ All prices to be quoted F.O.B. Boynton Beach, Florida THIS PAGE TO BE suBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORiDA COUNTY OFl~l~,:[:lg~ POLK SS L the undersigned hereby duly sworn, depose and'say' that no portion-of the sum herein bid will be paid to any employees of the City of Boynton Beach as a commission, kickback, reward of gift, directly or indirectly,by me~ or any member, 6fmy firm or by~, an officer~ ,, ~ ~ of the.. corporation. By: Sworn and subscribed before me this 19th day of Anti ] , 19 qq Printed Information: TOM KALTENBAUGH NAME GENERAL MANAGER TITLE WASTEQUIP MANUFACTURING,INC, INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES COMPANY D/B/; "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" STAMP THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED cOMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE 20 CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS A requested form to be made a pan of our files for furore use and information. Please fill oUt and indicate in the appropriate spaces provided which category best describes your company Ret'dm this form with y~)~n2 l~id PropOsal sheet making it an o~eiai pm ~fyour bic~ ~esp°nSe. ( ) BLACK (') HISPANIC ( ) WOMEN ( ) OTHER N~A (specify) Do you possess a Certification qualifying your business as a "Minority Owne YES If YES, name the Organization from which this certification was obtained an d Bus~ness . NO · date: Issuing Organization for Certification Date of Certification THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL 21 CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE IDENTICAL TIE BIDS Pre fereiice more Boynton Beach or by ~ee workplace program for .......... :~.; ..... l,,,,eeS that the u~a~;-manufacture, distribution, dispensing,, possession, or use of a ~ogtr6!led:~ubstance i,~ ~f~ilSged m me,wor~ptace ana ;. 2 ..... :..-. ;k~, ,,iq be tak~n=aini{~emrrloyces ~yi0{~ons of such prohibition. 2. lnform employees ~about thc dangers ~ drag abuse !n the 'w°flcPlae~,the business's p°licy °f .,.,.,;,,.,~;,5~ .~:. rli~i~=fre~ ,wmrlmla~e; my a~lable' drug, comlsgling, rehabilitation, and · ~ *';": - '' 'es that m~ ;be: ~mposed upon employees for employee assistance pwgram~,: and the,.penatl~ y drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee ,engaged in pro3,idiggthe commodities or contractual services that are unde?b~'d a col5~ bttii~ statement spefified in ~ubsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (I)~ notify the employee, that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the Statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea o£ guilty or nolo.·contendere, to, anz. viq[atio:n of~ Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the uaitea states 6rany s{at~, fd~ a vt01ati°n ;coUrting in the ~okkPlace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction, on, or reqmre the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community by, any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above require merits. ~ Vendor's Signature THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE 22 SWORN STATEMENT LrNDER SECTION 287.133 (3) (A) FLORIDA STATUTES ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES Industrial Refuse Sales P.O. Box 5075 I~akelahd, Florida 33807 Phone: 941-665-6507 Fax: 941 ~667-0432 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF POLK Before me. the undersigned authority, personally appeared Tom Kaltenbaugh who. being by me first duly sworn, made the fo[lovang statement, I The business address of INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES is 2624 Mine and Mill L Florida. ne, Lakeland, 2. My relationship to INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES is General Manager.. 3. I understand tl~at a public entity crime as defined in Section 283.133 of the Florid ,tatutes includes a violation of any ~ate or federal la~ by a person with respect to and directly related to tle transaction of business with an) public entity in Fie, ride or with an age;ney or polit cai subdivision oft ny other state or With the United States, including:= [~af not limited to. a~y bid or contract for goods or se; vices invulving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery., collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepre~ entation. 4. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" is defined by the statute to mean a fine ing of guilt or a conviction ora public entity crime, with or without'an adjudication of guilt, in any fede~ al or state trial court of:ecord relating to charges brought ~, indictment or information after July I. 19 I9, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjuty trial, or entry of a pica of guilty or nolo contendere. 5. I understand that,,affitiate- is defined by the statute to mean (1) a predecessor or successor of a person or a corporation convicted of a public e~tit~ crime, or (2) an eati~, under the control of natural who is active in the mana~eme~ of the on;i~, ~ n ~, . . . . any person .......... ,- -..-:, ~n,, WhO nas oeen convicted of a public entity crime, or (3) those officers, directors, executives, panners, shareholders, employees, members, and a;Ints who are .ac?~ e ~n the m~n, agen~ent of an at, hate. or 94) a person or corporation who knowingly ~ntered into a jotntprecedingVenture36 Wnnmonths.a person who has been convicted of a public entity, crime in Florida du~ing the "The Tough Container" 6. Neither the bidder ~r co.n.,,~ .ct nor any officer, d/rector, executive, partner, shareholder, employee, member of agent whe s act~,, e m the management of the btdder or contractor nor any affiliate of the bidder Or contractor has been convicted a public entity crime subsequent to July 1.1989. T KALTENBAUGH Sworn to and subscfihed before mc in thc State and Count)' first mentioned above on this 19th day of April. 1999. q a~,a'n~,~ , yPublie, StateofFlorida ;~ ~ °o~-°' My Commiasion F~ 07/0~ ~ Phone: 941-665-6507 Fax: 94i -667-0432 INDUSTRIAL REFUSE SALES OFFERS ONE YEAR W~TY ON "The Tough Container" Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] March 21, 2000 [] ^p~14,200o [] April 18.2000 [] May 2, 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B.3 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's OffieP March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22, 2000 [5:00 p.m.) April 5,2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5~0Op.m.) Requested City Commission Meeting. Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] July 5, 20o0 [] Adn~inlstrative [] [] Consent Agenda [] [] Public Hearing [] [] Bids [] [] mmouncement [] Date FinalFonn Must be Turned in to Cit~ ClerkZs Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Jun 7.2000(5:00 p.nm) Jut ,~21. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Developn ent Plans New Busi ess Legal Unfinished Business Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION to approve a "piggy-back" of PALM BEACIt COUNTY BID#98-020/VMG to E.L,~E~ .T. RIC ~AL SIG,N..S & LIGHTING SERVICES INC. for light poles and light repairs/maintenance at various batlfields ,mm ~sumarect expenmrares of $14,500,00. ~X~_.LAN~T. ION: Procurement Services received a request from LEISURE SERVICES/PAl r 0#~0007 n} ,the mount of $5,000.00. This change order will bring the total estimated expc ?a~r ana maintenance to $14,500.00 reqmrmg Commission approval since it exceeds the bid ~ pricing used on the purchases have been based on the PALM BEACH COLrNTY BH)g98-020/V Procurement Services requests Commission's review, evaluation end "piggy-back" purchase appr( zal. PROGRAM IMPACT: Use of this "piggy-back" will provide timely repairs to the ballfield Ii hts based on competitive pr/cing received through the Palm Beach County bid. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated annual expenditures for the ballfield light repairs and maimenance will be funded as follows: Descriotion Account Allocation Other Contractual Services 001-2730-572-49-17 $14,500.00 ALTERNATIVES: To seek other vendors Mdch could do the ballfield m~a~ Procurement Services Department Name cc: John Wildner- Parks City Manager's Signature City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources tKS for a change order to aditores for bal/field lights *shold of $10,000.00. The IG, S:~B ULLETIN~ORM SX3.G EN DA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: FKOM~ I,EISURE SERVICES: PARKS MEMORANDUM #00-39 Bill Atldns~ Deputy Finance Director j~0hn Wildner~ ,:~avks DireCtor RE: Change Date: April 4, 2000 Early thi~ fiscal year we had several unanti~ated maj0~'~t°rm-~elat~d~repair jobs ~o ballfietdtights inthe city. ConseqUently, v~ave~ex~enaea~°u~ °penP'(3' w~th the Paim Bea~h~Cot~ty Ballfield iight contractor mu& gooner iffian ~peete~k A -~a~ tn fha r~ainv season we anticipate a~dditio, al repair requkements to bait field lights: P, eauestine a change 6rder to P-O- ~4)0~)964 ~0~;an a~tional $5,000. This will bring oUr'ol;en P~.6. with Electrical Sigp an,~l ~i~t~.~gi~:~14,S90- We are piggybacking Palm BeaCh County's Bid #98-020/VMO. , · Attached is a copy 0f abudget transfer requesting additional funds~to cover this expense in our 001 ~2730}572 49-17 hccount. JW~bl Attachment 84/84/2888 15:~20 5617i247i$ ELECT SIGN & LTG ~ PAGE 82 lB APRI~ 23, 1999 ~; TER~4 CONTRACT ~: 980!20A This is tO inform you Chat Palm Beach Co~nc¥ ~oa?f cf County commissioners i~sn=ering into a Terra Contrac{ with you. company Esr following: [ [ X] FORMAL RENEWAL OF FORMAL BXD/RF0 # [ ] F~T~SION0~ FORMALBID/R~Q ~ [ ] WRI%'TEI~ ~UOTA?!ON # [ ] V~BAL ~UOTATION PER ] STATE OF F~OKIDA COFI~RACT ~ ] PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD BXD # value is $ 44.2~0 mhlig&[ione of pa/m Beach Co~yu~der thi availability o~ ~unda lawZully epprop~ b%,'gl%l'Stite Of Florida and ~heB~ard of Cou~ Pal~ Beach Co~ty Departments will issue her this con=r&c= as your authorization =o delive re~erencs e&chunique docume~: ~m~er. ~ugh ~. The for its pu~-~ose copy orders All i~voices Terry Pack - P&rks/Recrea=ion Dept. Mike Boroviak - F&clli=les Management Bo~ie StSi~ - Fire Rescue File ~4/05/26~0 13;25 5617124716 ELECT SIGN & ~T~ SVC PAGE 02 ~&se~ on ~e Sco~e o~ x ,SO $ 1'7.50 .!0 $30.00 __/hr. x fin TOTAL ~'ACTORED ~J~TE ."'OR LO~ .-~2 'EQUZ~I,"ENT" $ 13.75 Requested City ~ommission Mee~nff Dates [] Mareh2t, 20~0 [] April 4, 2000 [] April 18, 2000 [~ May 2, 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM IV-CONSENT AG£NDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH IT£M AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORkva Date Final Form M~st be Turned in to C~tv Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.} March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.rm) : Requested City Commission Meetine Dates [] May 16, ~000 [] June 6. 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] ~[u17 5, 2000 [~ Administrative [] [] Consent Agenda [] [] Public Hearing [] [] Announcement [] Date Final Form Mu, st be Turned in to City Clerk s Office Ma~' 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Jur ,~ 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Ju~ ¢ 21, 2000 (5:00patD Developz ~ent Plans New B~ ness Legal Unfinished Business Presentafibn 7$C2~O,~I~E~N~D~ ATION: MOTION to approve CHANGE ORDER #3 to PURCHASE ORDER #000924 flnlonnt · ~;,~,/~.s.ou TOr TEMPORARY CUSTODIAL SUPPORT utilizine the City's ANNUAL Bm Pc}]} wvanpnT~ ~,Dv OR SERVICES from TANDEM STAFFING, BID #076-2510-99/SP, This change order ~v~ bring the Bid's totM estimated expenditures to $62,599.00. ED~XP_Ij,~,A~,A~T~IO~: Procur,e~,ent Services recelye.d a. request from PUBLIC WORKS/FACI~!TIES MANAGEMENT ,vz~l,~, xo.r C .,HAN~.GE. ORD.E.R #3 to TANDEM STAFFING, PURCHASE ORDEIq[ 800~924. This change order is necesmtaten smee the tzzty custodial staff resources are not fully staffed to properly mafutain the City's facilities. There is currently a b~d m place for contractual custodial assistance which will utilize contractual custodial assistance to supplement the City custodial staff. It has been necessary to use temporary custodial assistance from TANDEM STAFFING until such time the contractual custodial assistance bid is awarded. PROGRAM IMPACT: Thischange order will allow the useoftemporarycustoclialassistance~ ~ supplement the City~ custodial staff in properly maintaining the City facilities. FISCAL 12VIPACT: Funds are available i~ Facilities Management budget allocation as follows: Description Contractual Janitorial Services Account Allocation 001-2511=519-34-10 $ 96,300.00 AL.T. ERNATIVES: Options would be to have current City staffto work~ quality ofjanitorisI service in maintaining the facilities. Deputy Dkector of Finnncia] Services Balance $ 33,701.00 facilities, or reduce the City Manager's Signature Procurement Services Department Name cc: Chris Roberts - Public Works Bill DeBeck- Facilities Management File 8:kBULLETrN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC City Attorney / Finanoo / Human Resources FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DIVISION Memorandum No. 00-038 TO: FROM: Bill Atkins, Deputy Finance Director ~ Christine Roberts, Interim Dablic WorksDirector~ · Bill DeBeck, Facilities Manager DATE: March 29, 2000 SUBi~ i,::: ~e,m ~taffing P0~!)009..2~: ~ange Order Request We need to request that our blanket purchase order to Tandem Staffing for our Janitorial Services ..... - -'.._., ~_~ ~,._; fin~ ~ 1 519 34 10 based On the City's Bid tg076-2510-99/SP be tcontracmm) account uumu*t ~,,~-~o · .... ~ increased as follows. SOURCE: 001-25~7519-34.10 Budgeted Amount $96.300 USE: Contractual Temporary Services original Request: $13,000 Change'Order #1i 4.306 Change Order #2: $22,500 Total: $39.806 Requested C O #3: $22,793 Requested Adjusted Total: $62.599 AccourIt Balance: $33,701 Our custodial group continues~ to be short-staffed and we need temporary assistance in order to provide the City's facilities with custodial service. We anticipate our contractual custodial ~akeei~tanea hid to be on the Ai~ril 18m Commission Agenda for approval, we believe it will then e approximately one month for all the contractual administration and scheduhng/coordinaUo to be accomplished. Therefore, we estimate having the temporary assistance on-site through May 19m. Please call Pauta or myself if you have any questions regarding this change,order request. PL/BDB/pl Requegtcd C~y Con-anission Meetln~ Dates [] March 21,2000 [] April 4. 2000 [] May 2. 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM IV-CONSENT ITEM B.5 Date Fina~ Form Mus~ be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.ra.) Mamh22. 2000 t5:00 p.m.) Ap~l ~5~2900_ (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p,m3 I-'] Administrative [] Consent Agenda [] Public Hearing [] Bids Requegted Cit~ comnassion Date Final Form Must be Turned Meetin~ Dates in to CiW Clerk'a Office [] May !6, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 May 1, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m./ [] June 20, 2~000 [] July 5, 2000 Jtme : 2000 (5:00 p.mO June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.rm) [] Developm tt Plans [] New Business [] Legal [] Unfinished Business [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to renew the bid for: "ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SECURITY OFFICER SERVICE FOR THE EZELL HESTER. JR. COMMUNITY CENTER" to Art Hall Protection Service of Miami, Florida with an annual expenditure of: $19,968.011 New Bid#061-2710-00/CJD CONTRACT PERIOD: APRIL 20, 2000 TO APRIL 19, 2001 Procurement Services request Commission's review, evaluation and award approval. EXPLANATION: The purpose of this bid is to secure a price for a period of one (1) .year. fo.r. sec~u.,rity~serviC.~sSiotnO patrol the Ezell Itester Jr., Community Center on a yearly basis {40) hours per weel~ At the ut-y Lorarms meeting of April 20, 1999, the bid was awarded to Art Hall Protection Service. This company has provided us with satisfactory service for the past year. This bid will expire on April 20, 2000, but according 1 ~ the terms and conditions of the bi6- we have the option to renew the bid and extend the prices for an additional agree (see' letter from Art Hall Protection Service). Wally Majors, Acting Director of Re request per memo 900-40 attached. FISCAL IMPACT: BUDGET ACCOUNT: 001-27101572.49-17 (OTRER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES) - D~u~y Director of Financial Services BUDGETEr $19,968.00 ear provided both parties · eation concurs with this ~s Signature Procurement Services Department Name City Attorney / Finenc~ / Human Resources SABULLETIN~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: FROM: DATE: LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 00-40 ~!l!Y Majors, ~c~ 'Director of ReCreati~y//]//~' April4, 2000 RECE [ am satisfied with the security services prov!ded by Art Hall Protection Services at Hester Community Center and wish to rene~ the bid (#040-2710-997cJD) for an additional ear As you';ye indicated, please place on the April 18 Commission agenda for approval. ThanksYl /SC NAME OF BID: ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SECURITY OFFICER SERVICE FOR THE ET, lr, l,IJ HESTER, JR. COMMUNITY CENTER BID#: 040-2710~00/CJD Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach, Owner; and ARgoT ItAI,L PROTECTION SERVICE (C0mpany~s Name) ~:¥~; I agree to renew the existing contract under the same Terms and ~ti0ns, and agree to_submit a Certificate of Insur~ance ~.n.g with this agre.em6nt arid will name the City of Boynton Beach the additional insured. No. I. do not wish to renew the contra~a ttu'sf/e. NAME OF COMPANY ~I~N~TURE NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE (please print) DATE TITLE (AREA CODE) ~- TELEPHONE NUMBER Revised 2/10/97 .,~"~,~ ,'~?~, r,~rD~l~hg, PJgSPONSIVlg BIDDEE WItO HEETS(A~LL SPECIFICATIONS**** WALLY MAJORS, RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 SERVICE FOR::THE EZELL HESTER, JR. "Offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING~DATE.: MA'RCH ~7;; 19g~;.~-,~ B D OPEN NGIIM E'~2'00~p ~'~!~ ~! ~' received timely as of the above receiving date and time· BID #:_271~0~:["~'~" · ........ ~. Allotherofferssubmittedinresponsetothissolicitation, : - ~i ~... I'.~ ~ · ifany, are~hereby rejected as late" VENDORS , AR H/~ ; .S.6.~.~ ~W_.2~-~:~:AyENUE:,' STE. 1~0~' 9750.D Vf~T SAMPLE 15,0AD ' ' GLADES FIRS~ COURT E SE__. MIAMI, FL~ 331~7 CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33065 123 NW 13TH ST STE. 304-11 ~ [30.5) 693/24~t0'i.: (561) 732-1380 or 1-888-472-4705 BOCA RATON, FL 33432 ARTHU~HAE!~. JOEL LEFFLER ' (561) 750-6005. · - CHERYL D. IPPOLITO HOURLY WAGE ' ' ~ $9 60 , $12.75 $9.75 WEEKLY RATE . , $384.00 $510.00 $390,00 NUMBER OF BID PROPOSALS SUBMITTED 1 1 SPECIFICATION "CHECK-OFF" SHEETS SUBMITTED YES YES YES LICENSING CO ~PIES ENCLOSED YES YES/STATE LICENSE YES/STATE, PBC & ANTI-KICKBACK'AFFIDAVIT , - SECURITY OFFICER L CENSE YES YES YES CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED YES/CERTIFIED YES/NOT A MINORITY YES/NOT CERTIFIED r(~ONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE OWNED BUSINESS WORKPLACE SUBMITTED YES YES YES ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SECURITY OFFICER SERVICE FOR THE EZELL HESTER, JR. COMMUNITY CENTER "Offem from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 17, 1999 received timely as of the above receiving date and time. BiD OPENING TIME: 2:00 P, M. All other offers submitted in response to this solicitation. B D #: 040-2710-99/C,]D ~-~ I~ ~1~ I I -, '' ~ ifanY'arehere~3YY~ected as late" VENDORS · AR HALl2 ~ROT ~-C:TI(~~1SEF VICE INTER-COUNTY SECURITY CORP. MANTRAEK PROTECTIVE SERV', 6600 NW 27TH AVENUE, STE. ;101 [~750-D WEST SAMPLE ROAD GLADES FIRST COURT - MIAMi, FL 33147 CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33065 123 NW 13TH ST,, STE, 304-;11 -~ (305) 693-2480 (561) 732-1380 or 1-888-472-4705 BOCA RATON, FL 33432 ' '~ ,~RTHUR HALL JOEL LEFFLER ',561 ) 750-6005 CHERYL D. IPPOLITO COMMENTS - - ANNUAL CONTACT FOR SECURITY OFFICER SERVI CE FOR THE EZELL HESTER, JR, "Offers from the veneors listed herein are the on ~, offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 17, 1999 BID OPEN NG T ME' 2'00 P M received timely as of the above receiving date and time - ' ' ' ' All other offers submitted ~n response to this solicitation BID #: 040-2710-99/CJD ir arty, are hereby rejected as late" "VENDORS , ALANIS SECURITY,,INC, ARM SECURITY'& INVFRT kJc ELITE PROTECTION SERVICES 7220 NW36~H STREET, STE. 429 5016 SOUTH Di×i~ Hl~l~lt~'~' :~20 CONGRESS PARK DR. MIAM FL 33166 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33405 SUITE 301 (305) 593-8233 I561) 533-1642 DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 DANIELABioLA ERNEST L HOWEY (561) 243-9328 DAVID C. MURRAY HOURLYWAGE $10.85 ' - ' " $12.00 $12.50 WEEKLY RATE !~' $434.00 · $480.00 $500,?0, ~MBER OF BID PROPOSALS ' §O~MITTED ,: 1 1 1 SPECIFICATION"CHECK-OFF- : ~ ':' SHEETS SUBMITTED ' ~"~ YEs YES ,~ .; ' . ,, *YES LICENSING COPIES ENCLOSED ' ,- - ~--- ",'¥E~:: ~,? .......... YES ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT YES YES YES CONFIRMATION OF M NORITY OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTE~D YES/CERTIFIED YES/CERTIFIED YES/? CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WQRKPLACE SUBM TTED YES i NO I YES ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SECURITY OFFICER SERVICE FOR THE EZELL HESTER, JR. COMMUNITY CENTER "Offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 17, "999 received timely as of the above receiving date and time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:00 P.M. All other offers submitted in resoonse to this solicitation. BID #: 040-2710-99/CJ D if any, are hereby rejected as late" VENDORS ALANIs SECURITY, INC. ARM SECURITY & INVEST., INC. ELITE PROTECTION SERVICES 7220 NW 36TH STREET STE. 429 5016 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY 220 CONGRESS PARK DR. MIAMI, FL 33166 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33405 SUITE 301 - (305) 593-8233 561) 533-1642 DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 DANIEL ABIOLA ERNEST L. HOWEY (561 ) 243r9328 DAVID C. MURRAY COMMENTS *SEE NOTATIONS BACKUP INFORMATION ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SECURITY OFFICER SERVICE FOR THE EZELL HESTER, JR, "Offers from the venaors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 17, 1999 BID OPENING TIME: 2:00 P.M. received timely as of the above receiving date and time~ BID #: 040-2710-99/CJD A, other offers submitted in response to this solicitation. if any. are hereby rejected as late" VENDORS pGA PROTECTIVE CORPORATION 3931 RCA BLVD, SU TE 3:11~' 316 FLAMINGO DR VE ' PALM B~C~. GARDENs. FL 33410 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401 (561) 625 699~' (56t) 835-4766 PATRICtA A: GALLIONE DoN NEFF' HOURLY WAGE $11..25 $11.00 WEEKLY RATE · $450.00 ~UMBER OF BID PROPOSALS ' SUBMITTED 1 ~;PECIFICATION "CHECK-OFF" ;.,~ SHEETS SUBMITTED :',-:'~ - ¥ · ES LICENSING COPIES ENCLOSED ' ' YES ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT YES ~;ONFIRMATION OF MINOR TY OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED YEs/CERTIFIED CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE SUBMITTED ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SECURITY OFFICER SERVICE FOR THE EZELL HESTER, JR. COMMUNITY CENTER "Offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 17, ' 999 received timely as of the above receiving date and time BID OPENING TIME: 2:00 P,M, All other offers submitted in resDonse to this solicitation. BID #: 040-2710-99/CJD if any. are hereby rejected as late" /ENDORS ~GA PROTECTIVE CQRPORATION SOUTHERN ST,'~R EVENT ~: ~931 RCA BLVD;; SU TE 3117 316 FLAMINGO DRIVE · PALM BCH, GARDENS, FL 33410 WEST PALM,~EAcH, ~L ~ (561) 62~-6995 (561) 835:4766 .~. PATR c A A GALL ONE DON NEF~F ME~ COM TS . _ , :, COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE POE ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR. SECURITY OFFICER SERVICE FO R THE EZELL HESTER JR. COMMUNITY CENTER This bid is to establish a price for secudty to patrol Ezell Hester, Jr. Community Center located at: 1901 N. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida on a yearly basis. The hours of service needed are Monday - Frida~ 4:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M., Saturday and Sunday from 5:00 P.M.' to 10:00 P.M. Total ~f (40) hours per week. Fhe building is closed on Holidays (Ucit day ist attachment "B!') therefore, service ~s. lot needed. This is a yearly co~trQct. Security Officer,(s) Should be the same offi¢ ensure f~miliariza~f0r~knowledge of the problems and the area. For technical ques, tionsand/or additional.info{mation, please contact: Recreation Scipe~isOr,.(561) 742-6230 Monday through Fdday, 8:0 er(s} each shift to Wally Majors A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Please place an (X) on the blank line ne~ to each item if a sp(~cification is-met. [f exception is taken (altematives), bidder must explain us nga separ~ate sheet of paper. B dder must submit specifications "Check Off"isheets with th~ proposal sheet in order f~r a bid to be considered. REQUIREDPATROL AREAS= EZELL HESTER JR. COMMUNITY CENTER COMPLEX INCLUDES: APPROXIMATE SQ. FOOTAGE OF EACH AREA: Gym 10,000 Meeting Room 2,400 Game Room 2,000 Breezeway 60 Lobby 50 Hallways 100 OUTER PERIMETER AREAS INCLUDE: SPORTS AREAS: Basketball Courts ' Racquetball Courts Termis Courts ,000 5OO ,0o0 THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER 1 FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACClEPTABLE BID SPECIFICATIONS CONTINUED ...... ... Volleyball Courts · Offic~ an'd Bathrooms ATHLETIC FIELDS: Baseball Fields FootballlSoocer F e ds Concesslor~-and Bathrooms APPROXIMATE SQ. FOOTAGEOFEACH AREA 5OO 4Q~OO0 ALL PARKING LOTS: 30,,000 PROCEDURES: Security Officer(s) will be in uniform while on duty City radio or City cell phone will be provided CI[pboard and houdy report Sheets wilt be provided ACTIONS: Security Officer(s) will patrol & complete houdy checklists Security Officer(s) will be under the directions of the facility supervisor or staff member on duty at this time Security Officer(s) will investigate alt incidents in the "required patrol areas", maintaining a conscientious effort to refrain from engaging in an abusive/aggressive fashio~ either verbally or physically with any facility participant. ' THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMI'rrED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BID SPECIFICATIONS CONTINUED .............. Security Officer(s) will instruct the person or persons if necessary to leave fac ty or police will benotified Security Officer(s).will be unarmed INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: B LICENSE FOR SECURITY COMPANY "D" LICENSE FOR UNARMED GUARD THIS, PAGE TO BE SUBMITTEDALONG WITH PROPOSAL IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Submit Bids To: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 100 E. Bgynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box310 Boynton Beach, Flor, ida ~33425-0310 Telephone: ('561) 742,6323 Mailing Date (City): FEBRUARY 19. 