Agenda 12-19-00100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard (561) 742-6000 City Commission DA DECEMBER 19, 2000 Gerald Broening Mayor At Large Ronald Weiland Vice Mayor District I Bruce Black Commiss'~oner District II Mike Ferguson District III Charlie Fisher Commissioner District IV Kurt Bressner City Manager Visit our Web site www.cLboynton-beach.fi.us ~##Y~##~ ~/~11~i#~ ~ t~# M#1~##I#~ Thank AT THE AGENDA: N MEEI'ZNGS There is an official agenda for every meeting of ~the Cty Commissioners, wh ch determ nes the order of business conducted at the meeting ,;rhe, Qty ~mm ssiod W ngt take action upon a~y matte~, proposal, or item of businessI .which is n°t-lis~d'upon ;i~e:~cial agenda, u~:le~ a rnajOrit~.Of:the commiSSiOn has first Consented to the presentation for ¢0nsi~lerati~n and · Consent Agenda Items: Th,ese. are items; which the ;Commission does not need to discuss individua y and'which are voted on aS a group. · Regular Agenda Items: These are items, wh ch the Commission will discuss individually n the order listed on th.e. agenda. · VOiCe V, ote:.'~, voice vote by the Commission indicates, approval'orthO agenda rem Th s can be beit a regular voice vote with. "Ayes &Nays" or by a ro![ ci~lt v~e. - ' y her at their meetings during Public Hearings, Public discussi0nCity CommissiOnon an issue.meetings are business meetings, and as such, the Corem 'ssion retains the right to limit Comment card~.are located on the tab e bythe entry door to the Chambers. P ease,,c, omp ete ,a, "Comment by the Public Card and give t to the City Clerk at the left end of the dais before the Openings portion of the meeting. As a general practice~ comment cards will not be accepted after presentation of an agenda item has begun. - ~ · Public Hearings: Any citizen may speak on an official agenda item under the section entitled "Public Hearings". · Public Audience: Any citizen may be heard concerning any matter within the scope of the jurisdiction of the Commission. Please use the yellow colored card for matters not listed on the agenda. The Mayor will call for speakers by name from the yellow cards provided by the City Clerk. · Regular Agenda ]:terns: Any citizen may speak on any offic al agenda tern(s) isted on the agenda after a motion has been made and proper y seconded. Please use the green colored card for matters listed on the agenda. The Mayor will call for speakers by name from the green cards provided by the City Clerk. ADDRESS]:NG THE COMM]:SSZON: When your name is called, please step up to either podium and state, for the record, your name and address. DECORUM: Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Commission will be barfed from further audience before the Commission by the presiding officer, unless permission to continue or again address the Commission is granted by the majority vote of [:he Commission members present. Please turn off all pagers and cellular phones in the City Commission Chambers while the City Commission Heating is in session. City Commission meetings are held in the Boynton Beach City Commission ChamberS, :~00 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach. All regular meetings are held typically on the first and third Tuesdays of every month, starting at 6:30 p.m. (Please check the Agenda Schedule - some meetings have been moved due to Holidays/Election Day). CITY December 19, 2000 AGENDA 6:30 P,M, 1'. OPENZNGS: Call to Order - Mayor Gerald Broening Invocation - Commissioner Bruce Black Pledge Of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Ron Weiland D. 'rF YOU WI'SH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION: · F'[LL OUT THEAPPROPR.T. ATE REQUEST FORM · GZVE Tf TO THE CZI'Y CLERK (ON THE DAZS) BEFORE THE "OPENZNGS" PORTION OF THE AGENDA HAS BEEN COMPLETED, · COHE TO THE POD'rUM WHEN THE MAYOR CALLS YOUR NAHE ZNDZVI'DUALS MAY SPEAK FOR THREE UNTNTERRUPTED MINUTES, E. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption F. Recognition of Kathy Harris, Principal of Galaxy Elementary School II. PUBLIC AUD'rENCE: TNDZVZDUAL SPEAKERS WZLL BE LI'MZTED TO 3-f4ZNUTE PRESENTATZONS III. ADMINISTRATZVE: A. Accept resignation of Ronald G. Ehster, Regular Member of the Education Advisory Board CityofBoynton Beach Re~ularCitYcommission Agenda December 19,2000 B. Accept, resignation of 3ane Z mmerman,_~. Regu ar-Memberof.. _ the Library. Board C. Appointments to b~ made: Appointment To Be Made ~V Fisher Mayor Broening I] Blad< I! Black Mayor 8roening I II Mayor I II tli Mayor IV, Board Advisory Bd. On, Children & Youth Alt AdviS~ ~d.~ On C~!l~'~n ~ Ybuth 'Stu/Reg/Non-VoUng Bldg. Board of Adjustment ~APPeals Alt EducaUon Advisory Board Reg Employeesr Pension Board Peg Weiland Ubrary Board Reg Black Library Board Reg Brcening Nuisance Abatement Boar~ Reg Weiland Nuisance Abatement Board Alt Black Planning & Development Board Alt Ferguson Planning & Development Board Alt Broening Recreation & Parks'Board Alt ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATZONS: Length of Term Expiration Dab-, 1 yr term tc 4/0J. Tabled ! yr t~rm te 4/0t Tabled t yr~ to 4/01 2yr term to 4/01 3 yr te~ ~ 4/01 Tab(ed [2) 3yr term ~ 4/02 3yr t~m to 4/02 2 yr te~ to 4/02 Tabl~ (2) 1 yr term to 4/0~ Tabled (2) ~ yr term to 4/0~ ~yr t~ to 4/0~ I yr term to 4/01 Tabled (3) A, Announcements: The Boynton Beach Police Department, n partnership with the Health Care District of Palm Beach County will conduct their Annual Toy Giveaway for Iow-income families at the Hester Center on December 23, 2000 Display of New Fire Rescue Apparatus Rescue Vehicle (Ambulance) Heavy Rescue & Spedal OperaUons Vehicle B. Presentations: 1, Proclamations: Christa McAuliffe Community Middle School Blue Ribbon Celebration Week" - January 2:[-27, 2000 Orientation PowerPoint Presentation - Information Technology Services - Peter Wallace City of Boynton Beach Regular City Commission Agenda December 1ga 2000 Five Year S~rateg c P an for the Black Awareness Celebrations in Boynton Beach - Presented by Michael Brady and Bruce Lewis'of L.B. Limit~ed 8t Associates, ThC. Presentation of Annual Holiday Parade Awards - Melissa Vlaun, Special Events Manager V. CONSENT AGENDA: Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposeo and recommended by the City Manager for ""~o, .... ,=~.~* Agenda' approve of the action indicated in each item., with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. A. Minutes: 2. 3. 4. 5, Regular City Commission'Meeting of November 21, 2000 Special City Commission Meeting'of November 21, 2000 City Commission Workshop Meeting of November 16, 2000 Agenda Preview Conference of November 30, 2000 Regular City Commissio~ Meeting of December 5, 2000 Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 2000-2001 Adopted Budget 1. Renew the bid for "ANNUAL SUPPLY OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE", BID #021-2821-00/C.1D, to Vulcan Chemical Technologies, Inc., for an additional year with an annual expenditure of $200,000 2. Extend contract for the COLLECTION AND REPORTING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEITNQUENT ACCOUNTS, RFP #029-1410-01/KR to Creditech for one additional year Approve the piggyback purchase of a F~RE RESCUE APPARATUS CONSIS'~NG OF A PIERCE 61' SKYBOON ON A DASH CHASSIS WiTH OPTIONS in the amount of $473,492 from Pierce Manufacturing Inc. utilizing THE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS BID #FP00-09 Approve the use of FLORIDA STATE CONTRACT #350-040-99-:L for UPGRADING THE NETWORK 1;NFRASTRUCTURE from Presidio in the amount of $183,694.25 Authorize utilization of FLORIDA STATE CONTRACT #070-00t-99-1 for the purchase of a 3/4 ton, 4x4, Crew-cab Pickup from Duval Ford at a cost of $28,760 City of Boynton Beach ~ Re~jular City Commission Agenda · December lg, 2000 C, Resolutions: ~ng the $5,250 Proposed Resolution Nob R00-175 Re: Author zing the ~ayor to sign~ the ,z?te~lg~[ Agre~m~,t~betwee~ the C tY,of Boynton m~crowaVe sYstern ..... proposed' Reselution NO,; RO0-176 Re. ' A.thnri? u nn the NlaYo6:to;: ~g, the znt,erlbca~l-Ag~,e~ment be~Neen th'~ S"~-u'~"~alm, Beach CoUntY ;P~131k: Sa~'_etY C0~Upications Cooporativ~ · (Boynton.-' Beach, Del~ay;Be~h and ;,Boca Rat0~), bnd~ Palm Beach CountY to a~hi~ve radio:C°mrfl~nic~t~ibn~ J~te~pe~al~ility~.~oi~ public safety utfli Re: Approving the :unds in accordance with all ~ ,appl cation Re: Approving the 'to receive grant funds from :for the fluoridation i'reatmen~ Plants excavation/fill permit Re: Approving the Comerica Bank for the Bay Vista PropoSed Resolution No. R00~I80 Re: Authorizing the Mayor affd ~ City Cierk to' execute a Maintenance Reimbursement Agreement between the citY:of 8oynton Beach and Quantum Park Ratification of planning & Development Board Action: Grotto Bay @ Bermuda Place - Request for Technical Site Plan approval for 15,~16 ~acre pod in,the Quantum Park PID. The mixed-use pod will contain 272 multi-family residentia rental units and require code waivers pursuant to Ordinance 00-52 ('PO$/'POA/~__~ OA/Z~.~C'~'~'~'~'A, City of Boynton Beach Regular City Commission Agenda December 19, 200(3 VI. Authorize the Uti t es Department to turn over $251,140.27 in unpaid Utility and Refuse billings to the City's collectior~ agency, and authoriz~ the Finance Department to reduce the Allowance for Uncollectable Account by that same amount Approve the payment of four quarterly invoices from the Quantum Park Property Owners' Association, Inc. for the maintenance of Quantum Boulevard totaling ~87,261.55 Approve Change Order No. 5 on the Ocean Avenue Promenade project in the amount of $10,375. This Change Order does not add any days to the 9roject. Authorize Klm ey-Horn and Associates, Inc. design engineers to proceed with the deVelopment of construction drawings for the Industrial Av(~hue st~ormwater improvement program Approve the purchase of SmartZone System Manager Terminal CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Capital Construction Projects Review VI~. PUBLTC HEAR/NG: 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMZTS Project: Grotto Bay at Bermuda Place (Easement) (APPLICANT REQUESTED POSTPONEMENT TO DECEMBER 19, 2000 PLANNZNG AND DEVELOPMENT MEETZNG) Agent: ]oni Bdckman, A[CP, of Winston Lee & Associates, [nc. Owner: Location: Description: Quantum Park & Village, LLC The east side of Quantum Lakes Drive, south of Gateway Boulevard Request for 20' utility easement abandonment between Lots 60 and 61 in the Quantum Park PID Project: Woolbright Place PUD ('TABZFD ON DFCEMBFR 5~.) Agent: Kilday & Associates, Inc. Applicant: Wood Partners Location: West side of SW 8t~ Street, approximately 1/8 mile north of Wootbright Road Description: Request for rezoning from PCD to PUD and amend the previously approved PUD master plan to allow for construction of multi-family dwellings on 14.18 acres at a density of 10.8 DU/VC City of Boynton Beach Regular dry commission Agenda - December 19, 2000 Intent to Establish Fire Service. C. "Name Pond B'~ Contest D. Demonstration of GIS Project to City Commsson, Devei~prnen~ Bo,~rd (~Februa~ 6, 2000), E. Outdoor Dining Ordinance(zoning text) F. Orbit Night Club DEVELOPMENT PLANS: A. Xm VIII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Future AnnexaUon Areas (February 6, 2001) Code Corn pliance Board ken Reduction~Procedure.(.lanuary, 2, 2001) CRA and Planning Approve the amount of $162,800 as the required recreation impact fee for Tuscany on the Intracoastal (f.k.a:. Bay Vista) based om the City's methodology using the average, cost/value of an acre of the subject site NEW BUSINESS: X~. LEGAL: A. Ordinances- 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Ordinance No. 000-69 Re: Amending Article I of Chapter 2, Section 2-13.1 in order to amend the power and duties of the Community Redevelopment Agency and amending Article I of Chapter 2 Section 2-13.2 relating to the CRA to provide that the City Commission shall no longer be the governing body of the Community Redevelopment Agency [CRA) and to provide for the board members' appointment by the City Commission 6 City of Boynton Beach Regular City Commission Agenda December lg, 2000 C. Resolutions: proposed Resolution No. R00-182 Re: Ratifying the Memorandum of Understanding between the Palm Beach ,County Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the City of Boynton Beach Proposed Resolution No. R00-183 Re: Appointing members of the Community Redevelopment Agency O. Other: XzZ, UNFTNTSHED BUSTNESS: X.tII. OTHER: A. Informational Items by Members of the City Commission X~'V, AD.IOURNMENT: NO"~CE IF A F~RSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DEC[SION MADE BY THE C[TY COMMISSION WTTH RESPECT TO AFPf MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE pROCeEDINGS AND~ FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE HAY NEED TD ENSURE THAT A VEREAT[M (F.S. 286.O105) 12/15/00 -- 8:00AM City Of Boynton Beach Regular City Commission Agenda December 19, 2000 Proposed Ordinan~ce No, 000,70 Re Creating Art c e II of Cha~t~ ~5: o~. the iLanu I~eve opment Regb ati0hs ~o ~ov de f~ the po~ers a~d dUtieS ~ ~h~ c°mmUn[~ ~evel~pment Age~ (C~) Pe~inin~ ~o ta~d w ~hi, ~he'C~ :~0und~r[~s ~hroposed Ordinance No: ~O00~71 Re: Amending Art c e I, a~)ter 1.5, s~ctidn ! of th~: iLand Development Regu ations to add ~ n~w~?~s~!gn ~ ~ P(~digg~jimitation: '~the ~P ann~ ,,. ~ ~-... ~ ....... ~ ~ . -. ~ , ng&Development Boa[d.~ au~o~ [n the Commun[ ~e'e[e e ~ ~ - - " ~ ~,,, ,~ .~ . ... , , .. ~ ~;, :,,.~ pm..~ A~ea, prowdmgfor [ransrer or aumenw, ~un~en,: po~em ~nd'd~ies, to the CPA :Re: Estab ish ng I fee fer Boat CtubPark ¸an Proposed.Ord!~ance Ne. :000,73 Re . Amending Chapter Nine, Entitled F re Prote.ct~.'?n and. ,P,,revention ofI the ~ty Code by creating and es~blishing Art c e VZTT Haz~atdous Hater als' regu at OhS, Section 9-~1, D~sdosure and Safeb/ Reouirements" n~,,~,~ ~ definition, ex'eruptions from disclosure a~d &nf;3rcement '" ........ ~ '~' Ordinances - 1~ Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 000-74 Re Amend ng Chapter .~8, Article ~, Divson 5 of the Code of Ordinances to amend the ~nvestment policy of the Generat Employees~ Pens On Plan, specifically amending Section :[8-145, entitled "Investment of Funds~ by ratifying and adopting the terms of the nvestment policy approved by the General E · ' mployees Pension Board Proposed Ordinance No. 000-75 Re: Amending Chapter 18, Artic e TT of the Code of Ordinances to provide enhanced retirement benefits to the members of the General Employees' Ret rement Plan Proposed Ordinance No. 000-76 Re: Approving the abandonment of a 30' Roadwa ri ht of Y g - -way for B~s Wholesa Proposed Ordinance No, 000-77 Re: Amending Chapter I, Article [! of Land Development Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach. entitled "Definitions!; regarding the definition of a billboard Proposed Ordinance No. 000-78 Re: Amending Chapter 21, of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach entitled "Signs'; to ~rovide for clarification III-ADMINISTRATIV IT£M A CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned ~n to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.~ December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requeited Cit5 Corcamsslon [--~ February 6, 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned m m City Clerk's Office Sanuar~ 3,200l (5:00 p.mj Januar~ 17.200t 5:00p.m0 February 7. 200l 5:00 p.m February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m. NATURE OF AGENDAITEM RECOMMENDATION: EXPLANATION: [] Administranve [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation Accept resignation of Ronald Ehster, Regular Member, Education Advisory Board. On December 5, 2000, Mr. Ehster submitted his resignation from the Education Advisory Board. Mr. Ehster is relocaUng to Cape Canaveral. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Sue Kmse, City Clerk, CMC/AAE Cit~Manager's Signature City Clerk's Office Department Nan~e City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources jmp 12/06/2000 3:53 PM S:~,BULLETrN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC C~ty Cle~: Please be ad~sed that Ronald G. Ehster resigns from the EAB effective imediately. Our family is currently relocating to Cape Canasta ~ . .W_e have enjoyed i~ir~g here in Boynto~ Beach this past :20 years, I,m especially Pleasec~ to have hetped with,,educatio~ mpro~ments over those years and the lest six as a member EAB. ~ of the For this holiday season we wish all of you a Merry Ch~stmes and a Happy New Year. $incerly Ron Ehster. Requested City Corcwnission [] November 21, 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 1~, 2000 [] January 2~200l CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested Cit3 Corarnission m to CtW Clerk's Office Meeting Dates Novemberg. 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] .January 16. 2001 November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) '-' February 6, 200[ December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) '~ February 20. 200] December 20, 2000 (5!00 p.m.) ~ Match 6, 2001 III-ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM B Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3,2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m February 7, 2001 (5:00p.m February 21,200I (5:00 p.m. NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM RECOMMENDATION: EXPLANATION: [] Administrative [] DevelopmentPlaus- [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation Accept resignation of 3ane Zimmerman, Regular Member, Ubrary Board. On December 5, 2000, Ms. Zimmerman submitted her resignation from the Ubrary Board. Ms. Zimmerman has been ill and is still recovering from a fractured hip. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL EMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Sue Ktuse, City Clerk, CMC/AAE ~/City Manager's Signature City Clerk's Office Department Name City Attorney / Finance Human Resources jmp 12/06/2000 3:53 PM Requested City Commission Meetine Dates ] November 21. 2000 [] December 5. 2000 ] December 19. 2000 [] Ianuao 2, 2001 IV-ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTAT/ONS ITEM A.1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Office November 9.2000 [5:00 p.m.) Noveraber 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 ('5:00 p.m.) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] Janua~ 16. 2001 ] Februar5 6. 2001 ] Fcbruar) 20.2001 [] Match 6, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Ci~, Clerk's Office January 3. 2001 (5:00 p.m.} January 17. 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.~ Februar) 21, 2001 (5:~0 p.m.1 NATURE OF AGENDAITEM [] Administxative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: On December 23, 2000 the Boynton Beach Police Department in partnership with Health Care District of Plm Beach County will be targeting low-income families at our annual Toy Give Away at the Hester Center. The program is called Florida KidCare program, it targets those families that do not have health insurance available to their ehildran. Licensed health care providers and health plans are used to provide high quality care. The application is a simple form that is available in English, Spanish. and Creole. No interview is required. Many of the families may be eligible for this program even if both parents are working. EXPLANATION: PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Department Heafl's Signature Marshall B. Gage Chief of Po lice Department Name S:~BULLETINWORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC C~iW Manager's Signamr~ City Attorney / Finar/ce / Human Resodi;~es [V-ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRr:SENTATzONS Item B.l.a. WHEREAS, The City of Boynton Beach values public education and seeks to recognize schools thai achieve outstanding Success; and WHEREAS, Chdsta McAuliffe Community Middle School has twice received the Silver School Award to recognize the efforts of its Student Volunteers: and WHEREAS, Christa McAuliffe Community Middle School has received the Golden School Award for Adult Volunteers for each of the last twelve years: and WHEREAS. Chdsta McAuliffe Community Middle School has received the Five Star School award for community involvement from the Flodda Commissioner of Education for each of the last three years: and WHEREAS. the United States Department of Education this year recognized only 198 secon~lary schools in the nation and only eight schools in Flodda as Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence; and WHEREAS, only two other Palm Beach County secondary schools have been so honored over the past fifteen years; and WHEREAS. Chdsta McAuliffe Community Middle School was the only school in Patm Beach County to be recognized as a Blue Ribbon s~ool of Excellence this year; and WHEREAS, Christa McAuliffe Community Middle School was described by the United States Department of Education to be "clearly a school that has worked tirelessly to develop a community of eaoe ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gerald Broening, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Boynton Beach do hereby proclaim the week of January 21-27, 2001, as CHRISTA MC AULIFFE COMMUNITY MIDDLE SCHOOL BLUE RIBBON CELEBRATION WEEK IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Gerald Broening, have set hereunto my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida, to be affixed at Boynton Beach, Flodda, this 19~ day of December in the Year 2000 A~E~: Gerald Broening, Mayor Oty of Boynton 8each OW Oerk (Corporate Seal) \\cfl\main',5~rdata\cc\wp\ccagenda~3'odamattons~'oc 16'~ chr~s~a rncauliffe Uue ribbon celebration wee~.ooc Requested City Commission Mcetine Dates [] September l 9. 2000 [] October4, 2000 [] October 17. 2000 ] November g. 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM ZV-ANNOUNCEHENT$ & PRESENTA'rZONS CITY OF BOYNTON BEA£ Item B,3., AGENDA ITEM REQUEST._ Fi[ Date Final Form Must be Turned to Cio/Clerk's Office Septeraber 7. 2000 5:00 p.m.) September 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) October 5, 2000 (5:00 r~.m.~ October 15. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Date Final Form Must be Turned Commission Mcetine Dates in to Cio/Clerk's Office [] November 21. 2000 November 9. 2000 [] December 5. 2000 November 22. 2000 [] December I9, 2000 December 6, 2000 [] January 2, 2001 December 20, 2000 [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business  Public Hea~g Legal Bids ' Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: * please include in future agenda items. Motion to adopt and support the Five-Year Strategic Plag for the Black Awareness Celebrations in Boymon Beach. Michael Brady and Bruce Lewis of L.B. Limited & Associates, Inc will present this pla~ EXPLANATION: The Black Awareness Commattee received a grant, from The Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin ~--,Counties, to hire a consultant to wo*k with the comity and the Black Awareness Committee to develop a five-year ~rategic plan. A series of community meetings and committee workshops were held over the past four months to gather inPut to craf~ the plan. Th~ plan is the coumfittee's guide for implcrnenting an on going year round series of events celebrating the accomphshments and heritage of the City's African-American community. PROGRAM IMPACT: The Five Year Strategic P~an for Black Awa~ ~eness Celebrations includes several components .such as an Executive Summary/OverView, Mission and ~si°n,.TheName/Title, Relationship with the C~ty, Comrmttee Stmctore, Budget, C~eration~ Geoo~,,hv Eventn/Venues, Event Scheduling and Conclusions, along with recommendations. Time hnes and tasks for each year are included to serve as a guide for the implementatmn for the overall plan. FISCAL IMPACT: · :. The consultant's fees have been paid flarough a grant from the Marie G-raber Fund of The Community Foundati°n f°r Palm Beach and Martin Counties. · ~. The City of Boynton Beach has providad in-kind services totaling $3,230 which includes a meeting facihty, Department of Leisure Services staff time, mator/als for community meetings and workshops and refreshments. 4° NO CASH MATCH OR DOLLARS WERE REQUIRED FROM THE CITY FOR THIS GRANT FUNDED PROJECT. ALTERNATIVES: N/A zr-'~, x~ Z/~lS~artment Head's Signatur~ ' '/~! - . ~ity Manager s Signature // Leisure Services/Recreation ff Deparmaent Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources SABULLETIN%FORMSXAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC The City of Boynton Beach Prepared by: L. B. Limited & Associates, Inc. PUBLIC RELATIONS Beach sbration INDEX Executive Summary Missionand Vision III. The Name and: Title, anidentity Crisis · Exhibit # 1 · Exhibit # 2 IV. Relationship with the City V. Committee Structure · Exhibit# 3 · Exhibit # 4 · Exhibit # 5 VI. VII. Black ,Awareness Celebration General Budget · Exhibit #6 · Exhibit #7 Awareness Celebration Operations VIII. Events and Venues · Exhibit # 9 IX. Geography · Exhibit # 10 X. Event Schedule Xl. Remedy/Recommendations (quick reference) Xll. Timeline Xlll. Conclusions City of Boynton Beach Black Awareness Celebration $ Year Strategic PI an I. Executive Summary Consu/tants Role L. B. Limited & Associates, Inc. (Consultants) were retained by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida to assess and develop a strategic plan for the February. The objectives under which we're approaching theplan are: to to make a ity input and g Event Overview The event began in 1980 when Boynton Beach resident Lilrian~Artis decided to produce means for residents to celebrate ~the Americans throughout history. The celebration incor activities including a coronation event, spelling basketball tournament, a parade luncheon, e~ucat onal act vities and a receptior such as the incorporated reness Celebration. a P/anning Process The Consultants held extensive meetings with the committee members, residents of the City, elected officials, City staff, business and cqmmunity leaders to gain an overall understanding ~)f the perception of; BlbCk Awareness and to get input on improving and growing the celebration. After reviewing documents from previous years and attending just two committee meetings, the Consultants immediately recognized the need to address the organizational structure of the committee.- Planning Process - continued We developed and later revised a Black Awareness organizational chart which ,is desjgned to; ;1) solidifythe leadersh'ip With a_committee chair and vice chair, 2) better define the roleof City Staff, 3) create a second tier of responsibility at the sub-committee level to help facilitate information flow and4) identi~y the sub-committees by event, Included in the new structure are responsibilities for the Chair, Vice Chair, key sub-committee chairs, each committee member and City Staff. The. results ~of implementing this structure is to promote leadership and cooperation within,the sub-committees and better definethe support role of Other significant elements of the planinclude, identifying .new and creative sites to hold events, revisions to event scheduleS, the development of an event evaluation tool, ~ncrease volunteer recruitment, become more fiscally responsible, encourage ownership of the event by residents and involve diverse cultures in all aspects of the celebration. As the City improves its infrastructure, creates economic development and attracts new residents, so to will the Black Awareness Celebration improve and grow making it the signature event in Boynton Beach. II. Vision and Mission After careful consideration o' Awa COl sub The Vis oman effect )1' Black the maybe on Other the Black adults of all,ethnic ;empowers and Although, the definitions of the two statements are quit different, they must be consistently compatible to discourage any possibility of misrepresenting the identity of the organization .and eliminate sending mixed messages. The Vision and Mission statements clarity will be key when the Black Awareness Celebration committee embarks on lacquiring a not-for-profit status, and begins applying ~or grants foundat on funding and pr vate /public sector ~P°n~or~hips.* Tl~e Vision statement "intent" should be consistent with the .Mission 'statement "purpose¢'. Vision and Mission - continued The element that will profoundly affect these two organizational statements is the name, "Black Awareness Celebration." If in the event that the Black.Awareness Celebration Committee decides to change or modify the name of;the organization, then it becomes necessan~' to consider adjusting the Vision and Mission statements accordingly(see Section I!1, "The Name a Identity Crisis,) RemedyiRecommendation: At the present time, statements, further refine ack Awareness Celebration Vision and Mission ~ should be addressed to Committe~ Vision and Black Awareness Celebration event to address the unction with other subject Celebration organiZation ~and associated activities. III. The Name and Title, an Identity Crisis I n ea:rly July of 2000 Includ documentation of As able:-~to.~ Celebr which of prey ous, event~, able to identify elements vere Je mess and Black - One of the most debated questions discussions covered the a complete y new :name (see Exh disc con: The from a slight modification to most valuable comments community at large and was key to our ability to ?questions developed, the evoked the most ptions available for The community and committee felt that the word "Black" was the most difficult to address. On one hand, !~Black' only referred to the African - American experience and wasn t broad enough and would hinder future growth and; limit both diversity and sponsorships of the Celebration. On the other :hand, the word "Black" has historical signifibance, embraces the Celebration.of Black culture as the original concept reflected in the mission statement. The Name and Title an Identity Crisis - continued The City of Boynton Beach is becoming an increasingly diverse communJty, which mirrors the vast majority of communities across the nation. The consultant's approach in providing a solution to the name "identity crisisi' primarily focuses on the ~uture growth of the Celebration and associated activities. However, the consultants advise that when the Black Awareness Celebration,committee considers a name modification, or a complete name change, that it, be done with additional consideration given to -the importance of the Black experience pioneers who founded the celebration twenty years ago, and times have changed in- a growing diverse community. These cc mmunity, committee members,and City staff. With;this in mind. the consultants have provided three options. Remedy/Recommendation: Option #1: Keep the existing name with emphasis on educating the community and others, as to what ¢~Black Awareness Celebration" really means. Education is the key with this option and the Black Awareness Celebration Committee must take the lead in the development of the educational process. Option # 2: Modify the name by the incorporation of a "tag line" design to focus on the intent and purpose of the organization. The "tag line" must be simple and reflect the central-organizing principals of the Organization (Vision and Mission). Examples: Black Awareness Celebration "A Multi-Cultural Experience" Black Awareness Celebration "A Celebration of People" Black Awareness Celebration "Celebrating Community Diversity" The Name and Title, an Identity Crisis - continued Option # 3: A.c°mplete name change, which~ is consistent w th ,the central-organiZing prH option proVides: the mostr ,, . . - tag line ~ if'desired. However this iS the. ider~atien~0f~,all factors m, onthe Shades of Culture "AD' /verse Community Celebration" The Consultants suggest that at the Committee Retreat the Name/Title in conjunction withother subject matters of the Black Awareness Celebration organization, be studied and that some resolution be agreed to. Black Awareness Discovery Committee/Community Questions 1)Background a)What is meant by the term Black Awareness? (Cuban, West Indies, Haitian, Mexican, Non-White) b) Is there room for diversity? (culturally, ethnically) c) What inclusive methods can be employed? (culturally, ethnically) 2) Elements/Activities a) What elements/amenities currently exist ? (food, music, poetry etc) b) what elements are missing? c) Do you want to broaden participation ? d) How do we broaden participation in the committee/community) e) Is there room for growth? f) How do we foster growth (new events?) (participants, volunteers, partnersl~ips, financial, patrons) 3) Geography List areas not currently used where events can be held. what are the locations controlled by the City? what are some non-traditional locations for different venues? 4) Issues What concerns do you have about fl~e Black Awareness Special Events What concerns do you have,about All City Events Neighborhood issues 5) Planned Development / Other issues or concerns Traffic Parking Public safety/Risk management Crowd control Tracking (attendance, income, expenses, volunteers, vendors) ID in-kind services of the City Contractual agreement development (entertainment, vendors, venues, hospitability, Application/Registration, insurance waiver forms Surveys - who comes and why The NAME / TITLE An Identity Crisis 8.2.00 knowing your culture / heritage showcase African American history awareness of African American history education economic impact pride 8.15.00 To include other cultures / groups Currently does not include other cultures. There was considerable discussion on the term Black. It was viewed as a barrier. "It excludes other people of color (Asian, South American etc.)" "Consider name change". '~People should not be intimidated by the term Black". 8.22.00 Cultural Celebration Festival Roots Ebony Experience Heritage Timbuktu Friendship Comments African-American excludes others Gap in time and history Diversi(y issue To include island people 8.30.00 Keep it Celebration Cuba~ ,Indian, Gtuei~Of a culture t support T~ag~e ~gmnmg or end of name cUlture, how we interact, not just Black, not the color of our skin, not a diversity (white/black/brown) 9.26.00 Need to be more original. Describes out heritage. The word awareness has meaning~ The name says it all, The history is lost. Being aware of who we are. ~ot limited to Black people. The absolute totality of our hi~to~y. The name is misleading. What do we wan[People to be aware of, Brings peopl~ to~ether. A celebration. The NAME / TITLE An Identity Crisis 8.2.00 knowing your culture / heritage showcase African American history awareness of African American history education economic impact pride 8.1S.00 To include other cultures / groups Currently does not include other cultures. There was considerable discussion on the term Black. It was viewed as a barrier. !'It excludes other people of colOr (Asian, South American etc.)" "Consider name change". "People should n°t be intimidated by the Ierm Btack'L 8.22.06 Cultural Celebr&tion Festival Roots Ebony Experience Heritage Timbuktu Friendship Comments African-American excludes others Gap in time and history Diversity issue To include island people 8.30.00 Keep it Celebration Black Race - people of color Cuban, Indian Glue of a culture Consider change in 2002- gmn FinanciaL.support Keep program going H'mtory:of the name Tag the beginning or end of name 9.6.00 Culture, how we interact, not just Black, not the color of our skin, not a negative stereotype, Hispanic/ ~odty, diversity (white/black/brown) 9.26.00 Need to be more original. Describes out heritage. The word awareness has meaning. The name says it all. The history is lost. Being aware of who we are. Not limited to Black people· The absolute totality of our history. The name is misleading. What do we want people to be aware of. Brings people together. A celebration. IV. Relationship with the City The relationship between the Black Awareness Celebration Committee and the City of Boynton Beach at the present time is one of dependency. At t ' ' ' efforts to enhance overall staff efficiency the same time. he Cfty is makfng amount of that support has hi~ ThE 1ce. the The ~ fact part, but relati¢ itsel or very effi( iS cru ~ln put in le D( a Black Awareness Committee retreat. the City. )rovided by the City. ~p Committee Structure (Section V) V. Committee Structure One of the driving forces in hidng the consultants was the desire to develop a strategic plan that addresses the present re ationship between the Bi~ck Awareness Celebration COmmittee and the City of Boynton levE 3hal structure ice p( there With a the Black re- In order to ~ from the City towa rd sa that After main addr addition ~f the three 1 an eye on in :Chart). The ~gh the crucial and Staff Committee Structure - continued · Finance Sub-Committee will assist in making the Black Awareness Celebration C, After Fair; andthe F~aith I will The ,cience ima Committee Structure - continued By consolidating into similar groupings, you create greater efficiencies. "Spiritual" and "Education" categories are general however, the tasks for each event within a general category are sim ar in nature. Keep in mind that each event remains, a Sub-Committee hav ng ts own Cha .?erson The sole intent is to share what yOb have in common and to utihze the similar skill bases necessary to conduct successfu events with a greater growth potential. · Committee Governance: Policies and procedures are very important to the operations of any organiZatiOn. To be able to mak~ sound decisions and to have in place procedures that manifest fairness and equity in anefficient manner will take any organization a long way. Most of the individ uals that are involved with the Celebration are community volunteers. It's important to be able to conduct meetings in an efficient and orderly fashion. This lends credibility to the leadership and committee members. All volunteers appreciate efficient use of their volunteer time. The Consultants expect the organizational chart will change to reflect movements toward a self-sufficient independent organization in future years. However, we caution the co~n. mittee not to rush to the desired result. Build the infrastructure of the organization first by using the criteria for gaining Non-Profit status as a guide. This approach will help to insure that the appliCation, for Non-Profit status is successful. The Consultants advise the committee to start this process in year three (see Exhibit # 11 - Timeline). Remedy/Recommendations: · Adoption of a standard governance procedure - Robert's Rules of Order. · Implement election procedures for Chair and Vice Chair (see Exhibit 5 - Procedures for Election of Chair and Vice Chair). · Develop policies that enforce committee procedures. Committee Structure - continued · Develop a Black Awareness committee member application and database./ program. EXHIBIT # 3 Black CITY FINANCE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE (Revised Oct. 3, 2000) COSmITTV~E VICE CHAIR LEIURE SERVICE / SPECIAL EVENTS KEY BLACK AWARENESS EVENT SUB-COMMITTEES SPONSORSHIP SUB-COMMITTEE VOLUNTEER SUB,COMMITTEE SPRITUAL SUB-COMMITTEE GOSPEL-O-RAMA SUB-COMMITTEE l FAITH BASED EVENT CORONATION SUB-COMMITTEE RECEPTION SUB-COMMITTEE BLACK AWARENESS EVENT SUB-COMMITTEES BASKETBALL SUB-COMMITTEE CORP. CHALLENGE SUB-COMMITTEE EDUCATION SUB-COMMITTEE YOUTH LUNCHEON SUB-COMI~'rr~E SCIENCE FAIR SUB-COMMITTEE SPELLING BEE / ORATORICAL SUB'COMMITTEE STUDENT CONTEST SUB-COMMITi'EE AFRICAN AMERICA BOOK CLUB ! BLACK AWAREI~ESS ] Boynton Beach Black Awareness Celebration Organization Prepared by L. B. Limited & Associates. Inc. for the City of Boynton Beach, FL (9/00) The following list represents the proposed make-up of the Black Awareness (BA) Celebration Committee (see organization chart). The responsibilities for each member are as follows: Chair Oversees the overall activities of the entire committee. Responsible forBA Day coordination Official spokesperson for Black Awareness Liaison to Special Events Manager, Leisure Services. Vice Chair and the Finance Department Makes post-even~ report to City Manager and Council Participates in committee decision-making process Leads dispute reSOlution process Vice-Chair Oversees key Operations sub-committees (Finance, Sponsorship & Volunteer) Oversees and coordinates Event Sub-Committees Manages duties of Chair in that person's absence Participates in dispute resolution process Liaison to Special Events/Leisure Services for promotions Manage entertainment requests from sub-committees Finance Department Produce comprehensive event budget report (revenue & expenses) Log event income and expense transactions Disperse event expense cheeks Direct commumcation With Finance Sub-Committee Chair Special Events Department Liaison betwee~ BA committee and City Provide support for BA events ( public works, police, fire rescue, risk management) Manage marketing, promotions and public relations functions Assist with budget planning Participated in dispute resolution process Boynton Beach Black Awareness Celebration Organization (cont'd) Proposed - Finance Committee Manage BA event budget requests Document individual' event sub-committee bu~tgets Primary coordinator in budget process Assist with comprehensive budget development Make formal requests for event expense disbursement Liaison with Fin~ce Department and Committee Vice Chair Proposed - Sponsorship Committee Document existing Sponsors Develop plan to obtain new sponsors (levels, benefits, documentation, goal) DevelOp Inrkind~spohsorship values Lialso~with Finance Sub-committee and Committee Vice Chair Proposed - Volunteer Committee Document existing volunteer base (data base) Develop plan to recruit new volunteers Develop volunteer appreciation program Liaison with Committee Vice Chair Sub-Committee Chairs ( 1 for each event) Develop irritial budget for each event Attend committee meetings / report progress ProVide entertainment needs to Vice Chair Assist in coordination and participate in volunteer appreciation Liaison with Volunteer, Finance, Sponsorship committees Abide by Chair, Vice Chair conflict resolution decision(s) Assist, coordinate'and participate in BA Day activities Develop recommendations to improve and. grow each event Assist in overall promotions plan development Assist in identification of sponsors Identify an event revenue generator Assist in layout of event site- to be added to site map Procedure for Election of Chair and Vice Chair Black Awareness Celebration Names for nomination to each seat must be ~equest~e.d and documented~ :Names :will be submitted to the Special EventsManagerin the Ci~ ofBoyntor/Beach. The names will be compiled and distributed to committee members.along with a date, time and location to hold the election. A vote for Chair and Vice Chair will be taken separately by written ballot The votes will be tallied and the winner announced. In the event 0fa tie, a new vote d ' will be taken an the winner announced. The term for Chair and Vice Chair is one year unless otherwise changed by a majority of the committee. Election for the Chair and Vice Chair will take place within 60 days following the close of that years' event. (example: the February 2002 event election will be held by April 30, 2001). Event Chairs will be selected and voted on by the committee at-large. In the event of a vacancy, the committee at-large will nominate a replacement for Event Chair. The vote can be taken by a show of hands orby ballot. VI. Black Awareness Celebration General Budget At partment com~ the-Finance Department and ~the Committee is only occurs when there is a check request or financial questions ariSe. The cOnsultants feel that greater responsibility needs to be taken by the Corem ittee with regards to becoming more fiscally responsible and accountable, g a Not,for-profit status The IRS proven fisoa track recor 'e of the overall budget of the · the com~ Chairpers( members;, of enhancing for Gen This' mE an independent organization involves .~ Sub,Committee building a solid financial Event Budget to include; 1 )- Revenue of Chair and Vice Chair), Sub-Committee Chairperson in, 1 line item cf thc Black {See Exhibit #!7 - General details -Comm imperative to the growt~ hand Sub~Committee_Chai~'perS°n is , Some events need to review the current time the only revenue generators s; ticket sales for the Youth 'porate ( Black Awareness Celebration General Budget - continued The remaining events are .~veto g members '~ mechanism: 3f revenue The consultants are focused on t Commtttees abd~ty ' dominating, factor by which to to include such a structured, revenue generators can be directed One of of the revenue organization ~ selected revenue generator on I would be allowed to participate on this Celeb financia of n~ ing Celebrati(~n the )lq ~ns that then The ~sion Sc .~ food' merch~ underwriters. ~or Black Awareness Celebration General Budget - continued Rem edy/Recom mendations: · Identify and Recruit the "skills" needed to fill the Finance Sub- Committee Chair position. · Development of overall Budget format. · Develop suitable revenue generators for each event. · Develop a Strategy for an exclusive revenue generator for Black Awareness Day. · Deve op a financial tracking, system (charts and graphs) that depicts growl1 trends, revenue an<~ e~(penses. · Develop a system of financial record keeping (financial history data base), · DevelOp a strategy for rate of growth (forecasts and projection.s). - ' 200! BLACK AWARENESS Event Budget Form Sub Committee: Chairperson: Volunteers: PROPOSED REVENUE Detail Cash . Checks Zn-Kind i NET TOTALS · .~ Suggested improvements for 200! event: Give a brief description of your revenue generator: · :. Circle the category that describes how you will generate revenue (for accounting purposes only) 0!- Ticket Sales 04- Merchandising 02- Concessions 0§- Sponsorship 03~ Entry Fee 06- Underwriting 07- Advertising/Display Ad sales 08- Other (please indicate) Black Awareness 2001 · 'Budget BUDG~.T YTD +1. % REVENUE , SponSor Donations Interest Commemorat ve Poster Concessions. MerChandls~ ng Public Gates Event RevehUe TOTAL INCOME EX ,e "SES 'dm[m~u,.,on - . commemorative ~Poster Concessions ~ r Merchandising Public Gates Adve~Sing/promotions Entertainment Parking/Transportation PUblic RelatiOns Signs & Banners Site Operat ohs 'olunteers Youtl~ A~ea" sponsorShipr , , Event!Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES NET INCOME contingen~ VII. Black Awareness Celebration Operations The Operations function,' the responSibi the fi n an ces for the been - 10,pages ~o~i), Risk include; Event Permits, ~ing. Reme~fy/Recommendation: · Followthe City's Special Event Application procedures. · Establish the Committee Chair as the person responsible for ,,O_~erall operations (with support from designated sub-committee chair~i~ · Develop a site map for each event and Black AwareneSs Day,~ · Develop a system for vendor location (priority). · ConduCt a post-event evaluation of all operations. · Conduct a visitor survey. · Research and develop a system for alcohol permitting and sales, · Compile a list of potential sponsors. · Set a sponsorship goat for the 2002 Black Awareness Celebration. · Research and develop a entertainment criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 2 DEADLINES ........................................................................... ....-..--.......,.................. 2 APPLICATION PROCEDURES ..................................................................................... 2 General Events..; ............................................................................................ 2 Neighborhood Bock Parties ............................................................................ 3 COMMUNITY EVENTS ON-CALL FEE ........................................................................... 3 SPECIAL EVENT REQUIREMENTS ............................... 3 Notification Letter: ........................................ ,--.-.....--............................. 3 Insdrance...;.L ............................................................... AD~Requirements:-;;': ............ .................. : ....... .......................... :... :: 3 3 Se:cdrity.::...~:;: ......... :...: ................... : ........... ................................................. 3 Barricades .............................. 4 SanitatiOn .................. Fire Safety/EMS Coverage ....................................................................... · .,.,. · 4 SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS ........................................... :-.,...-. ............... ...,., ... ..... ....... 5 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX . , . FOOD VENDORS.; ...................................... 5 TENTING. 6 SPECIAL ~¥ENT OPTIONS ...................................................................................... 6 T~rary s~gnage ...................................................... : ...........6 Dire~Jon;~l Signaga ............................................ ~ ............................. 7 FEE SCHEDULE .................................. 7 SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION ..................................................... ,......-.... · -.-..- -. ..... . 8 - 10 SPEClAJ~ EVENT LISTING ............ ..................................................................... 11 This handbook was adapted for use in the City of Boynton Beach from the City of West Palm Beach's Handbook Revised 1/11/99 I INTRODUCTION The Special Events Section (561) 742-6222, shall receive and process for approval applications for events that occur on Cty of Boynton Be~ch park properties rights-of-way w thi? the c fy, on any citystreet and on cOmmercial properties: The Special Events Team will coordinate w th cty departments and City Commission to approve app cat on. The event promoter is required to make arrangemen!s wth the Poli~ Department, aod the Department Of Development With the aSsistance Of the Speciai Events Team U~0n approval Of application, you will b~ ,not fled of event fees. Site~pian must be submitted with a~pliceti~)n. Special events are not SChedu ed on Thanksg v ng and F~: day Saturday and Sunday~q I~wing ThankSgiving, Christmas EVe and Christmas Day. Thee Avenue Cente! ~ '~,, DEADLINES ~ . A corn must be fi ed w ththe Spe~!al~Events~agtion o~1 or 501 one month three ~n0nth:~ six months ~ine months prior to date of eve,~t: prior'to dateof event pi;ior,to dateiof event p~ or'to; da{e~ Of eveet Any polit~ler religious event or any event that requires a change or, variance to established ordinances requ res ~[~ei~[inglo;~ an application 3 montl~s prior to the e~/ent and will also require City Commission approval' "~ ~ Any eve~ de~iring to sell, possesses or consume alcoholic beverages must,file an application 3 months prior to ~e e'~ent and will requ re City Commission approval. APPLICA3'ION PROCEDURES General Events The application process begins when you subm t a completed Special Event Application form and a $25 00 ~PP i~ti~)n fee to the Leisure services Department/Special Event Section made payable to the C ty of B~)yntbn Beach. A security deposit of $100 will be required for the use of city property as de~med~,in~e~Sary by the. City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Deparb'nent/Special Event Section made p~bl~e to the City of Boynton Beach. UpOn receipt of your application, copies are reviewed by City Del~;rtrrients and S~,cial Events staff to a-~sess site availability, quality and goal of the event, compliance, with City Ordinance, permits requ red, Special Event P~rmit Fee and Security Deposit requirements. Your event may re~uire City Commission approval. Appea s~may betaken to the City Commission within two (2) weeks of-a staff denial. Ail fees mentioned here n ar~ subject 'to change without notice. 2 Revised 1/11/99 Neighborhood Block Parties Neighborhood block parties will normally be approved on local streets, which are not primary traffic streets (i.e., bus routes).- All private block parties must have their neighborhood association. (if one does not exist signatures from the majority of the homeowners), submit an application for road closures Neighborhood ASsociations must submit an application, nc ud ng the $25 00 fee for street closures 30 days before the event date. Late applications may or may not be approvedbaeed on the availability of city services. Insurance may be required depending upon the risk level of the event. Neighborhood Associations are not allowed to sep,'e alcoholic beverages on city property unless they apply three (3) months in advance of their~event date and comply witt~ all insurance requirements. COMMUNITY EVENTS ON-CALL FEE Should a Special Events team member be required to be on call during an event, the event promoter will be charged $14,00 pe~ houdper team member. If the Special Eventsteam member s requ red to be on site du?~ng no~W°r:king;he~s at a~.event,.the promoter Wi!l remit the rate of $'1.8.00 per h~ur with a minimu_m,. 6f~thfe.e:~3~ h0ur shifts, The Special Events Section will detarmJne the Special Events teem member s need to be on call. SPECIAE EVENT REQUIREMENTS NOTIFICATION LETTER. Soecial Events Section, 742-6222 The City .of~0ynt00 ~h reqUires~e~ach event promoter:to provide a written notice one month prior to the evan~ ~iC[u~ing~d~te~meS of fileeVent and road closures to all businesses and neighbo~oods surrounding the e~;en;[. Tl:Jeleven~: prOmoter shall also provide a copy of such notice to the speCial Events Section, INSURANCE, Risk Management Division, 742-6040 Insurance requirements depend upon the risk leve of the event. The event promoter may ~e requ red to provide therCity a certificate of General Liability InSUrance in the amount of $1 million dollars, naming the City of Boynton Beach as additionally~nsured. Worker's Compensation ~s required for any emp oyees hired by the promoter. If at~'0h~°lic b~erages are being served at the event, an additional $1 mill on do lar LiqUor Lia, l~ ity lr~surance $1hall be r~eqa re(~ nam ngthe Cty of Boynton Beach as add t cna nsureq Both insdrance po ic es ate due,tw0'(2) We~l~s before th~ ever~t. ' certificate to: C tY of Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310. ADA REQUIREMENTS, 742-6243 It is ~he event promoter's responsib~ity to comply w th a Cty County State and Federa D sab t es Access Requirements applicable to the evenL All indoor end outdoor sites for special events must be accessible to persOns with disabilities. This would also include portable restroom facl it es. SECURITY, Police Department 742-6107 For the safe!y ofiparticipants, volunteers, otc,, police may be necessary for your event. A police offmer will be required et each location where alcoholic beverages are served and at any location deemed neCessary by the Special Events Po~ Liaison to maintain order and protect persons and property. If a private security firm or individua s assoc ated with the event are act ng as seCurity guards the event promoter sba nd cate n the Specml Events App ~cabon. The Po ~ca L~a~son w~ a so coordinate w~th each promoter on how many security guards the promot .er would need to hire for street closures and othei respor~sibilifies. Ail race/walks ~ill be required to hire seCurity' guards in order to help close the roads an¢ monitor street closings. Revised 1/11/99 3 Cost The cost for providing off-duty police services is $20,00 ~er police officer per hour with a minimum of three (31 hour shifts The estimated fee for off-duty police services will be determined when the Special Events Police Liason rece yes a fina zed s te map Payments will be billed accordingly. BARRICADES, STREET DIV~SION:742-62QO The City will provide barricades at no cost contingent on availability, unl?ss the event requires special barr cedes for night ~treet clceures or ~e~muting tr~ic..' EVents 'raqai~in~ special barridad~ rentais;~Shall meet with a rep~eSentat we from: the Pt~31iCWori(s~.D~epartm~nt~; Division,of Streets,~he Spec~al Eveat;. Police Liaison, Special Events Section. The promoter Shall be responsible.fOr the rental of ~ny necessary bardcades. SANtTAT/ON DEPARTMENT:742-6200 went~ An extra:fee~will be charged if to two Dumpsters Arrangements for dumpsters will be handled by ~ie_ Specia Events Team; The event promoter must subm t d~mpstet needs in Writing including a site~map~,:to the sPecial Events Sectidn ~o less than 30 days pri0i'tO the event~ However, all dumpSter fees ir~curred bythe prorfi0ter.will be billedafter the event by the SanitatiOn Department. Dumpster fees are as follows: Dumpster Size Fee 4 yard= $28 per emptying 6 yard= $42 per emptying A fees a~'e subject to change at anytime Without not/ce. 8 yard= $56 per emptying Toilet Facilities Portable toilets may be required for an event depending onthe estimated attendance and ava/ab ty of public facilities. The minimum number of facilities should be one mate/female per200~people per day. The acquisition of and paymenl for portable toilets shall be the sole ~esponsibility of the applicant. Portable~{6i[etS m~uSt b~ 0~ ~ finalized site map in ~der tO be approvedl If nece.ss.a.~, t.he n .u. mbe~ed required will be; determined by'the sPecial Events Team Leader. Toilet facilitiessnail De nanmcapp accessible. Recycling Each event is encouraged to utilize its best efforts to recycle materials. FIRE SAFETY/EMS COVERAGE, Fire Rescue Department 742-6600 If any event occurs with n the city limits, the Fire Rescue Department must approve the site plan to assure adequatefire end emergency access as prescr bed by the Fire COde. The site plan must be submitted 30 days priOr to the event to ~theSpecial Events secti0n~ Each event~utilizing city streets must leave a 15- foot emergency aCCess I~ne. ~he Fire Rescue Department will delineate fira and life safety requirements depending on the n. ature and size of the event using approved cedes and standards. EMS Coverage 742-6325 The Fire Department is authorized to require employment of standby firefightara, EMS and/or Fire Inspectors for events held within the city. The Fire Chief will make the determination of the need for such coverage,and the event promoter is responsible for calculating such charges incurred based upon the department's costs including any administrative expenses. Revised 1/11/99 Costs The rate is approximately $25 per hour/per personnel. Payments will be billed accordingly. SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS The City of Boynton Beach City Code regulates alt carnivals circuses and spec a events when they are on pub c property or reouire ciiy Services or facilities Prior to the. event, the following items are required: Community Event Approval Zoning Approval Proof Of Liability Insurance City Carnival/Spec al Event Occupationa L cense Tax State"Carnix'al'&icense (When applicable) ~ · Temp~)rary:St~ctuiZe (tent) Permits TemPorary.EleCtrical Permit Restrootn?~cilities ~ Fna insil~i.,oos from Bud ng Etectrica Fire and State Cam va nspector r or to o enin Po ce D ~ '~'~ ~'? ~:'~' .i ~ P P g' e~ent'n~fi~at o~ requ red for traffic, safety and park ng control. OCCUPATtONAL~MCENSE TAX, Occupational License Division of Department of Development 742~6360' ? ~ '~ ~ Even ~thou~gh the special e~tent itself pays an occupational license tax, it does not e iminate the requir,~me~t;ef~l} i~e event vendors tobe proper y censed f the event vendor has a permanent busin6ss ~ti~.~b~nch office propeH~ licensed n the city. no other ~ Cense tax is due. If the event vendor~ d0~s n~t j~ve a ~e~en;[ b~Sine~s location or bmr[ch office ~Vithin the city, but ho ds a valid and currently e~feg~ tive~0GCUpationa, I license issued by the countY or,another inc0rporat~d municipality, a copy of license Shall I~e~ imade available to the City of Boynton Beach CarnNals eno;~pecial events have an occupationaHicense tax rate schedu e of $450 per event. Any short term special event of one day or less and not irequ ring city serv ces has an occ~pat ona cerise tax rate schedule of~ $~50 per event. NOt for'pr0fit orgarfizafions ara exempt from fees but must meet all other requ~rer0~/ntsan~l fil Out a paperwork FOOD VENDORS If the food vendor has a valid and currently effective occupational license and State of Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants license for their restaurant or other place of business, then no other license or fee is due. If the food vendor has a Division of Hote s and Restaurants approved mobile food vending unit or Health Department approved mobile food vending cart, then the vendor must obta n a Palm Beach County Mobile Occupational Lioense (561-355-2272); A copy must be submitted with special event appl cat on If the food vendor is established specifically for the event and does not meet the previous two group's criteria, then the vendor must contact the Division of Hotels and Restaurants to obtain a copy of the temporary license to be submitted with the application, The special event occupational license tax rate is per event which may be more than day. The city indivi(~ual vendor oCCUpational license expires September 30 of each year. It is the respons b ty of the event promoter to inform the State of Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants at (95~1 958-5520 of his/her event times, dates, number and type of food vendors; TEMlaORARY ELECTRICAL WIRING Events requiring electricity must hire an electrician, meeting the licensing requirements of 489 Florida Statute. The City of Boynton Beach will strictly enforce the requirements of the National Electrical Code. TemporaryWiring for all special events. Electrical permit application shall be submitted a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance of the event. This will allow for verification that all other required permits, licenses end insurance certificates have been obtained prior to the release of the permit. Application for electrical permits can be obtained in the Building Division of the Department of Development. Revised Ill 1/99 5 TENTING BUILDING DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT 742-6350 FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT 742-6325 Tents .requ re a,.bui ding permit and building inspect ons.. Th s app jcat on sha be made tothe Bui ding Division of the Depart~nt,of~Development. ' ' If the event involves the p acement of tents, the event promoter or tent representative w Jl need to bring the following to the Bu Iding Div s on for your application ~or permit. Th S ~3erm t app cation Will be reviewed for code compliance. Site plan indjcat ag ~tent placement must be prov deal. Tent p!acemen'~ is r~ot perm~ed ~wi!bin,~ten (~!.0) feet: of ar{y structure, bt'within ~1'0 feet of an adjoining prop~'line thetis not parti~p~tihg~[nit~e?~. Fame ce~dficate for the tent ortents must be prOVided ~ tents booths or ~canOp e~u~d ,~r,~k ng or vending shal~ b~ ~of~fir. e.~etard~t3t matedah ~Thi~d0es~t~inclUde ~0'x;l~-Shade public to are Fire cede:Inspections of the tent wi take place prior,to the event and bilked aCCOrding to the)'cil ow~ g schedule: $25 per site The maximum fee for fire COde inspection of tents at any one special event shall not exCeed $2,000. