R93-121RESOLUTION NO. R93-/~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING THE SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTIONS OF JULY 15, 1993, AS LISTED ON SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID RATIFICATION; AND PROVIDING ?OR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The South Central Regional Wastewa & Disposal Board (SCRWTDB) reques%s ratificati( taken bY the Board on July 15, 1993, by the Citi Beach and De!ray Beach, as listed on the atta ter Treatment ~n of actions ~s of Boynton :bed Schedule NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T.HE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT. Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach~ does hereby ratify the actions t~ken by the [sposal Board he Mayor and South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & D on July 15,I 1993, and authorizes and directs ~ City Clerk to execute said ratification. Section 2. This Resolution shall immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this J day of Augus take effect 1993. CITY OF BOYN~/ON FLORIDA Vi~e ATTEST: Cit~ Clerk (Corporate Seal) Authsig.Doc SCRWTDB.Rat 7/30/93 Com~uissioner ~ Commiss i~r SCHEDULE ~"A" ACTION TAKEN BY SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ON JU~Y 15, 1993 of $8,500 from Slnking~Funds to 2. Authorized expenditure of $16,500 from Sinking Funds to replace Plant "B" Waste Pump; 3. Autl )f $4,000 from Silking Funds for Air Cohditioning L in Lab; 4. ~d expenditure of Gear ; 5. Authorized expenditure of the Submersible Sewage Pump. $3,000 from Si:~king Funds for $4,500 from Sil~king Funds for DiS RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BoARD ACTION. OF JULY 15, 1993 WHEREAS. the South Cent~'al Regional Wastewater Treatment and Pump., Condit-ionJ and $~, Pump said Delra~ City vote. Wit~es ses: ( SEAL ) by the City of by the by a CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: Mayor Attest: City Clerk Appx~ved as to form: City Manager City Attorn~ The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the~_~ City of Delray Beach this day of , 199~, by a vote. Witnesses: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH By: ~ayor Attest: City Clerk (SEAL) Rpproved as to form: City Manager City Attorney S. C.R.W.T.D.BOARD MINUTEs R~GULAR QUARTER A~NUAL MEETING JULY 15, 1993 ~--. O%nstmuction Status Report - Repair System & ReplacemeD~ M~. Bruce Snyder stated t~e R & R projects are o~ schedule and the dechlorination facility should be operational by early August~ 3. Sludze Analysis Report f4r. Bruce Snyder reviewed the sludge disposal alte ~atives report enclosed in the packet. M~. Hagel recommended to proceed with ~lternative ~! (revised); he also recon~nended Eoing out for proposals on sludge processing to replace hauling t~e sludEe to Ma~t~n County. ~'ne money is available in this years budEet to allow for this research. CEIVE PRO S S FOR u --~x~-.~u~axav~D SO moved Dy Ms. Matson and ~.~,,~= =- L~]ch. Motion carried 7-0, - ......... u uy ~ayom Authorization for CDM to provide En~ineel. i~. S~x-vices for Constl-uction of Emergency Chlorin,, MOTION TO AUTHORIZE Cg~TO PROVIDE ENGIN~.~RING SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $27,000 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF E~ERGENCY CHLORINE SCRUBBER SYSTEM so moved by Mayor Lynch and seconded by Ms. Matson. Motion carried 7-0. Authorization to expend $8.500 to replace zrit PumP, $16.500 tO replace plant "B" waste DUmp. and I$~.000 for aix conditionin~ renovation in i~B. M~. Hagel asked to add $3,000 for a gea~ box / drive $~,500 for a submersible sewage pump. . motor and MOTION TO aUTHORXZE ~IP~Z4DX~ $8,$0~TO REPLacE GRIT p~p,