1999 Bid Title: · ' FOR EZELL Bid Number: 040-271,0~99/C~D Bid Received By: ~ LATER THAN 2:00 P;M, (LOCAL TIME) Bids will be opened in the Purchasing Department un esS .s?ecified otherwse b d opening scheduled for: MARCH 17; 199,~, NO LATER THAN 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) and may notbe withdrawn within ninety (90) days after such date and t me All awards made as a result of this Bid shall Conform to applicable sections of the charter and codes of the City. Name of Vendor:. Federal I.D. Number: A Corporation of the State of: Area Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: Vendor Mailing Date: Telephone Number:. ~Signa[ure g~T~qJR ~{ALL / CEO. Name Typed THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITI'ED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL 11 ' PROPOSAU:B NK BID PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA To All Bidders: Date The undersigned declares that he has carefully examined the specifications and is thoroughly led r familiar with its provisions and wtth the quahty, type and grade of servme cai fo When submitting more than one bid proposal price for this service, indicate how many individual and/or combination item(s) are to be tabulated and considered. Attach a sepa 'ate proposal sheet for each. The undersigne~ ~mposes to deliver the service in accordance with the spe ifications for the sum of: ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SECURITY OFFICERS FOR E7,F, LL HESTEtL JR~ COMMUNITY CENTER O' URLY WAGE WEEKLY RA'I E AI,I, PRICES F.O,B. BOYNTON BEACH Number of Bid Proposals submitted Specfficatmn check-off' sheets submitted Licensing copies enclosed COMPANY NAME / Yes/No Yes/N~ SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME TELEPHONE NLrMBER TITLE THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED 12 COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE ANTI;'KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) I, the undersigned hereby duly sworn, depose and say that no portion of the sum herein Bid will be paid to any employees of the City of Boynton Beach as a commission, kickback, reward of gift,, directly or indirectly by,me or ~ap.y member o£m firm or b an o£ icer of the By: Sworn and subscribed before me this ),~, day of ¢ / __ , ' ~ / N~TARY PUBLIC, Sta~e of FIg~ida ' a~Large () "OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL" STAMP Pdnted Information: .RI-/q-LL NAME TITLE COMPANY THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR BID PACKAGE TO BE CONSIDERED 13 COMPLETE AND ACCEPTABLE CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS A request6d form to be-made a pan of our files for future use and information. Please fill out and indicate in: theqiPPr6priate sp~ce~ provided' which category best describes your companB Return this form with 7our bid,proposal.skeet making it an official part of your bid response. BLACK - mSPAN~C WOMEN OTHER (specify) Do you possess a Certification qualifying your business as a Minority Owned YES ~ NO If YES, Name the Organization from wkich this certification was obtained and Issuing Organization for Certification asiness? [ate: THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL 14 CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE IDENTICAL TIE BIDS by commodities or [ it id the award 1 ) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful "man~actUre distribution dispensing, possessk~n,: or use': of a controlled substance is p~';°hibited, in the workPla~c~ a~rd spe~ci~in.g th~ ~ctions ,that will be take~,,.~aif~S[~,emPloyees for v Olatlonis of such prohibition. 2) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;, the business's any avai ab e drug counseling - and the penalties that may be r drug abuse violations. 3) Give each employeeengaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a o0py 0fthe statement specified in subsection (1), 4) In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employee that~ as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid. the employee will .abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or pea b[ guity or nolo cOntendere to any violation of chapter 893 (~r of, any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in thee workplace no later than 5;days after such conviction. 5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation, program il such s available in the emploYee's community by, any empio~/~ewhS"is ~ conviCted. : 6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-flee workplace through implementations, of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statem~is firm complies fully with the above requirements, .." - V~Y'dor's Signature THIS PAGE TO BE SUBMITI'ED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL 1 5 IJONES RONNIE LAVORN The Sunshine State J520-732-59-207-0 RONNIE L JONES MO0 N PO(NTSETTIA AVE IOa W~ST PALM BCI.I, FL ~,407 _ _..~'~-, _ Office of Minority/Women Business Eflcerprise 50 South MiliCa~ T~I, Suite 209 I Palm Beach County Board of County Comraissione~s Ken L. Foster, Chairman Warren H. Newell Mary McCany Maude Ford Lee Januaz~ 7t 1997 ~ .~ Ar~ Halt Protection Service, Inc. ~. 27th Avenue, Ste 101 SERVICES: 01/07/200 Security Guard Servi Police. Protection ATTN: Arthur Hall, President The Palm Beae~ documents~ that three review of the to announce t Minority (3) years. provisionsof the State business. This certific&tion entitles you to participate in contracting opportunities whe~ the products and services offered by your firm are being considered for bid. As an additional service to your firm, you will be.included in th? Palm Beach County Directory of certified M/W/DBE firms. If you wish to have you~ firm's listing changed' please conuact our office at (561}-233-1550. Your company's certification is review to status of being decertified. er. ely, ~a-tr~icia M. Wilhelm, M/WBE SpecialiSt subject to periodic eligibility: You are time, the minority Failure to report result in your Florida Department of Labor and-Employment Secur ty Minority Business Ad'vocac¥ and Assistance Office June 18, 1998 Lawton Chiles Governor Doug Jamerson Secreta~/ Art Hall Protection Service, ~c. 6600 N.W. 27th Avenue#I 0i~ Miami, FL 33147 Veronica Anderson Executive Director Your application~for Statewide and I~ter-Local Minority Business Enterprise (3 hereby approved and effective'for a period of one year .from Sune 18~ 1998 thru certification of the business;: ~hich 'is designated as African American is applica conducted consistent with th/s specialty(s). Armed/unarmed security' guard protection, private investigtion, body~ security and patrol Your submittal of bids to supply other products or services outside of this special~ contracting entity not getting~¢redit for MBE participation in that business transactir BE) certification is rune 18, 1999. The e when business is ,~ard, event will result in the You are encouraged to become an active bidder in the participating programs qf the Statewide and Interlocal Agreement. You. must' r6member, however, that the disparity studiesI of most MBE/DBE progrnms determine the relevant m~kct areas in which certified businesses must b~ domiciled. (See the attached directory list-of participa~ting entities a~dl the/r relevant market areas). You must also be aware that some of the .participating, entities have c~ertification eligibili~ criteria unique to those of the reCiprocal certification net~0rk because thev hh~e l~eenimpesed by their d~sparitv studies. As a result, some pr0gmm offices may:ask you to Submit additional documentation before you are eligible to bid as a certified MBE~with that jurisdiction or organization. The Laws of Florida.require that the Minority Busines~ Advocacy and Assistance )ffice b~ advised of any and all changes in the cemPanYJs status Occurring ~within fourteen (14) days oft ~e transfer or change taking place. Th~s law ~s applicable thWughout the effective certification dates. Questions concerning your MBE/DBE certification may be directed to this office at 1850) 487-0915. Sincerely, ' Certification Manager ~" '_' 20[2 Capilal Circle - ttar~mafi Bldg - gte t00 -'Ddlaimssec, Florida 32399-2152 - Phone tgSO1487-0q 15 [::tx {85{I} 922 (~,'q52 BIDDER'S SIGN-IN SHEET (Please Print) NAME OF BID: ANNIJ? ~L CONTACT FOR-:SECURITY OFFICER S;E~VrC;E FOi< EZELL HESTER, JR. COMMUNITY CENTER BID NUMBER: 040-2710399/CJD BID OPENiNG DATE: M~d~(2H 17, 1999 BID OPENiNG TIME: 2:00P.M. NAME OF COM?~ - ~ ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER I ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SECURITY OFFICERS FOR EZELL HESTER, JR. COMMUNITY CENTER BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 17, 1999 BID OPENING-TIME: 2:00 P.M. BID # 040-2710-99/CJD STATEMENT OF NO BID ARGENBRIGHT SE~CURITY 521 OLIVE AVENUE WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401 UNDER 100 HOURS PER WEEK OF COVERAGE GENERAL SECURITY SERV. CORP. 9110 MEADOW VIEW ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55425 INSUFFICIENT TIME TO RESPOND TO THE INVI'FATION TO BID TRW SECURITY & INVESTIGATIONS WE DO NOT OFFER THIS PRODUCT 350 S. COUNTY RD., SUITE 212 OR AN EQUIVALENT PALM BEACH, FL 33480 Requ?ted ~ity Conm'dssion Meetin~ Dates [] March 21, 2000 [] April 4~ 2000 [] April 1 §, 2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF B:OYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 [5:00 p.m0 April 19.2000 (5:00p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetlnm Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] July 5, 2000 IV-CONSENT ITEM B.6 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Office May 3, 200C (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) / lunJ 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m,) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business- [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to award the"CO-OP FOR CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZER". (Delray Beach is the lead agency) Bid#062-1411-00/CJD to varioas vendors based on the lowest, most responsible, responsive bidders' who meet all specifications. City of Boynton Beach's anticipated expenditure is: $76~063.00. CONTRACT PERIOD: MARCH 22, 2000 TO MARCH 21, 2001 Purchasing requests Commission's review, evaluation and award approval. EXPLANATION: The purpose of this bid is to establish a fixed price for fertilizer and chemicals for the Municipal Goff Course, Parks Department and Warehouse to be ordered on an "As Needed" basis. Golf Course, Parks, and Warehouse concur with the Co-op s recommendations (See Attached). FISCAL LM~PACT: GOLF COURSE GOLF COURSE PARKS WAREHOUSE BUDGET ACCOUNT: CFERTILIZER) 411-2911-572-52-19 (CHEMICALS) 411-2911-572-52-21 001-2730-572-52-21 (IN-& OUT) 502-0000-141.01-00 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: "~D'~p~ty Director of'-F~'a~a~ial Servi~s BUDGETED AMOUNT: $ 8,6oo.oo $43,754.00 $20,709.00 $ 3.000.00 Procurement Services Deparmaent Name S:~BULLETIN~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC City Attorney / Finance ) Human Resources 1LECEIVED To: Bill Atkms,, Deputy Director of Financial Services GG: Carol Doppler, Procurement Services From; DaaM/ller~ Golf Co,urseSuperinxgndent ~} ; Bate: 03/30/00 R~: Bid #2000-02 Co-op Chemicals and Fertilizer. City of De[ray Beach [ have reviewed the tabulation sheet and the City of De[ray Beach Commission agenda package and concur with their recommendations. - F'R~I~, : CIT~ OF' BOYNTON BCH WAREHOUSE =HONE NO. : 5~1375,~'B~5 r.18:r. Z9 2800 ~:$SRM F~I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEMORANDUM FINA~NCE ADMINISTRATION TO: FROM:. DATE: SUBJECT: Bill Atkins, Deputy Director of Financial Services Dominic DeMauro, Warehouse Mamge~ March 29, 2000 Chemicals and Ferdlizer City of Detray The warehouse currently stocks two items from this bid item '~' ~-~ ~- ,,, - · . ~ ~u o,;. we Issue $3,000.00 for the year out of inventory. The war, house is in agr6ement with this award any question please contact me 6324. Doppler, Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Hall. Glenda Wednesday, March 29, 2000 7:52 AM Doppler, Carol RE~ CO.OP CH EM CALS AND FERTILIZER BID Carol, Everything looks O.K, to meon the bid, When de you expect it to go into effect? Thank~You, GIe~da ..... Original Message--- Fr°,.m.: DOpPler, Carol :,'. .... . . Sent: Mond~ay, March 27 20002:45~PM To: Miller, Dan/Hall, Glenda;, DeMa~r0, Dominic Subjecti cO-oP CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZER BID JUST A REMINDER THAT I WILL NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION MENTIONED BID PER MY MEMO OF MARCi:I 1~, 2000~ THANK YOU, CAROL BY MARCH30TH FORTHEABOVE 5612437166 CITY OF DELR~Y BE~CH 0~2 P0~/18 MqR 15 ~00 17:23 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: THROUGH: DATE: SUBJF..CT: David T. Hard,n, City Manager acklyn Rooney, Burchasmg Supervisor Joseph ~an~e Director March 15~ 2000 DOCUMENTATION - CTIY COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 2i,'2000 - BID AWARD - BID #2000-02 CO£0P BID CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS Item Before Commission: City Commission is reques~d to make multilpl~ awards to low respon below, at an estimal~d annual cost of $t50,969,66 for the Cit~ of Delray t Back. round: The City of Delray B~ach is the lead entity for this ;o-operative bid. January 6, 2000 from sixteen (16) vendors, all in accordance with City procedures. (Bid #2000~02. ~Documeniiition on file in 'the Pum~asiag '( bids and award recommendaffon per iteiri number is al~Ched for your re~ A meeting was held on Monday, March 05, 2000 with Dan Miller, Cky Course, Tom Arendt, City of Delmy ~ach Municipal Golf Course, Superintendent Delmy Beach Parks Department and Purchasing t~o re~ make award recommendations. See-attached memo dated Margh 14 County Cooperative Purchasing Council. Attached for your review is the requirements and recommendations fo~ Delray Beach. The recommended vendorS for the City of Delray Beach ar Vendor.' Helena Chemical Corp. Parkway Research Ccrp, Lcsco, Inc. CPI Colonial P~oducts Inc, Harrell's Inc. Timberland Enterprises Atlantic F.E.C. Estimated Annual Amount: $ t3,419,40 $ 1,887.20 $ 42,486.60 $ 1,17&94 $ 585.00 $ 335.00 $ 9,591.00 ire bidder(s), as stated ,each. ids w~re receiv~l on ~urchasing policies and Price). Ambulation of )f Boynton Beach Golf Tim Simmons, Asst. /ew bids received and 2000 to Balm Beach award for the City of ; as follows: 5612437166 CITY OF DELRR¥ BEACH 032 PB~/18 M~R 25 '00 17:25 United Piortioulmral Ducor International Argo Distribution Ola&s Form,,~,~ng Corp. HoWari:i Fertilizer Golf Ventures / Heleua Cch, BWI Regal Chemical Company $ 2,451.00 $ 596.00 $ 18,148.88 $ 5,305.50 $ $ 14,g~0.14 Total Estimated Annual Cost for City of D~Iray B~ch Recommendation: % Staff r¢c0mmer~ds award l~ached Tabulation of Bids: from City of Delray~B~-a~h Parks and City of DeLray Beach Mumc~pal Golf Course, and Lak~vlcw Oolf Course operating bv4get at aa estimated anntml cost orS113,215.67, Attazhmcnts: Tabulation Of Bids Mexao to Co-op Members and Award Recommendations City of Detray B~ach's Requirements , B~ach Municipal' Oolf Course Golf Course. City of Lake Worth 5512437166 CITY OF DELRPY ~CH 0J2 P05×18 MaR 15 '00 17:25 £1T¥ 13F I ELI:Ii:i¥ BEI:I£H tOO N.W. let AVENUE, OELRAY BEACH, F[,ORIDA :~3444 - $61f24~-7000 March 14,2000 Members O£The Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing COuncil RE: Bid #2000-02 - Co-op Bid "Chemicals and Fertilizers" Dear Members; As the City of D.elral~ Beach is the lead entity for this Co-op Bid, attached you ',viii find the City cf Delray Commisslon Ag,~nda package iwith bid awards biok~n down per item number for Chemicals and Fertilizers. This contract.is scheduled for the March 21, 2000, Commission Meeting. The City 0f Delray Beach recommended award to low bidper item. In case of tie bids, each entity shall award based on vendor locations, and in case of rain/mum shipping requ?ements, as stated by v.endor(s)., each entity may choose to award a~cordingly to their quantities and minimum shipping size requll~emeiiIs. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (fi61 )24-3-7163. Purchasing Supemsor Chairperson Palm t~acfi County Cooperative ?urchasing Council A~ac~ncats Jos~ph,~inancc Director civ City of Boynton Beach Solid Waste Authority of Palm B~ach County City of Belle Glade City of Greenacres City of West Palm Beach THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS 5612437166 CITY 0~ DELR~Y BEACH 0~2 P06/18 MAR iS '00 17:24. CHEMICALS: ITEM # DE$CI~PTION 1. ACEPHATE 2. AMA+2-4,D BID AWARD RECOMMENDATIONS UNIT PRICE VENBOR: r ,:,, COST COMMEN'I~8 LESCO INC, $ 9.15 LB. LOW BIDDER ACEPHATE PRO 75 4 (10 LB EA Mnq) GOLF VENTURES/ $I2.25 GAL.' : LOW, BIDDER HELENA CHEM. 2 ¢:S GAI~ EA M;1N) ~ ' 3. AQUA-GRO 4. ASULOX 5. AWARD 6. BARRICADE 65 WG 7. BASAGRAN 8, BIVERT STICKINO AOENT P.~RKWAY RESEARCH CORP. HELENA CHEMICAL $ 15.80 GAL. LOW BIDDER aSL$, WET FOOL 2 (2.5 GAL EA MIN) $.00 GAL. LOW BIDDER GAL EA MIN) HELENA $6,35 LB, CHEMICAL 2 (2.5 GAL EA · MIN.) B W I $35.93 LB. MIN. 30 LBS. LESCO INC. LESCO INC. TIE BID WITH HA~$ & BWI, ARGO. AWARD TO HELENA - LOCATED IN DELRAY. (ATLANTIC NEC WITHDREW BID) LOW BIDDER $68.35 GAL. 5 (l GAL EA MIN) LOW BIDDER AS ATLANTIC FEC WITHDR.EW BID $10.20 COLL. LOW BIDDER LESCO SPREADER ST[CIe, ER 2 (2.5 GAL EA MIN) S612437~66 CITY OF DELR~Y BEACH 032 P07/18 MAR 1S '00 17:24 CHEMICALS CONT ..... ITEM uNrl' PRICE # DESCRIPTION ~ V~NDOR , COST 9. BLAZON SP OR HAI:LRELL'S INC. $39.00 GAL. EQUIVALENT 5 GAL MIN 10, BUFFER CONTROL 11 CHIPCO 26019 12. DACONIL WEATHER STICK 13, DACONIL ZN W/ZINC 14, DEFOAMER NON TOXIC PINT 15. DIABROMI4 DUCOK INTERNATIONAL ARGO DISTRIBUTION GLADES FORMULATING CORP~ HELENA CHEMICAL CO PARKWAY P. ESEARCH CORP. ARGO DISTRIBUTION 16, DITERA W,D.B. B W I ~OW BIDDER ~U COR, LESCO ELENA, AND PARK.WAY BID BID ALTERNATE ITEM-NOT EQUAL) $ 7,40 GAL LOW BIDDER DU COR BUFFER II 6 GALS. MIN. $ 91,15 GAL. LOW BIDDER 2 (2.5 GAL EA MIN) ~ 52.25 GAL, LOW BIDDER ECHO 720 T & O (ATLANTIC FEC 2 (2.5 GAL EA MIN) WITHDREW BID) $ 44.50 GAL, 2 (2.5 GAL EA MIN.) 1,12 QT. GAL. MIN. $73.30GAL IGAL. MIN. $13,66 LB. DITERA NEMA/ CIDE CH DITERA 20 LBS. MIN. TIE BIDS - HELENA LOCATED IN DELRAY 17, DITHANE 45 GOLF VENTURE/ $ 2,65 LB. WETABLB HELENA 50 LBS. MIN POWDER CHEMICAL DF T&O LOW BIDDER 18, DURSBAN 2,5% (GRANULAR) LESCOINC. $ .61 LB. 4O LBS. MI'N. DURSBAN 2.32 ONLY BIDDER LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER 5612437166 CITY OF DELRAY I~E~CH 0J2 POS/18~M~R 15 '00 17:25 CHEMICALS CONT..., ITEM UNIT PRICE LESCO DURSBAN GOLF ¥~ HELENA CHEMICAL 22. FINALE HELENA rm SlCIDE Cr E CAL CORP. FIRE ANT AMDRO LESCO, INC. BAIT GRANUALR 23. $ 54,00 GAL. LOW BIDDER DURSBAN TURF 4E 2 (~3 GAL EA 3 ~'i'0 GAL LOW BIDDER ~S GALEA MIN~ $ :4'~.00 GAL, LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER 24. FU$1LADE ARGO LIQUID DISTRIBUTION ~ 123,15 GAl,. $30. s I'OAL. MIN B/JSILADE DX LOW BIDDER 25. OARLON 424 HELENA (VEGEGATION CHEMICAL MANAGEMENT) CO. $81.00 OAL. 2~(2.$ GALS EA. MIN. TIE BIDS W/ARGO, & TIMBERLAND. AWARDED TO HELENA LOCATED IN DELRAY 26. HERITAGE ARGO DISTRIBUTION 27 tLLQXAN 3EC6 ARGO DISTRIBUTION $ 340.00 LB, 1 LB, MIN. $ I02.11 GAL. I GAL. MIN, LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER -AS GOLF vENTURE BID A ALTERNATE 28. IMAGE BWI $184.00 GAL 1 GAL, MIN. LOW BIDDER 561~43'7166 CITY 3c DEL~R¥ BERC:'"{ . 0~ PO':J/I~ MRR 1~ '00 CHEMICALS CON"f ..... ITEM ~ W SP ATLANTIC FEC FERTILIZER 30, L1700 SURFACTANT ATLANTIC FEC FERTILIZER 31. LEMWET' DU COR INTER_NATIONAL 32. MANAGE B W [ HERBICIDE 1,3 OZ. BOTTLE 33, MAVRIK REGAL cHEMCIAL 34. MOCAP 10G 35. MSMA6,6 36. MSMA + B W I sURFACTANT AROO DISTRICUTION HELENA CHEMICAL CO. 37, NEMACUR (3) LIQUID 38. NBMACUR 10Q 39 ORTHENE TTO ATLANTIC FEC FERTILIZER ATLANTIC FEC FERTILIZER QOLF VENTURE/ HELENA CHEM. 40. PENDULUM 3.3 EC BWI UNIT PRICE $ 24,60 LB, 40LB$ EA MIN) $ 22,50 GAL. 15 (1 GAL, EA.) LOW BIDDER - AS AORO, OLADES, HELENA AND PARKWAY BID ALTERNATE ITEM 6.00 GAL, LOW BIDDER DU COR ELEMONATE GALS. MIN. $ 71.88 BOTTLE MSMANAGE 1 BTL. MIN. LOW BIDDER $ 280.0(~ GAL. LOW BIDDER 12 (1 QT. EA MIN,) $1.24 LB. 30 LBS. MIN. LOW BIDDER $ 16.16 OAL. LOW BIDDER 2 (2.5 GALS EA MI'N) $ 14.'%7 GAL. LOW BIDDER 2 (2.50AL EA MIN.) ISBUENO $ 75.00 GAL. LOW BIDDER 2(2,5 GAL EA MIN) $ 2.52, LB. LOW BIDDER 4 (50 LBS EA MIN) $ 9.65 LB. 4 (I0 LBSEA MtN) ORTHENE TTO 75 LOW BIDDER $ 33,50 6AL. LOW BIDDER 2 (2.5 GAL EA M~ 56%2437166 CITY OF DELRRY BEACH 0J2 P18/18 MAR 15 '00 17:25 CHEMICAL~ CONT ..... ITEM # DESCRIPTION 4b ~ ~pINPOINT" ~ENDOR 4,2. PI~.E- M LESCO fNC, UNIT PRICE co s: COMMEI rs ~;~5 LB, ,' LBS S,A,~MIN) pRE~M 60 DO 43, PRIMER604 HELENA $ 44~0~,OAL. M 44. PRIMO - '. B:~;I $ ~62.08 GAL. t :GALs Mm 45. PRINCEP LIQUID 'B W I 46, PRO STAR 50 WP 47. REMEDY 48, REWARD 49. RODEO 140 ARGO OlSTRIBUTION HELENA CHEMICAL UNITED HORTICULTURAL 50. RONSTAR 2 O ,~ADES FORMULATING 51. ROUND-UP HERBICIDE REGAL CHEMICAL CO. BWI LO~ BIDDER - AS GOLF VENTURE ~ A ALTERNATE LOW BIDDER LO W BIDDER -DU COR WITHDREW BID (ERROR) $11.66 GAL. LOW BIDDER 2 (2.5 GALS EA MI'N) D SIM ZIN: $ 22.34 LB, LOW BIDDER L5' LBS MIN 79.00 GAL. 4:.~ GALS MIN) ii.?o GAL. GAL MIN LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER 72.35 GAL. (2.5 GAL EA M~) AQUANEAT LOW BIDDER - HELENA BID $68,00 FOR 30 GAL. DRUM Mll,i. WHICH IS TOO LARGE OF USAGE $ 1.20 LB. LOW BIDDER 50~ LBS. MIN. REGAL RONSTAR A.C. 36.68 GAL. (2.5 GAL EA MIN) CHOLY'FOS LOW BIDDER 5612437166 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH 032 Pll/18 MAR 15 CHEMICAL~ CONT-.. ITEM · # DEgCRIPTION 52, ROUND-UP PRO VENDOR BWI UNIT PRICE COST COMMENTS $ 35.9l GAL, 2 (2.5 GAL EA. MIN.) LOW BIDDER - HELENA BID A 30 GAL. DRUM WHICH tS TOO LARGE OF USAGE ROUND-UP PRO HELENA ~ REFILLA~BL~ CHEMICAL CONTAINERS 35.75 GAL. 15 GAL. DRUM 8; BO GAL, DRUM LOW BIDDER 54. ROUND-;UPBRO [qELENA 2 ½ GAL'BOTTLE CHEMICAL $ 37:88 BOTTLE LOW BIDDER 2 (2.5 GAL, EA MIN) 55. RUBIGAN A.S. ½ GAL CONT~. GOLF VENTURFJ $240.10 GAL. LOW BIDDER HELENA CHEM. 2 ~.5 GAL EA MIN) 56. SENCOR 75 T.H. ATLANTIC FEC FERTILIZER $19.20 LB. LOW BIDDER 6(~ LBS EA M1N) 57. SEVIN 870 WSP HELENA $ 5.10 LB. CHEMICAL 12.5 LBS PACLAOE LOW BIDDER - ATLANTIC FEC. WITHDREW BID, AWARDED TO HELENA FOR 1.25 LB. PACKAGES AS 10 LB. PACKAGE TO LARGE 58. SNAIL AND SLUG ARGO BAIT PELLETS DISTRIBUTION $ .80 LB. 40 LBS. MIN. LOW BIDDER 59. SUBDUE 2E NO AWARDS AS BID SPECS. WERE [N-CORRECT 60. SUBDUE ORANDULAR GOLF VENTURE/ HELENA CHEM. $ 2.70 LB. 25 LBS. MIN LOW BIDDER- ATLANTIC BEC WITHDREW BID - ERROR 1N PRICING AWARDED TO GOLF VENTURE CITY OF DELR~Y BEACH 832 P12×18 MAR ~5 '00 17:26 cHEMICALS CONT....~ UNIT PRICE TALSTAR LIQUID 166.50 GAL, OAL, MIN. LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER 6~. TALs'r^R.2~ .~ , $.~o L~. 64 TANK. "': ~F V~ $ 5;~ LOW BIDDER ~LEAN~R : 65, TRACKER DY~ ; PAP,.KWAY BLUE DYE SPRAY R~SEAKCH 1_7~00 GAL; LOW BIDDER 2 ('215 GALS 'EA~IN,) FOOT 66. TRIMEC PLUS B W I 26,30 GAL. LOW BIDDER 2(Z5 GALS EA MIN) 67. WETTING AGENT PARKWAY RESEARCH ! ~.02 OAL, DEW DOWN I1 2 (25 (}AL EA MI'N) LOW BIDDEK CITY OF DELRAY BEACH 0~ P15/l~ MAR 15 '00 19:27 FERTILIZERS: ITEM ._. # .DESCRIPTION ,YENDOR 1. 0-0-7 LEVCO INC. W/ATRAZINE ' UNIT PRiCE COST COMMENTS $ 0, I 16 LB. LOW BIDDER LESCO 0-0-7 50 LB. BAG W/.76% ATAZINE 2. 0-0-21 3~TLANTIC FEC $ 0.119 LB~ SUL-PO-MAG FERTILIZER 50.LB~ BAG MIN. i TON LOW BIDDER 0-0-45 SUPRER K GOLFVF. NTURES/ $0. I65 LB. HELENA CHEM. 041,.50 SUPER K GREEN TURF LOW BIDDER 4. 5-10-17 RONSTAR HOWARD FERT. $ 0.44 LB. COMPANY INC. 50 LB. BAG LOW B1DDER 5. 6-6-6 LESCO INC. 40% ORGANIC W/SECONDARiES $ 0.082 LB. 50 LB. BAO LESCO 6-6-6 ALL CHEMICAL LOW BIDDER 6. 8-0-8 LESCO INC. GREENS MIX 0.185 LB. LOW BIDDER 50 LB. BAG LESCO 13-3-13 ELITE 7. 8-1 0-10 LESCO INC. ORNAMENTAL FERTILIZER $ 0.132 LB. 50 LB. BAG LESCO 8-10-10 50% PPSCU LOW BIDDER - AS ATLANTIC HAS 2 TON MINIMUM SHIPPING REQUIREMENT 8. 13-3-13 GREENS MIX GOLF VENTURE/ $ 0.132 LB, hELENA ChEM 50 LB. BAG LOW BIDDER 9. 13-3-13 LESCO INC. $ 0.14 LB. TREE & PALM 50 LB. BAG FERTILIZER LESCO 13-3-13 50 % PPSCU LOW BIDDER 10 14-14-14 GOLF VENTURE/ $ 0.219 LB. PLUS MINOKS HELENA ChEM. 50 LB. BAG LOW BIDDER 5612437166 CITY OF' DELRPh' BE.qCH 0~ P~.4/iS M~qR 15 '00 FERTILIZERS CON~ .... ITEM #, ~D~SCRIP~ION~ MIXTURE 12. 14-26-6 SULFUR LESCO, INC. STARTER 1'5.5.10 WITH 1% RONSTAR 14, 15-5-15 LESCO [NC. BERMUDA, ST: AUGUSTINE, BAHIA FERTILIZER 15. 1644 LESCO INC. PREMIUM 16. 16-4-8 WITH LESCO [NC. MINOR EZ, EMENTS 17. 16..4-16 LESCO INC. GREENS MIX [8. i6-25-12 GOLF VENTURE/ TURF STARTER HELENA CHEM, 19. 1%1-10 LESCO INC, GREENS GRADE 20, 17-4-6 WEED & LESCO INC. W/0.76% ATRAZINE UNIT PRICE :COST L~:W BIDDER $ 0,25 LB. 40 LB. BAG LOW BIDDER $ 0.475 LB. 50LB. BAG LOW BIDDER $.149 LB. 50 LB/BAG LESCO 15-5-15 50 % PPSCU LOW BIDDER $ 0, t0 LB. LOW BIDDER 50 LB. BAG - LESCO 16-4-8 25% PPSCU $ 0.088 LB. 50 LB. BAG LESCO 16-44 ALL CHEMIAL LOW BIDDER. $ 0,I 85 LB, LOW BIDDER 50 LB. BAG - LESCO 13-0-13 ELITE $0.136 LB. 5 0 LB. BAG LOW BIDDER $ 0.202 LB. LOW BIDDER 50 LB. BAO- LESCO 21-4-11 ELITE $ 0.182 LB. LOW BIDDER 50 LB, BAO - LESCO 17;44 II/f 76% ATKAZINE 5612437166 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH 0~ P1S/1B MAR 15 '00 19:27 FF_~TILIZEP~ CONT ....... # 21. GREENS 8; TEE MIXTURE 22. 18-4-8 FERT. PLUS BKOADLEAF 23; 19-0-10 PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL 24. 19o3-19 WITH MINORS 25. 26. 27. 19-25-5 COMPLETE COURSE STARTER LE$CO INC, GOLF VENTURE/ $ 0,20 LB. HELENA CORP~ 50 LB. BAG PRICE $ 0,202 LB, LOW BIDDER 50 LB; BAG - LESCO 2I-4-11 ELITE LOW BIDDER GOLF VENTURFd $ 0.26 LB. HELENA CORP. 50 LB. BAG HOWAKD FEKT. $ 034 LB. COMPANY INC. 50 LB. BAG GOLF VENTUKF. d $0.1645 LB. 50 LB. BAG HELENA CORP. 20-20-20 WATER COLONIAL SOLUBLE PRODUCTS [NC. POWDER 21-0-0 SULFATE OF AMMONIA- 28. 21-4-11 GREENS MIX $ 0.5614 LB. 25 LB. BAG GOLF VENTURE/ $ 0.095 LB, HELENA CORP, 50 LB. BAG GOLF VENTURE/ $ 0.1775 LB. HELENA CORP. 50 LB. BAG LESCO INC. $ 0.t64 LB. 50 LB. BAG LESCO 19-9-19 75% PPSCU 29. 22-0-22 LOW BIDDER AS HOWARD BID ALTERNATE ITEM LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER 30. 22-5-7 +2,4-D AND MCPP LESCO INC. $ 0,194 LB. LOW BIDDER 50 LB. BAG - LESGO 20-2-7 WEED & FEED 31, 24-5-11 ST AUGUSTINE LESCO INC. $ 0A 19 LB. 50 LB. BAG LOW BIDDER FERTILI2~EI~ CONT ........ ITEM ~S &;TEE MIXTUP~ 22. 18-4--8 FERT. FLUS BROADLBAF 23. CONTROL 24- 1~3-19 WITH MINORS 25. 19-~-5 COMPLETE COURSE STARTER 20-20-20 WATER SOLUBLE POWDER 27 21-0-0 SULFATE OF AMMONIA 28, 21~4-11 OKEENSMI~ 29. 22-0-22 30. 22-5-7 .2A-DANDMCPP 3 I. 24-5-1 l. ST AUGUSTINE AND BAHIA ~INC. HOWARD FERT. GOLF VENTURE/ HELENACORP~: COLONIAL PRODUCTS INC. GOLF VENTURE/ HELENA CORP. GOLF VENTURE/ HELENA CORP. LESCO INC. LESCO INC, LESCO INC. UNIT PRICE 50LB. BAG :LOW BIDDER $ 0.14 LB. LOW BIDDER 0.1645 SE, LB, LOW BIDDER $ 0.5614 LB. LOW BIDDER 0.095 LB. LOW BIDDER $ 0.1775 LB. 50 LB. BAG LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER $ 0,164LB. 50 LB, BAG LESCO 19-9-19 75% ppsCu $ 0.194 LB. LOW BIDDER 50 LB. BAO - LESCO 20-2-7 WEED & FEED $ 0.119 LB. LOW BIDDER 50 LB. BAG 50o,4 pPSCU 5612437166 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH 03~ Pi?/1S MAR 15 '00 17:28 FERTILIZE~ CONT iTEM 32~ 25-3-10 ,' LESCO FERTILIZER pLUS IKON 33, 29-3-5 FERTILIZER W/DURSBAN LESCO 34, 20-3-5 ST. AuOUSTINE WEED CONTROL HOWARD FERTILIZER CO. 35. 