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT- 742-6350 When the sPecial events permit application iS received by the Special Event Team. a COpy will be forwarded ~the Fire Deparb'nent and the Department Of Development. SPECIAL EVENT OPTIONS Temporary Signage Special civic event, recreational or expositional signs of a temporary nature, not to exceed seventy-five (75) square f~et in area, which are of general benefit to the community and wh ch are individually approved byth~ Director of Devel(~pm~nt, may be permitted. Such signs shall be located at specified points for the convenience of the traveling public. The Signs shall be r,moVed Within five (5) days of the completion of the event. To obtain approval the permittea shall submit a written letter 30 days before the event date indicating the s ze, design end location on a site map. l~evised t/11/99 Directional Signage Directional signs may be permitted on existing city signposts to direct traffic to the event site. Each sign will requir, e~a seven (7) f°ot clear"ance between the bottom of the sign and the ground surface The Special EventsSupervisor~and the DePartment of PbblicWorks must appreve all direct ona signs. Utility poles are not owned by the city, therei;ore appr0vai must be received by Florida Power and Li~t (FPL), Department of Transportation IDOT), Special Events Manager and the Department of Public Works as follows: · Submit an approval letter by FP&L Electric · Contact DOT and complete applicat on forms · Provider a photocopy of design, size, color and make · Provide approval I~ttTer fr~m DO~ and reCeive approval, by Special Events Manager and Department of Public Works_ · Permittee is responsible for erecting.signage no more than three (3) days rt advance of event and must dismantle all signs within two (2) days after the event. FEE SCHEDULE · Due Date Fees Services , ~ Contact Ap~li~a, ti_'on; site map, sales Depends 6n estimated $35-Commercial/Non Special Evenm 742-6222 tax.cer~ficate attendance ~- Refer ~o Page 2 Resident r $25' Commercial/Resident $20 - Private/Non, Resident $15 - Private/Resident $10 - Non-Profit ' Site iMap Submit wi~ Application - N/A Special Events ?42-6222 Refer to Page 2 Notification Letter 30 days ptior to the event - N/A Special Events 742-6222 ' Refer to Page 3 Potiee 30 days $20 per hour minimum of 3 Police Depemnent 742-6 105 hrs. per officer Barr~cadas 30 days Poss~le rental fees - Refer to ~ Sheet Division 742-62~0 Page 4 Dunipsters 30 days Tipping fees: $28~ $42, $56 s:~nlt.~ion Division ?42-6200 Fire'MS Coverage To be determined Approximstely $25 per hour Fire & Life Safetl~ 742-6600 Occupational License 30 days Determined by Event Type - Department of Development 742-6360 r Refer to Pa~e 6 Tent Parmit 30 days Min. $~$ up t~ $3000 then Deperanent of DeveloPment ?42-63?0 1.6% of value TentlInspections Day ofitte event $25 per site Fire Department-Fire & Life Safety ! , 742-6600 Temporary Electric Permits 4 days prior to the event ' Mira $35 up to $3000 then Department of Development 742-6370 i 1.6% of value Signs 7 days before event i Sign permit fee may b~ Department of Develupment 742-6370 ', r~uired Special Event Permit Fec 14 days ; $100-Conanercial/Non Special Events 742-6222 ' $75~ Commercial/Resident ' $50 - Private/Non. Resident $25 - PrivateTResident ', $ t0 - Non-Profit Security Deposit 14 days ! $1~00-' Refer to Page 2 Special Events ?42-6222 Cop~ of Liquor License 7 days A Special Evmts 742-6222 Cop~ bf Food Permits 7 days ', N/A. i Special Events 742-6222 Insurance Certificates 14 da},s i N/A Special Events ?42-6222 Revised 1/11/99 7 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SPECIAL EVENTS SECTION APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENTS Please type 'm~grmation or print legibly in dark/nk, , . ApplicatiOn n{~st be fille~ our c6mplet~ly: A: d~tailed s!fe:n~g g,howing all'temp0rary struomre, mcaUous (stages, res~W~ms, si~ge, tents, etC-)must l~eat/ached: A;ppii~ati0~:fe~ mi~ ;al~:b~ included when application'is turned' in to theSp~c~al E~ents Section 0r it wili kot.be r~v~ed.i : ' ' "' EVENT PROPOSAL Name of Event Detailed description of the event Date Day Event Day 1 Event Day 2 Event Day 3 Event Day 4~. EventDalf 5 Set up for event will begion on Breakdown will be complete by Date Begin OAMOPM OAMOPM OAM OPM OPM OAM C) PM PM Alternate dat~ for your event Organization (s) Producing Event Name Address City :, - Phone City Stste/Zip Phone Fax Indi~a,,.~(s) Res~ensible ci~ $~edZip Phone Please state Non-Profit, Priva~ or ~ T~ ~ N~ Co~o~ N~ Dat~ of In~mfien ~l~ ~fi a c~y of your c~flc~ to ~e applic~ State/Zip Phone Fax Purpose of the event (Goals, etc.) Number Of years this event has taken place in the City of Bo!mton BeaCh. Is event prcduced in other ciities? If yes, what cities? How many full time staff members in the organization? Revised 1/11/99 Volunteers? CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC~ sPECIAL EVENTS SECTION APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENTS Estimated number of participants Please list charges for participants and viewers below (admission, registration, or enmmee fees) Vendor ,Fees Number Cost Per Vendor Estimated Revenue Food Vendors Att Vendors (other) Tickets/Regmtration Number Adults Children Seniors Cost per Ticket/Registration Fee Estimated Revenue How will ~hese revenues be utilized? ~f .the proceeds of the requested event are intended for an organization other than the'applicant, please provide the followir/g mformat~on: Benefithlg organization: Address: City/State/Zip: Contact P~raon: Phone: Tcnns of Agresmant: Total Estimated Donation: Event LogiStics: Will your event require road alos~. __ If yes, please daser/be requested strest~ and times below: A map of this area mest be attached Does the proposed area include fenced areas? [lyes, clearly indicate the exact areas to be fenced on the map. There are specific requirernents regarding fencing on city property. Will event requir~ the ese of elasticity? O YES O NO Location: Events requiring eles~icivy must hire an alec~rialan, licensed in the City of Boynton Beach. (Please show locations on map) Name of Electric/an Company Name Phone No. The event promoter is responsible for clean-up of all event sites. The City of Boyninn B~ach w/il provide dumpsters for your event at your request, all dumping fees will be charged to the promoter by the city. If event site is not cleaned thoroughly, a clean-up charge will be assessed. Who will provide clean-up service during and after the event?. Company: Phone: Number of dumpsters needed: Location (please show on map): Number of temporary restroom facilities being placed: (The minimum numbar of facilities should be one per 200 persons. Please show on locations map) Will music be provided O YES O NO Number of lend spqakurs: DATE TIME OF DAY TYPE OF MUSIC Revised 1/11/99 9 Will beverages be served? O Alcohol O Food (Please indicate the locations of these area/booths on the site map. Permission to sell alcohol on public property must be given by the City Commission.) Are you utilizing public transportation? O Y_ES O NO How? P..ease E~xptain. Are you proposing re place signs or erect banners on public property? O YES O NO Will any temporary su'ucmres ve erected (stages, ~cnts, ticket booths, etc? O YES O NO (Indicate their locations on site map) . Will the event have. any vendors or concession sales? O YES O NO Plesse indicate Will the event include amusement rides? 0 YESO NO If yes, company providIng the eqmpmem What amusement rides are planned? (All amusement' rides must be approved by the state. Please indicate on site map) Signature Da~ Please enctose a non-refundable $25 application fee payable to The City of Boyaton Beach Special Events Office 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 (56I) 742-6222 FOR STAFF USE ONLY O SITE MAP O SALES TAX CERTIFICATE 0 APPLICATION FEE AMOUNT: $ RECEIVED: NAME ON CHECK: DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED DATE: CHECK #: APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT RISK MANAGEMENT PUBLIC WORKS LEISURE SERVICES Revised 1/11/99 SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATUKE DATE SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE I0 City of Boynton Beach Special Events Boynton's G.A.L.A. Third weekend in March Friday, Saturday & Sunday Live conceals, foot, arts & cr~fts Kid~ Komer Information: (561) 742:6222 Boynton Beach Breakfast. In Boynton/GreenMarket i $~turdays, November - April Information.' "(561) 742-6222 T.N.T. Concerts Boynton.Beach Oceanfront Park FREE Monthly Concerts January, February~ May, June; July, August, September 6-9 P.M. Information: (561) 742-6222 July 4u~ Big Blast Boat Club. Park. Information: (561) 742-6222 Holiday Parade December 6, 1998 3:00 p.m. US 1 from Ocean Avenue to SE 12t" Avenue Marching Bands, Floats, Clowns and More! Pre-parade entertainment at 1:30 p.m~ at the reviewing stand at US1 & SE 2n" Avenue -Information: (561) 742-6222 Black Awareness Day February Presentations, Gospel, Music, Concerts, Outstanding Student Recognition-Prcgram, Food, Music and Displays Celebrating Black' History ln~ormatioh: (561) 742-6222 Revised 1/11/99 I I VIII. Events and Venues The Black Awareness Celebration is held in the month of February each year t 1) events that make upthe event on the last Saturday of. the month. Cha enge v~as the not co event. Id were discovered during our participation the same day and time. ; [evenue or attendance (or both). The Consultants conducted brai~nstor~ing sessions during the community and committee meetings and a~ked,' "'What is missing at Black Awareness . The: result of these sessions is recorded in the words of the participants. -(see Exhibit # 9 - What's Missing?) Remedy/Recommendation: · Research the various events listed in"'exhibit # for feasibility, cost effectiveness and the ability to generate revenue. · Develop criteria to add orr, lg Black Awareness (i.e. profitability, location, · Research one ; each year. · Conduct a dered. · When an event is added, the Volunteer and Sponsorship vice chairs on the~feesibility of adding the event. Black Awareness - Elements/Events hat s M~ss~ng .Black Awareness Meeting 8/2/00 Brainstorm Session w/committee members king and queen ceremony parade sports - basketball, softball, corporate challenge fashion show entertainment - gospel, R&B, blues, meringue,, step show taste event food contest coronation student luncheon carnival rides cultural read-in education- African American learning sessions, spelling B oratorical contest, science fair, art exhibit and contest dirmer sales Black Awareness Community Programs should include other cultures Emphasis on music -jazz, funk, meringue, flamenco, etc. Black Awareness Community Meeting 8.22.00 Civic Center fishing tournament, family recreation, film festival, music for all age groups sand sculpture, carnival, bed races, pie eating contest, tiny tot olympics, video game toumament, card/board game competition, bowling, health fair, jazz club, plays/theater, author night, book fair, art exhibit,~youth dance, talent show, movies ~pool - beach etc. Black Awareness Meeting 8.30.00 Hester Center. Emertainment - children's programming Music, speakers, double dutch, rides; rap Innovation - use ballpark behind Hester Extended hours (currently noon-6 Sat.) Move to 9, 9 or 11 p.m. Work with Police (security) Additional days Hold other activities before Sat/Sun. Sponsor Banquet Black & White Ball Promote/reward volunteers Black Awareness Community Meeting 9.6.00- Head Start Accomplishments, newsletter, art, grants/assistance programs, credit counseling, health fair, kids activities, other cultures in planning, entertainment, teen pregnancy info, workshop on small business, advertising, jobs/training, housing info, educational oppommities, teenagers, safety activities, drug education, language skills (GED). Continu4d - Black Awareness Communit~ Meeting Bible Church of God 9.26.00 Continued - Kids basketball tournament Film festival'Z telling history Drama / Play Entertainmen~ "Gei;~it" da~, hislory/~ation IX. Geography Can New Locations Bring New Opportunities? The Black Awareness events and celebration have been held_in the same locations for. several years. Our research indicatesthis~s partially due to.~ availability, how conducivethe facility is to the event and cost restrictions. It makes se?se to hold the basketball tournament at the Hester Center becauSe this ocation is designed for such an activity. On the other hand events suCh as the Youth Recognition Luncheon or GospeI-O-Rama can and should consideralternative sites. The r the go sites is 1)to increase the audience and 4) increase During the committee and community meetings, participants were asked to brainstorm on possib~'/ocations for l~he events currently held, Participants were also asked t~o: identifY locations based on new events/activities The resu t of these SeSsionS i~ recorded in the words of the participants. (see Exhibit # 10 - Geography ) Remed The c( the committees cel( include: ng the Committee Retreat held in 2001, system for event evaluation for the 2002 ;~rowth and success. The process should · Research the various locations listed in exhibit # for feasibility, cost effectiveness and availability. · Develop relationship with property owners that meet the event criteria. · Evaluate the potential for new sponsors at it relates to new event sites. · Develop an operations site map. · Develop a lost of businesses that can offer new event sites. Black Awareness - Geography ~Black ~Awareness Community members churches ~ citywide golf course tennis center parks green space cultural: centers Black Awareness Community None listed Black Awareness Communi~ Meeting 8.22.00 Civic Center Citywide Schools Library City hall in the Mall city hall Senior center Black Awareness Meeting Hater. Center 8.30.00 Golf course ( tournament/entertainment ), Beach (concert)(160 + 49 auto spaces) Library, Museum, City hall + in the mall, the Mall, Parks, Block Party, Football field, Downtown CherryHill( Wilson Center, Beach, :Mall,:Boat Ramp, ,Civic Center, Flee Market, Sarah Sims Park, Hospital, Senior Black ;Awareness Meeting Parade route - along Seacrest To City Center.: X. Event Schedule The scheduling of events s the primary function of the person or persons in charge of event o~serations. The :City staff plays a major roe in this function and refleCt~ the System sometimes us~;:l with mun c pa plann ng - the utilization of staff time n an efficient manner. The four weekends in 'February allOW for events to be held with out conflict. In 2000 12th, both the Cor[ held. On Sunday! competed with each other for support. grouped in a waythat required Fo~' example on S~turday the Recc;gniti0n Lunche;on were ~ Corporate Challenge weekends, the members. ~ days and allows patrons for the basketball' ence each event without conflict (except t there are not simply four in which to hold events. DUring lhe attentioh of ).001 utilizes the eight (8) Remedy/Recommendation: · During the post-event plaln, ning process, analyze the participation anc~ reven~e fig~jres to' det~l;rrline {~e feasibility of existin~ even;~ scheduling. · Develop a system to incorporate new events and locations (see: Remedy under SectionVlll, Events and Venues) · Develop criteria to incorporate B ack Awareness activities into other City events. Section XI. Recommendations II. Vision and Mission At the fu · The cor and Mission ~nization.~ 31ack Awareness Celebration. II The Name and Title, an Identity Crisis Option #1: Keep the existing ,,n, ame with emphas s on educ_a,!ing the. community and others as to what BlaCk Awareness Celebration really means. Education s the key .with this option and the Black AwarenessC~lebration Committee muSt'tal(e the lead ir~ the development of ~he edUcationa process Option # 2: Modify the name by the incorporation of a "tag line" design to focus on the intent and purpose of the organization. The "tag line" must be simple and reflect the :central-organizing princ pals of the.Organ zat on. (mission and vision). Option # 3: A complete name change, which is consistent with the centra -organizing principals Of the Organization (mission and vision)- This option provides the most flexibility and can incorporate a "tag line" if desired. However this is the most challenging and requires the careful consideration of all factors mentioned on the previous page of the section. The Consultants suggest that at the Committee Retreat the Name/Title in conjunction with other subject matters of the Black Awareness Celebration organization be studied and that some resolution be agreed to. IV. Relationship with the City · Address the below listed items in a Black Awareness Committee retreat. · Identify the key services presently supplied/performed by the City. · Determine additional needed secvices provided by the City. · Determine the value of the services provided by the Cty · Development of a Sponsor relat onship · F°llow;[he recommendations listed in Committee Structure (Section V) V. Committee Structure · Adoption of a standard governance procedure - Robert's Rules of Order. · Election procedures for Chair and Vice Chair (See Exhibit # 5). · Develop policies that enforce committee procedures. · Identify and Recruit the "skills" needed to fill the Key Sub-Committee slots- Sponsorship, Volunteer and Finance, · Develop a Black Awareness committee member-application and database. · Replace Events Sub-committee Chairs currently occupied by City staff with qualified community members. · Develcp a strategy for volunteer recruitment. · Develop a volunteer recognition program. · Obtain an IRS, 501(c) 3 Not-for-Profit Application. VI. Black Awareness Celebration General Budget · Identify and Recruit the "skills" needed to f the Finance Sub- Committee Chair position. Development of overall Develop a Awareness event. revenue generator fo~ Black Develop a financial tracking system (charts and graphs) that depicts · Devel(~p~a system offinancia record keeping (financial history data base). · Develop a strategy for rate of growth (forecasts and project OHS). VII. Black Awareness Celebration Operations · Follow the City's Special Event Application procedures. · Establish the Committee Chair as the person responsible for overall operations (with support from designated sub-committee chairs). · Develop a site map for each event and Black Awareness Day. · Develop a system for vendor location (priority), · Conduct a post-event evaluation of all operations. · Conduct a visitor survey. · Research and develop a system for alcohol permitting and sales. · Compile a list of potential sponsors. · Set a sponsorship goal for the 2002 Black Awareness Celebration. · Research and develop an entertainment criterion. VII I. Events and Venues · Research the various events listed in exhibit # for feasibility, cost effectiveness and the ability to generate revenue. * Develop criteria to add or remove an event during Black Awareness (i.e. profitability, location, VOlunteers). · Research oneor 'two new eventsto incorporate each year. · Conduct a cost analysis for new events considered. · When an event is addedl coordinate with the Volunteer and Sponsorship vice chairs on the feasibility of adding the event. IX. Geography The consultants suggest that during the Committee Retreat held in 2001. the committees incorporate a system for event evaluation for the 2002 celebration that sets cdteria for growth and success. The process should include: · Research the various locations listed in exhibit # for feasibility, cost effectiveness and availability. · Develop relationship with property owners that meet the event criteria. · Evaluate the potential for new sponsors at it relates to new event sites. · Develop an operations site map. · Develop a lost of businesses that can offer new event sites. X. Event Schedule · During the post-event planning process, analyze the participation and revenue figures to determine the feasibility of existing event scheduling. Section V I, Events and Venues} ·Deve op criteri:a, to incorporate Black Awareness activities into,other. City events. XII. Timeline Year One - 2001 Develop and implement new event ,organization (see chart) Nominate and elect Chair (co-chairs) and Vice Chair for event Revise event expense and disbursement documentation Begin process to recruit' new volunteers Revise scheduling of events to take place before 13A Day (exclude basketball~ Expand Back Awareness Day:l ho, ur (close at 7:00 p.m.) Hold post event retreat to evaluate 200;I event and plan for 2002. Year Two - 2002 Review,2001 accomplishments (all areas) - re-address missed goals Determine permanent name for event. DeVelop site plan for Hester Center Review and increase BA budget (contingent u pon 2001 revenues) Fill vacant sub-committee chair block with entertainment and promotions Set a~nd atta n sponsorship goal and benefits Identify potential sponsors for all events Identify revenue generators for all events Utilize fields behind Hester Center for vendors 2 hours (close at 8:00 p.m.) 3) for 2003 concert corporatio~ status in the State of Florida, HOld post event retrea;[ to eValUate 2002 event and plan for 2003. Year Three - 2003 Revise site plan - implement new event location(s) DeVelop a entertait~ment and promotions plan for next 2 years (include budget) Assess status revenue generators for all events Secure entertainment line-up for concert Utilize fields behind Hester Center for music concert Add one Black Awareness event to other City cultural event Implement City special event procedures in operations. ApPly for 501 (c) 3 status with Internal Revenue Service H;3id Post event retreat to evaluate 2003 event and plan for 2004. Year Four - 2004 Utilize two new geographic locations fo r Black Awareness Expand entertainment lineup Hold post event retreat to evai Year Five - 200,5 Solidify Finalize nonp~ 005. Xlll. Conclusion The City of Boynton Beach Black Awareness Celebration is twenty years young at the time of this report The original intent of bringing the community together by way of a special event has been accomplished. The degree of success of that intent ranges from exceptional to so-so depending on whom you speak to in the community. The purpose of the Consultants involvement in the strategic plan is to solidifY the intent of bring ng the community together in c~lel~ration of accomplishments of African-Americar~s while sharing the culture of other groups in the process. The information within this plan serves as a guide to strengthen the committee, increase revenues while hplding expenses and increasing the participat on by each resident in all aspects of the celebration. This plan is a fivin.q document and must be referred to each year to track the progress of implementation and incorporate necessary improvements to the process. There is reference in the Remedy/Recommendation sections to a committee retreat to evaluate the event (success and failure) and plan for the next year's event. The retreat is a valuable tool used by the most sucCessful event organizations in the world. The recommendations set the standards that Black Awareness must follow to become the premier event in South Florida. The three overriding goals that will be reached by utilizing this plan are; 1 ) The Black Awareness Celebration wil Black Awareness events will be cross events held within the City and 3) Bla independent self-sufficient non-profit Accomplishing these goals will take c and resources. Based on the Consul standing in the way of reaching these grow, gain efficiency and diversifY 2) -pollinated into other activities and :k Awareness will become an 3rganization in five years. 3nsiderable cooperation, teamwork :ants observations there is nothing goals. The City of Boynt0, n Beach Florida can be proud of the diversity, drive and commitment o~its residents to make this ~ity a destination through special events W th commitment the Black ,~wareness Celebration will become the catalyst n attracting visitors that ~,itl positively impact the economy of this great City. Requested Ci~ Comrmsslon Meetine Dates [] September 19, 2000 [] October 4. 2000 [] October 17,2000 [] NovemberS~ 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM IV.ANNOUNCEMENTS & pRESENTATIONS CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC__ Item 6.4. . _._ AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Tumefl ~ Requested City to City Clerk's Office Commission Meetine Dates September 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] November 21. 2000 September 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] December 5. 2000 October 5. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] December [ 9. 2000 October 18; 2000 (5:00 p.m,) [] January 2, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 November 22, 2000 December 6, 2000 December 20. 200( [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] ~mnouncemem [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Approval of 15 minutes of City Co~m.;ssion meeting scheduled on December 19~, to present Annual Holiday Parade Awards by Melissa Vlaum Special Events Manager. EXPLANATION: ~n'~.Awards to be presented to award wimaers and judges for their participation ia the 30th Annual Holiday Parade. Request Mayor 3roening assist with congratulating them. PROGRAM IMPACT: Recognition of participants and judges for their involvement in the 30th Annual Holiday Parade. FISCAL IMI~ACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A Leisure Services/Recreation Deparmaent Name City Attorney / Finance / I-ln m art Resources V-CONSENT AGENDA MI'NUTES OF THE REGULAR cI-rY COMMTSSI'ON MEET~N ZTEM A-:I. HELD I'N COMMzSSION CHAMBERS~ CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2t, 2000 AT 6:30 P.M. Gerald Broening, Mayor Ronald Weiland, Vice Mayor William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tern Bruce Black, Commissioner Chartie Fisher, Commissioner Kurt Bressner, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk z. OPENINGS: Call to Order - Mayor Gerald Breening TnvocatJon - Reverend Rick Riccardi - Police Chaplain Pledge of Allegiance tothe Flag led by Commissioner Charlie Fisher Mayor Broening called the meeting tobrder at 6:35 p.m. Following the invocation, Commissioner Fisher led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. D. IF YOU W~SH TO ADDRESS THE COMMZSS~ON: F'ZLL OUT THE APPROPRZATE REQUEST FORM · GZVE Tr TO THE CZI'Y CLERK (ON THE DAZS) BEFORE THE "OPENINGS" PORTZON OF THE AGENDA HAS BEEN COMPLETED. , COME TO THE PODIUM WHEN THE MAYOR CALLSYOUR NAME INDI~/DUALS MAY SPEAK FOR THREE UNINTERRUPTED MI~NUTES. E. Agenda Approval: ~.. Additions, Deletions, Corrections Commissioner Black requested that Item X~-D.1 be moved up on the agenda to be addressed immediately prior to "City Manager's Report" in an effort to accommodate members of the audience. 2. Adoption Commissioner Black moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion that carded unanimously. PUBL/C AUDIENCE: INDIN'[DUAL SPEAKERS W~LL BE LZMI'TED TO 3,MINUTE PRESENTATIONS Dee ZibeHi. 440 Ocean Parkway. questioned whether the public would be able to provide input with respect to the issueof traffic calming. Mayor Broening responded that a public workshop had been held last week that will bdng about legislation. The City wilt involve each neighborhood in the implementation of traffic calming devices. Ms. Zibelli also complained about Waste Management and BP/trucks creating a hazard for children by treveJling down 4m and Ocean Parkway to get to their pickup ,locations on Mentone Road. She urged the City to encourage them to use Seacrest Boulevard instead of their current,route. MEe ~zNG MZNUTES REGULAR C1TY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 A, Appointments to be made: Appointment To Be Made Lehgth of Term ExDiration Dab, IV Fisher Mayor Broening Weiland [ Weiland III Sherman IV Fisher II Weiland Mayor Broening Advisory Bd. On Children & Youth Advisory Sd. On children & Y0~th Bldg. Board of Adjustment & Appeals Educatioq A, dvisofy :1~_ rd Nqisa[t.q~ Abatethe~t B~ard Nu ~ce Abatement~ Board Planning & Deve!oP.m ~e,nt Board Recreation & parks Board All appointments were tabled. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: Alt 1 yr term. to ~/pl~ Stu/Reg/Non-voting i yr term~dc4~/~17 ~Alt 1 yrterm, te-4/01 Tabled C3) Alt Lyf term to 4/01 Tabled (2) ~eg~ 2 yr term to,4/02 Tabled (3) Alt" 1 yr t;e~m ~t0:4~0~Table~ (3) A~ i yr m~m 4~1 Tabl~ (2) ~ i wte~ ~ 4/0~ +ab~ (2) A. Announcements: TNT Concert - From 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on December 8, 2000 at Oceanfront Park (Holiday Tunes) Mayor Broening made this announcement. B. Presentations: Proclamations: None 2. Orientation PowerPoint Presentation - Parks Division - ]ohn Wildner John Wildner, Parks Director, mede a PowerPoint Presentation that described the operations of the Parks Division. (A copy of the presentation is attached to the original set of minutes on file in b~e City Clerk's Office.) 3. Presentation from Paint Your Heart Out: of Palm Beach County, [nc. to the City of Boynton Beach made by Octavia Sherrod, Community Development Manager Octavia Sherrod reported that National Make a Difference Day_ was October 21~. Thirty houses throughout Palm Beach County were painted on that day with six of those houses being located in the City of Boynton Beach. This task was accomplished through the efforts of volunteers. Ms. $herrod recognized alt of the volunteers who partidpated in this very worthwhile endeavor and challenged City MEe/~NG MZNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMM1tSSION BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 employees who did not participate this .year to get involved next year. (A list of participants is attacheO to t~he original set of f:hese minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.) V. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Hinutes: Agenda Preview Conference - November 2, 2000 2. City Commissiofl Workshop Meeting - November 2, 2000 B. Bids - Racommend~Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 2000-2001 Adopted Budget Award the "REBID FORPARTS & LABOR FOR THE REFURBIS,H, MENT OF ONE (I) DIESEL POWERED, 1988 LEIBHERR WHEELED EXCAVATOR, BID #004-2516- 01/KR, to Masthead Hose & Supply, in the amount of $15,164.86 Approve the piggyback of ClTY OF DADE CITY~ BID # 99-06, for the "PURCHASE OF A NEW SELF;PROPELLED ASPHALT SPREADER VVTrH OPTIONS from TH- County: Equipment in the amount: of $26,,8,67.86 and utilizing STATE OF FLORIDA, CONTRACT #760-001-99-1 for the PURCHASE OF A TEN (10) TON, T~I~T BED TRAILER from Custom Trailer, Inc., in the amount of $11,145 Utilize STATE OF FLORIDA, CONTRACT NO. 425-001-97-1 for the "PURCHASE OF OFFICE. CHAIRS FOR: POLICE DEPARTMENT from Thomas W. Ruff & Company in the amount of $11~522.73 ' Approvethe purchase of a FOUR (4) TON CAPAO'TY RMV "HOT PATCHER" W1TH oPTioNs ~ Vantage Equipment Company utilizing SNAPS II AGREEMENT #8'~5139 in th~ amounLof $16~371 PiggybackCOLLiER COUNTY BID #9g-2922 to Insituform Tec.h,,nologies, Inc. for "'I'RENCHLESS SEWER SYS-rEM REHAB[Lt-FA'r[ON SERVICES with estimated expenditures of $33,61~ i Approve the split,award of bid to two (2) companies for "REHAB[LITAT[ON FOR M~Ki'ER LIFT;ST~T~ONs #316, #317, ~319 & #356'; BID #094-2821-00/CJD to ..W~de.l.I, Inc. of Ft.~ Lauderdale, R0rida'for an expenditure of $1,547,000 and the lithe itch1, pa~ ,fpr additiOnal WOrk to conve~ existing can type station t.o. a ?picai submersible station to Trio Development of Pompano Beach, Flonoa for an estimated 'e~iture of $250;000 (*pA'O, eO$~-*O ,~E'$OZUr2'ON NO, A'OO-J'5'.q & ~RO~OSL~D R~SOLU'iXONNO, multiple vendors 750-960-100 for the "PURCHASE OF Machinery [nc. in the MEe/ING MI'NUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMI'SSI'ON BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR]DA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 9. Approve the piggyback of PALM BEACH COUNT7 £O~_-~,,.CT NO.' R.99-742D to Stephen 8o~uff,] A~Ai A~?i~ec~s~ & Planne~S~-in~ for ':ARCH~TECTURA!:, ~ND ENGINEERING SERVZCES with estimated expenditures Of $55,000 10. Approve the piggyback of Fliami-Dade County Bid ~1072-I/00-1 to Wall Innovators, Inc. for office renovaUons in the amount of $22.520~50 Resolutions: Pro Corrections;: )f an ) Surplus property of Wally the release of a Appro~ng the Intedocal ugh a UnitecJ States ;rant the Mayor to a Community Policing h 'and the Department of roi eleven (11) contracts (CDBG) sub-redpients the release of the approving the .=sponsibilities of Ratification, None Approve and filter Approve Ductless Fume Enclosure Fund Promenade pro.~ect project.) their recommendation 4 MEt ~ ~[NG MZNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMZSSZON BOYNTON,BE~CH~ FLORIDA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 Approve Task Order #36 beLween CH2M Hill and the City of Bbynton Beach for Engneering Services for ~he Design andRepeir of the Deep Injection Welt 1W in the amount of $981,101 Approve State Housing Initiatives partnership (SHIP) Grant funds in the amount of 510,000 to Asnor and Cadrine Der to purchase, as first-Ume Eomebuyers, the property no V ~ocated at 454 SW 2 A enue Approve the expend ture of $26,200 for the purchase of one copy of ArcSDE8 enterprise sof;oNare and~-two copies ,of Arc/InfO8 Software~ required components of the G.I.S. Implementation Plan Approve Task Order #1 with CH2M Hill for the design, permittingi bidding services and services during construction for the replacement of water mains and stermwater improvements in Seacrest Estates in the amount of S160,110 Approve a contract with Queues Enforth (QED) to make modifications to the Police Department's, current dispatch/records management system in the amount of $1.1,560 Approve expenditure of $26,006 for the purchase of eighteen copies of ArcView3.2 GIS software and the annual maintenance/technical support to beobtained through the SNAPS Agreement No. 2521878-1. Approve expenditure of $12,080 for the purchase of one copy of ArcLogistics Route software and one copy of ArcView3.2 GIS Extension Bundle ~rom C & C Solutions through SNAPS Agreement No. 99117a,2-1. Approve expenditure of $31,408 for a GIS server and 3 G[S workstations from Compaq Computer through State of Florida Contract 250-040-99-1. Motion Vice Mayor Wejland moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Black seconded the motion that carded unanimously. XZ-D,1. Discuss process for appointment of Commissioner for Dia;~;ct ZZ! to replace Mayor Pro Tom William Sherman At'come/ Cherof advised that Mayor Pro Tem Sherman submitted his resignation today. At the next regular meeting, the Commission should attempt to fill the vacancy with a qualified elector from that district. Once the proces____~ begins, the Commission has two regular meetings to fill the vacancy. If the Commission cannot appoint someOne by a majority vote, a special ejection would be required. Dudng the agenda preview meeting, an issue came up regarding not having to conduct a special election if the General Election would be held within 100 days. However, that requirement applies only to the position of Mayor. City. Manager Bressner advised that there are applications available in the City Clerk's Office for anyone who is interested and eligible to fill this slot. A resume should be attached to the application that must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m.'on November 30~. ME= 1 lNG MZfl UTES REGULAR cI'rY COMMZSSZON BOYNTON BEACH, FLOI~TDA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 V{ce Mayor .Weiland-was~ o[ the opinion tha~. a simple-majority w~ud be necessary to make the apPointt~e~nt:~ H~.w, eve~ hei~ea Zed that ~Orllid dePepd onth~ p[~ceS~that S used; To avoid a flawed process~ he Would prefer- to ~Jse a process whe~eb~ ~he'Hayo~ o~ ~m~ners ~ominate ndivduais, The votewould be POlled. If ~e vote failed, another r~ornination could §e made. Commissioner Fisher ~inted ot~t,tbat ~t;he ~mission could<use thesame process-that was uti zed when the ,C. RA appointments Were:made. How~Ve~j Vic~ ~ayo~'wetland;~elt.'th~at this proce~§ could end up with a sp~ vote. CommisSioner-Black wes,~ot in*favor of~a-IO~no~*oroceSSa~:~h~raCn~. - .... .~ ................... suggestion tO o~3er~ no~i[qations ......... ~' ~ '~( o~d, ~.=~-~ ~,~ ~,c= i-tayor wellana s Mayor Broening ~g~-~ Zh~ thews mp est process w~u d be nom nations MotiOn Commissioner Black moved tha~ we do it where it is'openfor nominations and it is either yes or no. Vice Mayor We land seconded the motion that carried 4~0. (Mayor Pro Tern Sherman did not vote on this motion.) Mayor Pre Tem Sherman stated ~his belief that there would be two applicants for the job. He requested that the Commission "honor him" by cons der ng Mike FergusOn to fil his pos tion. Mr. Fer._ouson ......... wa~ h ~ opponent during the Commission race. He ran a highly professional, campaign and he was cordial in his phoneCall~of congratulations to Mayor Pro Tern Sherman foe w nn ng the electio,n.? Mr, Ferguson attends all of. the Commission meetings and is very fdendlywith one of Boynton Beach s historians. Mayor Pre Tern Sherman would feet fulfilled that the best person would complete the job if the Commission were to select Mike Ferguson. V/. CZTY MANAGER'S REPORT: PowerPoint Presentetion by City Manager Bressner and Commissioner Black - Murals of Lake Placid, Florida City Manager Bressner and Commissioner Black visited Lake Pladd, Florida recently to review their mural progrem~ They distributed brochures and information~ on the partnership between the City of Lake Placid, t e Chamber of Commer~ce and The Mu~ral Society of Lake Placid. Th~s group has been able to facilitate the painting ofi33 m;urals~ thro~jhout.~ their Central Business ,District. The PowerPoint presentation depicted the muraIs of Lake Placid. The key points that need rtO be considered are: 1. EachPainting must have the permission of ['he property owner. 2. The mural must depict apoint of history in the cemmunity. 3. The artist transferred the artwork produced in the mural to the Mural Society before authorization is granted to the artist to proceed. The Mural Society isa pot-for-p?fi:c_ corporation with .~.0 members on the Board of Directors, The are responsible for the maintenance of the murals once they are painted. MEETING MrNUTES REGULAR CT'fY COMMISSZON BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 21~ 2000 5. The Mural Society has the merchandising rights td the materials related to the mura s and they share market SP~ce at the Chamberof comr~e~ce. Hr. Bressner recommended that the City Commission, Community Redeveiopmem: Agency and the Planning & Deve opment Beare visit this town to ,view the murals. Mr. Bressner did not suggest that the City of~ Boynton Beach copy what they have done in .Lake Placid, but he fett: that this City. has offered suggestions, Mr. Bressner explained that rather than pass'Ordinances and regulations, the City of Lake Placid has supported th s program through restrictions on the oroperty that would guarantee that no one could change the mure without the Hural Society's permission. Commissioner Black advised that.he would like to expend 8oynton Beach's history and he thought this methed could accomplish that task. A date willl be arranged in .lanuary to travel to Lake Placid to view this program in order to help select a common theme. Hr.' Br~essner distributed T-shirts::to the Commissioners that depicted the murals of Lake Pladdf Florida. B. Proposed Policy for Community'Activity Grants (November 21, 2000) Mr. Bressner advised .that the total a,mount O $[25,000. The budget anticipeted that ~nemben in the community. Mr. Bressner prepered dra~ ! availability period would be from October 1, 200( CommiSSion~ has $2~,000 that would be broker would be between O~tober to FebrUary.fOr at°b September 30 for'$:t2~SCi0. Th& funds Wpuid b( public rights-Of-way ~uch es'perks, medibn~ or ol Mayor Broening questioned whethe~ adv sed that pooling would be permissible ,,nding included in the budget for this program ~s :'the Commission could provide assistance to projects Letines for the distribution and ~,se of the funds. The ugh September 30, 2001. Each member of the City :o two eligibility periods. The first eligibility period "'$~.2,500, and the second would be from March l to ed fOr physical improvements to public properties or City-owned property. could pool their funds. Hr. Bressner met the criteria. Mr.'BreSsner advised that if the Commission apprqve~ this ouUine, the C'rb/Attorney would prepere the appropriate ResolUtion so that this would become Commission policy. MOtion Comm ss oner Blacg moved to approve. Co~issioner Fisher seconded the motion that carried unanimously. C. Follow-up report on Non-Conforming Signs Mr. 8ressner reminded the CommissionerS of their:mq,est dudng the workshop meet!ng three wee~ a~ that staff provide a ?port reganfing therneture .df the non-conformities that exist for approximate y signs in the City.' That infurm~tion was contain~ .in the staff report that was prepared by the Planning Zoning Division. Commissioner Fisher recalled that the Commission agreed that if this group of non-conformities was grandfathered in, and if there were changes to the property, they would be forced to come into compliance with the Code. 7 MEETING MZNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMZSS'tON BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 Mayor Bcoening agreed that the consensus ~as.to~Grandfather n the 25 nomconform ng s gns However, they ~voi~ld be 'ehc~ura~'throu~h ~gr~h~ ~n~ ~the~ ncent v~ to Conform. t~ add t on any major revisions to the pr0~ W~d 'resUlt in the ~ro~ having m come n~ compliance With the C~e. Commissioner Fisher pointed out that before a property owner could be ssued a Permi{, the m oWn ~ * ' · ~, ,,~ .... : · , ~ . P Pe~Y er would have to make the change~ He redu~sted that th~s language ~be included m~the Reselution.- Motion Com~issior~er Black moved t~ pmvi~iO~S! '~hat Were discussed COmmis~idner Fisher seconded.the D. Mr, woul ;ubsequenfly, Ade ph a CATV for and of what is ! cosL We;would do of the 30-second spots. This Affairs, advised that COMCAST does the :Aoproval. The cost of each3~on¢ Vice Mayor Weiland explained that c he e~,pressed his opinion,of 'Why the City Manager and: Mr. Segal, it was his unde~-'tanding teat ~his the has to developers. : what Boynton Beach tool to attract businesses and in the City. He is investigating good things that are In reslx~se to Commiss oner Black,.Mr. Segal said City staff would .be the actors. 8 MEETZNG MZNUTES REGULAR CZI'Y COMMZSSZON BOYNTON BEACH,, FLORZDA NOVEMBER 21~ 2000 Commissioner Black pointed out that during the budget hearings, Mr. Segal was able to secure $40,000 in additional funding for the PurpOse of projecting a 'better image of Boynton Beach. He is looking forward to see ng these S~)ots ~n television. Commissioner Fisher said the Fire and Police Departments would be able to use these spots for recruitment. ]~n Hayor Broening's opinion, this price is very cheap for this type of ~romotion This issue is about energi~'ing~°,p'~, ~:itizens and. providing'them ~WJth an ~enhanced sense of communitY. This is a very cost- effective way to reach many people. Mr. Segal advised that these spots would be shown during-prime time. Motion COmmissioner Black moved to approve Mr. Sagat's endeavors. COmmissioner Fisher seconded the motion. When Vice Mayor Weiland attempted to confirm that this proposal is being promoted locally and not a national campaign to attract corporate businesses and developers, COmmissioner Black said he would like ~ls motion to include that Mr. Segal should do what he sees fit in his job. [f further down the road he would like to do it nationally, then that.is what his motion is going to include. He did not wish to limit Mr. Segal. Mayor Broening explained that the way to do this nationally would be with CDs and a mailer. We would never be abte to buy qualitY time on national television. However, this is a good first effort. Vice Mayor Weiland suggested that the 1,200 spots on television be used as a trial period. [f the program is successful, he could come back before the COmmission for further approval to move forward nationally. COmmissioner Fisher would like to leave this derision to Mr. Segal's discretion so that he will do as much as possible within this budget. He would not support amending the motion to allow additional funding at this.time. He believes that over the course of the year, we will see the impact of these spots. Mayor Broening pointed out that Mr. Segal has a boss and a budget process. He would not support micro-managing this item. Vice Mayor Weiland agreed that the Commission's res0onsibility was to set policy on the direction of this issue. However, he feels we should proceed with local advertising for our constituents and the surrounding counties with the possibility of burning CDs for mailing. The motion carried 4-l. (~e Mayor Weiland dissented.) V~. PUBLEC HEARZNG: Attorney C~erof administered the oath to all that would testify during the quasi-judicial proceedings. 9 MEET/NG MINUTES REGULAR CTTY COMMZSSZON BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA NOVEMBER 21~ 2000 Project: Agent: Applicant: Owner: Location: Description: ~ :o~'ooration and as Trustee outparca s .loe Lelanic, Land Desian South, stated-that~the!apP icant was.in agreement with all of the c~nditions of approval. : Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning He explained that staff worked at length with the a the application that has moved forward to the Commission. - . Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve. unanimously. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion that carded ProJect: Agent: Owner: Location: and Winchester Description: construct: a station as a Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to approve Item B. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion that carried unanimously. Project: Gmtt0 Bay at Bermuda. place (Easement) (APPLZCANT REQUESTED' POSTPONEMENT TO NOVEMBER 28, 2000 PLANNZNG AND DEVELOPMEN~ MEE'I~NG) Agent: ]oni Bdckman, AZCP, of Winston Lee & Associates, Inc. Owner: Quantum Park & Village, LLC Location: The east side of Quantum Lakes Ddve, south of Gateway Beu evard: · Description: Request for 20' util~'y easement abandonment between Lots 60 and 61 in' the Quantum Park P[D Attorney Cherof advised that the applicant has requested postponement until November 28m. 10 ME= m lNG MZNUTES REGULAR cz'rY COMMZSSTON BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 FUTURE AGENDA 1TEMS: A. Recommendation of Selection of Planning Consultant for Federal Highway Zoning ~n Progress Study (December S, 2000) B. Report On CRA Appointment Process (December 5, 2000) C. Ordinance on Non-Conforming Signs (December 19, 2000) D. Resolution of Intent to Establish Fire Servica Spedal Assessment (December 19, 2000) E. Future Annexation Areas (January 2, 2001) F. Review policy for cemetery~late arrival fee and space requirements pending review by Cemetery BOard and funeral~business (.lanuary 16, 2000) G. "Name POnd B" Contest H. Demonstration of GIS Project to City Commission, CRA and Planning &, Development Board (February 6,2000) DEVELOPMENT PLANS: None X. NEW BUS~NESS: X~. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARZNG None E. Ordinances - 1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 000-64 Re: Deleting Artide X of Chapter 1 and Section 3.B. of Chapter 23 of the Land Development Regulations and Article H Section ! of Chapter 21 of the Code of Ordinances and amending Chapter 1.5, Sections 4.1 and 4.3 of the Land Development Regulations in order to darify and further specify the procedures applicable to variances Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-64 by title only. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 000-64. Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. !, 11 ME= I ~.NG MTNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMI'SS:ZON BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA 2. Proposed Artid~ Re: NOVEMBER 2Z, 2000 Deletin~ Attorney C:herof read Proposed Ordinance No~ C:)00-65 ,by ~itie only, City Manager Bressner advised that ~t~is,,Ordina~ce:WOud remove language fromthe Code that was placed there in 1997. In the fut~-e, ~h eahy re~te~ent prOgram w0u d b~ handled as a non-cedified Ordinance. ,. ,. ~:,~ _ ,, Vice Mayor Weiland realized. ,that-.,appyoving~n i,eady retim~ wou d SaVe the C ty a great deal of money inthe futu're~ HoWever, he is.~c~nce~ed A~ut io~i~ e~parienced officers. Mayor Broening shared Vice r officers. However, he who make a the He is c commission~,r~ F!sh~er poi~ ,,oUt that this i~ not a forc~ retiremq,,nt program and senior staff would have the~0Ptio~ of,~p0~ning the ~etirement:'if it Wouldirhpact the creW. Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 000-65. Commissioner Black seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse ~lled the vote. The vote was unanimous. 3, Proposed Ordinance No. 000-66 Re: Creating an Early Retirement ]Incentive Program; providing requirements for participation in the Early Retirement Incentive Program; providing criteria for qualification, for early retirement; approving and issuing a statement of actuarial impact; approving the form of agreement for participation in the Early Retirement Incentive Program; directing City AdminL~b~idon to furnish a copy to the Division of Insurance Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-66 by title only Motion Commissioner Rsher moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O00-66. Commissioner Black seconded the motion. Commissioner Fisher confirmed with City Manager Bressner that senior staff would be able to stage the departures. Mr. Bressner explained that each employee has a departure date that would have to be approved by the department head and the. City Manager. That approval would be made with regard to the manning needs of the department to ensure an orderly transition. Mr. 8ressner advised that the admin~sb,=tJve documents would be revised prior to second reading to. clearly indicate that intent. In response to Vice Mayor Weiland~ Mr. Bressner said the window ,of departure would-be between 3anuary 19, 2001 and April 1, 2001..This weuld be based on the approval of the department head and the City Manager. t2 MEET/NG MTNUTES REGULAR CI'TY COMMZSSZON BOYNTON BEACH~ 'FLOR/DA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 Mayor Pro Tern Sherman.advised that Attorney Cherof informed him that he would have to vote on this ~ssue on first reading even though he would not be voting on it on second reading. He said he has difficulties of a.personaL nature with the POliCe Department and he has been lied~ tO. He finds it difficult to accept.the fa~ that the City would:be lOSing senior officers - the peep e who can contro the new officers on the beat. He offered his blessings and prayers to the Police Chief. City Clerk .Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was 3-2. (Vice Mayor Weiland and Mayor Pro Tam Sherman dissented.) Proposed Ordinance No. 000-67 Re: Amending Land Development Regulations as folt0w.s.: Chapter 1, Article [[ Definitions, Chapter 9. Community Design Plan; and Chapter 21 Signs, Article Ti, to create a definition for Wall murals ~nd establish a process and guidelineS to revew future wall* murals Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-67 by title only. When Mr. Ensler attempted to s. Peak, Mayor 0roening advised that comments from the public ara not accepted on first reading~ He enCOuraged Mr.~ EnSler to return to the commission meeting in two weeks to offer his comments. Motion Commissioner Black moved to amend the definition of wall murals to limit the design subject matter to images depicting Boynton Beach history, historical events and/or landmarks. Vice Mayor Weiland askec if Commissioner Black was willing to amend his motion to include a maximum number of mura s He supports this program as long as these murals ralate to the history and heritage of Boynton Beach. Since this is a new program, Commissioner Black did not feel that the timing was right to limit the number of murals. He would not oppose raviewing this program et a later late. He feels this could evolve into an Arts council and/or Mural Society. Restated Motion Commissioner Black restated his motion to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 000-67 with the stipulation that any art be limited to Boynton Beach history, historical events and landmarks. Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion. Commissioner Fisher pointed out that Boynton Beach is not Lake Placid. He feels we ara a large city in the middle of a large technology bell CqmmisSioner Fisher thinks of towns like [ndiantown or Okeechobee when he thinks of murals. The direction this City takes on this issue will tell the business community what type of City they are moving i~to. He questioned whether this mural program is best for the City of Boynton Beach. Mayor Broening is of the opinion that historical things invoke people to come to the City to do business. Them ara mural programs in very large cities such as Sen Diego, Seattle, and Porttand. The Vision 2C¥20 Plan envisioned*this Oty as promoting an image of a fish ngv ill,ge. That does not mean that we can't have businesses with high technology bases. Mayor Broening feels this program would enhance the ME= I LNG MZNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMTSSZON BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER21, 2000 prospect of attracting businesses. There are provisions included in the Ord nonce to contro th s program along w th the add t~ona st pu at ons that were sugges~ted by Commissioner BtadC Vice Hclyor Weitand..teminded~ the C~ ss one~: Ot~.,. th~ alit distain]that ~l~as~-be~. created on West H[ghwa~ WoUd ~ the;proOf ~[i~;' H~?~:i~ ~'a[]f~t~re ce~[~i0ns eo~la make the d~son When t~ey f~l ~ere ~,eRough mulls i, t~'eiw~ : ~ ~ Mayor Brining f~s the bare wal ~d Pond ~B" into ~vn~n Plaza s a ~ o~finn fnr n m..nl ~at would ~ ~pr~ to ~e a~ea. ~ ~ ~ . ' ~ ;,~ WbeD .~~ ~e~rg~ ~o~,~ s~t~ ~g~ ~. ~Q~s me, on so as not to ~c~ s x ~reS ~ ~ ~,~a~a ~ ~ ~;~,~not ~ady ~ put a number are ;~v,~io~: i~& ~a~ce :to ~Uta~ ~is p~m. Comm ssjon ~ t:~ ~.l~is~slone.r~.to ~y~,foi~vard ~ th this feels th~s could be,a ~l~v.~sUal ~ma§e The vote was polled,and the motion r~ 5. program to see how it goes, He [Cemmissioner Fisher dissented.) -Re: Amending Land ~ to a principle use in a PCD, subject to standards AttorneyCherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-68 by title only. Vice Mayor Weiland pointed, out that the Commission voted on this previously an(~ he recalled that the vote failed. Mr. Rumpf explained that this is the Ordinance that the Commission previously approved for the project. Through the process, the wrong version was carried forWard. This is the corrected Ordinance. Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved te approve Proposed Ordinance No. 000-68. Commissioner Black seconded the motion, Oty Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote that carried unanimously. Chapter 2, ~n 6.D~:L. ~te (PU~ZC H~.~R~N~) Re: Amending Land Chapter 2, Section 6.C.~..; and Chapter 2, Section 6.E ~..B Attomey Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-63 by flue only. Attorney Cherof announqed that this Ordinan.ce was back before the Commission in order to fulfill the special notice requirement related to, changirtg~Uses in zoning districts. 14 MEe I ZNG MZNUTES REGULAR CZTY COMMZSS]:ON BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOR/DA NOVEMBER 21~ 2000 MAYOR BROENING ANNOUNCED THE PUBI TC HEARING. Brian Edwards. ,629 NE gm Avenue; commented that he supports this Ordinance and hopes that it provides the additional teeth necessary for enforcement in residential areas. He encouraged the Commission to continue to do everythir~j possible to prevent these establishments from opening in residential areas, and feels ,something needs to be aone to nig the wrong area. ~ Manager grocery store, failed for many years and perhaps the this center. There were two shopping centers on Woolbright and project had been pmposecl is I ~hat there won't be any problems with it, but, he feels it is in Motion Comm ssioner Fisher moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O00-63, Commissioner Black seconded the motionL City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Mayor Broening announced that a second public hearing on this Ordina~.e would be held at the next meeting. He requested that anguage be included in the Ordinance.to establish standards for noise. Attorney Cberof said that type of language could be placed in the conditional use section of the Code, C. Resolutions: Pro~ Resolution No. R00-168 Re: Approving a Stipulation for Settlement between the City of Boynton Beach and Heavens U.S.A., ][nc. Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R00-168 by title only. Attorney Cherof reported that the City would be paid $40,000 in settlement of this matter. In response to ~r~:e Mayor Weiland, Attorney Cherof advised that the total of the two liens amounted to approximately $170,000.. There is now a cash bond for $202,000 that was posted to release one of the liens so that the property could be sold. The other lien remains ouLs~anding. City Manager Bresener reported that bott~ properties have been redeveloped and are in substantial compliance with the Code. Vice Mayor Weiland reminded the Commission, that when thi~ issue was discussed previou.sly regardi.ng rescinding the fines in their entirety, it Was pOint~-~d out that the p~ was a .bl~. to buy r. ne..p, ro, pe .~? at a very reduced price because of the outstanding liens. He had also learned that ~t was posem~e mr mm to piead his case to the Commission in an effort to have the liens reduced to administrative costs. The Commission rejected both proposals because purchasing these properties at the reduced price was a business venture. Vice Mayor Weiland agreed that the buildings have been restored and the properties ME= 1 lNG MZNUTES REGULAR CITY COMMZSSZON BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 look much better. However, by reducing the fines~ the City s pay;lng the price of the restoration V ce Mayor Weiland recommende;:l that theC~mmisSion main~a n their I~evi0~s-I~o~itibn. ' Hr, ~ressne+r advised tM from staff~ pe~spective~ settling, this,issue, will close out'the: itigation and a ow the City to ~O;Ver~ i~s reasonable ~ests assodated.~with t~he: enforcement of the C~ probiems He, pointec~ out~t~iat:,s0~e~im~,d,~ri~g C~mp~ise; both ;~artJeS leave ~0mewhat disappointed. Mayor Broening said he voted against r ~ec~,uc ,g ,t? ~ens on ~h s property fo~ ~th~ ?a~son,s, previous y Beach. B~,;u/e.v?d m, an ~ama, tl3a~ ~es~tet~n~?~]o~pm~c;t~! Whe~ co~lJa'~iR~-t[~ .~ifference~ in ~tSe~f,,l~, 8rbehn]~r,e~W~staffcs~ec~mmen0ation: :: .,~ ~:~, ,; ~,: D. Other: 1. Discuss process for appointment of Commiss oner for District III to replace Mayor Pro Tem William Sherman This item was addressed earlier in the meeting. XZZ, UNFiNiSHED BUSZNESS: None XZZZ. OTHER: Mayor Pro Tern Sherman said he has been praised, insulted, lied to and befriended. It has been a good side' road to the journey of life. He has no regrets. Over the last 20 months, he has met some nice people. He spoke of the~ fantastic job Mayor BrOening and Vice Mayor Weiland have done. He said it was a pleasure and honor to serve with both of them. Both are sincere, hard working and have integrity. Mayor Pro Tem Sherman talked about his disappointment with the fact that the salary increases for the Commissioners did not pass. He vowed to continue to work to increase the salary for elected ofr~als who are asked to do so much. Mayor Pro Tern Sherman donated his final monthly salary to the Police Athletic League (Bill Tome and Sunny Garda) as a small token of his appreciation and a peyback to a program that was good to him when he was growing up. He urged the Commission to value this program, Vice Mayor Weiland thanked Mayor Pro Tem Sherman for his thoughtfulness and e~pressed his regret regarding his decision to leave. He said he enjoyed serving with Mayor Pm Tern Sherman and fee that many difficult situations were dealt with during his tenure. Mayor Broening thanked Mayor Pm Tem Sherman for his volunteedsm. He agreed with previous remarks regarding this Commission cOming a long way over the ,last 20 months to provide a cNil, agreeable t6 MEt: I 1NG MI*NUTES REGULAR CTTY COMMZSSI'ON BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA NOVEMBER 21, 2000 communi~'-oriented, communib/-based activi[-y., He feels that this Commission has done a great service for the communib/. Mayor Pro Tern Sherman shares in that, He reminded everyone that the Commissioners do the best they can in the time they have. Cib/Manager Bressner thanked Mayor Pro Tern Sherman on behalf of staff for the assistance he t~ad provided. Bill Tome ~anked Mayor Pm Tem Sherman on behalf of the Boynton Beach P.A.L. for his commibment. The donation will go direcUy to the youth; He thanked all of the Commissioners for their suppor~ throughout the year He wished Mayor Pro Tom Sherman good uck in the future. Sunny Garcia ~hanked Mayor Pro Tern Sherman for his donation to P.A.L, and expressed his wish that them were more peOple around like Mayor PrOTem Sherman. XZV. AD3OURNMENT: Them being no further business to come before, the Commission, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:45 p.m. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tom Commissioner CiLy Clerk Commissioner 17 V-CONSENT AGEN DA [TEM A-3 CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING TRAFFIC CALMING LIBRARY PROGRAM ROOM, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH NOVEMBER 1-6,,2000.6:00 P.M. PRESENT ALSO PRESENT Gerald Preening, Mayor P, on Weiland, Vice Mayor Witliam Sherr~n, Mayor Pm Tern Bruce Black,. CommissiOner Chadie Fisher, Commissioner I. Introduction Quintus Greene. Development Director Jeffrey Livergood., Public Works Director Mike Rumpf, Planning .& Zoning Director Sue Krusb. City C erk Hanna MatraS,'EconomiC Research Analyst At 6:00 ~p~m. Mr. Bressner welcomed everyone to the meeting, stating that in response to mquests:;fro;m_ the, community; staff had pcepai'ed a four pa~ presentation for ~ City Commission s' consideration, including suggestions, options, and strategies the City could consider in regards to traffic cai~ing. Mr. Brassner presented the-new Public Works Director, Jeffrey Livergood, who introduced the .topic of traffic calmir~ and, traffic engineering in general. Mr, Livergood said that in hiS~'pdor position in tllinois ras~Public WOrkS Director, he also served as the ' twelve years he wo~ed directly with local neighborhoods anc~ matters that were very important to them. The type ~ not the technical type such as traffic signal analysis ancJ i concerns, evaluating the problems. He stated that South i in the fieid~of using traffic calming methods for and~p~oViding residents witha much-needed : volumes. ' placement of a physical observe a traffic on both sides driv~ traffic calming was ,an essential part of a traffic management but not the or~ly part. Traffic calming is one of many One must first identify the type of ~ concerned with:the speed of traffic their neighborhoods, s we would like to that traffic calming measures of traffic, but in making the the roads and Aisc, the cyclists can Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Traffic Calming Boynton Beach. Florida NovemDer16,2000 feei safer. We are trying now to encourage the use of public rights of way for cyclists as an alternative mode of transportation., All, of the safeb~,, mbasures must be ba anced and fine-tuned with the need to carry traffic vo ume On the roadways The roads must be shared With pedestdads and CyCliStS ah8 the ~eds of both m~JSt be consideres.' Some traffic calming before placing of ~ such ' service vehicles, which must All impacts must~ be'considered traffic-calming, device has the intent traffic from'a r source rather II. Research Analyst Her to its Redevelopment. Ms. I years in-( them, traffic circles. The, there areas and that there were some She said that be ~ one C manual called 'the i ~atras, Economic the;: City C erk's and'have s ~manual, 2 Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Traffic Calming Boynton Beach, Florida November 16. 