R93-98RESOLUTION NO. R93-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND GE CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE TO PROVIDE FOR TEMPORARY HOUSING FOR THE CO~UNITY DISPATCH CENTER (CDC); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Co~i.s~ion of the City of Boynton Beach,~ Florida, upon recommendatl0n of staff, has 9eemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida execute a Contract between the City of Boynton Beach and Capital Modula~ Space, to provide for temporary the Community Dispatch Center (CDC) while repair~ ~ng made to theii offices in the city Hall Complex; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY ,OF BOYNTGN BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Contract between the City of Boynton Beach and GE Capital Modular Space, said Contracts being attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. That this Resolution effective immediately upon passage. shall become PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day cf July, 1993. CITY OF BOYN/TON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: Comm~sioner Ci~ Clerk (Corporate Seal) Authsig.doc CDC.Con GE Capital Modu/ar Space 404 RETURN EQUIPMENTTO: 3120-D NW 16%h Terrace Pompano Beach, FL 33064 (305) 972-5405 RENEWAL AGREEMENT NO, LEASE ~¢~Y A .EEME. NO 4 2 7 6 0 8 COMPREHENSIVE WAIVER ACCEPTS box. Lessee or its agent X ~ CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE. a division of Transport International Pool, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Lessor") es hereby lease the equipment as specified below to: me C~-V of Bovnton Beachr PurchEslr!c3["Lessee")CustomerNo. ~Tel# 407-738-74[ ~dreas P.Q~ Rc)x 3~0 City Boynton Beach State_ FL Zip 33425-03~ Project # (Name) C_'] ~-y T4~] ] P.O,# 4585 Lessee does hereby lease said Equipment from Lessor on this ~_~.2day of May , 19 ~) 3for a Minimum Period of 6 'Rental Month(s)" in accordance with th~ terms and conditions of the lease agreement ("Lease") set forth on the reverse side. fo[Iows:$ ~-PiOperday,~ ]~,~_l')~erweek~$ ~jc~7-~er~Renta~M~nth~DIusthe~erQaychargesf~rC~r~rehens~ve~a~veran~ua~Waive~ Delivery $ ¢r '~ . Instagadon S_ ~ ~ Modification $ N/A , Dismant{ing $ ~ ~' Return Delivery $ ~ ~ , Said Other Charges wm t~e b~lled Address 100 E. ,Boynton Beach Blvd¢0un~_FL-99 city BoyntonBc~te FL OTCode ZZZ UnitNo 003469 SerialNo. StomgeOnly [~Yes~:[~ ,nsuranceValuation$_10 ,000 inszruc[~ons Credit conditions = None **See lease No. 427607 Signed by ouly author zed agents this 12 day of Hay ,1~ By Sv X DELIVERY COMPLEXOR RETURN OVERALL UNITSIZE ~L2~X 40 ~ 12 x36 OVERALLUNITSlZE 0~0 Equipment Quantity i/2 Bath Carpeting Desk File Cab nets -- '~ Drafting Table Plan Rack Steps @ $ · I ~tack Cha'rs @ ! Ramp @ $ Right Side Rear Ceiling Floor oeo ; ; Left Side =ronl DescdD[iOn x BUILDING SIZE x Right Side Rear Ceiline Left Side Front 1/2 Bath Carpeting File Cabinets Drafting Table Keys Stack Chairs @ S Ramo @ $ "B" Bruised "C" Cut "H" Hole "D" Dent Floor INSPECt'ION REPORT - MARK CLEARLY ALL DAMAGE FOUND: Cycle M F O AB ~f LeaseOommenc~ment Mo. 5 Da~ 12 _, Year 93 Dar& Out: _ / esseeo qsace~ acKn0weoBesreceo o Eau'pm@n- gedaDcvegueec oSe~c[on3a JPesse×c. , ~ . Remarks respected and Ail Damages and Deficiencies Noted ADore. Damage Invoice to Follow: Yes No Code = Amount Date In: / / Received from an~ RENEWAL LEASE AGREEMENT NO. AGREEMENT NO. 4 2 7 0 7 Capita! Modular Space 404 RETURN EQUIPMENT TO: COMPREHENSIVE WAIVER the ACCEPTS box, Lessee or rate specified from --conditions 3120-D NW 16th Terrace Pompano Beach, FL 33064 (305) 972-5405 ~secified for f¢ on [De reverse W ~D-¢~ CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE, a division of Transport International Pool, Inc., a Pennsy vania Cdr oration here na referred to as "Lessor") es hereby lease the equipment as specified below to: P ( fter ~me Cit~7 of BOyD. tOTt Beach, PurchDSil-t.q-(.Lessee.)CustomerNo. 