30-10-7 LESCO 1NC. ARBOR - OP..EEN 32-0-0 UReA LIQUID GOLF VENTUKE/ 37. LIQUID LE$CO INC, MICRONUTRIENT SOIL SUPPLEMENT UNIT PRICE $ 0.119 LB. :50 LB. BAG LESCO 28=5-12 · 0.263 LB. 50 LB. BAG W/.74% DURSBAN LOW BIDDER $ 0.225 LB.: LOW BIDDER 50 LB. BAa ATRAZtNE -0,92% GRANULAR BLEND $ 0.g0 LB. LOW BIDDER 40 LB. BAG LE$CO ARBOR GREEN $ 240.00 TON TIE BID wITH LIQUID 12,000 HOWARD, GOLF LBS. VENTURE/HELENA LOCATED [lq DELRAY $ 4.S0 GAL. 2 X 2.5 GAL. CASE LESCO CI-[ELATED IRON PLUS 3g, MAONESIUM ARGO $ 0.21 LB. SULFATE DISTRIBUTION 50 LB. BAO (EPSON SALTS) LLC 39. MILOROANITE BWI $ 0, il8 LB. 50 LB. BAO 40. STEP HI MAG B W I $ 0,70 LB. (TKACE ELEMENT 50 LB, BAG ~ACKAGE GREENS GRADE) LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER LOW BIDDER 5612~7166 CITY OF DEL.RAY tI~ACH 032 PiBx18 MAR 15 '08 19:i~j~ ITEM .,iL SULFUR W/IRON 43, BWI $ 0.146 LB. 12-2-14 ~? ,- LO. BIDDER LOW BIDDER CITY OF DELRPY BE~CH 032 P02/18 M~R 15 ~00 1~:~ AG~NDAIT~M NUMBER: AGENDA REQUEST Request to be placed on: March 21, 2000 XX Consent Agenda When: Description of agenda item: Special Agen~a~ Date: Mm'ch lS, 2000 Workshop Agenda Approve multiple awards to Iow raspomeive biddem for Bid #2000-02, Co-op Bid - Chain[cai and Fe~Jizers- Annual Centract, at an estimated annual cost of $150,969,66 {or the City of Derra¥ Beach. ORDINANCE/RE~oLUTION REQUIRED: YES NO Draft Attached: YES NO Recommendation: Bid award to muppie vendors for the purchase of ohem ca s and fartS izera per Beach Co-op Bid #2000-02. Funding from City of Oelray Beach Parks and Recta budget at an estimated annual cost of $37,753.99 and the City o~ Delrsy Beach rv Course and Laksview Golf et M_..az~eatimaired annual :cost Depa.ment .e~d Sicjnature~~ Determination of Consistency. '~ '~o~momprshensive.Plan: City Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable): Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of fundS): Fund!ng availatile: Yes. No Funding alternatives: Account Number, Account Descnption: Account Balance: City of Delray ation operating unicipal Golf $1't 3,215.67 (if applicable) City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: Yes Helot Unti~ Ne Agenda Coo~linato~. Review: Received: Action: Approvec. Disapproved 561~137166 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH 0~ P01/18 MAR 1~ '~ 17:22. PURCHASING, DI,' SION lOO N~W. 1~Avenue Phone: 56~t~g~-~l&1 Fa~ 561/94~-7t66 DATE: ~acc~ 15, 2000 TO: Nam~ Co-op Bi~ #2000-02 C~=ica! & Ferctlize=~ ~ CoEl~le~; C0~$$~on a~enda paclcaRe for Hatch gl, Z000 Co~iss~en ~/ ~enmfer So~lf[~ Buyer, COPIES: IF ¥O~ DO HOT P~CE[~I~ ALL O~ THE ABOVE REFERENCED PAGES,, PL~E CONTACT HA2vIE OF $~DFA~ ABOVE. lI-Ameri~Gi~ 1993 100 N,~V. 1st AVENUE . DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA 33444 · 561 243-7000 March 22, 2000 Polly Ellinor Argo Distribution, LLC 4094 Paul Bachman Hwy. Plant City, Florida 33565 RE: .Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid-~ Chemicals and Fertilizers Dear Ms. Ellinor: Our City Commission; at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the ~ Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. RECEIVED ~IAR 24 2000'- RCHASI~tG DEFT. ward of the Co-op Bid for Term of the contract-will be from March 22, 2000 through Mamh 21, 2001. Items will be ordered via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an "as needed" basis for the contract term from each participating entit~ of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 11, 15, 24, 26, 27, 34, 46, 58, and 63 Fertilizers: Item #(s): 38 Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insura~ace as stated on pga e'sl3 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Detray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contac{ me at (561 ) 243-7163. Sincerely, ~ Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseptl~d, Finance Director Ray Eubank, Superintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal G01f Course Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS 993 I1 King, Vice President P. O. Box 900 A[pharct~a,~GA 30009 :1'00~ N,W. first AVENUE . QELRAY BEACH, FLORtDA 33444~!-,gE1/243~7000 March 22~ .2000 RE: ~B~it ~2000r02 ,Gmop,B[d ~ Chemicals and Fertilizers Dear Mr. King: Our City Commission, at their meeting of March 21; 2000, approved the award of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through March 21,200t. Items will be ordered via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an "as needed'~ basis for.the contract term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 33, 50 Fertilizers: Item #(s): N/A Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council If you have any questions, you may contact me at (561) 243-7163. Sincerely, Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph SC~inance Director - Ray Eubank,C~uuperintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS DE[RAY BEACH J.A. 'Andy Lew~s, [VM Team Manager 19c)3 Timberland P. O. Box 141557 Gainesville, FL 32608-1500 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 · 5611243-7000 March 22, 2000 Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid - Chemicals and Fertilizers -Dear Mr. Lewis: Our City Commission, at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the award of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through March 21, 2001. Items will be ordered via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an "as needed" basis for the contract term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 61 Fertilizers: Item #(s): N/A Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. f'acklyn Rooney We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact n~e at (561) 243-7163. Sincerely, Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph Sq~, Finance DirecTor Ray Eubanlk~', Superintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE ~FFORTALWAYS MATTERS DELRAY 8EACH 1993 Martin L. Griffin, Sales Agent United Horticultural Supply 9022 W. Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33446 :'-100 N.~N- 1st A~/ENUE DELRAY BEACH. FUORIDA 33444 March 22, 2000 RE: Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid- Chemicals and Fertilizers Dear Mr. Griffin: Our City. Commission at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the award of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors, Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through Mamh 21, 2001. Items will be ordered via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an "as needed" basis for the contract term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 48 Fertilizers: Item #(s): N/A Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have uny questions, you may contact me at (56l) 243-7163. Sincerely, Jacklyn Rooney Pumhasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph S~, Finance Director Ray Eubun~uperintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE - DELRAY BEACH, FLOFIlDA 33444. $61/243-7000 March 22, 2000 11 ~ ~ Matthew D. Shook, National Accounts Mgr. 1993 Harrell's Inc P. O. Box 87 Lakeland, FL 33802 Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid - Chemicals and Fertilizers 'Dear Mr. Shook: Our city Commission, at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the award of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through Mar,ch 21,200,1,.~tems will be ordered via individual _p. urc.~h~se.orders.and{.0r .blanket ur~d.e.r releases on an as needed b~sis for the contract term from each partm~pat~ng entity ofth~s Co-op B~d. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 9 Fertilizers: Item #(s): N/A Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insumnoe as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Counci. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (561) 243-7163. Sincerely, Jacklyn Rooney Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph ~Finance Director Ray Euban~,, Superintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS 13?Y DELRAY BEACH 1993 Ivan C. Holsapple, Vice President Colonial Products, Inc. 7655 Enterprise Drive, #6 Riviera Beach, FL 33404 t00 N.W;:~St'A~/ENUE - DEFRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 March 22, 2000 Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid- Chemicals and Fertilizers Dear Mr. Holsapple: Our City Commission, at iheir meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the award of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through March 21, 2001. Items ~vill be ordered via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an ~as needed" basis for the contract term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): N/A Fertilizers: Item g(s): 26 Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact me at I561) 243-7163. Sincerely, Jacklyn Rooney Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph S~inance Director - Ray Eubank,'"~Superintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arandt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS D[LRAY BEACH Betsy M Cro~, O~ce M~er 993 Du Cor Internafion~ Co~oration P. O. Box 593298 Orl~do, FL 32859-3298 100 N.W. ls~AVENUE.DELRAYBEACH. FLORIDA33444 56~J243-7000 March 22, 2000 RE: Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid- Chemicals and Fertilizers · Dear Ms. McCrory: Our City Commission, at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the aK ard of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals andFertilizers to various vendors. Term &the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through M_ar.ch 21,200,1,. Items will be ordered ;ia ~rnod~ViedaUc~ pP~r~Cichi~;i~d:~sti~od/fO[h~Ja~ok.~;~3~ releases on an as needed b/tsis for the contract term Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 10, 31 Fertilizers: Item #(s): N/A Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate af insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your i_ntemst in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Pumhasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (561) 243-7163. Sincerely, Jacklyn Rooney Pumhasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Pu/chasing Council cc: Joseph Saff'~Xinaace Director Ray Eubank,'-guperintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS D E~LR~AY, BEA~C~ 1993 Montalvo, Jr. Glades Formulating Corporation P. O. Box 1690 Belie Glade, FL 33430 1,0g N W 1St AVENUE * DELRAY BEACH. ~L March 22,.2000 Bid #2000-02 Co,op Bid- Chemicals and Fertilizers .Dear Mr. Montalvo: Our City Commission, at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the aWard of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizgrs to various vendors. Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through March 21, 2001. Items will be ordered via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an "as needed" basis for the contract term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 12, 49 Fertilizers: Item #(s): N/A Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County. Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (561) 243-7163. Sincerely, Jacklyn Rooney Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph Sa<~inance Director - Ray EMbank,, Superintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Amndt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS glT¥ OF DEI. RI:Iq 993 Betty White, Bid Department Parkway Research Corporation 13802 Chrisman road Houston, TX 77039 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE. DELRAY BEACh' FLORIDA 33444 - $61/243-7000 March 22, 2000 Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid -Chemicals and Fertilizers Dear Ms. White: Our City Commission, at their meeting of March 2t, 2000, approved the award of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. - Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through March 21, 2001. items will be ordered'via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an "as needed" bhsis for the co/m-act term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. [terns awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 3, 14, 65, 67 Fertilizers: Item #(s): N/A Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (561) 243-7163. Sincerely, Jacklyn Rooney Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Pumhasing Council cc: Joseph Sa<i~V-inance Director Ray Eubank,~perintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS £1TY OF DELAI:IY BEfl£H ~100 N.W. :I~t~VENL1E · DELRAY BE~;CH March.~2i. 2000 1993 Robert Gonzalez, Vice President Howard Fertilizer Co., Inc. 8306 S. Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32809 RE: Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid- Chemicals and Fertilizers Dear Mr. Gonzalez: Our City Commission, at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the award 'of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through March 21, 2001. Items will be ordered via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an "as needed" basis for the contract term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): N/A Fertilizers: Item #(s): 4, 13, 24; 34, and 42 Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (561) 243-7163. Sincerely, ~acklyn Ro~ney Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph Saf~nance Director Ray Eubank,LSff~pperintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Come Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS I)F DELRI:i¥ BEIt£H p E,L R~AY, Trace Wolfe, Sales Representative 993 Helena Chemical Co. P. O. Box 5115 Tampa, FL 33675 100 N W.~lst AVENUE. DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 · 561J243-7000 March 22, 2000 Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid- Chemicals and Fertilizers Dear Mr. Wolfe: Our Cit~ Commission, at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the award of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the contract ~vill be from March 22, 2000 through March 21, 2001. Items will be ordered via individual pumhase orders and/or blanket order releases on an "as needed" b~is for the contract term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 4, 5, 13, 21, 22, 2:$, 35, 41, 43, 47, 53, 54, and 57 Fertilizers: Item ~s): N/A Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 o£the bid document. Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph Sa~t~inance Director Ray Eubank,~S~perintendent, t~.~ Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach Coun Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (561) 243-7163. ty Sincerely, THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS £1T¥ UF DELRI ¥ BEI:I£H March22,2000 David H. Cheesman, Vice President Sales Golf Ventures/Helena Chemical 2101 E. Edgewood Drive Lakeland, FL 33:803 RE: Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid-Chemicals and Fertilizers · Dear Mr. Cheesman: Our city Commission, at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the a~vard of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through March 21, 2001. Items will be ordered via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an "as needed" basis for the contract term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 2, 17, 20, 39, 55, 60, and 64 Fertilizers: Item #(s): 3, 8, 10, 11, 18, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, and 36 Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delmy Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact me ar (561) 243-7163. Sincerely, Jacklyn Rooney Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing CounciI cc: Joseph S ~al~inance Director - Ray Eubank,~uperintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS OF OEI. i:II:i¥ BEI:ICH D ~LR~A¥ BEA~CH, 1993 100 N.W. 1st ~VENUE. DELRAy BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 - 561/243-7000 March 22, 2000 John Fredrick, Secretary/Treasurer Atlantic FEC Fertilizer & Chemical Co. 18375 $.W. 260th Street, P. O. Box 1488 Homestead, FL 33090-1488 Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid - Chemicals and Fertilizers Dear Mr. Fredrick: Our City'Commission, at their meeting of March 2t, 2000, approved the ax~ Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the. contract will be from March 22, 2000 through M_ar.eh 21,200~,. ; individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an as needed from each par:tieipating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 29, 30, 37, 38, 56 Fertilizers: Item #(s): 2 Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of lnsuranc~ and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank YOu for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact m Sincerely, Pumhasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph S ,a~inance Director Ray Eubank,CS"uperintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members ard of the Co-op Bid for terns will be ordered via sis for the contract term as stated o ' n page s 13 he Palm Beach County ~ at (561) 243-7163. THE EFFORT ALwAYS MATTERS [ITY OF I ,ELAI:IY BEI:I[H 1993 Nick Costello, Director of Bids Lesco, Inc. 10005 Lake Road Rocky River, OH44116 ~I{~O~.N.W. 1st AVENUE. DELRA¥ BEACH, FLOR DA 33444 March 22, 2000 Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid- Chemicals and Fertilizers · Dear Mr. Costello: Our Cit~ Commission, at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the award of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the contract will be from March 22. 2000 through Mamh 21, 2001; Items Will be ordered via individual purchase orders and/or blanket order releases on an %s needed" basis for the Contract term from each participating entity of this Co-op Bid. Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 1, 7, 8, 18, 19, 23, and 42 Fertilizers: Item #(s): 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, and 43 Please submit, to each participating entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach and the Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (56I) 243-7163. Sincerely, Jacklyn Rooney Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council ce: Joseph Sa~[~haance Director - Ray Eubank,'B~uperintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, Delray Beach Municipal Golf Coarse Co-op Members THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS .D EL ~Y, B EA, CH~ AlI-AmericaCity ~ Archie Mancill 1993 BWI 203 West Fimt Street Apopka, FL 32703 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE · DELRAy BEACH, FLORIDA 33444. 561 243-7000 March 22, 2000 RE: Bid #2000-02 Co-op Bid -~.,C, hemicals and Fertilizers Dear Mr. Mancill: Our City Commission, at their meeting of March 21, 2000, approved the award of the Co-op Bid for Chemicals and Fertilizers to various vendors. Term of the contract will be from March 22, 2000 through Mar,ch 2I, 200,1,.Items will be ordered via ifrnodimV'edUacahl~;?ch~i;;.~/gd;~;i~od/~:h~J~oke, ot;rB~ed: releases on an asneeded bhsis for the contract tenn Items awarded to your company are as follows: Chemicals: Item #(s): 6, 16, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 45, 51, 52, 62, and 66 Fertilizers: Item #(s): 39, 40, 41 Please submit, to each partieipat ng entity, the required certificate of insurance as stated on page's 13 and 14 of the bid document. We would like to thank you for your interest in the City of Delray Beach an~ the Palm Bea~ch County Cooperative~Purchasing Council. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (56I) 24~-7163. Sincerely, Jacklyn Rooney Purchasing Supervisor Chairperson, Palm Beach County Cooperative Purchasing Council cc: Joseph Saf~Flhance Director Ray Eubank,' ~'e'~ '~S~ul~erintendent Parks and Recreation Tom Arendt, DeIray Beach Municipal Golf Course Co-op Members THE EFEORT ALWAYS MATTERS CITY OF DB P~Y BEACH CBEM.C^LS j.T,L,ZER6 Agro Distribution FerflSzer & ~ B W I , Colonial Du Cot Formulating Golf Ventures/ Helena ITEM~ ~?~'~p~ESCRIp~ION LLC · · Cttemc~ Cq-~ ' Product~lpc, pternaton~ Corp~ Helena Chemical HarreIl'sl~c. ChemicatCo., I ~,CEPHATE $10.30 lb, · $13.05 lb, $9.48 lb. $9.50 lb. $9.97 lb. Acephate Pro 75 , _ , Acephate Pro 75 , ' 2,5 gars./2 ea. Min. 5 gals. Min. 44 lbs. Min. . Aqua Duct Granular 4 ~SULOX $58.15 gal. $6~.~ rgal. ~80.13 g~l. $5g*~8 ga[. ~* $56.ti4 {~1. $55.00 gal. · 2.5 gals. Min. 2,5 gals,~2 ea, ~[~, 2.5 ga s Min. 2.5 gals.12 ea. Min. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. 2.5 gals.12 ea, Min. 5 ~.WARD $8.35 lb. $0,355 lb. $6,35 lb. $6.37 lb. $6.35 ~b. $6.35 25 lbs. Min. 25 Ibs./4~ea. Min. 2515~~. Min. 25 lbs. Min. 25 lbs. Min. 25 lbs. Mtn. ' Vendor witl~tdrawing ~- 3 Ibs./l 2 ea. Min. . 10 lbs. Min. 5 lbs./2 ea. Min. 30 Ihs. Min. I 5 lbs./6 ea. MJn, 5 lbs. Min. 3 lbs./ti ea~ Min. . ~ GY81240 $42.50 7 ~ASAGRAN $72,96 gal. * $9,20 gal. $76.00 gal $~-01.53 gal. $72.60 gal $79.95 gal. $73.00 gal. 2.5 gals. Min. 2,5 gals,Il0 ea. Mtn, . 5 ~als, Min, 1 gal. Min. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. 2.5 gals. Min. 2,5 gals./2 ea. Min. Vend0r Withdrawing BASSGN128 bid. 8 31VERT STICKING A(~ENT $10.40 gal. ' $72.85 gal. $29.g5 gal. 1 gal, Mtn. 1 gal./4 ea. Mtn. 6 gals. Min. RIS Complex ~ Kineti~ ChemsSk 9 3LAZON SP OR EQUIVALENT $23.10 gal $18.24 gal. $46.00 gal, $18.90 gal. $41.1~ gal. $39.00 gal $26.00 gal. 1 gal. Min. 5 gals. Min. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Mtn. 6 gals. Min. 2,5 gals./2 ea. Min. 5 gals;Min. I gal./4 ea. Mtn. Terramark Reg ~PI-M~X BCSP~MP3g Du Cor Bluestreak . ,.. Promote Spray ~nd~cetor 10 ~UFFER CONTROL < $7.92 gal. $20.00 gai. $7.40 gal. $28.85 gal .... $9.50 gal. $15.00 gal. ' - 2.5 gals. Min. 2.5 gals./5 ea, Min. 6 gals. Min. . 2.5 gars./2'ea. M~n. 5 gals. Min. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. . Sensor PH Du Cor Buffer Il Suffer ControI-Phylo Suffer PS Pagelorf4 BID # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP BiD Date: January 7, 2000 CHEMICALS: UNIT SHIPPING SIZE AND UNIT PRICE Atlantic FEC Glades Agro Distribution Fertilizer & B W I Colonial Du Cot Formulating Golf Ventures/ Helena ITEM # DESCRIPTION I.LC Cl~emica Co, Products Inc. International Corp. Helena Chem ca Harrell's Inc. Chemical Co. 11 CHIPCO 26019 $91.15 gal. $t02~00 gal. $98.65 gal. $101.65 gel. $98.98 gal. 26GTRP86237 Chipco GT Chlpco 26 GT $23.68 lb, 2 lbs./6 ea. Min, Chlpco 26019 WP 2,5 gals. Min. 2.5 gals.12 ea~ Min. 5 gals. Min~ 2.5 galS.12 ea. Min. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. 5 gals. Mtn, 2.5 gals.12 ea, Min. ZE510g Echo 720 T & O 13 DACONIL ZN W/ZrNC $44.50 gal. $48.70 gal $44.50 gal. $44.50 gal. $44.50 gal. $44.50 gal. 2.5 gals. Min. 2.5 gals J2 ea. Min. 5 gals. Mtn, 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. 5 gals. Min. 2,5 gals./2 ea. Min. ZES0g4 14 3EFOAMER NONTOXIC (pint) ~3~39 p $7,50 pi. $2.50 qt, $9.65 gal. $6.55 pt. $3.50 pt. $4.99,pt. 1 pr. Il2 ea. Min. I pt./30 ea. Min. 1 qLI12 ea. Mtn 2.5 gals. Min. 1 pt. Min. 6 gals. Min. 1 pr. Il2 ea. Min. CLTDFoam Foam Busier Knockdown Foamhuster 15~ DIABROM 14 $73.30 gal, 16.~ DITERAW. D.S, $16.00 lb. $13.66 lb. $14.70 lb. $15,00 lb. ' Ditera Nema/Cide 20 ~bs, Min. 20 lbs. Min. CHEMICAL :ERTILtZER BID # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP DID · . ' Atlantic FEC ' * ' I 1 Glades Agro Distribut~o~ Fertilizer & B W I Cololllai DU Cot Formulating Golf Ventures/ ITEM # DESCRIPTION LLC Chemical Co. ' Products Inc. Helena international Corp. Helena Chemical Harrell's Inc, Chemical Co. 32 MANAGE HERBICIDE $73.40 bottle $90.00 bottle $71,88 bottle $101.20 boule $85.35 bottle $81.20 bottle $72.00 bottle 't.3 OZ. PER/BOTTLE) I gal Min. 1.3 oz./6 ea. Min. I boEle min. 1.3 oz./10 ea, Min. $72.50 bottle MSMANAGE 1.3 oz./10 ea. Min. 1.3 oz.110 ea. Mit 1 bottle Min, f.3 oz. Min. 33 MAVRIK $82,60 qt. $328.00 gal $291,71 gar. 1 qt. Min. 1 qt./4 ea. Mtn, $85.26 qt. $292.00 gal, $330,40 gal, 1 qt.112 ea, Min. 1 gal./4 ea. Min. 34 MOCAP lUL~ $1.24 lb. $1.38 lb. 1 qt,/6 ea. Min, 30 lbs. Min. 50 tbs./6 ea. Mir $1.80 lb. $1,75 rb. $1.55 lb, 35 MSMA 6.6 ' $16.90 gal. $21 88 gal 50 lbs. Min. 1.000 lbs. Mir 50 lbs. Min. 2.5 gal~, Min. 2.5 gals./~ ea. Min · ,$24,77 gal. $16,52 gal. $17.00 gal. 2.5 gals.12 ee. Min. $16,50 gal, $16.16 gal. -- R/S 120 . 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. 2,5 gars./2 ea. Min. 5 gals. Min. 2.5 gars.12 ea. Min. 36 dSMA + SURFACTANT $16.36.gaL ; , $14.,~7 gal. 2.5 gals. Min, ' 2;5 gars,/2 ea. Min. $18.25 gal. $15.90 gal R/S 912 ISBUENO 2.5 gals.12 ea. Mtn, 37 NEMACUR (3) LIQUID $77,76 gal. $75,00 gal 2,5 gaPs, Min. 2.5 gars J2 ea, MIn, $76,85 gal. $76.00 gal. $78.00 ~al. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Mtn 5 gals. Min. 2,5 gals,/2 ea. Min. 38 ~EMACUR 10Q $2.73 lb, $2.52 lb 50 lbs. Min. 50 lbs J4 e~. Min. $2.74 lb. $2.80 lb. $2.75 lb. 50 lbs, Mira 500 lbs. Min. 50 Ihs, Min. 39 ]RTHENE '/TO $9.94 ID. $12.44 lb. ' $0 74, b, Nemacur 10G Nemacur f0 lbs. Min. t lb./20 ea. Min 10 Ibs,/~ ea. Min. $9.65 lb. $9.95 lb. $9.74 lb. OATIO10 10 lbs J4 ea. Min. 4Q lbs. Min, 10 lbs. Min. 40 ~ENDULUM 3.3 EC $39,67 gal. $33.50 gal $40.33 gal, Orthene TTO 75 Odhene TTOWSE , 2.5 gals, Min. 2.8 gals J2 ea. Mm. 2.5 gals J2 ea, Min. $39.20 gaf. $36.50 gal. 41 PINPOIATE $~.52 lb. AM2470040 Z.5 gars J2 ea. Min. 2.8 gals./2 ea. Min. 25 lbs. Min. $3.82 42 ~RE-M Pinpoint 25 25 lbs. Min. 25 lbs, Min. 25 lbs. Min. . ~ Pinpoint 15G Pinpoin~e PinpoiM 15G $0.82 lb. $8,~0 lb. 40 lbs, Min. 10 lbs. Min, 43 PRIMER 604 $84,06 gal. Pendulum Pendulum WDG I 2.5 gars J2 ea Min. $46.55 gal ~ 5 gals. Min. 5 gals. Min. : Aquifer CHEMICAL~. ~r ERTIUZERS { '. ' .: AganEc FEC : Glades i Agro Distrib~ui[on' FdrtSt~er & BWI Colonial DuCor Formulating Golf Venturesl Helena ITEM # DESCRIPT ON i LLC C~l)ep)~.a.I ~q ............ P~u~ ~p. Ip. terA~tlojl~ , Corp. ~H~!ena~m~cal Ha[r~[t'eJ~c~ _ Ch~c~: 44 PRIMO $338.29 gal $35~,00 gal $343.00 gal. $39.05 gal. $305,00 gal. $345.00 gal $340.~ gal. M~ GY22534 Du CDr Surmount $312.00 gal $~95.00 gal $262.08 gal 10 ga~s. Min. 15 gal. Dram I 10 gals, Min. PHmo TUE Par r "47 ' REMEDY $84.95 gal,, ~3:~ gel. ' $79,~ gal 1 gal.'Min..: 1 gaf:(4 ~a= MIn, ' I gall4 ea. Min. ~8" REWARD $85.00 gal: $88.5~ g~l. $83.~ gal $~t2.00 gal. $85.~ gal 49~ RODEO 140 $80.61 gal, , ~ $83.21 gal. , $72.35 gal $97.02 gal $88.00 gal $74.90 gal. 2:5 gals, Min. 2.5 gals: Min. 2.5 gals.~ ea. Min. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Ml~. 5 gals. Mi~. 2.5 gals,~ ea. Min. ~ , ..... - $73.78 gal AQUATIC ~S89238 Aquaneal $89.23 gal. Aquanea[ Rodeo 50' RONSTAR2G $~.23 lb. $1~ b. $~.231b. $1.2~b. $1.351b. ~1.21lb. 50 lbs. Min. 50 ~16 e~ 50 lbs. Min, 50 lbs. Min. 5~ Ib~. Min. 50 lbs. Min. 30 gals. Min. 2.5 gals,14 aa, 2.5 gals.12 ea~,M~n. 2.5 gals.12 ea. Min. 2.5 ~als. D ea. Min. 5 gals, Min. 30 gal Dram MIn, . ~: $35.94 gal ' 30 gals. Min. 30Gas Mn _. BID # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP DiD Date: January 7. 2000 CHEMICALS: UNIT gHIPr Atlantic FEC Agro Distribution FerSgzer & B W ~ Colonial Du CDr FormulaSng Golf Ventures/ Helena ITEM # DESCRIPTION LLC Chemical Co. Products Inc. International Corp. 53 ROUND-UP PRO REFILLABLE Helena Ch,ml~,l Harrelrs Inc. Chemical C¢ ~ONTAINERS 15 GAt $42.00 gal. 15 gals. Min. $37.75 gal. $35.75 ga~. 15 gals. Min. 15 gal. Drum Mtn. 30 GAL. $41.00 gal. 2-1/2 GAL. BOTi-LE 2.5 gals. Min. 2.5 9a15.14 ea, Mtn, 2.5 gals. Min. $109,12 bottle $101.87 bohle $37.88 boltle 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. 2.5 gals. Min. MSR 87115 2.5 gals.12 ea. Min, 55 RUBIGAN A.S. . $250.74 gal $290.00 gal. $240.51 gal. 1/2 GAL. CONTAINERS 25 gal. Mtn. 1 gal./4 ea. Min. I gal. Min. $240.10 gal. $125.00.5 gal. $251.00 gal. 56 gENCOR 75 .'r. H. .$29.31 lb. $19.20 lb. EL 129274 .5 gal./2 ea. Mtn. 1 gal. Mtn. .5 gaU2 ea. Min. $255.00 gal. 5 lbs. Mih. 5 lbs.16 ea. Min. $29.80 lb. $38.00 lb. $28.70 lb, 5 lbs./4 ea. Min. 20 lbs. Mtn. 5 lbs.14 ea. Min. ~ 57 ~ 3EVINSOWSP $4.52 lb. $1.30 lb. $6.21 lb. 10 lbs. Min. 10 lbs.120 ea. Min. 1.25 lbs./8 ea. Min. $5.35 $6.40 lb. $4.25 lb. ~ RP 80446 1.125 lb. coMainer 40 lbs. Min. 10 lbs. Min. 59 ~AIL 5SLUG DAIT PELLETS ' $5.10 lb. - $0.80 lb. $1.60 lb. $1.33 lb. 1.25 lb$.14 ea. Min. ,~ 40 Jbs. Min. 50 lbs./4 ea, Mie. 50 Jb. Min. $38.00 gal. $38.50 gal. . CNDM PS0 r ~ 1 gal.14 ea. Min. I gal./4 ea. Min. 59 SUBDUE 2E ~ $521.98 gal. $519,00 gal. $470 00 ge, SlugfSst 1 gal. Mib. I ga[~ea."Min. 10 gel~i"~in, $482.50 gal. $465.00 gal. $22r9.00 gal. MAXX ' SUBDUE MAX 1 gal./2 ea. Min. 2 gals, Min. I gal.t4 ea, Mtn, 60 ~.UBDUE GRANDULAR $3.60 lb. $1,54 lb. $2.86 lb, Subdue Maxx Quel~ 25 lbs. Min. 50 lbs./2 ea. Min. 25 lbs. Mtn. $2.70 lb. $3.69 lb. $2.79 lb. G953181 25 lbs. Mtn. 100 lbs. Mtn. 25 ~bs. Mtn. 2.5 gals. Min. 2.5 gals J2 ea. Min. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. $67.95 gal. $75.00 gal. $69.00 gal. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. 5 ga~s. Mtn. 2.5 gals./2 ea M n EL 5955 62 TALSTAR LIQUID $216.80 gal. $236.00 gal. $166.50 gal. 1 gal. Min. 1 q ,18 ea. Min 1 gal. Min. $182.24 gal. $246.00 ga $186.00 gal. CH I gaL/4 ea. Min. 4 gals. Min. 1 gal,/4 ea, Min. 63 ~-ALSTAR .2G $0.70 lb. $0.76 lb. $0 72 lb. r ' Talstar G~ FIo~a~b $0.75 lb. $0.88 lb. $0.76 lb. I 261bs. Min. 50 ~bs./10 ea. Mib. S01bs. Mtn , $01bs. Min. 100 bs Mn ' $01bs. Min. CO.bP'BID Date: January 7~ 2000 CHEMICALS: UNIT SHIPPING SIZE AND UNIT PRICE Agro Distribution Ferti izer & B W I Colonial Du Cur Formulating Golf Ventures/ Helena TEt~'!