2000 should come out next year. The new Flodda version has a new chapter entitled "Transportation Design for Modern Communit es", Even though MUTCD does not,give any standards that r,~;ognize traffic calm ng measures as programs, they give guidelines as to' what type of modifications are appropriate and should or should not be implemented. Ms Metres reviewed the different types of traffic calming devices and methods such as full and, half-closure of streets, one-way closures, and directional closures. Also discussed were forced turn islands, speed humps, speed tables, raised intersections, rotaries and traffic circles, roundabouts, chiCanes, horizontal deflection of on-street parking, landscaped curb extensions, intersection narrowing, and chokers. Speed Humps/Bumps/Tables Speed humps and bumps are the best because they work. They slow traffic down. They are'~ the 'worst beC~Qse :they a~e not attractive, they cause noise, and residents complain about them. Also.: people tend to spbed up between them. The "table' style gives a nice smooth surface, allows for a smoother ride. and can. be used as raised crosswalks. At this point Fire Chief Bingham's !.nput was solicited as to the effect of these deviCes on emergency response vehic es Chief Bngham submitted for the record a letter he had wdtten to ~;ity Manager Bressner along.with ~adous articles pertaining to speed bumps and other active traffic calming devices and their impact on emergency service response. One of the specific studies included in the artictes provided was from Austin, Texas which mentioned a 2.3 to 9.7 second delay in response times when traversing speed humps and bumps. Chief Bingham stated that if there were to be a 9.7 second delay per speed hump/bump and there were 5 or 6 of them to and fi.oma call, it could result in a redUction in' response time of two to three minutes, which could be significant in certain medical emergencies. When this situation is multiplied by the 10,000 emergency responses undertaken by the Fire Department each year the potential negative effect on patient care woUld be a given. Chief .Bingham urged the Commission t0 consider passive horizontal alternatives as traffic calming measures that would have less ~egative impact on emergency responSe times an~J ultimately, the care of the patients. Ms. Metres said there were some innovative designs that were being considered to accommodate the concerns of the emergency service providers. Traffic Circles Mr. Livergood commented that traffic circles were becoming more and more common but there were no design criteria. He said that smaller circles'were more hazardous due tothe people that sometimes go around them too fast'and, conversely, the larger circles force a car to slow down due to having to make a dght turn tO keep going around the circle and, making them more effective and safer. He said that often there was not sufficient right-of-way available for this type of option, Mr. Bressner said the City had 3 Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Traffic Calming Boynton Beach~ FIodda November 16 2000 just purchased fOu~rhouses ~'or this purpose MS: Matras sa d the tCity of De!ray ~each had applied 't~ th~ ~T for approval' Of a traffic circle at (hZ n~.er,~ecto~o~ Afl~nfi~ Avenue"and- SWinton'A~ehue:~nd ha~ been turned down. Chicanes When a motor vehicle ~nnot trayel i~ a linear direct on, it tends to go slower. Ch ~nes have thisas a _~tive effe~ but on the negative side, they a~e ve~ expenswe to ~ di~ussed such a shiffs~ and ho to ~0 pi Neckdowns and Chokers These measures involve narrowing intersections, comer bulges, curb extens ons, pinch points; arid midbl~k narrowings to name a few. They all tend to calm and slow traffic and the nice benefit is the · , there !s a h gher Safety factor. Chokers can take gets a ot of emergency vehicle tr~ffi¢. ~" Mr. Livergood stated that when you narrow a roadway and ach eve traffic calming and slowing, you might create a proi~lem'for cyclists. He said there were no perfect traffic calming measures, no, cookbook format for any street: The choice of device or measure depends on the :volUme of'traffic the speed of that~ traffic the roadway characteristics, the amount Of pedestrians,, and whether or not people ale riding bicycles. The best traffic calming measures take a I applicable factors nt~) consideration. Ms. Mat;ra_s presented some standard cost estimates based on installations in Portland Oregon; Sarasota~ Floi-ida; and seattle, Washington; Th® figures maybe obtained,Eom the od[jinal presentation COntained in the mindtes~ The desi~bility of getting neighboi"nood associations topay part of the cost was mentioned. Mr. Livergood summed up by saying that the staff was excited about traffic calming and looked fo~#ard to pursuing the project. He also said he was optimistic that the many innovative measures under consideration could definitely provide greater livability'for the neighborhoods and solutions for the concerns of the citizens. Mr, Bressner~said f;omplete copies of the presentation and attendant documentation from the meet~ngrWoCi[d be proVided to the Commissioners for thei~ further rev aw. 4 Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Traffic Calming- Boynton Beech~ Florida November 16 2000 Staff Recommendations Mr. Livergood stated that the potential strategies, as outlined in the agenda, were complementary to staff's recommendations. He also said that a thorough evaluation of traffic conditions in the community would be the basis for all the steps that followed. The analysis wilhassist the City in the direction of its resources to those areas experiencing the most critical problems. To address the needs of the Community that have already been expressed, staff recommended several short-terra,objectives (4 months). A summary of the Sho~'erm plan :followS: · 1) Public Works Directer .wil-initiate communication with neighborhood representatives to determine existing traffic conditions and resident concerns. 2) Public Works Director.: w[it. cOnduct..treffic analyses to determine volumes, speeds, accident.history, and traffic originationldestination patterns. 3) Public Works DirectOr will prepare follow up reports, in conjunction with the Police DePartment¢; 'Pinioning, 'and the Neighborhood Project Specialist, .which~ are' to., contain recommendations for review by neighborhood repres~rffMives. 4) After discussion at oejghborhood forums, resident concerns will be ncorporated nto the,fihal s~aff- Report, which will be forwarded to the City Manager for ultimate re~iew r~ discuss on with the City Commission, as appropriate. Mr. Bressner said in addition to the data,that could ~ gathered from the neighborhoods and an examination of the above factors, the City had, ~ use of the Police Department's SMART Trailers, which alert the motodstsl to the speed at which they are traveling. These trailers are placed in areas at .the ,request of businesses or homeowners. Mr. Bressner asked the police Departmentito c~3me up with a list of locations that had requested the trailers, which could correlate With the areas reporting problems. Major Steve Graham of the Police DepaCm~nt said ,.the Police Department occasionally gets complaints of speeding in paAiCtdar~ ~eas. He distributed a graph taken by the SMART ~railer at a .location on West O~a~ Avenue. He said the trailer has a limited ability to measure the speeds, the hour of~th, e day, arid the volume of traffic in a 24-hour period at any given location. He said th~ Po, lice DePartment uses it to advise them of the best ptac~ to dePloY their forces, :but that it could also be used to justify the placement of traffic calming devices. Mr¢ B,.[essner .sa? th~.s, d~d not replace t. he.C'~ s need for conventional traffic counting., d~lces but~ s~nce they were the omy ~remc- measuring devices available to the Cityi'~y would be valuable in meesunng speeds and volumes He mentioned that rnodifi~t Cns would be required to assure that the data obtained by the trailer could be downleadedland analyzed. The Police Department will Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Traffic Calming Boynton Beach, Flodda November 16, 2000 make the data available to Public Works for its assistance in analyzing the City's traffic situation. Commissioner Fisher asked how a neighborhood could be placed on. the~ list for analysis? Mr. Livergood said the City Manager would have To be contactea. Mr. Bressner said there were currently five neighborhoods that were on the list. was ironic that if in his neighborhood -neeting~and he Mr. Bressner but would probably He said that these areas devices and measures. Mayor Broening said he had ho~ed'te see a ~eaSur~e he had seen used very effectively in l~lew. Jersey and that was rumble, stdps!'~,in ;[[ie. loads, wh ch provide an audib e "warning" that something was about to haP~er~, a t~ffic sign ol~ aturn n the road. Mr. Livergood mentioned his interest in the wa!king routes of children and the problems that occur dudng parent drop~off and p ck-up at tt~e area schools and thought this area deserved attention. Mayor Broening asked if the traffic analyses wou d be integrated into the GIS system and Mr. Bressner replied that it would, Mr. Livergood said that the,City really needed to acquire four traffic counters in order for the analyses of the traffic patterns and conditions tOr be ProPerly evaluated. In his former position they had a databaSe of over. 5~000 couhts}~at greatly, helped them direct their resources towards the solution of problems. ~ Commissioner Fisher said he liked the: idea of the neighborhoods participating in the cost of the traffic calming measures., Mt. BreSsn~-said :that this Would b;~ particularly true with the institution of roadway narrow!ng niea~ras ,where the City ccu;d put n the basic infrastructure and the ~eigh~orlio~ls~i~Uld' :assist with the landscaping requirementS. This would be an. eXtension of Some:things Mr. DeCarlo, ti'~ Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Traff~c Calming Boynton Beach, FIodda November 16, 2000 Neighborhood Project Specialist, had been doing for some neighborhood improvements~ but it would be done on public rights of way. Mr. Brian Edwards wanted Mangrove Pa¢k to be added to the initia list o( communities to be~evabated. He. said he had been trying to get something done for the last :three years, based' on his. interest and the interest of parents with young children in the neighborhood. Mr. Bressner said that the recommendation to purchase the traffic counters would beo!3 the City Commission agenda on December'5.~. Mr. Bressner~ said the City would have temCOme up with an Appli~,ati0~ p~:ocess a~dl a questionnaire to give a picture of the tra~ffiC characteristi_cs o~ a particular area. He r~fe~ed back to Mr. Live~gc~od's_mte;of goh3g~-eU~intCLthe:n~ig~berhoods to meet with th~'residents,' see what the traffic patterns we~:~, ~r~d meet. v~,ith.t~e;aSsOCiati0nS'~r~ an individual basiS. Mr. Bressner said he process by which them and are with a ResolUtion believe(~ possibly property owners. City Commission with a s and the · work with If there spending. We can come up He of traffic we are willing to spend individual Mr. Bressner said-there were about 10 areas that had already expressed an interest in some sort of traffic, celmingralief. He said the City already had a lot of information and when the Commission wa~ ready to move ahead, the citY co~d also. Commissioner Black said he was concerned about the requirements of Police, Fire and Rescue vehicles and that whatever methods were adopted, the needs of these groups must be given primary consideration. Mayor Broening said that oncethe :ReSolution was in pta, ce, the Commission would be relying on staff to determine the Priodfias based on their investigations He said that while the CommisSion could listen to the concerns of a particular area, in the final analysis, the Commission woul;d be guided by staff's assessment of the sevedty of the problem(s). Mr. Brassner said that by mid-January a Resolution could be in place that would provide the process by which the traffic calmi~tg could be accomplished. Vice Mayor Weiland thanked !he entire staff for taking the time to bring the program to its current status and presenting itto the COmmission. He hoped it would go forward and was looking forward to seeing it commence and mature. Meeting Minutes City Commission Workshop Traffic Calming- BoyntonBeach, FIodda November16,2000 Long Range (1 Year) Recommendations In the' i~terest ~f time, the Long Range (1' Year)Re~commendations;w~re not:specifical y discussed .but included some 12 comPonent~ i~v01~Jng evaluation coordnation, development andc°~ecti0n o/~ ~traffic pr..obems~ T~b.e eatir~ text of the proposa was d Str ~3~te~ '(0it~'e Cb~S[0d ~be~s~nd~ S attached to the or ina inut ~.. ,:.. ;~ , -, . g m espn.the ~.,~ty ',Jler~ s .off[ce. To. beg n. ~[~lern~ntation staff :~'~. ~en~l, ed t~@t j~ be~ ~th9r zgd~ to purchase a M~!or Graham "tr~ffi(f ~aimef' glad Th,?re ,being no further adj~)umed ~ 7!15 p.rh. taYOr ~meeting was duly Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem A'I-rEST: Commissioner City Clerk Recording Secretary (two tapes) Commissioner 8 V-CONSENT AGENDA HZNUTES OF THE AGENDA PREVZEW CONFE~ TrEH A-4 HELD TN CONFERENCE ROOM "B"~ cz'fY HALL, BOYNTON ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 AT PRESENT Gerald Broening, Mayor Ronaid Weiland. Vice Mayor Bruce Black. Commissioner Charlie Fisher, Commissioner Kurt Bressner, City Manager James Chemf, City Attorney Sue Krusa, City Clerk CALL TO ORDER C¢o/. Ma, nager.'Bressner called the meeting to order at 5:03 p,m, Approve the "PURCHASE OF NEW/REPLACEHENT LAW ENFORCEMENT PURSUTr VEHZCLES= in the amount of $458,372 from Dural Ford uUlizing State of Florida Contract #070o00Z- 99-1 The staff recommendation showed th s item oyer budget because the agenda item request form did not indicate that we are buy!rig tWo vehic!e~ito'feplace vehicles that were desboyed in acddents. Funding is coming from Risk Hana~er~ent to co~r all but the rno~-depreciated value of the two vehicles ($35,000 of the $5~.,000 additional cost). V-D,2. Grotto BaY ~ Bermuda Place-- ~P-~q_ uest fo~ Technical Site Plan approval for 1S[16 acre: pod in the Quantum Park PZD. The mixod-use pod will contain 272 multi-farm~y residential rental units and. require code waivers pursuant to .Ordinance 00-52 Attorney Cherof advised, that David Norris, attorney for QUantum, is~ o~f .the opinion that it was never contemplated when the most recent Ordinance was prepared that the developer would pay the recreation fee. The Ordinance is silent.' Attorney Cherof advised the CommissiOners to anticipate being asked to pu th s tern from the: Consent Agenda for discussion. One of their ~eories is that this residential component is within the boundaries =of~ a district tha,t.is zoned P[D. That is not a residential zoning district. However, this enclave is cleaHy a residential component. 3ohn Wildner, Parks Director, repormd that this issue of recreation impact fee or land is always raised during master plan review. This group iS now acting surprised by this requirement. Attorney Cherof explained that in Mr. Rumpf's opin~n, people generate recreational n__~_ s. Z. oning classifications do not generate that need. This residenUal component will have :t,000 to !,500 peof~e. When Commissioner ~=isher questioned the amount of money involved, Hr. Wildner explained that it is not possible to provide that number until the lanai Value has been determined. The City calculates this figure by acreage. Mr. Bressner said the p~3blem with.the ~is .t. ha~c .l:h. s requirement is based on land value. Tt is not based on population equivalents. :This. ~ay, b~ a C~an~ge to consider in the future. However, this requiremet{t does not limi~ the applicant's L~enfia{ 6i3iig~t~oh at this point'because this land is being used for a residential purpose. ' M EET'ZNG MI*NUTES AGENDA PREVZEW CON FERENCE BOYNTON BEACH, FLOI~DA NOVEMBER 30, 2000 Mr, Wildner said the City would rather take land that s adjacent to the existing Quantum Park site HoweveF,, the IoCaUon of this de~;elopment s separate from th~ park Hr W drier wo~id I ke to have the land nm to the i'~i~turn~-~Park site So that t would be a niore regular shaped patce ~. H~._iWildne~ has discbs~;dqiS {i~tiO~<~;itE Hr. HcGUliCUddy and some d ScuSSions ha~) tai~e~:):)ia~el~ Ti{e Grotto Bay, repKeseh~l~ives continue to insist that they a~e a PID and do not have to pay. Commissioner Black pointed out that wh e t would be n ce tp add land to the Quantum Park site, we already have,a great:cleal df vacant p~kiand that reclU res d~ve opmeht Commissioner Fisher requested that the Co~m_iss~o,~ ~ provided,width a ballpark figure ?oyed,~ this situation Hr. Bressner requested that 's~" ~P~f~ 'a%~'~des~t m~a~'' and Orov~Je '~cio~s~ ~H~r tn Tuesday ~igi~s~m~eeUi,n~g.: ~r ~Fessoer feels i,t~s im~[tan~ ~ J~k ~mfu y'at ~e Ordinan~e n o~r'~l;; ~; s~ t~~C~ SJr;~S~OnIf ~t apphes, · Consultant for the Planning Consultant for Mr, Bressner added Item I/Z-C - allow agreement have v When Attorney could in a letter to us. MI'. c s)gneq I following the evening, In response to Attorn~ We, held off the original and the Legal Department are unknowns that ~ provided by the were ouUined :he on duty for eight DescfipUon: 1/8 ~CD to PUD and ME=, zNG MTNUTES AGENDA PREVIEW CONFERENCE BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA NOVEMBER 30, 2000 Mr. Bressner reported that the Planning & Development Board voted 3-3 on this issue which constitutes a negative vote, He suggested that the Commission consider whether they want to remand this issue back to the Planning & Develooment Board for a recommendation Commissioner Fisher said one of the issues ne would be consider ng is traffic. Mr. Rumpf exp a ned that this proposal representS a reduction (300 tr ps) from the ~urrent approval. Mr, Bressner reeuested that the Commissioners.be provided with excerpts of the traffic report. Vice Mayor Weiland advised that three people from Le surer le who abut th s propert~ are concerned that there will be a rear entrance into LeisureVitle from ~hat pr0Pert~. V~ZT.C. DemonstraUon of New Fire Rescue Apparatus (December 19, ~)ooo) Rescue Vehicle ~ Heavy Vehicle Fire Chief Bingham requested that the word Demo~nstra~ion be changed to "Display". VIII.F. Review policy late arrival fee and space Cemetery Board and funeral business Mr. Bressner reported that the Cemetery Boardmemoers want to meet with the City Commission for the purpose of discussing the Possible 'expansion qf t~e ~metery. At a recent Cemetery Board meeting, Mr. Bressner explained to the members t~at if U~eBoard;desires to expand the cemetery, they would have to go before the Commission to request funding. Pdor to having a meeting with' the Cemetery Board, Commissioner Black would like them to do the due diligence on a possible expansion and provide the Commission with suggestions. Mr. Bressner requested that Mrs. Kruse arid Mr. Wildner prepare a draft letter to the Cemetery Board. This item will be removed from the agenda. X.A. Review ApplicaUons/Qualiflcaflons for Possible Appointment of Diablct ZZ! Commission Seat Mr. Bressner advised that the Commissioners have until the meeting of December 19m to make an appointment. ~ Mrs. Kruse distributed copies :of the applications that were received from the three applicants. Attorney Cherof recom, rnended that the item trde be changed to indude the word "Appoint". Proposed Ordinance No. 000-63 Re: Amending Land Development Regulations as follows: Chapter 2, Section 6;C.1.; Chapter 2, Section 6.D.1. to Include nightclub; and Chapter 2, Section 6.E.1.B When Mayor Broening questioned whether or not I~nguage was added*to the nightclub Ordinance regarding SOund, Attorney Cherof advised that the cha~ge would be in an amendment that would modify the conditional use section of the Code. This amendment Will come before the Commission on December 19m. MEET'LNG MI'NUTES AGENDA PREVTEW CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 30, ~2000 clarify variances The Early Retirement O~dinanc~ has been, mecljfied so that t~e deperture date- s subiect to,the aoorova of the department head and ~he cityHanag~r: Re: ~Amending Article ZZ 21 morals and review futurewall murals City Manager Bressner advisedthat staff is woFUng!on-theOrd~ance relative to.the Commission's review of these items. ., · OTHER · Commissioner Black requested that an item be added to the agenda to consider allowing caf~ dining on the sidewalks in the CRA. Hr. Bressner advised that an tern wou d be added to the age~a under New Business as follows: X.B. Request for'Zoning Text Amendment - OutdOor Dining in CRA Area by Special Use Permit Attorney Cherof advised that he would provide Mr. Greene with a model Ordinance regarding this issue. Mayor Broening referred to the Ocean Avenue Promenade with respect to the bump-outs. He pointed out that they are being provided in asphalt. It would take a change order and additional funding to change that to brick. He questioned whether~the Commiss on WoUld like to discuss this issue. Mr. Sugerman advised that the City was provided with a cost of $7,500 to brick the parking lanes in the 500 Block. It would ~:ost $23,000 to brick the parking lanes for the entire length of Ocean Avenue. This issue has been discussed with the City Manager and a decision must be made within the next 24 hours, Vice Mayor Wei and was in favor of spend ng the additional $7,500 for the brick work on the 500 Block and felt there was a need for wi lingness to continue this pattern all the way down Ocean Avenue. Commissioner Black was supportive of authorizing =the additional $7,500 expenditure for the brick on the 500 Block at this time. In the future, depending on development, he would be willing to consider removing the blacktop and replacing it with bricl~ MEI: ixNG MTNUTES AGENDA PREVZEW CONFERENCE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA NOVEMBER 30~ 2000 Mr. Sugerman felt the budget could nandle the additional $7,500 at this time. He is prepared to sign off on a change proposa for. that amount or' money. Mr. Bressner explained that the area of Ocean Avenue up to the tracks is in the concentrated business area. The remainder is not, Therefore, the Commission could make a case for not continuing the bdck beyond the railroad. Hr. Bressner asked for two volunteers from the Commission to speak during the public comment meeting on school boundaries, on Monday evening. Mayor Broening and Commissioners Black and Fisher volunteered to speak on behalf of the City. · Vice Mayor Weiland commented about the pleasant appearance of the new bank on the corner of Woolbright Road and 'Congress Avenue. He pointed out that the architecture is very nice and they have gone above and beyond the Code requirements with respect to landscaping. Mr. Bressner.offered to send the developer a letter of thank you on behalf of the City. wWhh~n ~C~_mmigion.?r.Bl~ck. questioned..wh?:her these businesses are en!:ouraged to provide be~er qua ty en [ney make melt nrst contact with me City~ Mr. Rumpf responded affirmatively. He explained that this particular project preceded 'the newer landscaping regulations. Staff and the Planning & Development Board worked with the applicant to achieve the success of the project. · .V. ica May?r_We!land pot)ted out that the .new office building prOject across from Torcho's on WOOloright Road is the opposite of the new bank building with respect to landscaping. · Vice Mayor Weiland reported that a~cer t~e November 2]? Commission meeting, he rode with the Police. They visited the Orbit (nightclUb in iGulfstream Mall). There were no Police on duty even though a show was in progress. Three officerS.from the even ng shif'c and three from the m dn ght shift had to be pulled Off the schedule tO prOVide the coverage. There was garbage in the parking lot. Vice Mayor We and said he went inside, and the Orbit is a filthy disgrace. Mr. Bressner said the Police Chief has been asked to deal with this issue to ensure that they honor the conditions they agreed to and to make certain that the operations are consistent with the conditional use approval. Police Chief Gage explained that the managers of the Orbit are difficult to deal with. The gentleman who came before the Commission is back in Haryland. At the Commissioners' request, Mr. Bressner will add a new item under "Other" to provide the Commissioners with an opportunity to share information with each other and the public. The item will be callecl, 'Zn..formation Ztems by Members of the Commission". There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting properly adjourned at 5:50 p.m. ME,- t~NG MZNUTES AGENDA PREVZEW CONFERENCE BOYNTONBEACH; FLORZDA NOVEMBER 30, 2000 C:ZTY OF BOYNToN ~EAcN Hay0r A I I i.-,-,"T: Vice Mayo~ ~ IVlayor pro Tern Ob/Oe~ I Commissioner Commissioner 6 V-CONSENT AGENDA TTEF4 A-5. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD IN COMMISSIONCHAMBERS, CITY HALl., BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2000 AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT Gerald Broening,Mayor Kurt Bressner, City Manager Ronald Weiland, Vice Mayor James Cherof, City Attorney Bruce Black, Commissioner Sue Kruse. City Clerk Chadie Fisher, CommisSioner I. OPENINGS: Call to Order - Mayor Gerald Broening B.Invocation - R?erend William Magil -St. Joseph's Episcopal Chumh C.'Pledge °fAIlegiance to theF agled by Mayor Gerald Broening Mayo~ Broeni~g called ~the meeting lo' order at 6:31 p.m~ Reverend William Magill of St. Joseph's Epis~opal'Chumhgave {he Invocation. MayorBroening led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. D. IF YQUWlSHTO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION: · FILL OUT. THE APPROPRIATE REQUEST FORM ,, ,, · GIVE IT TOTHECITY CLERK (ON THE DAIS) BEFORE THE OPENINGS PORTION OF THE AGENDA HAS .BEEN COMPLETED. · COME TO THE PODIUM,WHEN THE MAYOR CALLS YOUR NAME INDIVIDUALS MAY SPEAK FOR THREE UNINTERRUPTED MINUTES. E. Agenda Approvah 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections Vice Chair Weiland requested that the appointment of a Commissioner for District 111, which is Item X.A on.the Agenda, be moved up to be heard immediately following Presentations (Item IV.B.2) 2. Adoption Commissioner Black moved to approve the agenda, as amended. Motion seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland and unanimously carried. Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida IZ. PUBLZCAUDIENCE: December 5, 2000 Deborah Barnes, Boynton Beach create a dog residents ,have e City td Barnes presented a Clerk, which is attached tothe ongll Neal proposed that the City of She noted that currently a-park for exercising their dogs. Ms. ,ignatures supporting a dog park to the the Golf Condo their with no storm sewers, this area and if they $1.00 HumPhdes that meeting. David Katz, 742 NW independent CRA in the City. new Mr, an Steven Bell, 133 S. 11m Street and was present ton the green spaces stopped. Mr. taking County and he would I County ~ of ~ thatis in the Mayor Broening closed the public audience IlL ADMINISTRATIVE.' Accept resignation of Richard Philpott, Regular member of the Employees' Pension Board Motion Commissioner Black moved to accept the resignation of Richard Philpott, which was seconded by Vice Mayor We and and unanimOusly carried. Mayor Broening informed the audience that he is a member of this Board and that the Board is looking for someone who has financial experience to fill-the vacancy. Mayor Breening nvited anyone who wou d be nterested to please contact the City. 2 MeeUng Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December 5, 2000 B. Appointments to be made: Appointment Length of Term To Be Made Board .Expiration Date [V =isher Nayor ~roening Advisory Bal. On Children & Youth Advisory Bd. On Children & Youth Alt 1 fr term to '~/01 Tabled (2) Stu/Reg/Non-Vot~ng 1 yrterm to 4/01 Tabled (2) ][[ E~lack Bldg, Board of A:ljustrnent & Appeals Alt ! yr term to 4/01 ! Weiland Education Advisory Board Alt ~. yr term to 4/01 Tabled Mayor Broening Employees' Pension Board Reg, 3 yr Term to 4/01 Hayor Broening Nuisance Abatement Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/02 ! Weiland Nuisance Abatement Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/01 t! Weiland Planning & Development Board Att 1 yr term to 4/01 Tabled [3) Mayor Broening Recreation & Perks Board Alt :L yr term to 4/0:1. Tabled Vice Mayor Weiland appointed Juanita Summers to the Planning and Development Board as an Alternate member, Vice Mayor Weiland appointed Rosalind Murray to the Education Advisory Board as a Regular Member. All other appointments were tabled. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve the appointments, which was seconded by commissioner Fisher and unanimously carried. IV.; ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Broening made the following announcements: A. Announcements: TNT Concert - Friday, December 8, 2000 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Oceanfront Park - Holiday Tunes December 19, 2000 City Commission Meeting will be held at Galaxy Elementary School at 6:30 p.m. Boynton Beach Police Department "Annual Christmas Toy Giveaway" - December 23, 2000 at 11 :DO a.m. at Hester Center 3 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach~ Florida December 5, 2000 Mayor Broening invited Chief Marshall Gage to take the podium. Chief Gage stated that Department (742-6150) Presentations: 1. ?oclamations: a. "Bill of Rights Day" - December 15, 2000 Mayor Broening read a Proclamation declaring December~;I 5, 2000 as the "Bill of Rights Day". Orientation PowerPoint Presentation Library/Museum -.Virginia Farace - Library Director Ms. Virginia Farace, Library Director, presented a PowerPoint presentation on the Library and Schoolhouse Children's Museum, a complete; ~,copy of which is attached to the original minutes. Ms. Farace pointed out:that the Leadership Team inc udes Virg n a Farace, Director;, A.D. Henehan, Assistant Director; Adeen Dennison; Leader Special Services; Joyce Waters, Leader Public Services; and Ellen Mancuso, Leader Support Services. The mission of the Library is to be a foundatiori ~nd inspiration for their teams to deliver a wodd class Museum and Library. Ms. Farace gave an overview of the programs, activities, and resources that were available at the .Library and the Museum. Current projects include renovation and enhpncerqent. The :Fden,ds of the Library have been very successful in this area. Youthlprogr;ams ate offered: and there are 26 computers with intemet access and word precessing and an. eight-station computer lab for training. Currently, staff is working on the exhibits for the 1913 Schoolhouse so that it can be opened as a Children's History Museum. Ms. Farace also pointed out the vadous Cooperative Ventures that the Library is involved in. She next gave a bdef overview on how the Children's Museum came to fruition ,by becoming, a ,destination location to bring people into the downtown area. An outdoor Seating areals being added with restrooms. The master p an for the exhibits has bean completed and with the success of the $1 million County Bond Referendum the able to move forward in building the exhibits, which are now The Museum opening is anticipated for the Spdng. Ms. Farace concluded her Presentation. Item X. A. (Moved up on the Agenda) 4 MeeUng Minutes Regular City Commission ..... *: ....... Boynton Beach, Florida A. Review ApplicationS/QualificatiOnS for Possible District III Commission Seat December 5, 2000 Appointment of Attorney Cherof pointed out that under the City Charter the Commission is allowed two consecutive commission Meetings to fill the seat vacated by Commissioner Sherman when he tendered his resignation. If the Commission cannot fill the balance of Commissioner ~Sherman's term within that time, a specia election would have to be held. The requirements are that the individual must. be qualified and reside in the District. Commissioner Black would like to move forward on this tonight-by having a nomination made and seconded, which could be done by a roll call vote. Mayor Broening felt · g announced that th ree > Shidey Jaskiewicz, former Vice Mayor;, ran against Commissioner Sherman; and ~, / or'ce,, Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to appoint Mike Ferguson as the next member of the City Commission for Distdct III with follow up discussion. Motion seconded by Commissioner Black. Commissioner Fisher said that all three applicants would be fully qualified and he had no questions. Vice Mayor Weiland said the puroese of term tlimits was to give other individuals an opportunity ~to serve .the City and noted this is r~ot a full-time job, Vice Mayor Weiland complimented former Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz fo{ doing a great job in the four years that she d d serve the C ty Further, he pointed out ~,hat Mr. Ferguson expressed an interest in running for election in March and felt he woU~ld be the best person at this time to fill the Vacancy Also, Mr. Ferguson has a great deal of knowledge about the City. Commissioner Black said. whoever gets appoint, ed tonight, he looks forward to working with them and hop, es, that there will be no haid feelings from the two who were not appointed, comn~ssloner Black thanked ail th~ applicants for applying, Mayor Broening also thanked all three applicapts and noted that the position is more tha~ part time. Mayor Broening requested that the City Clerk call the roll. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was ~ to appoint Mr. Ferguson. Cit~ Clerk Sue Kruse administered the Oath o~ Offic.,~, and the Oath of Loyalty to Mr. Ferguson. All the Commissioners congratulated Mr. Ferguson on his appointment, 5 t. leeting t. tinutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida V. CONSENTAGENDA: A. Minutes: December, 5; 2000 1. Special City Commissi,on Meeting of November 8,.200(~ 2. .. RegUlar Ci~/Comm ss on Meeting of November 8, 2000 3. Agenda Prev'ew Conference of November 16, 2000 the 2000- Awarrd "RFQ 2210-01/KR, AWard the Atlantic Truck Center in: THE '!BY FIRE Flodda, in ;the ~dda for an LAW 1-99-1 Pence Park ResolutiOns: 1. the a Re: Reaffirming · of the City of the Mayor and City 6 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December S, 2000 tProposed ResOIdtion NO. R00-172 Re: Approving he revised Recreati0n & Park Department Revenue Policy Manual & Fee Schedule O. Rat fication of Planning & Development Board Action: Boynton Shoppes (Side Yard Setback) - Request for r.e, lief from Chapter 2 Zonin,g, Section 5. F.7.e. requiring a ?,inimum 30' setback to allow a 17.5 Variance ora minimum 12.5 side yard setback within the Boynton Shoppes PCD Grotto Bay ~ BermudaPlace - Request for Technical Site Plan approval fc~r 1~3.16 acre pod in the Quantum Park PtD. The mixed- use pod will contain 272 multi-family residential rental units and require code waivers pursuant to Ordinance 00~52 3 Boynton Shoppes - Request for new site Dian approval to construct an additional 3,000 square foot retail building located on a 0.727 acre outparcel in the Boynton Shoppes PCD Boynton Landings - Notice of Appeal from the ;June 20, 2000 decision of the 151arming and Zoning Director, denying Boynton Landings' request for a minor modification of the approved site plan Approve Task Order #1 with Hartman & Associates for the preparation of design/build documents for the installation of a new 12" water main to comp ete a oop on Hypoluxo Road from Overlook Road to Seacrest Bou evard and, replace existing small rear easement water mains in the San Castle area east of 1-95 in the amount of $43 650. These documents wil be used to obtain competitive bid/design proposals. Fo Ap rove the expenditure of $23,090 for the purchase of two Trimb e ProXR GPS units from GPSServe, nc. The Trimb e ProXR GPS umts are on SFWMD Bid ~a, FB 00-044. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland and unanimously carried. VI. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Recommendation of Selection of Planning Consultant for Federal.Highway Zoning in Progress Study - Award RFP ~)12-2410-01/CJD to Michelle I~leefing Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach; Florida December 5, 2000 Mellgren & Associates for the "FEDERAL HIGHWAY CORRIDOR PLAN" in theamount of $25,000 (PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R00-173) Mr. Greene stated that staff received and reviewed proposals from four firms and after careful review, Associates was the best proposal beir Mr. Bressner inquired.. ,~ about. ,.; :;the;.~. ength_. 0fi!~¢~f: ~ ~h~ study, a~d Mr Greene rep ed it wouldtake 150~days. from~recelpt..~,, nOtj~:~iilp~8~ia~l:!~' · ~ ~-: ': Motion CommisSioner Black moved to approve R00-173 Motion seConded by Commissioner Fisher and unanimously carried. B. Report on CRA Appointment Process Mr. Bressner requested Mayor Broening address this issue. Mayor Broening announced that th~ CRA met at a Special meeting 'prior to this meeting and reviewed the candidates that applied for membership. Mayor Broening noted the importance of the CRA becoming independent of t~he Commission. The CRA tonight agreed to accept the five nominees recommended byStaff. Vice Mayor Weiland responded to the comment made during public audience regarding one of~the nominees who is employed by the City of De!ray Beach. Vice Mayor Weiland pointed' oUt that all nominees eithe~ reside or ha,~e a business within the City and this partiCU!ar nominee d°es reside in .the City and. shou d have an opportunity to serve on a Board. Mayor Broen~ing announced th~ appo~nte~s, their qua ific~at one and the r terms of appointment: · Larry Finkelstein was appointed.to a four year term; -e Jeanne Hea.vilin was appointed to a ~Ur year term; · Henderson Tiliman Wa~ aPpointed to e'f~!r year term; · Don Fenton Was appointed to a One year ter~l; and · Michelle Hoyland Was appointed:to a three year term. Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to approve staff's recommendations of the above five persons to the CPJ~, Motion seconded by Commissioner Fisher. Commissioner Black noted that all nominees were present tonight except Mr. Tiliman. Commissioner Black pointed out that this a very important position and all nominees should be present, unless there was a specific reason. Commissioner Black said he cannot agree to appoint Mr. Tiliman because he is not present tonight, which to Commissioner Black shows a lack of interest and commitment. 8 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December:S, 2000 Mayor Broening asked Mr. Greene to comment and Mr. Greene replied that a] candidates-were notified'that the decision would be made at tonight's meeting, City Manager Bressner replied that there may be a reason fbr Mr. Tillman's absence that the Commission is unaware of and felt Mr. Tillman should ~3e afforded the benefit of the doubt. Vice Mayor Weiland said he spoke with Mr, Tillman at 4:00 p,m, this~afternoon because he: had an alternate appointmenton;the I I his resume on'the short list for, the CRA Board. ~/eiland wanted to determine if Mr. Tillman had a preference. CRA Board. Vice h~ needed to be present tonight. nominees must make a commitment. However~ 3 mated~ ihdicating that a ca.ndidate COmmissioner Fisher noted :that there could be many reasons why Mr, Tillman was not pr~esent tonight, but felt it,was important that he be here. Commissioner Fisher suggested tabling the item until Mr. Tillman showed up; Vice Mayor Weiland Said there was no point in tabling the issue because the Commission was not interviewing any of these individuals. The Commission was approving the CRA appointments. Discussion ensued on whether or not the ~ssue should be postponed tO. ~afford Mr. Tillman an opportunity to be present. Mayor Broening noted-that the selection process has been complied with and completed and did not feel Mr. Tillman's~absence was of any significance. Further, Mayor Broening pointed out:that when Ml~.i~llman Served as Vice Mayor he did not miss any meetings and feels his COmmitment is there just by going by his previous record. Mayor Broening called for a~vote on the motion on the floor. MOtion carried 4=0. Mayor Broening also noted that the Commission has been given the task of appointing a Chair and Vice Chair. Vice Mayor Weiland would like to appoint Mr. Larry Finkelstein as Chairman of the CRA. Vice Mayor Weiland noted Mr. Finkelstein's extensive knowledge and background of the CRA area and his dedication to the City. Mayor Broening also pointed out that Mr. Finkelstein participated in the second phase of the Visions 20/20 process. Mayor Broening felt that Ms. Heavilin's dedication to the City is along the same lines as Mr. Finketstein and she is an excellent organizer. 9 Meeting Minutes Regular CiLT Commission Boynton Beach, Florida Motion Dc-ce~er S, 2000 Finkelstein Chairmad Of the CRA. :Motion seconded_ by Commissioner Black moved to amend his motion to include that Jeanne Heavilin be. appointed .Vice Chair of the CRA. m(~tion. ,Metion,Carded~4-0 . . C.. has [ty earlier license Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve. Motion seconded by Commissioner Fisher and carded 3-0 (Vice Mayor Weiland had left the dais). VII. PUBLIC HEARING:7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Grotto Bay at Bermuda Place (Easement) (APPUCANT REQUESTED poSTpONEMENT TO DECEMBER 19, 2000MEETING) Jon~i Bdckman,, AtCP,:of Winston Lee & Associates, Inc. Quantum Park & Village, LLC The east side of Quantum Lakes. Ddve, south of Gateway Boulevard Request for 20' utility easement abandonment between Lots 60 and 61 in the Quantum Park PID City Manager Bressner read a fax that the City received requesting a postponement of the abOve item to the December 19, 2000 City Commission: Meeting. Motion. Commissioner Black moved to table the item, which was seconded by Commissioner Fisher and unanimously carded. 10 Meeting Minutes Regular ,City CommissiOn Boynton Beach, Florida December 5, 2000 Attorney Cherof pointed out that on the Consent Agenda, under ratificatio~ of the Planning & Development Board action, part of this item is included in the request to table. Thereforej the Commission must reverse: the approval of that item, which is Item D.2. Motion Commissioner Black moved Io reconsider Item D.2, which was seconded by Vice Mayor weiland and unanimously. C~arried. Motion Vice Mayor Weiland'moVed to table Item D.2, which was seconded bY Commissioner Black and unanimously carried. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Shoppes PCD (Heise PCD) Robert E. Basehart, Basehart Consulting, Inc. Boynton Shoppes, LLC 1620 S. Congress Avenue Request for Major Master Plan Modification to allow for the construction of an additional 3,000 square foot retail building located on a 0.727 acre outparcel in the Boynton Shoppes PCD Attorney Cherof announced that this item would be conducted as a Public Hearing and a.nyone who intends to testify must be sworn in. Attorney Cherof administered the oath to a those whO would b® te~fifying. Attorney Cherof asked the applicant to comment on the conditions of approvalthat are included in the agenda packet. Mr. Robert E. Basehart, agent for the project, took the podium and stated he agreed with ail staff comments. There was no one in the audience that wished to speak on the item. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve, which was seconded by Commissioner Fisher and carried 4-0. CJ Project: Agent: Applicant:. Location: Description: Woolbright Place PUD Kilday & Associates, Inc. Wood Partners West side of SW 8~ Street, approximately 1/8 mile north of Woolbright Road Request for rezoning from PCD to PUD and amend the previously approved PUD master plan'to allow for 11 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission BoyntOn Beach, Florida December S, 2000 construction of multi-family dwellings on 14.18 acres at a density of 10.8 DUNC Attorney Cherof announced that this item wou id also be'conducted 'aS, a Public Hearing and administered the oath to all those who would be testifying. Kieran Kilday, representing the petitioner took the podium and said he was prepared to give a short presentation to refer, to. MayOr Broenin phase The ago. The Church placed In order to sell the PUD ant However, this deal fell through there. ACLF. appr~val~ which ,w0u d be months ago. ' land use was approved and tran D and dwelling units per acre on f acres this ~ additio,nat units could be allowed on the PUD. Wood Partners H~w~Sr~ the net c~ensity of'thi~ Part cular projeCt Would I~e' Vinings across the street has a net density of 16.2 dwellings units the State and'the state has 80 10.8 per,acre; The Wood Partners intends to build a,quality project add in order to do so they 'must have a certain amount of un. its to provide recreafidnal ,amenities, .such as pools, Clubhouses, etc. in order to remain a high quality project. The project is ocated in a commercial area with mulfi-farn lY to the east and,northeast;, All the current uses than what is being i~r°posed~ Leisureville, which is to the west and a land useof 7.2 units per acre Most of Leis~ areas of Leisurevill canal on the west side of the The existing homes of m~et with ,, to Mr. Kilday 12 MeeUng Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach. Florida December S, 2000 said he would putthem on the record in: order that they are incorporated into any site plan recommendations. The prima~ issues ,are drainage and traffic~ Jt is, the intent of the applicant to extend the 4",b~£m on ;~1~e prqperty aii ar0u~d the, proPe~ to prevent the flooding that occurred during Hurricane rene. Mr. Kilday Pointed out that the current proposal Will gene[ate less,traffiC, than the approved ACLF. The t~:ips per day would go down b~; approximately 300. Resi( and that the privacy of the Leisureville at time ( )lanting. ce be planted prov~iSions. trees Shou d be planted. Attorney to ~ was a with those the berm cannot be provided that taller ut that tonight's issue is a zoning issue, whether it ,conforms to and"doe,~ it prov de the entire City with the best mlxof requested that this be the only item addressed. · stated that ' in front of Home Depot planned on ~hat Site? Attorney Cherof should be a condition of approval. that represents the majodty of the First Baptist Church to allow the sharing of in a letter to Cherof said that the applicant needs the City as one of the conditions of letter dated SePtember 21, 2000 from C. and Chief Investment Officer of Gables Residential represents and Attorney Cherof that i compdse the Attomey in nor he did not include that 13 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach~ Florida December 5, 2000 Commissioner Black asked Mr. Kilday if he 'was involved in the Tradewinds when it became a legal issue and Mr. Kilday stated he was the and t went from , to multi-family as 'part of the, Commissioner Fish the individual ,, and ui~animously carded. 18~h Street Count~ followin Enf~l 10 minutes ' ViCe' a the Plan the four The~ pdvil.ege to, the owner and the ~ to the has spoken to 14 Meeting Minutes . ~ Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December S, 2000 developers who are ready to build if this project falls through which would be office/professional, medical building or more family 'homes. Mr. Wische said the only reason the property is not economically feaSible to devel0p is because the pdce is too high for the current dens?y. Mr. Wische claims that th s would grant a special privilege to the owner and is contrary to the citY regulations and would constitute grounds for other apP cants to reqUest simi ar rezoning and potentially open the doors for litigation in cases whers higher densitY reZoning was not approved. ch is the request could offer a i on that adjacent single Wische not a Mr Wische was a which be met .' the CitY for $12 million and Mr. Wische was not to With regard 'to iSSues related to the comm;unity, the current zoning appears to be 7.26 units per acre in ~accordance with Ordinahce 098-24 which was adopted on July 21 1998 That Ordinance stated that the rezomng would revert back to 7.26 if the building permit or land development was ~not obtained within 18 months, which in fact happened. By rezoning the property; :the aPplicar{t Would be allowed to build a four-story, 45' high building. Mr. Wische stated it is unreasonable to family homes to look out at a 45' building the property with the-W0olbdght pud ti units. Mr. Wische said this was not in the Mr. Wische noted that inthe Stipulation i986 conCurred to the partiesl a~d. 0rde~ 18.A.5, it was agreed that the multi-famil single family homes in reisqmyille and based on n~t-having multi;family density s now requesting and the mqu~St :should Sealer who live in Jreville. years ago because the Church to leave downtown. Rev. Edwards ;xpert persons in Leisureville living in single Mr. Wische further noted that by recombining is would permit 16.17 units per acre or216 ,dginal plan for the neighborhood. ~d Settlement Agreement dated November 6, J,by the Judge in accordance with Paragrsph housing be substantially separated from the .ake Boynton Estates. ThiS separation was ;oning on the property for which the applicant 3e denied in accordance with the Court Order. of the First Baptist Church of Boynton said that his ChUmh has many members came to the Church three and one-half remain a downtown Church and did not want !Wood Partners would be building a quality 15 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December 5, apartment complex that wOuld enhance and benefit the Church as the seller, while coos dering the, residents and what is a ready in the alee,and would ~enefit the City F~Jrtlce~',':~v: E~wa~is Stated th,a:~ '~he :~je~;{son~that, the ~:ommissjbn makes w det~rr~in'e~het~b~r'~ ribt~he'Fimt Baptist Chui'ch.Can remain a spidt~a de~t~ n the ~itY. ~T~' C~ui~h i~eiel~rated ts 75~: ~n"r~iversa~ And th(~ ChUrch ha ~ I~i" been a n [o me L;~ty. '. ' Rev. Edw~rds,.said he wasnot. fam liar w th the ega ties brought up by Mr W sChe and d¢~fe,~'~d ~e~ema de~"~of,h'' ~ti a;~, ::-"~'~ ~-~i '~-'< ': ~ ~.;'" ssues~.~O:~kq~ M~; K ~av aareed. ; the ;Churcn a resident of Ms. Shidey Lapere, 704 SW 8m Place, Boynton Beach does not want to ook at a 45' wail. Michael Lukasze..w?ki~ Jr., 8606 Indian River Run !s the Minister of Youth and Education atthe First Baptist Church. R.e.V. Lukaszew,sk! said he would iike to a.ddress the four comments' brOUght up by Mr. Wis~he and sa d that by applying Mr. W~sche s Further Rev. Lukaszewski homes of the use this property and said there needs ; the value of the that. It is of the ,, for the a multi-family 16 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December 5, 2000 Robert Baker, 4762 Palo Verde Drive, Boynton Beach urged the CommisSion to approve the rezoning and support the Church. Mr. Baker felt that the planned use of the property is compatible with the surrounding property. Ms. Ann Lemos, 6760 r Drive, Lantana said she is a member of the First Baptist Church and said that itible to sell Y0ur property to someone that that the Church owns the property and has :tried hard to find a buyer and~work~with Leisureville. Ms. Lemos felt that the project wasan attractive.project and will help the tax base in the City. rezoning has the right to sell their property and that the Commission should rezone the property. Mayor Broening closed, the publ oheadng. the seller is a Church should not be a factor and note~ be looked at as such by the Commission. COmmissioner F t was attractive. Commissioner Fisher asked Cit~ .that had been be a violation of a court order?. Attorney Cherof said he could not answer this because the Court Order dates from 1978 and he has not revieWed it since the documents are in storage. Attorney Cherof did recall that.as part of-the settlement there were a number of elements related to both use and density. Attorney this increased units by ~nything in. particular pertaining to Cherof thought Mr. Wische's comments residential that the Vinings received the Comm Ssioner Fisher asked if anyone contacted the owner of the remaining commercial parcels ;to determine if they would agree no;t to build anymore residential on their land? ~,ttorne~ Cherof was unaware of thisi Mr.[ Rumpf said both projects ,have approved master ~lane, which are Vested: There; are, poe or two parcels remaining that would not be affected: bY the amendment before the C~mmission. to confirm his west of Expo), he intends to use this Vice Mayor We and noted that Mr. iWische came well prepared and raised some c0nCe_m, on' the legality of the rezon~rlg of the property and asked staff to address Mr. Wische s commen~: Mr. Rumpf rep[i~:l that' there are several criteda used to review 17 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December 5, 2000 rezonmg and plat amendments a~ first and foremost would be reviewing against the Comprehensive Plan. With regard to Mr. Wische's alleg criteria to ~ p0intee well, ,as a the entire to Mr. 2020. It is people g liven are in ch 2 million and ~ fo~ them to are upon Leisur a With PUD. to the co~ deal with. Also, 'M~Kilday ;a the property is Woolbright Place piece of property 18 MeeUng Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach~ Florida December 5, 2000 sitting vacant with all this development around it. Staff when looking at the property considered its most usefulness today, which most devdopers would consider to be commercial. The proposed high-end residentiaLproject would be a great alternative use. Further, Mr.:Kilday stated he. was convinced from his meeting this morning with the Leisureville abutters was successful and that progress is being made and that a site plan, can be designed that would beacceptable to them. Mayor Broening sa d he would ask for a motion that would be contingent upon resolving an~ ega issue~:that may have been ta sedtOnight, MOtion Commissioner Fisher moved to table the item in order to afford Attorney Cherof the opportunity to research the questions that have adsen. Motion died for lack of second, Vice Mayor Weiland asked Attorney Cherof when he could have the answers'to the questions and Attorney Cherof stated he would know by the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Black inquired if a motion could be made with the stipulations suggested by the Mayor?. Attorney Cherof indicated that the motion to table would be a better alternative if there are outstanding issues, than to approve an item subject to subsequent research. Therefore the motion to table would'be a more conservation approach, Vice Mayor Weiland inquired if the item were tabled and brought back at the next meeting could it be handled in a different manner?. Attorney Cherof said that the Commission could split the issues, Mr. Kilday said he would prefer to have the project considered all at one time. Further, Mr. Kilday said he would be willing to stipulate that the case did not have to be re-presented and the only thing to be dealt With at the next meeting would be the legal issues, Attorney Cherof said this would be appropriate, Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to table the issue to allow the Legal Department an opportunity to obtain the court records that are not readily available and to research the records for the benefR of the COmmission. Motion sec~)nded by Commissioner Black and carried 4-0. Attorney Cherof said he would limit his review of the court records to the issues raised on the record tonight. Project: Agent: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD (BJs Wholesale Club) (Right-of Way) Roscoe L. Biby, P.E.. Kimley-Hom & Associates, Inc. 19 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beachf Florida Owner: Location: Description: Mr. Roscoe Dec~i~ber $~ 2000 University of Florida Foundation, Inc.. A Florida Corporation.and Universityof F or da Foundation' Inc.'. a .FI;3rida Corp0~ation, as ~rustee. · Request ~a~: abandonment of,:,a 30 ,road right-of-way easement Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve, which was seconded by Commissioner Fisher and carried 4-0. Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved for a ten-minute recess at 8:50 p.m., which was seconded by Commissioner Fisher. The meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m. viii. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Ordinance on Non-Conforming Signs (December 19, 2000) B. Resolution of Intent to Establish Fire Service Special Assessment (December 19, 2000) Display of New Fire Rescue Apparatus (December 19, 2000) Rescue Vehicle (Ambulance) Heavy Rescue & Special Operations Vehicle Presentation Of Five-Year Strategic Plan for the Black Awareness Celebrations by Michael Brady and Bruce Lewis of L.B. Limited & Associates, Inc. (December 19, 2000) E. Future Annexation Areas (January 2, 2001 ) F. "Name Pond B" Contest Demonstration of GIS Project to City Commission, CRA and Planmng & Development Board (February 6, 2000) 20 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida IX. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: December 5, 2000 None X. NEW BUSINESS: Review Applications/Qualifications for Possible Appointment of District III Commission Seat Previously addressed. Request~ for Zoning Text Amendment - Outdoor Dining in CRA:Area by Special Use Permit Commissioner~Black stated he requested ;this item' be placed on the agenda because the '500 Block' Of Ocean .Avenue w~ll be coming on line ~nd there are more restaurants opening up. commissioner Black felt this would be a good draw to the downtown area by having dining allowed on,the sidewalks and would like this use encouraged within the CRA. Mr. Bressner suggested that the citY Attorney could draft an Ordinance for nformal review by the Commission and then referred to the appropriate advisory board for public hearing and zoning text amendment. Xl, LEGAL: A. Ordinances- 2n~ Reading - PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Ordinance No. 000-63 Re: Amending Land Development Regulations as follows: Chapter 2, Section 6.C.1.; Chapter 2, Section 6.D.1. to include nightclub; and Chapter 2, Section 6.E.1.B Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. O00-63 by title only. There was no one in the audience that wished to speak on the item. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve. Proposed Ordinance No. O00-63. commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Proposed Ordinance No. 000-64 Re: Deleting Article X of Chapter I and Section 3.B. of Chapter 23 of the Land Development Regulations and Article II Section 1 of Chapter 21 of the Code of Ordinances and amending Chapter 1.5, Sections 4.1 and 4.3 of the 21 Meeting t4inutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December 5, 2000 Land Development Regulations rn order to clarify and further specify the procedures applicable to variances Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No: O00-~64 ,by title only. There was no one i.n the audience that wished to:speak Qn theitem. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve Ordinance No. O00-64 Kruse pOtled-:the vote. The reserving Chapter entirety, Attorney,Cherof read Proposed OrdinanceNo. O00~65,~oy title only. There was no one in the audience that w shed to speak on the item Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O00-65. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Vice Mayor Weiland said he was not in favor of the Ordinance. at the last meeting, but after discussing the issue with Chief Bingham, Chief Gage and some police officers, they assured him that this is a doable project and can be accomplished without much interruption. Therefore, he is now in favor of the Ordinance. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Proposed Ordinance No. 000-66 Re: Creating an Early Retirement Incentive Program; providing requirements for participation in the Early Retirement Incentive Program; providing criteria, for qualification for early retirement; approving and issuing a Statemen! of~ actuarial impact; approving the form of agreement ~or participation' in the Eady Retirement Incentive Program; directing City Administration to furnish a copy to the Division of Insurance Attorney Cherof read Proposed ~rdinance No. 000-66 by title only. He further stated that the Ordinance inclu(Jes t,he language that the' com~ ss On asked to be nc uded upon first reading, wh ch requ res tha~ the actual retirement date to be coord nated w th and approved by the City Manager Also, on Page 1, second '~vhereas clause", there is 22 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission 8oynton 8each, Florida December 5, 2000 a reference to a final study and Attorney Cherof said he needed the Commission's authorization to fill in the final study date, to which the Commission agreed There was no one in the audience that wished to speak on the item. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O00-66. Commiss oner Fisher:seconded the motiom City Clerk Sue, Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. 5. PrOposed Ordinaqce No;:O00~7" Re: Amending Land Dele opment Reguiafi0ns as fol ows Chapter 1 Art c e II Definitions; ~ ty Design Plan; and Chapter 21 for wall murals ~and establish a murals Attorney Cherof read. Proposed Ordinance No. 000-67 by title only, Attorney Cherof stated that this Ordina~nce has also been amended between first and second read ng to aCCommodate the re~luest made during'first reading. Mayor Broening opened the public headng. Mike Friedland, 330 NE 26~h Avenue, Boynton Beach hoped that he was not offensive in his campaign against murals. He would like to have signs in the City brought up to date and that ~,e Planning and Deve oPment Board be involved with the plans for murals because murals areI a signage issue. Mr, Friedland read a letter ~)repared by Mr. Robert Ensler, a meml~e_r, of,thePlanning and Development Board. Mr. En$1er is c~f the opinion that ,~the new Ordinance for murals has caused a significant disagreement betweein stax, tl~e Pia~ni~g arK] ,Development Board, as well as n~embers of the commsson Mr~,Enserrw~l~ [ke all the issues addressed before the Comm ss on approves ,the,Old nance and-he presented Mr. Ensler's reasomng for this request. Mr. Ensler in his letter raised the poin~ signs. Also Mr. EnSler in°red,that the~ vice Mayor Welland and lformer May Ordinance. Also, Co~missioner Fisher with the other Commissioners expresl properly established.! M~. Ensler ~:equ~ on murals before mal~ing ait~malidecisib ;hat problems could :exist between murals and !is always the possibility of litigation. Originally ~. pro Tom Shermah voted against the initial ~3ted against the Ordinance at the last meeting, ~ing concerns that th,;e mural program must be ~.st~.,-d that the Corem ~sion continue discussions Mayor Broen ng noted that the .c~, nce~ns expressed by Messrs. Ensler and Friedland are incorporated in the mu~ral Ord~nan[~eand that it establishes a one-year pilot pedod, during which time the Ordinance wou~,aPpty only td the central business district and 23 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida will be evaluated after that. , Decembe~ S, 2000 Mayor Broening agreed that the murals are only good if Mayor Broening closed the public headng. Motion Commissioner Black vote. ~on~s ¸6: Land iL, to allow the At~, Motion ?00-68 by~ t~tl ly ,~, · e on . Commissioner Black moved to approve;: PropOSed 'Ordinance No, O00-68. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse po ed the vote. The vote was unanimous. B. Ordinances - 1st Reading Re: Amending Article I of power and and amending Article:.l. of CRA to provide thal ;] body of the Community _R_e_,clevelopment Agency (CRA) and to provide for the board members appointment by the City Commission Attorney cherof read PropoSed :Orci nance No 000-69 by t tie on y Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. vote was unanimous. Ordinance No. 000-69. polled the vote. The Proposed~Ordinance No. 000-70 Re: , Creating Article II of Chaptei~ 1!5 of the Land~ Development Regulations to provide for 24 HeeUng Hinutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December 5, 2000 the powers and duties of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) pertaining to land within the CRA boundaries Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 000-70 by title only. Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O00-70. Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion, City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Proposed Ordinance No, O00-71 Re: Amending Article I, Chapter 1~5, Section 1 of the Land Development _Regulations to add a new subsection E.; providing for limitation of the Planning & Development Board's authority in the Community Redevelopment Area, providing for transfer of authority, function, powers and duties to the CRA Attomey Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No~ O00-71 by title only. Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O00-71. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Proposed Ordinance No. O00-72 Re: Establishing an annual boat launching and trailer parking fee for Boat Club Park Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. O00-72 by title only. Attorney Cherof stated that betweenflrst and second reading, it will be clarified that the fees will take effect upon adoption~ of'the Ordinance and not at a later date. Vice Mayor Weiland said that he would like clarified between the readings of the Ordinance the different methods of enforcement. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 000-72. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Proposed Ordinance No. O00-73 Re: Amending Chapter Nine, Entitled "Fire Protection and. Prevention" of the City Code by creating and establishing Article VIII "Hazardous Materials" 25 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December 5, 2000 regulations, Section 9-71, "Disclosure and Safety Requirements" providing for, definition,, exemptions, from disclosure and enforcement Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No., 000-73 by title only. Motion vote was unanimous. Resolutions: None D. Other: 1. Ratification of Code Compliance Board action: Reduce the fine in Case #99-2474 (2510 NE 4~ Court) from $7,875 plus 634.12 in administrative costs to $2,000 Mr. Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator stated-that there were two lien reductions tonight, the first one being case No. 99-2474. The Code Compliance Board voted 4-3 to reduce the fine from $7,875 plus $634.12 in administrative costs to a total fine of $2,000. Mr. Blasie explained that the people who held the note and mortgage purchased the mortgage back and stated that title work wasdone before the papers were recorded. Therefore, the respondent did have knowledge of the lien. Mr. Blasie said that the applicant was present. Commissioner Fisher asked Mr. Blasie his opinion of the condition of the property since the mortgage holder took the property.back? Mr. Blasie stated the property has greatly improved and was in deplorable condition pdor to their taking ownership. Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve. Motion seconded by Commissioner Fisher and unanimously carried. bo Rescind the fine in Case #99-502 (220 SW 4th Avenue). The odginal fine totaled $10,500 plus $538.27 in administrative costs. Mr. Blasie noted that the Code Compliance Board voted 4-3 to rescind the fine in Case ~99-502, which was originally $10,500 plus the administrative costs of $538.27. The 26 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December $, 2000 applicant explained to the Board at the hearing that he was losing his house and was t~ing to sell it to get out I=rom ulnder it. The respondent appeared at the hearings and pied no contest and asked for time at the original l~earing. The respondent ran out of t me and money, which was the basis for the Board s decision. Commissioner Fisher noted that the backup material indicates that the applicant purchased the house for $64,000 and.is se Ing it for $84,00(} and therefore is realizing a $20~00~ profit. FUrther, commissioner Fisher gathered from the backup tha( the respondent did not care abo_u,t fixing the property and now that the house is being Sold, Commissioner Fishe~ doesnt see how the app cant would be breaking even under these circumstances. ey was going to Mr. Roger Banks, 220 SW 4th Avenue, Boynton Beach said that the property was in bankruptcY and that he went deeper~and .deeper in debt and could not afford to make thb. $1.~200 monthly mortgage payments!~ Mr. BankS said that after the sale of the property~ he would still owe $2,000. Commissioner Fisher pointed out the differences in the two cases and felt the respondent in this case did not bring ~e property into compliance within the time allotted, whether it was for financial reasons or any other reasons. Mr. Blasie pointed out that the difference between the two applicants is that the first applicant actually came in af~ei' the fact and purchased the property back, whereas, Mr. Banks has owned the property all along. Mayor Broening asked if the property was now in compliance and Mr. Blasie stated it was. Motion Vice Mayor Weiland moved for approval. Motion seconded by Commissioner Black and carried 3-1 (Commissioner Fisher dissenting). XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None Xlll. OTHER: A, Informational Items by Members of the City Commission Vice Mayor Weiland requested that during the CRA transition that staff give an orientation to the entire Board as soon as possible. Secondly, Vice Mayor Weiland 27 IqeeUng Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida ~--~-r~ber S, 2000 cement items heard eadier during the agenda, instead of may be the I; reduc be approved, by the hearings. Of course, there w I be a process memberhas an Object on to a finding these a case to be heard if a Commission he XlV. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come beforethe Commission, the meeting:,propedy adjourned at 9:40 p.m. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor A3-FEST: City Clerk Recording Secretary (3 Tapes) Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner 28 Requested City Cormmssion Meeting Dates [] November 2L 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] January 2, 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 pm. November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.j December 6. 2000 i5:00 December 20. 2000 ~,5:00 p,m.) Requested City Comm~ssmn Meeting Dates [] January 16. 2001 [] February 6. 2001 [] Febamry 20. 2001 [] March 6. 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA Item B-1. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office Sanuary 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.~ January 17,2001 (5:0Op.mo February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Febmmy 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfiulshed Business [] Announcement [] Presenta~/on RECOMMENDATION: A motion to renew the bid for: "ANNUAL SUPPLY OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE" Bidg021-2821-00/CJD, to Vulcan Chemical Technologies, Inc. for an additional year with an annual expenditure of: $200,000.00. CONTRACT PERIOD: NOVEMBER 28, 2000 TO NOVEMBER 27, 2001 NEW BH)#021-2821-01/CJI) EXPLANATION: The current bid will expire on November 28, 2000. However, we ha~e the option to renew for one additional year under the same terms, conditions, and price, providing all parties agree. Vulcan Chemical Technologies, Inc. of Orlando, Florida has agreed to this extension (copy of letter attached). This company has provided us with this chemical in a satisfactory manner. John Guldry concurs with this recommendation see attached memo g00-264. PROGRAM IMPACT: The purpose of this bid is to secure a source of supply for Hydrogen Peroxide, which is used to neutralize hydrogen sulfide. This is to prevent corrosion due to the elements in the various lift stations to such materials as concrete, steel, electrical eompunentz, etc. and also aides in the reduetiun of objectionable and dangerous odors to neighbors and employees. FISCAL IMPACT: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION: ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT BALANCE: PROCESS cHEMICALS 401-2816-536-52-35 $159,807.50 ALTERNATIVES: Deputy Director of Finencml Services Procurement Services Department Name S:~BULLETIN~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC C: Mark Law- Utilities Barb Conboy - Utilities City Manag~r'~ Signature CiV/Attorney / Finance / Human Resources MEMORANDUM Utilities #00-264 RECEU, TO: FROM: William Atkins, Proc~eF~ent Services John Guidry? Utilities Director DATE: November 15, 2000 SUBJECT: PIGGYBACK, CITY OF FT. MYERS, FLORIDA BID # 21~94-g5 HYDROGEN SULFIDE CONTROL SERVICES AGENDAITEM/ANNUALCONTRACT The Utilities Deparlment recommends approval to piggyback the City of Ft. Myers, Flodda contract with Vulcan Performance Chemicals of OrlandO, Flodda; This contract is for hydrogen sulfide c°Rtr°l and services, via hydrogen peroxide dosing at various lift station sites. The C~ of Ft. Myers has agreed to an extension of their exiSting contract with Vulcan for an additional one year term, please sea the attached letter. This process has been an ongoing part of our maintenance program on the wastewater collection system. Estimated annual expenditures will be $200,000.00. Funds are available in Process Chemicals account # 401-2816-536-52-35. Please place this on the next Commission agenda for the r approva! If you have any questions, please contact Mark Law at ext. 6403, or Tony Lombardi at ext. 6421. Attachments CC: Mark Law Tony Lombardi Jim Hart Barb Conboy Georganne Barden Flodda Phor~ 941~332-6J0l F,~: 941-332-0593 October 18. 2000 Vulcan Performance Chemicals Attn: Mr: Bill Stratton 4207 S.W. 34th Street Orlando, FL 32811 Dear Mr. Stratton: SUBJECT: 21-94-95 HYDROGEN SULFIDE CONTROL SERVICES On October 1/~, .2000 City Council approved a 12-month extension to the above referenced contract at the same terms and conditions with an option to renew for four one-year periods upon the appropriation of funds and mutual consent of both parties. The City of Fort Myers values its vendors,, and has confidence in the product and service from Vulcan Performance Chemicals. Please coordinate your efforts with Kevin Wagnor at 941-332.-6870. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If there are any questions, please dc not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Laurie A. Victory, CPPB~-'- ~ Director of Purchasing City of Fbrt Myers LAV/dlm He\Letters FY 130 01 ~lydrogen Sulfide renewal.do~ 1:1/18/00 ~ 11:~0 FAX ACORD. CERTIFY YPC - 0~0 c ~oo:r ' Orange purchasing and Con~tac~s Dep~rtment Wazren Geltch, Chief of Purchasing and Contracts 201 South Rosalind Avenue, 3rd F~eor Reply To: Post Office Box 1393 Orlando, Florida 32802-1393 Telepkone (407) 836-5635 TEI~CONTi~CT NO..Y6-L2~ Hydro~en Peroxide RECE%rED TO: Vulcan Peroxidation Systems, 5151 E Broadway, suite 600 Tucson, AZ 85711 Inc. Th~s Ks to ~nform you Co~mlssloner~ the following: APR 5 1996 - '// .~ C~ H that the Orange County Board of County hereby enters into a term contract subgect to TERMB /%ND CONDITIONB Acceptance: This contract is our acceptance of your offer in response to Our Invitation for Bid Ne. Y$-12S-JS, One (1) Year Term Contract, with Renewal Clause, for H~drogen Peroxide, and is subject to all terms and conditions therein. Term of Contract: A. This is a term contract for the time period specified in the referenced Invitation ~or Bid, for the products/services covered by this contract.. .The County is not obligated to purchase any minimum amount of products or services, unless otherwise stipulated in the Invitation for Bid. B. This contract is effective March 19, i996 and shall remain in effect through March 1~, 1997. C. This contract may beunilaterally renewed as provided in the Invitation for Bid. Any amendments to this contract must be in writing and signed by both parties. D. This contract may be cancelled or terminated as provided for in the Invitation for Bid. Page I of 2 Ordering against Contract: Ao Be Unless otherwise specified in the Invitation for Bid, the County will place orders by issuance of a n,~m~ered Release Order against this contract. Each [fy the quantity, deScription for -The obligations of Oral, ge County under this contract are s ' ub]ect .to ~ilability of funds lawful its purpose by the Board of COunty Taxes: The County has the following assigned. A® Certificate of Registryl No. 59-~0-004K for tax free transactions under Chapter 32, Internal Revenue Code; Florida Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate No. 58-I2-090729-§3C. 5. Invoicing: A. Invoices must be submitted, in duplicate, referencing this contract n,~her and the Release Order n,,~her to: Orange County Finance Department P. O. Box 38 Orlando, Florida 32802 Invoices against this contract are authorized the prices stated in your bid response, otherwise provided in the Invitation for Bid. only at unless BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OI~%NGB COUNTry Z~LORZDA Ja e~E. Schell, Purchasing and Contracts Department Page 2 of 2 (Revised 5/26/95) HYDROGEN SULFIDE CONTROL SERa,ICE TEChNiCaL SPECIfICaTIoNs Chemicals: Chemicals will be added to the sewage for hydrogen sulfide control. The chemicals which are acceptable for addition in the service system are those which remove hydroge~ sulfide or prevent its gene=ation. The che~ic&t used, once diluted in Sewage, must be the County's personnel. Any chemical .dosages which ~ affect the collection system operation, treatment plant operation, or treatment plant effluent will not be considered for use. Toxic gases will not be used. Chemical products in the quantities used shall not cause a "pass through" of a the tha~ the to the ~ for or ~ or way problems To be ' · Point Solubility pH 50% solution, complete miscible with water the following chemical and physical properties: 50% minimum - 52% maximum 23.5% 1.196 A 20 degrees C 9.98 lbs./gal. @ 20 degrees C -52 degrees C co 3.0 - 4.0 SU or 1.2 Licruid Nitrate-Oxycen Product: Product shall be a liquid solution of calcium nitrate or sodium nitrate. A complete chemical analysis of the product shall b~ submitted with this bid. Vendor shall include which Liquid Nitrate-Oxygen Product (chemical 'formula) is being bid as well as the pounds to gallons ration on the Bid Proposal From. Analysis shall include nitrate-oxygen content expressed in pounds nitrate-oxygen per gallon. Product shall be a non-hazardous chemical as defined by EPA's CERCLA list. A complete product description of the chemical to be applied submitted with the bid. The description shall include: stoichiometric reactions showing dosage requirements per pound of hydrogen sulfide. Page 15 Field test results showing application' rates and measured hydrogen sulfide levels before-~ndafter treatment. Data must include evidence of treatment to less than 0,1 ppm hydrogen sulfide in solution. 1.3 Deliver~: De~' 2. E~uiDment: the 2.1 one of and 2.2 supplied. ~lso ill and Page 16 PiDin~ and ADDurtenances: Ail materials shall be stainless Schedule 80 steel with Teflon. or, O-ringS' ressur%s= andc or PE 3408 for wi~S~andihg chemical resistance. Vented ball valves are required with hydrogen peroxide, to prevent inte.l~al, pressure build-up.. Stainless steel ~piping, valves, and fittings shall be used in lines where H202 (hydrogen peroxide), is not diluted. Pressure relief valves shall .be used in lines where H202 could be trapped. Ail materials, shall be new and of the ~highest . quality. The materials installed must m'eet ail correspond%ng ASTM Standards- If required by the county evidence of material quality shall be furnished. Below standard material or equipment shall be removed and ~eplaced upon r~quest of the County. Ail buried chemical piping transporting hazardous a or another accE materials shall be encased in a sensing device between two pipes, to detect leakage from the inner shall be sealed at both condensate which~may result in a or other signaling device shall County's personnel of a leaking of be the condition. Where dilution water use is approved by the County, a backflow prevention ~evice approved by the County shall be supplied and installed if necessary. 2.4 E ewash Station: At installations using hazardous materials, the Vendor shall supply and install an emergency eye wash/shower station meeting OSHA requirements. A backflow prevention device approved by the County shall be supplied and installed if necessary. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES General: The Vendor shall be responsible for providing initial sulfide monitoring at site determined by the County. Based on the results of the monitoring program, the Vendor may be asked to install feeding equipment and begin chemical feeding. After the feeding begins, the Vendor shall provide miscellaneous services listed under paragraphs 3 - 11. -~- Initial Sulfide Monitorin=: Vendor shall an Upon authorization by t~e County, the conduct initial sulfide survey In the ~twell of the pump station in question and its' associated trlbutary area and the discharge forcemain. Wetwell monitoring shall consist of measurement of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas in the air and the total H2S concentration in the wastewater. Wetwell monitoring shall be p~rformed for a minimum 7 day period with H2S measurements taken every hour between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Total H2S measurement will be performed at a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 selected locations in.the tributary area of the pump station. At each location, a minimum of 5 total H2S measurements will be made on a daily basis for a 7 day period. Page 17 Total~ H2S measur.ements will .also be performed at the discharge ~nd ration forcemain with t7 day monitoring and and 6:00 PM. The be submittedA the sulfide control the ...... ~nd be in the of the testing Method 427C as described in Standard Methods for the Analysis of Water and Wast·water, 15th Ed. and/or Gastec Sulfide tubes. Residual H202 Hydrogen sulfide in air, ppm H202 ~esidu~l as QUantofix strips. mg/L, Merck Bi~-Sy~t.ems Model 100, Industrial Scientific Model STX-70 or Gastec H2S tubes. Wastewater Temperature NBS calibrated thermometer. pH HACH portable meter or equal E~uipment Installation. Startun, and Optimization: Equipment installation and start-up is the responsibility of the Vendor. Dosing levels are to be established that will provide the required level of sulfide control as discussed in the Initial Sulfide Monitoring Report. Weekly Monitorin=. Optimization. and Data Analysis: The initial sulfide survey cannot represent the changing conditions due to the seasonal variations or process changes within the system. Weekly monitoring and sulfide profiling provide the data necessary to adjust dosing levels to assure optimum H2S control at minimum chemical costs. The Vendor shall monitor the County's system weekly by collecting data to determine H2S leveis, wast·water temperature, flow, pH, and residual peroxide. This data shall be evaluated and monthly reports charting trends and showing control levels, shall prepared and submitted to the County. Recommended changes in product dosing rates to control changing conditions shall also be provide to the County. Page 18 10. 11. ' Afte~ jointly reviewing the monthly Public Utilities required chemical feed optimization is being achieved. monitoring data with County's Vendor shall make the that the system E~uiDment Maintenance: The Vendor shall maintain all the product storage and dosing preventative maintenance shall be carried out on anon-going basis. Monthly equipment check lists for each installation shall be filled out and sL%bmitted to the County. Emerqenc¥ ResDonse: Should an emergency exist at the pump station where the Vendor's equipment is in operation, the vendor shall be notified by the county. Vendor shall maintain a twenty-four (24) hour response number. In an emergency the vendor shall respond within thirty (30) minutes by telephone and arrive on site within two ~2) hours. The Vendor shall provide technical training for County personnel in theory and application of their product for odor and corrosion control. A manual shall be supplied to each trainee which details the subject matter in easily understandable terms. The training shall provide instruction in ~he following areas: * General overview of odor and corrosion control in wastewater. Chemical'nature of product. Chemical and/or biological reactions of product in wastewater. Sampling and analysis for Hydrogen Sulfide in water and in air. * Control and optimization of product. * Safety Training. Training shall consist of a total of twelve (12) hours.~of classroom instruction. Four (4) County personnel will be providee an additional two (2) days of field training, the Vendor shall also provide additional technical assistance as needed concerning the application and optimization of it's product. Scheduling of training shall be agreed upon by and coordinated between the vendor and the Orange County Public Utilities Wastewater designated representative. Standards: All work shall be done in accordance with the Technical Specifications as discussed herein. The Vendor shall provide competent, suitable, qualified personnel to perform the work as required by the Contract documents. The Vendor shall, at all times, maintain good discipline and order at the site. ]~age 19 :The continued performance for the duration Of for providing water and Ail furnish of the -materials~ equipment, 'labor, tools, identals necessary for initia~ operation and~_~ ;ing equipment and the accessories. The County shall be responsible'~ at the site. the shall of Page 20 BID PRO~S~ FOP/( ~IFB %y6-i28-JS ~1.~. equipment costs, labor costs and any other costs shall be include in ~he bid price for the chemicals listed below. ITEM COST PER NO. PRODUCT Q~ITIES GALI~N' '1. Liquid H202 as specified in 50,000 gal/yr $ 3.78 paragraph 1.1 of Tecb_nical Specifications. TO~AL $ 189,000 2. Liquid Nitrate-Oxygen solution 20,000 gal/yr $ 1.25 $ 25,000 Chemical foz-mula: NAN0. - 40% W/V $0]n. lbs. NO3/Gallon: 2,5 a Total Offer (FOB- Desti~tion) $ 214~000 Is Qualifications of Bidders Infozl~ation included, per Tezlns Conditions #17 yes X No .... · .- · ' '~ ~ Inquiries reg~rd~ng ~_his Invitation for 'Bid may be directed to Schell, ~chasing Agent at telephone n,,~her .(407) 836-5410. ~ /~ TITI~/~SITION OF AuT~ORI~.ED P. EPP~SE~AT~¥~ John R. Walto~Director, Chemical Services Division SIG~TD~ DATE t/26/96 FOR: Vulcan Peroxidation'.~ystems, Inc. (Compan~ Name) and Jim (~ed or Printed) Address ~61 ~. Broadway. Suite 600 (Street NO. or P.O. Box ~?--her) TUCSOn (Street Nmme) (Cit~) Pima : Arizona 85711 (CO~t)) (State) (~ip Code) Contact Person '' Bill Stratton '"- - Phone E'---~er (407) 578-5157 - ~ax ~,-~er (407) 578-5159 SECTION MUST BE SiG~) .,Orange County Purchasing and Contracts Department -~-~ Warren Geltch, Chief of Purchasing and Contracts 201 Booth Rosalind Avenue, 3rd Floor Reply To: Post Office Box 1393 . Orlando, Florida 32802-I393 Telephone (407) 836-5635 ~- RECEIVED TERM CONTRACT.NO. Y$-128B Hydrogen per°xide - Item 12 AP~ 3 1996 TO: Davis Water & Waste Ind., Inc., Process P O Box 29 Tall'vaSt, FL 34270-0029 PURCHA~DEPT Division This is to inform you that the Orange County Board of County Commissioners hereby enters into a term contract subject to the following: TEP.MS'ANDCONDITION8 1. Acceptance: This contract is our acceptance of your offer in response to our Invitation for Bid No. Y6-118-~8, One (1) Year Term Contract, with Renewal Clause, for Hydrogen Peroxide, and is subject to all terms and conditions therein. 2. Term of Contract: This is a term contract for the time period specified in the referenced Invitation for Bid, for the products/services covered by this contract. The County is not obligated to purchase any minimum amount of products or services, unless otherwise stipulated in the Invitation for Bid. This contract is effective March 19, 1996 and shall remain in effect through March 18, 1997. This contract may be unilaterally renewed as provided in the Invitation for Bid. Any amendments to this contract must be in writing and signed by both parties. This contract may be cancelle~ or terminated as provided for in the Invitation for Bid. Page 1 of Z 4J Ordering against Contract: ae Unless otherwise specified in the Invitation for Bid, the County will place orders by issuance of a n,~hered Release Order against this contract. Each Release Order will specify the quantity, description and loCation for delivery. The obligations of Orange County under this contract are subject to need and availability of funds lawfully appropriatedfor its purpose by the Board of County Commissioners. Taxes: The County assigned. has the following tax exemption Certificate of Registry No. 59-70-004K transactions under Chapter 32,~Interna1 certificates for tax free Revenue Code; Florida Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate No,. 58-12-090729-53C. Invoicing: A. Invoices must he submitted, in duplicate, referencing this contract n,~mher and the Release Order n,~her to: Orange County Finance Department P. O. Box 38 Orlando, Florida 32802 Be Invoices against this contract are authorized only at the prices stated in your bid response, unless otherwise provided in the Invitation for Bid. BOARD OF COUNTY COM~IB~IONER~ oRaNGE COUNTY, FLORID/% BY PurChasing and Contracts Department (Revised 5/26/95) Page 2 of 2 Chemicals: Chemicals will be added to the sewage for hydrogen sulfide con=fol. The chemicals which are acceptable for addition in the service system are those or prevent its generation. :ed safe, to considered for use. will not be Chemical throUgh~, of or or 1.1 Licuid Hvdro=en Peroxide: To be stabilized 50% solution, complete miscible with water sewage, with the following chemical and physical properties: Concentration Active Oxygen Specific Gravity Density Freezing Point Solubility pH 50% minimum 52% maximum 23.5% 1.196 A 20 degrees C 9.98 lbs./gal. @ 20 degrees C -52 degrees C oo 3.0 - 4.0 SU 1.2 Licuid Nitrate-Oxvaen Product: Product shall be a liquid solution of calcium nitrate or sodium nitrate. A complete chemical analysis of the product shall be submitted with this bid. Vendor shall include which Liqui~ Nitrate-Oxygen Product (chemical formula) is' being bid as well as the pounds to gallons ration on the Bid Proposal From. Analysis shall include nitrate-oxygen content expressed in pounds nitrate-oxygen per gallon. Product Shall be a non-hazardous chemical as defined by EPA's CERCLA list. A complete product description of the chemical to be applied submitted with the bid. The'description shall include: Stoichiometric reactions showing d6sage requirements per pound of hydrogen sulfide. Page 15 bo Field test results showing application rates and measured hydrogen sulfide levels before and after treatment. Data must include evidence of treatm~nt~t~~ less than 0.1 ppm hydrogen sulfide in solution. DeliverY: Deliveries shall be made by trucks equipped with state certified printed meters upon delivery~ Printed meter tickets reflecting the amount~of chemical delivered shall be submitted to the County. Ec~iDment: 2.1 PumDs: The Vendor shall supply and install chemical feed pump models determined by the Vendor to provide a match between the accurate metered of the pumps at each application site and the ranges of chemical feed necessary for compliance throughout the year with hydrogen sulfide control prov!st0ns ~f this c~ntract. A minimum of one backup pump supplled and installe~ f~r each dosage site. pumpS~at each application site shall provide .sure to over come friction losses ~ piping and to overcome the main pressure at the point of application. Each pump shall be wired for 110VAC/5 AMP and provided with a .onal control system. All wiring and shall be performed in accordance with the National Electrical Code. Ail motors and control shall enclosed in adequately rated NEMA enclosures. The be automatic, based on operation of the lift station pumps. One or more of the chemical pumps shat1 also be wired for timer operation. 2.2 Storace Tanks: Tanks shall be constructed of polyethylene with UV light stabilizers and no titanium or carbon based pigments (Phillips resin or e.g?). High purity aluminum (5254) may also be used. Tank equipped with 2" stainless steel or PVC fill line, quick, connects, and a 16" minimum combined manway and vent. Tank shall be manufactured for use with chemical supplied. ~Page 16 2.3 crPE 3~ chemical hydrogen Stainless resistance. peroxide to steel piping, prevent valves, 80 PVC and for are required with~-~ inte..r~.al pressure build-up.~ ~ and f~ttings shall be used in~-~ be 2.4 quality if' shall be or the the of the :ion eye and General: The Vendor shall be responsible for providing initial sulfide monitoring at site determine4 by.t/~e County. Based on the results of the monitoring progra~., thm ~endor ~y be asked to install feeding equipment and begin Chef,cai feeding. A~ter the feeding begins, the Vendor shall provide miscellaneous services listed under paragraphs 3 - 11. Initial Sulfide Monitoring: Upon authorization by the County, the Vendor shall conduct an initial sulfide survey ~n the wetwell of the pump station in question and its' associated tributary area and the dlscharg~ forcemain. Wetwell monitoring shall consist of measurement of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas in the air and the total H2S concentration in the wastewater. Wetwell monitoring shall be performed for a minimum 7 day period with H2S measurements taken every hour between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Total H2S measurement will be performed at a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 selected locations in the tributary area of the pump station. At each location, a minimum of 5 total H2S measurements will be made on a daily basis.~ for a 7 day period. Page 17 Total H2S measurements will also be performed at the discharge end of the pump station forcemain with a minimUm 7 day monitoring and H2S measurements .~¥ery ho~r betw~.~S:00 AM and 6:00 PM~ The results of the In=rial sulfide Monitoring Program wilI be submitted to the County. The repor~ shall summarize the results of the monitoring parameters. Should sulfide control be necessary, the report shall recommend the dosing level for product addition and predict the % reduction in the sulfide level. The Vendor shall be paid for the "Initial Sulfide Monitoring" and the 'report in acCordance'with Item 1 on the Bid Proposal Form. If additional monitoring is required beyond the hours specified, the Vendor will perform such monitoring as necessary. Parameters and Testin= Methods: The parameters and methods to be used for monitoring of the control points shatI below. Alternate testing methods must be submitted to the County for approval. Paramete~ Hydrogen sulfide.mg/1 Method 427C as described in Standard Methods for -the'Analysis of Water and Wastewater, 1§th Ed. and/or Gastec. Sulfide tubes. Residual H202 H202 Residual as mg/L, Quantofix Strips. Merck Hydrogen sulfide in air, ppm Bio-Systems Model 100, Industrial Scientific Model STX-70 or Gastec H2S tubes. Wastewater Temperature NBS calibrated thermometer. pH HACH portable meter or equal Equipment Installation, StartuD, and optimization: Equipment installation and start-up is the responsib£1ity of the Vendor. Dosing levels are to be established that will provide the required level of sulfide control as discussed in the Initial Sulfide Monitoring Report. Weekly Monitorin=, OPtimization, and Data Analysis: The initial sulfide survey cannot represent the changing conditioEs due to the seasonal variations or process changes within the system. Weekly monitoring and sulfide profiling provide the data necessary to adjust dosing levels to assure optimUm H2S control at minimUm chemical costs. The Vendor shall monitor the County's system weekly by collecting data to determine H2S levels, wastewater temperature, flow, pH, and residual peroxide. This data shall be evaluated and monthly reports charting trends and showing control levels, shall be prepared and submitted to the County. Recommended changes in product dosing rates to control changing conditions shall also be provide to the County. Page 18 the the system o~lt on each Emergency Response: to.the Should an emergency exis the Vendor's tha number. In (30) minutes by arrive on~ ~ two (2) hours. 10. Trainin=: The Vendor shall provide technical training for County personnel in theory and application of .their product for odor and corrosion control. A manual shall be supplied to each trainee which details the subject matter in easily understandable terms. The training shall provide instruction in the following areas: General overview of odor and corrosion control in wastewater. Chemical-nature of product. Chemical and/or biological reactions of product in wastewater. * Sampling and analysis for Hydrogen Sulfide in water and in air. * Control and optimization of product. * Safety Training. Training shall consist of a total of twelve (12) hours~of classroom instruction. Four (4) County personnel will be providee an additional two (2) days of field training, the Vendor shall also provide additional technical assistance as needed concerning the application and optimization of it's product. Scheduling of training shall be agreed upon by and coordinated between the vendor and the Orange County Public Utilities Wastewater designated representative. 11. Standards: The Vendor shall provide competent, suitable, qualified personnel to~ perform the work as reqUired by the Contract documents. Vendor shall, at all times, maintain good discipline and order at the site. Ail work shall be done in accordance Specifications as discussed herein. with the Technical Page 19 The Vendor shall furnish all materials, -equipment, . labor, transportation, construction e.q~.ipment and machinery, tools, appliances, and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the execution, testing, installation, initial operation and continued performance of the dosing equipment and the accessories for the duration of the Contract. The County shall be responsible for providing water and electricity at the site. All materials, shall be new except as otherwise provided in the Contract documents'. If required by the County, the Vendor shall fu~rnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. Page 20 All equipment costs, the bid price for the ITEM NO~ PRODUCT '1. Liquid H202 as specified in paragraph 1.1 of Technical Specifications. BID' 5O 2. Liquid Nitrate-Oxygen solution 20,-0.0C formula: Ca (N0_) ~ - -v. ' 3.75 3 = Total Is Qualifications of Bidders Conditions.#1? Yes No Inquiries regarding', this Schell, Purchasing Agent SIGI~ATURE FOR: DAVIS WATER & Address be include $ 35,000.00 35,000.00 . Terms and · ~o Jim PROCESS DIVISION ~ ' P.O. BOX 29, 2650 T~LEVAST RO~ ' ' - T~LEVAST (Street No. or P.O. Box N, mher) . (Street N~e) ~ATEE ~ORIDA ': . ...... 34270-0029 (count~,) Contact Person DOUG DAVIS Phone N-tuber (941) 355-2971 Page 21 (state) :-.~ .-"-'- ~ (Zip Code) · ~ ~'?~..5..?~...'. ,? ,....:. .... ': -'Fax Numb ',' 9 1) 351-4756 : (SIGNATURE SECTION MUST BE'.,"SIGNED-i';.-.~;!:;i<d- "-'' .i:. c.... [ !!:(~" ,,: -;!:' ' .!~:!".":,_?.:~ '.-. ' [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19,2000 [] January 2, 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned tn to Ciw Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22.2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m4 Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] January 16. 2001 [] Febraary 6. 2001 [] Februa~ 20, 2001 [] March 6. 2001 V=CONSENT AGENDA I'TEH B-2. Date Final Form Must he Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.rm) January 17, 200l (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:0~ Ikrn.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adminislxafive [] Develotmaent Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Umfinished Business [] Annenncemem ~] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to extend contract for the COLLECTION AND REPORTING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS, RFP ~029~1410-01fKR, to CREDITECH for one additional year. CONTRACT PERIOD: JANUARY 20, 2001 TO JANUARY 19, 2002 EXPLANATION: At the Commission meeting of January 20, 1998, this bid was awarded to Creditech of Bangor, PA for a three year period. We have developed an excellent working relationship throughout this contract period. The bid will expire on January 19, 200i; however, nccording to the Terms and Conditions of the bid, we have the option to renew the contract for an additional year, provided both parties agree (see attached letter from Creditech). Bill Atkins, Deputy Director of Financial Services concurs with this request (sec attached Memo). PROGRAM IMPACT: The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to provide the services of a responsible proposer for collection and reporting relative to the collection of the City's delinquent accounts including: unpaid final utility bills, false alarm Fmcs, bad checks, 10t clearing charges, and fire inspection fecs. FISCAL IMPACT: This collection service allows the City to have the potential of recovering a net 80% return of the uncollected accounts. Collections are receipted to Account 0401-0000-369.0g-00, Bad Debt Recovery. ALTERNATIVES: Deputy Director of Fh~anciai Services Procurement Se~wices Depamnem Name City Manager's Signature Cit~ Attorney / Finance / Human Resources SABULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FINANCIAL SERVICES October 18, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Karen Riseley, Buyer Procurement Services Division Bill M. Atki~,~puty Director Department of Financial Services SUBJECT: Requested Extension of Creditech RFF~008-131-98/SP Creditech has been providing collection services for delinquent utility billings and lot liens for the City since January 1998. We have developed an excellent working relationship with this company and would like to see the bid extended for another year. If any additional information is needed please contact me. CREDITECH/00 The City of Boynton Beach NAME OF BID: "COLLECTION AND REPORTING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DELINOUENT ACCOUNTS" BID#: ~ Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach, Owner. and (Company's Name) Contract Renewal Period: JANUARY 20, 2001 TO JANUARY 19, 2007 Yes, I agree to renew the existing contract under the same Terms and Conditions, and agree to submit a Certificate of Insurance along with this agreement and will name the Ci~ of Boynton Beach as additional insured. __ No, [ do not wish to renew the contract at this time. NAME OF C01VlPANY · ~, NAIvlE OF REPRESENTATIVE (please print) TITLE DATE ~&/ ~7~- 7Z4/~ (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE NUMBER November 30. 2000 The City of Boynton Beach Bill Atkins, Deputy Director of Financial Services ~ 00 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P. O. BOx 310 Boynton Beach, Flodda 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Atkins. Enclosed is a copy of the signed contract relative to Collection and Reporting of Delinquent Accounts for the ~edod January 20, 2001 to January 19. 2002. Also enclosed is a copy of the issued certificate of insurance. Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact me at 610-588-0965 Direct Dial Extension 274. Sincerely, Henry U. Sandt. Jr. Secretary/Treasurer Enclosures F~O. Box 99 ~= Bangor. PA : 18013 610-588-2338 ~ 800-555-5695 LA',COt 'u. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY IN jRANCE (610) 374-4040 Locm~s Company - PCW 7011 W~om£ssing PA 19610- 10/26/2000 ONLY AND CONF~R~ NO RIGHTS UPON ~E C~FtCATE HOLDER. ~IS CER~FICA~ DOES NOT ~0, ~D OR AL~R ~E COV~GE ~FORDED BY ~E POLICIES B~OW, INSURERS AFFORDING COV~GE ~su~: Nor~e~ Insur~=e C0. of New York H. A. Berkheimer. Inc. .NSU~RC: i Bangor PA [8013 N~RE: ~ G0VE~GES ~Y ~ERTAIN, ~e ~U~CE AFFORDED 8~ ~E ~LIC[ES ~ESCR~B ED HER~N IS $U~ECT TO ~ ~E~E~,~UstONs ~ND'CONOiT~O~ OF S~C~ CMM8624714S 10/1/2000 s 1000000 OCCUR 5000 3000000 J$ ~ C,~m~.,~; . UBA86,?.47187 10/1/2000 10/1/2001 ,~rr~'no~ $0 $SOO,O00 $2,5~ C~me }CMMM2~146 10/1/2000 Cdme !CMM862~14~ !10/1/2000 [0/1/2001 ree~°'~e°~'a'v~h L0/1/2001 |~ ~ HOLDER City of BcFn=on Beach P. O. Box 310 Boyncon 3e&oh FL 33425-0310 ~CORD 2~3(~97} CANCELLATION ***MOST RESPONSIBLE, RESPONSIVE BIDDER WHO MEETS SPECIFICATIONS COLLECTION AND REPORTING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS DIME REESE, FIN~CE DIRECTOR "Offers'from the Vendors listed here n are the only offers aid OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 1997 ,r~ecei~e~i_timelYasqf the abov~ rece '~ng date an~J t me BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. All other offers submitted in response to this so icitation. mu ~ MUD- ~o ~-uo~ ~ · if, an~Lare hereby rejected as ate" VENDORS COLLECTION EXPRESS SERVICES, NC ~REDITECH ' ! ~"~1~.~1~ GREAT LAKES COLLECTION BUREAU 3500' SOuT~ GEssNER ROAD 50 NORTH SE~EN~'H STREET ~ ~t5 0AK ST. _ 1TEcHNOLoGY CENTER HOUSTON, TX 77063-5128 BANGOR, PA 18013 BUFFALO, NY 14203 (713)975-g550 1-800-360-5555 ~716) 847-6767 VIC C. YORK JOHN D. BERKHEIMER ~IOEI' CASTLEVETERE SIX (6) COPIES OF PROPOSAL ' SUBMITTED YES YES YES ~,NTI~KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT SUBMITTED YES YES NO r NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ~ SUBMITTED YES NO YES CONFIRMATION OF MINORITY FORM SUBMITTED I - FORMSUBMITTED I FORM SUBMITTED/ OWNED BUSINESS SUBMITTED NOT A MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS NOT A MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS NOT A MINORITY OWNED SUSINESS CONFIRMATION OF DR~G-FREE . WORKPLACE SUBMITTED YES YES YES COMMENTS '~ISI~(~YEE EXPERI~I~DE, TRAINING & EDUCATION, I,~PERSONNEL RESUMES AND '1 =ERSONNEL INFORMAT ON, QUALIFICATIONS FEES S EXPENSES. COLLECTION WORKPLAN,' IQUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTED PfflCING PROPOSAL, COLLECT ON WORK LICENSES, INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, ANDr j PLAN, SYSTEM SUPPORT, EXPERIENCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SUBMITTED' t REFERENCES AND CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE SUBMITTED COLLECTION AND REPORTING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS I/ers from the vendors sted here n are the only offers BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 1997 received time y aB of the above receiv ng date and time. BID OPENING TIME: 2:30 P.M. ' - Ail'other offers sut3mitted in i'eSponse to this solicitatio~ BID # 008-131-98/SP if an' ,. am hemb ~cted as late" VENDORS i NCO FINANCIAL SYS/i-MS, INC. NATIONAL CRED T MANAGERS 515 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE P.O. BOX 14092'5 FORT WASHINGTON, PA 19034 · ORLANDO, FL 32814-0925 1-800-220-2274 1-800.929-9587 MARK B. FISCNMAN CAROLYN A. HAMM SIX (6) COPIES OF PROPOSAL ' YES - SUBMiT[ED . YES ANTI-KICKBACK AFFIDAVIT YES YES SUBMrl-rED NON-COLLUSION AFF DAVIT N° YES SUBMITTED ~ONFIRMATION OF MINORITY FORM SUBM TI'ED / IS A CERTIFiED M NOR TY OWNED BUSINESS owNED BUSINESS,SUBMITTED NOT A MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS CONFIRMATION OF DRUG-FREE YES YES INORKPLACE SUBMITTED COMMENTS PERSONNEL CEI~rlFICATION, QUALIFICATIONs, BACKGROUND LICENSING, FEES, EXPENSES, INFORMATION, REFERENCES, AND · SCOPE OF WORK EXPERIENCE AND BACKUP LICENSING INFORMATION INCLUDED FINANCIAL DATA ENCLOSED COLLECTION SOLUTIONS Purchasing Depam'nem City of Boynton Beach City Hall 100 E. Boynton Beach Bird BoyntonBeach, FL 33425-0310 November 3rd 1997 Gentlemen: Creditech proposes to collect Boynton Delinquent Utility Bills, Alarm Fines, Lot Clearing Charges, Fire, inspection Fees and Bad Chocks in accordanos with yourRFP # 00-131-98~P for same. The charge to the City for this service will be calculated at a contingent fee rate based upon the daiin- quoct amount collocted. OREDtTECH is owned by H.A.Berkheimer Inc, whose Berkheircer Associates division has been in the colloction of Municipal fees and taxes for over 50 years. In 1997 Berkheimer Associates col- lected and disbursed over $,300 Million in Local Governrcent revenues. Pursuant to your request the following individuals are authorized to make representations to the City regarding this RFP: PatArcher, Account Representative, 80 NE Fourt~ Ave., Delray Beach, FL Phone: 561-276-4660 or 800-555-5695 ext 899 John D. Berkheimer, Chairman, 80 NE Four~ Ave, Delmy Beach, FL Phone: 561-276-4660 or 800-555-5695 ext276 OREDtTEOH hereby acknowledges that no eddendums were issued by the City for this RFP and none were roceived. CREDtTECH is backed by the same sophisticated data processing system utilized by all Berkheimer Companlas, that allows us to continually maintain mail, telephone and personal contact with you and your: .d~linquents. You can be aesured that our systercs and p~fessionai staff members, including a local office in neighboring Delray Beach, will provide a timely solution to your aCCOunts receivable problems in a rcanner in which we can be mutually proud. We abprociate this opportunity fo be of service. Thank You.... very much! Sincerely; Ch~rrnan Page I BECEIVED CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PUFiCl-LASING OFF:~E THIS AGREEMENT. is entered into between the City of Boynton Beach. hereinafter referred to as "the City", and Croditech, hereinafter referred [o as "the Agency", in' consideration of-the mutual benefits, terms, and Conditions hereinafter specified. 1. PROJECT DESIGNA'rION. '. The Agency is rotained -by the City to perform collection and roporting, services in connection with detinquent accounts owed to the City. -materials, supplies, accounts. and;, equ, collection of identified Provis on of all labor, assigned delinquent be for to two to 1998 I work and for proposal attached as states as: follows: Payment for the ,work provided by the Agency shall be at the rate of 20% Thero will be :no placement The Agency shall disburse the full amount of money collected to the City on a monthly basis. The Agency will submit monthly statements prepared on a gross basis iisting all collected accounts. The Agency will submit a separate billing for the commission associated with' the collected accounts and the City shall- remit payment. Payment as provided in this section shall-be .full compensation for work performed: services rendered and for ail materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. ~RECORDS RETENTION. The Agency's records and accounts pertaining to the Agreement aide to" be kept availal~le'for insPectiOn by r~pr:esentatives of the City and' the State of Florida for a per od Of three (3) years after final payments. Cop es, sha be made ava lable up!on request COMPLIANCE CO perfecto ng ~he servmes the ~ny or any or istrati0n tl~e l the 1 the the other the an additional ~ ,Certificates of within fifteen agree that the lhe services provided hereto. tO any benefits provided under this 10. Agreement. The City shall not be responsible for withholding or otherwise deducting federal income tax or social security o¢ for contributing to the state industrial insurance program, otherwise assuming the duties of an employer with respect to Agency, or any employee of Agency. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEE,~. The Agency warfares that he has not employed or retained any .company or person other than a bonafide employee ~vorking solely: ~0r the Agency, to Solicit or secure this contract, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bonafide employee W0rki~g solel~ ~f0r the AgenCy, any fee, commission, its ¢ ~f this annul this contract without liability or, in pdce or consideration, or otherwise percentage, brokerage fee, gift 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED. Agency, with regard to the work discriminate on the grounds of or the presence of any employees or a~sign any of the Services ¢ ~onsent Of the City. of this Agreement or any ~.waiver of any 9n. TERMINATION. a. The City reserves the dght to:te~'m nate this Agreement at any time by ,giving ten.(10) daYs written not ~.e to the Agency b. In the event of the death of a m~en · ~ny ,of its' Supervisory p~rson~el i~embers of the Agency here~y terms 0f this Agree~ent~ if reque! shalllnot be a bar to rer~eg0tiafior members of the Agency and the C iber, partner or officer of the Agency, or assigned to the project, the surviving ~gree to complete the Work under the ;ted to do so by the City. This section ~s of this Agreement between surviving fy, if the City chooses. DISPUTES. Any dispute out of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be adjudicated within the courts of ~lodda. Further, this Agreement shall be construed under 'Florida Law. Any and al' legal action necessary to enforce the Agreement w II be held in Palm Beach Cobnty, Flodda. 16. NOTICES. Notices to the City of Boynton Beach shall be sent to the following address: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FL 33425-0310 Al'TN: DIANE REESE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 17. 18. AFl'N: Changes in the respective addresses to Which such not ce may be directed may be made from r~i~"~ to time by any par by written' notice t~: the other party. Facsimile is aCceptable notice e~fectig~ When received; ho~vever facsim es rece ved [ie. printed) after.5 00 p.m or on weekends or holidays, will be deemed received on f~l~ Next business day: '[he original of .the noti~ must also be mailed as required herein. ' iNTEGRA-[ED~ :A.~GREEMENT. This Agreement, together with attachments or addenda, re0rese~it~ thee entire and' integrated Agreement ~betw~een the City and the Agency and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements written or oral. This Agreement may be amended on y by written instrument signed: by both the City and the Agency. SEVERABIL.['i~', ~ Th~iinvaliditY, illeg~ ty, or, unenforceable of' any provision of the AgreemeA~, or;the ~Ccur~ence of'ahy event rendering any portion or provision ~hall in no. way affect the validity or enforceability of any other Agreement. Any void provision shall be deemed and ~he balance of the Agreement shall I~e of the severed from or to re as if the Agreement did not contain the particular portion void. The pa~ties further agree to reform the Agreement provision with a valid provision that comes as close as of the stricken provision. 19. CONTINGENT FEES. The Agency warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Agency to solicit or secure the Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company; corporation, individual or firm. other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Agency any fee, commission percentage, gift or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. DATED this ~ day of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~2~Authenti~te~: (Corporate Seal) Approved,as tg~F,q~: // Office of the Ci~ Attorney AGENCY Requested City Commission Meeung Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000. [] December 19. 2000 [] January 2, 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to CiI,? Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5~00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 Requested City Cormmission Meeting Dates [] Janual~ 16. 2001 [] February 6. 200t [] February 20. 2001 [] March 6, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B-3. Date Final Form Must be Tumefl in to Cit~ Clerk's Office January 3. 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 200I (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] a.onounceman! [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION to~ approve the 'piggy-back' purchase of a FIRE RESCUE APPARATUS CONSISTING OF A PIERCE 61' SKYBOOM ON A DASH CHASSIS W fill OPTIONS in the mount of $473,492.00 from PIERCE MANI;rFACTURI~G INC. utilizing the HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS BID #FP00-09. EXPI.~d~IATION: Procurement Services Division received a request from Fire Deparunent to utilize the Houston- Galveston Area Council of Govermnents Bid #FP00-09. The specific City of Boyntun Beach Fire Apparatus Vehicle with the various options has been priced at $493,828.00. A provision in the proposal allows for prepayment at time of order which will result in a savings of $20,336.00 giving the net price of $473,492.00, A perforrr~anee bond will be provided by the company. In addition, thc pnce proposal provided by Pierce Manufacturing Inc. on the Fire Rescue Apparatus is effective through December 29, 2000 at which time a 3% increase will take effect. This essentially will save another $14,814.84 by ordering at this time. Procurement Services Division recommends Commission's review, evaluation and approval. PROGRAM IMPACT: The new Fire Rescue Apparatus will replace a 1982 Open Cab Pumper (Vehicle #820) which is non-compl~nt with thc National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding was established in the FY2000/2001 for rephcement of the Fire Rescue Apparatus as follows: Account Descriofion Replacemem of Vehicles Account Number 501-2516,5 19-64-31 Bud=er $ 480,000.00 - DepUty Director of F' cial Services Procurement Services Deparnnent Neme S:~BULLETIN~FORMS~AOENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC City Manager s ~ignature City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Atkins, Deputy Finance Director FROM: David Liu, Deputy Chief of Operations DATE: November 29th, 2000 SUBJECT: Alternative Bids- Pierce 61' SkybOom on a Dash Chassis According to your memorandum dated November 21s,, the Lake County Bid cannot be utilized to pumhase the apparatus noted above, tt is my understanding that there are essentially two concerns with the bid as supp led 1) You felt that the "unspec fled fire apparatus~' wording eliminated the competitive process for pricing. 2)' The Lake ~,oun~ apparatus described n the bid was a much simp er and less expensive unit th~n the one specified by Boynton Beach Fire Rescue. I have obtained two :alternate bids from Pieme Manufacturing, Inc. Each is specific to a Pierce 61' Skyboom on a Dash Chassis. Contact information is included (o'assist with confirming competitive bid and pdcing details. Please review these to determine the feasibility of a piggyback purchase at this point. Cc: Chief Bingham D/C Ness Rebert Lee, Vehicle Maintenance Lt. Estaves FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Atkins, Deputy Finance Director /1 FROM: David Liu, Deputy Chief of Operations ~ .~ .,/~ DATE: November 17~", 2000 SUBJECT: Purchase Request- Pierce 61' Skyboom on a Dash Chassis On this date have delivered to you a complete bid package from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. Included in this package is a Lake County (FL) Fire Apparatus Contract (for piggyback) a proposal with several pricing options, Boynton Beach Fire Rescue specifications, associated literature, and all applicable warranties. The appropriate Feet Maintenance account is # 501-2516-519-6431, We have confirmed ~ith both Fleet Maintenance and F nance that: 1) the budgeted amount for this replacement vehicle is $ 480,000.00 and 2) the ,entre amount, s ava abe ths budge{ year. We Specifie'~ the vehicle to be de ivered ready to use, with all options and equipment ~eq~imd for the apparatus to fu fi l ts designed purpose, The price as specified is $ 493,828.00. You will note on the Bid Proposal that a100% pre-pay results in a total price of $ 473,492 00, a $ 20,336 00 discount that puts us within budget. Fire Rescue requests that we opt for the 100% re a lan as was d ' P .-P Y P ~{ one for our P~erce Heavy Rescue Unit last year) in order to obtain the fully optioned and equipped vehicle within the budgeted amount. A copy of this package has been sent to Robert Lee at Fleet Maintenance for i~is review. He is on vacation until November 27th. The pdce quoted is good until December 29"' - a 3% increase Will go into effect for any purchase order approved after this date. Because of this, I am requesting lhat this piggyback bid be placed on the City Comm ssion Agenda for approval on December 19th, 2000. The purchase order must be made out to Pierce Manufacturing Inc. If you~ have any questions, please call. Cc: Chief Bingham D/C Ness Robert Lee. Fleet Maintenance Lt. Esteve$ Oec-06-O0 03:24P Ten Eight East 1 56] 547 6795 P.OZ SERVICE TO S~R¥! YOU FIRE EQUIPMENT INC. Deputy Chie~David Liu BoYat°n Beach F~e P,e~ue 100 E. Boynton Be~.h Blvd. 33435 Dear ChiefLiu; Thank you for the opportunity to present our products and services to the City of Boynton Beach. Ten $ F'he Eq.uipment Inc, and Pierce Manufi~ctm'm' gw~ll offs' to th~ City of Boynto. BeACh,tbe op~ to utilize tee HouSton - Gaiv~st0n Ar~ Coundl of Governments contra~ bid number FP00-09 for'Tag On" ora ~ Dash Cha~s with a 61' Skytz~m aerial device. The unit ~ be built in accordanc~ with specifications u p~ed and submitted, proposal ~bid #$042 to The City of Boynton Beach FlOrida. If you should have any questions or require additional information, you may reach me ~t 561745 2117. Sincerely_ ~ , Ten8 F~ Equipment lnc, Representing Pierce Manu~--turing l~c. 2~04 59th AVENUE DRIVE EAST · BRADENTON, FLORIDA 34203 (941) 756-7779 * Long Distance Call: 1-800-228-B368 · FAX: 1-941-756-2598 Oec-07-O0 03:22P Ten Eight East I 561 547 6795 P.01 Boymoa Beach Fire Rescue 100 East BoYnton Beach Blvd. Boynlon Beach, Florida 33d25 D~mb~ 7, PROPOSAL One Pierce 61,' Skvboom on a Dash 2000 Per InclildeS~gtiecificatior~ ~ ~f~sosr App~ w~ ma ~o *., ~-u~ m ~ ~ Bovnton Beach Florida Pn:RcF, MANUFA~G, INC. By: Michael J. Schu~id~r, Tm 8 Fi~c Equip. SA].~S REPRESENTATIVE COOPERATIVE PURCHASING, Houston-Galveston Area Council of Gotwrnmems 3555 Timmons Lane. Suite 500. FIouston. TX 77027-6748 ~v~,vw.heac-cog.t x.u~intr°~ntr°e°~ Tel: 713/993-2455 Fax: 713/9934545 Tax Exempt Cert N~: 1-74-155-7575 AOP: 5600-001 1.30.00000.530 39/01/00 09/01/0( PEk Req: 10400007 NS'N: 4877.90 435,062.0C $435 . 062. $435,06~.0~ ORiGiNAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAM Bid nos. FP00-07 through 09: "New Model Pumper Fire Apparatus" Item 7b Page 1 of 9 Background Competitive bids were opened on October 16. 2000 for Pumper Fire Apparatus. Responses were received from ten franchised Texas dealers representing eight manufacturers: - Dealer(s) Manufacturer(s) American,.LaFmnce Gulf Coast, I-Io/~Ston, TX American LaFran~e CorPoratiOn,-E~l~ata PA AroUnd ;th~ Cloct~ (ATC) America~ LaFrance; D~/llas, TX Emergency VetfieIes of Texas;Inc., North Richland Hills; TX Emergency One, Inc. Ocala FL. Da¢o F~reand Safety,.Lubb0ck, TX ~irgsto ~rrn Fire ~pparatus ~ Equip~nt,~Highla:ud Village~ TX Kovatch MobileE~lulpment C°rP0m~on (KME) ' ' Nesqu~ning, PA , :artm 3-PP arams & Eqmpmcnt,:l-Igusgon, TX Pierce ~anufacturing; Inc ~ ~APPleto~ WI Siddons'Fire A~alatus, Inc., Houston;TX ' ,Metr0: F~¢~ -APps~rat~ Speciali~t~ {Inc,, g,ouston, .TX 'Om 3~[arm Fire EqUipment, Houston, TX ' ........ ~enenil~,Safet~ Eqmpment, LLC., Wyoming, MN en~ral State~;Fire,Apparatus Lyon, SD ' ' ~an '~.f/tOmo Ambalance Sales, Sa~, Antomo~ TX Fern,Fire App,-ams, Participating local government purchasers NA Action Requested Request Board authorization to award contract(s) to the lowest responsible bidder providing the b~st y~ue in each of the categories listed on the following pages.. If an awarded bidder fails to' eXeCut6 ~eontract within thirty days authorization is requested to contract with the next lowest bidder. (over) ~tem 7b Page 2 of 9 RECOMMENDED CONTRACT AWARDS Bid No. FP00-07 Commercial Chassis Pumpers Contractor: 1) Emergency Vehicles Of Texas Ina., Fort Worth, Texas Manufacturer: suffixes 2,Door Cab ~V~odel~ Ford Base Price IYGJ F~750 s~:g!~:RcaLAM~ F~)rmefl~luminura Body ' S !aa ea~.oo~ Z~ Cab ~St~fing 2VHJ'~ ~; T~' ~' .................. ~ ~ ~: '~ ~ ........ Body" ~,~ ¢~;34~00 Item 7b Page 3 of 9 Contractor: 1) American La France, Gulf Coast, Houston, Texas 2) Around The Clock (ATC) American LaFrance, Dallas, Texas ~lanufacturer: American LaFrance Corporation, Ep ~ P~ms~'lvania Suffixes 2~Door Cab Models. Freightliner Base Pti 3VGJ Frei~htliaer, FLS0, Single Rear Axle, Formed~Alu' ,~um Body $ 120;185.00 3VGK JFL70, Single Rear Axle, Stainless Steel Body ~ $ 125,218.00 3VHI Frei~hfliaer FLS0, Tandem Rear Axle~Galvanneai BodY ' · $ 138,752.00 3VHJ FreightllnerFL80, TandemRear Axle, Formed A~ Body ' $ 138 75200 aVHK. Freigh iner FLS0, T dem ear Axle s Stee B0dY , $ 2 6.00 /4-Door Cab Modets:'Frelghfliner ' ~ . : 3WGK i FreighflinerFL70; Single'Rear Axle, Stainless Steel. Body' , $ 1~5 754.00 ~ 3~S/H[ ~]Freightliner, ~Ls0, Tafidem Rear Axle, Gal;ann~ht;Bbdyr :~ : $ 2;!47,,228:00i ':i3WHJ ~ Frei~htliner, FLSO,,IaademRearAiXt~,:F~rmea BociY~ : ' ' ' 147;~;0C' >i31NHK. ~reight!~ter, TL80, Tandem Rear Axle; StainleSsSteel BiSdy · $-:-152,765:0C ~:!3WHL~:~ Freightl/ner, FL80, Tandem Rear Axle,~Extmded~BodY: ' $ :1~46,841.0C ~DoOrCab Models. Freqlhtliner ~ 'i Base Price * "3VOl ~ '~re~liner, FLSO,~ingleRearAxl*cGalyanneal~hdY ' ~114,747,00 ~: ~ ' Fre/ghfliner FLS0 Single Rear Axle, Extruded-Aluminum Body 1 · _ $ 17,961:00 ' 4-Do0r Cab Models: Freightliner ~-2~Do0r:Cab M0c[6ls thtei~nati0nal · -~ttema, t~ona14900, Smgle:RearA~e,,gx~tru~ed~:A~,'inumBody , $ t17 96:1.~oo 4-Door Cab Models: ~nationat ~ .IWGL: ~ ~.Ia~Onal"" 4900,~inglg .... Re~:~ei~[tm~c~lt/minumB0d~ : $, i26,961.00 ,, . 2-Do0r Cab Models: GMC/Cliew0t~C ~ ~§~!~. O1~iC8~00, Sinsle~ear~¢;Foma~U~~ $/ . 112,96~.0( '' 6L: ' ~MC. 8,500, :S~ngl6:~ ~e; Extmdi~!iA~um BOdY '$ 112,961.00i :. 4-DoOriCab. Model~, GMCIClaeVroI~ b'WOK GI~C.~500, Smgle!gear~/de, Stalnl.e~$,.,~Bbd¥:: '$' 128,459:0C (over) Item 7b Page 4 of 9 Coniraetor: 1) Martin Apparatus & Equipment, Houston, Texas 2) Siddons Fire Apparatus, Inc., Houston, Texas Manufac~er: "'Snffixbs2-I>o'61' Cab'Models: Inter~a{iouai:: ' - ~ , ~...' ~,-, -.Base Price - ,4~Ol Navis~r4900,-SingtcReaA~!~, . i , ~ .C $ :~ 4¥0J ,Navi~ar4900, SingleRear3:Xle,Fdnfieitklfiminum:Body. : . :, $ ~,267.0fl ~5 4VGK~ NaVistar 4900, Siffgle Rear Axl~ S~e~s~t;e~[!B0~iy, ' i ,, . ~ . ~ '~- , $ ~ 'aiS,o~s.oo 4VHI/' ?~ i~vi~tar ~900, Tahdem Rek~ :Xile;; ~gody ~. ~/' .~. ~-,: $ 1,39,887.0e , 4VHJ:,'z N~X{lstar ~900, Taiid~mRearXxle;l~0nne~l~A!inhin ~uln~ '!lo.'dy;/2:'-./~:. ~ ( , ;< :$;' ;138~881.00 Item 7b Page 5 of 9 Contractor: Four Alarm Fire. Equipment, Houston, Texas Manufacturer: Central States Fire Apparatus, l ,on. South Dakota Suffixes 12-D0or Cab Model: Sterling ' A ' Base Price 2¥GI cterra, Single Rear Axle, Galvanneal Body $ 111,667.00 2VGJ A~t~xa, Single Rear Axle, Formed Aluminttm Body $ 113,667.00 2VGK Acterra Single Rear A~xle stimtess Steel Body $ 126,376.00 4-Door Cab Models: Freightliner 3WGI FL70, Single Rear Axle~ Galvanneal Body $ 123,764;00 3WGJ FL70, Single Rear ~le, Formed Alummum Body $ 125,764.00 ~. · · 4-Do6P cab Models: GMC/Chevrole~ 5WGI ~. C7OH0~2, Single Rear Axle, Galvazmeal Body $ 119,258 5WGJ C~0H042, SingleRear:Axl. e,~F0rmedAluminumBody ~ - $ 12t,258.0C . 2-Door Cab Models:' Peterbilt I ~ : :3~0/SifigleR~arAxl&¢OalVmmealBody ~ · $ .117i734:00 6VGJ ~ 3 . .~., . :}0,:S~e R:earA~l~; F0rmedAlmfiim/fi-tBody · ~ $ ~1'~9 734.00 Contractor: ~squchoning. 55VGK ,. ~ZOH042, SMgE R~ ~ei<~ess. S~l ~ody : $ 1~,100.00 ,: 2,Do0r Cab M0deb: Pet~flt , '. ~ :6VGK. 330,-S~gle R~ AMC, S~e~s Steel ~y $ 129,300.00 , ~ ~eor Cab M~e~: Peter~it ~ ' (over) Item 7b Page 6 of 9 RECOMMENDED CONTRACT AWARDS Bid No. FP00~08 Custom Chassis 1250 GPM Pumpers Base Price Suffixes ~ CAI~; ~1',- ~,~ ~'I~IREI~ ~AND~M ~ Base Price R~HF ~ ~ ~:~b; ~e~ 69~ - ; $ 186,732.00 ~.Cab, Fo~dA~ ~y ~ $ 186,732.00 : ~EHKr ~,~ ........ ~' "- ' ~l~Cab, S~ess, St~ ~o~dy $ 192,~0.00 ...... : ' : '~" ~ $ 184,777.00 RBEGi ~,~l~fim,~ Cab; GatY,,~ B~dY $ 163,300.00 RBEGK :' .~lAm~m.am,~aO ~um~tess, ~e~ y $ '169,500.00 Contractor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialist, Inc., Houston, Texas Manufacturer: ~, Inc., Alabama Item 7b Page 7 of 9 · : ....... ' ' $ 212,071.0C ~61,d., i' !~,im:Cab, EOm~dlluminnn/Bbdy ' $ 21! 339.0C RCEG~' ~mm~Cab~G~B~7;, ~ $ 219;962.00 : RCE~ A~ma~Cab; Fo~d:A!