235112 Te~#407-738-741 ~dress_ P.O, BOX 310 i Cib/_ Boynton Beach State FL Zip 33425-03i Project#(NameL City Hall i P,o.# 4585 Lessee does hereby )ease said Equipment from Lessor on this 12 day of May , ~9 9 3 for a Minimum Pedod of_ 6 "Rental Month(s)" in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease agreement ("Lease-1 set forth on the reverse side. follows: $--~Z6~.~)_ per day, $13 4.0 OpeI week, $~ 9 7. _50 per "Rent@ Mon,r plus the der aaI charges for Comprehens,ve Wa ve and bad, ~y Waiver as indicated above. Additional Other Charges are~l~[~¢I Delive~y$~stallagonS~00. odgication$ N./~/~ ,DismantlingS 402'0--0RetumDelivery$--230'00, SadOtherChargesw oeblfledm Address~]0t~ ~. RC)~t3~-C)T'I ]q6=a~h B]Vd.County~L--099 City~(~i~te FL UTCode ZZZ Umt No. ~ ¢) q 468 Serial No. Instructions I~'f"¢:~c]'~ ~ · ~ SterageOnly FqYes ~3)]~ msuranceValuauor $ ]-0; 000 By the s gnature of Lessee: (signature), a Purchase Option is included as part of this Agreement. Lessee agrees to glYe LeSsor 60 days wrl~en notice enor [o IRe exercise o"the Purchase ODdon. Lessor Will al 3W Lessee to purchase the Edutoment at ~e exDl~atlOf~ of the Mi~mum Period for $ less 50% of the rental paid for he Minimum Perloc as SCl our above. Such Minimum Period snail no[ exceed a 36 mon[n term for puraose of ab}[ :atica of ren[a~ ~a,o ~qalnSt the Purchase OOtlon Pdce agent, emplocree or reoresentatwe of Lessor nas any authorl[¥ for any representation or warrant/concerning the $ouJDment leased pursuant to the Lease tdat eld. Lessee acknowledges that it Is noz, in ~easlng the Equipment, relying upon any warramy, promise, or representabon no set forth n he Lease and [~Arrefn unless otherwise set forth in addenda attech~ thereto. Lessor's obligations under the Lease shall no1 be subject to any additional cor~alned ,n Lessee's Purchase Order. IN WITNESS WF~EREOF~ the parties hereto nave executed this Agreement subject to the terms and conditions herein set forth on both sides Signed by duly autborized agents this _ ] ~, day of__ ~v~y ,1! By Emplpyee # 8 9 37 B DELIVERY pOMP,EX OR RETURN CO.PLE OVERALL UNIT SIZE ~-2 x 40 B~. ].2 x 36 OVERALLUNITSIZE x BUILDING SIZE x Right Side O~O Left S,ae I Description D;esk File Cabinets D?afting Table . ;3~ck Chairs @/$ INSPEC'ITION REPORT - MARK CLEARLY ALL DAMAGE FOUND: Right Side Rear Ceiling _ Floor OeO II · . Left Side Front i 0~0 · · (Inside) Equipment Quantity I v~ I Descdpbon 1/2 Bath Carpeting Desk File Cabinets Drafting Table Plan Rack Keys / r Steps @ $ Stack Chairs @ $ Ramp @ $ "B" Bruised "C" Cut "H" Hole "D" Dent Cyc(~ 'M. F. C/ AB [] R,an fW. M. C LeasF Commence~nent Mo. 5 Day_].2 Year 93 Stet~ Tax Code Exempt Date~!Out / ./ Acce~oted and DeL by Remarks respected and All Damages and Deficiencies Noted Aoove. Damage Invoice to FOllOW; Yes No __ Code # Amount Date in: _ / ./ Lease Termmatlor Bate / / RETURN EQUIPMENT TO: . AGREEMENT NO. AGREEMENT NO GE Capttai Modular Space 4 0 4 agree ,: specified from he date 3120-D NW 16th Terrace Pompano Beach, FL 33064 (305) 972-5405 GE CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE, akdivision of Transport International Pool. Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation (hereinafter referred to as 'Lessor ) does hereby lease the equipment as specified below to: Name Ciey of Roy~-nn Address P.O. Bo× 310 R~=ach-' Pl~rcha~]r~c~"Lessee")Cust°merN°'~Tel#~407-738-7 -- City Bo~nton B~ach Stete~ Zip 33425-0 Proiect#(Name) ¢.~y R~]'I P.O.#_ 4585 - - · Lessee does hereby lease said Equipment from Lessor on this ]2day. ol ~ ,19 ~_3 for a Minimum Period of 6 "Rental Monthfs rn accordance with theterms and conditions of the lease agreement ("Lease-) set forth on the reverse side. *~d~=~ 100 E. Boynton ~each B[V~o~.~L-99 c~oyntonB~t~ FL UTCo~e ZZZ uu~t ~o. 303469 ~ Se~ ~o. Signed by duly a~h6riz~ agents this 12 dayof Mav 19 93 Sy syX [ 12 x3'6 OeO ' , · Left S~de Front .. 0 · 0 Inside I~NSPECTION REP_CRT - MARK CLEARLY ALL DAMAGE POUND: 3vce M F.C} AS ~ Plan W,M.C R ET UR N COMPLEX OR OVERALL UNIT SIZE x _ BUILDING SIZE Right Side O~O Rear _, [ Quanbt~ ]/ Desk I Ceding Froot "B" Bruised 'C" Cut 'H" Hole "D" Dent Special Instructions LeaseCommencemem Mo ~ _ Day 12 rear 93 nsDected and Ail Damages and Deficiencies Noted Above Damage Invoice to Follo~ Yes No __. Code ~ Amoun~ Date In: / / LeaSe Termination DaLe / ORIGINAL BCSC COPY CONDITIONS OF LEASE AGREEMENT This Comtract Bhall be gore=ned by the, Laws of the State orida. rema rider of MLP _essor may a notice tc than thr~ mdnths, Les,s~e Rust pay 4 t~lthe W~ylLease GE Capital Modu/ar, ,404 RETURN EQUIPMENT TO: 3120-D NW 16th Terrace Pompano Beach, FL 33064 (305) 972-5405 RENEWAL AGREEMENTNO. rate s0ecified fro out uct~l the date rn _ :ond~I~ons per Section 51 LIABILITY By initialing the ACC agrees to pay f) on the reverse LEASE A REEMENTNO. 42780 C OoesGE CAPITALhereby lease theMODULARequiPmentSPACE' aasdiVisiOnspecifiedOf Transportbelow to: International Pool Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation [hereinafter referreo to as "Lessor ~ Name City of BQynton Beachr l~l/rchasiDg(.Lessee.)CustomerNo. 235112 _Te1#407--738--7~ address P · O. BOX 3~10 CiW Boynton Beach State FL Zip 33425-~.~ Project # (Namel_ Cit~; Hall p.o.# 4585 Lessee d~s h~reby I~se said Equ pment from Lessor on this 12 day of ~av 19 9 3 for a Minimum Period of 6 "Rental Month(~ · n accordan~ with the ~rms and :ondit~ns of the lea~ agreement ¢'Lease,,) s~ fo~h on the reverse side. ro~row~:s~ 6.00pe~ day. s~ 3 4.0 ~er week. sl 9 7. 5 OPer "Re.t~r Mo.,~ ;~.8 ~ne ~er aay c,~ges to, Comprenenswe Waiver aha uau~ ~ Wa,vet gelivewS~$s~llatJon$ 600. O~od,~cat,ons~N/A 'D~man~i~$--402 ' 0~etumD~Jve~S230 . 0~,Sa,dOther 3haraes~,. ueo~ed n Address 10~ E. Royn~on Reach Btvd.coun~099 C~ty~~e FL _OTC0oe ZZZ By~ [] OVERALL UNIT ©~© 0~0 __ Ke~s I st~ps ~ s ~Stack Chairs COMPLEX OR ! I::11:::TI I I~ I~1 40 12 ' ''~' ..... ' . a~eF...l~l~[~.~: x 361 OVERALL UNIT SIZE Rear Ceilin F}oor i . ~ ~ Right Side ; ; oeo INSPECTION REPORT- MARK qLEARLY ALI. DAMAGE FOUND: Cycle M F, C AS ~ Plan (W, M, C COMPLEX OR x_ BUILDING SIZE Bruised "C" Cut _ "H" Hole "D" Den! bease Commencemem Mc ~ Day _ 12 - fear 9 3 Accepied and DeL by Date - OR GINAL BCSC COPY CONDIT, IqNS O.F L.EASE A~GR.E~MENT This Contrac~ shall be governed Dy the laws' ~r the ~State of Florida. se -up 0 he Equpmen where ~'~e~ .~.[ec~ec~ .b~ L~ssee or C NO WARRANTY FO~ ~RCHA~qfABILCTY AND four (4) wee~