# P~$~CR PTPN LLC (;h~[oA[LCg~ Produ_cLs In_ c._ International Cprp. Helena Chemical Harreg's Inc. Chemical Co. 04 TANK NEWTRALIZE'R- $5.38 qt. i $~6.20 gal $6.85 gal. $5,50 lb. $7.99 qt. 1 qt./4 ea. Min, I 1 qt./12 aa, Min. 6 gals. Min. 2 lbs,/12 ea. Min. 1 qt,112 aa, Min. TRACKER DYE $23.10 gal , $32.06!gaL $18.90 gal. $32.00 gal $24.g5 gal, $26.06 gaF, Tarre~ark~R_ eg_~f i Du Cur Bluestreak Pro Male Spray ind. SPI MAX 66 TRIMEC PLUS $30.53 gal. $~2~,~15 gal. $26.30 gal, $33.25 gaF. $31.00 gal. $27.50 gal. 67 W£'ITING AGENT $6.05 gal ' ' ~ $1B,~5 bal. 6 gals. Min. 2.5 gals.12 ea. Min. 5 gals. Min. ~5 g~is./2"ea, k~in. PJS Surf-Aid 207 ~ Min, DU Cur Wet-ln Plus AD Spray 101 Wetall , Spec 90/10 " ~,dden~lum #1 "Add~;~l _ AddendUm f~ Addendum #1 Addendum #1 Addendum #1 A~deudum #I a~knpv,;l~dged. ' acknowledged, acknowled~led, acknowled~ted, ecknowled~led. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BiD # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP BID Date: January 7, 2000 CHEMICALS: UNIT SHIPPING SIZE AND UNIT PRICE United Parkway Research Regal Chemical Horticultural ITEM # DESCRIPTION Lesco, Inc. Corp. Compan), Timberland Suppl:/ 1 ~.CEPHATE $9.15 lb. $9.85 lb. $9.8§ lb. 10 Ihs./4 ea. Mtn. 10 lbs./4 ea. Min. 40 lbs. Min. Acephate Pro 75 2 ~,MA+2-4-D $14.50 gal. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. 3 ~,QUA-~RO $18.24 gal. $'15.80 gar. · 2.ggals./2ea. Min. 2.ggals./2ea Mn. Lesco Wet Wet Foot "L" 4 ~SULOX 5 AWARD $6.80 ~b. $7.25 lb. 28 lbs. Min. 25 tbs. Min. 6 BARRICADE 65 WG $37.50 lb. $39.50 lb. 8 ~bs./6 ea. Min. 40 lbs. Min. 7 B~..~.SAGRAN $68.39 gal. $82.00 gal. $78.50 gal. - '.~- 1 gal./5 ea. Min. 1 gal./5 ea. Min. g ga~s. Min. · : Lescogran 8 91VERT STICKING AGENT r $10.20 gal. $10,50 gal. 2,5 gals./2 ea. MIn 2.5 gals./2 ea. Ml~l. 9 9EAZON SP OR EQUIVALENT $19.50 gal. . $'17.90 gal. $39.50 gal. 2.5 gals,/2 ea. MIn. 2.5 gals./2 ea. Min. 5 gals. Min. 10 BUFFER CONTROL ' Lesco Tracker . Bi~ Fool $7.50 gal. $28.00 gal, $14.50 gal. 8 gals. Min. I gaU4 ea. Min. 5 gals. Min. Water Acidi~er Color-kid CiTY OF DELRAY BEACH BID f~ 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP BID Date: January 7, 2000 CHEMICALS: UNIT SHIPPING SIZE AND UNIT PRICE United Parkway Research Regal Chemical Horticultural ITEM # DESO[~ I~TION Lesco Inc~ : Corp Cpmpany Tlmbei'land Supp y ' 2 5 gals.12 ea. Min. 2.5 gals.12 ea. Min. 5 gals. Min, Chipco 26019 GT 17 )tT~NE 45 WETAB[E ~ $3.25~1b, POWDER ' 12 lbs.14 ea~ Min, CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BID # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP Date: J;~nua~ ?, 2000 CHEMICALS: UNIT SHIPPING SIZE AND UNIT PRICE United Parkway Research Regal Chemical Horticultural ITEM # DESCRIPTION Les~) Inc, , Cor~ Company, Timberland, Supply ~ gaIs.12~aT~lm'~ ' $39.50 g~l.~ 542.50 gal. 22 =INAI.E HERBICIDE $51.00 gal. $49.20 gal. $52~g0 gal 2.5 ga~s.12 ea. Min. 5 gals. Min. 23 =IRE ANTAMBRO EAIT r $5.90 Ih. ' $7r. 15 Ih. GRANULAR) 25 Ibs~ M[n~ 25 lbs, Min. 24 FUSILADE LIQUID (gal.} $40.30 qi. ' $49.g5 qt. 1 qLI8 ea. Min. 12 qts. Min. , $I ~P~Q g,aL 25 GARLON 424 ~ $81.00 gal. · (VEGETATION MANAGEMENT · 26 HERITAGE $345.00 Ih." $345.00 lb.** $105.00 gal. $107.00 gal. 27 ILLOXAN 3EC6 I gal,/45104.3~)-gal..~a. Min. 1 gal. J4 ea. Miti. 4 gals, Min. 28 IMAGE (CONTAINS $200.00 g~l. $210.00 gal, - ~VlMONIUM, EALT. ~MAZAQUIN) 1 gal./4 ea. Min. 1 gal. Min. 29 , 4ERB 50 W SP $26.80 lb. ' $~8.0~11~. · ........ $~8,5~i~. 3 lbs,Il4 ea, Min. 3 lbs,/14 ea. Min. 4 lbs. Min, 30 .1 ?00SURFACTANT $12.90ga1. ' , $24.g5 gal =ENETRANT ACID ~tER 2,5 g als,.,2 ea, Min. 4 gals. Min, · Tro 31 .EMWET. ' ,. · '_ $902 galr 2.5 gars./2 ea. [din. CiTY OF DELRAY BEACH BID # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP BID Date: January 7, 2000 CHEMICALS: UNIT SHIPPtNG SIZE AND UNIT PRICE 32 MANAGE HERBICIDE ~, ,. ,.. ~$7~/~;~t~[;~,e,r . ~,r ~ ~ - : 1.3 oz. PE~BO~L~) ~ 3 oz/10 ~a, ~i~: ............................................ 1 bottle Min. 2.Sga~s.~,'~,'~in. 2.Sgals~Dea. Min. 2,5~ai~;~:~Jn: 5ga~s. Min. 37 NE~CUR (3~ LI~ ~1'~' ? $105'.00'~L ' $85,00 g~l, ~..~.J~__ ~.75~ I~- . 39 ORTHENE~O~:-'. '. ,:~,~ .:.. ,__$9~:1~ ~ .............. f0 lbs./4 ~a. Mi~. 4 ~ses o~ (5) ROUND-UP PRO I gaL/2 ea. Min. Pdmo Maxx 2.5 gals,D ea. 1 lb./10 ea. Min. Aquaneat Parkway Research Reg $345.00 gal, CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BID # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP BID Date: January 7, 2000 CHEMICALS: UNIT SHIPPING SIZE AND UNIT PRICE United Horticultural $350.00 gal. 2.5 gals.12 ea. Min. $36.951b. Prostar70 Pro Star T O WP $1.35 lb. 50 lbs. Mir.. 50 lbs. Min. $39,15 $45.50 2.5 gals/2 ea M~n 5 gals. Min. 5 gal. MIn' CiTY OF DELRAY BEACH BID # 2000-O2 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP BID Date: January 7, 2900 CHEMICALS= UNIT SHIPPING SIZE AND UNiT PRICE U~i~e~ Parkway Research ~egal Chem ce Horticultural 2,5 gals 12 ea. Min. 4 per 66 FRIMEC PLUS $29.90 gal. 67 WE~ING AGENT $18.24 gal.' $~.02 gal, r_ ~$~,:9~7g~i' $7.~5 COMMENTS/EXCEPTIONS; ' c ' ~bj~ct [o~h~g~ by Addendu~ ~ ' A~d~du~ ~ ' Addendum , acknowledged, i; ackn~w;~ed, acknowl~dggd, 15 GAL L BO'CFLE I/2 GAL. CONTAINERS 2.5 gals,/2 ea, Min. 5 lbs./4 ea. Min 25 lbs, Min. $170.20 gal CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BID # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP BID Dale: January 7, 2000 CHEMICALS: UNIT SHIPPING SIZE AND UNIT PRICE Horticultural $36,00 gal. 30 gal. Dmm Min. $36,00 gal. $36.29 gar. 2,5 gals,/2 ea. Min 5 gals. Min. 5 gals. Min, $269.00 5 gels/2 ea. Min. .5 gal Min. $31.50 lb. $5,30 lb. $1.10 lb. $485,00 gal. $520.0g gal 25 lbs. Min. $67.00 50 lbs. Min. 5 gals, Min. 8cases of(4) 5gars. Min. 50lbs, Min. Talslar ,2G GC - CO-~'BID Date: January 7. 2000 FERTILIZERS '~' ': ; ;'" Howard United #032424 I VIICRONUTRIENT~ #3008 · "' ' 50%PPSCU ~ ~: ~. ~ ' #015322 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BID # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP BIB Date: Januaq~ 7. 2000 FERTILIZERS Atlantic FEC Howard United Agro Distribution Fertilizer & S W I Colonial Golf Ventures/ Fertilizer Company Regal Chemical Horticurtural ITEM # DESCRIPTION LLC Cherolcal CO, Products Inc. Helena Chemical Harre8's Inc. ~ Ino, Lesco, Inc. Compan), Suppl}, 0 13-3-13 $0,22 lb. $0.155 lb.** $0.1940 lb. $0.177 lb. $0.21 lb. $0.155 lb. $0.14 lb. $0.25 FREE & PALM FERTILIZER 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag Lesco 13-3-13 #011309 10 ~4-14-14 $0.219 lb. $0.4625 lb. $O~Z5Jb. ~LU&MINORS~FO R~SH RU B~ 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 40 lb. bag Lesco 14-14-14 11 14-2-14 #001089 MICRO GREENS & TEE $0.2898 lb. $0.30 lb. MIXTURE 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 12 f4-26-6 SULFUR COATED LANDSCAPE $0.25 lb. & ORNAMENTAL STARTER ' 40 lb. bag 13 10-5-10 $0.63 lb. $0.623 lb. $0.4875 lb. $0,470 lb. ','~ WITH 1 o,~ RONSTAR 50 lb. bag 80 lb. bag 50 lb. bag · 50 lb. bag '.BERMUDA, ST, AUGUSTINE,~ $0.15 lb. $0,1494 lb.** $0.1952 lb. $0.174 lb. $0,175 lb. $0.145 lb. $0.148 lb. $0.21 lb. I AttanticFEC Howard United Agro Distribution Fertilizer & B W I Colonial Gotf Ventures/ Fertilizer Conlpan~ Regal Chemical Horticultural ITEM # DESCRIPTION LLC chemical Co. Products Inc. Helena Chemical Harre0's Inc. Ina. Lesco, Inc. Company Supply I'URF STARTER FERTILIZER 50 lb. bag 44 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 lb, bag 50 lb. bag Lesco 18-24-12 Stader PR~E~ERGENT WEED - 50 lb. bag 50 lb, bag CITY OF DELRAY REACH BID # 2000-02 CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS CO-OP BID Atlantic FEC Howard United Agro Distribution Fertilizer & B W I Colonial Golf Venturesl Fertilizer Company Regal Chemical Horticultural ITEM # DESCRIPTION LLC Chemical Co. Products Inc. Helena Chemical Rarrel~'s Inc. Inc. Lesco. Inc. Compan}' Suppl~/ 25 19-25-5 $0,50 lb. $0.2096 lb.' $0.46 lb. $0.1645 lb. $0.195 lb. COMPLETE COURSE STARTER 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 lb. beg FERTILIZER 5.00 Ammoniacal Nitrogen. 12.60 Water soluble Organic Nitrogen WATER SOLUBLE POWDER 25 lb. bag 25 lb. bag 25 lb. bag 25 Ih. bag 25 lb. bag 25 lb, pail 50 lb. bag 25 LB. WATER RESISTANT Pelers Lesco Macron SAGS) ' 2g-20-20 Soluble ,J (50 LB. BAGS) 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag I 50% PPSCU Page4o[6 Date: January 7, 2000 FERTILIZERS , At anticFEC ', Howard United Agro Di~tribu{ion Fertilizer & n W I Colonial G~lf Ventqresl Fertilizer Compa~ Regal Chemical Horticultural $4.80 gal. ~CE ELEMEN( P~C~GE, : 50 lb. bag GREENS G~DE) r CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BiD # 2000-02 CHEMICALS ANO FERTILIZERS CO.OP BID Atlantic FEC Howard United Agro Distribution1 Fertigzer & B W I Colonial Golf Ventures/ Fert[JIzer Compan Regal Chemical Horticulturar ITEM # DESCRIPTrON LLC Chem ca Co. Products Inc, Helena Chemlcar Harrell's ts¢. Inc. Lesco, Inc. Co~,.~- Suppr:/ 41 DISPER-SUL ELEMENTAL $0.146 lb. SULFUR (SULFUR WITH iRON PLUS MAGANESE) 50 lb. bag 42 ATRAZINE 0.76% PLUS FERTILIZER $0.24 lb. 00 lb. bag 43 12-2-14 $0.2408 lb.* $0.22 lb. $0.30 lb. $0.202 lb. SOUTHERN LANDSCAPE & 00 Ih. bag 3RNAMENTAL FERTILIZER WITH 50 lb. bag 50 lb. bag 50 ih. bag I [41CRONUTRIENTS 5% FE., Lesco 12-2-14 }% MN, 3% MG Southern ~OMMENTS/EXCEPTIONS: 'Minimum order #05290g one (l) ton *55 gal. Drum *Five (5) Ion Specifications **Minimum order $8.95 gal. minimum deliver, enclosed. two (2) tons ***Minimum order two (2) tons except 1/2 ton. ***'Minimum ~'der ~ 20/25 lb. bags. *****Minimum order 5/50 lb. bags, [] March21 2000 [] ^p~ 4. 2000 [] April Ig. 2000 [] May 2. 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Me~iri~ Datds in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.nm) March22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00p.rn.) Requested City Commission Date F/nal Form M~I be Turned Mectiu~ Dates ] in to City Clerk s Office [] May 16. 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20. 2000 [] July 5. 2000 May 3. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00p.m.) June 7, 2000(5:00 p.m.) lu~; 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) IV~CONSENT ITEM B.? NATURE OF AGENDAITEM [] Administrative [] Develop~ mt Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Bm aess [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to award Bid #039-2516-00/KR, "PURCHASE AND INSTALL SIX (6) UTILITY BODIES AND TWO (2) TRUCK MOUNTED HYDRAULIC CRANES", to Rayside Truck and Trailer, in the amount of $61.701.00. EXPLANATION: On March 16, 2000, Procurement Services opened three proposals for th~above mentioned bid. All proposals were reviewed and it was determined that Rayside Truck and Trailer of Wes Palm Beach, Florida is the most responsive, responsible bidder who meets all specifications. Fontaine Truck Equipl aent Company is the lowest bidder butis unable to meet ail specifications; therefore, we are requesting the bid be awarded to Rayside Truck and Trailer. Robert Lee. Fleet Administrator, concurs with this recommendation (se, attached Memo #00- O52). PROGRAM IMPACT: The purpose of this bid is for the purchase and installation of six (6) two (2) truck mounted Hydraulic Cranes along with. the installation of a Class IV Hitch, fi-ar lbs. chassis of one ol~the vehicles. FISCAL IMPACT: VEHICLE One New #144 Five New BUDGET ACCOUNT #501-2516-51-.64-31 Machinery & Equipment/Vehicle Replacement ITEM ON BID Utility Body # 1 and Crane #1 Crane #2 Five Utility Bodies BID AWARD AMOUNT ACTUAL EXPENSE $ 55,043 44.640 97,550 COST PER BID $ 24,676 18,100 18,925 $ 61,701 TOTAL AMT. BUDGETED $ 45,000 40,000 121,500 UfiHty Truck Bodies and te mounted to the 17,500 (OVER)/UNDER BUDGET ($10,043) (4,640) 5.025 The deficit in the replacement account will be funded through the Reserve for Vehicle Replacement. S:\BULLETFNXFOILMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Procuremert~ Services Departmeat Name City Attorney'/Finance / Human Resources Attachment cc: Bob Lee, Fleet Administrator Chris Roberts, Interim Publ/c Works Director File S:\BULLETIN~ORMS AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC BiLL ATKINS, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF BID AWARD TO RAYSIDE TRUCK & TRAILER Y~7~/- ~z~ "7 FINANCIAL SERVICES Iv~RCH 30, 2000 / Robert H. Lee, ,, '~,~J~~, PURCHASE AND INSTALL SiX (6) UTILITY BODIES AND TWo (2) TRUCK MOUN~ED HYDRAuLic CRANE~ **SECOND LOWEST, MOST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER WHO MEETS ALL SPECIFICATIONS "Offers from the vendors listed herein are the only offers BI D OPENING DATE: MARCH 16, 200e received timely as of the above receiving date and time BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. BID #: 039-2516;O0/KR All other offers submilted in response to this solicitation. f any. are hereby rejected as late" VENDORS FONTAINE TRUCK EQUIP. CO~ RAySIDE TRUCK & '[RAILER STAMM MANUFACTURING 138 WEST~T. ROAD 84 2983 S. MILITARY TRA L 4850 ORANGE AVENUE FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33315 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33415 FT. PIERCE, FL 34947 (954) 764-7720 . (561 ) 965-7950 (561) 461-6056 · ATTN: WILLIAM COYNE ATTN: ROY BEESLEY ATTN: TOM JOHNS UTILIT~ BODY #t WITH HYDRAUL C CRANE: UNIT PR CE - UT L TY BODY $7,682.00 $6,381.00 $7,150.00 . OPTIONS: Class IV frame mouilted hitch assembly . $225.00 $220.00 $250.00 Removab e Ladder Rack $250.00 · . $195.00 $375,00 UNIT PRICE - HYDRAULIC CRANE $14,295.00 $13,705.00 *$15,824.00 OPTIONS: PoWer boom extension to 20 ft. INCLUDED .$~§,00 ' N/A Outriggers with hydraulic out/down ' $4;000~00' $3,890.00 $4,000.00. XTENDED PRICE FOR ONE (1) UTILiT7 BODY # 1 WiTH cRANE ' $26.452.00' ~' · ~.ND OPTioNS , $27,599.00 UTIL!TY BODY iii!2 ' QOAN'I:Ii'~ (;~) UNIT.PRICE -.EACH~ ' $2,390.00 $3,350.00 $3,300.00 EXTENDED PRICE (3) $7,170.00 $10,050.00 $9,900.00 PURCHASE ANDINSTALL SiX (6) UTIU.TY BODIES. AND TWO (2} TRUCK MOUN[ED HYDRAULIC CRANES ..... Offem from the vendors listed herein are the only offers ~BID.~NING. DATE: MARCH 16, 2000 received timely as of the above receiving date and time, ~ D ~i~iN:~' ; ,2:30,, P,M. ^,, other offers submitted in response to this solicitation, W~,;nr,,o~i, - IEONTA NE TRIJI3KEQIJlP: CO. ~YS DE TRUC~ &,~ILER ~TAMM MANUFACTURING ? ~ ~:~;;, ':'~-~7~ ~ ~ ,~:.-~=~ ........ 138 ~EST S~; ROAD ~ Z983 S. MILITA~T~{L ' [850 O~NGE AVENUE /.:;;~:,::;~;~;~; :-:?_ :~.V.~'~ ~?~? ~;~. ET..~UDEEDALE, FL- 33315 - - ~EST PALM BEACH 'FL 33415 ; :T. P ERGE, FL 34947 561) 461-6056 ~ ~ ~ ........ ~ (954) 764-7720 . 561) 965-7950 ...... ...... '~ ~'~ ..... '~'~ A~N: WILLIAM ~Oy~E A~N ROY BEESLEY ~N: TOM JoHNs )pTiONs-f ............ Rem0vab e Ladder Rack $250.00 $750.00 $~ 95 00 $585.00 [375.00 $1,~ 25.00 ,Tow Package Exchange ~?~:~ I~:b tch(~red t) . :~'~ $0.00 M~dification:t0~iSt n~ ~itc~ ... ~,0 ~ _ ~ ,~ .~,~. ~ ~ ............ , _ ~ 00 $0.00 ' ~'~'~ ~:;- ~:;~ ..~A , ' , ~~ " $11'025'00 "z~ ":'~"~;~; ',~ . : $2,390 00 - $3,350.00 $3 300.00 ENDED PRICE (2) "~ ' ...... ~4,180:00 .... $6~1~0.00 $8,600.00 EXT ~ .......... ~O 2 EACH OPTIONS. ........................ ' ~ Pi~ Rack (fb~ ~r~fl6~n'work) $1,2o0.o0 $1,400.00 $795.Q0 $1,590.00 $1,150.00 $2,300.00 Tow Package.. Exmange Class i~ hi h ( i:~ d ) $0:00 ' $0.00 t~ $0.00 PURCHASE AND INSTALL SIX (6) UTILITY BODIES ANDTWO (2) TRUCK MOUNTED HYDRAULIC CRANES "Offem from the vendors listed herein am the only offers BiD OPENING DATE: MARCH 16, 2000 received timely as of the above receiving date and time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. BI D #: 039-2516-00/KR A, other offers submitted in response to this solicitation, if any, are hereby rejected as late" VENDORS FONTAINE TRUCK EQUIP. CO. RAYSI[IE]'RUCK& TRAIJ. ER BTAMM MANUPACTURING 138 WEST ST. ROAD 84 2983 S. MILITARY TRAIL ¢850 ORANGE AVENUE FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33315 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33415 =T. PIERCE, FL 34947 (954) 764-7720 (561) 965-7950 1561) 461-6056 ATTN; WILL AM COYNE A, TTN: ROY BEESLEY EX'TENDED PRICE FORTWO (2) ~,TTN: TOM JOHNS UTILITY BODIES #2 WITH OPTIONS $7,'J80.00' $4,145 .~'~-'~5~ $4,450.00 . $8,900.00 HYDRAULIC CRANE #2 UNIT PRICE ~ $14,294.00 $13,705.00 : $15,824.00 OPTIONS: NOTATION Power boom extension to 20 ft. INCLUDED $13,705.00 N/A NOTATION Ouriggers with hydraulic out/down $4,000.00 Tow Package: $285.00 $4,000.00 '~, Leave C ass IV hitch Exchange Class V h tch (credit) .. New/~;el~lac~ment h ich ' $0.00 $0.00 $220.00 ' · $o 0o Modificati to extti g hitch · on n ~ · $0.00 $0.00 HYDRAULIC cRANE WiTH OPTIONS ' r 18;294.00' ~T' ' $19,824.00 TOTAL BID AMOUNT: $59,846.00 . ~$J~'J 70'1~00. ~,:'~ $67,348.00 ..A. LENDAR DAYS FOR DELIVERY . BLANK 70 DAYS 90 DAYS PURCHASE AND INSTALL SIX (6)UTII~I~ BODIES AND ~0' (2)_ ~RU~:M~ED HYDRAULIC CRANE~ "Offers from the vendors listed herein am the oniy offers received timely as of the above receiving date and time. ....... All other offers submitted in response to this solicitation, BID if any, are hereby rejected as late" ..... ~ '? ...... ' ~" ' ' & 1 t, ER STAMM MANUFACTUR NG FONTAINE TRUCt~'E~U * * ' ..... E ~ENP~S,. ~ ~ ....... ,~ ~ ~ L 4850 O~NGE AVENU ~ ~;;?~?'~ ' ..... ~ ..... ~'~' ~. ~UBEBDALE, FL 33315 WEST PALM BEACH FL 33415 FT. PIERCE, FL 34947 954) 764-7720 561) 965-7950 (561) 461-6056 ~ * ~ '~' ~-'; ' A~N: WILLIAM COYNE ~N:~ROY BEFRI EY A~N: TOM JOHNS , · ~ YES/NOTATIONS SpEq~AT~ou~;,, ~,, . YES YES "' ' ER READING DANZER MORRISON J~E ~ B. QD~;MANUEAC~UR~ ~ , ~ AUTO C~NE FOR;FO~D~F450 ' "; ;~;-~ ~ SCBI32D53C UTIL~ BODY ~I;MODEL'-/ ........ ~ ........... 36K RBW 132ABDW FOR FORD F45~, ' PUTNAM ~YGIDE TRUCK & T~ILER REEVE ~PE C~ASS_ V ~ ' ~' ~ ~' , ~"5~'-'''~: ..... RES 108DW SR101 CLASS IV HITCH MODEL FOR FORD F~50 ............. E VENTURO HYp~UL C C~E ffl MANUFACTUREF AUT~ ~RAN [IFTMOORE F~D F450 "' ..... ~';" ~' ' HT40~ 'FOR, DODGE ~0 ~R~S ,' :~ " : KNAPHEIDE READING DANZERMORRISON UTILt~ BOD ES ~2 MODEL FOR DODGE P/U TRUCKS 796J1 ~ RBW U598ABSW S96CZ PURCHASE AND INSTALL SiX (6) UTILITY BODIES AND TWO (2) TRUCK MOUNTED HYDRAULIC CRANE~ "Offers i~rom the vendors listed herei~ are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 16, 2000 received timely as of the above receiving date and time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. BID #: 039-2516-00/KR All other offem submitled in response to this solicitation, if any, are hereby rejected as late' VENDORS FoNTAINE TRUCK EQUIP. CO. · RAYSII3F~TRUCK&TRAILER ' STAMM MANUFACTURING 138 WEST ST. ROAD 84. 2983 S. MILITARY TRAIL 485OoRANGE AVENUE FT. LAUDERDALEi FL 33315 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33415 FT. PIERCE, FL 34947 (954) 764-7720 (561) 965-7950 , 561) 461-6056 ,, ATTN: WILLIAM C.OYNE ATTN: ROY BEFRI Fy HYDRAULIC CRANE #2 MANUFACTURER ATTN: TOM JOHNS FOR GMC 3500 CHASS S AUTO CRANE L)FTMOORE '~i VENTURO RAN HYDRAULIC C E #2 MODEL - FOR GMC 3500 CHASSIS 6006H LFT 3660X-20 HT40KX ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT SUBMITTED YES YES YES CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED YES/NOT NOT SUBMITTED YES/NOT C ~ ' ! ONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE WORKpLAcE sUBMITTED YES YES YES COMMENTS ' ~INDICATES SUB-TOTALS *oNLy 1 PROPOSAL SUBMI'i I ED SEE NOTATIONS BROCHURE ENCLOSED I To: Thru: From: SUbj: Date: of six ,PUBLIC WORKS Bill Chris ROl/'erts, Interim Directory of Public Works B~d g039~2516-00/KR 2000 and two (2) Truck Mourn installation ed Cranes, I Trailer in the portion ofthe a new and 9172 ~ second best quote for the : select Fontaine Truck Equipment Co., for any bid requested a specific type of Utility Body with '. In talking with Mr. William Coyne of , he did not bid this style body. Fontaine Body but failed to bid it. Truck Mounted Cranes will be placed on one vehicle. The new vehicle is a replacement for unit ~ Water Maintenance. This vehicle will ~0.00. , over budget by $10,043.00. the start of the fiscal year, the but it was felt that it was best to build a unit - needs. Funding for this unit, Fleet account The existing truck, unit #144 r ' ece~ve crane #2, total COst Of: 98/99 ] will unit is out at year 98/99. User- division could are The five (5) Utility BOdies are for five approved in 99/2000. .Total $3,265.00. by PROPOSER'S SIGN-IN SHEET (Please Print) NAME OF RFQ: PuRcHASE AN-D iNSTALL SIX (6) U'~Ltq'Y BODIES AND TWO [2) TRUCK MOUNTED HYDRAULIC CRANES RFQ NUMBER: 039-2516-00/KR RFQ OPENING DATE: MARCH 16, 2000 RFQ OPENING T~ME: 2:30 P.M. ' E ADDRESS ~ :' ~PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER NAME OF COMPANY C~q~f,.S:r~A'EE ~. ZIP .· : iW~AREA CODE -- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM IV-CONSENT ITEM B.8 Requested City Commission Meefin~ Date~ [] March 21. 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] ^pril IS, 2000 [] May 2. 2000 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to CiW Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m./ March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.rm) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m./ Requested City Comrmssion Meetin~ Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 [] June 20. 2000 [] July 5, 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adm/nistrative [] Develop~ [] Consent Agenda [] New Bus [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfmish~ [] Announcement [] Presentor -RECOMMENDATION. MOTION to a prove the "oi~v-back of BRowal~n rrwr~n,v RGENCY INSTALLATION AND REPAIR SERVICE FOR WATER AND SEWI JACKSON & SONS CONSTRUCTION CO. of Pompano Beach. FI. for the rehabilitati0t exceed the quotation of $40,124,00. ' Date Final Form Must be Turned in to C/tv Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.ra.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.~ Jur; 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Ju~ e 21. 2000 (~:00:p.m0 ent Plans less d Business ,ID#P-5-98-113-B-I for the ', REPAIR awarded to W. )f Lift Station #306 not to EXPLANATION: Procurement Services, received a request from UTILITIES DEPARTi~ BROWARD COUNTY BID #P-5-98-113-B-1 for rehabilitation work to Lift Station #306, bypass and needs to be converted to a "submersible type" station. W. JACKSON & SONS quoted bid prices not to exceed $40,124.00 for this conversion. ENT to "piggy-back" the Station #306 is under DNSTRUCTION CO. has Procurement Services requests Commission[s review, evaluation and "piggy-back" purchase apt PROGRAM IMPACT: The scope of services and equipmens needed to complete the rehabihl~ beyond Utilities Department capability. Approval of this request wilt allow the work to be compl~ FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for the rehabilitation of Lift Station #306 will come from the 1996 Cu Descrivtion Account Allocation_ CIP R&R Sewer 407-5000-590-96-04 $14,914,929.48 ALTERNATIVES: Other alternatives would not be feasible since it would delay the process ot'getting Lift Station #306 rehabihtated in a timely manner. Depuw Director of Financial Services Procurement Services tion of Lift Station #306 is ted in a timely manner. stractiun Funds. Department Name cc: John Guidry - Utilities Deparuneur File S:~BULLETiN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: FROM: John Guid~y Utility Director DATE; MEMORANDUM UTILITIES #00-069 [;iff Stal~on ~306 ~ lift station 306 by ; been ~s beyond our are done in- )lete ~a was contact this at next please CC: file ~-~-2~00 8:26AM FROM TRIO DEyELOPMENT 954 971 0030 January I 1, 2000 IV'ir. Tony Lombardi City.o£ Boynton Beach 1.2.4 Southeast IS~ Avenue B6ynton BeacI~ FL' 33425 Lift D~ Mr. Lombardi: Please consider thi~ letter as our,,uotaiiOn ~--~ .... "- .-~ - ' . . , ~ . o~o~ cue ~rowara county.Repa/r and i. Uiilize existing wet-well 2. Modify.or replace top slab 3. Pipe ~talion, conne4= to.existing force-main on n°rth side¢of South Palm. Drive 4. Coat existing station ' $.. Install pumps end electrical: .e!t. uipment, prepare for ~on furnished by ContraCtor ar~ as follows: 1. Hat~ cover 2. Field concrete work 3. Core exis~lg v,~t-well 4..Coaings (Bitumastic Coal T~r F. poxy) Items ¢umishod or fl~ndled by The City are as follows: 1. Traffic Control ' 2. Furnish piping &'~alving 3. Furnish pumps, control panel, base elbows, rails.end 4. Field electrical work ' ,5. ,Curbing, asphalt, sod restoration and fencing W. JACKSON & SONS CONSTRUCTION · ~$88~;N.w. 2 Ist S~eer. Pornoa~ ~eocn, ~ori~a ~. ~owan~ ¢0~) 973-3060 / 24 Hexer Emergency (305) 973-3405 / FOx (305~ ~ 16~9 ~-,~-2000 8:27AM P-ROM TRIO DEVELOPMENT 9Bzl 971 0030 t:>.3 Page2 we :est/n~te~eproject V~ll'~ake ~Odays to Wmpletc; : YOurs truly, Ed Foss W: ~ackson~ Sons Consu'uction Co, EF:crs JACKSON & SONS CONSTRUCTION 88~ N.W. 21 s~ SWeat. Pompano Beach. FIO~Ga 33069 · B~ow~¢l (305) 973-3060 / 24 H¢~ Emergency (305) 973-3405 / FO~ (305) 9E~ 1679 1-2800 B:27AM FROM TRIO OEVELOPWENT @SA 97' 8838 p.& Sanuaryll, 2000 Rehabilit~tio~i 0£ Liit Station # 1~06 Structural. materials (with hatch.cover) Concrete Hardware Bag Goods, Ram-Nek ~3,420.00 6OO. OO 500 O0 Total Materials $ 4,970.00 Coatings Cores _Subcontract '$ 2,8OO.00 ., 650.00 Total subcontract :~ 3,450.00 W. JACKSON'& SONS CONSIRUCTION CO. ]880 N.W, 2]= street. Pompano Seaoh. ncec~a 3306~ · l~oworca (:~) 9 I / 24 Hour Emeq~onc-3t (305) 97~.,34~ / Fax CoO.q) 9~1-1679 TO: City of Boyton Beach PHONE: FAX: WATER &WASTEWATER DIVISION AUTHORIZATION FOR WORK, ISSUEO TO THE OPEN END CONTRACTOR: W, JACKSON & SONS CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. #: CONTRACT #: PROJECT DESCRIPTION & LOCATION: Rehabllital~on of Lift 8ia'don # 306 ffEM EST. UNIT EST. iN.AL FINAL NO. DESCRIPTION ; QTY. UNIT COST COST,, QTY, COST t FOREMAN ~ 120 HR. 45.00 0.00 0.0~ ~ LABORER 240 HR. 25.00 6.G0O,O0 0,00 ; 0,00 4 ,EXOAVATOR O~ C~E 40 HR. 120,00 4,800.00 5 LO~ER ' 48 HR. ~00.00 4~000.00 0.01 6 ~ACK~OE LOADER 40 HR. 50.00 2,000.0~ 0~00 -- 0,DO 9 COMPACTOR t6 HR. 6.00 80.00' 0.~ ~. 0.00 ~ 4 DUMP TRUCK ~ HR. 20.~ ' 4~.0~ - .., 0,~ ~ ' . 0.~ t5 ~REWTRUCK 120 ' ~ - HR. ' 20,.~ 2,4~ 0Q ,,,~ ~8 Y' PUMP ~ HR~ ~.0~ 24.00 0.00 . 0.~ 2~ · 6" H~UUC PUMP ' ' ' ~ 'HR. 15.0~ ~0.00 ~ ' AGPH~. T 0 8Y, 26.0C 0 0~ O.O0 3t' ~OD SY, 1.5~ . 0,00 ~ O;0~ ~, : 0.00 ~ 314 ROCK . ~ - CY. '8.00 160.00 - · O.00 NOTE: L$ ITEMS TO BE BILLEO AT COST OF INVOICE AS PROVIDED. WORKAUTHORIZED BY: ,/ 0 .-I © 3-83-2088 11 :37AM ~ON TRIO DEVELOPMENT 9S,~ 9'71 8~38 P. 2 rt 252 ~=~ 20~ 1999 1-28-1999 3:09P~ ~RQIH TRIO DEVELOPNIENT THE PURPOSEOF~TEM$ 24 ITEM F..~TIMATE ~COST TOTAL 1. 450 ~ou~s 913990010010 2. 900 ~ou~ ~,~ LAYE~ 9139g0010020 3. 1300 HOURS 913990010030 TOTALBIDAMOUNT, ITEMS 1-3 (t~ccUSr~) NOTE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDE'~. ~ D BE SURE TO HAVE ?'HE INVITA TIOM FOR BtD, [BIODER A CKNOI49,EDGMENT (~LilE) FORM~ 81GNED BYAN A UTHOR~ REPRESENTATIVE OF YOUR RRM OR YOUR BIO WILl. N O T BE GON SIOERED irESPONSIVE. 1-28-1999 FRGM TRIO DEVELOPMENT 95~- 971 E~30 ITEM EQUIPMENT 91399002000O 400 HOURS 40 ~OURS 40HOURS cE~Ac~vATO~JI~,C r,~ o ~ . AT 225 OR E~u~., 91399002001O CAT 926 b~ EO~L, ~AC~ ~ ~Um~TtO~ CAT4 OR E~, ~LCDO~ $ SOo. ~ ~ WT~o~ E~u~ 913~0~ g- 90.ou~s ~ ~ ~P~o~o~ ,/u ~e CHARGED AT COST ~ HOUR OF UN~ SPE~F~. RGER ~ECE O~ EQUIPMENT TH~ UN~ 10. 8H~S V~uu~ T~uc~ 11. 8 HOURS TAN~RTRu~ O~ 13. ~ ~ou~s NAM~ OF reDDER. 1-28-1999 3,11PM F~ON TRIO DEVELO;:'FEI~Fr 9B& 9'71 ~.~0 TOTAL 14. 17. 18. 19. ~OHouR$ 70.°u.s 20. 40HOURS 21. 80.ou~$ TOTAl. laid :AMOUI~., ITEMS 4THROUGH 2~ (~ct.u$ive) P. 7 ITeM 25, '2G. 27, 28. 2g. 31, 3?_ '33. 50cu ye: ~,~0 SQ YD. 100 $0 yD, · '1005OYo, 100soTo.. .. 1110 SQYO, 100 cu TEMPORARy PATCH 9 3990030010 I~N~:ASP~C CONCR~ ~ .~CH U~ROCK ~ 2-1NCHASP~TIC ~NCR~E R~t. AC;EM~'; OF 4*iNCI-[ 9C~.~ETE SIDEWALK .R;Pt,~CEMEN'r Ot~ 6*.-INCH ~00~00~0 g/~l~;MF-a? Oa ,SOD SURFACE -~_/. ~ 00~0 ' ,-~co-~zt=~ ,.~: ~H-'M ~-t-~ON FR.[O D~VEL.OPNt~NT 9,G4 971 0030 P. 8 ¥OTAL 34. 35. 36. 120 cU Yo. 100CU TOTAl. BID AUOd.I'~¥1TEMS24; 37 (~.=~.usr'v~) AMOUNT OF 4-23 $/,/-~: I~. INDEMNIFICATION ITEMS 1 TN~U.$7 " ' ' (~RAND TOTAL BID r~T ' WRITTEN, INCLUDING INDEMNIFICATION: ~gOg ~0D~R ~ ' ~EOFBIDD= '~' m~, '' ~ ' 1-28--19~9 3*' 12PH FRGN TR]O DEVELOP~F_J~,~ 9=~4 971 00~0 1-28-1~9 3=12PM F-ROM TRIO DEVELQPkENT 9B4 ~71 ~30 P. ~0 IN THE 3-13-28(38 11:01AM ~:~0~ TRIO DEVELOPHENT 96z~ 971 8838 P. 2 C0N31SST,)$3 · 6/01~'99 CON3156699~ 6/01/99 1000000 __& ~ AU05566305 6/01/99 6/01/00 u,u~u'tz WCV4078333 1/01/00 ACTION= VENDOr= 5913~4291 0 a $CRSSN: INsu USERID: r'l~'.