~ Bod~ ' ' , , - '$ 221,227.00 ~$ :224,103.0~ , ,. ~, ~O~~"B~y :. $ 235,052.00i RCEH] ' ' ............. ' ' RCEHJ : ~ ~)~ ~ ~ody $ 2~,~0.0fl (over) Item 7b Page 8 of 9 RECOMMENDED CONTRACT AWARDS Bid ~1o. FP00-09 Custom Chassis iSOO GPM Pumpers. ~ San Item 7b Page 9 of 9 Contractor: 1) Martin Apparatus & Equipment, Houston, Texas 2) Siddons Fire Apparatus, Inc., Houston, Texas Manufacturer: Pierce Wisconsin RAEGI Llum/num Cab, Galvanneal Body $ 214,540.00 RA£GJ i Aluminum Cab, Formed Aluminum Body $ 213,808.00 . RAEGK I ~lummum Cab, Stainless Steel Body $ 218,583.00 FULL TILT CAB, BUILT by MANUFACTURER, TANDEM REAR AXl RBEHK Alm~fiumaCab. Stainless Steel Body $ 20'1,46'1.00 SPLtT TILT CAB; B ,UILT by MANUFACTURER, SINGLE REAR AXLE RCEGI Aluminum Cab GalvannealBody $ 228,692.00 RCEGJ Almuij~UmCab~E0rmedAluminumB°dy $ 230,840.00 RCEGK Alufi~uamC~:StainlessSteelB°dy $ 233,990.0~ FULL TILT CAB, BUILT by MANU~Ac'ruRER, SINGLE REAR AXLE RBEGI Al_ ~u~uum Cab, Galvanneal Body $ RBF~J.. Atmmum Cab, Formed.~zminum Body $ 155,297.00 RBEGK~ A1 muUmCab~StainlessSteetB0dy $ 177,738.00 r ~ ~ S !CAB, B~Tby MANUFAci'URER, TANDEM REAR AXLE · l~'d~EHIr Al~u~u~Chb, ~C~:vannea[Body I $ 238._~56_00 R~ EIqJ {lm~mhC~b FormedA1 ,ug~hl~' umBody $ 237,521.00 R~£HK ~l~Chb, ~inless~eel.B0dy $ 242,296.00 RCEH,Ji. ~;ca~b,~0rmedAluminUmBody $ 254,SS3.00 ~12ab;$taittle~s SteeIBody $ 257,703.00 pscoop pumpers a.doc December 4, 2000 Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] November21 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 13. 2000 [] January 2. 2001 CITYOF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m0 November22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested CiB Commission Meetin~ Dates [] January 16, 2001 [] February 6, 200I F~ 20. 2OOl [] March 6, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B-4. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17. 2001 (5:00 p.m February 7. 2001 (5:00 p,m.) February 21,200l (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adminigtmtive [] Development Plans [] ConsentAgenda [] New Business [] Public Heanng [] Legal [] Bids [] UmSnlshed Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: MOTION to approye the use of FLORIDA STATE CONTRACT #250-040-99-1 for UPGRADING THE NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE from PRESIDIO in thc mount of $183,694.25. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services Division received a request from ITS department to utilize State Contract #250- 040-99-1 to from Presidio (authorize.it distributor for Nortel Networks) an upgrade to the network infrastructure including City Hall, Utilities, and Police Department to provide upwards to a gigabit speed to major enterprise applications. This request will also include maintenance support, anc[ guarantees a priority service in an emergency to replace a major network component. Procurement Services Division reques[s Commission's review, evaluation and approval. PROGRAM IMPACT: The upgrade to the network system will assist in providing speed in accessing application dsta. provide fifll time mamteuance support on a seven day/twenty-four operation, integration, implementation, and training classes. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is ~n, ailable in the FY2000/2001 budger as follows: Account Descriotion Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Computer Equipment/Sol. are Reserve Account AccountNumber 001-1510-513-64-15 001-2110-521-64-15 401-5000-590-02-27 401-2822-536-99-03 Buda~ [10,500.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 48,019.50 ALTERNATIVES: Continue to maintain the current network system. Deputy Director of Financial Services ~y Manager's Signature Procurem~t Services Deparmaent Name cc: Peter Wallacg - ITS S:~BULLET1N~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: CC: INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 12/06/00 [CLICK HERE AND TYPE NAME] Bill, this memo is a request to add the following items to the commtSsioners agenda for the December 19 2000 meeting. The purpose of this purchase is to upgrade the City of Boymton Beach network infrastructure mciuding City Hall, Utilities, and Pol/ce Deparmaenr to provide upwards ro Gigabit speed to maior entesPnse applications such as the Geographic Information System (GIS), Document Imagining, web enablement of H.T.E. modules, and e-Gov, sOlUtiOnS to the citizens of Boynton Beach. In addition to the hardware eqmpment I/sting attached, the proposal also includes 4-hr parts respond and 24/7 maintenance support on all major equipment; This is a major upgrade to our network envtronment to provide 7/24 maintenance for the network backbone. Currently, if we need to replace a major network component, we Would not be covered:or, guarantee priority service by our vendor. This would have major impac~ to alt c0mpu~er Services to th& city. ~nOt~,er c~ti~ aspect of th.e, p.ropo, sa! -,include~ int.e ,g?a~6n,_implemcn~ation and 3 XLR passport framing classes. The v~ndpr yrfll handle the m~dlauon W/th lmowledge transfer to the City of Bo)mt6n Beach technical staff along with 'doCUmen~afi0n'of the ehtire network. The proposal is based on state contract mumber 250-040-99-1 This is a Joint effort between Utilities, Police Department and ITS. The allotted $ and account #'s are as follows, ITS: acct #1510 513 64 15 for $110.500 Poi/ce department- acct# 001 2110 521 6415 for $20,000 Utilities- 2 dlffexent accounts. 401 5000 590 0227 for $20,000 and 401 2822 536 9903 for $48,019.50 City of Boynton Beach Budgetary Numbers 250-040-99-1 = Computers: Client Server Sysxems Page / of 2 Computers: Client Server Systems 250-040-99-1 Effective: 7/1/98 through 6/3.0/0I Certification Special Specifications Price Sheet Contractors 3Com Corporation ABC Computers, Inc. Acer America Alcatel http:/fwww.usa, alcatel.com American Power Conversion Amherst Corporate Computer http://www.amherst 1 .corn Apple Computers, Inc. Ayava, Inc. Cabletron Systgms and Service, Inc. Cisco S. stems Inc._ Comark Government & Education Sales Compaa Comouter Corn_ oration Compucom Systems, Inc. http://www.comoucom.com Dell Mar~ L.P. Executive Source http://www.execsource.com/sfl2000 Gateway Companies. Inc. Hayes Comouter Systems Hewlett-Packard Comoany IBM Lexmark International http:/fwww.lexmark.com Marconi Communications http://www.marconi.com NEC Com raters Inc._ computers.corn http://www.3com.com http://www.abc2000.com http://www.acer.com http://www.apcc.com http://www.apple.com http://www.ayava, com http://www.ctron.com http://www.cisco.com http://www.comark.com http://www.compa%com http://www.dell.com http ://www.gatewa¥.com http://www.hcs.com http://www.h~.com http://www.ibm.com http://www.nec- 12/06, 2000 htlp://sun6.dms.state.fl.us/st_conlxaets/250040991 / 250-040-99-I = Computers: Client Server Systems Page 2 of 2 Network Appliance Nortel Networks USA, Inc. http ://www.nortelnetworks.com Pomerov Computer Resources, Inc. http://ww~v, pomero¥.com Premio Computers Florida, Inc. http://www, premiopc.com Silicon Graphics Computer Systems Southern Computer Supplies, Inc. http://www.southerncomputers.com Sun Microsystems Federal, Inc. TekResource Service Corporation Unisys Corporation Visara, Ine, WIN Laboratories Ltd. http://www.nempp.com http://www, sgi.com http://www.stm, com http://www.trscnow.com http://www, umsys.com http ://www.visara. com http://www.win-labs.com htlp://sun6.drns.state.fl.us/st_contracts/250040991/ 12/06/2000 ~RTEL ~ Nortel Networks Works Through Business Partners Orders May De Sent To The Following Authorized Dealers: Requested City Cormmssmn Meetm~ Dates [] November~l, 2000 [] De~ember 5. 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] lanuary 2. 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM' Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 15:00 p.m0 November22. 2000 (5:00 p.mo December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.md December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] January 16. 2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] February 20. 2001 [] March 6,2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA i'TEH B-5. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January I7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adminigtrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] U.fi.i~hed Business [] Announcement [] Presentation '~OMMENDATION: MOTION to utilize FLORIDA STATE CONTRACT ~070-001-99-1 for the purchase of a q, 4X4, CREW-CAB PICK-UP from DUVAL FORD at a cost of $28,760.00. EXPLANATION: Procurement Services Division received a request from Public Works/Fleet Maintenance to utilize Florida State Contract for the purchase of a Crew Cab Pick-Up Track for the Fire Depanment~ Procurement Services Division requests Commission's review, evaluation nnd approval. PROGRAM lt~IPACT: The track will be used as a ~ansport vehicle for brush fir~s. A 200-300 tank and pump will be added to the truck for containing brush fires. FISCAL IMPACT: Special funding has become available through a bequest on the behalf of the Rose Fleischer Estate. Initial purchase will come from the Fleet Maintenance budget and a t~ausfer will be made from the lrust account to cover the expense. Account Descrintion Account Number Budcer Vehicles 501-2516-519-64-30 $31~,665.00 ALTERNATIVES: There is a definite need within Fire Deparlment for this vehicle to be used in containing brush fires. A special trust fund became available to purchase this vehicle. Alternative would be to continue to use other fire apparatus which are not properly equipped, and are not easily accessible for transporting to brush fires. Director of Finaneiai Services Procurement Services Department Name cc: JeffLivergood-Public Works Bob Lee - Fleet Maintenance Hoyt Johnson - Finance File ~iw Mauager's Signature City Attorney / Finance / H~rman Resources S:~BULLETINkFORMSkAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #00-197 TO: VIA: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Bill Atkins, Deputy Finance Director PURCHASING Jeffrey Livergood, Public Works DirectorOf- Robert H. Lee, Fleet Administrator December 1.2000 Vehicle Purchase Summarized below adepartmental request fi'om the Fire Department, which is being funded Via a miscellaneous City Trust Fund Account resulting from a bequest on the behalf of the Rose FleischerEstate. ThevehicleistobepurchasedoffofStateContract#070.001_99.1 / Commodity #070-544430 from DUVAL FORD. New Vehicle (Account #501-2516-519-64-30) 1 - 3/4 Ton, 4x4, Crew-Cab, Pick-up Track w/options Budgeted: $See Notation Above, Actual Cost: $28,760 Please contact me if you need any additional information as I would like to try to make the agenda for the December 19th Commission Meeting. PL/RHL/pl Copy: Mary Munro, Finance Department 070-001-99-1 = Automobiles & Light Tracks * Page 1 of 1 Automobiles and Light Trucks 070-001-99-1 Effective: 10/31/98 through 9/19/01 Certification Special Conditions Price Sheet Contractors Factory/Production Cutoffs, Read Before Ordering Bill Heard Chevrolet Butler Chrysler Caruso Chrysler Plmouth Jeep Champion Chevrolet Don Reid Ford Duval Ford Duval Honda Garber Chevrolet Hill-Kelly Dodge Jack Caruso's Regency Dodge Kaiser Pontiac-Buick-GMC Maroone Chevrolet Maroone Dodge O~ille Beckford Ford Proctor & Proctor www.butlerchrvsler.com www.champion-chev,/.com www.donreidford.com www.duvalhonda.com www. ItillKellyDodge.com www.maroonefleet.com http:/ /stm6.dms.state.tl.us~ sL conuacts/070001991/ 12/06/2000 [Conu'act Number] -- Vendor Luformation Page 1 of 3 Automobiles and Light Trucks 070-001-99-1 Price Sheets GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUELED VEHICLES 070-100-050 Pursuit 070-100-20. 070-100-37: 070-1 070-1 070~250-080 Sub 4 Door Wheelbase, 4x2 4x2 4x4 4x2 Vehicle, 4x? 4x2 4x4 Vehicle. 4x4 4x4 4x2 · 4x2 ~Extended Cab, 4x2 http://stm6.dms,state.fl.us/st_contracts/O70001991/price.htm 12/06/2000 ~ [Corm'act Number] -- Vendor Information Pag~ 2 of 3 070-500-414 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, 4x2 070-500-416 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, Crew Cab 070-500-420 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, 4x2 070-500-422 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, Extended. Cab, 4x2 070-500-425 3.4 Ton Heaw-Duty PiCkup Track, 4x2 070-500-428 3/4 Ton Heavy-Dut~ PlckiapTmck, Extended Cab, 4x2 070-500-430 3/4 Ton HD t;ickup Track, Exf. Cab, 4x2 ' 070-544-140 Compact Pickup Track, 4x4 070-544-142 Compact Pickup Truck, Extended Cab, 4x4 070-544-410 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, 4x4 070-544-412 1/2 Ton Pickup Track, Extended Cab, 4x4 070-544-41{ 4x4 070-544-430 Extended Cab. 4x4 4x4 4x2 Extended Cab. 4x2 4x2 Cab, Chassis-Cab, 4x2 4x2 4x4 o70-6 4-0g0 4x4 Chassis-Cab 4x4 4x4 Lbs. GVWR, 4x4 500~. 4x4 4x4 ~2 4~ 4~ 50~.~2 ALTERNATIVE FUELED VEHICLES 070-100402 CNGPursm't Vehicle. Larue. 4 Door Sedan 070-200-550 QNG :Sub-C°mOact Vehicle. 4 Dr. Sedan 070-200-164 Bi-FUel CNG~d~C0mPact Vehicle, 4 Door Sedan 070-200-810 Flex Fuel Large Mid-Size Vehicle, 4 Dr. Sedan 070-250,810 Flex Fuel Large Mid-Size Vehicle, 4 Dr. Station Wagon 070-300,501 CNG Cargo Vain' Tyne B, 4x2 070-300-503 CNG Cargo Van.. Twoe B. 4x2 070-300-505 CNG Carg~ V~,~,Type C, 4x2 070-300-507 CNG Cargo Van; T;~oe C. 4x2 070-300-514 CNGEi~assenuer Van. x2 070-300-516 CNG Twei4~e. pass ,enger Van. 4x2 070-300-523 CNG TweiVepass6nuer Van, 4x2 http://sun6.dms.state.fl.us/st_contractWO7000199Dprice.htm 12/06/2000 [Contract Number] -- Vendor Information Page 3 of 3 070-300-525 CNG Fifteen Passenger Van, 4x2 070-300-601 Bi-Fuel CNG Cargo Van, Type B, 4x2 070-300-605 Bi-Fuel CNG Cargo Van, Type C, 4x2 070-300-616 Bi-Fuel CNG Twelve 070-500-522 CNG 1 0rj0-500-622 Bi-Fuel http://sun6.clm~.state.fl.us/st._conlracts/070001991/price.him 12/06/2000 070-544-430 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK, CREW-CAB. 4X4 Page i of 6 070-544-430 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK, CREW-CAB, 4X4 (5^-cc) (ADDED 20 OCT 00) NOTE: This detailed specification is not complete unless it is used in conjunction with Specification Number SRAT-1, Special Requirements All Automobiles and.Light Tracks. INTENDED USE USED FOR REGULAR.LY HAULING BULK MATERIAL, LIGHT TO MEDIUM DUTY TOWING AND TRANSPORTATION OF UP TO SIX INDIVIDUALS OFF ROAD IN DENSE OR REMOTE AREAS. STD. CARGO AREA: STD. WORKING CARGO CAPACITY: STD. TOWING CAPACITY: OPT. CARGO AREA AND WORKING CARGO CAPACITY, OPT. 8006: OPT. 8005, CHASSIS CAB: 77 inches x 64 inches x 49 inches * 1850 lbs. ** 4000 lbs. 96 inches x 49 inches x 49 inches* & 1700 lbs.** 8800 lbs. GVWR *** PERFORMANCE OPTIONS OPT. 1002, DIESEL ENGINE OPT. 2004, TRAILER TOW PKG. OPT. 2005, TRAILER TOW PKG. OPT. 2006, TRAILER TOW PKG. (DSL) CARGO LBS. TOW1NG LBS. (SWB/LWB) 1350/1200 OR 4000 1850/1700 OR. 8000 1650/1500 OR 10,000 1350/1200 OR 10,000 Distance between wheel housings Approx. net capacity, deducting weight of driver and five passengers GVWR = Total maximum weight of a fully equipped, fully loaded track 10. ENGINE: Gasoline engine, V8, minimum 5.4L; standard alternator and battery; standard cooling system. 20. TRANSMISSION: Minimum 4 speed automatic with overdrive; minimum two-speed transfer case. 30. AXLES: Limited slip or locking differential on rear axle; automatic locking front hubs or front axle disconnect system. 40. PERFORMANCE ITEMS: Standard insu'umentation; power steering. 50. COIVIFORT ITEMS: Air conditioning; all glass tinted; AM-FM radio; vinyl seat upholstery. http://sun6, clm~ state.fi.us/st_contracts/070001991/price57.htm 12/06/2000 070-544430 3/4 TON PICKLrP TRUCK. CREW-CAB, 4X4 Page 2 of 6 60. 70. 80. SAFETY ITEMS: 4-wheel anti-lock braking system; dual outside mirrors; daytime running lights; air bags, driver and passenger. TIRES & WHEELS: Five (5) manufacturer's standard radial tires; matcbCng spare ure, whe~ 1 and frame mounted rac~; j~k and lug wrench; CHASSIS, FRAME, CAB: Minimum 8800 lbs. GVWP,; mimmum 2750 lbs. (nominal) payload; minimum 153.13 inch wheelbase; fleetaide body, maximum 83.0 inch inside b~x !ength; painted or chrome fi.om bumpe~; he~vY-duty ste~-type rear bumper, factory installed, bumper shall.have a minimum capacity of 4000 lbs. horizontal pull weight and 400 ll/s. vertical ~0~gu~ weight;S~d pi~es;.;s~ix~p~senger, four d~oo~:~re¢ ~abl ail man~'CtUr~'s: sfariila/d'~O16rs. ' ..... ~' ...... ' ': STATE: GVWR: 8800 PAYLOAD: 2750 90. CONDITIONS: Atg enclosed Conditions and Requirements shall apply. 070-544-430 (5A-CC) Western District Northern District Central District Soutlaem District MAKE: FORD F250 4X4 DEALER DISCOUNT* MODEL PRICE DUVAL FORD 0_ W21 23,243.00(A) DUVAL FORD 0 W21 23,191.00CB) DON REID 0 W21 23,196.00(C) FORD DI_rVAL FORD 0 W21 23,316.00(D) NOTE: ONLY THE ABOVE NAMED DEALER(S) IS/ARE AUTHORIZED TO SELL THIS COMMODITY UNDER THIS CONTRACT! FACTORY CUT OFF DATE: *Discount for unit for vehicle picked up by ordering agency at contractor's place of business. Approximate delivery time required after receipt of order: (DF} 60 DAYS (DR) 90-180 DAYS OPTION: 070-544-431 - Option, 3/4 Ton Pickup Track, Crew-Cab, 4x4, Spec. 5A-CC OPTIONS: (DF) DUVAL FORD (DR) DON REID FORD htlp://sun6.dms.stare.fl.us/st_contract~070001991/price57.htm 12/06/2000 070-544-430 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK. CREW-CAB. 4X4 Page 3 of 6 1001 1002 Diesel engine, V8, mimmum 6.6L. (NOTE TO USER: DO NOT ORDER THIS OPTION WITH OPTIONS 2002, 2003 or 2004.) O.E.M. alternative fuel conversion ready engine. To include all internal modifications required for atlermarket conversions for operation ofnamral gas. State engine manufaeturer and model no. bid. MANUFACTURER: MODEL NO.: (DF) CODE: _449/99F (DR) CODE: 99F (DF) CODE: N/A (DR) CODE: N/A PRICE: 3871.00 PRICE: 4412.00 PRICE: N/A PRICE: N/A 2001 Manual overdrive transnnssion, 5- (DF) CODE: 44W speed, mimmum. (DR) CODE: 44W PRICE: (731.00) (Credit) PRICE: (700.00) (Credit) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Manual overdrive transmission, 6- (DF) speed, minimum. CODE: 446 DIESEL ONLY CODE: 446 DIESEL ONLY 5-speed Automatic transmission. (DF) CODE: N/A Allison or approved equivalent. (DR) CODE: N/A HD trailer towing equipment for towing up to 8000 lbs. FORD: Includes these components: Trailer tow package (531), Class IV receiv~er hitch, 10,000 lbs. capacity, installed. HD trailer towing equipment for towing up to 10,000 lbs. (DF) CODE: (DR) NH/C4/531 CODE: 86R/531 PRICE: (731.00) (Credit) PRICE: (700.00) (Credit) PRICE: N/A PRICE: N/A PRICE: 305.00 PRICE: 282.00 htr,0 ://s-n6.dms.state. fl.us/st contracts/O70001991/price57.hma 12/06/2000 070-544-430 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK, CREW-CAB. 4X4 Page 4 of 6 2O06 5001 5002 5003 5004 FORD: Includes these (DF) CODE: components: 6.8L V10 engine (DR) NH~99S/531 (99S), trailer tow package (531), CODE: Class IV receiver hitch, 10,000 lbs. 86R/99S/531 capacity, installed. HI) trailer towing equipment for towing up to 10,000 lbs. FORD: Includes these components: 7.3L turbo diesel engine (99F), trailer tow package (531), Class IV receiver hitch, 10,000 lbs. capacity, installed. Delete air conditiouing Rain shields over door windows. Auto Ventshade Co. or approved equivalent. Electronic speed control with resume feature. Cloth seating. 99F/531 (DF) CODE: C4- (DR) ,NI-U4,49. · ~_ CODE: ~9E/531 (DF) CODE: D572 (DR) CODE: D572 (DF) CODE: DRS (DR) CODE: RSDI (DF) CODE: 52N (DR) CODE: 52N (DF) CODE: C2 (DR) CODE: 'C' TRIM PRICE: 905.00 PRICE: 882.00 PRIZE: 4717.00 PRICE: (584;00) (Credit) PRICE: (500.00) (Credi0 PRICE: 78.00 PRICE: 125.00 PRICE: 385.00 PRICE: 385.00 PRICE: 260.00 PRICE: 260.00 5005 7001 8001 Power windows and door locks. (DF) CODE: 607A PRICE: 2725.00 (DR) CODE: XLT PRICE: 2406.00_ Five (5) LT245/75R16 or larger all (DF) terrain or on/off mad tread tires. {DR) Special state colors, two-tone. Olympic White (DuPont Centari K903 IA) above dripstrip on cab and DOT Yellow (DuPont Centari Lg069A, GM 9W3) on remainder of cab. Factory painted if available. SEE SPECIFICATION SPAT-l, NOTE 1. CODE: T4B CODE: T4B PRICE: 315.00 PRICE: 315.00 (DF) CODE: DOT2 PRICE: 270.00 (DR) CODE: PTO PRICE: 680 00 MIN. 5 UNITS http:/Isun6.dms.stat~:,fl.us/st_contracts/070001991/price5 7.htm 12/06/2000 070-544-430 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK, CREW-CAB, 4X4 Page 5 of 6 8002 8003 8004 Special state color. DOT Yellow (DuPont Centari L9069A, GM 9W3). Factory painted if available. SEE SPECIFICATION SRAT-1, NOTE 1. (DF) CODE: DOT1 PRICE: NC (DR) CODE: PTO PRICE: N/C MIN. 5 UNITS ~S~pecial state color. Jade Green (DF) iatlic (DuPom Centari K9027A). Factory painted if (DR) available. SEE SPECIFICATION SRAT-1, NOTE 1. Special state, color. GM #11 Pewter~Metallic or approved equivalent. Factory painted if available. SEE SPECIFICATION SPAT-I, NOTE 1. CODE: GFC CODE: PTO PRICE: 323.00 MIN. 5 UNITS CODE: 383.00 MIN. 5 UNITS (DF) CODE: N/A PRICE: N/A (DR) CODE: N/A PRICE: N/A 8OO5 Chassis-cab, single rear wheel model. 55 inch CA, minimum. Minimum 8800 lbs. GVWR. A pickup model with the box removed is acceptable provided the vehicle is eligible for pickup box removal and conforms to all FMVSS, the NTEA, and the manufacturer's guidelines. GVWR: 8800 (DF) CODE: PRICE: NC (DR) 512/66D PRICE: (100.00) CODE: 66D (Credit) 8006 Minimum 8800 lbs. GVWR, (DF) CODE: 172" PRICE: 264.00 minimum 2600 lbs. (nominal) (DR) CODE: 172 PRICE: 205.00 payload. Minimum 96.0 inch inside box length. GVWR: 8800' PAYLOAD: 2600 9901 Manufacturer's Extended Vehicle (DF) CODE: BASE PRICE: 1855.00 Warranty. Warranty shall be for a 575 GAS ENG. ONLY period of 5 years or 75,000 miles whichever occurs first. Note to bidder: This option applies to Ford (DR) only. SEE SPECIFICATION EVW 5/75 (FBC) ~ODE: ESP PRICE: 2095.00 DIESEL ENG. ONLY PRICE: 905.00 http'dlsun6.dms.state.fl.us/st contrac~e/07000199 l/m'ice57.hml 12/06/2000 070-544-430 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK, CREW-CAB. 4X4 Page 6 of 6 9902 9903 (NOTE TO USER: FORD WARRANTY FOR OPTION 8005.) Manufacturer's Extended Vehicle Warranty. Warranty shall be for a period o~ 6 3;d~s or f60;ooo miles whichever 0c~urs first. SEE SPECIFICATION EVW 6/100. Manufagturer?s Extended Vehicle peri0dbf5 9e&~ or 75,000 miles whichever occurs first. SEE SPECIFICATION EVW 5/75. (DF) CODE: EXTRA 6/100 (DR) CODE: ESP (DF) CODE: EXTRA 5/75 (DR) CODE: ESP PRICE: 1270;00 GAS, ENG~ONLY ~i~CE: 2340.00 SELE-~G..ONLY ,P, RICE, ~ 1640.00 PRICE: 905:00 C-)k~ y ' DmSEiz- -- . ONlY I~RICE: 1105:00 V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM C. 1. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM' .~,o., ~ Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] January 2, 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned ~ to Cii3' Clerk's Office November 9~ 2000 i5:00 p.m.) November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Decerabex 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meeting Dates [] January 16.2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] Februa~ 20, 2001 [] March 6,2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 15:00 p.m.) January 17, 200t (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 200l (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve reduction in the surety requirement for the Boynton Beach Y3/ICA, from $105,055.50 down to $5,250. EXPLAaNATION: The water and sewer improvements for this project, located Outside of the City Limits, are completed, and have been dedicat, ed, to the City. The remaining surety will remain active for the balance of the on~-year warranty Period. PROGRAM IMPACT: None FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNAT~~ DepTent Head's signature Utilities Depaxtment Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources XC: Peter Mazzeila (w/attaclunent) Dale Sugerman Finance Dept. City Attorney File S:kBULLETIN~ORMSL~.GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC TELEX NO: 3773746 CMCAIL FAX NO: 954 468 0676 SWIFT: MNBDUS33 FLA COME!~ICA BANK 100 N E THIP. D AVENUE SUITE 200 FT LAODEP. DALE, FL 33301 S~B BENEFICIARY CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH/UTILITIES 100' E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOt'RTON BEACH, FL 33437 DATE OF ISSUE: JANUARY 21, 2000 WE HEREBY OPEN OUR IRREVOCABLE 'STALTOB¥ L~'~-&~ OF CREDIT NO. 557167 -07 IN YOUR ON, FL 33433 , FOR A SUM NOT EXCEEDING USD 705, (__0~E_ . . THOUS~ FIFTY~ FIVE AND 50/I00'S UiS. 'DOLLARS ) AVAILABLE BY YOUR DIt~/aT(S; AT SI~ ON COMB~RICA BANK, WHEN ACCOMP$~NIED BY: BENEFICIARY' S STATEMENT .AS FOLLOWS: 'THE UNDE~SIGNED~ BEING AN Au'£aOP. IZED 0N-SITE WATEH AND SE~BR* SYSTemS FOR ~ I-I~uuuA.-z' ~uw~ ~-~ u~ ~ . THIS LETTEI~ OF CI~EDIT IS. ENFORCEABLE IN A COURT OF CC~4PETENT ~umZSDICTION IN .PALM. BEACH COUNTY, FLOP.IDA. IT IS A ~ITION OF ~IS ~ OF ~ ~T IT S~ BE ~ A~TI~LY ~'l'~ ~O~ ~ FOR O~ ~P~S ~ ~ ~I~TION ~ ~OF, ~I~TION ~ ~ S~ N~I~ YOU BY ~ ~ ~NS~ER ~S ~ OF ~ ~ ~R ~ ~ ~DITIO~ P~OD. A~.~. D~S D~ ~ ~IS ~IT ~ST BE ~ "D~ ~ ~ ~'S ~ OF ~ ~. 557167 -05 ". ~IS ~'~'~'~ OF ~IT IS ~ ~ ~ ~ P~I~ FOR ~~ ~ITS OF 'r~ ~TIO~ ~ OF C0~, 1993 ~SION, p~I~TION 500. US TOGETHER WITH .ANY DP. AWIN~8 HEREUNDE~ FOR OUR ~l~mo~us~a~'~' u= ~u~z ~ EFF~.-~'~u BY US 'AND/OR FOR CANCELLATION. WE ENGAGE WITH YOU THAT EACH DRAFT DP. qWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TEP~S OF THIS CP. BDIT WILL BE D~Y HO~___ _ON DELIVERY OF200T~i IX)COMENTS AS SPECIFIED IF PRESENTED AT THIS'OFFICE ON OH BEFORE JALKI~RY 21, 0R ANY A~TOMATICALLY EAT~u~)ED DATE. YOURS VERY TEULY, RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING A REDUCTION IN THE LETTER OF CREDIT FOR BOYNTON BEACH YMCA, FROM $105,055.50 TO $5,250.00, SAID LETTER OF CREDIT BEING ISSUED BY COMERICA BANK No. 557167-07; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the developer submitted a Letter of Credit in the amount of surety to guarantee completion of water and serving this site; and of this parcel, previously $105,055.50 as sewer systems WHEREAS, developer has furnished the of sale for the systems and requested requirement be reduced to $5,250.00; and WHEREAS, a final inspection pro3ect and the system appears without any defects; City with a bill that the surety has been conducted on this to be functioning properly NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Bolrnton Beach, Florida, based upon the recommendation of staff, hereby approves a reduction of a Letter of Credit (No. 557167-07 ) from $105,055.50 to $5,250.00. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. ~ PASSED ~ ~DOPTED this day of December, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor CommisSioner commissioner ATTEST: Commissioner City Clerk (Corporate Seal) Requested City Commission Meetin~ Da~es [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] January 2. 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office November9, 2(}00 (5:00p.m.j November 23., 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December6, 2000 (5:00p.m.) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commissmn Meetin~ D~tes [] January 16. 2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] ~ebrua~ 20.2001 [] March 6. 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C.2. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office lanuary 3, 2001 (5:00 p.nct Ianuary 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.t February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOM3~NDATION: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution R granting the Mayor authority to sign the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County. EXPLANATION: The City of Boynton Beach and the County have entered into a separate agreement outlining the use of the County's digital microwave system pursuant to a lease agreement ("Lease Agreement") between the County, the City and AT&T (R99-311D} dated 2-23-99. In addition the City of Boynton Beach will utilize six (6) T1 lines from the County's microwave to the prime site at no cost to the City. The purpose then is to set forth the County and City's fiscal responsibilities with respect'to the City's use of the microwave system. PROGRAM IMPACT: Without the use of the County's microwave and six T1 voice transmission lines the City of Boynton Beach would need to purchase its own microwave system and lease T1 lines to reach the prime site at Forest Hill Blvd. where the SmartZone switch is housed. FISCAL IMPACT: The City agrees to pay a fair share of the operation and maintenance associated with the County's microwave system on a pro rata basis. These fees, in the amount of $4,747 annuafiy will need to be budgeted in fiscal 2001-2002. The City of Boynton Beach will save the cost of purchasing a microwave system, approximately $200,000 and recurrent costs associated with leased T1 lines at $125,000. ALTERNATIVES: No prudent alternative exists without a large capital outlay. Departmem ttead's Signature Department Name ~City Manager's Signature City Attorney ~/Ftnan~e / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM KEQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION NO. RO00- A RESOLUTION Of THE CITYCOMM V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C.2. )F ~HE COUNTY, INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ~E ,OPE!RATION AND CiTY WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to entermto an Intertocal Agreement with Palm Beach County, .which addresses the operational and maintenance responsibilities of the SmartZone Controller and the microwave system; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida hereby authorizes and directs the ~Mayor and=City Clerk to execute an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County, setting forth the operational and maintenance responsibilities of the SmartZone Controller and the microwave system, said Agreement being attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: City Clerk day of December, 2000. CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner, Commissioner Commissioner INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT This INl ~RLOCAL AGBI~MENT, is made and entered into this day of ,2000, by and between PALM BEACH COUNTY, ("CO~ a political subdivision of.the State of Florida and the City ofBOYNTON BF_~CH ~ ), a r~unicipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida. WiTNESSETH WHEREAS, the COUNTY has committed to the of an 800 MHz Trunked Radio S meet the ~ Palm Beach general government agendes; and design, installation, and operation ; Palm Beaeb County WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY entered into a lease agreement with AT&T for the COUNTY'~ use of a tower (~oynton ToWer Site") located within the municipal limits Of the CITY for the COUNTY's microwave and 800 MHz system equipment; and WHEREAS, the South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative ("COOPERATIVE")has access to 6 Tls of capacity on the COUNTY's digital microwave system pursuant to a. lease agreement ("I.I~ASE AGl~R~MENT")between the COUNTY, the CITY and AT&T (R99-311D) dated 2/23/99; and WHEREAS, the COOPERATIVE has decided chat the 6Tls will be used by the CITY; and WHEREAS, the LEASE AGB£1~MENT requires that the COUNTY and the CITY enter into a separate agreement addressing the :operational and maintenance responsibilities of the SmartZone Controlle~ and the microwave system; and WHEaF~, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, permits public agencies to enter into Interlocal Agreements to jointly exercise any power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately; and NOW THEREFORE, in conjunction with the mutual covenants, promises and representations contained herein the parties hereto agree as follows. SECTION 1: Purpose The purpose of this interlocal agreement is to set forth the COUNTY and CITY's fiscal responsibilities with respect to the CITY's use of the COUNTY's microwave system to tramport signals to and from the CITY's 800 MHz trunked radio system to the COUNTY's SmartZone Controller located at the COUNTY's Prime Site on Forest Hill Blvd. This Pase 1of 5 Agreement is to be read and interpreted in conjunction with the Interlocal Agreement 2000-083,8) with the C"COOPERATIVE'S [nterlocal Agreement'~ and any amendments. :The contains fiscal and other obligations of the GOUNTY and the CITY with respect to the CITY's connection to and use of the GOUNTTs microwave system and together with 'this Agreement result in the agreement contemplated under Section 10.01 of the LEASE AGREEMENT. SECTION 2: Responsibilities Prime operation and maintenance costs Site and the COUNTY's included are: costs), utilities, equipment, software, and. microwave~equipment maintenance , the COUNTY). b: costs. 2.03 provided )r his designee, no later than [ as the percentage of total reflect actual. Estimated anmml total s~tem maintenance and administration costs are $1,000,000. Assume that microwave system maintenance is ~4.37% of the total system G1TY uses terminations at two of the 13 tower skes. CITY uses six Tls in capacity of the total 28 Tls. $1,000,000 x .1437 x 2/13 x 6/28 = $4,737 annually 2.04 The CITY shall pay the COUNTY, in full, each fiscal year no later than February 1". Payment shall be made to the Board of. County Commissioners, 3323 Belverdere Rd., Building 506, Attm Communications Division, West Palm Beach, Fl. 33406. l~ge 2 of S 2.05 The COUNTY shall have no obligation to provide a microwave system for the CITY's use, in the event,that the COUNTYdiscontinues use of its microwave system or is not operating microwave equipment ai'th~ CIT~sl Boynton ToWer Site. SECTION 3: :~ability md employees- shall not The SEGTION~5 (5) years from execution and m~cation by both,parties. SECTION 6: Termination This Agreement may be terminated by any party without cause upon 1 year notice. The Agreement may be terminated for cause-by either patty upon 60 days notice. This Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event that the COUNTY discontinues the operation of microwave system at the CITY's Tower Site. In the event that the COOPERATIVE'S Inteflocal Agreement is terminated, but the !.I~ASE AGREEMFaXlT rem .a~ in effect, the COUNTY and CITY will amend this Agreement within 60: days of the termination ~f the COOPERATIVE'S Interlocal Agreement to include the remainder of both parties obligations to the microwave system. SECTION 7: Annual Budget ApprOpriations The COUNTY'S and :CITY's performance and obligation to pay pursuant to this Agreement are contingent upon annual appropriation for its purpose by the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council. SECTION 8: Notices Any notice givenpursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and done by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. The effective date of such notice shall be Page 3 of 5 the date of receipt, as evidenced by the Remm Receipt. All notices shall be addressed to the following: As tothe COUNTY: Director, Facilities Development & Operations 3323 Belvedere Road, Building 503 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 With copy to: Director of Communications Division 3323 Belvedere Road, 'Building 506 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 County Attorney's Office 301 North Olive Ave, Suite 601 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 As to BOYNTON BEACH: City Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boyn-'ton Beach, F1. 3.3435 With copy to: Chief of Police City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 SECTION 16: Applicable Law/Enforcement Costs This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. In any litigation brought by a party to this Agreement to enforce the terms of this Agreement, each parry shall bear its own costs and attome~s fees incurred in connection therewith. SECTION 17: Filing A copy of this Agreement shall be fried by the COUNTY with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County. ~ase 4 of S SECTION 18: Delegation of Duty Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to authorize the delegation of the Constitutional or Statutory duties of any party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agree~ent to be executed on the day and year first written above. ATTEST: DOROTHY H. WILKEN, Clerk PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: BY: Legal Sufficiency: County Attorney CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, BY rrs crrY COMMISSIONERS BY: BY: Legal Sufficiency: Mayor City Attorney h: b~ylltonmi~o Requested City Coronation [] November 21,2000 [] December 5. 2060 [] December 19.2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission in to City Clerk's Of~q~ ~ Novemberg, 2000 (5:00p. m.) [] January 16. 200I November22,2000 ~5:00p.ro.)~ [] Februal~6(2001 Decemb~ 6, 20Q0; (5;09 g.rn.) [] February 20. 2001 Decem~r 20, 2000 ($:00g.m.) [] March6,2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C. 3. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Cterk's January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January I7, 2001 (5:~O p.m.) February 7, 200t (5:00 February 2I, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admlni~rative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Busme~ [] Public FIearmg [] Legal [] Bids [] Un~inhedBusmess [] Announcement [] Presentation R.ECO~ATION: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution R granting the Mayor authority to sign the Interloeal Agreement between the SoUth Palm Beach Count~ Public Safety Communications Cooperative (B0yntun Beach, Delray Beach, and Boca l~ton) and Palm Beach County. EXPLANATION: The Cooperative was formed and approved by each City in 1998 in order to achieve radio communications interoperubllity for Public s~fety and prOvide'e~t saving ~ur upgradi~ the City's communication systerm The purpose of this Agrecmentis to set forth the parameters under which the County will nmke specific components of its 800Ml~[~ Tranked Radio System available to the Cooperative in order to provide interoperabie radio communications between the County and the Cities plrticipeting in the Cooperative. PROGRAM 12~PACT: The County and the Cities have determined that the ability to provide interoperable systems through the SmartZone switch, owned by the County, is critical to the effective and efficient provision of public safety services. FISCAL IMPACT: It has been determined, by the Cooperative, mutually beueficial to all Parties to enter into this agreement. The cost will be shared by the Cooperative in the amount of $14,750 annually per City. These fees will need to be budgeted In: fiscal 200!/2002. Th~ Cooperative will save in excess of $1,000,000 as well as avoid costs assocmted %hath establishing a microwave link from the Boynton Site to the Count3~ Prime Sitein exeess of $125,000. ALTERNATIVES: Because of the already existing agreements and the cost assoeiated with purchasing necessary hardware there are no other prudent alternatives. Department Head's Signatur~ Communications S:~BULLETINkFORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC V-CONSENT AGENDA ZTEM C.3 RESOLUTION NO. R 00- WHEREAS, ~the parties have heretofore entered into an Intedocal Agreement on the 2~q~ day of February 1998; and WHEREAs,. ' ' t It Is deemed mutually advantageous o the parties to enter into this Interlocat Agreement which provides specific parametem under which the County will make specific components of its 800MHz Trunked Radio System order.~to provide interoperable radio communications the County,, and 'the Cities participating in the Cooperative. WHEREAS, Section 163;01, Florida Statutes authorizes local governments to enter into'lnterlocal Agreements with each other to jointly exercise any power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exem;se separately; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach Flodda hereby authorizes and.directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Restated Intedocal~Agreement between {he City of Boca Raton, the City of Delray Beach and the City of Boynton Beach, ICities) to enter into an lntedocal Agreement with Palm Beach County.said Agreement being attached~ heretoas Exhibit"A" Section2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. * PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of December, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: CityClerk INTERLO CAL AGREEMENT This Amendment #1 to an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (Resolution #2000-0838), is made and entered,,~nto~thi~d~.y btL~'~ -~'~,,2,000~ b~ ~d~d~t~~ I~ALM~BE~CH-:~0UN~f7 ~ political subdivision of the State of Florida ( COUNTY'!) and the cities Of Boca Raton ('Boea Ratan'') and De, lr,ay Be~c-h ~LD~e~ra~r B.e.ag.h,!')~an.d..~Boyn~n~, Be, s~k:~!(!:~:0~ynt0r~, Beach"), each.a' separate r~unicipal corporation existing under the laws Of the State of Florida. WI%N~S S. ETH WHEREAS, tl~e:Cities'~of~B0Ca Reton~D~el~ay,.B~ach~and BeY~ton-~each, have established via Inte~lO~ ,A~emei~t the Sa~t~_-Palm ~&~Ctl i:c~un~ ~b!ic Safety C0mmlm~Cations COOP~,~(gr me~q~ose,af,,~xpan~-:.~¢;7 ~/se. of ~.-frequencies for ~/ituat''~s~ta~ce: 'and~'?>'daiI3~ a~tiviti~/'"~l,"~d:>~hl/s~ent 'a/id' %peration o~? radio cornmunic~tions systems; and Management Service, and ; COUNTY and the Cities have dele. trained that the ability to provide effec~ve and efficient provision of public safety services; WHEREAS, it has been determined mutually beneficial to all Parties to execute this A~eement which sets forth the p~rame~ers under W~.'~eH t!~e radio systems of the Cities and the COUNTY can be connected s~g the taxpayers money of bo~h the COUN,TY and the Cities as well:as the opportunity to reCeive the public safety benefit of intemperabiliD3, WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, permits public agencies to enter into Inierlocai Agreement~. %o joh~fly exercise any power~I privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately;, and appropriate to update the original rescinds and terminates Agreement NOW THEREFORE, in conjunction w/th the mutual covenants, promises and representations contained heiiein: l!le parties hereto agree aS foli0ws. SI~"TION 1: Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the parameters under which the COUNTY will make specific components of its 800 MHz Trunked Radio System available to the COOPERATIVE /ia order to provide for interoperable radio communications between the COUNTY and the cities participating in the COOPERATIVE. Page 1 of 17 Amendment ~1 to Interlocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page I of 17 1 SECTION 2: Definitions 2.01 Boynton Beach Site: The Cit--/, of Boynton Beach's primary radio communications site located in Tract B, Rolling Green Ridge Second Addition, City of Boynton Beach. 2.02 Central Hub: The Central Hub consists of the radio cornmunica~ons system operated by therCity of West Palm Beach and includes those cities utilizing the System through Interlocal agreement with th~ City of West Palm Beach. 2.03 Cities: The City of Boca Raton, the City of Delray Beach, and the City of B0.¥nton Beach, as individual entities, but used in context of this Agreement to mean each city acting in the collective. 2.04 City-Counw_ Roaming Talk Grouo: Talk groups established on a mumcipal radio communications system fon~ which the SmartZone C0ntrollcr. Will assign ,cha~mel resources on the County's communications systems when units from the t~lu group are registered on the System. 2-05 Common Countywide Talk Grouns: Talk groups established on the County's communications system that are made available to municipalities and dther non-County agencies. These talk groups must be programmed into agency radios and be selected by the 2.06 Controller.' The Controller is the group of equipment components that provide audio routing and control signaling functions required to interface various independent communications systems and provides interoperable operations between the individual systems. 2~07 COOPERATIVE: The South p~lm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative which ~vas established by Boca Raton, Delray Beach AND Boynton Beach to collectively provide a radio communications system which provides radio communications for the three cities. All references to the COOPERATIVE shall also refer to each of the Cities of Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Boynton Beach and to the approval of all actions of the COOPERATIVE by the Cities pursuant to r~he Interlocal Agreement establishing the COOPERATIVE dated 2/2/98. 2.'08 COOPERATtVE's Svetem: The 800 MHz trunked radio system or systems, funded, purchased, linstalled, maintained and owned by the COOPERATIVE or the individual cities. The system, or systems, shall/nclude the fixed network and field radio transmitting and receiving equipment, microwave equipment and/or leased communication n-ansport 1/nes as required:for qommunications between sites, dispatch center equipment and facilities required for ,the. operatipns of each city's public Safety and government services function~ and the towers and physical fa 'cflities require to house and m~intain the system equipment. 2.09 CSOPAC: ComrnulliCal:iotl System and Operations Policies Ac~visory Cornrnittse established to dewelop policies for the system in which both the COUNTY and the COOPERATIVE parla'cil~ate. 2'.10 CRSSC: Countywide Radio System Steering Committee established to oversee implementation of the policies established by the CSOPAC and to modify exist/nE policies or create new policies as required over the life of the System. Page 2 of 17 Amendment #1 to [nterlocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page 2 of 17 2.11 Microwave Svstem: A communications system utilizing frequencies m the microwave range to route audio and control signals between sites in a multi-site communications system. · ~ ~2-!~ . : Is the COUNTY staff: ,position responsible for mam:enance_~anm aammzs~-auon o! the COUNTY system incIudifig,the smartzene cbntroHer, 2.13 North Hub: The North [-Iub is a communications system proposed to be developed collectively b~-the municipalities in the northerr~ COunfy area.~ _ ~ 2.14 Parties: All entities that COUNTY, BOca R~t~ Delray BeaCh and ifiel~de -~ ~he i5, Prime Sfte:~-',~ezlocation of llae ¢OUN'l~i~,sCgma~tZone~ Co~, · 2_. !6 . Ro~naFe~ture: A fea~tre Of thc sm~ne Controller ~,hat allows unica from s~pec,/fie_d~ ? t0~r..,e~ster onto c0ram~ ~ui~/C~t~s ~i,t~ma aasociat~ed: w/th the SmartZone :. ~ ~. rio ~ ese talk ou s ............ gr p are asm~d~ ~tt0rm~hannela or~'the~system umta r~gi~t~r When fliere is taik group activity. -; : _ , 2.17 South Hub: :he'communications system, facilities and and and prime capable COC solel.v fund the purchase '~'to connect to the Controller COUNTY has capacity requirements of the The COOPEPATIVE also of lae South, PUbli~ Safety Communications operations agreement. · agrees to pay !ts fair share of the on pro rata basis. The ~ arel system administration costs (which renewal, replacement performed by the of this Page 3 of 17 Amendment #1 to Iniedoca Agreement (Rese ut on 2000-0838) Page 3 of 17 3 3.03 Subject to Section 3 06 the COOPERATIVE will be solely responsible for any and all permitting and/or hcensmg costs assocmted W~th ~ts use of the Controller. 3.04 Subject tn Section 3.06. the COOPERATIVE will b~e solely responsible for any and ail costs associated with the purchase of eqnlpment components, modules, interfacing hardware and the installation services required to utilme the SmartZone Controller 3.05 The cOOPERATI~E agrees that only the COUNTY~will connect to, ~expand, or otherwise modify system C0mp0nehts' which are!0wn~d by t~ qOUNTY..The C,OOPERATWE will fund such actions to be-undertaken by the COUNTY on the COOPERATIVE s behalf, and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 3.06 The COOPE :R~ATITv-E will only be fi,~,~cially r~sponsible for those actions unde~-t~ken on'the'O0OPER~TIYE's behalf When the COOPERATIVE has agreed to the costs in writing prior to commencement '0f the activity. 3.07 the thereafter a equipment when the complete to provisioned. not in In order to the COUNTY agrees to make an November 1, 2000 or as so, on make the SmartZone Controller and rela(ed use. The SmartZone Controller sh~l be ready for use work is az 3.08 Controller prior to fmal due to acceptance activities and rc COOPERATIVE activities must be functionai. Neither the ( any actions, that by connect/n~ the SmartZ0ne to in~e~p//~ns of testing the of the ~or service ~ prior to acceptance b~ SECTION 4: coUNT'S D/~ttsl Microwave Communie.~tions ~2~tem 4.01 Pursuant to a separate agreement between the COUNTY and Boynton Beach, the COUNTY will locate digi.t~!' microwave communications equipment at the Boynton Site The COUNTY will allow tI~iie~C~)PERATIVE to use' the microwave system ,.as a cqmmumcat~on path between the COOPERATl%rE/md the Controller located at the COUNTY's Prime Site. 4.011 Boynton Beach will solely uHli=e the 6 TI capacity in the Microwave System ~eserved for use by the COOPER&TIVE pursuant to separate agreement. Delray Beach ~nd Boca Raton will transport from their systems to the COUNTY's Prime Site m leasei Tls and not via the Microwave System. Page 4 of 17 - ' Amendment #1 to Interlocal Agreement (Reso/ution 2000-0838) Page 4 of 17 4 4.012 If Deiray Beach and Boca Raton subsequently decide to utili~e a Microwave System directly from ~heir respective systems ro the COUNTY's Prime Site, the individual City will be totally responsible for all costs associated with the purchase, installation, ownership, operations a~,,d mainten~an~e 97 equip~eP~ ~o~e~y ~or its ~benefit~ ~he prov~s~o!~s of Section 4 03 Will also'~ff ~i~fy tb 'D~l~-~y B~ach a~d~B~a.Ra)~oii. ~ ~ 4.02 S~b~ect-to Section 3.06, the COo~ERP/~IVE will be solely responsible for all costs as~°,c~,~ted~x~,:?~,-in-.~?f~q~ ~.t~.~n: ~,t~h~ Mi~mTf~¥~,~Sys~tern 0r,~;:commercial ~tetephone eor the City of Boyntori; 'th~ d~inarcati~fi Shall be:. t~e. microrave. ~;~io equipment at the Boynton Site. 2003 As basis for software. Total l~low $~0i500 10~ $25;1100 10% $5o;~ 30% ~he Ambassador .~ of $15,000 a time and rnateri~ls a~ not th~ ~milt of a failure of the , microwav~ system' Or!related subsystems or Page 5 of 17 Amendment #1 to Interlocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page 5 of 17 5 5.012 The COUNTY shall inform the COOPERATIVE of any adjustments to the maintenance and administration costs each year during the month of March. The COOPERATIVE shall pay the maintenance and adminiskration fees as a cheek payable m the B~ard-of COUNTY Commigsioners~ 'l~he COUNTY, shall invoice for payment m October and payment shall be due November 30th. Each year the coUNTY sha~l re-calculate the fees provided in thi~greement. The new calculation shall consider increases to the number of active talk groups and annual maintenance and adm/nistration costs. software the COOPERATIVE :enewals sb~ll be provided thereafter authority to connect ~o and utilize the r l~etween the The allow the the The r which the Th~ ~o generate ca~l~ activity reports, faulty as well aa sub, scriber umts established 5.04 The COUNTY shall occur acceptance testing)i Page 6 0f,'l?. Amendment#1 to Interlocal Agreement (Resolution, 2000-0838), ' to notify the COOPERATIVE a m/nimum of seventy- of the SmartZone Controller's capabilities. all scheduled interruptions of SmartZone than ninety minutes. All scheduled~ interruptions of service ~m. and 6:00 a~m. whenever_ possible (with the exception of Page 6 of 17 6 The COOPERATIVE shall have access through their SmartZone Manager Terminal to receive Alerts and Alarms for the SmartZone Controller as well as the infrastructure equipment for their individual communications systems. : h~.?00~.I~.E, s~.a!~,,, ~e r~sp~3~bJ~ for !naint~kng the ~.eftt/ipmen~ components that rnake~:p t~..~Q;OPERATIVE~:Sysi~ ~d,~e a~,odia~ed equipmen~ li~a:d t~ in~r~c~e w~th the COUNTY's $~i~m; .... . . ~ · a~e automatically interlocal a~greeme~ iS ~eC~ted by the CO~N~' an~l the Cities. ~ ~re identified in ha,, Amendment #1 to Interlocal!Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) COUNTY avoid costs ; Site in excess Page 7 of 17 SECTION 8: COUNTY's Obligations to COOPERATIVE's System Nothingdn this Agreement shall represent a commitment by the COUNTY, or shall be construed as intent by Ihe COUNTY, to fund any pomion of the COOPERATIVE'a System. 8.0~. - Ni~c~ hing .in th~ Agreement shall represent a commitment by the COUNTY, or shalI be constrded as intent by the COUNTY, to fund any portion of the COOPERATIVE's System. 8.02 After system acceptance and warranty expiration, the COUNTY shall provide a response .b~f a quali~ie~ technician, to .all failures, of SmartZone ~[unctionality that impact the Ol~.ratmn ~ an3~.::o~ th~e..C~0PEp,~TIVE ~ radio ystems W~thm t~o hours of being, notified of suck fa/lure. The .~0,UNT~f~shall,take all possible actions to restore Sm~e functionality to full operation without delay. Motorola Shall provide repair and maintenance services per the COOPERATIVE's~ cqntract prior, to acceptance of ~he system by the COUNTX. Motorola shall als0-se~wice the SmartZone Controller according to the COUNTY's contract during the warranty period, be continuous access to,~ the Smart;Zone After hours access shah trouble reporting procedure established for the system. SECTION, it: Frequencies ~ The Parties a~ree that the frequencies held by the COUNTY and the frequencies held by the shall be implemented and used a~ the SOle discretion SECTION ~0: Liability their respective officers and employees,, shall not be ~ acts~ omissions and negli§enc~ of the dth¢~ party. be construed as a waiver of ssver sn imm~ by either party, pursuant Florids Statutes. - SECTION 11: Term. of A~reement A~reement sk~fll be for a period of five (5) years from execution. The be renewed for a period of three (3) years upon written modification by all Parties; Should the a~-ement not be renewed at any time in the future, the provisions of the termination clause shall apply. SECTION 1~: Amendments to this A~eement 12.0k This Agreement may be amended from time to time by written amegdment by all Parties. Amendment #1 to lntedocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page 8 of 17 12.02 In the £uture, if the COUNTY enters into an agreement{s} with other om~.m,.c,~.,.P.alities which terms are ~ore favorable than those, cont ~ained in, this Agreement, the ,~-~u~i~'~ agrees, to:[;~ei~d'? t-/iS, agre.e.mentj 5by: writteii~:b_me~ndment exedui~a, bf tlie, ~OUN'[~Y Administrator or h~s de.,,s~gnee, the D~rector of Facilities Deve!apment & Op,eTations to match ~he mpre favorable. 'i~his provision does not,-apply to Sections: 3191 4 0 l, 4 02 5 032 and 7 of th'i~ A~ement. - : SECTION 13: Te~rm~natlon the before services ~ursum-~t ~to this oard of COUNTY Amendment #1, to Intedocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page 9 of 17 SECTION 16: Notices Any notice given pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be inwriting and done by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. The effective date Of such notice shall be the date of receipt, as evi_d_enced by the Return Receipt. All notices shall be addressed to the following: As to the COUNTY: Director. Facilities Development & Operations 3323 Belvedere Road, Building 503 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 With copy to: Director of Communications Division 3323 Belvedere Road, Building 506 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 COUNTY Attorney's Office 301 Nortk olive ~ve, Suite 601 West Pahn Beach, Fiorida 33402 As to Boca Raton: City Manager City of Boca Raton 201 W. palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton, F1 33432 With copy to: Chief of Police City of Boca Raton 100 KW Boca Raton Blvd Boca Raton, Fl. 33432 As to Delray Beach: City Manager City of Delray Beach 100 NW First Ave. Deiray Beach, FL 33444 With copy to: Chief of Police City of Deiray Beach 300 W. Atlantic Ave Deiray Beach, Fl. 33444 Amendment #1 to Interlocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page 10 of 17 As to Boynton Beach: Ci~ Manager . ~0.0 E~ Boynto~ Beach Blvd; Boyn~on:~ac~, Fi 33435 Wi~ copy ~o: Chie~ of Police ~Ci~,o(Bo~mn ~ach 100 E; Boynton Be~ Blvd. Fl brought bear its own costs SECTION I8: Filtr g by the laws of the State of Florida. In any litigation ; the terms of this Agreement, each party shall incurred in connection therewith. A copy ofthis Agreement shall be fried by Palm Beach COUNTY with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach COUNTY, SECTION 19: Delegation of Duty Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to authorize the delegation of the Constitutional or Statutory duties of any party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first written above. Amendment #1 to Intertocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) - Page 11 Of 17 ATTEST: 'DOROTHY H. WILKEN, Clerk PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: BY: Legal Sufficiency: Chair COUNTY Attorney Remainder of page left blank. Amendment #1 to Intedocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page 12 of 17 CITY OF Boca Raton, Clerk CITY OF Boca Raton, BY ITS CITY COUNCIL BY:~ ~ BY: Legal Sufficiency: Mayor City Attorney Remainder of page left blank. Amendment #1 to Interlocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page 13 of 17 CITY OF Delray Beach, Clerk BY: Legal Sufficiency: CITY OF Delray Beach, BY ITS CITY COMMISSIONERS BY: Mayor City Attorney Remainder of page left blank, Amendment #1 to Interlocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page 14 of 17 CITY OF Boynton Beach, Clerk CITY OF Boynton Beach, BY ITS CITY COMMISSIONERS BY: -. Legal Sufficiency: BY: Mayor City Attorney Remainder of page left blank. Amendment #1 to Interlocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838) Page 16 of 17 Attachment A System Capacity Forecast Re-evaluation In order to impl .e~nent Section 6 of the Agreement, the COUNTY agrees to the following. Two (2) yeax$ after I-mai acc~eptgnce of the System/md .complete migrafion,of. PBSO to the system and every ~hre~ (3) years thereaft6r, the forecast of System capacity will be re'evaluated. The re-~Valuation ~ entail~ the substitutibn o factual Sysiem use data for System use assumptions used'to d~ [ty. The re-evaluation ~ be done by performing an:Erlang study based ; c actual unit quantifies and, revised unit q~antity growth for the The System u~ aaSumptiOns'used to de~erihine the original sy~stem capacity projections are System Bu/Mrout: 2013 NUmber of~Voice ~annels: 27 (See note below) Calculation Model:; Erlang-C Call ~. Seconds/Units: 3.778 ~econds Unit: 1.7036 call-seconds ~econds Agency Parameters: seconds each Channel in Use: 53.2% Law Enforcement Fire-Rescue/EMS Gen. Govern. Tor~l Unit Quantity by 2013 Peak Erlang by 2013 3412 -1405 2278 7095 6.91 2.84 4.61 14.36 Note: Implementation of two additional channels capable of COUNTYwide coverage is required ~o meet the operational minimums for the full 15 year system Iife cycle. To determine the availability of system capacity to support city-COUNTY talk groups, the above assumptions will be compare with actual use data and the assumptions will be adjusted accordingly for law enforcement. Using the adjusted parameters an Erlang-C study shall be performed to determine capacity usage. In the event that the re-evaluation indicates that overall law enforcement usage is less than that computed by the assumptions {including the projected growth in number of COUNTY law enforcement radios and the actual use for those projected radios), the COUNTY will re-direct that law enforcemen~ capacity d/fference to allow for certa/n talk ~roups to have the roaming feature activated. Municipalities proposing roaming talk groups shall provide Erlang study data to demonstrate the identified available capacity can support the call traffic from the proposed city-COUNTY talk Stoups. To ensure comparable Erlang study results, municipal studies shah be based on the same methods and calculation model as used for the COUNTY's study. Amendment ~ to Interlocal Agreement (Resolution 2000-0838)' ' Page 16 of 17 The number of specific city-COUNTY talk group to use the roaming feature will be based on an evaluation of all city-COUNTY talk groups capacity needs for each talk group, the capacity available, the number of radios With access to the talk,group, the risk/stress involved in activities using each talk group and any monitoring [eqtlirement~s, Ail cities ~ th~COUNTY will be ~ble to particip~te in ~e~de~tificat/ort o~ ½aw ~eoforc ~eq~ ~ent city- COUNTY 'tatk- gro!apa fdr conqk!eratxon.t? go, t~ ~tem, rWi~e [,o~m~ ing~ T~e acknowledges ~h~t,amM C~!S~c~t~hi~ ~y ~e r~-a~[.g~, e~ t9 ~ ~n)~),e, ~ci~yz~Q~N~ ~ groups with the ~Oanthig feat~ird iSf a~ai~ ~bl~e ~all Citids 'in'theCOUNFl'Y'ndt ionI~( those in ~vhich the COOPERi~TIVE rout~nely~ As t a The h:southubagr Amendment #1 to Intedocal Agreement (Resolution 2000~0838) Page 17 of 17 Requested City cornrmssion [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] De~ember 19. 2000 [] January 2, 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Decmnber 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] January 16, 2001 [] Febmary 6~ 2001 [] Febma~ 20, 2001 [] March 6, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA TTEH C.4. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.rm) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.1 February 21, 2001 (5;00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development plane [] Consent Agenda [] New Businesa [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Anuounc~men~ [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Approve resolution to utilize Palm Beach County EMS grant funds in accordance with all policies and procedures as outlined in the grant application. EXPLANATION: The Fire Rescue Department has been awarded $S6,592.00 in EMS grant funding. A requirement for receipt of these funds includes a formal resolution indicating that the funds will be spend in accordance with all applicable grant rules and regulations. PROGRAM IMPACT: These funds will be used to purchase 17 Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) and 6 cardon dioxide monitors. The AEDs will be placed in all fire staff vehicles, the h'brary, senior center and several police cars. FISCAL IMPACT: Failure to approve the resolution will cause the funding to be withdrawn. ALTERNATIVES: P~,teVhase~he equipment utilizing city funds or cancel the projects. Department Head's Signature V dity Manage~ s Signature Deparunent Name " ' City Attom~(~i~tce / Human Resources S:~BULLETI2q~FORMSXAOENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Fire Department Memorandum 00-074 To: From: Date: Re: RoseMarie Lamanna Deputy Ch/ef J. November 29, 2000 Resolution Request Attached is a copy of our formal notification of two EMS grant awards from the Palm Beach County Division of EMS. The grant awards totaled $77,592.00. Included in these awards was a s' ~c~. ln..~ ~g.,lXm~ Wltl I~e used to purc..l.?.e !7 Automatic External Defibrillators and IX careen moxKle momiors tot use on our paramedic vehicles. As a p.art of our approval.for the county EMS grant award funds, a resolution from the city's govern. ,n.~g, b. odyl..m, ust.bemcluded. This resolution (see attached COpy) states that any gra~t awara van oe u~ili~ed to % and and/or ' " · · -. xp unprove a system s EMS service. Please asmst me m getting this resOlutiongn thc next agenda for-approval; Your assistance is appreciatec[ Count'~ Admt~lsu-azor Robert we/smart November 27. 2000 Deputy Eke Chief/ames'Ness Boymon Beach Fire Rescue i ~9 E. Bo~nton B~ach Bl~d. Bo.vnton Beach, F:L 33435 Dear Deputy Chief Ness: Re: Grant C0050 The P~ Beach Count}' Office of EMS has approved $25,647.00; $30,945,00; andxollover ot?$21,000 in FY 2000 EMS grant funds for your agency from thestate of Florida EMS County Grant Award Program. Prior to .any expe. nditures, .our agency requires a resolution and a letter of confm~/fion fr~m your agency's admirfistrator concun'ing with the amoun~ ofthe:a6,'ari:L activi~ and exPenditure plans, and assurance that your agency wdlcoml~lyvathstate an county grantrequiremen~iueludingreporting. In addition, any proposed changes require approval fi:om our office prior to an>' expenditures, ovreimbursement cannot be guaranteed. Enclosed is your agency's grant activity and expenditure plan. Ail reimbursement requests are due by Friday, September 28, 2001. After this date, w~ .