$ UR A N CE ~N NO D~SCRZI:~ION .~XP~R~ ..... DATE 02A.T., 12 31 98 12 31 98 12 31 98 ~. 12 3198 O~ 27 99 1, 000,000~(~ ;; 5, 000, 000.00' ]; 1,000,000.00 t 2~000,000.00 ~ 05950612 05950612 ,06-'7,009 FLT.E. ENTRY DATE: H T.E. REQUISITION # Clerk: Piocure/nent~A~s~: (non budgeted REQUEST FOR R~. QUISITION VENDOR INFORMATION: qame: W. Jackson & Sons Consumction Co. Address: 1888 NW21sI Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Ph6ne (contact): 305-973-3060 Fax: 305-960-1679 -Vendor Number: INITIATOR: Tony Lombardi ~PPROVED: Quan Unit Price 40,124.00 DIVISION: Admin. ( ) Construction ( ) Cust. Rel. ( ) Disiribution ( ) Lab ( ) Pumping ( x ) PWMa/nt. ( ) () PWOps. Sewage ( ) Sm, mr. ( ) Description ~ Part Number Rehabilitate Lift Station 306 P~r Broward Counts. ' Bid #P-5-98-I 13- b-1 And proposal dated 1-11-00 [:\gener al-use~formskrequisifion blank.doc OTHER INFORMATION: Date: 3-20-00 Date Needed: ASA1~ ( · C..~irrn. . ( ) ASAP/Co~ff. ( ) BACKUP DOCS. SUBMITTED: Quotes/Verbal ~tmtes/Written ov~ $2000) Bid Docs. ~ ) P/U Sole Source Ltr. ( ) E. Admin. 40 (x) E. WTP 41 Insurance ( / re4uiremems Project Number: SWK081 42 ( ) 99 ( 40,124.00 RequestedCity commumon Mcetinu Dates [] Magi121, 2000 [] Ap~ 4,2000 [~ A~ 1s.2ooo [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must ho Turned in to Ci~ Clerk's Marct~ 8, 2000 (5:00 p~a.) March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.~ April 5,2000 (5:00 April t9, 2000 (5.'0~p~m.) p,~quested City Commission Me~n~ Dates [] May 16,2000 [] Sune 6, 2000 [] Jtm¢ 20, 2000 [] July 5, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B.9 Date Final Form Must ho Turned in to CRv Cle~k'sOffic~ May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.n~) June 7, 2000 (5:0Op.m.) Jun~ 21, 2000 (5;00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ri'EM [] Administrative [] Developmea~t Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business/ [] PublicHcaring [] Legat1 [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Armotmeement [] Presental~on RECOMMENDATION: A motion to award a contract to GOLDEN MARK MAINTENANCE, in the amount of $112,620 under the ANNUAL BID FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR CITY FACILITIES. EXPLANATION: At the March 7, 2000 City Commission meeting, this agenda item was tabled because the SEIU Union, collective bargaining representat ves of the City's custodial employees objected to some of the terms and cond tions of this contract between the City and Golden Mark. Since the March 7t" meeting, we havemet with the employees and the representatives of the Union to listen to their ideas. Over the course of the last 5 weeks, we have been able to work out all of the differences between labor and management. One of the last issues was the hours of work. We have now settled that ~ssue. The City's custodial employees will have working hours from 5:15 am until 1:45 pm, with 30 minutes for lunch and two :15 minute breaks dudng the day. You will find enclosed a letter from the SEIU Union agreeing to all of the terms and conditions of this employment relationship. The Union now supports the awardi~ng of this contract to Golden Mark Maintenance and the administration recommends tl~e same to the City Commission. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM PROGRAM IMPACT: This program still remains a pilot program. We are looking to see if it makes sense for the City to keep a combination of contractual custodial services along-side our ow.,n City employees. The productivity levels, customer satisfaction and budgetary erfficiency Will still be looked at over the course of th s pilot project. FISCAL IMPACT: See Program Impact language above. Do not award the contract to Golden Mark Maintenance. Department Enterprise Operations Department Name ~C~'J~ager's Signature City Attorney / Finan~ / Human Resources S:~BULLETEq~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE CT~f A'I-I'ORNEY 1(30 EArl' BOYNTON 8EACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH 33~25-033.O Phone (56]) 742-6050 Fax ~S&1} 742-60S4 FAC~M~I.E TI).A~IOM COVER SHC-L~T TO: Sharon Muntey, Local Trustee/]oan Hormelo FAX NUMBER: (561) 366-9554 Rose Narle Lamanna, Lega~ Assistant RE.. CuStodial Issue DATE: April 13, 2000 This far.~mile transmission contains 2.page(~jr~dudin~ _thecov~ ~speet Attached is the response from Chris Roberts, whicll I discussed with .loan yesterday. Can you please advise whether this is acceptable? If possible, we would appreOate an answer prior to our Agenda Preview meeting at 5:00. Thanks. Any questions, please give me a call. The in~'naflon contained in It,s facslm~e message al~ t~e p~es ~ am ~ ~ ~ ~li~U~ ~ ~~u~or ~a~. ]f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ein~ ~ ~ ~ h~y ~ ~ a~ ~n~, d~, ~ ~ ~ Th~k ~ Requester Cit3 Commission Date Firml Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates [] March21. 2000 [] April 4~ 2000 [] ^p~ ~s, 200o [] May 2.2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM i~ to City Clerk's Office March 8,2000 (5:00 p.m3 March 22, 2000 ~5:00 p.m0 April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Apr/1 19, 2000 (5:0t) p.m.) Requested CRy Corflmis SlOll Me~fing Dates [] May 16. 200( [] J~me 6, 2000 [~ June 20, 2000 [] July 5, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEH C.1 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Juae 7, 2000 (5:00 p.rn.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.i NATURE O1~ AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Heating [] Legal [] Bids [] Umfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve full release of surety in the amount of $27,645.20, for the water improvements at the project known as Stanton Magnetics, located at 2700 Quantum Boulevard EXPLANATION: The water system serving this project have been completed to this Department's satisfaction, and the system has passed its final inspection. The surety may therefore be returned to the developer. PROGRAM IMPACT: None FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVF~ne Depar~eni'Head's Signature Utilities Department Name Manager's Signature City Attorney Finance / Hurn~ Resources Attachments Xc: Peter Mazzelia (w/attachments) Finance Dept. City Attorney File S:~BULLETIN~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOKM.DOC RESOLUTION NO. R00- ~. RESOLUTION O~ ~. C~T~ CO~SSION · ~ T~,,,¢,~T~ :OF-: SO~O~. S~ ~OSTED BY K!~E~ CDNSTRucT ION PROVIDING ~ ~FFE~I~ DATE.'~ of k~S pamcet, previously posted a Cash Bond in the amount of $27,645.20 as surety to 'uarantee water improvements at the projec~ kno~ as Stan~on [agnetics, located at 2709 Quantum Boulevard; and ~R~S, the water system se~ing this project has been completed to the City Utility Departments' satisfaction and the system has passed its final inspection; N~, ~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLV~ BY THE CI~ CO~ISSION OF THE CITY OF BORON BEA~, FLORIDA, T~T~ Section 1o The City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida, based upon staff, hereby approves a release of of the City of the recommendation of the cash surety posted improvements for the in the amount of oy Kimmel Construction Corp., project known as ~Stan~on $27,645.20. Section 2. That for water Magnetics" this Resolution ~ffective immediately upon passage. shall become PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of April, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH.,%FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro T~m Commissioner Commissioner Clerk (Corporate Seal) Via fax 561/742-621I 2 8 2000 BOYNTON BEA(~H UTILITIES March~24, 2000 Mr. Peter Mazzella Citg ofBoynton. Beach Utilities Depar~6m ' ' 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton beachr FL 3-3425 Re..¸ Building Permit #9%3086 2700 Quantum Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL Dear Mr. Mazzella: We hereby respectfully request 100% release of the utility bond that we posted with the City of Boynton Beach. When we presented the check to the City, we never received any terms and/or conditions regarding release of the funds. We were told verbally that in order for us m receive the water meter, we could post the bond in lieu of providing the bill of sale and easement for the water system that will be maintained by the City. We were never told that some of the money would be held and if we had not put up the bond and provided the documents above mentioned, no maintenance bond by Kimmel Construction would have been required. Please forward 100% of the bond money to our office immediately. Sincerely, Stanley Kimmel, President 2701 GRIFFIN ROAD · FT. LAUDERDALE ·FL ·33312 ~,TEL: (954) 961-5057 o FAX (954) 964-3143 MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO: Dia~,.,~_ Reese, Finance Director FROM:,-~ John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: ~w' SUBJECT: Surety/Fee t~ansmi~al - LETTER OF CREDIT: Bank- CASH BOND Check no. ? ~ ff / ~ '-~',-- ADMIN:/INSPECTION FEE: Check no. SEWER TELEVISING FEE: (@ $1.75/L.F.) Check no. Based on L.F. COST DOCUMENTATION: Engineer's Estimate j Copy of Contract J Other Amount $ Amount Water $ Amount Sewer $ Total $ Amount $ Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzetla of this office. Attachment JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: File KIMMEL CONSTRUCTION CORP. 16413 BOYNION BEACH UTILITIES UTtLI'[IES KIMMEL CONSTRUCTION CORP. 2701 GRIFFIN ROAD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 333].2 MERRILL LYNCH WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT ACCT BANK ONE, COLUMBUS. COLUMBUS. OHIO 43271 25-80/440 16413 CHECK ITEM # pES(~RIPTION · ~ 15.. 1{3 X 8 Tapping S~e~e & valve 17. Fire hydrants 18. 8" DIP 8, valves Water service 21. Fire Jine VALUE 4,547 5,670 7,982 3.093 25,132 £00 d Requested Cit~ Contortion Mee~ng Dates [] March21, 2000 '--] April 4. 2000 [] April 18, 2000 [] May 2. 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.~.) March 22.2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5,2000 (5:00p.n~) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested CityCommis~on MeedngDates [] May l6.2000 [] June 6,2000 [] June20,2000 [] July 5. 2000 IV-CONSENTAGENDA ITEM C.2 Date Final Form M .u, st be Turned [in to City Clerk s Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.l lun~ 7, 2000 (5:00 p.ra.) ! June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDAITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Bus'ness [] Public Hearing [] Legal --1 Bids [] UnfmishldBusiness ~ Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMlgNDATION: Motion to approve full release of surety in the amount of $9,529.96, for the water and sewer improvements at the project known as Via Lugano. EXPLANATION: The water and sewer systems serving this project have operated success~tdly throughout the t-year warranty period, and the system has passed its f'mal inspection. The surety, which represants 5% of the total system value, may therefore be returned to the developer. PROGRAM IM[PACT: None FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES:~,. Utilities Department Name ~gnamre City Attorney / Finance Attactmaanm Xc: Peter Mazzella (w/attachments) Finance Dept. City Attorney File S:~BULLETINXFORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT_.Y. COMMISSION OF THE- CITY ~ pF BOYNT01{~EAcH,' ' F~RiDA~ AuTHO~'ziN~ A R~'LEAsE?OF CASH ~URETY TO ~O~T OF $9,529.96 FOR T~ PRoJEcT ~0~ AS ~LUG~O; _~ ~RQ~IDING ~ EPFECTI~ DATE. - WHEREAS, the develo~r~ of this parcel, previously )osted cash surety in the amount of $9,529.96 to for the )rojecu known as Via Lugano; and WHEREAS, a final inspection has been conducted on this )reject and the water and sewer systems appear to be functioning properly; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION )F THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ TEAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of ~ynton Beach, Florida, based upon the recommendation of staff, hereby approves the.release of the cash surety in the amount of $9,529.96 .to PAC Land Development Corporation, for the project known as Via Lugano. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become ~ffective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~TTEST: Eity Clerk (Corporate Seal) day of April, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner P A C P.A.C. LAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION A REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 730 BONNIE BRAE STREET WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 TELEPHONE (407) 628~3065 FAX [407) 645-0112 March 24, 2000 Blvd: Re: Via Lugano Apartments Dear Brent: Please be advised that all corrective action per the attached Final Walk-Through Inspection at Via Lugano Apartments has been completed at this time. Please immediately return our Cash Bond to the address shown on this letter. Please make the check payable to Via Lugano Apartments Associates, Ltd If you should have any questions, please give me call. Sincerely, P.A.C. Land Development Corp. Thomas L. Cavanaugh Vice President TLC/db Enclosures cc: Pete MazzellaJenclosures MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO: Diane Reese, Finance Director FROM: ;~ John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: /t)o~,.~ ~e~ [-~2 SUBJECT: Surety/Fee transmittal - LETTER OF CREDIT: Bank - Amount $_ CASH BOND Check no. ADMIN./INSPECTION FEE: Check no. Amount Amount Water] $ Amount Sewe~ $ Total $ SEWER TELEVISING FEE: (@ $1.35/L.F.) Check no. 4ti'°-T Basedon /t507. ql L.F. (~'"~'"/ t°~'"~t~ COST DOC~NTATION: Eng~eer's Estimate Copy of Con, act O~er Amount $. 2. V vo Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of th~s office. Attachment JAG/PVM bc: P~tet- Mazzella ' xc: File Requested City Commission Meeting Dates - [] March21. 2000 [] April 4 2000 [] April 18, 2000 [] May 2, 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM IV-CONSENT AG ENDA TEI I D.I CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORI . Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.nz) [] May 16, 2000 March 22, 2000 [5:00p.m.) [] June 6. 2000 April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] June 20, 2000 April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] July 5, 2000 [] Administrative [] [] Consent Agenda [] [] anounceman[ [] Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June ?, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Development Plans New Business Legal Unfinished Business Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the April 18, 2000 City Commission agenda under Consent- Ratification of Planning and Developmem Board action, q?ne Planning and Development Board v~,ith a unanimous vote, recommended approval (there are no conditions recommended by staffnor the Planning and Development Board). For further details pertaining to this request see aC. ached Depm anent of Development Memorandum No. PZ 00-085. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: QUANTUM PARK BUSINESS CENTER (LOTS 32-38) AGENT: Winston Lee. Winston Lee and Associates, Inc. OWNER: Gateway Business Park, L.C. LOCATION: Northeast comer of Gateway Boulevard and Quantum Boulevard DESCRIPTION: Request relief from Chapter 2 Zoning, Section 7.H. 17 requiring a 40 foot wide peripheral greenbelt where adjacent to a residential district, m allow a 25 foot greenbelt for a 65 foot (approximate) se~aent along the east propeixy line ofint 34B. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A De~~/~e~Director City Manager' s Signature. Planning anrl Zo~l~ Director City Attorney / Financd Human Resources DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 00-085 STAFF REPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION April 3, 2000 Meeting Date: April 11, 2000 File No: ZNCV 00-001 (Quantum Park Lots 32-38 Landscape Buffer Requirements) Location: Northeast comer of Gateway Boulevard and Quantum Boulevard (Lots 34A, 34B; 35, 36, 37, and 38 in Quantum Corporate Park. See Exhibit "A" Location Map). Owner: Gateway Business Park, L.C. Project: Quantum Park Lots 32-38 Request: Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations., Chapter 2 Zoning Section 7.H.17 to allow a 25 foot peripheral greenbelt as opposed to the required 40-foot greenbelt for a 65 foot (approximate) segment along the east property line of Lot 34B. BACKGROUND Winston Lee of Winston Lee & Associates, Inc., agent for Gateway Business Park L.C. has filed this variance application for relief from the city's buffer regulations to reduce the required 40 foot peripheral greenbelt between PID zoning districts and residential zoning districts to 25 feet along a segment of the project's perimeter. The following is a description of the land uses of the properties that surround the subject request: North - Lot 93 Quantum Park zoned PID (preserve); South - Gateway Boulevard; farther south Tract "O" - water management; East Tract 'J" Quantum Park zoned PID and vacant land zoned R1-AAA; West Quantum Boulevard. The property which is the subject of this vanance request is also the subject of an application for site plan appro,~al to allow for an office/warehouse development consisting of three (3) buildings to be constructed on 23.57 acres with a total of 336,050 square feet. The site plan, as submitted, has the drive aisle, located adjacent to the "Building #1" footprint, encroaching into the required 40-foot peripheral buffer along Tracts 34A and 34B. The Land Development Regulations require a minimum 4(3 foot wide buffer in this. area because the vacant land adjacent to these two Quantum PID tracts is zoned Single-Family Residential, R-l-AAA. The encroachment is located at the southeast comer of Lot 34B where adjacent property lines meet at a 90-degree angle. ANALYSIS The Land Development Regulations, chapter 2, Section 7.H. 17. Planned Industrial District Design Criteria states: "Peripheral greenbelt. The project-area shall ~3e enclosed On all sides with the exception of accessways for traffic and freight by a landscaped area with a minimum width of twenty- five (25) feet except when such property abuts a residential district such greenbelt shall have a minimum width of forty (40) feet". Page 2 Memorandum No. PZ 00-085 The applicant has provided a written response to all the criteda sted in Chapter 4, Article X. Section 1. regarding variances. The responses to these criteda point out the fact that the vacant land adjacent to Quantum Lots 34A and 34B is indeed zorn. d Single-.Family Residential, R~I-AAA; however the underlying land use designation is shown as Industfiar on the Boynton Beach Future Land Use Map. APparently, when the land use was changed to lndusthal tl~e zoning w~as not changed and remains the original residentia designation. It is a requ rement of the Comprehensive Plan that the Land Use and zoning designations be consistent. In all cases the un~ed¥ ng and use takes precedence over the overlaying zoning designation in determining the permitted development for a parcel of properly. Because the use of this vacant parce is designated "lndustn~l" on the Future Land use Map the intent is for the paroel to be developed with an industrial ,use. Th.~t being the case, the future development of the-adjacent parcel will be industrial, requiring, it t,e be rezoned to an appropriate tndustFial zoning ca~ory at that time. The required minimum buffer would then be reduced from 40 feet to 25 feet. There is no "undue" hardship documented for this variance request. The size oflthe building could be reduced .to allow for a drive aisle that does not encroach into the 40 foot buffer requirement. What is in question however, is the appropriatehess of applying the 40-foot residential buffer requirement as opposed to the 25:foot buffer required between adjacent industrial pmpedies./n all probability the adjacent vacant pr,.opert~y having an industrial and u.S,e and,being surrounded ~3y industrial property will be developed with an i~ndustrial use. The a~PliCant~ proposes maintaining theL40-foot buffer except in a triangular shapecf ar~ consisting of 1,012~, square feet, In this area, ~he m~nimum 25-foot buffer requi~ed between industrial land uses would be maintainecf. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Staff has determined that the incons stency between the and use and zoning d~signations creates a secial condition that does not result from the actions of the applicant. FurtherI, staff concludes that grP;nting the variance w I be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of tl~e Land Development Regulations and will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Therefore staff recommends that the variance request to reduce the required ~ .edpheral buffer from 40 feet to 25 feet for an area approximately 1,012.5 square feet on the southeast corner of Quantum Lot 34B as shown in Exhibit "B" be approved. Attachments LG EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP QUANTUM PARK LOTS 32'--38 OT IN TY :IK OF= ~UANTU M PARK] ,/ 1/8 II '0 400 80O LU DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OI= THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: QUANTUM PARK BUSINESS CENTER (LOTS 32-38) APPLICANT'S AGENT: Winston Lee. Winston Lee and Associates, Inc APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1532 Old Okeechobee Road, Suite 106, West Palm Beach DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: April 18, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Zoning Code Variance - Greenbelt LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northeast corner of Gateway Boulevard and Quantum Boulevard DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT ~B" ATFACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Flodda appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of headng stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent revidence are as set forth on. Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk Requested City Commission Meefine Dates [] March 21. 2000 [] April4. 2000 [] April 18, 2000 [] May 2, 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM IV-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM D.2 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates MarchS. 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] May t6.2000 March 22, 2000 f5:00 p.m.) [] June 6, 2000 April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] June 20, 2000 April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.I [] July 5, 2000 [] Administrative [] [] Consent Agenda [] [] Public Hearing [] [] Bids [] [] Announcemem [] Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's O~ce May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.I May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Jurte 7, 2000 (5:00 pan.) Stme 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Development Plans New Business Legal Unf'mished Bnsmess Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the April 18, 2000 City Commissimi agenda under Consent - Ratification of Planning and Development Board action, the Planning and Development Board With a 6-1 vote, recommended approval subject to all staffcommenB with the exception of condition ~'1, and wifli revisions to ~t8 and #34 to allow the permit rather than permit review process to be held until recording of proper easements, and to reflect the accurate number of site signs, respectively. For further details pertaining to this request see attached Deparlrnent of Development Memorandum No. PZ 00-066. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: QUANTUM PARK BUSINESS CENTER (LOTS 32-38) AGENT: Winston Lee, Winston Lee and Associates, Inc. OWNER: Gateway Business Park, L.C. LOCATION: Northeast comer of Gateway Boulevard and Quantum Boulevard DESCRIPTION: Request for new site plan approval to construct three warehouse/office buildings totaling 336,050 square feet in the Quantum Park P1D On 23.56 acres. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A D e p mlml~fff~ f-l~v-h~m~nt Director City Manager s S~gnamre Planning and Zo~ Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 00-066 SITE PLAN REV EW STAFF REPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION Apdl 4, 2000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name/No.: Quantum Business .Center (Lots 32-38)INWSP 00-001 Property Owner: BGI Industries, Inc. Applicant/Agent: Location: L~nd Use/Zoning: Type of Use: Project size: Adjacent Uses: Premier Asset ManagementJWinston Lee, Winston Lee & Associates, Inc. Lots 32, 33, 34A, 34B, 35, 36, 37, and 38 Quantum Industrial Park Industrial/Planned Industrial Development {PID) Industrial (speculative warehouse buildings with office space) Site Area: 23.57 acres (1,026,625 square feet) Building Area: Buildin.q 1 - 142,202 square feet: 115,183.6 (warehouse); 27,018.4 (office) Buildinq 2- 99,750 square feet: 80,797.5 (warehouse); 18,952.5 (office) Buildinq 3- 94,098 square feet: 76,219.38 (warehouse); 17,878.62 (office) Total - 336,050 square feet: 272,200.48 (warehouse); 63,849.52 (office). (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) North Lot 93 Quantum Park zoned PID (preserve); South Gateway Boulevard; farther south Tract "O' - water management; East Tract "J" Quantum Park zoned PID and vacant land zoned R1-AAA; and West Quantum Boulevard. Site Characteristics:The subject vacant parcels within the Quantum Park PID contain various trees and undergrowth characteristic of disturbed scrub habitat. The survey identified various existing species predominantly including Slash Pine, Scrub OaE, Live Oak, Sand Pines and Pink Trumpet Trees. Proposal: Concurrency: a. Traffic- The developer proposes the construct on of three (3) separate, speculative warehouse buildings, with ancillary office space, totaling 336,050 squar~ feet on approximately 24 acres. The project is to be constructed in one phase and broken down as follows: Building #1, 142;202 square feet, Building #2, 99 750 square feoe. t, and Building #3, 94,098 square Ceet. Each building would consist of approximately 20 % office space with the remaining space devoted to warehousing designe~ in concert with a single fa(~ade of multiple loading bay doors oriented north, south or east so as not ?,,directly fac~ Gateway Boulevard or the private roadway Quantum Boulevard isee Exhibit B - Proposed Site Plan). ~JruanffityC ST;aa~ecrnl~nvl.~(~rn~his project was submitted and approved by the Palm Beach b. Drainage- Conceptual drainage information was provided for the City's review. The Page 2 Quantum Business Center (Lots 32-35)- Site Plan Review Staff Repor~ Memorandum No. PZ 00-066 Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred until time of permit review. Driveways: There are six driveways proposed for this project, which is to be constructed on 8 developable lots assembled within this PID. The PID zoning district limits a project to a maximum of two driveways Per each developable parcel. If each of the eight parcels were developed individually, rather than collectively, although unrealistic, there could be a total of 16 driveways constructed. Ail four driveways proposed along Quantum Boulevard would be aligned with ex sting median openings, and one of the two driveways proposed along Gateway Boulevard w~)uld be paced adjacent to a media~n opening miring the sixth driveway to right-in, right-out ~raffic c rcul~ion:- A but one driveway s proposed to be approximately 32 feet wide, each to accommodate two lanes of traffic. The rema ning ddveway .i.s.ex.p. anded, in .widt~ (approximately 80 feet and 4 lanes wide) in order to accommoaate me majority of ~[Uck traffic entering and e,tit ng the project. Numerous driveways'a~e Pr°P°~ed for that~'~°j'ect I~rihciPatly to maX~'mize identity for each of the three buildings arid t~ mlhimize confli~ffsi:~-~en truck and vehicle traffic. Parking Facility: The parking spaces required for this entire project, 554. space~ have been tabu ated based on the ratio of 1 per 300 S~t~uare feet. 0:f office space anc~ 1 per 800 square feet of warehouse space. These Standard ratios have been used to calcu ate the parking obligatidns, r~ther than employee data as recommended by P D zon ng regu ations, due t~ the cUrrerr[ lack Of er~ployee, in~0rmation. ' The project pr~pbses to include a teta of 558 spaces, including a ~tai Of !8 acceSS bio sPace~ Al spaces except hand capped spaces, Will be dime~sior~ed ~b feet by six~een and one-hal~ feet (9~ x '16 5') with a one and tine-hail' (1 ~): fb0.'t eveJ'~',a,r~g. The parking area design will meet the C ty's Land Development Regulat;ion~ C~pte~r 2 - Zoning ,for warehouse and office uses; and the ADA requirements for this ~se ~vill!be satisfied once al conditions regarding accessible Path designation are met. Landscaping: The landscaping of the site wi, fully meet cooe requirements when staff comments are incorporated. Furthermore, landscaping enhancements are proposed inc uding foundation hedges and plant ngs, omamehtal harming and dense tree spacing intended to buffer viev~s to Ibading ar~aS, and d~dorafive corner treatments 'ut izing a collection of ex sting and new species. The perime~r buffer is required by ~he P1D zoning regulations to be 40 feet wide where a project, ab.u_~ a resident al zoning district, and 25 feet where t abuts other commercial/in~lU~trial z0r~ng districts. In 1996, the day rejected a request to amend the perimeter planting scheme a~d w dth for that portion of the per meter buffer that abuts the east Side of the Subject p~0ject, from 40 feet to 5 feet. '~he conditions of approval required that subsequent requ ,es~ ts to reduce the buffer be pro(.~eSSed as a variance to the PI[~ zoning regulations. T~e;proposed project is shown to reduce the buffer by approximately 15 feet atone p~int ~here the buffer turns 90 degrees to coincide'with the property boundary. Although tl~e,,reductien is m n ma it st confl cts w , , . :. - : th thePIDzonin regulations. The project must De adjusted to avoid the encroachment or ~ ,,=, ....... ~ be received~ .............. o, ~.~uilding and Site: Building and. site regulations will be fully met when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings. Community Design: The.three (3) long rectangular-shaped buildings are proposed to be constructed from concrete (tilt-up) walls. The facades of each building will be enhanced with entry features Page 3 Quantum Business Center (Lots 32-38}- Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum No. PZ 00-066 (front only) which consist of walls raised separate from the greater wall, Styrofoam moldings varied surface textures medallion features and with horizontal and circular scoring. The entry walls a,r,e, proposed ~ be painted a tan color, while the greater portion of the W~lls WOUld bepainted Linen White (e.~. cream), with t~im and accents painted a light emerald white Signage: The project is proposed to include four (4) site signs, designed consistent with the Quantum Park PID sign program, placed at four (4) of the six (6) project entrances. RECOMMENDATION: ~ds that this site plan request be approved subject to the comme, nts ncluded in Exh b t "C" - Conditions of ApProva. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc: Central File S:~Plan rfi ng~SHARED'~WP~PRO J ECTS\Q UANTtJ M 2000~LOTS 32 - 38~STAFF REPORT Lots 32-38.d~3c EXHIBIT "A' LOCATION MAP QUANTUM PARK LOTS 32=38 NOT IN ~TY ~TUM laAFIK] ,/- '0 1/8 '0 400 '800 ./ X LU X X Iii X UJ iiBi! EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: QUANTUM BUSINESS CENTER tLOTS 32-38) File number: NWSP 00-001 Reference: 2nd Review. File # NWSP 00-001 with a February 22, 2000 Planning and Zoning Department date DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: 1. It is the opinion of the Public Works Department that the dumpster enclosure X 10cati0rm need to be turned 10 to 20 degrees toward the traffic flow for maximum service. It is also our opinion that centrally located compactors, by reducing the number of receptacles, would better service this project and be more cost effective in the long run. UTILITIES Comments: 2. All Utility easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so X that the Utility Department may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easement~. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easemant so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 3. Dept- of Heatth pemaits may be required for the water and sewer systems X serving this project. (Sec. 26-12). 4. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X requirement of 1500 g.p.m, as stated in LDR Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (see Section 26-16(a)). Please submit these calculations with your Health Department permit submittal. 5. LDR Chap. 6, Article IV, Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building will X be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate - that the plan meets this condition by showing all hydrants and necessary dimensions. 6. The waste stream from all manufacturing processes must meet the City's X pretreatment requirements. A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of any waste stream. (Sec. 26-143, 26-147) FIRE Page 2 Quantum Business Center- Lots 32-38 File No.: NWSP 00-001 DEPARTMENTS ' INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 7. Show F.D. Connections, X 8. Hydrants and access roads must be in place prior to above grade construction. X NFPA 1 POLICE Comments: , ~ '9. See traffic control markings comment. X ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Comments: 10. Abandon that portion of the recorded 10-foot utility easement between lots 32 X & 33 to accommodate the new construction. 11. Abandon that portion of the recorded 1 O-foot utility easement between lot 38 X and lots 36 & 37 to accommodate the new construction. 12. Any fill operation shall require an excavation/fill permit X 13. On the civil plans at the time of perrnitting, indicate the clear sight triangles X for the two Gateway Boulevard driveways. 14. The maximum driveway width is 32 feet. Obtain an approval from the X Department Director f~r the south driveway along Quantum Bird, and provide proper dimension measured at property line. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.H. 1.] 15. Show all traffic control signage and markings onthe site plan, X 16. Provide a note on the civil plans that.the site development will match existing X perimeter grades. 17. Show Unity of Title for all 8 lots. X BUILDiNG DIVISION Comments: 18. The submitted site plan and survey depict two of the tl~ee buildings being X constructed within an easement. Before permit review, submit a copy of the recorded city resolution that verifies the easements have been abandoned or relocate buildings to avoid easements. I Page 3 Quantum Business Center-Lots 32-38 File No.: NWSP 00-001 DEPARTMENTS iNCLUDE REJECT 19. At time of permit submittal; provide a completed and executed City unity of X title form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combined as one lot. A copy of the recorded deed for each property that is being unified is required to process the form. Each recorded deed shall include a legal description and the owner identified on each deed shall match 20. At time of permit review provide detailed drawings and documentation on the X plans that will verify the accessible route from the accessible parking spaces to the accessible building'entrance is in ~:ompliance yqith the regulations of the Florida Accesmbfl~ty Code for Building.Construction. The documentation shall include, but not be limited to, identifying the tYPe of material, surface finish, width, cross slope, slope and lengtl~ of the.e~n[~re accessible route incluriing, where appli~at~le, imidings,.r~mps and hb~drails. 21. Compliance with the Building codes will be evalaated~at time of permit review. The Permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, Fire and Life Safety X fees, County fees and State fees will be,determined at time of permit review. 22. Permits are required to construct the improvements that are shown on the X approved site plan; permit application forms at~ available in the Building Division of the Development Department.. A permit submittal checklist is available in the Building Division. The list identifies the basic documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an applicant submits for plan review PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 23. The topographic survey of the site indicates existing trees which should be X identified, and shown to be preserved in place, relocated or removed/replaced on the site. This should be completed on the landscape plan. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 24. Provide traffic control and flow marking and signage for the vehicular use [ X areas on the site plans (Stop signs, directional flow and signs etc.). (Chapter 4 - Site Plan Review.) 25. Applicant has provided a colored elevation drawing with color chips. Provide a X mounted colored elevation drawing for the Planning and Development Board meeting. (Chapter 4 - Site Plan Review.) Page 4 Quantum Business Center- Lots 32-38 File No.: NWSP 00-001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 26. Indicate the location of the fire hydrants and site lighting and label them on the X landscape plan. There appears to be conflicts between landscaping, site lightin~ and fire. hydrant ~lacement. (Chapter 7.5, Article Ii, £andscape Code.) 27. The drive aisle directly east of Building 1 encroaches into the 40-foot X landscape buffer cutting it offat the comer. Revise the design of this area to prevent the encroachment or request/attain variance for relief. (Chapter 23 - Parking Lots ) 28. Provide.typical parking stall detail drawing. X 29. Dimension width of all driveways at intersection with the property line. X 36. The labels "RR" and "PW" are not included in materials table on landscape X plan/detail sheet. 31. Show and provide required landscaping around site signage. X 32. Provide sign colors on detail drawing. X · 33. New building signage shall conform to color recommendations from the X Quantum Park Architectural Review Committee (e.g. white lettering, green rather than black, and project trim color rather than orange as proposed). Provide wall signage color details as part of the rectified resubmittal. 34. A total of three (3) freestanding signs are proposed for the site, one for each of X the three buildings. In addition, typical wall sign designs were submitted as a separate 11 inches x 17 inches color drawing labeled 2.0. The signs as presented are consistent with the approved Quantum Master Sign Program. Provide a scaled detail drawing of the typical wall signs on sheet A-2 of the site plan package. The permitted square footage for wall signs is 1.5 square feet for each one (1) foot of linear building bay frontage ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS 36. Delete comment # 1. X 36. Revise comment # 18 to read as follows: The submitted site plan and survey X depict two of the three buildings being constructed within an easement. Before permit ~ issuance, submit a copy of the recorded city resolution that verifies the easements have been abandoned or relocate buildings to avoid easements. 37. Revise comment # 34 to read as follows: A total of~.rz: (3) fqur (4) X freestanding signs are proposed for the site, one for each of the three buildings. In addition, typical wall sign designs were submitted as a separate 11 inches x 17 inches color drawing labeled 2.0. The signs as presented are consistent with Page 5 Quantum Business Center - Lots 32-38 FileNo.: NWSP 00-001 DEPARTMENTS iNCLUDE REJECT the approved Quantum Master Sign Program. Provide a scaled detail drawing of the typical wall signs on sheet A-2 ofthe site plan package. The permitted square footage for wall signs is 1.5 square feet for each one (1) foot of linear building baY frontage ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS 37. To be determined. MWR/dim DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: QUANTUM PARK BUSINESS CENTER (LOTS 32-38) APPLICANT'S AGENT: Winston Lee, Winston Lee and Associates. Inc APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1532 Old Okeechobee Roaa, Suite 106, West Palm Beach DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: April 18, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: New Site Plan LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northeast corner of Gateway Boulevard and Quantum Boulevard DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HER~:TO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Corem ssion hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and DeVelopment Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commissior~ of the City of Boynton Beech, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard'testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a oasis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exh,btt C wth notaton ncluded. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED TJ3is Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shaJl be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk IV.CONSENT AGENDA ITEM D.3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR3. Requested City Cot remission Date Finol Form Must be Turned Meetine Dates in to City Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Meeting Dates Date Final Form Must be Tumed in to City Clerk's Office [] March21, 2000 March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] May 16, 2000 M~' 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] April 4, 2000 [] April 18, 2000 [] May 2, 2000 March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m4 April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] June6. 2000 [] June 20.2000 [] July 5, 2000 May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7~ 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] PubilcHearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcemen[ [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the April 18, 2000 City Commissio~ agenda under Consem - Ratification ofPlanning andDevelopmantBoard action, The Planning and Develop .ment B.oard w, ithaunanimous vote, recommended approval (there are no conditions mcommanded by staffnor the Plarmmg and Development Board). For further details pertaining to this request see attached Deparunent of Development Memorandum No. PZ 00-090. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER (SIGN APPROVAL) AGENT: Robert E. Basehart, Basehart Consulting Inc. OWNER: Woolbright Partners. Inc. LOCATION: Southwest comer of 1-95 and Woolbright Road DESCRIPTION: Request to amend the previously approved site plan to include a project site sign. PROGRAM IMI:'ACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A Dep~nt Director Planning find ~ffaing Director City A~omey / Finance Human Resources DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 00-090 STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name: APplicant/Agent Location: File No.: Land Use Plan Designation: Zoning Designation: Type of Use: Number of Units.' Square Footage: Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning District: Existing Site Characteristics: Proposed Development: Apdl4,2000 Lowes Home Improvement Center- Site Signage Robert E. Basehar[ / Basehart Consulting Southeast comer of Wootbdght Road and Corpora4e Dri~'e (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) MSPM 00-003 Local Retail Commercial Community Commercial (C-3) Retail Home Improvement and Garden Center N/A Site Area: 665,305 square feet (15.273 acres) BuildingArea: 135,197 square feet North - South - East West - Woolbdght Road, and farther north is a shopping center, zoned PCD. Industrial/Office park, zoned PID S.A.L. Railroad, and farther east is vacant land, zoned REC. Corporate Drive, and farther west is an office building, zoned C-1. The site is currently vacant. Site Plan/Conditional Use approval has been granted (COUS 99-005)and rectified plans have b4en submtted for approval. The approved site plan for the proposed development consists of 'a 135,197 Page 2 Lowes Home Improvement Center- Site Signage (MSPM 00-003) Memorandum ~00-090 Landscaping: Community Design Plan.- square foot retail home improvement facility with a 48,472 square foot garden center: The applicant applied for and received a variance to allow this additional free standing sign on site (ZNCV 99-015). The sign will be located Opposite the proposed building on the north side of the site along Woolbright Road {See Exhibit "B" - Site Plan). The sign face size (61.4 square feet) and height dimension (17.9 feet) are within the code requirements of Chapter 21 - Signs. The aoDroved andscape plan provides detai ed p anting nformation around the fre'e' s~anding monument sign as required by Chalk{er 7.5 of the Land Development~ Regulations. The planting plan includes: ~idope Lantana and MexicanZania shrubs and~,King Sago and European Fan Palms. The monument sign design has incorporated the com~nunity design plan requirements in relat on to continuity of architectural stylel and color, RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Division recommends approval of this site plan modification for the additional freestanding sign for Lowe's, LG xc: Central File S:\Planning~SHARED\WP~OROJECTS~.OWE'S HOME CENTER\SIGNAGE APPROVAL~sigr]age staff report Lowes.doc LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT "A' LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER I::::;LI !:3 PU I~EC 118 · 400. ' 800 FEET LOWE'S 115K · PA~L j _/ E-XI~IBIT E LOWE',.~SIG-:I', ~ ~.~ov~ EXI4111IT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: LOWES HOME INIPROVEMENT CENIER (SIGN APPROVAL) File number: MSPM 00-003 DEPARTMENTS IB/~LUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE X UTILITIES Comments: NONE X FIRE Comments: NONE X POLICE X Comments: NONE I ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE X PARKS AND RECREATION ~ X Comments: NONE FORESTE1UENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: NONE X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: NONE. X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS I. To be determine& DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FEORIDA PROJECT NAME: LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER (SIGN APPROVAL) APPLICANT'S AGENT: Robert E. Basehart, Basehart Consulting nc. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 333 Southern Boulevard, Ste 200 West Palm Beach DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: April 18, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Major Site Plan Modification LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Southwest comer of 1-95 and Woolbright Road DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MA II ER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appe~'~ng on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission herffby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board which Bdard found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Flodda on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1 2. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon ~ssuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] March21. 2000 [] ^prii 4, 2000 [] ^pti1 18, 2000 [] May 2. 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM IV - CONSENT AGENDA ITEM D.4. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORt,. Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Connnission in to City CIerk's Office Meetin~ Dates Marchg. 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] May 16,2000 March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] June & 2000 AprilS, 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] Sune 20, 2000 April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] Jtlly 5, 2000 [] Administrative [] [] Consent Agenda [] [] Public Hearing [] [] ~nnouncement [] Date Final Form Must be Tumod in to Ci~ Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Sune 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Ju~e 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Development Plaas~ New Business Legal Unfinished Business Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the April 18, 2000 City Commission agenda under Consent- Ratification of Plenning and Development Board action. The Planning end Development Board ~vith a unanimous vote, EXPLANATION: PROJECT: SHOPPES OF WOOLBRIGItT PCD (Home Depot & Expo Design Cunter) AGENT: David Herren, ?reanberg Farrow Architecttme Engineering Development OWNER: The Homo Depgt USA, Inc. LOCATION: North of Wo~lbfight Road and east of the L.W.D.D. E-4 Canal DESCRIPTION: Request to amefid the previously approved PCD master plan to relocate the Home Depot tool Rental Center fror~ ~e south ~nd of~he storeftont to the central portion of the storeftont, and modify and increase the overall PCD par~cing area by 22 spaces. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A Dep~e v~edp~n~ent~kector City Mauager's Signature Planning and Zoni~ DireCtOr City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ00-084 Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Michael W. Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director March 30, 2000 Shoppes of Woolbright PCD - File No MPMD 00-002 Master Plan Modification (Home Depot & Expo Design Center) NATURE OF REQUEST David Herren of Greenberg Farrow Architecture Engineering Development agent for The Home Depot USA Inc. s requesting to modify the Master Plan for the Shoppes o~ Woolbdght PCD. The Shoppes of Woolbright PCD commercial development is located on the north side of Woolbdght Road and east of the L.W.D.D. E-4 Canal (see Exhibit "A" - Lctcation Map). The requested modifications are shown on the proposed Master Plan (see Exhibit "B" - Proposed Master Plan). The specific request is to amend the Master Plan to relocate the Home Depot Tool Rental Center from the south end of the storefront to the central portion of the storefront, reduce two front parking aisles to accommodate the relocation of the lumber pick:up feature from the rear to the southwest comer of the building, and increase the overall PCD parking area by 22 spaces~ The few parking spaces being eliminated to provide space~ for the proposed lumber pick-up area would be more than offset by the addition of 22 spaces located between the Garden Center and the Future Retail Space. In addition the six (6} spaces at the rear of the Home Depot building which would have been displaced forthe lumber canopy, will now remain. Existinq Proposed Chanqe Square Area for "Retail"- Footage; 313,786 313,786 Net Change: Parking Facility: The proposed 'relocation of square footage for the Home Depot Tool Rental Center will not demand an increase in the previously approved 1,534 parking spaces required for the overall PCD. Existing parking requirements have been met with the construction of 1,613 parking spaces. However, the existing parking facility is als0 proposed to be increased by 22 spaces on both the Home Depot and The Expo Center lots, increasing the proposed parking total to 1,635 spaces. BACKGROUND The Shoppes Qf Woolbright is part of a November 6, 1986 and January 24, settlement agreement between the City and Tradewinds Development Corp( Commission ratified the settlement agreement by approving a Master Plan mc 15, 1990 that depicted the applicable conditions of the January 24, 1990 stip agreement. The agreement vested the project for traffic, water and sewer, extensions for concurrency would ever be required, prior to build-out of the pr( the total number of trips and peak hour of trips did not increase. The settle approved a maximum of 320,000 square feet, to include the uses and layout d{ 1990 stipulated ration. The City dification on May Jlated settlement so that no time perry, so long as ment agreement 3icted on Page 2 of 3 Shoppes of Woolbright PCD, MPMD 00-002 Memorandum No. PZ 00-084 Exhibit "B", however the proposed master plan reflects only 313,786 square feet. Since the original settlement agreement the following Master Plan has been rectified to include the following: Parcel Tract Tract "C" Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Tract "D" Tract "F" Tract "E' Approved use Cracker Barrel Restaurant - 9,970 square feet Race Trac Gas Station - 3.040 square feet Food Court Restaurant -4,000 square feet Discount Auto Parts - 6,492 square feet Burger King Fast Food Restaurant- 2,911 square feet Parking and circulation for Home depot Home Depot- 102,250 square feet Home Depot Tool Rental Center 2,789 square feet Garden Center - 28;413 square feet Expo Design Center- 88,004 square feet Future Retail - 20,000 square feet Future Retail- 45,917 square feet MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION ANALYSIS The 2,789 square foot tool rental center was specifically established in February, 1999, dudng processing of the most recent amendment to the master plan: This addition to the Home Depot building used approved square footage that was shifted within the PCD. Additional changes processed at that time included the redesign of the main access isle that parallels the store front, and the updating of the tabular data to reflect the loss of 6 spaces along the front of the building, and addition of 13 spaCes previously added along the rear of the building. Changes to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) Master Plans are reviewed consistent with Section 6.F. 13.b. of Chapter 2 - Zoning which requires that modifications to approved plans which result in an increase of less than ten (10) per cent in measurable impacts, as · determined by including any changes in traffic generated, water consumed or sewage to be collected, be reviewed by the Planning and Development Board and finally approved by the City Commission. The modifications requested result in no increase in impacts. RECOMMENDATION This master plan modification request was reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC). Staff recommends that the proposed amendment to the Shoppes of Woolbdght PCD be considered non-sul3stantial, and that it be approved by the City, subject to staff comments listed in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. Page 3 of 3 Shoppes of Woolbright PCD, MPMD 00-002 Memorandum No. PZ 00-084 MR Xc: Central File S:~rojects\Shoppes of Woolbright - PCD~Mpmd O0-O02~Staff Report MPMD 00-002 LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT H~OME DEPOT TOOL RENTAL CENTEE ~EC l-iT PU 1/8 MILE · 400.'800 FEET X EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of A_-- roval Project name: Home Depot (Shoppes of Woolbright) File number: MPMD 00-002 Reference 2nd Remew Master Plan Modfficatmn. File # MPMD 00-002 with a A ril 3 2000 Plarmin and ~ent date stam markin . _ INCLUDE PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE X UTILITIES Comments: NONE X FIRE Comments: 1. Cnst°mer pick-up zones may nat be placed in direct lkne of any egress. X 2. Fire lanes will be required. LDR 23-2 X POLICE Comments: NONE I X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: NONE X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: NONE I X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS 3. NONE X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS 4. To be determined. DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: SHOPPES OF WOOLBRIGHT PCD APPLICANT'S AGENT: David Herren, Greenberg Farrow Architecture Engineering Development APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 3895 Cumberland Pkwy, Atlanta, GA DATE OF HEARING. RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: April 18, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Master Plan Modification LOCATION OF PROPERTY: North side of WooJbright Road and ~-ast of the L.W.D.D. E-4 Canal DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above The City Corem ssion hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Plann ng and Development Board, which Boar~ found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application for the relief sought was made by the ~,ppllcant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, admin~trative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent e~idence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation ~lncluded". o The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Ordei' shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. Alt further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] March 21. 