~11 not guarantee reimbursement. The earlier we receive your reques~ the earlier we can reimburse your agency. If you have any questions, please call me at 712-6480. Last year's EMS Grant activities went ~,e~ well, thank YOu for your cooperation. ttobe '~tl~'t~fiel& EM~ianager Div. of Emergency Management .~nc. RESOLUTION NO, RO 00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CitY CITY THE PALM BEACH SERVICE- GRANT V'CONSENT'AGENDA lrTEM C,4. WHEREAS, the Legislature has provided for a program that makes funds WHEREAS; the PalmBeach Cou~.nty.Em~ency Medical Services Division has made these grant funds available [or the improvement and/or expansion of Emergency Medical ServiceS. Systems; and WHEREAS, theCity Commission upen recommendation of; staff, recognizes that these funds'canand;willibe used to expand-and/or improve t~e City's current EMS System,~ by providing SEVENTEEN (17)Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) and six.~(6) cad3on dioxide monitors to place in, all fire staff vehicles, the library, senior center and several police care. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYN~N BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor.and City Clerk to accept and execute the Grant, from the Palm Beach County Emergency Medical Services in the amount of $56,592.00. A copy of the agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A." Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED ~this ATTEST: City Clerk day of December, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Requested City Commission Meetinff Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] Januar3 2 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH- ITEMC.5. AGENDA, ITEM QUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission in to City Clerk's Office Meetina Dates November9, 2000 [5:00 p.m.) [] lanuar~ 16, 2001 November22.2000 (5:0Cp.rn.) [] February6.2001 Decernl~er 6, 2000 (5:00 p.mo [] February 20. 2001 2000 (5:00 p.m.) [] M~ch 6. 2001 Dec~mber 2O, Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3. 200I (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February21. 2001 (5:00 p.rn.~ NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Florida Department of Health Contract with the City of Boynton Beach to receive Grant Funds from Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant for the fluoridation equipment to be installed at the East and West Water Treatment Plants. The City is approved to receive $248,000.00 in gran! money pending execution of three (3) required documents. Upon approval, the Mayor must sign: 1. Letter to Dr. Harry Davis, D.D.S. 2. Certification of Debarment 3. Two original Contracts with State of Florida, Department of Health, accepting a one-time payment of $248,000.00 to purchase, install and maintain fluoride equipment. EXPLANATION: On November 8, 2000, the Commission approved the contract for the installation of fluoride feed systems at both water treatment plants with Marine Engineering for $279,500.00. A grant is available from the State for $248,000,00 for this project. The Contract must be signed by the Mayor to receive this grant. PROGRAM IMPACT: None FISCAL IMPACT: Reimburses $248,000.00 to the Utility General Reserve Account #403-5000-590-96.02 (WTR094). Funds are expected to he disbursed in February 2001. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Not accept grant and continue construction, 2. Discontinue construction. S:~B ULLETII~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM D?artment HeM's Signature Deparnnent Name Utilities Deparmaem Manager's Signature City Att0me~'ffi~'~ance/Human Resources Dale Sugerman Bill Atkins John Guidry Bob Kenyon Barb Conboy Jim Cherof S 5BULLETIN~ORMSLa. GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION NO. R 00o A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ACCEPT AND EXECUTE THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH GRANT. IN THE AMOUNT OF $248~00.00. PROVIDING FOR REIMBURSEMENT/N SAID AMOUNT TO THE UTILITY GENERAL RESERVE ACCOUNT FOR THE FLUORIDATION EQUIPMENT TO B AND WEST WATER DRIZING THE MAYOR TO )OCUMENTATION DATE. AND PROVI DING AN EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department applied for and has been awarded a grant from the State of Flodda, Department of Health in the amount of $248,000.00, which will provide for reimbursement to the Utility General Reserve account for fluoridation equipment to be installed at the east and west water treatment plants, and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to accept and execute the grant in the amount of $248,000.00, which will provide for reimbursement to the Utility General Reserve account for fluoridation equipment to be installed at the east and west water treatment plants. ^ copy of the agreement and other documentation is attached hereto as composite Exhibit "A." Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTEDthis day of December 2000, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Maybr Commissioner ATTEST: Commissioner City Clerk /eb Bush Robert G. Brooks. M.D. Secretar~ Bob Kenyon Utilities Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach FL 33425 Dear Mr. Kenyon: November 29. 2000 Enclosed are the following documents: a memo of negotiation, a certification regarding debarment and two orig na contracts regarding payment for the fluoridation equipment for the city of Boynton Beach. The memo of negotiation needs to be signed and dated by you. The certification regarding debarment needs to be signed and dated by Mr Broening. The two original contracts need to be signed and dated by Mr. Broening on page 4 under provider and on page 14 (certification regarding lobbying). Aisc enclosed, is a sample letter of request for payment, which needs to be typed on your city letterhead and then signed and dated by Mr. Broening. Please send the memo of negotiation, debarment form contracts and letter of request for payment (al with original signatures) immediately back to me. We (the department) will sign them and proceSS the request for payment through Central Finance. I will send you one cont,-act with original signatures and the department will keep one. You should receive your check within six to eight weeks after we have received the signed contract from you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Rhoda A. Lawrence. RDH Fluoridation Project Coordinator Public Health Dental Program (850) 245-4333 Enclosures 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #A-14. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1724 The Ci-'--- o' Bo__ nton Beach OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY MANAGER I OO E. BoFnton l~each Bou~vcn. d F~: (56~) 742~0Zl December 5, 2000 Dr. Harry W. Davis, D.D.S. Department of Health Dental Executive Director pUblic Health Dental Program 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin #A-14 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1724 Contract No: COI-IV4 Amount: $248,000.00 Dear Dr. Davis: In reference to contract COHV4, the City of Boynton Beach requests funding in the amount of $248,000.00 from the Florida Fluoridation Grant administered by the Department of Health. These funds will be used to fluoridateour community water supply. We agree to comply with the conditions of the State of Florida, Department of Health, other Governmental Agencies Contract #COHV4. We are aware that the grant program is based upon the availability of funds under this or any duly authorized successor grant; and that the Public Health Dental Program has no funding obligation if the grant ends without a successor grant. Sincerely, Gerald Broening, Mayor, City of Boynton Beach 59-6000282 Federal I.D. Number Memorandum of Negotiation Contract # COHV4 The amount of the contract was discussed and confirmed on 9/19/00 in a telephone conversation with: Name: Position Bob Kenyon Utilities Director Representing: the City of Boynton Beach. and Name: Rhoda Lawrence Position: Fluoridation Project Coordinator Representing the Department of Health, for the purpose of negotiating a contract for the following services: Fluoridation equipment and installation for water system Contract terms and conditions were reviewed: [] Outcome measures were reviewed: [] Provide; Representative Date: ~ Jo~/"~ /0~' I I Department Representative CERTIFICATION REGARDINR DEBARMENT~ SUSPENSlON~ INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION CONTRACTS ~SUBCONTRACTR This certification is required by the ~guJati0ns implementing Executive Qrder 12549 Debarment and Suspension s ghed February 18 1986. The guideiine~ were pub shed in the May 29. 1987 Federal Register (52 Fed. Rog., pages 20360-20369~. INSTRUCTIONS Each provider whose contract/subcontract equals or exceeds $25 000 in federa mort es must ~ign this certifi~atiOn'prior ~o ex~u~ion 0f ea0h contract/subcontract. Add tionally providers who audt federal cr0g¢ams must also sign, regardless of the contract amount. DOH cannot contract with these typ~s Of providers f they are debarrec or suspenaed .by the feaeral government. This ¢ertjflcetiqn is a material representation of fact upon.wh ch reliance is placed when this C0ntract]s~bcontrabt is en~te~-ed into. if it s later detei'm ned that the sigoer knowingly ~ns~ed an' ei~o~eous certi:iic~_iiO'n, (h~ Federal Gcvernr~ent may pursue aVaiiabla oeme~i~$; inc ~d i'ig suspension and/sr debarmer~t. The provider shall prov de mmediate written notice to the contract manager at any time the provider, learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed clmumstances. The terms "debarred". "suspended", 'inelig b e", 'person", "principal", and 'voluntarily excluded", as used in this certification, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and CoveCag®,secti0ns of rules implementing Executive Order 12549: You may contact the contract manager for assistan~:e in obtaining a copy of those regulations. T ~ he p(ovjder agrees by submtt ng th s cert ficat on that t sha not know ng y enter nto any sqbcontract w~th: a person who ~s debarred suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntariiy-~xcluded:frOm participation in this contract/subcontract unless authorized by the EederallGovernment The provider further agrees by submitting this certification that it will require each subc0h~raci0r df this contract/subc0ntrac~, whose payment will equal or exceed $25 D00 in federal monies, to submit a signed copy of'this certificetion. ~ The Department o¢ Health may rely upon a certification of a provider that it is not debar?~;d, ~'aSpend~d, iheligibl~ or'voluntarily excluded from cbntracting/subcontracting unless it knows (hat'~he certification is erroneous. (1) This signed, certification must be kept inthe contract manager's file. Subc0ntractor's certifications mU~St be kept at the contractor'S bus ness oca~ on CERTIFICATION The prospective provider certifies. Dy signing this certification, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible. or voluntarily excluded from participation in this contract/subcontract by any federal department or agency. (2) Where the prospective provider is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification., such prospect ve ~rovider sha attach an exp anat oh to th s cert ficat on. Signature Name Gerald Boening WD7/1/99 Title Date Mayor, City of Boynton Beach 3/1/99 CFDA No. 93.991 Client ]'~Non-Client [] Grants aad Aids YES Multi-Count7 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STANDARD CONTRACT THiS CONTRACT is entered into between the State of Florida. Department of Health. h6reinaffer referred to as the oepartme~t, aha CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH hereinaft6r referred to as the provider: THE PARTIES AGREE: · THE PROVIDER AGREES: A. TO provide se~icee in accordance witfl the~cond~ons specified in Atfachment I. B. Requirements of §287.058; Florida StatuEE (Fa) To provide units of delivergb[es, i0cMding reP0r~, flpd rigs. and d~ffs as, specified in Attachment I, to 3e received and accepted by th~ contract manager priQ~ to paymenL To ~0mply~with the Criteria and final da~e by which such cr~t, eria must be met fer completion of this contract as specified in S~ction lit; Paragraph thi~ s0ntra~t.?o s,Uti{nfit~ilis~for .~$ of other ~;;~mpe~Sation fo[ ,s~?.b~!~es~ or ~es in ~suffic:ient deta t for a ProPer ~re-aud~ ~rgl po~t-aGdit 'd~-~reof: :Wh~e applicable, to submit ~b~l~ fer~an~( travel 6Zpen~ in e~anna W~t h §1~12~06'[. FS. The department may, if specified in~Attacfl ~ment I( ~s~sh rates lower t~an the maximum provided in §~ 12.061, ES~ To altow pHblic access to a# dOcurnen~ts, papers, letters, or other materials,subject to the previsions of Chapter 119, FS. made or~[eCeived'bythe provider in co~junction with this.centmct.~lt is expressly understood that the provide~'s refusal,to cemplitrWith this prQvisinn shall constitute an immediate breac~ of contract. Law that it provide many providers :omply with the pro~isions of 45 CFR. Part 74. and/or 45 CFR. Part 92. and other applicable are il consider empioyment of unauthorized aliens a violation of §~274A(e) of the rmmigration and unilateral cancellatiori of this:centract by the department. ' 6. 7. ;To To ~ retevi~, the ~ ~.ex~i duplication at~thodzed by the i~Ude ~ese aforementioned audit and record keeping requirements in all approved subconb'acis aru:i assignments. ,~.g ~'tae ~t ..... ~!~9~ ~t~ de¢a..¢a?~nt to insist anY recor~s,~pa~, documents, facilities, .a~o.r ,good~ an~ se~ of the provider. WhlCin ~anr~ nd~r m~l~ any :citente and. employees of tbe~pro~er to assure the department ,of satisfactoqt pedermance, of the terms a d bti~i,a~.*.ch ~a~afion ,the dep~rtment Witl.delk'er to the pmvide~' a ~altten. ~ of its ~dir~.s and _will .include ,_wriSt. eh ~ 0~ p~eCs performance o~ the terms and cond?ns of this co~.~ provid~ w~it ~ al n.ot~., d efic~e n ? s.,id ent_'~?, by, [~ ~iO ~b~.:g~ed'.pe~od. of time set forth ,n the .rec~..mn~d_. at?ne..'rhe p~der'~ ~lur~ t~ co~m~ct no. te~i defi~en .c~e~_ m~y, at. m_e sole an?. ~O~f!~ ~d. egs`~e, ot, ~ltin ~ar~ one or any combination of t~e ~llo~.n~: (1) the provider being d~emed ~n breach or default of th= contract; (2) lbl~.~t' paymgi'it~ to the pn3Vider by the d~paeallent;, and (3) the termination of th~s contract fur nauna~ DH STDCT ~ 7/'Jl99 *l CONTRACT # COl-IV4 F. Inden~nifiea~ion NOTE: Paragraph I:F,1. and LF.2. are not applicable to conb'acts executed between state agencies or subdMs ons as defined n §768.28, FS 1. The provider shalj be liable for and shall indemnify, defend, and h01d harm[ess the department and all of ~ officem, agents, add employees from all claims, SuEs, judgments, Or damages, COnsequential or otherwise and including att0meys' fees and costs ads rig out of any act actions neglect Or Omissions by the provider, its agents, or employees dudng the performance Or operation Of this contract or any subsequent modifications thereof, whether direct or indirect, and whether tO any person or tangible or intangible Property.; ,: 2. The provider's inability to evaluate lability or ts eva!uat on o(liab I~ sh~!i not excuse the pmvider's duty to defend and indemni;~ with n seven (7) days after sU~ nOfice 15Y ff~e d~P~e~t ~ given ~y cer~fied m'ail~ Qnlx adj~[caffq~ ~r ~l~!:~f{~ b ghefit a~ai iS 6xhaus~ SPenificat y finaihg the ~[o~ ~er not at en:enci its ;e~ ment5 thede p enrs fa um 0 ~ tfi~ pra~de~ of a cia m shall ~ot release the prov der of t~e above duty to defend Top any thed L 2. N. Note: 5) "a' more DH STDCT WT 7/1/9g 2 CONTRACT # COl-t-V4 ~/1/99 O, Independent Capacity of t~e Contractor Except wh?m the pm~:t~' is a state age~, ~e prov?,~its officers, agents, em..~. ~_~, s~, o~ aSagnees, in ~n~ ~ ~ ~, s~, a~ ,n~ 5, Unless jusfif~l, by t~e ~ and ag[e~l: t~ bY ~he depa.[~e~t in Attac~ent I, the ~ent ~ill not furnish ~ Of support (e.g.~ office space, office supplies, tetephonesen~ice, seaeta~ial, or cledcal support) to the provider, or its subcon~r or assignee. 6 Ail deductJon~ for. social security,.wi~hoid!ng ta~es, ,in,cor t~ ~ taxes, co~fibu~oos,to unemplo~ent ~o~pensat~o~ f~nds, and all ~ce~sa~ insurance for the provider. P. Sponsomhi~- Flodda. D~arbT~'~t 0~ Hea/th. If the sponsorship reference is i~ written mat~al, t~e words State of Florida. Deoarb?~nt of Healt~ Q. Final Invoice :ost and $248.000.00 , ~jec~ to 1he availab~ of fuods. ~ts of se~ms paid under unless the bicl s~, Pun:base Order, or ~is or other hea~ cam senses, if payment is not available wi~i~ 40 ~ be conta~ed at (850) 48~2924 or (800): 8483792 ~ State of ii DH STDCT WT71~199 3 CONTRACT# co[-rv'4 3/1/99 s found to DAT~:~ DH STDCT WT 711/~9 4 CONTRACT # C0}'[~4 · FLUORIDATION SYSTEM!INSTALLATION ' .~- PUBUC' HEALTH DENTAL PROGRAM ATTACHMENT ri Services to be Provided - Generai'Description. 1. General Statement. The provider will use the funds from the contract to purchase, install, and maintain the equipment to fluoridate the. commur~ity'~ water system and will monitor the level.of fluoride to ensure ;it is in the optimal range as spe~f'led in the Florida AdministratiVe code,' chapter 62-555. The prOvider agrees to use the equipment for fluoridation purposes 0nly, and to cont nue to fluoridate after contract funds.are expended. : 2. Authority. Chapter 381.0052, Florida Statutes, and Specific ApprOpriations 484. the purposes only. equipment in 4. Major Program ?oals, The ma~r. FluOridation Program Goal !s to increase the percentage of the Florida population on coM~ ~:'~n~t ~ter s y...., yStems ben. g~, .: served, by po timat y fluoridated. Water to 75% I~y 2010. Additier~al!y, the,~program has a goal to effectively monitor the fluoride levels, and provide techni~l~ ~ss stahce to all fluoridating communit~ water systems in Florida maintaining at least 95% compliance with optimal levels. B. MethOd of Payment. 1. Thisis a one time advance fixed price fixed fee contract. The Department shall make a onetime advance .payment for liable eXpenses incurred purSuant to terms of the contract for a total .dollar amount not to exceed $ 248,000.00 (per Attachment Ill), subject to the availability of funds. 2. A letter of request for payment for the total contract amount of $ 248,000.00 will be submitte,d to the department and shall be received and approved by the contract manager pdor tO paymenti The advance payment will be based on .an approved cost-estimate (Attachment III). Funds paid to the provider according to the terms of this contract must be spent by,the provider as detailed in Attachment 111. 3. The provider must maintain on file backup documentation needed for specific charges recurred ~under this contract. Allowable expenditures under this contract are limited to the following items Wh ch are listed in Attachment I1: all or a portion of the designing engineer's fee, co~t of pumhase and installation of fluoridation equipment, cost of s~fety and testing equipment and cost of one year fluoride supply. 4. The provide~ must submit a final reconciliation report to the department no more than 45 days aftei~ the contract ends or is terminated. Any funds awarded by this contract that remain unspent shall be applied to the second year chemical costs. Any funds remaining after second year chemical costs have been paid will be retumed to the department. C. Special Provisions. 1. The contract award will be based on the amount of the approved cost estimate (Attachment III). 2. Engineering fees to design the system shall not ex~eed 15% of total equipment costs 3. Equipment should be purchased, installed and operating within one ~ that the contract of t based on ! year's cost. end ca[catated 6. funds are the interest earned remaining after second department. If funds are not invested in an:interest beadng account, a statement to that effect Will be provided with the final reconciliation report referred tb above Funds t if the ~ 9. Both the 10. Discriminatory Vendor List. No travel expenses may be incurred under this contract COntract funds shall be vested with with the I it is informed of the prowsions of Pro~ision~ d° not prOhibit nder. End of Text ATTACHMENT I! FINANCIA~ L AND COMPLIANCE AUDIT This attachment is applicable if the provid~e~ iS~any state or IQcai government entity, nonprofit organization, or for profit organization An audit perfolr~ed by theAudito~ General shall satisfy the r~quirements of this attachment. If the pr0vjde~ does ~ot '~eet a~y of ~h~ reqaimi~ents Be!ow, no aud t is required by the attachment. The administration of funds a'~arded by th.e DePartme~ of Health to the provider may be subject to audits and monitoring by the-depa~ment, as described in this section. MON~ORING In addition to reviews of "AUDITS" below), monitoring of Health staff, with OMB Circular A-133, as revised (see but not be limited to, on-site visits by Department and other procedures. monitoring that any additional The ~ and or audits AUDITS PART I: FEDERALLY FUNDED This part is applicable if the provider is a state or Iocal~govemment or a non-profit organization as defined in OMB Circular A-133. as revised. ~ the event that the its fiscal year, the provider OMB Circular A-133, year, department. The aCcordance with the guidelines ~rovider conducted by 133. as revised, will meet the 000 or more in Federal awards in aggregate during i conducted in accordance with the provisions of this attachment indicates ~Federal funds awarded the Federal awards expended in its fiscal including Federal funds from the Federal awards expended should be in , as revised. An audit of the provisions of OMB Cimular A- part. In connection wilt the audit ~equirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1.. the provider shall furl the requirements reative to auditee responsb tes as provded n Subpart C of OMB C~rcular A-133, as rewsed, This ~cludes, buttes not hm~ted to, preparation of financ~a! statements, a schedule Of expend tures of Federa awards,,a summary schedule of prior audit findings, and a corrective action plan. · Such audits shall cover the enti~ organizati=n for the organization's fiscal year. Compliance findings related to contracts with!.the; ~e ~Pa~rtrp~ f~nt shall be based on the contract requirements, including any rules, regulations, or statutes referenced in the contract. The financial statements shall disclose whether or not the matching requirement was met for each appllcab e contract. A questioned costs and liabilities due to the department shall .be fully disclosed in the audit report with reference to the department contract involved 7 4. If not otherwise disclosed as required by Section .310(b)(2) of OMB Circular A-133. as revised. the schedule of expenditures of Federal awards shall identify expenditures by contract number for each contract with the department in effect during the audit period 5. If the provider expends "less than $300,000~ n Federai 'awards in its fisca year an audt conduc;~ed n acco~:d~ance with the provisions of OMB C rcular A-t33~ as ~ev sed $ not re u red I1~ the e~entlthat the provl,cie, r ~peq~!es~s than.<$30~,0~)0jm Eederal awards inits fisca year and ele~tst0 hav~ ap audit cq. nd.uc/~ ~n~fda~Wi~ th~'pmvi~ obs'o~ OMB C~imular:~-133, as revi~sed, the Cost of the a~udit'~0~[ §'e pa d fr0m; non~Fedefa, fun.d.s; (,.~. the,cost 0f such audit mu~t'b~p~Jd fr0m'~l~e pro~id~i- ~h~l~s ;o~t~i~ed frd~ ~t~erlt~n,Fed~ai' ~tities.~ · PART I1! ST~EFUNDED This part is appl cable if the prov der s a nonsta~e eot ~y as ~§qed~ by Section 216~3491(2)( ) F odds Statutes. - ' ~'~ · ' ' ~' ' ' ' received by shall be excluded from provider shall Florida in he nd elects to t must be 320 (d), The Federal Audit Cleadr~ghouse;d~s~..fi.~.~a~i~.~Ci[cuar,A,133 as revsed the number of: cop,es requ red by Sec~,or~.~!~l~ {2~iC rc~ar A-133 as rev sed shou d be submitted to the Federal Audit ~l~~, ~,llo,.w, ~0g address: - Bureau of the: Cens~; ~ '* ': ~- 1201 East 10 Str~e~ Jeffersonville. IN 47132 B. Other Federal agencies and pass-through entities in accordance with Sections 320 :e) and (f), OMB Circutar A-133. as revise(3. Copies of audit reports for audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and required by Part I of this attachment (in correspondence accompanying the audit report, indicate the date that the provider ~'eceived the audit report); copies 0f tl~e reporting package described in Section .320 (c), OMB Circular A-~133 as-revised, and any management etters issued by the auditor; copies Of reports required by Part II of this attachment must be sent to the department at each of the following addresses: Contract Administration 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN B01 (HAFARM) Tallahassee. Florida 32399-1729 B The contract manager for this contract listed in the Standard Contract. 3. Additionally, copies of repo? and management letters required by Part II of this attachment must be sent to the following address: State of Florida Auditor General Room~ 574, Claude Pepper Building 111 West Madison Street Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1450 Any reports, management letter, attestations, or other information are required to be submitte~ within 180 days of the provider's fiscal year end (or as otherwise allowed by Flodda Statutes) or within 30 days of the pro~ider's receipt of the auditor's report, whichever occurs first. Other submissions, shoul¢ be timely in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 or Florida Statutes. as applicable. PART IV: RECORD RETENTION The provider shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this contract for a pedod of five years from the date the audit report is issued or until resolution of audit findings or litigation related to the terms and conditions of the this contract and shall allow the Department of Health or its designee, access to such records upon request. The provider shall ensure that audit working papers ara made available to the department upon request for a pedod of five years from th~ date the audit report is issued unless extending in writing by the department. EXHISIT - 1 FOLLOWING; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ,CFDA NO ~93~ ~99:1 preventive Health and He~,~lth Serv cos Block ~,r~lt' , r : ~ ~' Centers for DiseaSe C~ntml~and Pre~eliti(~n~}GE~N~. ~93~9~[5; ~ Water Ftuor~ation Ass~tari~; ~rogra~ TOTAL FEDERAL AWARDS $148,000 $100,000 COMPMANCEREQUIREMEN~TS APPLICABLE TO THE FEDERAL FUNDS AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT:AREnAS FOLLOWS: , CFDA No. 93-991: Funds are to be used for fiuoridafion equipment and first year chemical cost for the city of Boynb3n Beach: CFDA No~ 93-945: Funds are to be used for fluoridation equil3ment for the city of Boynton Beach. STATE FUNDS AWARDED TO THE PROVIDER PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: Matching funds for f~leral programs State funds subject to Section 216.3491, Flodda Statutes TOTAL STATE FUNDS AWARDED PURSUANT TO SECTION 216,3491, F.S, $ 0 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPUCABLE TO STATE FUNDS AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT ARE AS FOLLOWS: NA tO CFI2MHILL August 8, 2000 ATTACHMENT II/ Ms. Rhoda Lawrence Coordinator, Florida Fluoridation Project Public Health Dental Program Florida Dep~rtment Of Health 2020 Capital Circle sE Tallahassee, FL 3239%1700 Subject: ,~ity of Boynton Beach Fluoridation Grant Application Dear Ms. I~awrence: CH2M HILL is filing this grant application for Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant funds on behalf of the City of Boynton Beach. The City is requesting grant assistance for the construction and installation of a two fluoridation systems - one at its East and one at the West water t~eatznent facility in the amounts of $139,229 and $132,673, respectively. Enclosed please find a copy of the cost estimate for fluoridation equipment, installation, chemicals, and partial engineering services for each facility. Manufacturers' quotations for the equipment are also'included, Finally, a copy of the Ianum7 2000, motion passed by City Commission approving the addition of fluoride to the City's drinking water is included. If you have any questions regarding this grant application, please contact me at (954) 426- 6112, ext. 283. The City of Boynton Beach is committed to protecting the health of its citizens and is Iooking forward to receiving the Department of Flealth's approval of this application and associated grant funds to assist in this effort. Please make the check for the funds payable to the City of Boynton Beach. Sinc~e~, CH2M HILL Shondra M. Neumeister, P.E. Project Engineer Enclosures c: Mr. Robert Kenyon, City of Boynton Beach Mr. Paul Wobma, CH2M HILL Mr. David McNabb, CH2M HILL 11 COST ESTIMATE July 31. 2000 Fluorida{ on System for C ty of Boynton Beach Plant CaPacity: 9.6 mqd maximum daily flow Average Daily Flow Rate: 8.0 mqd Site: East Water Treatment Plant Natural Fluoride Level: <0.05 mq/L *Equipment: Item Unit Price Metering Pump $1500 2 Anti-Siphon Valves $200 3 $600 Scale (2,500 lb) $4500 1, $4500 Bulk Storage Tank $15000 I $15000 Day Tank $1500 I $1500 Transfer Pump $2800 2 $5600 Containment for bulk storage tank $13000 I $13000 * please include manufacturer's name, model or sedes #, and manufacturer?s quotes for a equ pment and optional equipment sted above, Safety Equipment Item Unit Price Units Total Price Gloves $31 4 $124 Apron $17 2 $34 Boots $63 4 $252 Face shield/mask $40 2 $80 Eyewash $2000 I $2000 Installation Piping, Valves, Fittings Electrical / I&C $39000 $23400 Subtotal Engineering Fee (up to 15% of subtotal) Chemical (fluoride supply for one year based on average MGD flow) Apperson Chemical, 4000 gallon tanker, 0.8 mg/L dose, $1.10/gal $109,590 $16439 $13200 TOTAL $139,229 COST ESTIMATE July 31. 2000 Fluoridation System for: City of Boynton Beach Plant Capacity:.19.2 mqd max mum da y f ow Average Oaily Ftow Rate: 8, 8 mqd Site: West.Water Treatment Plant Natural Fluoride Level: (0105 mq/L *Equipment: Item Unit PHce, . Units Total Price Metering Pump $1500 2 $3000 2 Anti,Siphon Valves $200 2 $400 Scale'S2,500 lb) $4500 1 $4500 Bulk Storage Tank $15000 1 $15000 Day Tank $1500 1 $1500 Transfer Pump $2800 2 $5600 Containment for bulk storage tank $13000 I $13000 * Please include manufacturer's name, model or sedes #, and manufacturer's quotes for all equipment and optional equipment listed above. Safe~ Equipment Item Unit Price Units Total Price Gloves $31 4 $124 Apron $17 2 $34 Boots $63 4 $252 Face shield/mask $40 2 $80 Eyewash $2000 1 $2000 Installation Piping, Valves, Fittings Electrical / I&C $36000 $224OO Subtotal Engineering Fee (up to 15% of subtotal) Chemical (fluoride supply for one year based on average MGD flow) Apperson Chemical, 4000 gallon tanker, 0.8 mg/L dose, $1.10/gal $103,890 $15583 $13200 TOTAL $132,673 t3 ATTACHMENT IV CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING CERTIFICATION FOR CONTRACTS, GRANTS, LOANS AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or, her knowledge and belief, that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or wiil be paid, by o~on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or an employee of any a~ency,-a member of Congress/an df~icer or emplo~/ee 0f Congress. or an employee of a member of Con(: tess in the connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, themakigg of any Federal gr~ant, the making, of any Feder~l:loan;.the entedng intoi(~,any cooperati~ve agreement, and-the eXte~ion~ c0ntinuati0q, rehewal. amendment or, modification of anY.Federal contract, gr. ant;*loan or cooper,atjve agreeme,n~' ....... (2) If any~f~ a Discto~[ ~s other than Federal~a.ppropriated funds have been paid orlwill, be,pait:t to any ~ nfluenc~ng or attempt~g to influence an officer or an emp!~yee 0f~py ', ~?nember..Df Congress~¥ ~ officer or employee of Cong[ess, o? an empl0y~ee of eof Cong~ess in the.:~r~ection with this Federal contract, g~rit,, i~ni0r ~e agreement, the uhd~igned.sha!l completea~d subrni;t ~ar~db~d Fdrm-LLL ~ Fo~rn ~oiReport Lobb~i/Tg, in accordance with its instr~ctiohs. . (3) The sba certify and ngly. : This certificaflb, a,,is a ~matefial repre~n~ti0n of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transacti0~.~made .~r'entered into~ SBl~mission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or~erf[~¢.~pg in~o tML' transactior¢i~posed by §1352, Title 31, U.S. Code, :Any person who fails to file th~i~(eqoired c~t~ fication ~h~i~be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $1Q O00 and not mor~than $100.000 fo~ each','~b~h failure. signature Gerald Broeninq, Mayor name of authorized individual date COHV4 Application or Contract Number City of Boynton Beach name of organization 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd,, Boynton Beach, FI 33425 address of organization JF 12/96 14 Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] November 21, 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December [9. 2000 [] January 2, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEH C.6 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM ... Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.rr~) November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m. December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m./ Requested City Commissmn Meetina Dates [] January I6. 2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] February 20. 2001 [] March 6,2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned tn to Cib Clerk's Office January 3, 200t (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m,~ February 21, 2001 (5:00 p,m,) NATLrRE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal --1 Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMM]gNDATION: Motion to approve the $338,580.00 letter of eredit issued by Comerica Bank for the Bay Vista excavanon/fill permit, EXPLANATION: The Bay Vista project is located along U.S. 1 directly east of S.E. 23ra Ave. The 286 multi-unit rental project consisting of one. two and three bedr0om apartments was approved by the City comrmssion in July, 2000. PROGRAM IMPACT: Chapter 8 of the L.D.R. requires comrmsszon approval of Ge letter of credit prior to perrmt FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal ar*pact on the city for this action. ALTERNAT Dep~j~cment Head's signataze ENGINEERING Department Name ~[2ity Manager's Signature City Attom~ / ~Finance / Human Resources SABULLETIN~ORMS'~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM. DOC TELEX: 3772134 MNB INTL DET SWIFT: MNBD US 33 FAX : (313) 222-9324 COMERICA BANK ONE DETROIT CENTER 500 WOODWARD AV~E/ 24TM FLOOR~ MC 3341 DETROIT, MI 48226-334 l IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 562451-04 BENEFICIARY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425 DATE OFISSUE NOVEMBER 30, 2000 WE HEREBY OPEN OUR~CLEAN IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LEt 'lt:R OF CREDIT NO. 562451-00 IN YOUR FAVOR. FOR ACCOUNT OFALTMAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. 2201 CORPORATE BOULEVARD, N.W., SUITE 200, BOCA RATON, FL 33431 FOR THE SUM OF THREE HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS CUSD$338,580.00) AVAILABLE BY YOUR DRAFT(S) AT SIGHT ON COMERICA BANK, 500 WOODWARD AVEN~UE, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226-3341, WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY: ;,-F~, N~ ,"~. l~ .N_.~_ IG?_ED B~ONE P~.,.03TIN-G T~ BE g ~UTI~ORI~D O~FICIAL OF 'FILE CITY OF ~l~w~xa: Wt:~,,..,X::;~ILP X I~IDUND$ D~WN ERL~ROF CP~O 562~ BY CO~A~ ~ ~E BY ~ASON O~C~Y ~COAS~, LT~S FAIL~ ~MPLETE cam · ~m ~COASTAL. L~: S BAY ~STA PRO.CT ~ BOSTON BEACH FLO~DA, AS SHO~ ON PLANS PREP~D BY SC~A~, DASD OCTOBER 20, 2000 ~ER PROJECT NO. 99150." PARTIAL DRAWINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED. It IS A CONDITION OF THIS LE rrt~R OF CREDIT THAT IT SHALL BE DEEMED AUTOMATICALLY EXTENDED WITHOUT AMENDMENT FOR ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS FROM THE PRESENT OR ANY FUTURE EXPIRATION D_A~ UNLESS AT. LEAST NINETY (90) DAYS PRIOR TO SUCH EXPIRATION DATE YOU ARE NOTIFIED BY gG, ISTE _ ~R~_ D LErrF-,ROF OVE~RN]GHT COURIER SERVICE THAT WE ELECT NOT TO CONSIDER THIS LETTER 0 ~DITRENEWED FOR,ANY SUCH PERIOD. THIS LETrER OF CREDIT IS ENFORCEABLE IN A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDIC'I iON IN PALM BEACH C_OUNT~0 FLORIDArAND !ST0 ~E INTERPRETED BY FLORIDA LAW. THE DESIGNATED AGENT WITHIN THE LS~AT~, OF FLORIDA FOR A'~C~ EPTANCE OF PROCESS ON BEHALF OF COMERICA BANK IS OUR OFFICE TED AT 100 N~E THIR.D AVENUE, SUITE 200, FT. LAUDER. DALE, FLORIDA 33301. ALL DRAFTS DRAWN-UNDER THIS CREDITMUST BE MARKED "DRAWN UNDER COMER/CA BANK'S LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 562451424." THIS ORIGINAL LET[t~R OF CREDIT AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO MUST BE SUBMITTED TO US TOGETHER WITH ANY DRAWINGS HEREUNDER FOR OUR ENDORSEMENT OF ANY PAYMENTS EFFECTED BY US AND/OR FOR CANCELLATION CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) TELEX: 3772134 MNB INTL DET SWIFT: MNBD US 33 FAX : (313) 222-9324 COMERICA BANK ONE DETROIT CENTER 500 WOODWARD AVENUE 24TM FLOOR, MC 3341 DETROIT, MI 48226-3341 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 562451-04 NOVEMBER 30, 2000 PAGE 2. WE ENGAGE WITH YOU THAT EACH DRAFT DRAWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS CREDIT WILL BE DULY HONORED ON DELIVERY OF THE DOCUMENTS AS SPECIFmI~D IF PRESENTED AT THIS oFF~CE LocATED~AT ONE DETROIT:CENTER, 500 WOODWARDA¥~ENUE; 24 FLOOR, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226~3341 ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 3 l, 2001 OR ANY AL~OMATICALLY EXTENDED DATE. ~URS VERy ~ ORiGiN %so'UTZoN NO. R00- A RESOLUTLON OE THE c[-rY COMMISSION OF THE cTrY oF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND ACCEP'FJNG A 562451-04] IN THE AMOUNT OF $338,580.00; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC/1VE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of recommendation of staff, the 562451'-04) from construct on of the Vista. ~ upon of Credit (No. the s Bay amount Flodda hereby No. 562451-04) from Comerica Bank, in the the potable water' and sanitary Section 2. That this Resolution passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this shall ~3ecome effective immediately day of December. 2000. CTI'Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR]DA upon Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Clerk (Corporate Seal) Requested Ciw Comrmsswn Meetin~ Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December i9. 2000 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM QUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned into City Clerk's~ Office November 9,2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Deecml~r 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20.2000 (~:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meet~n~ Dates [] January 16, 2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] Febmary 20, 2001 [] March 6, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM C.7 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office lanuary 3. 2001 (5:00 p,m.) January [7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 200I 5:O0 p.m.i Febraary 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] ComentAgenda [] New Business [] PubllcHearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: A motion to approve a Maintenance Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Boymon Beach and Quantum Comrmmi~ Development District. EXPLANATION: City staff and representatives fi:om Quantum Community Development District have negotiated an agreement for reimbursement of funds to Quantum CDD for work performed or to be performed by Quantum CDD related to the maintenance 0f Gateway Boulevard. This agreement sets out the nature of the work and the manner for payment. Attached to this Memorandum, for review purposes, is the draft agreemem prepared by the attorney for Quantum and attached comments from the City ARomey. The Cc,-,-,;~sion should note from the draft Agreement and the return comments that there still remains significant disagreement over the scope of the City's obIigafious. Staff will work to resolve these cliferences before the Commission meeting. A final Agreement will be provided to the Co,,-,,;~sien prior to the agenda preview meeting. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Manager's S~gnamre City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:kBULLETIN~ORMSX&GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION NO. RO 00- A RESOLU'I-[ON OF THE CTI'Y COMMISSION OF THE CTI-Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND [ lq-lE MAYOR ~ TO BEACH ~NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'T RESOLVED BY .THE CITY COHHTSS:iON OF · THE CI'TY OF BOyNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA THAT. SeCtion 1. Upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission of th.e Ob/ of BoYnton Beach, Florida hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Maintenance Re mbursement Agreement betWeen the City of Boynton Beach and Quantum Community Development District. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of December, 2000. CTI~ OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR[DA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Clerk ~ ~OHM~rT'~ TO DRA~I' H~ANC~ RP~MBUR~I~I~IT ,~econcl "Wherea~-~ Delet~ reference to High Ridge ~ mu~ i~/~t~ for worldng in ROW.z al~ mad. aemgnama a MAINTENANCE REIMBURSEMENT_ AGREEMENT THIS MAINTENANCE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (~he ~Agrcemem") dat~ this dayof offices CITY OF BOYNTON to I a Florida the 'infrastructure without charge ~ Park, and such services and of Gateway, and for maivtninin..~ Gateway, hereof~ and ~h ~C~ ~ con&~o ~ w~d~ for h~t~ ma W:H~:~IZ. AS. th~ Di~-ict has ~_.~, orovidlno these,,s~fices since Sevt~mher 1, 1999, and the parties also :Wish:tO moaide for Oavmem t~ the District for those services odor to the date hereof. NOW, 'I'~RElrORF:,, in co]3~dt~at~on of tho mutual covenaIl~, tmderstaz!clings and SECTION I ~ The above recitals are deemed ~rue and correct and ar~ '/ncorporat~/into this Agreement and madea part hereof. SECTION H DESCRIPTION OF, GATEWAY~BOULEVARD. Tbe description of GateWay which is thc subject of this Agreement is described ~n EXHIBIT "A" at~achedhereto. SECTION IH CE]:l:~g DIS~CT'S MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIF,,S~ The C!.~: Dis~'ict's maintenanceresponsibilities are as follOWS: (A) Service~'). Set~ric~s to be provided for .~ lighting, .~roadways and walkway~ (here/n referred to as 'Maintenance (B) The Ma/ntenanco Services shall be provided by the C'-' .~' District. in a competent and professional manner using qualified and experimc~d employees or conWactors, with such frequency as is necessary and reasonable under the circumstances in order to emure thai the Improvements are properly maintained and funetion in accordance with their intended purpose. In addition, since the Improv~..~.ts wi.Il .req '.ui~ different vffpes of maintenance, the maintenance intervals and the time periods within wtli'ch maintenance tasks mu~ be.Performed bythe Ci.~' Dislrict ~ be flexible and adjusted periodically depending on the conditiOn of each Improvement and its maintenance needs. (C/ The District shall orovide a source of/rr/~ation water adequate ~o meet the needs of the landscaoimz within ~v BouleVard. (A) Tbe ~ Cit'v shall psvvide all such ~on and assistance as may be reasonably reauired for D/st/ict toper,arm such Mmnten~nce Services ............. ~ . ....... n -P~e2- The Citv ~h~ll pay the District for the services described herein an annual ~ ~ECTION ~ R~MED~S:UI~ON ~ I~I~'I~RIcT ~FAt~T. The followi~ ~medies sl~ll apply if the C'.";_..~ District should~ default in canting out the terms a~ conditions of this AgreemenL sp~i~ying th~ br~ach -Page3- (B) If the CLX- District, following receipt of written notification of default fi'om ~ $,houl~ fail, r~.fuse or neglect to furnish any one or more of the rextuimd Services within thirty ~-~U) days Irom saio notice, then/n that event D!:_~ict Ci~ at its s~,' ~,~-~ .... a ..a.u .... norm. e, may elect to mttm~e a pro/ram and assume full control and responsibility for such defau/tcd ser'vIc~. take such legal SECTION V~ -Page 4- SECTION I~ VII as set out date automatically 18 months The t~n of this Ag~'~mu~t shall commence as of the unless t~'~~{r'zI~d by either ~ Jn writing T~'m or au Addifioual Term. -Page 5- SECTION ~ IX M~SCEI~LANEOUS PROVISION,q (A) Notices. other communications required or ; telex,, facsimile or E-Mail hand delivered by prepaid elecommunicated,, or mailed (airmail, if AS.TO~ISI'RICT: AS TO ~ CITY: Boynton Beach, FL 33426 ATT: Chairman Teleph .o. ne:(561) 740-2447 FaeS~mile:(~61 ) 740-2429 FLORIDA Horida 33435 ff either party changes its mailing ~ or designated recipient for notices, such change shall be communicated in writing to the Other Pm wi~ thirty (30) days of the change. CB) Entire ~he entire undemanding and (C) ~ Ali of thelterms and provision-~ of this Agre~m~nt~ Whether so .?ssed or.nol, shall be ~g ~ ~ to fft~ benefit of; and be enforceable by the parties and th6r r~pecUve legal r~preSemafives, succols~ snd permitted assigns. (D) ~ This Agre~nent may not be assiined without the prior written consent of all parties to this Agreement, provided such consent may not be unreasonably withheld. (E) Severability. If any part of this A .gr .e~.. ent is contrary m, prohibited by or deemed invalid under ~,vlicable law or--on, ~ ~..h. provision ~ be inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited or inv~li. 'd, but the r~nainder hereof ~hall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect so far as possible. -Page 6- Governin~ Law and Venue: This Agreement and all tr~n.qactions contemplated by enforced, in accordance with the la~vs of thc in connection her~wit, h ~ of ~ A~-ment shall (K) sign~mr~ the~on shall b~ __ ~in the drei~g shall A ,g~nent may be signed in any ihall ~ effective m of the date that it is signed by Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses as to the CITY: ~CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA a Florida municipal corporation profit corporation BY: Title: Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following wimesses as to the DISTRICT: QUANTUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, a Florida Independent Specisl District BY: Title: -Page 8- STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) I hereby certify that the foregoing has produced SS: did (did this day of My commission expires: STATE OF FLORIDA SS: COUI%'TY OF pALM BEAClt ) before me this day of , I hereby certify that the foregoing imtrument was acJmowledged Development District, a Florida Independent as President of Quantum Community Imown to OF produced L aa identification and did (did not) take an oath. Notary Publie Print: My commizqion expires: -Page 9- V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM D. 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR:va Requested City Cu.~d~sion Date Final Form Mu~t be Turned Requested City Corramssion ~ Novembcr21.2000 November9,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] Janua~16, 2001 [] December5,2000 November22.2000 (5:00p.nx) [] Febn~ry 6, 2001 [] December l9. 2000 Decmx~ber 6, 2000 (5:00p.m,) [] February20,2001 [] January2,2001 Deeem~r 20, 2000 (5:00p.m.) [] M~reh 6, 2001 [] Admi.i.tmtive [] NATURE O~ [] Consellt Agenda [] AGENDA I'£EM [] Public Hearing ~] Dam Final Form Must be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Sanua~ 17, 2001 (5:00 February 7, 2001 (5:00 Februa~ 2l, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Develolm~nt Plans N~v Business Unfini~hta:l Bllsilless RECOMbl~NDATION: Please place this request ~m the December 5, 2000 City Con a..;~ion Agenda under Con.~nt - Ratification of Ptanning and Develova~at Board action. TI~ pla,~+.~_ andDevelopmmt Board with a 6-0 vote r~com~aded that th~ subject request be approved subject to staffcmnnar, a~ and ~he modification of comfort mmaber 16 to add waiver reference and to proln'bit'e~croachment into easemm~; ~ comment mind,er 40; a~el tO clarify that conmaents number 46 through 49 are recommmdafion~ only. For fmXh~ dmils pertaining to this request see atlached Deparm~'nt of Development Memoramh~n No. PZ 00=291. EXPLANATION: PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNtm: LOCATION: DESCRII~'ION: GROTTO BAY {~ BEBMUDA PLAC~ - ~oni Br~t-~, AICP, Winston Lee & Ass~'~t~ Ira. Request f~ Technim[ Site Pln~ al~xnn~l f~ }~.I~-ag~ POD i~ tim Q~mmm Park PID. The Mixed Use POD will coma~a 272 mn~-Camily resld~tial z~al units and recluse code waivers PROGRAM IMPACT~ FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A City"F~' s Sig~amr~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 00-291 ' SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT PLANNING AND DEVEL~pMENTBOARI~ AND CITY COMMISSION November 10, 2000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name/No.: Quantum Park Grotto Bay at Bermuda Place (Lots 59-61)/NWSP 00-016 Property Owner: Quantum Park & Village, L.L.C. Applicant/Agent: Location: Lots 59-61 Quantum Industrial Park Land Use/Zoning: ndustd~l/Planned indust~al Development (PID)' Quantu~n Pa~ DRI Land Use is Mixed Use- MU Type of Use: Residential Multi-family Project size: Site Area: 15.16 acres (660,397 square feet) Dwelling Unite: 272 Adjacent Uses: (sea Exhibit "A" - Location Map) North - Lot 62 Quantum Park, vacant, zoned PID, S0uth'~,- L°t ~58 Quantum Pad(, zoned PID~ being developed for office use; ~'~ East Quantum Lakes Drive and fmlher west, Water Management Tract "P" and Tract "Q' Quantum Park; and West A Water Management Tract and the Sand Pine Preserve in Quantum Park. Site Characteristics:The subject vacant parcels within the Quantum Park Proposal: PID contain vadous trees and undergrowth characteristic of~ disturbed scrub habitat. Exotic species include Brazilian pepper, earteaf acacia, and AUstralian- pine,. An ertvironmental assessment dons in October 1999 identified various native trees on the SUbject lots including 17 Sand pines, 60 Slash pines and ten (1~)- Scrub nak~ The retxxt indicated that a gopher tortoise population of approximately 11 individuals exists in the survey area that includes the subject lots. No wetlands were obsewe~ on the. prot3eCe/... , r: The developer progoses the construction of'eighteen (18), two-story buildings containing 272 ranta~ apartment units. The proposed multi-family residential development includes Quanttm~ ~ 59 - 61 located on the east side of Quantum Lakes Drive (sea Exhibit "B" - Propese~ srte Plan). In Febr, Jary, 2000 the Quantum Park DRI Development Order Amendment #10 changed the land use designations for parcels 59- 67C to allow "Mixed Use" that permits office, commercial and residential uses. The total number of residential dwelling units permitted in Quantum Park[s five hundred (500). In conju~nction with that amendment, the city's PID zoning category, permitted uses section was revised to include ~recreet~nal and attractions aa defined for the industrfal land usF~- classification, multi-family residential, and mixed use residential/commerciat uses in PID~ totalino a rnfnimUm of 500 acres". The prohibited Uses section was also revised to read ~ follows: ' F. USES PROHIBITED 1. Residential uses with the exception of accessory hotels or moteL~ MulE-family and mixed use residential/commercial uses are allowed in PID's with qross aCreaqe totellnq at least 500 acres'. The subject site represents a residential Page 2 Quantum Grotto Bay at Bermuda Place Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum No. PZ 00-291 . component of ,a conceptual Master Plan described as Quantum Village now known as "Bermuda Place". Concurrency: a. Traffic- A traffic statement for this project was submitted and approved by the Palm Beach County TraffiC DiVision. b. Drainage- Con,c:eptual drainage information was provided for the C ty's review. The Engineering Divislo~i, is recom~ehding that the re~iew 0[ spec tic drainage so utions be deferred Until time of Permit reviev,;, Driveways: The major entrancefor the project will be located on Quantum Lakes Ddve. The entrance has a 45 f0ot 0Peningthat accommodates a 15 foo{ entrance ddve; a 15 foot exit ddve and a 15 footmedian sepa, rating the two drive aisles. The ddveway terminates at a circular round:ab0ut Whichpr~vide~ north and south access tO the project. The proposed entrance driveway ~dth;is, larger than ',the '32 feet maximum allowed by COde. An administrative waiver is required ~o permit~his 45 foot driveway~ ~ site. This will be a access will be onto an off-site internal . ~ '~rking Facility: A total of 556 PUD.parki~ng: re and the:.leasing has calCulate(J percent ,(5~) ~ncluding 1,2 h~ garages and 3<, ,arking: spa.c,~ ? are required by COde for ,this project. This is based on the ~uEem~nt Of two (2) spaces per unit.pi[a.~ 12 spaces for recreation facilities office.~Tbe proposed site plan provide~ 505 perking spaces. The appl cant parking using a formula of 1.75 spaces par unit wi~ an additional five .the totalallpca ,tpd for guest parking. A total of 505 spaces are proposed ~dicapped"a~sible~spaces. Of this ,t~, 11~ Spaces wilt be provided in t will be prov, ide~ in the surface Iot~.' ' eighteen feet space. These spaces vary types of spaces. the 27 foot minimum drive ~rojeet parking area. Landscaping: Code waivera, am reouested~to allow a reduction irt required parkino., in parkinq space width and in dl~TeiSl~ ~ along to that is plantings provided center and he site wilt meet or exceed the code. The 20 foot buffer area on center. Adjacent foot landscape buffer. No pos'rtioned closer to the Extensive foundation ~; A five (5) foot landscape buffer is and will include live oak trees planted 20 feet on i h,edge. Grotto Bay is proposed to transition into the ~ north on Quantum Lot 62. No rear yard landscape ~lanagement Tract and the Sand Pine the rear property line. Page 3 Quantum Grotto Bay at Bermuda Place Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum No. PZ 00-291 wa along ,the south No plantings are office. 'The Land application. of this Building and Site: for Bermuda Place. Recently, the Land Development to allow mixed use egulations. This 3f eight the waNers separation ~the in vhen staff easeme~.~ and v~th ~agade enhancements Several buildings are look. Sidewalks are the is unique, no Signaga: acres jrt submitted to the city. to ~ "New Urbanism" The current plan lacks s in comments · t entrance. They will be Quantum Park Page 4 Quantum Grotto Bay at Bermuda Place Site Plan Memorandum No iSZ 0~291 _ RECOMMENDATION: Regarding the requested waivers, staff does not support the setback wa ver impacting the ut lity easement a ong Quantum Lakes Ddve (COnditions Comment ~Y37). Portions of the roof for bu Idings #18 #2, #3 and #4 encroach ink) the utility easement,by approximately two (2) feet. City regular OhS state that no port on of a bu id ng may encroach into a utility easement. This s required to prevent damage to the bu ding n the event that repairs or other work is required in' the uti ity easement. Th~ Site plan can easily be adjusted to eliminate this encroachment. staff recommends that the site plan be revised tb meet the requirement. Staff also objects to the 'buffer wall waiver area is located off site landscape buffer to be Therefore, Staff has g proposed for this There is. no quarantee that these ~uses from the commercial Thesite ptan shows a five (5) foot wide ~rovided on 3f the Parkina Lot Ddve Aisle Widths- Reduction in Required Parkin,q is in the:process Of review purposes, the two spaces per required parking. Staff Parkin as all building code requirements re~Jarding purposes, the Grotto allow flexibility for setbacks, as they should concurs wiff3 the applicant's justification. For review ~PmenL 'rite existing PUD re~3alafions a low flexJbil ty for with the exception of two waiver requests discussed ~nditions of Approval. The Technical Review Committee ~ exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for ~ilding permit. xc: Central File S:~Ia~ning~SHARED~WI:~OROJECTS~Quanlum ~ ~ Bay ~ Beffnude W. aC~TAFF ~ Quaalum Pa~k ~ Bay. doc 0000 EXHIBIT"B" EXHIBIT "B" ! I E~HIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B" · u~J~m.p EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B" m EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "B" ORDINANCE NO. O 00-52 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION O .... ' OF 8OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMEND[N 2, OF THE ~ND DEVELOPMENT REGUL,~TIO ALLOW MIXED USE PODS OF COMMERCIAL ~ MULTI- A '¥ RESiDEN, AND,O CEiPRO:FESS'FO USE IN PLANNED NDUSTRiAL DEVELOPMENT'~ ~ROVIDINQ:FOR DES',~,N GUIDELINES; PROVIDNG s JsMss oN: EC U TS: ,ROV D NG FOR FOR ~ROCEDUPES FOR CONFLICTS, EFFECTIVE DATE, PROVIDING FOR AN WHEREAS, the City Commission,',finds if is in Jiqe best interest of the City, the development community~ and the public fo modify the current provisions of the Land Development Regulations c0~¢eming Planned Industrial Development Districts. to provide guidelines for residential components, to facilitate review, and fo grovide a means of review by the City Commission. NOW THEREFORE, 8E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY.COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Chapter 2, Secffon 7, Planned Indus~ol Development Dis~cfs hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type, and by deleting the words and figures Jn struck-through type. ;ection A is amende~..t_grecic~_ . INTENT AN~ ~URPOSE._ A plcmned industrial development distffcf IPID} is established. The purpose of this d~strict is to provide a zoning classification for light industflal~ development that wilt heifer satisfy current demands for industrial zoned lands by encouraging development which wilt reflect :hanges in the technology of land development and relate the development of land to the specific site and to conserve natural amenities. Regulations for the PID are intended fo accomplish a more desirable environment For industrial deveioc)ment in relation fo existing and/or future city development, permit economies [r- orovidir~g public services, allow for economies oi: scale in [ndustrJaJ development, and fo promote the public health,, safety, convenience, welfare and good government of the City of .8oynton. Be~ch. P, ID districts may contain: Mixed Use Pods with retail, a~oroval crJterfa hereinafter.set!forth. A new suDsection P is created tO read: P. · ':MI'XED, USE PODS'~ITH~NA!P~RQVEDPLANNED INDUSTRtAL DISTRICTS. cr~ter~a:.shall ~aDDI¥ fo Mixed Use Pods proposed for develooment within an approved PiP: · 1: Mixed Use Pod_Coml~one~ts and Definition A. For the,~ur~ctse of this .subsection. a Mixed Use Pod Js defined as a develoomenf ~Koject~locafed en~relv wJfhJn a previously Pig which, whencom~fe, will h~e all of the followinq uses: I ) mul~-famflv residen~l, 2) commercial/re,ail. 3J o~e and ~rOfessJonal. The res~enfialcom~n~nt of ~ U~ Pod m~ include fee ~m~le and B. Definitfqns: · Master ~ for the entire mixed use Pod w'fh which 'ndividual fephn'¢gl site ~lan$ and bu'ldinas as orocessed by the Technical Review Committee I'TRC! are to be consistent. T:~HI~DATA~CA~ORDt,'vfl~DUS'Ti~ODRevIOI6OO.~iae 2 Plan requirements of Master Site Plans are defined here~n. 2. Teohnical Site Plan. Technical Site Plans are development oJans foron~ or more lots s.ubr-c!~ed in complianoe wffh Chapter 4, Sectfor~ ,7~ fA. ~hrouqh O./(:nd Secffon 8. Prior to apprOva{ of the Master Site Plan, tecnnical, s[fo plans may be re¥./ewed :l~y the CffY.Commiss on, far review and ag~roya of: C. Pecmi~ed .Uses. 2nd provisions: ~ ~ 3. Retail. soles of hardware arid bulldin<~ materials os described and incl'udincl uloholsfery sur=plles, and 6.D.. h rnof limited fo the 2.000:square foot maximuml' uD fo I0~000 sauare feeh wholesale of these aood.~ or reta~ sales uses in excess of 10 000 sauare feet, and wholesale of sim~ aood~ reaardless of ~f/oa~.are~ shall. 4. Mini/self-sfc~clae~use~tended to ser~e c~ mixed,use proiect excludina alt exterior sianaae exceDt~for identification sianaae not in excess of 3 sauare feet:. 5. Outdoor disl21c~ of merchandise durfna business hours on~ and 6.; Any use not sDecificall,v listed herein that is deemed ~consistenf ~vffh these ¢~rovisions and reviewea consistent with the orocess descrfbe,~ Oelow. ,. Uses Prohibited. Prohibited uses snail be limited to those uses listed prohibited in the P.I.D. requlaffons, wffh the addition of adul.f enterfammer~t uses; conditional uses as indicated [n the C-3 zoninq distrfot reauloffons; drfvo 4. follows: A. A sealed survey not older than six months and 3re fo location and illustratincl other 2. Proposed berms, watercourses and other to~oara~hic features. 9. A notation on method of D. Architectural d~sJan standards showina the 1. Desiqn themes to be followed, Jnclud[na mafe~als. 2. Buildinq colors.and Color pallef oDf[ons for accessow desiqn element. 3. Ail bglJdlnq and s~cture maximum heJah~, ~lus . heJqht of mechanical eauJomenf. 4. Colo~ elevation rende~nqs deg~finq re~entafive desiqn conce~ts t o al~ E. A Tabul~ ~mm~ confaJninq: 1, Total .~arass ~roiect ~rea by acreaae sau~e f~faae and nef ~dable land area Jn ~r~s and square feel. '" 2. Tot~,..n.umb~ of Drooosed res~ential unJfs, wh~.shall nor be less fhan 750 square feel D~ un~f. unJess a waiver is obtained as provided in paragraph P. 3 below. 3. abased n~nresidenhal floor area bv NDe of use and f~al .~ross SQuare footaae. 4. Ngmber and rat~ of off-s~eet oa~Jnq : ~HRDATA\CA~ORO~MI~D USEPODit~ 10 l~00.d~ soaces and deDicfion of load[ha areas 5. .Wafer bodies in acres aha sauare feet. 6. Heiaht o,f bu/Id[nas~ L~d.use/~aff[¢ tr~l~ aeneraffon summon. 8. Usf/de~cdpfion ofeach waiver request for. flex~b[JJN of deveto0ment requlaflons. 9. The.'m[~imum ~nd maximum numoer of resJd~fiol units, -th~ minimum and maximum nu~er o~ fatal s~uare foofaae of each c~one~.¢ of non-residential uses, and numbers for each component, An enaJn-e~idrainaae statement. A oroaoSe~:s~n proorom for flee stondJnq signs s ow na-m~xlmum dimensions, ara~hic orovJs/ons, 3. Waiver of Standard.Z0nin~R~lations Allowed. In coniunction with the al~lOroval of theMaster S~e~ffi~r~- or a technical site ~lan reviewed Commission-.- the ~ ~'~rnLSslon may waive or modify the by the Cify standard zonina reaufaff~ for th~ f~ll~wincl: - I~rr-ge :¢~jsi~e ~t,~4dths,and c~arldna dimensions. ' Ferfmeter ~Uff'er~wfdths. 'Tvoe and[s~,~f'dwetlinc~ units. Parkfna so~e!l'eauirements. F. r:~5 ERDATA~CA',ORD'~,'~rD~D USE~OD R~ t 0 t ~0,do~ 7 g. Other waivers to development requlafion.s, except .For he/aht, whfch requires an enablinq Ordinance. as approved b~/the City Commission. The apptfcanl' shall justify each waiver requsst fn wrffinq as part of the MasfeJ Site Plan application. The nature of the' reauesf, the extent ~rom which if .J comoonent to another (e.a. commercial to oMce) and conversion from one -l:ec h nic al 'S'[~ F~'la ~ R ~vfeW an d Modific a ti~ n Master Sffe Plan. subseauent · the .Mgs~er,S[te Plan ;hall be ~rocessed in accordance with the provisions of $.A. above. process~nq and aD~rovai Of any amendment to the Master Site Plan reauire, as a result of the modifications fo a Technical Site Plan shall be ~rocesse~ ~lonq with, and in the same manner as, the mrocessina of the modification~ to the Technical Site Plan, unless the ~ravisions of.Da~aara~h 4 above woul, reauire CiN Comm~si~n a~ro~a~. 6.. Witbio ~en (I0) business days folawina TRC review 0¢ a maior fin/~!n::Qs:~f;t.h~.- TE~;~, .which shalleither alDDrove:the submiffal as submiffed, all: condi~s ha~ ,been Sa~ied, ' .... ~ndtvldugl bv~dmqs:ma¥ be perm~ffe,'l ~ifn Plan. 7. The ado ant, or any aaarieved or adv rs affected. , ; that term is defined bv and interpreted under F.S;. 1~3~3215J~, may reauest review of the develoc)ment c~[~., or of a de~'errnit~ation bY ~the Development Director or his/her d~of in~ons~tencv, or denvina a ~'ooosed unlisted use, bwthe City Commission. The reo~_~__s~ for review shcffi be in wr~tfnq and filed ~ the City C~erk~thin five/5} busine_¢_~ days foIIow~na issuance of tho order. No development Order shall be final until e~coirafion of the five (5): daV reauest for review period if no~ reauest f(3r review is made, Or the City Commission's. disposition of ~h~ matter i~ a reauest fOr review is made. $ :',$ ~t-RD ATA~ CA\O RD ~,L% f{~{~ U.~{'ODR~v t0{.~00.c~ l0 8. The City Commission shall conduct a auosi~[udicicf review or ~ ~ubiic hearir~a wffhin 30 I~usiness c~ays of. the fil[nc~ of.the,recluest for review Follo,,~incl revfew, ~he Ci~ Commission sl~all: C. Deny the' DeyeloOmeOt, Order. The decision of the Commisskon~shotl~,b~ fr, e~ted~,os~ fimc~t/at the conclusion :of-Jhe voice vote- ite'm.'unde¢ consideration, the Comm[~ion. ~etina,~sha~be conctusi~e~v~enCe ef the :~by the listed in Chal=fer.4,;$ectfon Each and eYery other Section of the Land Development Regulations not hereinbefore~ Sl~eCil~caJly a .~. endecfshatftemain in-full force and effect a$,~ -AI~ ~~:~. a:ppl~to the Ci~:o~;Boynton Beach in conflict ¥4th.~n~/ Section 4. thereof be dec~:by a cou~ Of cornl~etertt-juflsdictfo~.to be~nvat~f, such decision shall not:affect the rernarnder of th~ Ordin~ Section 5. Secffon &. Auff'.~ity L~. hereby gNen-to codify FIRST READING this ~ day of October J': ~ H29,DATA~.CA~.OR.I~ M~¢~D Us~mO D R~'v t 0 t ~0 .d~c 1! SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this 17 day of October. 2000. CITY ~ BOYNT, ON~ BEACH, FLO. RIDA Vice Mayor Mayor PrO Tern Al'f EST: ~(~lerk, $ :~HRDATA%CA%ORD~OXF. DU"~F..PODR~v i0 t~00.d,~ 12 }Vinston bee . Associates, Inc. of the definition of setbacks can be None EXHIBIT "D" Justification for Waiver Requests GrottO Bay at Bermuda Place NWSP 00-016 Requesting Waiver be measured from face of: building. ~re requesting a waiversa that jrtenances suCh measuring a setback. encroach into easement areas. rather than ,~. 11 .H.1. and Chapter 23, Article Ii. 1.1. width of 25'; parking spaces. Standard parking spaces will remain sM ,per Code at 9' x .18'. The requested .27' dimens on s ad~cluate for'vehiCU!ar mo, v;e ,ment~ and is a s~rd'ptanniog dimensiq? recoonizec~ in numerous municipaliti~ in;s°~iFIorida. The roadways anddriveways ale des~ned for and meet the required ~tummg dimensions for fire equipment and service vehicles. Land Development Regulafion~ Chapter 2, Sec. 11.H.2. - Requesting Waiver of up to four feet (4') to allow variable widths rather than the required_lZfor ttm. flrst parking space not within an enclosed garage. There are 114 spaces ~ garage, 277 space on the surface parking lots, and 114 on the driveway aprons, which are the subject of this waiver request. The widths do not meet the technical requirement' of e 12' width, but are variable widths depending on their location. The widths provided are adequate and reasonable. The plan reflects a planning desire to avoid over paving the development and instead providing landscaping where appropriate, The spaces are assigned and are not available to the general tenant mix, but are exclusive to the tenant utilizing the garage space. Land Development Regulations Chapter 2.5, Sec. g.C..- Requesting Waiver of .25 parking spaces par dwelling unit to allow 1.75 spaces per unit with an additional five percent (5%) of the total spaces for guest parking rather than the required two (2) parking spaces per dwelling unit. I.. - Old Ok¢¢chobc¢ R~ad. State H)O. West Palm Beach. FL 3340g-5270 /el- 5,~ 1- ~Rt~-4h'O ° Fax: .qhJ-b,~g-.q.qSg ' E-mad: x~inston~Ja.~ aol.com This application is requesting parking calculations based upon 1 75 spaces per unit with 5% additional~ spaces (24 spaces total) for guestJm scellaneous parking. The park n~g requirement for the lease offi;:e is inc uded intheadditional 5%. O~e accessible parking space is required, and prov deal, for the lease office. The the req parking areas and' on the street arenoted in submitted herein in regard to the Sec. 11, E; - Requesting Waiver of 6'4' to setback from a property line rather than the The property immediately adj~nt to,t;he,.poot is designated on the Quantum Park at BoYntoii:.Beach Plat-No. 6 as TraCt A-1 ~ a water management tract and drainage easement containing a lake. This tract was dedicated-to the Quantum Park ProPerty Inc. its successors or assigns, ~'hich have no objection to the of this waiver shall have no impact on' ~ allows fo~ quality aesthetic design by placing.. r of water. The other two sides of the fake are[' over a Land Deyelo.pment Regulations Cttapter 2, Sec. 7, H.15...Requesting Waiver of 2.5' to allow 22.5' distance between buildings, rather than the required 25'. The modifications to building separation are directly related to the creation of a more urban environment utilizing a more dense Site than traditionally seen. Furthermore, the 25' separation ia a PID requirement, whereas the 1:1-3, Muitifamily Dwelling District utilizes only a 20' side yard. Land,Developmem Regulations Chapter2, Sec, 7, H.16. - Requesting Waiver of 15'to allow a front Setback of 15' rattmr than the required 30'; Waiver of 5' to allow a side setback of tS~ relil~ than the required 20; Waiver of a maximum of 15' to allow a rear setback of var]ling amounts up to 15' rather than the required 30' for residential multi- familY buil~ alld~e Waiver o..f. 2~ to allow a five foot (5') setback rather than the required 30' for a ciubtx3use facility. The requested waivers to the PID zoning district front, side and rear setbacks are items which are part of the design flexibility allowed under the mixed use development regulations in the Planned Industrial D~tr~ct. These waivers willall°Wtheinnovative design Grotto Bay Waiver Jus~'flcatlon Page2 as proposed for the mixed use project. In addition, the 'new urbanism' approach to s~te design encourages buildings being sited closer to streets. The rear setback waiver LIow aesthetically pleas!rig views over water areas ar ' The setback for the Land Development Regulations Chapter'e,. . requi~ement of a five foot high' ma~on~ wall and./? len~lScaPin, g between residential end commercial use. - This project :is a phased mixed commercial uses are integrated. bulk o~ this area is separation would be counter P~e3 Transportation Planners §Jneers GROTrO BAY 2324 Sou~h Contras Avenue, Suite 1H West Palm E~each. FL 33406 (561; 434-7644 Fax 434-1663 Email: Pindertroutman~msn.corn Pinde Troutmt0 :~_r_z~T._~__an Con .~!tin& [.nc. (PTC) has researched various Zon ng and land developmem codes ,ue,tm/tne appropriate parlra~ requirement standards for Grotto 8ay. In land development ~ns and cod~ /t is ,..,.,~ - ? -~,,? ~/a,~cu~ :m rm~ an exact match arcums~ance~ Therefore; a samplin8 of agailable land development codes has been selected Locally, the Town of Juno 8each has unil~ 2'~ to 50 requJred, Visitor spaces and ~ parking Gm~o Bay PaveS ReqUimmems I to 2O 2.0 4 0 21 to SO 1.7S 53 50 tO 272 1.5 333 272 + 7 ~c~ 465 + 272 = 1.71 Grotto Bay requires 1.71 spaces per unit. This is sliShl~/ ~ IJtan the 1 .~.5 spaces pe~ unit currently ~rovJded on- slid ............ ResidemJal muil~ pa~ spaces are P' . .~ .m~ _s~am.~as~a. a~ntm~t~er~l~Mmoms. T~e uimmemsfmGaxtoBa. Auslfe. Texas Zoning_ Oqli~ un. 81dda ma One Bedmom 8~ 1.~ 80 Two Bedroom 148 1.$ 222 Three Bedroom 44 2.0 88 390 + 272 = 1.43 The proposed parkin8 fo~ Grotto 8ay at 1.75 spaces i~r unit is above the 1.43 spaces per unit calculated us~ die AL_~n_', Te~s TNO standards, Page I of I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ~NDFNG TITLE 13 OF THE CITY CODE TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER 13- SECTION I3-2-21 TO / DISTRICT AS A SPECIAL PURPOSE BASE DISTRICT ! SECTION 13-2-95 t Title rltt p://www, r~view, cL austin.tx, us/their i NL}_URD-rltml 9b I g/uo ~'age [ot I 13-9-53 PARKING. A. The following parking regulations apply in a Traditional Neighborhood District: l. A parking lot or garage may not be adjacent to a square or adjacent to or opposite a street intersection. 2. A parking lot shall be located at the rear or side o£a buflcting If located at the side, screening shall be provided at the lot line by landscaping or decorative walls or fences. 3. Compa¢~ parking s~aces are prohibited. 4. square and 2 No 3. unit and 0.5 d. or family home e. provide one parking sl~ce l £ ~ educational parking~ementf0r any use not listed in this Center toward the A. In a Mixed RmiaL-ntial At~a or Neighborhood Edg~ Ar~ the tequiredp~rking for a use must be provided on-site. B. The Director shaU determine the parking requirements fer a WOrkahopArea or Employment Center Area. http'd/www, revlew, ct.au~tm.tx, ualtnO/ l'ND_L)RD.lmn$TM 9/1 ~/UU [.00 2.00 TOWN OF JUNO BEACII, FLORIDA _COMPREIIENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS SHORT TITLE AND PURPOSE DEFINITIONS 1.00-! 2.00-I 3.00 4.00 ZONING 4~ 4.20 4:50 4.60 4.90 4.110 4, t20 4.130 4~ 140 4.200 .4:300 4.400 4.500 41600 4.700 Dansity;~-2) District ~!I$T4) ST-Z 4,00~I 4.10-1 4.20-1 4.30-1 4.40-1 4.50-1 4.60-1 4.70-1 4.80-1 4.90-1 4.100-1 4.110-I 4.120-1 4.130-1 4.140-1 4.200-1 4.300-I 4.400-1 4.500.-t. 4.600-1 4.700-1 5.00 5.10 .. 5.30 5.40 Supplementary Us~ Regulations i Parking Requirements $.i0-1 5.30-1 5.40-1 non-resideniialdevelopn~ent, providing for vehicular (automobile and bicycle) and pedestrian trail'ic. Existing non-residential developmcuts adjacent to new non-residential developments shall be encouraged to provide internal cross access. Such cross access shall be providcd in a mcordable instrument in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney. A non-residential development adjacent to a residential development may be required to provide a vehicular and/or pedestrian access way if the residential development: desires such connection. (c) An efficient m~d safe pedestrian and vehicular (automobile and bicycle) tratlic system shall be provided flxroughout the.parking and Other vehicular use areas. ~ (d) The design, number and placement of such drives, access ways, arid alleyways shall be subject to review by the Planning & Zoning Board and approval by the Town Council, andifapplicable, county a~d~state authorities having jurisdiction over such matter. Schedule of Off-Street Parkin~ R~auirementn The schedule of off-street parking requirements is as follows b¢lo~w. ~:Th¢ Tovm encourages the ~ ofangl~lparking foi ~ of access to its r~sidents. SCHEDULE OF OFF-STREET PARKING REOUIREM~NTS JUNO BEACH. FLORID& SPACE REOUIRED PER UNIT (UNLE~ OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN A PARTICULAR ZONING DISTRICT) dwellings ami townlmuses Multipl~-family dw~lting One (!) spaca p~r dwnlling unit if 750 squa~ ifeet (SF/~ 1~: Two~(2) s~ ~r dwelling ~t if g~ ~7~. T~ (2) s~ ~rd~l~g ~L In addison, d~e[~ ~ ~m~ ~ed ~i~, one ( 1 ) S~ s~e ~ ~ ~ for ev~ 7 m~. Two (2) spac~ [hr dvmlling unit for the initial 20 units; 1.75 ~ for eae. h from 21 thtoush 50; i.50 - -spa~ fo~ unils ~[ ~td'~ In addition, one(1) guest spa~.si~l lac rent. ti= for every 7 units, EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval Project,name:'Quantum Park,Grotto Bay ~ Bermuda Place File number:NNVSP.00~16 · Reference: 2~review:ptans~identified as New Technical Site Plan. File # NWSP-00-016 with a October DEPAKTMBNTS INCLUDE REJECT Couuuents: NONE X ,. Couunen~s: NONE · X 1. A fire hydram flow t~t is r~uir~d - LDI~ 6-16. X POLICE · Comment~: watta~. 4..Applicant propo~ to devim ~,,~.~i~ Standard D~8 B-¢001:~ X Chapt~ 23 oft~e City ofBoynton B~ch LDR a~i si211 ~ ~,~,ved H. 1.] WAIVER I~QU~$T~. /US'i'~'~CATION PROVIDED FOl~ THIS D~ON. Grotto Bay @ Bermuda Place NrwsP 00-016 DEPARTMENTS I , INCLUDE REJECT 5. l~ovid¢ a new.,ingress/e~,,ess utility easement for the new proposed access X toad into the llft station. A copy of the ree6rded mgress/egress/utili~,, easement shall,be submitted prior to issuance of any building permit~ 6. For all reqmred residential distriot~parki~g sPaces not withman enclosed X ' garage, the first parking sPace shall, be a mir~L/mum,of~12 f~C~t/wide and,t8 feet , long, exclusive of public or:private right-of-Wa~ [LDR Cl~pter 2; Section 11.! (w~awa akatms~, su~nvtc^xio~ pgOmED FOa ax-nS CODE DEVIATION)[ propos~ abandonment of~e ~, ~[~ i ~:i~:~ ~ 8. The 20 foot Utility Easement betWee~ lots 60 ~!61 hms ufifler~fl~ ~m.~! y buildings Correct comfliet, .0ra~lte~ any~aban~t~. A ~ssuanee of any 10uflding petit inthi~ area-:i outfall to e~filtm~on trenches; ~ ~mus~ibe I~,~-~ accorr~Odate the baffles and allow, s~r ; .' , , oy ~ ,pgol fence and paver ~ ; ~ i~oIhe ItValer Management TracL · ~, ~ i ~' . .~., Dr s o ' Comments: , 1. Provide WriRen verifiealion ifa,sir would ~allo.w '~he ~ walk, sealing ~ and X stone deekffwifla aluminum fei~ t6~,o~ lsid~ ~f~be Property li~., l,tl~: ~12. Ide!.!.U..fy. fll.¢ proposed finish floo~ ,l.ev~c ~m ~ lhe i~[lesign professiomal h~.s X buildings, including the clubliOu~bm'Min.~ 1 , :' · o.. tht ,,,, ,o.,r are ~bealfli~gs and slmottlres, i~cl ~ ,u~g ~.b~i. 'I~ O~gs, easements. Amend t~e drawinss accordin~l~'j · , 4. At time of permit review, submi~ a'col~ O~th~ rccm'd~d, resolution tha~ Grotto Bay ~ Bermuda Place NWSP 00-016 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT - verifies ~e pro~ooied abandonment of'the drainage easemem and utility easement that,has been completed, ~ . , , '. - · .15. At time ofpenmt review, prov~doacomplcmxtand, exec~tedCity~u~,,~0: ~fle . , X . form. Thc form shall describe al! l~t~ patce~ ~t: ~ combin~l ~ 0n~ lot. A copy of the deed with legal des~pti0na 0~ ea~hprol~'ty:that is ', that is idled On each deed ~hal!,~di~p ~t.~s · :'~ *L?~?~.' "~{.~ · d. :~ t~'~'~ mamtamand provide set. ce to, i~,. Grotto Bay ~ Bermuda Place NWSP 0~016 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 20. As required by Chapter 4, Section 7 of the Land Devetopmem Regulations, X submit a floor plan drawing of the Clubhouse/lease office building. ?m. ensloo.n, on the drawing the .overall height 0fthe buildings. The overall height of thc buildings shall be measured from finish floor to the highest P°mt of the roof or parapet wall. The overall height of the building shall not e~ceedthe, height limitations of the Zoning Code. Also, provide elevation v~ew drawings of all four sides ofeaeh type of resider, rial buildim, 2 I. At tim~ of permit .review, provide detailed drawings and documentation on. X the ~lans ~dmt will verify the accessible route that is shown f~om the accessible ?r.,.l~..g spaces to the accessible building entrance andall eoa-maon area fAae~li~s is~in ¢0mpli .anee with the r~.~ed ia the Fair Housiag .t~ or~,matenal ~sed f. or the .r0.u:~,, ~J~-ofa~fae~ fiZl~b, width, cro~ sro ,1;.~/~l_ope an .d. lengtfi of the, ~t~ ~ib!e~ mute ;ineluding~ wher~ appncable, landings, ramps and handrails. . 22. Co.mpl~,,an__ce with .th~ Building,Codes will be evaluated at time of permit , X tees,%..o~mty£ees<and~State fee~ will be demm'./n~l at time Of permit 23. Pen~,.~are' ,r~ed, t0 oo~ ,the ~emen~ that are shown on the X appl,.o.v.~ed ~te plan/gondifionat use ~ ~ _~, ts. Permit application form~ are av'-,~.tn thC Build/rig DiviSion oftl~ I~wlolmm~t D~l~Cm~'nt. A permit the ba~,~ d6c~ts ~Lhat tI~ P~ A~ ch~ks for when an applicant subrM~Tdr permit review, PARKS ~:RECREATION . comment >. 24. The reereaaoa ded/ em//t mea d as foUov X 2 .~. d.u.x. 0I$ ae~-~-~ 4.0~ ~ V: ~ may 1~ Sv~,~ ~ of land d~cat~on or lmymsnt. 4.0~.acr~/2=2.04~ _ -. ' would ~nmder land adjacent:to that sit~ for r~-eation d~dication ¢lem~nt for this deV~0pment. Th~;Devei0P~ m~ ~ wail, to e:onaid~ dedication of land, of~ oomhination Of dedimti~ ai~ f~. 25..mt .o?~e s~te plan tl~ s~t$ el~ for wh/ch recmmon cred/t w/ll b~ provl~l. 26. Since ~.property is not required to be platted, the recreation credit X dedic~ fee will not be due prior tolhe building l=~,~.;t being issued. Grotto Bay ~ Bemmda Place F.A"SP 00-016 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 27. In orde~ to cam V~ teoreation credit, th~ d~vc!opcr :needs to proT~'ide ~ m/nimum of aw (~) af ~¢ local park ~aSic~ r~qu/zementS !istea combinatiOn of such, and other reCreatiOnal imprOvements that Wil~ m% · recreation park needs of future reside~ of thc area: ' ' ~" a~ Children s Play Apparatus Area b. ~LandsCapcPark-LikeAxe~s ' . ' f. ~Recreafion~Bmlding ~ . . In the Opinion of the P:arks, tMvision.~ff, the recreation c, k. ments shown on me p~ ~o not ~men~-ds ofme ~ read.ts. ~t,~ develO~ to discuss ~vaikabl¢ options tO/mead/he ~tent Of the ~on dedicat/On ~qUi2mm~ f~ the pro~ect~ ; - FORESTER/ENVIRO~ALIST, b. Relocated on ~t.~ ~ 29. A deari~ and grabbing 1~ fi'mn tl~ building Dhision willl~ requit~ to X 30. The appoint ~ould ~ _~n~km ~ en ' .vi~_ assessment (~.~n~nt) of X can be a~mnnodnl~.~n d~ field during the clem'lng ~and grubbingpcnnit PLANNllNG AND ZON~G Grotto Bay @ Bern~da Place NWSP 00-016 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 33. Site plan layout requires abandonment ora 12 foot DE and water X , management access easement located between Tracts 59 and 60 and a 20 foot utility easement located between Tracts 60 and 61, Submit request for abandonment. Submit request for abandonment f~om City and Quantum Communi~ Development District as approwiate. . 34, Pravifl6 the locatiof~, of the,fire hydrants_and other utilifies~on the landscape X plan to ~void conflicts wifl/p!.ant~m~, efiat, ~dsca ~pe plan sh~ws entree feature landscaping lOCated in'the FP&L~t, · 35. Provide ~bui!dlng ¢olo~ (product name ar/d i~d ~cat/on number) on the X elevation drawinis. (Ch. 4; See. 7.; D.L) build/ns~ight dimensions,and colors,iproduct ngm,ber and identification numbcr) :for th~ buildinl/rnateriah on~theplans, (~ ~i Sec. 7., D.I.} · ~37. Corre~t~, :~Land Use dcsiigmti0n on,t~e ~pt~, ,[~:~;to ~dustrial.~ ,The DRI X desi~°n is Mixed Use but the FUtsl~e ~'Uie ~ desig/lates ~' 's/re as ~t38. Applicant is proposinga deviation ~ ~ l~.UIt~a~kin~ ~ Oftwo (2) sP~ Pe~ umt- P~g c ~ ~on 1.~$:spaces per anit with an adidofial fiq¢:pe~y~nt (SYO bE~ ~!~ to~ ~ paddng. A total of 505 spaces aro ~poSed: TED.. ~VST~CA~O~ PROVU~ED: ~0~ Tins shownon the plans., V~AI'VER IUSTIFICATION PRO .V~, ED FOR Tins ¢OD~~;,:: , indieat~ a fiv~ ($) fOO~wid~, ~ ~ ~ ~~soutla maanr~!wallor~hake..~ a~, ~a~ ~plnns~a 59. W~ REQUESTED.: ~YUS ~'J ~t~ :PR~v'~DED FOR .THI~ CODE~DEVIATION - ~ I ' '!:i: i~ ~, ~ :' Grotto Bay ~ Bermud~ Place NWSP 00-01~ DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE ~ P,,E~CT 41. Portions or Bui!din~s # ! 8 //2,//3 and//4 ar~ located at thc 15 foot u~lity · X easement lines. No encroachment mw Utility easement by_a~.~iponiOn ora building including roof overhang ~ permitted. Re!ocate these~buildi~gs back far enough, so that no portion will ~a~roa~hinto the utilitye~s~n'~. DEVIATIONi-- ...... ' setback:r~' uirement. :{Ch. Z sec ll~E.~ :W'- :'~ 1 JUSTmlC~TION PROViDeD: F~CODE~DEXr/~A~IO~f: · i FUSTIFICATiON P ! of: From~ ~ty ~0) f~; s ~. ~, projm must ha~, ~v~.~,~i~ ~4~ x to DESIGN R~CO~IENDATION$ · ext~simofsi~ in~ ~ ,.,,ye ~,... m ,... ~,.~..---,., ,. 47 It i~ ~t th~ this~. '~ti~l ~'~ ~ ~ ~ffi~fim~ X ADDITIONAL PLANNINO AND 50. Add to comment numb~ 16to,~as~' ': - ~ i.,. "~;~IlO~'i(~" ';~"~;~'~ ~(~ i~t~.~ [ ~/l~'w~ ~'~ !:'~:'~ ' ' , X the sit, plan shall ldenti~ th~ ~ ~ r~ .'~,~i~ set back li'om me a~jaclmt propen'N m~, ~,~.~, .~ ;,~ ~ Orotto Bay (~ Bermud~Phce NW'SP 00-016 DEPARTMENTS · ~ INCLUDE REJECT , or, oth~ ~ ~n.~ c..~s...tha~ ~e a?ached to the building shall be con'sid~red · when taentifying bmlding s~tbae2~ Thcu'~fore~ identify the width of the proposed owrhangs, Covered waBcways,.canopies, awning, md/or other ,ro~. fe~ areas that extend out b~YOnd th~ main wall~ of, the building. The appr?ea she plan. WAIVER R.EQUESTED~. JUSTIFICATION' overhan~s, shall en~cz:o~Ch into ea~m~t~s. · 51. Omit comment number 40. : X 52. Add,to comm~ntnurnb~ 46 to read as follows:" ' ro'~t to parkingarea Recommendation onty. : 53. Afld to, coni~slcnt number 47 to mad as folIows: "It is i _rn~rtant that thin X res~ proj~eCt' take the initiative in linldng future development of ~ecommendation only. van~ of thc !ak~ bY dcsign~ng the open slxlces between the Imildinas as ~g vlsta~ orcatlag a ~ betwe~fl tl~ two. Re~omm~q~datJoll only." 5~. Add to co..-~m number 49to readas follows: "Adding oth~ az~te~mal X · 1~i such as fountains could enhance th~ int~or 8rccn . C~'entt ADDrrlo~AL CITY CO~ COlqUmOlqS 56. To be d~'mi,~M~ ~ ~ ' ~ MWR/blw/dim ORDER OF THE CiTY COMMiSSiON OF THE DEvELO .N.Z,T ,,=, ON LOR O^ c,~ t ~ '..'- _OYNT pROJECT NAME: Grotto Bay @ Bermuda Place (Quantum Park) · Lee Winston Lee &AssOC ateS inc.. APPLiCANT:S AGEN~i':' Wi~sto~ , . ~ AppLICANT'S ADDRESS: Qualm Lakes Dfive~ Suite ~1Ot Boyrtton Beach; Flo~:da 33426 New Techni ~cai site Plan~h Wei~ers TYPE OF RELIEF sOUGHT: LOCATION OF~ ~ DRAWtNG(S): SEE EXHIBIT '0" ATrAcHED HERETO. ~ b~ . ~[~,hemb~ ~o~ t~e Io~' X _ TH~R - nffieda~a~ T~;;~ ~,~undasfol · aopeanng: u. ~ ,~ _ ~--~ ~ ~e ~a..,,,~ -.*- findings and ~me~au~, . . relief sought by ~ ~ s~ and ~e pu~ fi~s as f~: ~ ~in a ~n~ ~ns~tent ~th o DATED:.~--- Requested Ci~ Commission Meeting Dates [] November 21, 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] Januar~ 2. 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested Ci~' Commission Meeting Dates [] lanua~ 16,2001 [~ February 6, 2001 [] February. 20. 2001 [] March 6, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM E. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 200I !5:00 p.m.) Januzay 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Febmaty 7, 2001(5.:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to authorize the Utilities Department to turn over $251,140.27 in unpaid Utility and Refuse billings to the City's collection agency, and to authorize the Finance Department to reduce the Allowance for Uncollectable Account by that same amount. EXPLANATION: The $251,140.27 involves a total of 1,894 accounts. Most of the amount ($243,859.19) dates from the time period January 1998 through September 30, 1999. Some of the accounts, however, date back to 1991. Although we consider this amount to be uncollectable through our usual means, the collection agency may be more successful in recovering some of these funds, while retaining 20% of the recovered value as their fee. The unpaid amount for the period January 1998 through September 1999 comprises approximately one-half of one percent (actually 0.54% ) of the total amount billed during that period for water, sewer, stormwater and refuse. We consider this to be an acceptable loss when compared to neighboring municipalities. Many nearby municipalities, such as Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Riviera Beach, Lake Worth, and Wellington consider a 1% loss in uncollected revenues to be acceptable. Our amount is well below that standard. PROGRAM IMPACT: None S:~BULLETIN~ORaMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM FISCAL IMPACT: Minimal since the amount being deemed uncOllectable is less than ~0/~ of the total revenues cullected for that time peri0d. ALTERNATIVES: Continue to carry the unpaid accounts in the Allowance for UncoHecta~ .... Dep~ane~t H~ad's Signature C~MaEagerTs Signature Utilities Department Name City A~'omey / Finance / Human Resources XC: Peter Mazzella (w/attachment) Tony Penn Bill Atkins, Finance Dept. City Attorney File S:~B ULLETIN~ORMS'~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Collections Debit Amount Per Calendar Year 1999 1998 1997 1996 1998 1994 1993 Totals$ $107,700.68 $136,158.51 $2,567.62 $2,574.46 $1,203.57 $112.56 $50.00 1992 1991 $489.63 $283.24 GRAND TOTAL $25t,140.27 Utilities Revenues January 1998 thru Septeruber t699 MoloCh Water Sewer Stormwater Ut. Tax January 1998 738,891.58 885,200.86 47,266.44 3,318.38 February 1998 764,063.89 903,149.80 47,792.32 3,387.09 March 1998 729,315.83 879,887.11 47,524.48 2,824.87 April 1998 783,205.90 867,932.99 47,~§7.39 3,29E74 May 1998 1,006,763.94 913,899.07 47,808.98 3,260.33 June 1998 899,855.39 909,161.76 47,557.14 3,882.71 July 1998 963,394.40 782,714.25 47,873.66 5,155.47 August 1998 859;648.91 829,785.24 47,985.68 4,981.33 September 1998 876,618.79 810,386.78 48,243.44 4,504.25 Ou'tober 1998 698,876.13 715,461.74 44,644.05 4,050.35 November 1998 932,911.91 985,880.73 51,887.83 4,269.31 December 1998 762,538.27 857,493.52 48,657.58 3,645.05 Januap/1999 810,272.45 895,888.58 48,663.30 4,462.49 February 1999 739,261.94 853,508.71 48,870.44-~ 3,930.16 March 1999 923,668.68 892,447.98 48,661.41 4,617.90 April 1999 1,033,507.90 907,119.69 48,869.64 5,921A8 May 1999 961,665.47 875,275.98 49,114.74 5,405.31 June 1999 1,039,147.49 984,991.59 49,147.57 4,305.60 July 1999 640,495.98 727,383.02 49,190.84 4,062.58 August 1999 950,065.82 872,003.52 49,621.48 5,399.10 September 1999 798,502.99 755,391.08 41,834.32 4,752.28 Adjustment (32,408.64) 2,097.91 (62.82) 17,880,264.12 18,104,944.00 1,010,510.84 89,371.66 Garba,qe TOTAL 375~572~53 2,051,249.79 377,442.94 2,095,836.04 376,271.78 2,035,884.07 379,893.05 2,081,928.07 380,0i 9~79 2,351,552.11 381,600.20 2,242,057.20 383,497.55 2,182,635.33 382.132.15 2,124,533.31 384~431.;21 2,124,184.47 356,595.24 1,819,627.51 2,397,502.10 2,060,858.72 392,883.32 2,152,170.14 393,801.81 2,038,172.16 392~400.88 2,261,796.85 2,390,111.83 2,286,629.64 395~662.58 2,473,254.83 1,813,651~78 2,273,623.46 4Q4,:~64.!3 2,004,844.80 (3;274.70) (33,648.25) Requested City Commission Meet/n~ Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19.2000 [] January 2, 2001 CITY OF BO,YNTON BEACH AGENDA. ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 [5:00 p.m.) November 22, g000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5;00 p.m3 December 20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meefin~ Dates [] Janu~,y 16~ 2001 [] February6, 2001 [] February 20, 200I [] March 6, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM F. Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.;- January 17, 200I (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m3 February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] ~4elmlnistrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] PublicHeering [] Legal [] Bids [] UnfinlshedBusiness [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the payment of four quarterly invoices from the Quantum Perk Property Owners' Association, Inc. for the maintenance of Quantum Bouleverd totaling $87,361.55. EXPLANATION: In August, 1999 the City Commission agreed to consider assuming maintenance of Gateway Bouleverd as a way of assisting the Schoolboasd to locate the new high school in Quantum Park. Due to the difficulty of dividing maintenance responsibilities for adjacent sections of Quantum Perk, it was subsequently recommended that the Quantum Perk Property Owner's Association continue ~o provide maintenance for Gateway Blvd. under a contractual agreement with the City. The association has continued to perform these services while it has negotiated with the City cooceming a formal maintenance: agreement. The referenced bills represent four out of the five quarterly invoices fowerded to us by the property owners' association with the attached letter dated September 5, 2000. PROGRAM IMPACT: paying of four out of the five referenced invoices allows the city to pay for the maintenance on all but the last quarter of this year without impacting the agreement which is still in negotiation. FISCAL IMPACT: it is mcommondad that the $87,361.55 be transferred out of the contingency account into Parks Account g001-2730-572.49-17 for payment. Once the ageement is finalizied the exact amount of the last payment can be determined and recommended for payment. ALTERNATIVES: Delay payment of these invoices until the agreement is finalizied. .. Department Head's Signature ~ ~it~ Manager s Signature ! Perks Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:~BULLETIN~FORMS~AGENDA rrEM REQUEST FORM.DOC B. Discussion of letter from (~uantum CommUnity District Mr. Hawkins reported that there is an issue that developed regarding the high school site in Quantum ParK, There is an opportunity for the Cty Fco participate in the overall solution to the concerns that have been raised between Quantur0 and The School Board. One of the soiuti~ns~be ng offered is the ~a nte~ance of Gateway, Bou evard between 1-95 and congress AVenue.' ' The ma nten~nce~ i~C[Ude~''lands~ ~g, -'m~d~'~¥',/ight[ng and drainage'. Irrigation is:a/ready,¢ir~ p ace. The ,Qty w~ill; be mainta)ning Gate~a~ B~levard from Seacrest Boulevard to Federal Highway. We are in th~ pfbcess of 166ki~g ai~EO~ [fi~t maintanant~ ~tll:be accomp shed. Therefore, t s a rationa soluUon for the City to take o~er maintenance of that roadway, tt would fit into the panning that is Ongoing for the Overall Gateway Boulevard corridor., Staff f~eels we could incor~porat~ that maintenance into our overall planning bY loo lng at either contra~dng ~e m~ nt~e~ance out or 'handling timhouse. ' With regard to the. is~u~.,,p~iPo!i~ patrols in Quantum ~ Mr. Hawkins adv sed that the City is looking at this as ~'ipla~g b~s ness scenario. As ~¢i~rk'~O~tinu~ to grow and we look at Police resP°dse, ~ii!m~t:il~I~''at how we geograp?~!ly;zon'e the:Police patrols. We.would ncorPOrated in an exis~ng zone where an off1 ~g , i , more sense to 10~ at ,i~as ,an: individual zone M~. Hawkins does not believe this is an unreasonable re. qL~ ~b~ requests ar~ issues the Ci~ ~oU[d b~ dffaling with anyWay- ~Vhen COmmissio.e~ ~l~aha~ ~es~ion~d whether ,p~r, zn?,~?l,~!~p~ H~W~: ~diised mat ~ff flas some pretiminaw E~je~ons. ' Wl~'respem'~o~ ma,,, cos~, ~e c W' might ~e~ a~ e [0: do ~e maintena~c~ ~n Gateway; for I~ ~0n~ thah what curmnUy ~ ng s~nt by Quan~m. QuantUm pmvid~ a mai~eda~c~,figu{e o~ ap~0ximately $~,00~; -We are ~[~g at b~ng ab e to do ~at ~aintenan~efor $,i0,000 to ~i2,000 J~s. One of the ~ings we need; to I~k at morn'closely is I~hUQ~. uU~s o~er ~an. ~e Ci~ ~king over ; we could consider' ~eas~ab e. Commissioner Denahan d~ not want to im~de progress of ~is high sch~l. She pointed out ~at ~ere s pr~e~e pro~ in Quantum Pa~. She ques~on~ whe~er ~at land muld change hands and [bec~e C ~-own~ proPe~ and: addto Our ~ b~e. Mr. HawHns advised ~at ~e Ci~ a!rea~y,.owns [5 acr~ of ~rope~ in ~e Pa~ ~at is slat~ for ~rk development. Mr. Wfid~er add~t Quan~m Pa~;owns ~e Prese~e. 'if we t~E ov~ ~at prese~e, we would have to ~a~n~in it. ' j:kFOLIOkNFO\COMMLMrN.NFO With respect to maintenance of the medians, if we go to contractors, there woulc~ be increases on a yearly basis. If the pro.~lect is handled in-house, we would need additional personnel. At present, we have provisions in our lanclscape contracts that would allow us to add on the new portion of Gateway Boulevard. Consensus There was a consensus of the Commission to accept the concept that was presented. J:kFOLIOk/qFO\COMM_MIN.NFO COHEN, NO _I~US,. $¢~m.~tFa~ WEINBERGER & WOLMER 712 U,S. HIGHWAy ONE, ~ 4~ NO~ P~ B~CH, ~A 3~7146 July 18, 2000 James A. Cherof, City Attorney Office of the City Attorney The City of Boymon Beach 1000 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Maintenance and Security Agreement - Quantum Comm~mi~j Development District Dear Mr. Cherof: This is a follow-up to the continuing matter of the Maintenance and Security Agreemem between the Quantum Community Development District and the City of Boynton Beach. I received your last correspondence of December 7, 1999, and subsequently received copies of comments from various departments of the City regarding the draft proposed Maintenance and Security Agreement which I provided to you September 20, 1999. I have also been informed by Tom McGillicuddy of discussions he has had with the City. of Boynton Beach staff and the Mayor regarding this matter. Based on these comments and information I have revised the Maintenance and Security Agreement to ~ and incorporate most of the concerns expressed in the comments. The most significant commeat was the request for the inclusion of an optional provision that would allow the City to subcontract the maintenance services along Gateway B0ulevatd and High Ridge Road back to the CDD. That is contained in a new section XIII set out on page 8 of the enclosed draft. This will allow the City to make all ann.al election to have the CDD do the maintenance, or to do it themselves. Based upon the request and interest of the City to have the CDD perform the maintenance as a subconm~ctor to the City, the CDD has investigated the costs of performing such. In order to reach a reasonable amount, the CDD has determined the entire budget for maintenance of Quantum Park as a quarterly cost, and tahen broke it down to the percentage which would be allocable to Gateway Boulevard. (As used herein Gateway Boulevard includes that short piece of High Ridge Road north of Gateway Boulevard north to the limits James A. CheroL City Attorney July 18, 2000 Page Two of the Park. Tiffs was used because there l~s been a determination that High Ridge Road was dedicated to the City and the City is respousible for nmin~g that portion of High Ridge Road.) The calculation is set out hereafter: Administrative: Maintenance: Utilities: Total Assessment each Quarter Percentage of Gateway Blvd.: Total Due each Quarter Quarterly $14,919.30 53,889.00 $71,613~30 [ am informed that Tom McGillicuddy has conveyed this esfimn~ted cost to Mr. Wildner and the City Mayor. I have enclosed a copy of the calculation made by Mock Roos & Assocmtes, Inc. to reach this percentage. We would greatly appreciate your review of this, as well as the City staff, and response as soon as possfole. I believe it is the goal of both the CDD and the City to finalize this Agreement before the beginning of the new fiscal year so that it will be in effect at that time. I invite you or the staff to contact me with any questions or comments. BAC/djr CC: Kurt Bressoer, Boynton Beach City Manager John Wildner, Director of Parks & Recreation QUANTUM PARK RID ROADWAY LENGTH SUMMARY LENGTH~IN FEET Be~n End QCDD CITY · Congress Ave to Begin ~o~ 954.00 Begin Cons-traction to C/L orE-4 Bridge 954.~0 ,. 1,606.~ / , 652:66' LWDD E-4 B~dge to C./L of High Ridge Ro~ 1.606~66 6,22020 4,614.14 C/L of High Ridge to 1-95 6~20.80 6,600,00. · 379~20 Total -, ,~ : · Quammn Blvd Congress Ave to Begin COnm'acti~ 832.82 832.82 C-/L of Gateway Be~vard to C/L of Quantum 1~ Driv~ 6~.~3~i~ 7,014.60 679A? Term 7,014.60 ' 7,g14.60 ~ of Gateway Boulevard to C/L of Gat~ay Boulevarc 0,00 2,8~0.00 2~860~00 Park Ridge Bird C/L of Gateway Boulevard to X~heo! Progeny 0.00 500.00 . 5(}0.00 School Pmpe~ · 500 00 ~ 2+400'00 1.900.00 End of School Property to H gh Ridge ~.aU~ 2,40000 i 4,552.55 2-152~ C/L of High Ridge'$outh to C/L of Gateway BoMevnrd 4,552 5~ i. 7 8~0.56 ~gg.0! Total (See Nm;3) ~ ~ 7J~0.~6'. ! $,9~0~6 C/L of High Ridge heck of Cul-de.snc 0.00 800.00 800.00 C-/L of P'~k Ridge b~k of Cul-de.~ 0.00 350.00 [ 350.00 Bern Ih-/ve OL of ~ Ridge ~ Of Cul-de.~ 0.00 500.00 500.00 High Ridge R~M (North) Center Line of ~ay Boulevard to End Con.~m~ en - 9.421.96 1.571.40 = Total 1~71.40 1~'71.40 TOTAL MA/NTAINED BY QCDD · 18,13640 N~:~ TOTAL MAINTAINED BY CITY 7,217.40 I C/L = Centerlinc 2 Road Names an~ $~alions ~ as shown on the Comtmction Reen~l Drawings 3 The School Boant Propen~ is no~ included in the (~DD mmmmned lenglh 4 Totnl roadway length (Fe~t) 25.353.80 5 QCDD maintained percentage 71.5% 6 City mmntaincd F~.-c~.iage 28.5% PREPARED BY MOCK. ROOS & ASSOCIATES. INC. May 22. 2000 I~ge I of I Quantum Park Properly Ownem' Association. Inc. t999 Calendar Year Budget January February March April May June Administrative: Management Fees 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1,000 Accounting/CPA 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.66 Legal 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.66 Insurance 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 Computer Time 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 Telephone/Fax/O~ice Supplies 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 Poslage/Copies 25 26 25 25 25 25 25 Licenses/Fees 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Contingency 10% 252.50 252.50 252.50 252.50 252.50 252.50 252.50 Subtotal: Maintenance: Landsca~ng/EerlJlization/Pest Control 7950 7950 7950 7950 MIsc Lae~sca~ng (annualS/mulch] 250 250 250 250 Irrigalion 750 /'50 750 750 Irrigation Reoairs and Supplies 125 125 125 125 TmeTdmming 4217.08 4217.08 4217.08 4217.08 Lake Chemical Treatment 700 700 700 700 Welland/Sand Pine Tmatmenl 1400 Roadways 560 508 500 506 Lighting R&M 1855 1855 1855 1855 Slgnage R&M 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 Contingency 10% Subtotal: 7950 7950 7950 250 250 250 750 750 750 125 125 125 4217.08 4217.08 4217.08 700 700 700 500 500 500 1855 1855 1855 208.33 208.33 208.33 July August Selpember October November December 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 $12~00.00 416.66 416.66. 416.66 416.66 416.74 $5~00,00 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.66 416.74 $5,000.00 450 450 450 450 450 $5,400.00 83.33 83.33 83,33 83.33 83~7 $1.000.00 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.37 $1,000.0~ 25 25 25 25 25 $300.00 50 50 50 50 50 $600.00 252.50 252.50 252.50 252.50 252.50 $3,030.00 $1.690.54 $1.690.54 $1,690.54 $1,690.54 $1,690.54 $1.690.54 $1,690.54 $1.690.54 Utilities: Electric 3200 Waler/Sewer 55 Conlingency 10% 325.5 Subtotal: 7950 7950 7950 7950 7950 $95.400.00 250 250 250 259 260 $3,000.00 750 750 750 750 750 $g,o00.O0 125 125 125 125 125 $1.500.00 4217.08 4217.08 4217.08 4217.08 4217.12 $50.605.00 700 700 700 700 700 $8,400.00 1400 1400 $4.200.~0 500 500 500 500 500 $6.000.00 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 $22.260.00 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.37 $2,500.00 $1.690~64 $1,690.54 $1.690.54 $1,690.56 $20,286.50 TOTAL: $33,330.00 $223.151.50 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 $38.400.00 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 58 $660.00 325.5 325.5 325.5 325.5 325.5 325.5 325.5 325.6 325.5 325.5 325.5 $3,906.00 $42.966.00 $299.447.60 c:Qu~: '~?OA/budgst.xls Quantum ®ar~rolaerty Owners' ~ssociation, Inc!nv°ice 2500 QUANTUM LAKES DRIVE' SUITE l 00' BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33426-DA-?E _ _ _ ?._VOICE 10/1/i999 98 BILL TO Ci~ of Bo.vnton Beach- 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310 P.O. NO. TERMS PROJECT Due Upon Reciept QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT 4th QTR. OCTOBER I - DECEMBER 31. 1999 21.335.63 .1.335.6a Maintenance of Gateway Boulevard Total $21.335.63 O~uantum ®ar(L-q%laerrY Owners' ~ssociation, Inc!nv°ice 2500 QUANTUM LAKES DRIVE · SUITE 100 · BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426-DATE INVOICE # I/t/2000 99 BILL TO City of Bo,',mton Beach- 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310 P.O. NO. TERMS PROJECT Due Upon Reciep[ QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT I ST QTR - JANUARY I - MARCH 31. 2000 22.008.64 22.008.64 Maintenance of Gateway Boulevard Total $22,008.64 Quantum ®ar(~roperty Owners' j~ssociation, ~rnc!nv°ice; , . . DATE INVOIC~,,~ 2500 QUANTUM LAKES DRIVE SUITE 100 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426~¢/i/2000-- - 100 ~ BILL TO City. of Bo.vnton Beach- 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 BoyntOn Beach. FL 33425-0310 P.O. NO TERMS PROJECT Due Upon Reciept QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT 2nd QTR - APRIL I - JUNE 30. 2000 22.008.64 22.008.64 Maintenance of Gat~ay Boulevard Total $22.008.64 Quantum ~ar~.-~operty Owners' ~ssociation~ Inc!nv°ice DATE INVOICE # 250OQUANTUM LAKES DRIVE · SUITE 100 · BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 7/I/2000 I 01 BILL TO City of Bovnton__ Beach- 100 E. BoYntoo Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310 P.O. NO, TERMS PROJECT Due Upon Reciem QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT 3rd QTR- JULY I - SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 22,008.64 22.008.64 Mafntenance of Gateway Boulevard Total $22.008.64 Quantum PaNProperty Owners'Association, Inc!nv°iCe; ~om2oo0 ~o,~ ~1~-'~ BILL TO Ci~, of Boynmn Beach- 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O, Box 310 Bo.,mton Beach, FL 33425-0310 P.O. NO. TERMS PROJECT Due Upon Reciept QUANTITY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT 4th QTR~ OCTOBER I - DECEMBER 3 I. 2000 22.008.64 22.008.64 Maintenance of Gateway Boulevard "~' Total $22.008.64 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM V-CONSENT AGENDA ITEM G. Dam Final Form Must be Turned in to City Cl*rk's Offi~ November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p Jrt.) December 6~ 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Ekgg~nber 20,2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requ~*d City Commission [] Jan~ 16, 2001 [] Mamh 6, 2001 Dam Fkml Form Must be Turned to City Clerk's Office I~nua~ 3.2001 (5:00 p.m.) Ianum~ 17,2001 (5:00 p.m.) Febnm~ 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) F~bruavd 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.} NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve Change Order No. 5 on the Ocean Avenue Promenade project in the amount of $10,375.00. This Change Order does not add any days to the project. (Change Order #1 was the elimination of the t00 block f~om the project. Change Orders No. 24 previously approved). EXPLANATION: We have found the need to make some additional adjusmaents in the Ocean Avenue Promenade project. This next series of adjustments has resulted in the developmem of Change Order #5: The original design plans did not include any provision for temporary street lighting in the 500 block. The old lights needed to come out so that the new brick pavers could be put down. We did not want to leave the 500 block dark at night. This change proposal of $5,g25.00 is for t~mporary lighting in the 500 block. C~ #16 The original design plans mi.~sed one roof drain for a water downspout. This change proposal of $750.00 is for the installation of that downspout. S ABULLEIIN~ORMS~.GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Change Proposal # 17 Once the sidewalk/brick pavers were being installed in the 500 block, we found one spot on the sidewalk where there was negative at that spot'. ~ change wRter PVC :to dmir the 500~block. PROGRAM IMPACT: The City's purchasing rules state that admini~rative staffhes the authority to authorize change orders to construction projects,' up to a cumulative total of $10,000.00. These 3 change proposals ~umulatively total $10,375.00. FISCAL IMPACT: Currently there are enough funds in the project's contingency account (302-1211-512-63-30) to pay for this change order. ALTERNATIVES: There are, realistically, no alternatives to this recommendation. Not to pay these change orders could result in the City defaulting on its contract with the General Contractor. Depaz~ent Head's ~gnature Capital Projects Department Name City Manager s Signature City Attorney / Financ~ / Human Resources S:~ULLETIN~ORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUF3T FORM.DOC CHANGE ORDER #5 FOR CHANGE PROPOS32L #7, ~16 & #17 Distribution to: OWNER _.X ARCHITECT 1{ CO~CTOR X FIELD x OTHER PROJECT: Ocean Avenue Promenade Project No. CP9920 CHANGE ORDER NUMBEPc rNITL&/ION DATE: #5 TO Burkhardt Construction 1400 Alabama Ave., #20 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 CO~CTDATE: Youaredirectedm make~e ~owingchanges ~thisContmct: ARC~T~CT'S PRO/ECTNO: 99z025.4- Tem~orar' Lighting,.Roof Dr.ain, Channel Drain CONTRACT FOR: July 14, 2001 Not valid unffi signed by bo~ the Owner ~nd Are. tffi~t. Silmml~re of ~e ~n~r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.l,mlnE ~ ~i,~ ~ ~ ~ S~ ~ G~,.~,-; ~t~ ~e ofi~ (Co~ S~) (O~ ~ Co~) wm... $ Net ch~ge by previomly ~o~d ~e ~... $ ~e (Con~ S~) (Gu~d M~ Co~) ~or to ~ C~ge ~er w~... $ ~e (Conm Sm) (Omm~ ~m Coa) wffi ~ (~)~ by~mge~ .... ~7, $16 a ~17 ~e n~ (Con~ Sm) (G~ ~m ~) ~clu~g.~ ~ ~... ~e Con~ T~e wffi ~ (~) (~) (~ged) ~... 1,635,685.00 1,639,235.60 10,375.00 1,649,610.60 (~D~s. Au~orized: acmTEcr co cTo Gee & Janson Burkhardt Con~. City of Boynton Beach One Harvard Circle 1400 Alabama Ave, 920 P.O. Box 310 West Palm Beach. FL "' ; ~ . ' - '._ Bovnton Beach. FL 3340 _ ~ . 3 --0 -- 33425 From; To: Change Proposal, #7 Burkhardt Construct]on, blC. 1400 Alabama Ave. we~t pa~ Beach, ~. A~ Denn~ E Ha~es. Telephone~ 659-1400 F~c 65~140~ ENGINEER: Ft. 33409 P.E Plans: None P~l Oate: 2-Nov-00 I~em ~"'ip~on Furnish& Instal Teml~ Ught Poles 250 Watt Me~d Halide F'o~res O~adlead W'li~g Removal Of Poles & Fbtures Unit Pflce Amount 4 Ea $275.00 $ 1,100.00 8 E~ $425.00 S 3,400.00 ILS $875.00 $ 875.00 ILS $450.00 S Change Proposal ~t7, Net Add $ 5,825.00 Re~ Submitted. Change Proposal, #16 1400 Alabama Ave. ~20 West Palm Beach, FI. 33401 Att: Dennis E. Haynes Tetel~ene: 659-1400 Fa~c 659-1400 To: c~ CX Boynton Beach, Flodda 100 Eest Boynton 8each 81vd. say.t~ Beach, F~da 3342S Att: Frarr~z Lafontant T_._~,~h~. on~. 742-6282 Fac 742-6285 Project: Ea~t~O~a~ n Avenue Promenade C~y Project ~920 ENGINEER: Gee 8. Jemoa One Han,ard Circle West P.a/m Beach, Ft. 33409 Att: Ray Daviclson, P.E. Tek~hme: 515-6500 Fac 51.~-6502 Revi~on: ROof Drain Sta; 22+80 Lt. Roof DraJn From Rain WMer Downspeut I LS $750.00 $ 750.00 Change Pmposa! e16, Net Add ~=ur~narm~.,onstruc~on, I~, / From: To: Change Proposal, #17 Burkhardt Construction, Inc. 1400 AJabama Ave. West Palm Beach, FI. 33401 Att: Dennis E. Haynes Telel3hone: 659-1400 Fa~c 659-1400 ENGINEER Revision: Proposal P.E q~ ~ra~ To Correct Negative S~a~k C_ _-~__ Stope ~.' ~. ~-$ta.27+90 To Sra. 28+10 [Approx) $100.00 $ 2,200.00 $15.00 $ 1.200.00 $400.00 $ ,m0.00 Change Proposal f~17, Net Add $ 3,800.00 MASTER PLANcFOR ITY EAST/WEST OF BOYNTON INDUSTRIAL AVENUE BEACH WEST INDUSTRIAL _AVENU_E .... EAST INDUSTRIAL AVENUE and Associates, I nc. [] ~s, 2ooo CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must b~ Tumod in to Cil~ CI~k's Office Noveaaber 9. 2~ (5:~ p.m.) N~ 2~ 2~ (5:~ p,~) ~ 6. 2~ (5:~ p.m.) ~ 20, 2~ (5:~ p.m.) Reques~l City Commission [] Saaua~ 16. 2001 [] March 6, 2001 V-CONSENTAGENDA ITEM H to City Clerk's Janumy 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Janua~ 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Fc4)Rlaty 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21,200l (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New BusineSs [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to authorize Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. design engineers to proceed with the development of construction drawings for the Industrial Avenue stormwater improvement program, based upon the attached concept plan. EXPLANATION: The City engaged the services of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to design stormwater and street improvements for East and West Industrial Avenues. In order to obtain the input and feedback of the property owners on both of these streets, we conducted two public meetings (November 1 and November 28, 2000). The first public meeting included~ the showing of the concept plan designed by the City staff and the consultant. This included a one-way traffic routing on East Industrial Ave. just past the Store-All and Foster Oil driveways. It also included on-street parking, sidewalks on both sides and as much landscaping and swale drainage areas as possible. This presentation was not well received by the Industrial Ave. property owners, and they asked us to develop a two-way traffic, minimalist approach in our second draft of a concept plan. The consultants and the City staff went back to the drawing board and developed a second concept plan that included two way traffic on both streets,-no on-street parking and minimal landscape and swale areas. We presented that plan at the second public meeting. Lo and behold, the property owners apparently had a change 6f heart between the first and second public meetings, and upon a vote of the property owners, all of those in attendance (except for S:'~BULLETINXFORMS~.GENDA ~ REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM one owner) asked us to go forward with the original concept plan as presented at the November 1~ public meeting: PROGRAM IMPACT: With the City Commission's permission, we will advance this project to the final construction been endorsed b~ property except for one attendee). FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this decision. This work has already been authorized and paid for. This decision is only to allow us to move forward from a specific concept plan to actual construction drawings. ALTERNATIVES: To select another concept plan to use with this improvement. ~ I~partm~at Hced's Si8~lature Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources s :~BLrL LE'I'INkFORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] November 21, 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December 19. 2000 [] January 2, 2001 V-CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEM I AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in ro Cit~ Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 [5:00p,m.) December 6. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 20~ 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates [] Janua~ 16,2001 [] Februa~ 6. 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Cit~ Clerk's Office January 3, 200l (5:00 p.m.) Januar~ 17, 2001 ~5:00 p.m.) February 7,2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Adrniniqtxative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Anaouncemem [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: City Commission approve purchase of Smartzone System Manager terminal. The terminal will be used to maintain the City of Boynton Beach radio database, inventory, and maintenance of related records. EXPLANATION: Motorola recommended, in their Statement of Work, that the members of the South Palm Beach County Public Safety Cooperative (Boynton Beach, Delray Beach and Boca Raton) share the use of a SmartZone System Manager Terminal, with the terminal located in Boca Raton. The City of Boynton Beach has determined that sharing one SmartZone terminal was not practical because of the time necessary to maintain records, change radio assignments, the time spent traveling to Boca Raton, and the potential for corruption of the database. PROGRAM IMPACT: Ownership of out own terminal ensures the integrity of our radio system database, the maintenance of records, and allows the System Manager to view and act on reports generated by the terminal software. FISCAL EVIPACT: The total cost Budgeted in initial PO Unbudgeted balance $136,295.00 48.073.39 $ 88,221.61 Unbudgeted balance of $88,221.61 from CIP unreserved fund balance. Account # 302-0000-271-01-00 ALTERNATIVES: Enter into a Lcase/Purchase agreement with Motorol~ over the next two years at an interest rate ofll°/ooranadditional$9,533,~/]~ 1~1] 'J, ~ f. /~ / Department Hdad~s~tu~- ' ~City Manager s Signature Department Name ,~/ City Attor~l'Finlm~e / Human R~sourcesTZ"Y~ S3BULLETI2q~FORM S~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC MOTOROLA November 10, 2000 City of Boynton Beach Ms. Phyllis Dixon 100 E:B0ynton Beach Blvd. Bg~ntqn Beaclx, FL 33435 Dear Ms. Dixon: Enclosed are the required lease documents to be filled out and signed by the City of Boynton Beach for the SmartZone Manager Terminal. The total cost for the SmartZone Manager Terminal with installation is $136,295.00. Motorola has issued a credit to Boynton Beach for its share of the original SmartZone Manager T¢~al in the amount of $48,073.39. This reduced the 13alance to finance the Term~ io !388;221.61. The City of Boynton Beach will be left with two annual payments of!$48,877.48 with the first payment due December 1, 2001 and the remainder payment due December 1, 2002. Motorola,looks forward to working with the City of Boynton Beach on this project. You can contac~ me at 954-723-8898 if you have any questions. Sincerely: MOTOROLA, Inc. Mi'kc BU,/n~t~g Account Manager 789 In(emal oral Parkway Sunrrse F or,da 33323 ° ~954) 723-5000 VZI-PUBLZC HEARZNG ITEM A. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACI AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOk~v, Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Cormnission Meetml~ Date~ m to Ciw Clerk,s Offie. ~ [] November 21. 2000 November9,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] January 16,2001 [] DecemberS, 2000 November22,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] February6,2001 [] DecernberI9 2000 December6,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] Febmary20,200I [] Sanuary 2. 2001 December20,2000 fS:00p.m.) [] March6.2001 NATURE OF [] Consent Agenda [-'] AGENDA ITEM [] PublicHeating [] [] sida [] Date Final Form Must be Turned in to CRv Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m January 17,2001 (5:00 p.m.i Febr~ry 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m February21,2001 (5:00 p.m.) Development Plaus New Busi,t~ss Unfinished Business Preaemafiou . g ~ ~a~vo~~t~ ~ ~ ~t~a · · . - ~ ~ pprov~ (~e ~ no con~Uom r~m,,~ by ~ pl~ ~ ~ --~t ~ .... , _.. . ~ d). For ~ ~ ,.,.o to ~ re.st s~ a~hed D~ of ~vel~ M~ N~ ~ ~2~. ~ ' EXPLANATION: PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIFHON: PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL II. PACT: N/A ~y Manages Sisnamr~ City Atton~y / Finance / Human Resources DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 00-299 TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Michael W. RumOr' Planning and Zoning Director Jose R. Alfaro Planner October 12, 2000 Grotto Bay ABAN 00-OO4 NATURE OF REQUEST loni Brickman. AICP, of Winston Lee & Associates, Inc., agent for' Quantum Park & Village, L. L. C., has filed this application to abandon a utility easement dedicated to the City by the plat of Quantum Park at Boynton Beach P. L D., Plat No. 6, a~recomed ia Plat Book 57, Pages 191-193, Public Records of palm Beach County, Flofida. TI~ attached Exhibit 'A '~ shows the location of the applicant's property, and includes a diagram oft. lie specific easement to be abandoned. BACKGROUND In February, 2000, the Quantum Park DR[ Develogmont Ord~ Amendment #I0 changed the land use designations for parcels 59 - 67C m allow "MLxc-d Lrs~_ ~ tllat permits office, commercial and residential uses. The subject sim rqnteg,~a mu~fi:.-~esicg*ntiat Component of a conceptual Master Plan described as Ouatmaa V/ltag~ now, imowa:as-~uara~un Grono Bay at Bermuda Place. The developer proposes the construction of eighteen (18), two-story buildings containing 272 rental apaxm~ent units on Quantum Park Plat 6 lo~s 59 - 61 located on the east side of Quantum Lakes Drive. Two of the proposed buiI~ wo~.d be c~d ~n,portions of a 20cfoot utili~ easemem dedicated'by plal[ tothe City of BO~on ~h~see Exhibit B - Proposed Site Plan). The developer is reque~tfug the ab/mdonment of the above-referenced 20-foot dedicated utility easement located at'either s/deand along the dividing parcel line between lots 60 and 61, to facilitate the development of the?oj~.ect. ANALYSIS According to the applicant, the subject easement is currently not being utilized by any agency and/or civj, and is not of interest for future use by any local public-or p~iyate utility company. Furthermore, the City departments involved ia the review of all .requests for abandonment, and the utility companies notified of the request a~e identif~'bet0V;. Pt~blii: notice was given w the property owners that abut the easement and it has been advertised iathe newspaper. The responses by the utility companies and city deparhaents are as follows: ~age 2 Memorandum No. PZ 00-299 ABAN 00-004 CITY DEPARTMENTS Engineering Utilities Planning and Zoning No objection. No objection. No objection. PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES Florida Power and Light Bell South Florida Public Utilities Company Cable Company (Adelphia) Cable Company (Comcast) No objection. No objection.' No objection. No objection. No objection. The following is a description of the zomng districts and Iand uses of the properties that surround the subject request (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map). North South East West Lot 62 Quantum Park, vacant, zoned. PID, part of Quantum Village. Lot 58 Quantum Park, zoned PID, being developed for office use. Quantum Lakes Drive right-of-way and farther west, Water Managemem Tract "P' and'Tract "Q' Quantum Park. Water Management Tract 'M' Quantum. Park and the Sand Pine Preserve in Quantum Park. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the subject abandonment request b~ approved. No conditions of approval are recommended; however, any condidom of approval recommended by the Planning and Developmem Board or required by the City Commission will be placed in Exhibit "C' - Conditions of Approval. xc: Central File EXHiBiT ;,A.,[ 61 / / / / / / L pOINT O~ / / QUANTU~ PARK AT BOYNTON BEACH, PLAT NO. 6 PLAT- ~QOK' ,57, PAGES 191-19~ TIMOTHY M, SMITH . LAND SURVEYING, INC l~J' SUNFLOWER STREET ROYAL PALM BEACH, FL 35411 (561) 792-9157 LB ~6865 SHEET 2 OF 2 SCALE: 1"=100' SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OATE: SEPTENIBER 2000 RELEASE OF EASEMENT DIRECTORY: QUANQUAN PREPARED FOR QUANTUM PARK AND FIELD BOOK: N/A VI LLAGE, LLC DWG NO.: QUANSK02 j EXHIBIT "C' Conditions of A rova!_ Project name.:.Grorro Bay File number: ABAN 00:004 Reference: Application ~o Abandnnment with an September 18, 2000 Plarmmg and Zon/ng Depamuent da$, stamp marldn~. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILt't'tI~S Comments: NONE X FIKE Comments: NONE X POLICE Comments: NONE X !ENGINEEmNG DrmSlON Coa",'~ts: SONE - X BUILDING DMSION Comments: NONE X P~av, KS ~ KECRF. XTiON · X FOKESTE~oNMlgNT~ Commen~: NOI~-:~ ~ - i X PLANNING AND ZONING Cotmuent~: NONE X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIOI~ Comment~: None. X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comm~t~: To b~ d~t. DEVELOPMENT OF C THE P~ .,JJECT NAME: Grott~ Bay APPLICANT'S AGENT: Joni Bdckman, AICP, of Winston Lee & Associates. Inc. ~e Road~ Suite 106. West Palm Beach, FI. 33409 DATE OF ,HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: December 05, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF-SOUGHT: Request for easement abandonment LOCAT, IONOE.~RO~ERTY; EasLsideofQuantum Lakes Ddve DRAWING(S): SEEEXHIBITJ'B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Flodda appe~.~dng on the consent Agenda on the date above The C ty Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of thePianning and DevelOpment Board, which Board found 'as fo lows: OR x THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, FIo~'~a on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered_the relief s?,u. gh, t b.y !he appliCant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of c~ty administrative stal/and the public Ttnas as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements ~the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant x HAS- ,. HAS NOT established by substantial competent ewdence a basis for the relief requested. The conditions for develol~ requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supportad by ~.~s~bstantial competent evidence are as setforth on Exhibit "C" The Applicant'S[ al~Catfon for relief is hereby x_ ~D subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph:3 hereof. DENIED This Order ~3a# take effect immediately upon issuance by the. C. ity Cretin; All further development on the property shall bemade in accordancewith the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: BOYNTON SHOPPES APPLICANT'S AGENT: Robert E. Basehart, Basehart Consulting APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1620 So. Congress Avenue DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: December 5, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Major Master Plan Modification/Rezoning (addition of 3,000 sq.ff. restaurant and retail space) LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1620 So. Congress Avenue DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B' ATTACHED HERETO. . . .THIS MA'Fr..ER came. before the City Commission of the C ty of Boynton Beach, F odda appearing on the ~onsem Agenda on the date abovei The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Beynton Beach, Florida on the date of headng stated above. The City Commission having considered the ~taffreliefandS°ughtthe bYi3ubllothe fllidsapplicantas follows:and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative Applicalk)n for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant X HAS HAS NOT The conditions for dev~ requested by the ApPlicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth can Exhibit 'C~ nof~ion 'Included'. The Al~lkant's application for relief is hereby ~: GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. All further development on the proparty sttail be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Ordar. 7. Other DATED: Clerk Requested City Cormm~ion Me~tinu Dates ] November 21,2000 [] Dec. ember 5.2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] Janum'y 2, 2001 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM VII-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM B CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FOR~w Date Final Form Must be Turned in tn CiW Clerk's O~ce Novemb~' 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Novemb~ 22. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) I~e~mber 6, 2000 (5:00 p.m.I l~cemb~ 20, 2000 (5:00 p.rm) R~uested CiW COrim~ssion Meefin~ Dat~ [] January 16, 2001 [] February 6, 2001 [] F~ ~0, [] March 6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Tum~l in to Ciw Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21,200l (5:00 p.m0 [] .adrrd~aqativ~ [] Development Plans [] Cons~t Agenda [] New~ RECOMMENDATION: Pl~.~ plac~ this requz~ on th~ ~ 5, 2000 City C,-, u~,;~ion Agenda ,m,4er Public Heaxing The Planning and Developm~at ~ wi~ a 3-~ fi~vo~ ~'~f~ for~a~ ~ r~lue~t with a reco.--~tafion for denial. FOr further dztail~ pert~- to th/~ r~lu~ se~ allach~ Dq~n~t of I~v~lu~nt ~ No. PZ 00-338. EXPLA.NATXON: PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRflrFION: City~;~s Signature DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 00-338 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THROUGH: Michael w.'Rum~~-'~ Director of Plannin~.~.~..d Zoning FROM: Dick Hudson $~nior Planner DATE: November 20, 2000 Project/Applicant: PROJECT DESCRIFIION Wood Parmers Development A~nt: Chris Kerr/I, rAldey & Associates, Inc First,Baptist Church of Boynton Beach West side of SW 8~ Street approximately t/8 mile north of Woolbright Road No: Rezoning (R~ZN 00-003) Property Description: Vacant ~ consisting o~ 14.18aci~s, wifb approval of an zmendmellt from Local Relail Comm~rdal ~o Higl~-D~ ' ~fial (10.8 du/ac) land use cla~ifica~n and having Planned Co~n~wlat- Development (PCD) muzt~bin ~i., pioi~eny wi~ tl~ Woolbright Place PUD. It is expec~l tim ~ prol~'zty wilt i~ developed wi~ approxima~ly 220 units of multi- f~may hom~8. To li~ emi an applicati0a for si~ plan approval ia ~ will ~oim:ide with fl~ adot~ion of tl~ pmvinusly aik~'~v~ Lamt North Wa~r gilma~ m iud prms~rve area of Woolbright Pin~ PUD demignau~i High Develol~d ~:' hmd~ (Cracker Barrel R~itam's~)i! ~,Ii~-t of Sl~pp~s of Woolbright PCD de$iluaied ~ Retail Commmm:ial laud u,~ wiltl ~ zoning; Right of way of SW 8'a SU~t, and fart~ east, developed multi-family dwellings (VininEs of Boynton Beach) of tl~ Woolbright Plac~ PUD, desiguated High Density Wood Partners Development Page 2 File Number: LUAR 00-003 Residential land use and PUD zoning with Land Use Intensity of 5; West Lake Worth Drainage District E-4 Canal. and farther west, developed single family homes (Palm Beach Leisureville) designated Moderate Density Residential land use (maximum density of 7,26 du/ac) with R-1AA single family (PUD) zoning. BACKGROUND The subject parcel was originally a part of the,Woolbright Place PUD and was purchased by the First Baptist ChUrch of B0ynion Beach, in' 1986, a~ the future location of their new church .Firs~t Baptist (7~26 a 'i~h care campus 'In 18~, 1998. In t back. With The projoc~ analysis is basically t Pla~ pL1D~ the land use on the (7.26 dwelling ,the im:reese in existing . (In July t u.