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [~ April 18, 2000 [] May 2. 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM IV - CONSENT AGENDA ITEM D.5 CITY OF-BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORN Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates M~rch $, 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] May 16. 2000 March22,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] June6,2000 AprilS. 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] 3une 20, 2000 April 19, 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] July 5. 2000 [] Adminisffative [] [] Consent Agenda [] [] Public Hearing [] [] Bids [] [] Armouncement [] Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) lune 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Development Plans New Business Legal Unfmish6d Business Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the April 18, 2000 City Commission agenda under Consent- Ratification of Pl~nnlug and Development Board action. The Planning and Development Board with a unanimous vote, recommended approval subject to all staffcomments. For further details pertaining to this request see attached Deparunent of Development Memorandum No. PZ 00-087. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: HIGH RH)GE COMMERCE PARK PID (MAJESTIC GREETING CARD) AGENT: Leonard S. Siegal, Tri-Star Building Corporation LOCATION: Boynton Commerce PID DESCRIPTION: Request to amend the list of permitted uses for the Boynton Commerce Center PID to include printing and related warehousing and distribution. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVE~ Dep ax~[~ n~c' f i~/~ ~pm~Te-nkl~itector ' City Manager's Signature Planning and Zoningfn-6~tor City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 00-087 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board FROM: Michael Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning DATE: April 4, 2000 SUBJECT: High Ridge Commerce Park PID - File No. USAP 00-001 Use Approval (Printing and Related Sdpport Services, including Distribution and Warehousing) Majestic Greet ng Cards Company, Lots 19 and 20 NATURE OF REQUEST Leonard S. Siegal of Tri-Star Building Corporation, agent for Majestic Greeting Cards Company, is requesting use approval for Printing and Related Support Services, including Distribution and Warehousing, within the High Ridge Commerce Park Planned Industrial Development (see 'atta(~hed location map - Exhibit "A"). The company would be printing, warehousing and.distributing greeting cards. Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7(E) of the Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations requires that any new use proposed within a Planned Industrial Development (PID) district be approved by the Planning and DevelOpment Board (and City CommiSsion). To d~te, various uses have been approved for this PID, including manufacturing, storage, and wholesale of vadous products. BACKGROUND Unlike other conventional zoning districts, the zoning code does not set forth-specific uses permitted in a PID. Pursuant to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7.E., in a PID, a building and its customary, ancillary structures and land uses may be erected, altered and occupied for any office, professional, business (wholesale and retail), educational institution, adult entertainment (consistent with Section 11.M of the zoning code) or industrial uses provided that such use or uses is/are approved by the Planning and Development Board. To approve SUCh a use, the Planning and Development Board must make findings that the proposed use will not be in conffict with the performance standards listed in Section 4.N. of the zoning regulations, and that the use proposed is consistent with the intent and purposes of the Planned Industrial Development District. The following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of the Droperties that surround the subject site: North - Commerce Road, farther north Boynton Pump and Irrigation Co., zoned PID; South - Undeveloped land, zoned M1; East - Lot 18 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID, undeveloped; and West - High Ridge Road, farther west a horce farm, within unincorporated Patm Beach County Page 2 Memorandum No. PZ 00-087 High Ridge Commerce Park PID, USAP 00-001 ANALYSIS The purpose of the City's performance standards is to ensure that uses will not be a nuisance or hazard to persons animals, vegetation or property located on adjacent or nearby properties or right-of-way; or to interfere with the reasonaDle use or enjoyment of adjacent' or nearby property by reason of noise, vibration, smoke, dust, or other particulate matter; toxic or noxious matter; odor, glare, heat or humidity; radiation, electromagnetic interference, fire or explosive hazard, liquid waste discharge, or solid was{e accamulation. The app icant has been asked to provide a description of their request relative to the performance standards within Chapter 2, Section 4. N of the Land Development Regulations tC~ eva uate the mpact and approprateness of th ~ use with n the PID district. According to the subject applicatior~, these PerfOrmance standards are evaluated as follows: 1) Noise: No sound will be created which in violation of Section 15-8 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 2) Vibrations: No ground vibrations will be generated by the proposed use. 3) Smoke, dust, dirt, or other ,particu ar matter:. No emission of smoke, dust, dirt or other particular matter will be created. The ~roposed use will not allow the emission of any substances in violation of any federal, state, county or city laws or permits governing the emission of such substances. 4) Odors and fumes: No objectionable or offensive odors will be readily perceptible at any point beyond the industrial district. 5) Toxic or noxieus matter: The proposed use will not allow any toxic or noxious matter to be discharged in such concentrations as to cause damage to property or vegetation, discomfort or harm to persons or animals, or prevent the reasonable use and enjoyment of property or rights-of-way at or beyond the property line or to contaminate any public waters or any groundwater. 6) Fire and Explosion: The proposed use will not create a fire or explosion hazard. 7) Heat, Humidity or Glare: The proposed use will not produce heat, humidity or g are, which s readily perceptible past the property boundary. The lighting Wilt conform to the City of Boynton Beach's standards. 8) Liquid Waste: Any disposition of liquid waste will be m conformance with the provisions of Chapter 26 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances or any applicable federal, state or county laws or permits. 9) Solid Waste: Any accumulation or disposal of solid waste will I~e in conformance with Chapter 10 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances and will not be transferred to adjacent or nearby property or rights-of-way. lO) Electromagnetic Interference: No electromagnetic radiation or inte~erence is to be created by this use. Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 00-087 High Ridge Commerce Park PID, USAP 00-001 11) Hazardous Matedats and Hazardous Waste since some flammabIe or otherwise hazardous materials are used n the printing process, Environmenlal Review wi I be required for this use to ultimately en~ure that the types and volumes of hazardous materials used on site are consistent with all applicable codes. RECOMMENDATION Based on the above analysis of the proposed use, staff recommends that the list of permitted uses within the High Ridge Commerce Park PID be a.m. ended to nc ude Pr nfing and Re ated Support Se~i.c.es, including Distribution and Warehousing;, subject to Environmenta Review and approval (Exhibit B - Cond tions of Approval), Attachments ~IAA LOCATION MAP MAJESTIC I:::1 lA A ~ 1=13 Al STAT~ EXHIBIT "A, ,/ cITY ~SITE '0; 1/8 '0 400.'800 FEET EXI-IrlIlT Conditions of Approval Project name: High Ridge Commerce Park PID (Majestic Greeting Cards Company) File number: USAP 00-001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE X UTILITIES' Comments: NONE X FIRE Comments: NONE X POLICE Comments: NONE X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE X BUILDING DMSION Comments: NONE X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 1. Request Environmental Review permit process be completed. X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 2. NONE X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 3. To be determined. J:kS H RDATA~LAN N IN G\S HARED~WP~ RO JECTS~A J EST] C GREETING CARD\USAP~COND, OF APPROVAL CC4-184]0.DOC DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PID (MAJESTIC GREETING CARD) APPLICANT'S AGENT: Leonard S. Siegal, Tri-Star Building corporation APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 387 Wyandanch Ave., North Babylon. NY DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CI3'Y COMMISSION: Apdl 18, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Use Approval LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Boynton Commerce PID DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of B0ynton Beach, Flodda appeanng on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission he~'eby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Beard found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Flodda on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members :~f city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: Application l=or the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested; The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial coml~etent evidence are ~s set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation ~lncluded". The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM D.6 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORiVl Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Meeting Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meeting Dates [] March 21. 2000 March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] May 16, 2000 [] April4,2000 March22,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] June6.2000 [] April 18, 2000 April 5, 2000 (5~00 p.m.) [] June 20, 2000 [] May 2. 2000 April 19, 2000 .5:00 p.m.) [] July 5, 2000 [] Administrative [] NATURE OF [] Consent Agenda [] AGENDA ITEM [] Public Hearing [] [] Bids [] [] Announcement [] Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June g, 2000 (5<00 pan.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Development Plans New Business Legal Unfinished Business Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the April 18, 2000 City Commission agenda under Consent- Ratification of Planning and Development Board action. The Planning and Development B6ard with a 6-1 vote, concurred with the staff recommendation to deny the reques~ For further details pertaining to this request see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 00-088. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT/OWNER: DESCPdPTION: DWIGHT BRADDY Dwight Braddy Request to amend Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 Zoning, Section 6.C. to allow operating single food vending carts in the C-3, Community Commercial Zoning District. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IN[PACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A Dep~velopment'Director City Manager's Signature Pla~'aing an3 Zo~(g/Director City Attorney / Finance Human Resources TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: SL~JECT: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 00-088 Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Michael W. Rumpf~(~/~ Director of Planning and Zoning Jose R. Alfar~o Planner April 4,2000 DWIGHT BRADDY - CDRV 99-005 Food cart vendors within C-3, Community Commercial Zoning District N~TURE OF REQUEST Dwight Braddy is requesting a change to the City's regulations to allow food cart vendors to conduct business on the front sidewalks of commercial businesses within the C-3. Community Commercial zoning district. BACKGROUND Mr. Dwight Braddy owns and operates a food cart vending business utilizing sidewalk space in front of existing businesses. His enterprise has expanded as far as Daytona Beach. Locally, he is providing his services at the Toys "R" Us location on Okeechobee Boulevard, West Palm Beach. The City of Boynton Beach regulations currently exclude any type of food cart vendors and street vendors in the list of permitted uses in conventional commercial zoning districts. Through the use approval process, a maximum of one (1) food cart vendor was previously approved for operation in the Shoppes of Wootbrighi PCD. This represents the only location where this use is permitted within the city. The applicant requests that this new use be added to the C-3 zoning district regulations (Chapter 2, Section 6, C,l,ff.), and read as follows: "ff. Food vending cans. ' ANALYSIS As stated above, Mr. Braddy has been doing business in other areas within Palm Beach County and desires m extend operations into the City of Boynton B6ach. He is proposing to place a smgle cart on the front sidewalk of the Toys "R" Us store in the C-3 zoning district fronting on Congress Avenue in the vicinity of the Boynton Beach Mall. The cart is a self-contained unit not needing electrical or any other connections, and will be removed daily from the premises. The applicant has stated that his equipment is clean and has passed mspectious (See Exhibit "A" - Drawings and Typical Cart Schematics). According to Mr. Braddy, the location of his unit away from motorists view on the adjacent roads will diminish any negative impact. Furthermore he claims to have a needed service for the area. The local Toy "R' Us store supports the plan as expressed in a letter addressed to the Planning and Zoning Director and dated 8/23/99 (see Exhibit "B'). The applicant believes that the nature of this type of business will comply with all City performance standards. They are individually addressed as follows: 1. Noise. No sound will be created which is in violation of Section 15-8 of the City of Boyntan Beach Code of Ordinances. 2: Vibration. No ground vibrations will be generated by the proposed equipment. 3. Smoke, Dust or other Particular Matter. No emission of smoke, dust, dirt or othe~ particular matter will be created. The proposed use will not allow the emission of any substances in vt~lation of any federal, state county or city laws or permits governing the emission of such substances. 4. Odors and fumes. No objectionable or offensive odors will be readily perceptible at any point. Page 2 CDRV #99-005 5. Toxic or Noxious Matter. The proposed use will not allow any toxic or noxious matter to be discharged in such concentrations as ro cause damage to property or vegetation discomfort or ham to persons or animals, or prevent the reasonable use and enjoyment of property or rights-of-ways at or beyond the property line or to contaminate any public waters or any groundwater. 6. Fire and Explosion. The proposed use will not create afire or explosion hazard. Hear, Humidity or Glare. The proposed use will not produce heat, humidity or glare which is readily perceptible past the property boandam.. The lighting will conform ro the City of Boymon Beach's standards. 8. Liquid Waste.. Any disposition of liquid waste will be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 26 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances or any applicable federal, state or county laws or permits. 9. Solid Waste. Any accumulation or disposal of solid waste will be in conformance ~vith Chapter 10 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances and will not be transferred to adjacen~ or nearby property or rights-of-way. For comparison, staff surveyed other jurisdictions m obtain their respective regulations. Of the four (4) entities surveyed, Delray Beach and Greenacres do not allow food cart vendors or any type of street vendors. The City of West Palm Beach classifies them as transient merchants, itinerant m~rc, hants and itinerant vendors. They are not allowed to be located in the downtown area nor areas designed as sites of special events. The respective license is issued upon satisfactory investigation of the applicant's background. Palm Beach County classifies them as mobile vendors whose portable stands must be removed each night, limits them to the Community Commemial, General Commercial or Light Industrial zoning districts, and prohibits them from being located on required parking spaces, driveway aisles, loading areas or from interfering with on-sim circulation. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the subject reques~ be denied, based on the following issues: I. Not all sites are designed to properly accommodate the unanticipated spatial needs required for the vendor cart and the respective patronage; 2. Whereas most uses are limited by the site and building within which they are operate, which sites and structures are regulated by codes and development regulations, few local regulations exist that would regulate/control the appearance of either the vender cart or operator (a consequence of this situation was experienced several years ago in Palm Beach County when law suites were generated from the controversy caused by cart operators who chose to wear bathing suits while operating the food cans in public view); 3. The city currently allows such uses as elements of special events and requires approval only through the special events application and review process; 4. The establishment of regulations to accommodate portable can vendors as well as limit them, such as distance separations, could be arbitrary and unjustifiable, and cousequenfly coustmed as weak from a legal perspective; and 5. Particularly if within view from adjacent rights-of-way, the subject uses could am:act traffic beyond the volume that was origimiliy projected for the principle use. However. if the Board and Commission fred the subject request acceptable, staff recommends conditioning the approval upon the following requirements: l. Portable cart vendors shall only oe placed a minimum of 200 feet from a public right-of-way; 2. All applicants shall secure written authorization from both business and building owners to be supplied as part of the application for an occupational license; 3, The uses will be permitted only on the front sidewalk of the building, clearlyseparate from vehicle traffic, and it should be at least ten Il0) feet wide and kept clear from accessible pathways in order to ensure pedestrians safety; Page 3 CDRV #99-005 4. No street food vendor or the likes should be allowed closer than one thousand (1,000) feet from any other street food vendo~ location, measured ar straight line from property line to property line of the subject buildings; and 5. Each approved site shall be 1Lmited to one (1) car~, and all carts shall be removed nightly. Exhibits .IA:MR EXHIBIT A Typical Cart Schematics EXHIBIT A ~a;le Llae Wal:er (for hot wa~e~' =ink) Inside Cart Schematic iaulatt~n T 73" SIDE VIEW EXHIBIT B To: MICHAEL RUMPH, PLANNING DIRECTOR From: TOYS "R" US MANAGEMENT Date: 8/23/99 Re: DWIGHT BRADDY: APPROVAL FOR FOOD VENDING CART AT TOYS "R" US-8716. DEAR MR. RUMPH, 'Fi~-X$ LETTER GIVES DWIGHT BRADDY APPROVAL TO OPERATE A SINGLE FOOD VENDING CARL ,:.~ IOYS R E.S-8716 LOCATED AT 601 NORTH CONGRESS AVENUE, BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33436. DWiGHT BRADDY'S FOOD VENDING CART WOULD BE SET UP ONLY DURING BUSINESS HOLrRS, THE CART IS SELF-CONTAINED(REQUIRES NO ELECTRIC OR OT~R CONNECTIONS TO OUR BUILDING), THE CART WOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES DAILY, AND THE CART WOULD BE LOCATED IN TF/E FRONT OF THE BUILDING, ON THE SOUTH SIDE NEAK THE EXIT DOORS. MR. BRADDY WILL PKOVIDE TRASH RECEPTACLES ALONGSIDE HIS CART AND WILL SELL FOOD:ONLY AT THE CART, NO WHERE ELSE ON THE PREMISES. DWIGHT BRAI)DY WILL HAVE AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE, ALL NECESSARY PERMITS, AND INSURANCE IN THE ~O/[OUNT OF AT LEAST ONE MILLION DOLLARS. f IF YOU HAVE NEED AN OTHER INFORMATION OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT US AT TOYS "R" US (561)369-1163 ATTENTION CLIFF LOKBEIC THANKS IN ADVANCE, BOYNTON BEACH TOYS 'R" US CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] March 21, 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] April 18,2000 [] May 2, 2000 NATURE OF a~GENDA ITEM IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM D.7 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACE AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk~s Ollic~ Mm'eh 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] Adminisll:ative [] Consent Agenda [] Public Hearing [] rods [] Announcement R~quested City Commission Meeting Dates [] May I6, 2000 [] June 6. 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] July 5, 2000 Date Final Form Must be Turaed in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m0 June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Stme 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Development Plan~ New Business Legal Unfinished Business Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the April 18, 2000 City Commission agenda under Consent- Ratification of Planning and Development Board action. The Planning and Development Board ~vi~h a unanimous vote, recommended approval (there were no conditions of approval recommended by staff). For fm'ther details pertaining to this request see attached Departent of Development Memorandum No. PZ 00-086. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: ABOVE GROUND SWIMMING POOLS AGENT: Michael Rumpf/City of Boynton Beach DESCRIPTION: Request to amend Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 1 i(E) Swimming Pools to establish the rear setback for above-ground swimming pools as 10 feet. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL L1VIPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A City Manager's Siguamm ! Planning and 'Z3nin~4Dfr'"~ctor City A~omey/Finance Human Resources TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 00-086 Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Michael Rump~7~/~'' Planning and Zoning Director April 5, 2000 Above Ground Pools - Rear Setbacks Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 11 (E) Swimming Pools Code review (CDRV 00-002) NATURE OF REQUEST City staff proposes that the city's zoning regulations, Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 11 .E Swimming Pools be amended to exclude above ground pools from the minimum rear setback for strL~ctures, and establish the minimum rear setback for above ground pools as 10 feet. BACKGROUND The City's Zoning Code, Chapter 2: Sec 11(E) Swimming pools, ~mvides that the "location of Above ground pools shall comply with building setback requirements". The rear building setback requirements for residential zoning districts vary from 25 feet (R-l-AA to R-2) to 40 feet (R-3 district). For comparison, in ground pools are regulated differently; the min mum rear setback for in ground pools is eight (8) feet for conventional zoning districts (separate setbacks are established for individual Planned Unit Developments). In most instances, unless someone has greater than typical lot depth, insufficient property exists to construct an above ground pool which meets the building setback. Due to numerous inquires from residents throughout the city regarding the nab ty to have an above ground sw mming poo ue to the c~ty s restnctive rear setbacks, st~ff has evaluated these regulations and proposes th~s amendment. '~is amendment would not apply to the Panned Un t Development (PUD) zoning d strct ANALYSIS For comparative purposes, staff surveyed three (3) local governments and Palm Beach County for their respective regulations on swimming pools (including those of above ground pocYls if they were different). All four (4) jurisdictions consider above ground pools as a structure; however, each have regulations that are less than one,half Of the minimum rear setbacl( enforCed by the City of Boynton Beach. A description of above ground ~ol setbacks for these jurisd ctions are provided in Table 1 below. TABLE 1: Above Ground Swimming Pools setback Requirements Jurisdiction Building Structure Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Boynton Beach Yes 25 feet 10 feet 25 feet Palm Beach Co. Yes 28 feet 10.5 fe~t 10.5 feet Lantana Yes 25 feet 10 feet 10 feet Lake Worth Yes 20 feet 10 feet 5 feet Delray Beach Yes 25 feet 10 feet 10 feet Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 11(E) currently reads as follows: "E. SWIMMING POOLS. Swimming pools shall be located, designated, operated maintained in accordance with the city swimming pool ordinance and shall be subject to the apprbval of the development department. No swimming.pool shall be c~nstructed Page 2 Above Ground Pools closer than eight (8) feet from any property line and no swimming pools shal/ be built in front of the building line. On corner lots, pools will comply with the corner lot setback requirements of the applicable zoning, district. Location of above ground pools shall comply with building setback requirements. Staff proposes that the text within this section be amended to read as follows: E. SWIMMING POOLS. Swimming pools shall be located, destgnated, operated maintained in accordance with the city swimming pool ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the development departmenL No swimming pool shall be constructed closer than eight (8) feet from any property line 2,",d, except that above qround swimming pools shall meet. a ten (lO) foot rear setback. All other setback requirements for the applicable zoning district Shall aPply.to above qround pools. No sW~'rnrnin,~ pools shall be built in front of the buitding line. On corner lots, oools will comply with the corner lot. setback requirements of the applicable, zoning. . district. ................ ~ ....... ~- ............... ,..~ .............. ~ RECOMMENDATION It is the opinion of staff that the current minimum rear yard setback for above ground pools is overly restrictive. By allowing this change, the City's regulations will become more consistent with adjacent jurisdictions, and more accommodating to those individuals who may opting for an above ground pool This change would have minimal impact on single family neighborhoods, as ensured through the criteria and regulations described below: · The only setback requirement to be changed is the rear setback from 25 feet to 10 feet (side and front setbacks would remain unchanged); · Above ground pools and corresponding decks within PUDs must meet the minimum setbacks established on each respective master plan for swimming pools; · Approval from the respective homeowner association is required to obtain approval for above ground pools and corresponding decks proposed within a PUD; and · The permit process requiring approval to construct an above ground pool remains unchanged. MR:mb S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Swirnrning Pools - Code Rev[ew~staff reporLdoc Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] March21,2000 April 4, 2000 ^pall ~8.200o May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Mus! be Tm-ned in to City Clerk's Office March 8,2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 2i. 2000 (5:00p.m.) April 5, 20~0 (5:00p-m.) Apn119~2000 (5:00 p.m3 Requested City Coma:nission Meetin~ Dates [] May 16,2000 [-- June 6, 2000 [] June 20~ 2000 [] Jul3 5, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA Ti'EM E Date Final Form Must be Turned in to C~v Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.rr%~ June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.I NATI_TRE OF AGENDA ITEM [-- Administrative [] D~lopment Plans [~ ComentAgenda [] N~Busi~ess ['- Public Hearing [] !~e~ [-- Bids [] lJhffmished Business [] Annoaucement [] Presentation RECOM2VIENDATION: Motion from the City Comrmssion m approve the donation of $2,500.00 to the Boy Scouts: of America from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund. EXPL3dNATION: We are required to place some forfeiture funds back into the commumty m etther youth l~grams or anmdmg programs. This funding is in compliance with State gindelines. PROGRAM IMPACT: Gulfstream Council of the Boy Scouts of America will be able to meet their comnntment~ for this fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding this request will have no fiscal impact on our budget. Forfeiture account 691-0000-247-04-21 has a balance of $39,324.00. ALTERNATIVES: Department Headt's~'gignamre City rffanageFs Signature POLICE Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:kBULLETIN~FORMSXAGENDA iTEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Reaussted City Corcmission Meeting Dates [] March 21. 2000 [] A~ril4 2000 [~- April 18. 2000 [] May2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Data Final Form Must be Tumed in to City Clerk's Office March 8. 2000 (5:00 p.m.} March 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5. 2000 [5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.rc.) :~equested-City Corcmission Meeting Dates [] May 16, 2000 [] June 6. 2000 [] June 20, 2000 [] July 5. 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA fTEM F Date Final Form Must De Turned in to City Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Ju~e 7. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June21. 2000 (5:00 D.m.) NATURE OF AGENDAITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of funds for Housing Rehabilitation Case #2-98- 013, Wretha BeJle Watson, residing at 119 N.W. 5~ Avenue, in the amount of $12,420.~0 Th s amount includes the leveraging of Florida State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) grant fund ng in the amount of $10 000 00 and City df B~ynton Beach Home Improvement funding in the amount of $2,420.0~, tl'Jat includes a ten percent (I0%) contingency for any unforeseen problems that may be disclosed. EXPLANATION: Housing rehabilitation is the second strategy used with SHIP Funds. The applicant has epp/ied for assistance to have her home, in which she has resided 25 years, rehabilitated through the City's Home Improvement Program. Mrs. Watson has been certified as very-low income with An ~nnu~l inr-nm¢, nC $13,264.00. The repairs tnclude the replacement of her doors and windows, and rel~l~'ili~'~iion of he~'"k'~[~e~', electrical upgrade and plumbing repairs PROGRAM IMPACT: The rehabilitation of this property would be the repair of a substandard structure in the community making it safe. meeting the U.S. Housing and Urban Development's'National Objective. FISCAL IMPACT: · . The costs associated with the rehabilitation of older dwel ngs are quite high The aD ty or everaging oca funds w th State Grant ISHIP) funds gives the City the ab lity to address this issue effectively'without beating the entire burden. ALTERNATIVES: Failure to do complete and adequate re~air of the dweJling could result in it not becoming econ~r~a~y viable to do so in the future. D~;~rCn~er~"f--~'8~ '~'i~nature City Manager'sl Signature Depa mentofDeve,opmen, ,'i l/. Division of Community Redevelopmen~,,_~__~j~/'[¢,~/~'/"~ Department Name -/' City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION 227 North Bronough: Street. Suite 5000 · Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329 (850) 488-4197 · Fax (850) 410-2510 R ~ - HOME OWNER A. Recipient Information (select one) a. ~. Current homeowner b. 4eme buyer: ;xistng Dwe rig, Newly Constructed Dwelling B. Down Payment.Assistance ' ' Principal Buy Down Rehabilitation Closing Costs ' 'l~[e~r~t SubSidy ~merge~cy Repair Loa'[l"(~uarantee Membe¢ .* ~ Names- All Household Membe[s . Relationship Age includin minors Member Asset Description Cash Value Assets 3 4 5 Total Cash va~ue of Assets _ D(a) _ Total Incom~ from Assets If line D(a) is greater than $5 000, multiply that amount by the rate specified by HUD (applicable rate 2.0 %) and enter results in D(c), otherwise leave bl~k. D(c) SHIP-RIC [Owner) Rev. 04/1999 Page 1 of 3 E. Anticipated Annual Income qcludes unear )rt paid on behalf of min~ Wages / Salaries . (include tips, ' commission, Benefits / Public Member' bonuses and. · Pensions. Assistance. Other Income Asset Income 3 box D(b) I ' ~ or box D(c), 6 . , in box E(e) below) · ,. (a) (b) , (c) (d) (e) Enter total of items E(a) through E(e). Th s amount is the Annual Anticipated Household Income Recipient Statement: The informat on on th s form s to be used to det~rm ne max mum raceme for efigibility. I/we have prov dod, for each person set forth in Item C acdeptab e verification of current and antc pared annual income. I/we certify that the statements are true and complete to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and are given under penalty of perjury. WARNING: Florida Statute 817 provides that willful [also statements or misreeresentation concerning income and assets or liabilities relating to financial condition is a misdemeanor of the first degree and is punishable by fines and imonsonmen~ provided under S 775.082 or 775.83 Date _ ~, ~ ~ E2 Signature of Head of Household Signature of Spouse or Co-Head of Household Date SHIP-RIO (Ownerl Rev. 04,r1999 Page 2 of 3 G. SHIP Administrator Statement: Based on the representations herein, and upon the proofs and documentation submitted pursuant to item F. hereof, the family or individual(s) named in item C of this Resident income Certification is/are eligible under the provisions of Chapter 420, Part V, Flodda Statutes. the family or individua (s) const tute(s) a: (check one) ve Low Income :(~L1) Heusehol~ :~eans n~t v duals~or f,,amil[es whose annual /~, -' ' ~ '~': ':~: ' 2'~. ~'~-~b~: ~'~a,~eat'a~ ~n~ ~ def. eYrri' ned by the U.S, Department ~f'HOusing~l~u~ba~D~elo~men~w~h''ad~ustments f°r household sizs (ma;(imu mt ncome,Limit$ )' - Low Income (LI) HousehOld mea~s i~di'vi~uals, or faro eswh0s~, annual income d0~.not ~ce~d 80°/0 ~f ~'e, area' roedpami,~Comeas de[errnin, ed~the U.S. " I ' ' '* W th a.dju': ~ntS~9~ useho d size ~M~d~r~[~l~ome (MI)H~sehOId m~ns:ind?duals or~ii~;~h~,¢~.g~i~. ~ ' [ba' ..... De eD ~en~ w th adjus~ ..:~;fer ~usehold s z ~tCNousnga~dU, O ~ cP , 6maximu~ ~me Limit ~; ),' ~sed .on the '/~¢~ year)-~me limits (or litan ta~stical Area (~SA) or Chunk, Florida. Signature of the SHIP Administrator or His/Her Designated Representative: /'~ t7, /~ ,.? . (Signature) (Print or ~pe name) Title Household Data (to be completed by Administrator or Designee) apecial Target I Special Needs (Check all that apply) . -- . -~. -, ,~. ..... ,,ants is being gathered for stat]sbcet us~ only ,No NOTE Information concerning the race of e. mnlc,? g, '~',:~'~'"~:~t she desires to do so and refusal to give SUCh occupant s required to g ye such mrorma[lon u. nformatian will not affect any right he or she has as an occupant. SHIP-RIC (Owner) Rev. 04/1999 Page 3 of 3 Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] March 21, 2000 [] April 4, 2000 [] April 18, 2000 [] May 2. 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested Ciw Commission Meeting Dates [] Ma~ 16, 2000 [] June 6, 2000 ~] J~hne 20. 2000 [] Jttly 5, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM G Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Itm~ 7~ 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcemem [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Change Order # 5 for Post, Buekley, Schuh, and Jernigan, the consultant for the design and contract administration for the Gateway Blvd. Road Improvement Project. and Change Order #12 for Smith and Company, the contractor for this project. EXPLANATION: The contractor has requested to be allowed to work overtime hours on the project. In accordance with the contract for construction, the contractor will pay the cost of inspection and engineering services for overtime hours. The purpose of these change orders is to allow these charges and payments to take place. The contractor will create a line item in his monthly pay request to deduct the mutually agreed upon cost for oy, ertime hours, and the Consultant will create a line item in his monthly pay request to charge the mutually agreed upon cost of the engineering services The city will simply administer the charges and payments as part of the monthly payments to contractors. PROGRAM IMPACT: The timing of.the pro]cct will be improved. The, additional hours will allow for the earlier completion of the project. FISCAL IMPACT: Although these change orders allow for the transfer of as much as $30.000. the net cost to the City is zero. The City will not pay for the additional hours worked on the project. ALTERNATIVES: To require the contractor to adhere to the limitations of the contract, by working only the hours allowed by the contrac~ thus extending the length of the project. John A. Guidry, Interim D~rector of Engineering ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Department Name ~'~Cit~ Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM P~EQUEST FOP-aM.DOC TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING NO. 00-065 Wilfred Hawkins, Imerim City Manager John A Guidry, Interim Director of Engineering April 3, 2000 In the contract for the constmctiun of the Gateway Boulevard Road Improvements, there is language that establishes certain working h°Urs for the project. The Wo?king hours allowed for ihe project are 7 a.m. until 4 p.m., Mtmday, ~0ugh, Frid~tY· Considering ~hat the:P~ojeet is,behhd ~cheduIe and the contractor has a desire to incr~8~ ~he I~gth~p;~ h/s 3vorkd~Y as We~} ~s his wqrkwe~ permlsmon has been given in accordance with the contrachby the consultant unc[i.the City for these additi0nal hours to be worked. Overtime has been allowed ~ the pgst on this project as long as it did notlrepresem a hazard to ~he public durin rash hou~ traffic 3~(~s po/m; the consultant and~ahe. Cit~ arb corhf0rtable with these additional hours and would allow the ¢~tjnge~ ~orking of the q~ertime hoars. Also included in the contract ls ~erequlrement for, the contractor to pay,~at agiven ra[e, for additional inspections and engineering s~rvmes made necessary by the 6v6rtime work. The contractor has agreed to these additional charges as; a'~ondifi0a: of receiving permission to eonduc~ the overtime hours. The purpose of the two atta icc[ change qrd is to create a:means for collecting these ov~ertime fees from the contractor and the subs~ "~' '~'~!: ' ~' ' ' he con~[~t Th9 ~ontractor andth~ consultant, as a part of this agreement, ~11 mee: ~n a.monthly b~ s~ t; ~o~rcfi~a{e, he n~umben 6tS0veffime hours. The contractor will deduct from ~ pay qu~tan~a,m,°unt~fmonelyresulfingfromtheovertime hours and the consultant wi ,in~Bde in his ~ ,nthly pay request ~ same amoum of mon?y as additional charges. As a resUlt, flaere~ ~ bemo fimds, pended:b~ the C~ for~e addilaonat serwce and no additional time shall be allowed for contract e~ension. If you have any questions} pleasei¢ontact L~ Roberts at ext. 6281. JAG:CLR/ck C:Wly Documents\Gmeway Blvd - CO for Overtime.doc CHANGE ORDER #5 PROJECT: Gateway Boulevard Improvements TO: Post, BuckIey, Schuh & Jernigan 3222Commerce Place Suite A West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Distribution to: OWNER ENGiNEER x CONTRACI'OR -~ FIELD ~x_ OTHER x iNITIATION DA/TE: 11/21/97 ITY S PROJECTNO: R97-194 CONTRACT FOR: .Design Road Improvements CONTRACT DATE~ 11/21197 You are directed tO make the following changes in this Contract: Creatg a lin6 item in the m0~ithly pay reqnfst for/fi, for the purpose of char~in~ direeay .f,~.r thc overtime, or additional, inspection and engineering expenses, in accordance with the contract for const,r, ucfi0n~ that maybe generated by the contractor working overtime during construction. These c..h. arges shall be mutually agreed upon by the cohtractor and the consultant, and will be paid by deductions from the contractor's fi~onthly pay request. The charges submitted by the consultant will exactly match that as shown as a deduction from the monthly pay reqUest by the contractor. Not valid unIi! signed hx both the~Oxvfier anil4Engln~eer. ~[~at.ure, o.f t~e G~ac~ indiea~ ~ a~e~mem h~i~ including ~v ad~m in ~e Co--ct S~ orlContmet Time. e Omg~t Con~a~ Sm WasL. ~ , $ 146 353 00 Net ch~g~ bY ~reviou~l~ a~6rized Chug~ Order..- $ ~22'74¢'00 ~e Con'ct Sm prior to ~is Ch~g~ ~ w~s ~ ~e Con~a~ Sm hcre~ed ~y ~s m~e*Order .... ~ e con~act Sm ~lud~g ~:Ch~ge Ord.... $ 269,102 00 ~e Con'bt T~e will be (~creased) (decre~) (~ch~ged) by... (0) Days. The Date of Subst~fi~ ~mpl~ion as 0~e dine of~is Ch~ge ~der therefore is POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH, & JERNIGAN Engineer Address: 3222 Commerce Place West lm Bead /Fr 33407 Authorized: CITY of BOYNTON BEACH OWNER Address: PflD. BOX 310 Bovnton Be'~'hh, F. ir~436 DATE ~ l(/~0 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Wilfred J. Hawkins, Interim City Manager John A. Gu~dry, Interim Director of Fmgineering March 30, 2000 In the contract with Smith and Company for the construction of the Gateway Boulevard Improvement Project, there is language that estiibli~hes'the W°rking-h6urs on thC project to be from 7:00a~ until 4:00pm~ M°nday through Friday. With the permission of the City and Consultant on the pr0jec~ ~ C0ntm~[or can be al!owed to exten~ d ..I~s working hoUrs in any day~ as veell ~ o~ ~;: T~e: addifi~ ~ost Of th~ ~insp~c~n and ei~neerii~ s~r~}~s, in a~'~h~ ih~}~Ptitr~ct, ~h~ he p~y'~h~ Contractor. ~c wiil not thre~iten the s ~e]}prp}~, '.Xt,~S Point, the ~q~fi[mt and the City ara comfortable;With these aflditiorial .hoUrs~am[ would alIowthe con~ueit~w,~rkmg of The purpose of this change ordeii~ ia cr~ate~ imet/ns for [ performing th~ pay request for paying for the overtime as consultants pay request for ~ There will be no funds expended ~y the city for ~hese additional services, and no additional time shall be allowe~ contract eX~nsl?n. If you have quesuons, please cqnta, ct Larry Roberts at ext 628 ~or a his honey JAG/ck Attachment CHANGE ORDER # 12 PROJECT: Distribution to: OWNER ENGINEER CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER GAI'EWAY BLVD. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TO: SMITH & CO. 1200 Weston Road 2nd Floor Westo!a_,FL 33326 INITIATION DATE: 03/30/2000 NGINEER S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT You the project. item in for the and the monthly pay overtime and Not validqantil signed by both file Owner and Engineer. S~gnature of'the, Contractor mdmates tfis,agreeanent herewalz mctuding any adhtstment in the Contract Sum orlCon~raet Time Tlae original Contract sum was... $1,838,924.86 Net cliang~by,previously authorized Change Orders:.. $ 41,105.58 The Contract Sum prior tO this Change Order was... $1,880,030.44 The Contract Sum will be:increased by this Change Order... $ 0.00 The nev¢ Contract Sum including this Change Order..: $1.880.030.44 The Contract Time will be increased by... (0) Days. Th~ Date ot Substantial Completion as 9.Lthe, da~ o£this Change Order therefore is June 6 200 NGt6 Z (/TRACTOR OWNER PBS&J ' S]fiith & Co. Address:3222 Commerce Plae~ Address: 1200 Weston Road West Pa!re. Beaeh~ FJ~ 334~7, ~ ~/Weston, FL 33331 City of Boynton Beach Address: P.O. BOX 310 DATE tt TO: Wilfre~l J. Hawkins, Imerim City Manager FROM: John A ~Guid~, Intei'itn,Di~ector of Engineering DATE: March 30, 2000 In the contract with Smith and Company- fo~ Improvement: pr°Je~, there is City and Consul~t 9n the pr~[:~e engineering COo ' the construction of the Gateway Boulevard estabtis.h.~sthe working hours on th~ Project mdgh F~d~7[:~Witlx the~pennission'~ ~e' ' traffic Will not ~at6n the s ,a~?.ty is comfortable with these add[fionalii0m, and~would allow the contmuea wormng o~me overtime hours. The cost. As the hours of overtime paying, at the construction contract rote uch consultant's pay request for overtime charges. There will be no funds expended~y the cCy f,o~ ~e additional services, and~n0 additional time shall be allowed ~0r contra~t extension. If you have ques~onS, please contact Lan~ ~Koberts at ext: 6281. JAG/ck Attachment I Kruse, Sue IFrom: Sugerman, Dale ISent: F~iday, April 14, 2000 4:17 PM ITo: Bressner, Kurt ICc: Costello, Joyce; Kruse, Sue ISubject: Modified WOrking Hours for Gateway Blvd. Contractor Kurt- IV-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM G The City Commission asked at the agenda preview conference yesterday what the extended hours would be on the Gateway Blvd contract. Here is the scoop: Current approved hours:- N~-F Changeorder approved hours: M-F There wilt be no early morning nor late evening hours! 7:00 om - 4:00 pm 7:00 am - 5:30 pm 7:00 om - 4:00 pm ~ March,k= ~OOO cITY oF BoYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQIJEff[ FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned March $, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5, 2000 (5:00 p,rab April 19,2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested Cit~ Commission [] May 16, 2000 [] lune 6, 2000 []. )une 20, 2000 [~ Iuly 5. 2000 lune 7, 10O0 (5:00 p.m.) )une 21,2000 (5:00 p,ra.) : [] Development plans [] Administrative [] New Business i{ '; [] Consen~ Agenda ! AGE~D~ITEM [] PablicHearing [] Un£mished Business [] Bids [~ Presentation rove au agreement with FP&L for the conversion of overhead electrtc hues to 'NATION: The Placing over overhead utility lines underground is intended to improve the aesthetics of the e~w''i~i~ue Promenade Co.ruction' Pr°leeL' p~O~ I~ACT: With the instat~don of new streeffighu and the unaerg~ounding of the overhmd electric q ~1 be no electric lines overhead for the full length 0t the development project. This work should greatly li~p~:~e~;e~pp~rance of the completed pro,ec~ ~a et is $15,905. The cost of installing th ~s~AL I~ACT: T~2°2~ ~:~%, is $~,997- The to~l cost o, u,e e-~, .... und cable on S~ ~ °~'~7- .. ~ ~ ~0 Wo~td be from aeeoun~ - o~- ALTERNATIVES: Leave the overhead/cables in place. / -- ~~rector of Engineering ENGINEERING i~partment Name S:~BULLETll~F oRMS~A°ENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM DOC TO: FROM: DATE: RE: NO. 00-071 Wi/fred .Hawk/ns · hater/m City Manager John A. Gu/dry InteHa-a D/rector of Engineering April 5,:2000 OCEAN AVENUE PROMENADE UNDERGROUNDiNG OF ELECTRIc LINES Current/y w/th/n the length of the of the project by overhead el ..... .;O. cean Avenue Promenade c ....... convertin . ~cmc aries. Meetin ,,,~u'uenon pro ect g the overhead tines to ~,,n,~_ _ gs have taken place ,x~u ~.'o.j~ , there are two crossin,~o ,*~grouna. ~ ,,,m r~L to demgn a project f<~r ~° With these lines p/aced underground, and the new streetlights installed utility lines within the confines of/he hne. s Improves the acs .. ~: ~ Ocean Avenue Prome , there vail be no overhe ~:~ ana more wb^~ thetlc value of the proiect o,,~ -. ]nade. The undergroundi .... ~ad elect.~ · ~u,~ome appeamnc~ . , ,~u gives the nroiec* ~ ~ ~ ~'g t'tovernead util' v '~ ~- ~ -- ~s ClUttered, less cumbersome1L It.is proposed that the City contract, with FP&L to place these overhead ele [ · the begi~mhag of the conStruct/on of the Ocean Ave CtrlC hnes a~2~a,,~t~ached memo from PP&L ~h ...... nu,e Promenade constmc ',,.. -_. u~, derground prior to ~ o otreet arid ~;or ncr-, ,- - · '~,,~ ,-u~t £or conduotb~b *h(~ · tl,~,/~oject In F , w~.~,:,~,/tot the cr ~,,~ u.uo work wo . accordance undm for - ossm at th uldbe$15 g this project woutn ~.. c~__ g SE 4 Street. The to}~l - ~,905 for the cross' ,~ o~ -urn account # 302-I21 t-512.63~'0~ wo~ld therelore be $41,902. mg Ify°uhavequesfionscontac~Lan-y Roberts ~at ext 6281. JAG/CL1Cck Attachments My Documents\Oce~ Ave Promenade. Undergrounding of. Electric Lines.doc March ?, £000 ynton Bch 100 E. Boynton Bch B/vd Boynton Bch, FL 33435 Florida POWer & Light Company, Re: Conversion of FPL Overhead Facilities to Underground Ocean Ave and SE 3~ St Ocean Ave and SE 4~ St Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr, Roberts: onFPLSEWill?.t3; StreetY°ur andrequeSton sEbury ~the overhead electric dl ,,The cost of $15 ~n~ ~- '_,.. 4 Street. T ~_ ,- .... ' _ 'stribution crc o~-- ,~ ~ovemb~_r n ,~:Z-~'' f~ omerent fro,,, ~-- h_ ..u~[ is $15 905 3__, ,~,..s.:_,.~ ~Jcean Aven,~ alon -- ~' ~. due to a de """ ~.e Previous est'ma ,=.u ~z5 ?97 resp ctj ..g SE 3 Street i,~-* .... sign channe ..... . te of $14,399 n~,,~.. ,3~ Vely. prellminarvd~-:_. -.*,~,~u oftren h _~o , H~ alrection f~,,..~ . ~'-~" ~PYou n ---~u~slon-makin~ c... ~ese costs a .... .ro.,,.you, for FP ,.. ~ o.. o. re H~uvlc/e(~ strictly +,. ~'_L}.t~. uore "~ ~-";SISl: YOUr Regarding Your request to distribution sys*--~ - bury overhea ~ . . systems exi~ ~_,, ua. nnotjust sim Iv r d ~,~ctncal di?tribution .. . · d~ part of a ,-,,,.-~ p ' eplace an Overh~=,~ ~ ; an Under rou ..,~u.[y or m · - . "-'~'- oYs~em - g n,, ~uc[dc part of a specific easement In contrast, an Unde~ untclpa/nght-of-wa,; a--" .TYPical/y, overhead · z, ~u When necessary, as mo~e~ spa~.e.. !h..an is tYPica//y provid ground dJstr' °V.erhead facilities. In ed b r - Ibutlon s . pores must no,.. - Underground sys,~y- oa.d rights-of_wa ystem requires transfo,~..._ '~. uccupY "at r . ' '~'!~, ma]or co Y and easemen sw tch cab ; de: a purte.ances, e PO ._ents ormer y a ac;t . not be P/aced in '-'°- ~-actlfties of =- · -. '°" ~reUnd level ,-~.~ -,, unoergroUnd ,~o,.=~. ~.. ~,,u mounted road right-of-way, with the exception '~,o,-uu[ion syste~ will Additional easements W,ll. in all 'ikelihood, be required. Describing. sf°r"r/""---Jngs. recording easements, With opinions of title, is of cables required the responsibility of the ap'plicant. The above costt0estimateSbe are valid for 180 da s and me applicant ('or th~ --- ,~u~.u YOu w/sh to H~..?.~£ ,ere ts no chan~e a.detaiIN°tifYthethiSfacilities°ffice intoWriting·be convertedThe request to bury overhead electdc must describe in An FPL Group COmpany Florida power & 13g~t Company, and record all easementS, at no cost to FPL, necessarY to Describe, secure, requested ;°nv;~ed'~eCtq~'distfibuti°n system accommodate the - Pa] att relocation costs in a(~vance- effected by t~3e request.. of property "" be respons'~b[e for a~l restoration conflict w~th d. Agree to Of trees and ail obstructions-that might Agree to ctear have any ques~ons ptease contact Should you 742~20~6- me at (,561~ 747.~2005 or by. fax.. at t~561~;..~ Sincere%¥, Marie~a Campton Construction Services An FPL GroUP C~ Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] March21. 2000 [] April 4, 2o00 [] April 18, 2000 [] May 2, 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office March g. 2000 (5:00 p.m.1 March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5,2000 t5:00p.m.) April 19,2000 [5:00p.m0 Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] May I6,2000 [] Jun~ 6, 2000 [] Jlll~e 20. 2000 [] July 5, 2000 IV-CONSENT AGEND, ITEM I Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cirtv Clerk's Office May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m3 June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21. 2000 (5:00 p.m./ NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [-- Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve an agreement with FP&L for removing the existing streetlights during the construction of the Ocean Avenue Promenade Construction Project. EXPLANATION: The plans for the construction of the Ocean Avenue Promenade call for the installation of new street lights that will he owned and maintained by the City. The existing streetiights are ownedby FP&L. and as a part of the construction, these lights, poles and conductors must be removed. ' PROGRAM IMPACT: The work is necessary to accomplish the desired aesthetic improvements to the project. The new streetlights are designed to be attractive, contributing to the beauty of the project, and giving a designed light level for the entire length of the roadway. To accomplish these goals, the old strectlights mu~t be removed. FISCAL IMPACT: The work of removing the lights, poles, and conductors must be performed by FP&L or their contractors. In accordance with the attached memo, the cost of the work is $16,731. The funding for this work would come from account 302-1211-512-63-30, which has been set up for the construction of this project. ALTERNATIVES: Continue to use the existing lights instead of the new lights and poles being proposed by the plans for the construction.,~...~ ,~~11 ~! ~ Departm~7 ~ad s Signature "' · f . John A. Guidry, Int~im Director of Engineering City Manager'q S~gnamre ENGINEERING Department Name City Attorney / Finance Human Resources S:\BULLETIN FORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO. 00-070 Wilfred Hawkins Interim City Manager Jotm A. Guidry Interim Director of Engineering April 4, 2000 OCEA-N AVENUE PROMENADE FPL STREET LIGHT REMOVAL The plans for the construction'of the Ocean Avenue Promenade call for new streetlights m be installed. The new lights are designed· .to match those being used on. Ocean Avenue, east o£ Federal: . Highway, as well as the lights at the Old Elementary School Children s Museum. Thenew hghts will be owned, operated and maintained by the City. The existing lights on Ocean Avenue are the property of, and maintained by FP&L. At some stage during the development of theOceanAvenue Promenade theseilights will need to be removed. In accordance with the attached memo ~m FP&i~, the c0st. of removing the lights, the pole~ and the conductors will be $16.731. It is recommended that the agreement with FP&L be approved at this point to insure that the removal of the existing lights can be authorized with as little lead time as possible. If you have any questions contact Larry Roberts at ext. 6281. JAG/CLR/ck Attachment C:~vly Documents\Ocean Ave. Promenade, FPL Street Light Removal.doc Florida Power & Light Company, i::PL March 7, 2000 Attn: Larry Roberts City of Boynton Bch 100 E. Boynton Bch Blvd Boynton Bch FL 33435 Re~ Removal of FPL Street Light Facilities on Ocean Ave Between Seacrest Blvd and SE 4th St Dear Mr. Roberts: FPL will, at your request, remove FPL installed street lighting facilities located on Ocean Ave between Seacrest Blvd and SE 4th Street. The cost to do this is $16,731. Included in' this estimate is the removal of 18 concrete poles, 18 street light luminaJres, (3) 400- watt directionals, and 5,131 feet of streetlight conductor. The above cost is provided strictly to assist your preliminary decision-making. Should you wish to decide to proceed, pleased be advised that the applicant (or the requestor) must: a. Notify this office in writing. The request to remove street light facilities must be made using the FPL's Street Light Agreement form. b. Pay all relocation costs in advance. c. Agree to be responsible for all restoration of property affected by the request.. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (561) 742-2005 or by fax at (561) 742-2016. Sincerely, Marietta Hampton Construction Services An FPL Grouo Company