~ amm/am~_fm u~smitml to the Florida amendment would mmmlmem at the time of ~ mm, regional and ~ommems ro the previously Wood Partners Development Page 3 File Number: LUAR 00-003 use. The project,analysis will focus on the issue of compatibility of the requested use with the ~adjaCan£ uses. ~ - The applicant has submitted' right for ~ densivy from. Gables Residential, the owners of the two Place PUD, granting the ck-nsities i m~h .19.7 in or would owntr arc, contrasted Wood Partners Development Page 4 File Number: LUAR 00-003 c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. The- applicant has stated that the.proliferation of Congregate Living Facilities approved within the City recently have reduced the demand for therange and intensity of uses permitted on the site and therefore make the rez0ning desirable. d. Whether the proposed use would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public ~cilities. The following facilities were analyzed as a part of the land use amendment review in order to ensure that capacity is available: i) Roads: Traffic data submitted by the,applicant show that impact of the approved uses 'for the site under its cu~ent land use des!gnat'ha would generate a to~ Of }2,838 ~ per day (tpd). If the property is deveIopedat the maximum 220 pete~fial units, traffic generated would be 1,540 2) Water/Sewer: Demand for.water and sewer would increase ]na slmilat manner. ~/'ater deraand for tim pr0percy if developed with the,currently allowed land use designation and. approved uses would be 40,950 gallops pe~ day (gl~l) based:os the ado~ level of:service of 200 gallons get capita per day and 2.4 persOna per ,unit. With the approval Of tl~ ~ted ~gh Density Residential de~ig~adon at a density of~ 10.8 du/ac and with. the additio~ of tmbuilt ;uults fi-om the remainder of the PUD, the maximum.demand is projecled at 105,6(X) glad. The demands for sewer, based on theiad0p~ed slandsrd of 90 ~ l~r cagita and 2.4 persons per unit, would be 18,378 ~ underlthe.existing approval. De~eloped for residential with the additional density fi-om tbePUD, the demand~would be 47,520gpd. ~ bna stsm~ within a letter 3) Drainage: Developm~m og tl~ and tho~ i .mr, o~t b:~ both~ tl~Ci~'$ ~ requirements As approved '$ i~ alone Wi~. Surplus Density Wraft~ 1,838 t~ , -L064 t~l 1,540 t[xl Sewer ~ u~ 1~ : ~9~ ~ Pop~fion 180 ~m " ' 36~ ~m 5~ ~ Since the requested rezoning is from it{ the addition to the above-mentioned o a residential zoning district, Therefore, in mast meet the citywide standards for Wood Partners Development Page 5 File Number: LUAR 00-003 recreation. These standards may be met by either dedication of land, by paying a fee in lieu of dedication, or a combination of both at the option of the City. Half (1/2) credit may be given against the requirement of land dedication or payment Of fees if the develoPer provi~des a certain level of p~ri~ recr~n facilitie~. o~. ~ite..,.Site plan appr°Val fOr:flevelopr~ent of th~ proPerty is st~bj'ect t~' ~'ap~iic~int me~g these req~irementa~ ' Whether the proposed rezoning would be corapqtible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect,?th~ pcoperty values of adjacent or nearby propern'es Lands to, the sou~ c PCD Use Element of Woolbright Land the reremion area that is The applica~ ha The oropor~ ~ allow f~' a St}lath. rm-~tul~ that is Boyn~on Beach as w/t~r~ sttc/t .ttse~ would in districts Wood Partners Development Page' 6 File Number: LUAR 00-003 There is a very limited amount of vacant land presently designated for High Density Residential within the City. However, there are vacant lands designated for commercial or other residential development, which if reclassified and developed as Planned Unit Developments, could achieve densities equal to or higher than 10.8 alu/ac on a portion of the development, provided the overall density remains at the ieve! established by the designated land use and zoning, CONCLUSIONS/I~COMMENDATIONS As indicated herein, this request is consistent with the in~nt of thc Compcehensive Plan to avoid provide a range of housing alone' will not create additional 'impacts on infrasu-uqmru that have not been anfi~'~pated in,the Comprehensive- Plan and by the famil] uses in the f~.om. and cOntained in Exhibit "C". ATTACKS LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT A ,,-S O~NT AL i/~ MIL 800 F:2--_- ~?O013RTGHT PLACE I~.. ~ !Ii,l. I EXHIBIT "B" · ?*'~' ~ q'll !]~= .- MASTER PLAN -C Master Project name: Woolbright Place P!~ 07~rood Developrne~t), File number: R.EZ'N 00-003 Reference: 2"a DEPARTMENTS , INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS ~ Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: NONE Comments : NONE . X Conuuents: NONE ENGINEERING DMSION · · ! . 1. Pursuanttothepc'tiiion~sl~t~ofl~0~mber21,20i~,ltgi~pal~¢ofland(in 'ii X Woororight Plac~ PUD: Ia l!~J8, awaa~ fx~a~lrezon~d ofSWS s. _uLt. ~~_~ ~ o~SW~'S~ ..d Woolbri~ht ~7 2. Au~*nfing the above c~..,,.~t, ~ revisioa to t[~ SI~!~SD s~ waist . X management l~t'i~t ma~ b~ n ~o,:ght (~.~., ao~ ~ . .,~...% -_ · . -- :, BUILDIHG DIVISION Commen~: NONE - : i Cou~ents: NONE ' X Project name: Woolbright Place PUD (Wood Development) File number: REZN 00-003 Pa~e 2 DEPARTMENTS ~ INCLUDE REJECT FORESTERfENVIRO~ALIST Cormnents: NONE ' X pLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 3. Add notes and symbols to document .current city ownership of thc 3.33 acres X loc~ated at the northeast: comer, of the site, and the planned use for public .drainage purposes, 4. Show points of ingrass/egr~ss for added portion, consistent with existing X master plan, to show proximity to existing driveways and to confirm conflicts will be avoided. 5. Show ~ s~rbac~ as ;equimt, and to provide comi~ianu with edjm~.-ut ~ X propc-nies and with oth~ {xmtious of the master plan. . 6. Identify location o~ '~7~' sm~ R.O.W." or ~ ami-cha~ to ?. Revise or reprint master plan to avoid loss of text at lett marsip- X 8. Proposed revision to master plm~ is n~ documeuted in title block, documeut X accordinsly ou r~:titied versi~ 9. Cles~ly state FuUm= Laud USe vh,~_*qcatiou ami mazimum density allowed, X and ch~ ~m~m"~x),~iq~.: ~,-- ~..~- paymont of a park fi~,~' ' -: ADDITIONAL ~~4{YI)E'V'EL~ BOARI} CONDITION8 11. DENIF, D - } X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 12. To be determined. MWR/ulw DEVELOPMENT ~ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BO'W~TON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: Wood Partners Development APPL CANT'S AGENT: Kitday and Associates, Inc. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMM SSION: December 5, 2000 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Rezoning and Master Plan approval LOCATION'OF PROPERTY: West side of SW 8= Street approximately 1/8 mile north of Wcolbdght Road DRA~W. ING(S): SEE F-~,~IBIT"B, ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came before'the City COmmission of the City of Boynton BeaCh, Flodda appearing oh the Consent Agendaon the date above; The City Commission hereby adopts the, findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which ~ found as:follows: ! OR X THIS MATrER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the C~ of Boynton ~ Beach, Flod~la on the date of headng stated above. The C ty Commission having considered th~ ~ relief soug~ by the applicant and heerd tastimony from the applicant, members of city administrative ~ staff and thd public finds as follows: -* '~- . _' . ~ Application for the relief saJght was made bythe Appr at-in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Develogment Reguie/dons. The Applicant X established by s~bstential ~tant e~ a basis for the-relief requested. 3. ,- Theconditkmsf~rdevelOl~mentrequestedby~tt,~Apldica~,.administrativestaff, or suggested by tfi~'-~td~ by ~.lbstentiai competent evidence are as set ~ condlu 3 h of. and conditions of this order. DATED: city Requested City Corom/ssion Meefin~ Dales [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5, 2000 [] December 19, 2000 [] January 2, 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Foma Musl;be Turned in to Ciw Clerk's Office November 9, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00p.m.) December 6, 2000 (5:00 p.rr~) December 20.2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested Cit~ Comrmssion Meefin~ Date~ [] JallUm'y 16. 200] [] Febmary 6, 2001 [] F~brm~ 20. 2001 [] March 6, 2001 -- VII-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM C Date Final Form Must be Turned m m CiW Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 200I (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5'.00 p.m.) NATLTRE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Admimstrative [] Consent Agenda [] Public Hearing [] Development Plans [] New Business [] Unfinished Business [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve an Intent Resolution at Public Heating. EXPLANATION: Thc attached Resolution is entitled an "Intent Resolution", and expresses the CiW's intern to use the Unifo.r~. Method for the levy and collection of a non ad valorem special assessment to fund the City's Fire Rescue program The Uniform method, set forth m section 197.3236, Florida Statutes, sets procedural guidelines for i3nposing a special assessment, to enable the City to use the services of the property appraiser and tax collector, and provides hearing and notice requirements for special assessments. The attached resolution does not impose any special assessments. Rather, it simply provides notice to the citizens, as wall as the property appraiser, tax collector and state dep,~muent of revanue, that the City intends to use the Ugiform Method for a special assessment that may beimplemented next year. Further action will be necessary next year in order to actually ur~Pose a special assessment. Notwithstanding the adoption of the Intent Resolution, there is no requirement that the City impose the special assessment. However, in order to secure the City's fight to use the Uniform Method, state law requires tiffs resolution to be adopted before January I of the year in which the City intends to implement a special assessment. Pursuant to section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, thc City has l~ovided published notice of this resolutiom A public hearing is required in order to adopt the Intent Resolution. PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Not approve the Intent Resolution. S:~BU~LETINSFORMS~AGENDA ITEM I~EQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Departxaent Head's Signature Department Nam~ Manager's Signatur~ ity A~ ! F' ce / Human Reso S:kBUI~ETINkFORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC RESOLUTION R 0 00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH THE CITY'S INTENT TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD .FOR THE COLLECTION OF A NON-AD VALOREM SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TO BE LEVIED UPON REAL PROPERTIES LYING WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXI-1tBIT .... A, ATTACHED HERETO, TO FUND THE CITY'S FIRE NEED' FOR SUCH LEVY; -THAT A COPY OF THIS , 'BE FORWARDED :TO THE WItEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boyaton Beach, Florida, (the "City") intends tO impose a special assessment to fund the provision of fire rescue services by the City;, and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 197.3632(3)(a), Florida Statutes, the City advertised its intent to use the Uniform Method for the collection of the assessment weekly in a newspaper of genera/ circulation for four (4) consecutive weeks preceding the public heating held the date hereof. Proof of publication of such hearing being attached hereto as Exhibit "B", and WHEREAS, the City Commission held a duly-advertised public hearing prmr to the adoption of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, as amended, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida desires to set forth its intent to use the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem special assessments to fund the cost of providing fire rescue services to those properties located with the municipal boundaries of the City more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated-~herein, because this method provides an economical and efficient process for such ~pecial assessments to be collected armually, commencing in October~ 200t; and WHEREAs, the Ci~ Commission-of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, directs the. City..~!erk to pr0vide copies of .this Resolution to th~eProperry Appraiser, Tax Collector and the Florida ~}epartment of Revenue on or pfior:w January i0, 2001. NOW, THE CITY Section 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are ~'ue and correc~ and hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Cocmiiission. Section 2. Commencing with the Fiscal Year be~nning on October 1, 2001, and with the tax statement mailed for such Fiscal Year, the City intends to use the Uniform Method authorized in Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, as amended, for collecting the assessment to fund the costs of providing fire rescue services for )roperties located within the municipal boundaries of the City, mo** particularly described in Exhibit '~A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3. The City hereby determines that the levy of the assessments is needed to fund the cost of fire rescue services within the incorporated area of the City. Section 4. Upon adoption, the City Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution by United States mail to the Florida Department of Revenue, the Palm Beach County Department of Revenue Collection and the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser by January 10, 2001. Section 5 All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section6. If any clause, section, other part of application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part of application, it shall not affect the validity of the remainingportions or applications of this Resolution. Section 7. This' Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSEl) ANl) ADOPTEI) this day of December, 2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner City Clerk (Corporate Seal) Commissioner Page 1 of 9 Sec. 6. Boundades. The corporate limits of the City of Boynton Beach shall-extend over and include all of, the territo~ ~ithin the fo!10wingdesCdptio, n and shall incorporate all of the inhab tants within the same except as otherwise expressly provided herein: An area of land in Palm Beach County, Flodda, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest comer of Section 5, Township 46 South, Range43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida; eastl ..thenCeright. of. wayN .89'09'38'E,line of I~long95 (Statethe southRoad lineNo.9} of said Section 5~ a distanoa of 1901.08 feat to a point on the ~ N.17°05 42"E, along said east right-of-way I!ne of 1-95 ~ t comer of LAKE VIEVV HAVEN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Palm Beach ~ Plat Book 32 page 53; ~ S.71°54'31'E, aiorlgrthe south line of said LAKE VIEW' HAVEN SUBDIVISION, a distance of 110 feat+to the southeast comer of LQT 1 of said LAKE VIEW HAVEN SUBDIVISION On thewest right-of-way line of Diane Drive; ~' ~_sduthweatedy along the:aoutlwvestertyextan$ion of Diane Drive a distance of 60 feet to a point on · the s6uth line of Said LAKE VIEW HAVEN SUBDIVISION; 5:.thance sou..thea~tedy along said south Jine !0 ~he northwest comer of LOT 1 of LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT 2 as recorded in Palm Beach:County P.u, blic Records in Plat Book 29 page 53; ~ S~18'04'29'W along the'west line of said LOT 1 a d~stanoa of 100 feet to a middle comer (140' 15) of said LOT 1; ~S.21°40'317E, aloog the west line ~f BLOCK 1of said LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT 2 a distance of 1280 feat to a point in the east'tine Of the west half 0N1/2] of the southwest quarter (EWl/4) of the southeast ~uarter (SEll4) of said Section 5; ~S.00 05~20"W, along said east~ line _a ~tance of 246 feat to a point in the north line of LAKE SHORE ESTATES; a SUbdivision in palm ~ County aa recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 26. page 26; ~ N.89°35'45'E, along &a~ north line and its easterly extension a distance of 288.00 fast to the sbutheast comer of LOT 16.LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT NO. 1 as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 28 page 216: ~ N.00~04'45"W, along the wast line of said LOT 16 a distance of 201.17 feet to a point on the si0utheastedy extension.of the east dgh{-of-way line of Lake Drive; . ~ N.68°19."~. E~ along a line ~lar to said east dght of way line of Lake Drive a d.is. tan..c?_ot 1~0.00 feet toe point on the southeasterly ~$ion of the east line of LOTS 11 through 15 of smo L,,U~,- EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT NO, 2; 1,2..t,~ N 21°40~31'W, along said southeasterly extension of the norttmast line of LOTS 11 through 15 to ~oast comer of LOT 12 of said LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT NO. 2; 13..thanoa northeasteHy a distance of 310 feet to a point; ~ southerly a distance of 25 feat to a point; il~,5;.thance n0dtmasterly a distance of 400 feat to a point;, ~ northwesterly a distance of 250 fast to a point; ~ southwesterly a distance of 400 feet to e point; !~ southerly a distance of 25 feet toe point; .. ;~ southwesterly a distance of 310 feet to the southeast comer of LOT 13 of sam LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT NO. 2;. ~.northweatedy along th? east line of oaid LOT t3 a distance of 30 feat to the eastedy right-of-Way 'd~ Lake worth Drainage District E:-4' Canal a distance of 736 feat to a point; Page 2 of 9 21 ..thence N.23°57 45"E, along said easterly right;of-way I ne, a distance'of 186 28 feet, to a point; 22..thence N .20°05'E, along said easterly right-of-way; line, a distance of 1161.45 feet, to the southwest 23..th I"E, a 880.5 ToWnship ~ 24..thence N.00 29 51"W point on the northeast quarter I ! a distance of 190 feet to a East Raflroad~ Coun~ -the west the poim Page 3 of 9 44..thence N.89°35'00"E along said westerly extension and along said south line of LOT 16, a distance of 1163 feet to a point 50 feet west of the west right-of-way line of Flodda State Road A1A; 45..thence n0rthedy along the east line of the aforementioned BENSON BROTHERS SUBDIVISION a distance of 69.11 feet to a point; Ocearl; Page 4 of 9 66..thence N.01 °12'26"W_ . along said. east right-of-way. . line, a distance of 756 feet to a point that is 3296.96 ,,= .u, u] .,~= or ~A~ui=t. ~, CEDAR RIDGE. a P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE 6c7°, r .~o. rd~ i.n sai? Public RecomsPlat Book 46 page 59; ..... ,,=, ,~-~ ~.0,~ ~oo:'w along said easterly extension, and along sa d north line ~f PARCEL: B a distance of 439-82 fe~t to the n0rthwest Comer of said PARCEL B;, ; 68 thence S00°05'28,VV aon ~ ' · ~-~ .. .; p: .~ ._ _ ~ e~ west hne of sa~d PARCEL B a d stance of 988.39 fee~o a oint on the norm ,ne or me soum half (3112) of the north ha f (Nl/2) 0fthe northwest quarter (NWl)4):of thep southwest quarter (SWl/4!oOf said Section 9; line69"thenceof I S.88' 45'14,W along said north line, a distance of 1331.29 feet to a-point on the east right,of. Way said 71..I t~i~tatsection P~ge 5 of 9 89,,thence southerly along the west right-of-way line of Lawrence Road to a point of intersection with the westedy extension of the south line of the GROVE PLAZA REPLAT as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 86 page 81; Beaci' I the~ r ~ of Page 6 of 9 114 thence westerly to the northwest corner of NAUTICA PLAT 2 as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 74 page 33; 115..thence southerly to the southwest COmer of the southeast quarter (SW 1/4)of the Section 13, Township 45 Range 42; 13 :to the 11 a point of intersection with ~Sectf~ 18: ~ Page 7 of 9 140..thence S.88°05'26"W along said south right-of-way of the Boynton Canal, a distance of 1206.56 feet to a point on the north-south one quarter line of said Section 19. 141 ..thence said north-south one ( t, a distance of 1191.31 feet tO a point on Page $ of 9 164_ thence 165..~hence the north line of Section ( e south line of the PLAT OF CRANBROOK LAKE ESTATES to the Comer of 665.75 feet to a point on t line of Section 6, adistance of 5357.63 feet to the northwest NO. of TRACT E 51; - SUMMIT PLAT westerly extension Of the south ine of Less and excluding the fo lowing nine (9)parce~'of land (A through I): particularly of REPLAT OF A at ranorded in said Public Records in ~ght-of-way line of the Florida East Coast right.of-way line of Gulf Stream &)ulevard; B.. An 11.04 acre pa~ of land in said Sectf .on. 4 be ng more palioularly described as all of LOTS 40, 43, 44,46, 52, 53, 56,57, and~that~ofLoTS~an~68 ess the west 231 fee and 'not included' al i ' ~ . . t, TRACT A abeled · ), ~n ~e ~DED PLAT ~E WIN · ( Pub,= Record ..~_ ~ .DS.E_?TATES as recorded ,n Palm Beach Coun $ n Plat Book,21 · 73; 1 ty southedy 200 feat of"id ~Tl~g~ a~ m=U~ ~aw~Y~~s° feet of the --tedy 1'7.83 feet of the . , p with the south and east lines of said TRACT A. C.. A 13,46 acre 59 66; 67 68 __P.~.~P'~n.~ in ~s~:l. __S~Ctl. ~:4;being more particularly described as all of LOTS 36 3 · , ,-na~:,~umro~gh?S~' 'L SA, WNDSE T ~ I:;- ~, Q~ .78 through 112, all m said AMENDED PLAT SATES as recorded in said I~lbi¢ ~$ n Patl TRADE way therein. E~3ok 21 page 73, including all private rights-of- southon the east ne of northb.v a line n~m ..... east pamllelquarter ~ t-o (NEll4 and I. '-c~ated of~he41 ,~=' 3+,431 feet~ - ,- -.-~.,, ...,,-ur-way: to the east section ' ne,. bounded ne o~ Miner Koad o n the sou~ b, , bound y ed the the _ ) ~eaat quarter (NEl/4) of said ~ecflon 17 and boun west by the west line of sa~d nOt.eaSt quarter (NE114) of the northeast quarter (NE114) of .~u"nd 1~ on , ~ y me east nght-of-way ne of the Lake W District E-4 Canal, bounded~onthewestb . e~sa . orthDm,nage dl3aand~lnn~h~--~-~ -- '.. ~e!.Wll~!ltlineofthen°rtheaatquarter(NEll4 ofsaidS an .............. .am DY ~'~fi~,~ lii~, ) action 8 ~ a'le nor131 _____...,,,.. , P~ge 9 of 9 F.._.~ An 8.87 acre rectangular parcel of land in Section 7. Township 45 South, Range 43 East. being more particularty described as the east quarter (E1/41 of the northwest quarter (NWl/4) of the northeast quarter (NE1/4) of said Section 7, less the north 108 feet thereof. Plat said Total Less = 92.56 acres Leaving a tOtal City area of 16.22 square miles (40381.26 acres) r and have not been field (rev. 12-01-00 ) EXHIBIT "B" PROOF OF PUBLICATION CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH LEGEND 20oo 0 2000 4000 Feet  ' City Boundary Roads Scale: 1" = 5400' Water ~ Paroe]s Source: Palm Beach County GIS Digital Data '2000 December 8, 2000 S CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Corramission Meetine Date~ m to City Clerk's Offi¢~ Meetine Dates [] November 2 t. 2000 November 9, 2000 (5:00 p,m.) [] January 16, 2001 [] December5,2000 November22,2000 5:00p.m.) [] February6.200I [] December l9, 2000 December6.2000 (5:00p.m.) [] February20.200t [] January2.2001 December20.2000 (5:00p.m.) [] March6.2001 [] Adlrlinintrative [] NATURE OF [] ComentAgenda [] AGENDA rr~:M [] Public Hearing [] [] Announcement [] IX. DEVELOPMENT PLANs ITEM A Date Final Form Must be Turned tn to City Clerk's Offiqg January 3,200I (5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m3 February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February21, 200t (5:00 p.m. Development Plans New Business Legal Unfinished Business Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place this item on the December 19, 2000 City Cot,-,,insion agenda under Development Plans, to be tifled Tuscany. onthe Intxacoastal (f. ka. Bay Vista)-DeterminationofRecreationlmpact Fee, Staffrecommends that the fee of $1 62.800 be approved by the Commission as the required re.cation impact fee for this project, based on the city's methodology using the average cost/value of an acre of the subject site. EXPLANATION: The above-described recommendation, being more thoroughly described in the attached Memcrandum g00-1 77. is in con~rast to the recommendation from the applicant who offers $128,000 as the impact fee (see attached lener from Altman Development Corp). Ilfis recommendation from the applicant is based on the lowest value per square foot ($2,75) of all the parcels that were assembled for this project. There is no justification for the use of the lowest value, Furthermore. the impact fee proposed by staffhas already been reduced by credits attained from private recreation amenities and the preservation of on-site natural lands. Staffbelieves that the average value is the most equitable method of calculating this fee, given that it is not known at this time where those dollars wilt be spent to unprove the city's recreation oxneuities. PROGRAM IMPACT:N~ FISCAL IMPACT: The difference between the staff recommended fee and the developer proposal is $34,800. ALTERNATIVES: Accept the offer from the developer or select an alternative fee based on factors/issues not considered in the staff analysis. l~la- t g and Zoni~'ggDirector D6'.~'ff'opi~en} D~ar~'nan't Director A... c~ Manager s S~gnamre City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources J:~S HRDATA~Planning~S HARED\WPh° ROJECTS~AIIman BAY VISTA NWSPRmpact fee to commission.dot TO: FROM: RE: Date LEISURE SERVICES: PARKS MEMORANDUM #00-177 Michael Rumpf. Director of Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks Directory // Tuscany on the Intracoastal O~ay Vista) Recreation Fee November 21, 2000 Based on our previous discussion, the following information is forwarded concerning the Recreation Fee for the Tuscany on the Intracoastal Multi Family Home Development. 1. Based on 28'6 Du/Ac x. 015 = 4.29 Land Dedication Requirement ~A credit for Natural Resource Preservation = 1.07 AC ½ credit for Private Recreation Credit = 2.15 AC Total Dedication Requirements = 1.07 Acres The developer has submitted an appraisal in order to determine a fee in lieu of land. Based on the attached appraisal the total value of the projects land is $2,180,000 with a total acreage of 14.328 acres. Average cost per acre calculates as $152,149.63 x 1.07 acres = ~ Total Recreation Fee. Please review and place on commission agenda at your earliest convenience. -/"~" 2~LTMAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION October 24. 2000 The City of Boynton Beach Parks Division I00 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-03 I0 Attn.: otohn,Witdner Re: Tuscany on the Intracoastal (a.k.a. Bay Vista) Recreation Fee Dear John: As you are aware, based on the analysis performed during the Technical Review Committee process, Altman is required to provide a Parks and Recreation land dedication (or fee in lieu) of 1.07 acres. This land area was calculated in strict compliance with the City's formula of.015 acres per dwelling unit and allowing a credit for "Native Resources'; and "Private Recreation". While I understand the requirement for the City to uniformly apply their code to ail developments, I believe there is some recognition that the code as written did not anticipate developments of the density required to utilize urban infill locations such as Tuscany. This code results in a land dedication requirement of over 10% of the buildable acreage. If the city truly wants to encourage high-quality development in the core, they need to address a code that represents a 10% burden on such developments. Tt~at being said, we have followed your suggestion and solicited a third-party appraisal (attached) for the property to arrive at an appropriate value of the 1.07 acres. Page 23 of the appraisal summarizes the findings: values range from $2.75 to $8.98 per buildable square foot. If we were to actually dedicate park land, we would focus on a parcel that was on the perimeter of the property (to maximize contiguous developable acreage), had public access, avoided sacrificing valuable waterfront acreage, and was the least economic burden to the development. The Merke} property is the closest to meeting these criteria. 2201 Corporate Blvd. N.W.. Suite 200. Boca Raton. Florida 33431 (561~ 997-8661 Fax 561) 997-8706 Tuscany on the Intracoastal (a.k.a. Bay Vista) Recreation Fee October 24. 2000 Page Two If we utilize the appraised value of the Merkel property at $2.75 per s.f.. the value ora 1.07 acre park site would be $128.000. I appreciate the city's efforts in working with us to deyelop this excitingcommuni .ry. Please review the attached appraisal and feel free to contact me with a~y questions. Sincerely, The Altman Development Corporation Scott Auker Vice President Requested Cit5 Commission Meetm.* Dates [] November21 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December [9.2000 [] Januar3 2, 2001 XI-LEGAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ITEMS A.1, A. 2 & A,3 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORha Date Final Fomq Must be Turned m to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m. November 22. 2000 (5 00 p.m.) Decemoero, 2000 (5:00 ~.m. December 20. 2000 5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commission Meetinu Dates [] January I6. 200I [] February 6. 200I [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6.2001 Date Final Form Must be Tumea In ro City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 5:00 v.m January 17. 200I 5:00 pm February 7, 2001 5:00 p.m. February 21, 2001 5:00 p.m. NATURE OF AGENDAITEM [] Administranve [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [-- Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfmishad Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Second Reading of three ordnances as follows: I. Ordinance Amending Article I of Chapter 2 Section 13.1 establishing a civilian governing board for the Commurdty Redevelopment Agency (CiLA). 2. Ordinance Creating Article II of Chapter 1.5 of City Land Development Regulations amending the power and duties of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) ro provide for land use review ffmcnons within the CRA Boundaries. 3. Ordinance Amending Article I, Chapter 1.5 clarifying the land use review funcuons of the Plaunmg and Development Board for property outside the CRA Boundaries. EXPLANATION: Thc City Commission has established specific goals and objectives. One of these has been the resrracmrmg oftha CRA from being a City Comamssiun based board to a board made up entirely ofnon-elected officials. The target date for'completion of the change over for the CRA is January 2001. ha addition to the restructuring of the CRA. the City Commassion adopted Resolution R 00 -1 50 on October 17, 2000 that established 55 Strategic Initiatives for the City to complete. Specifically, Initiative # 2.3 reads as follows: "Implement independent CRA with appropriate review responsibilities for land use changes in the CRA area to eliminate the possibility of duplicate or conflicting reviews of devetopr~enr proposals by other city agencies. Also develop.framework or guidelines for City Commisston revtew and general oversight of CRA work." In addition to this, real estate experts have noted the barriers to development in the City's CRA area as follows: Excerpt from Appraisal Report from Anderson &Carr, Inc. for pareel in CRA ,4rea "One of the primary problems in the downtown district is that there is no existin, g building stock of historic or ~rchitectural interest. Last year we spoke with a representanve of Eastward Ho!. ~n initiative of the South Florida Regional Planning Council. She indicated that unlike downtown Delr~_ Beach. which is bootning, and Lake Worth. which has significant building stock of interest, and has also been redeveloping, Boynton Beach must build its downtown from the ground up, with a major investment required for infrastructure and improvements. The expenses and risks involved make it extremely difficalt to attract adequate development capital. S:~BULLETIN~FORMSXAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Page 2 To the north and south of the subject's urban core area lie residential netghborhood& East of US Highway 1 to the south are mostly moderately priced condominium complex's. To the north and east of US Highway i is a single family area with some ~xpenstve waserfron~ homes, West of US Highway land east 0f~I-95 are mostly medium priced_ single family areas with some moderately priced rental areas of 2 to 6 unit buildings. t~oynton s long neglected Central Business District has been dormant while plans for the marina redevelopment plod ahead. Now that the project za under way. along with other projects including the new bridge and Ocean Avenue infrastructure modernization, the ctty and local business owners are expecting a boom to the area. However. the district must compete for development capital with booming commercial areas to the west, as well as with the thriving redevelopment districts in downto~vn Delray Beach and West Palm Beach. These two areas have a concentration of older buildings of historic and architectural stgn~ficance, giving them a ready made ambiance which needed only a little "sprucing up," to trigger a redevelopment boom. Boynton does not enjoy the same advantage. Instead. it mast redevelop mostly by clearing the existing commercial clutter and starting over." The draft ordinances will provide a clearer development rewew process for property in the CRA area by assigning the land development review functions to the CRA. For property outside the CRA, the Planning and Development Board will continue to perform land development review functions. PROGRAM IMPACT: The ordinance will eliminate the possibility of duplicate and possibly conflicting land development reviews by two advisory boards for propgny i~ the CRA. This will *aable development proposals to be reviewed and refined in a comprehensive and professional manner without undue delay. FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Existing City Staffwlll be available to work with the CRA. Retain the current ordinance slrucrare that will requi~e development applicants to present development plans to both the Planning and Development Board and the CRA with final review/approCal or denial by the City Commissio~ ~ ~ · ~'- Ci{y Manager 's'gignature Deparmaent Head's Signature Deparrmant Name Civ2 Attorney Finance / Human Resources S:\BULLETilXKFORMS~GENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE XI-LEGAL ITEIVl A. 1 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING ARTICLE I OF CHAPTER 2 SECTION 2- 13,1 lP4 ORDER TO AMEND THE POWER AND DUTIES OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HEREINAFTER ("CRA") AND AMENDING ARTICLE I OF CHAPTER 2 SECTION 2-13.2 RELATING TO THE CRA TO PROVIDE THAI THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL NO LONGER BE THE GOVERNING BODY OF' THE CRA AND TO PROVIDE FOR TI-I~. BOARD MEMBERS BY THE CITY cOMI*/HSSION; PROVIDING PROVIDING FOR ; FOR INCLUSION; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to remove itself as the governing body of the Community Redevelopment Agency and to instead appoint citizens as the governing body. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE CYFY COM~dlSSIQN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: SeCtion 1. That the foregoing "WHEREAS" clause is tree and correct and hereby ratified and confirmed by thc City Commission. Section 2. That Article I, "Administration" of Chapter 2, See. 2-13.1. entitled "Redevelopment trust fund; powers of agency, redevelopment, is hereby amended to read as folio s. (t) The community redevelopment agency shall exercise all powers and expend all funds in accordance with the prowsions of Chapter 163, Part IH, Florida Statutes and those prov/ded for in Article II &Section 1.5 of the City's Land Development Regulations, and any communi~] redevelopment plan shall conform with the comprehensive plan of the city, as amended. Further, in development of the community redevelopment plan, the community redevelopment agency shall comply in all aspects with the height limitations imposed by the zoning code of the city, and further such plan shall em that the quality of the wetlands and mangroves will not be impaired except in conformity with the comprehensive plan. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 Section 3. That Article I, "Admirdstrafion" of Chapter 2. Sec. 2-13.2. amended te read as follows: See. 2-13.2. (a) ts hereby Governing b~dy of community redevelopment, agency. * The City Commission ~ shall appoint~ in accordance with the provisions of ~hapter 163.357(.1~(c), Florida Statutes,,~ the board of ent area ............... .................. v ................ v*~- .......~-,~ ........ ~ .... ateo. ~e bo~d will be com~sed of seven (7) membem 11 12 (c) ~e CiW Co~ission mayer ~-~ ....... ;yet ............. .... ~ ....ao shall sel~t by matofi~ vote the c~ ~d ~e ~ce-chm~ r:~cc~vely, of 14 ~e ~ ofco~ssion~ of ~e co~ redevelopm~ ag~cy. 16 S~fion 4. Co~ic~g 17 ~1 p~or or~e~ or ~lufiom or ~ ~f ~ co~ict h~m~ ~e h~eby ~ealed to 18 ~e e~t of such eerier. 19 S~fion 5. S~mbili~. 20 ~ ~y s~o~ ~ee, cla~, or p~ of ~ ~ce is held m be invalid or 21 ~consfimfio~ by ~y co~ of co~et~t j~icfion, ~ s~d hol~g shill ~ no way affect 22 ~e ~W of~e ~ining ~ons offs ~d~ce. 23 S~fion 6. &cl~ion ~ C~. 24 It is ~e ~t~fion of~ Ci~ Co~ssion of~e C~ OF BORON BEACH, HotlY, ~at Page 2 of 3 ~' 7 8 9 10 II 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 2f 2 2 2g 29 the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a pan of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Code of Ordinances'. and that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately alter adoption by the City Commission. PASSED FIRST READING this day of ,2000. SECOND AND FINAL READING ADOPTED this day of ,2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: city Cler Page 3 of 3 \~ ~HRDATA~CA~RD~RA~RA BOUNDARY A~NDb~]~I'( 112700)D~2.doe I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 XT-LEGAL ITEM A.2 ORDINANCE Od ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNT_ON BEACH, FLORIDA:CREATING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 1.5 OF THE-La_ND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR · !HE FOW RS AND DUTmS OF Tm CO MMVNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (HEREINA~FER CRA) PERTAINING TO LAND WITHIN THE CRA. BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERAB}LITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, there is a. need~ [or a coordinated'xeview and implementation of the plan for developmem and redevelopment of the propertieS within the ~ boundaries to prevent the spread of slUm and blight therein; and as applied within the address the needs of the and conditions that set it process needs to be specialized ?lan; and WItEREA~ t board~ Ao to create conditions that will encourage that it will be efficient and beneficial to have one entity, the the redevelopment of the Community 1 the Community Redevelopment l~lan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TI'IE CITY COMMISSION OF ~ CITY OF BOY'NTON BEACI{, FLORIDA: Section 1. The for~guin8 !'WHEREAS" clauses are l~'ue and correct and hereby ratified and'confirmed by the City Commi~on. SeCtion Z A~ticle li of ~hapter 1.5 of the Land Development Regulations is hereby created as follows: ,ARTICLE II COMIMUNTTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD Sec. I. Community Redevelopment Agency Board- Establishment and Page 1 of 9 J:~HRDATA~CA'ORI~CRAXCRA Dcv~olamnt Rraiew Proc~.do~ 11/21/00 1 2 3 4 · 5. 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 Composition. A. The Bovnton Beach Commumty Redevelopment Agency is created and set out in sec,tk/n 2,e. 13.o~the.'Bo~mton B~acl~ Cod6 of Ordinarices7 · . B ~ ~ within the CRA ~boundaffesi a&set out m,.Se~tton 2-13,,o.~the~Code of Ordmances~ The provisions of this located WitMn the CRA laoundafies properties' , .... ~.~ Sec. 2. Adviso~ authodty,~ 'fanctions; A. The CRA hoartt '~hall have the ~authori~tyi3and: duty to consider and recommend upon applications, as 'hereinafter :sev, forth~4atler: first considering~ the recommendations 'of~ its staff; and ,after a, ~etermihatior[.~6f fact that application will contribute to re&ration,of slum and blighted coXactitions~ erthanee the tax base; amplement and further the intent and ' ~ .the intent and purpose ofithe CtW s redevelopment plan B. The CRA board shall have all powers and dtifies heretofore vested in the plannin~ and deve!oPment board. Sec. 2.1 Quasi-tudieial. AnthcwiW, functions, powers and duties. A. The CRA board, shall have the authority and duty to hear and decide, in a quasi-judictal capacaty, aam~hi~trattve appeals~ soemal exertions and variances. B. Administrative ,ADr~eals. The board has the authr~rity to hear and decide appeals when it is alle~-xl that there ~s error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an ~ifimlnistrative official in the enforcement of any zomnq ordlnanee or remfiafion adopted pursuant to the section. C Special ExcepU'~ons. The board has the authority and duty to hear and decide requests for S~eeiali ex~ti°n,s.. To d~ide such questionS as are involved in the det~mfi~ation of when such ~sPecial exceptionS should be ~yanted. To .m'~t speciat exceptionS with appropriate ~6nditionS and safeguards or to deny such special exception~ Page 2 of 9 jSSHRDATAXCAK)RD'~RA~I2RA Devclu~,~,,; R~-~icw Pmce~.d~c 1/21/00 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4! 42 43 when not in harmon,/with the puroose and intent of this secnon. The following standards apply to the board power to m~ant special excepnons: 1. The board shall find that in -m'anting the special exception, the public interest will not be adversely affected 2. , The board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformit~ with thisochapter. ¥i0Iation of Such iconditions and safeguards when made part of the terms under Which ~he special exception is re'anted, shall ConstitUte:~oun& i'or the r~C'0cati0n of the special ex6eption and the certificate of occupancy or occupational license associated therewith. 3. The board may prescribe a reasonable time limit within which tine action tbr which ~l~e Specl~d 'exception is required.shall b.~n or be completed, or both. D. Variances. The bOard}has the authoriw and dutw to authorize upon appeal such variance from.the {erms o.f~ ~i~.,ord/nance as will not be contrary to the public interest when, ~r~g to ~ec!al e0~iisns;'a i;te_ra[ enfomement of the provisions of the city ordinance would result in uncrossdry and uhdue hardship. t. In order to au~9.t'ize ,any variance from the terms of an ordinance, t r he board must find that: peculiar applicable to pther district.. and cimumstances exist which are involved, and which are not structures or buildinqn in the same zonim, b. Tlaat:speci~l-eonditionsand cimumstances do not result from the acttons of~e apphcant for the variance. c..That gran ~. g, the variance requested will not confer on the annlieant ar~,y special ~ri~ilege that is denied by this section to other lands~ structures o~building~.iii'~the same zoning district. d. That literal.~interpretations of the promsions of the ordinance would d~pfiVe the .~ap~lieant of rights commonly enjoyed by oth~, umnemcs in.the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessarg:?nd undue hardship on the applicant. e. That the v~ .a~a~ ce granted is the minimum variance that will make possi,bie, reason~ i~ use 0fthe land, structure or buildine 3 of 9 Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1! 12 13 14 15 16 1.7 18 ~9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 f. That the ~ant of the variance will be m harmony with the general intent mad purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be inlurious to the area involved or be otherwise detrimental to the public welfare, g. For variances would cause st with a The bnard may ~prescfibe appropriate conditions and safeguards tn conf6rm~W.;Wdth-~' set,on..~ 3'{iglauons, of. such cond~tmns and safeguards;~ }~vh~i~a~(~ipan-~of th~:~*~rm~-.'under which the variance; ~s granted; shall:lie deeimed!a,¢molatmtrofthxs sectm ;. b. The board~ ma~prescrihe & reasonable time limit within which the action for,'~cltLttie,~mance ~s~requzred, shall be~rh be completed, or both. '~ J Co and mammum densities, are would cause the densiw to ex,ed in conformance with the variance meets"the dwelling. E. Procedures for.¥arianees, Sp?cial Exceptions and Appeals of Administrative Actions. 1, Exceptions. Under no circumstances except as permitted above implication prohibited in the aPplicable z0nlri/~ district. No nonconforming use of neighbofin~ lands, structures or buildin~ in other zoning districts shall b~ considered m'o~mfl~q for the _~mhc~rizafion 6f a variance. Page 4 of 9 J:~ HRDATA'CA~O RD~CRA'C RA Developn~t Rr/iew Pincer.doc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 2. Review of Administrative Orders. In exemising its powers, the board may, upon appeal and in conformity with the provismns of this section, reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of an3~ zomn~ ordinance or re,mala{mn adopted pursuant to th~s sectmm and may make an necess~a~r order, reqmrement, decxs~on or determmanon and to that end shall have the 3o~ers Sf thc ~officet from Whom the appeal is taken. A rnaioritv vote shall be necessar~ to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of any Such administrative: official, or to decide in favor of the applicant on any n:/atter U mn which the board;;i~.required totaass under this section. · ~3. ~ AppeaLs ~om decision of Admini~strative Official Appeals to the board:may b~ taken:Dy any pei:son ag.mSev~d or~a~ffected by any deci~/~on of an administrafi4-e offiei, al :inte~pi,¢tifig.. any zoning ordlhan.ce. Sfich appeal shall be tatce¢ within h~rty (30) ~ays atSer renaitio~i Of ~e '°rde~, requirement, dec, stun, or determinati°n appealed'from l~y filing with th~ officer from whom the appeal is taken: and ~ith the board~ a nO'ice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. the board peril be stayed except court of record is taken and on shall fix a reasonable time for~the due notice to~ the shall current certified suxvey Commission. For ..... Any 6; Re~ew~of Dects~ons of,the, Board. person may appeal variance, special( .e~n~ 6fiappeal o~administrative order to the City Commission of the City of~6~0n~l~h w~ith/n; tw~iity (20) daYS after, rendition of the decision by the C~' ~, ~ de~isio~t 0ffthe City Commission shall be deemed final Beach County Circuit Page 5 of 9 JSSHRDATAXCA~RD~CRAXg2RA Developmetlt R~iew P~oc, ess.floe 11/21/00 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 ~15 16 17 2~ 24 25 26 2~ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Wkhdrawa[ or, Denial of Application. , UPon.the:denial ~t: an application :for relief hereunder, in whole :0~i:,in-P~, :ii':P~l '°f'sne~: ([) year must elapse prior to the filing of a ' [tbs i'ent i ii&do affecting the same property or an,/portion thereof whole or in parr, a e 'e~em the an request must least fifteen Sec. 2.2. The CR~ ~hall have such adflitiollal authn~, f ;tmcti0ns~powers and duties, as Sec. 2.3 Anthnrity. C, tamed By tho City C~mmission% ~, . A ~* £olt~g ~¢licationsdt~es.of ~ue~ts are~ processed and rewewed by the plannm~ and .'7,:Ontn~ Depattm~at b. fld shalll,i~'e xevtew~tl,and recommendations made by the CRA~b~g~t~ IheClty Comm~-~ston fotiapprovallon:the consent agenda. Page 6 of 9 j:~SHRDATAXi2A~ORD~RAV2RA 11/21/00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1. Administranve appeal. 2. Community Desien Plan appeal. 3. Land use plan amendment/rezonine. 4. Telecommunication mw'ers twaiver or reduction of separation requirements and/or special exception reeardina application reiection}. 5. Conditional Use Approval. 6. Concurrency time extensmn. 7. Master plan modification. 8. Master plan time extension. 9. Major site plan modification. 10. New site plan. 11. Parking lot variance. 12. Sign code variance. 13, Site Plan time extension. 14. Subdivision - master plan. 15. Use anr~roval. 16. Zoning ~code appeal. 17. Zonin,~icode variance. 18. Conditional use approval time extension. B. The following applications/types of requests are processed and reviewed by Plannin~ and Zonin~ Department and Shall be reviewed by the CRA board and a recommendation made to the City Commission which shall be approved as provided by state law and placed on the appropriate part of the City Commig.qlon agenda pursuant thereto: Page 7 of 9 J:~SHRDATA~I2AK)RD~I2 RAK2RA I:~v~lolml~t ~ ~d~ 2 3 5 6 ? 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Abandonment. 2. Annexation. 3. Code review. 4. Comprehensive plan text amendment. 5. Consistency review. 6. Developmemlof regional !mpact amendment- 7. Height exception. 8. Concurrency appeal. 9. Rezoning Sec. 3. Commission designated statutory planning agency. The City Commission is hereby designated as the city's local planning agency m act on behalf of the city under the terms and provisions of the local govemmem Comprehensive planning Act, having the general responsibility for the conduct of a com- prehensive plannin~ program and the preparation, supervision and amendment of the comprehensive plan or elements or portions thereof applicable to the areas under the jurisdiction of the city as provided in said act. Sec. 4. Review of board and Cit~ Commission decisions. A final decision of the CRA board or the City Commission may be revie~ved by the filing of a Petition for Writ of Certiorari in the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach Coma~, Florida, and in accordance with the procedure and within the time provided by court rule and such time ~hall commence m nm from the date of the decision sought to be reviewed. Section 3. Conflicting Ordinance~ Ali prior ordimmees or resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of SUch conflict. Section 4. Severability. Page 8 of 9 j:xSHRDATA~CAXORD~R~XCRA Dcv~lolml~t R_-*vi~w Plola~.do¢ li/21/00 jac If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or : 2 6 7 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. .Section 5. Inclusion m Code. It is the intention of the City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Flor/da, that the pmvismns of ti'ds Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Code of Ordinances; and that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section,~l "article," or such other appropriate word or phrase m order to accomplish such intentions. .Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) calendar days af~er adoption by the City Commission. FIRST READING this day of ,2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE ti'ds day of. ,2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk Page 9 of 9 $:~SHRDATA~CA~)RD~RA~/~RA I~v~lt~m~lt R~iew 11/21/00 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 ORDINANCE XI. LEGAL A. 3 ORDINANCE OF THE BOYNTON SECTION '1 PLANNING AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARTICLE I, CHAPTER 1.5, DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TO ADD A PROVIDING FOR LIMITATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT BOARD'S AUTHORITY IN THE AREA; PROVIDING FOR TRANSFER , POWERS AND DUTIES TO THE AGENCY; PROVIDING FOR PROVIDING FOR restructuring of the Commtmity 'which will ~result in ~e agency the I greater autonomy;, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that implementation of the Plan) would be enhanced by providing the CRA P~ 'with ~ authority io review land development activity occurring in the Community Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, the Iransfer of authority tO renew land development activity from the Planning and DeVelopmentBoard to the Community RedeveloPment Agency will facilitate redevelopment by consolidating~the ~eview process before one entity;, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are true and correct and hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Commission. Page 1 of 3 S 5CA~ORD~RA~PD BOARD POWERS AND DUTI~toe 11/20/00 jae 1 2 3 4 5 Section2. Article I, Chapter 1.5 Section 1 Regulations is hereby amended to add a new subsection E. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 of the Land Development as follows: E..The authorit~i ~f~metiOns, powers and. duties of the Planning and Development Board as hereinafl[er, set forth in ~this Chapter shall, with/n the boundaries of the CommimiB? Redevel0p~ent Area,~b~ vested in and be performed by the Commtmity 1.5. All references to ~be consuued to mean the Community Redevelopment A~eney~vheil~applied;tO lan~ development activity Section 3. Conflicting Ordimmces. All prior ordinances 0r resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such cO~c~. Section 4 Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or :phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court Of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining po~ons ofth/s Ordinance. Section 5. Inclusion in Code. It is the intention of the City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Florida, that the provisions of this O/rlinance shall become and be made a part of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Code of Ordinances; and that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions. Page 2 of 3 SSt~A~ORD~RA~PD BOARD POWERS AND DUTIES,doc 1/20/00 .~a~ 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) calendar days aRer adoption by the City Commission. FIRST READING this day of ., 2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this day of ,2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Page 3 of 3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM XI-LEGAL ITEM A.4 Ad.mini~lxa~ve [] Development Plans NATURE OF ~ C0nsemAgends ~ NcwBUZmcss AGENDA ITEM Public Hearin~ ' Legal [] Bids [~ UnfinishedBusinea$ RECOMMENDATION: City Commission approve an ordinance establishing an annual boat lannching and trailer parking fee for Boat Club park. Enforcement to be limited to weekcnds and holidays only. EXPLANATION: Due to its location opposite th9 BoyatOn Inlet, Boat Club Park is one of the most popular boat launching facilities in SOuth Florida: The City is cUrr~ntlycoop~'ating wi~;h Palm Beach County utilizing a $900,000 grant to renovate and · improve the parkand launching facilitias. Dueto the high cost of maintenance of the ramps, we are r~commending &$50 annual decal fee and a $10' daily fee for non-decal holders. No difference will bo made between residents and non-residents since both Co~ :and Stale funding has been used in the construction of this pare The City of Boca Raton recently started a decal ~. They charge $27 a year and $10 daily. They do charge non-county residents $300 per year for a decal but had to provide considerable justification to the State in order to include this differentiati°n in the fee structm'e; We.do not recommend this effort since we are not as close to the Broward/Palm Beach County line as is Boca Raton. PROGRAM IMPACT: We may need to hire additional part-time employees on weekends and holidays to assist with enforcement of this progrant We currently assign two workers per day on weekends and holidays to Boat Club Park to provide sccurity and traffic Control. FISCAL IMPACT: Difficult 'to estimate at this point, but we are currently averaging 85 launchings per day at Boat Club Park. Assuming 200 annual fee decals would bo issued per year at $50 each = $10,000. Assuming five daily fee permits per day on weekends and holidays, we would generate an additional $5,900 ($50 per day x 118 days = $5,900). Total revenue = $15,900 ~ year. The cost for an additional parking attendant at Boat Club Park on weekends and holidays is estimated to bo $9,000 per year. ALTERNATIVES: Continue .the current practice of charging no launc~ faes~.at Boat Club Park. ' Cay'lVlanager's S~gnamre Depa:h,ent Name City A.ttemey / Finance / Human Resources ORDt'NANCE NO. 0 00- ~',,~ XI-LEGAL i'TEM A.4 AN OF THE Park; boat launching and trailer park ng~ at BoatClub'Park; WHEEEAS, due to the increasing cost of maintenance of ramps at the Boat Club Park, staff has r~ommended that the Commissior~ adopt an ordinance establishing an annual and daily boat launching and trailer parking user fees for the Boat Club Park; WHEREAS, the City Commission of fl~e Qty of Boynton Beach, FIodda upon recommendation of staff, has determined that it is in the best interests iof the citizens and residents of the City to amend the Code to create and establish a boat launching and trailer parking user fee for the Boat Club Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'T ORDAINED BY THE CTrY COMH:iSS~ON OF THE CTi'Y OF.BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA, THAT: ~ That Chapter 16," Parks and Recreation", Article II "City Parks and Beaches" is hereby amended'to create Section 16-61 "Boat Launching and Trailer Parking User Fee at the Boat Club Park", Rodda is hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type, as follows: P,,$e 1 16-61. Boat launchino and trailer parking user fees at Boat Club Park; Se~ion 1. T~e ouroose of this section is tO est~l~lish an ~annual and daily boar launchin(] and trailer t)arkin¢] user fees for the City's Boat (;:IUD Park. Section 2, The City shall charoe a $50.00 annual decal fee and $10.00 daily fee for non-decal, holders. Section ]. The city shall not differentiate between-residents and non-residentq of the County or. the State while Drocessino decal aDolications. .~-,ct]~n:4. Annual decal will be issued to an aot)licant on an annual basi~ October i .to Semtember .30~ u~on satisfactor¢ com~)letion of an a~ropdal'P aDt)lication forms. Pro, ram to commence October 1. ~t. ion 5. Daily user fee will reouire the user to obtain a daily decal which ex~ires 24 hours after issuance. ~,ction 6. Un~.*rmitted boats, vessels and trailers are subiect to a $25.00 fine. Se~on 7. Enforcement: The CiD/Police Deoa,b,,ent i~ herel~y given the power and duD/to enforce this article and shall have the ~ower tO m~ke I~]w~l arrest~ for the violal~on of the ~rovisions hereof. Anyone found tO h~ve violated any provision of this section shall be punished as orovided for in thi~ (;h~3pter or as otherwise bv law. Section 8. Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. P~e2 ~ Authority is hereby granted to codify said ordinance, ~ This ordinance,shall become effective immediately upon passage~ F~EST READZNG this _5~__ day of December, 2000. SECONDf FZNAL READING AND pASSAGE this day of 2000. C~'TY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOP, iDA Mayor Vice Mayor. Commissioner J Commissioner aW Clerk Commissioner (COP. POP. ATE SEAL) Page 3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Xl. LEGAL A. 5 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM  AdminisUative ..- Consent Agenda [] Public Hearing [] Announcem~t Development Plans [] New Business Unfinished Business [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: New Ordlnanee Proposal Chapter 9, Article VIH Sention 9-71 Tlfle "Hmrd~ms Materials' EXPLANATION: Hazardous substances and hazardous waste which are prasent in ti~e c~.u~mmty may pose acute and chronic health hazards to individuals who live work and work in the City of Bolmtun Beach if such individuals are exposed to these substances as a result of fires, spills, industrial accidents or other types of releusus or ~mismans. Emergent' service personnel in the City have a need to know of the use and dang~'s of k~,*,'dous materials in the commUmty in order to plan for the response to potential emergencies and exposure to such maIenals. Basic information on the lo,arian, type and the health risks of hs'~nious martials being used or stored in the City is not now sufficiently available to fisefighters, health officials, piardl~ and other emergen~ mspome pes~el. Disclosure of such information is essential to these p~ in meoting their respomibflifi~ for tbe health and welfa~ of the community. PROGRAM LMPACT: The enclosed Ordinance furthers the above obje~ivas by:. I) ~cluiring usc~ of hazardous materials to file anc~ update a semi-annual Hazardous Mat~at Disulususe Form with the Boyntun Beach Fire Reacu~ Department; 2) r~quiring users of hazardous materials, upon request by the Boynton Beach Fir~ 1~ Deparm~m, to iusmll an apt,/oved keyed lock box to store safety data sheets, floor plans, site plans and buildingr _a_acus?._. keys for autho ' .r' .u?d.. use in th? .ca? of an em. er?~.~ ~'; 3) _p.rovi...d}'.n~reso~ kesP?g and. incorp.o..r..ati. 'ns a~.. that exemption from PUblic disulop. Re, as provided by Florida [aw; 4.) auzhorlzlng thc Fire ,,~ale! to enlorce tins sectton; ana ~) provlamg violalious of this ordinmee sh~ll be punishable as provided in Se~ion 2~2 Florida Statutes as well as in SeCUon 2-91 of the City Code. FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: None City Manager's Signature City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources ORDINANCE NO. 00 Xl. LEGAL A. 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE C~ :COMMISSION OF THE C~.iITY OF BgYNTONiBEACH,,FLO~A, AMENDING APTER ~;~ ENTITLED 'aF~ pR~Oi~CTION AND PREVENTION', OF THE CITY CODE;BY CREATING AND ESTABLIS~G'. AI~TICLE. VIlJ. "HAZARDOU,S ~TB~S"' REGULATIONS; SECTION PR[Ov[DING ~EOR' D~F~ON, ~FXBM~TI0~; '' ER. OM C9 k CT, CODIF Cm O ; s n.rrY AN ~ ~ pt 'tyC fOrdinan¢~ 'ty fBoynt WHERE:~S, a er9oftheC~ odeo softheC! o onBeach provide~ the Ci.ty~th¢ power to enact legislation roi' p~pose of prescribin.g regulations governing conditions t~zardons to fire, property and Cnvironraent; WlqF~REAS, ~$taff has recommended thc creation 9f anew article and section of Chapter 9 to regulate.the uae. handling, storage or storing of~hazardons materials within the City of Boynton~ ~; WttER~, i~p~n recommendation of sta~ the City Commission of the City of .d~.~¢d it to be in the best interest: of citizens and residents to create a new article and NOW, ~IIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THAT: ~ Chagt~ 9 is hereby amended to create Article VIII, entitled 9:71 entitled "Disclosure and Safety Requirements", to read as follows: Section 9,71 Disclosure and Safety Reauirements. Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the terms listed below shallbe defined as follows,provided however, references to statutes or regulations in existence at the .time this section is adopted shall also include references to such statutes or regulations as they ma? be emended fi:om time to time: 1. Carcinogen: refers tea substance, which causes cancer. For purposes of the section, carcinogens are those substances specified on the list developed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services in its Annual Reports on Carcinogens. 2. CAS Number: the urdque identification name as assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Services to specific chemical substances. 3. 'Chemical name: the scientific designation of a substance in accordance with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 6f the s/stem developed by the Chemical AbStracts' Services. 4. Common name: a desi~aafion of identification such as code name, code number; trade'name 6~ brimd hame used to identif~ a substance Other than b,/its chemical name. 5. . DisclOSm'e~form: the "Hazardous Material,Information Form" provided by the City Of Boynton Beach Fire Rescue Depamxient. Environmental Review: Ail businesses which would be located within the city shall state,~as part of the occupational license application, whether the business~ould me, handle, store, or diSplay hazardoUS .materials or generate hazardous waste, as defined by 40 require a City Ea~ental Review Permi~ 't. (Ord. No. 94-15, & 1,6-21[-94; Ord. No. 95-22, & 2, 7-5-95) 7. Handle: to generate, treat, use, or dispose of a hazardous material in any fashion. 8. Handler: any person who handles a hazardous material. 9. l-la~ardons Material: any substance or product for which the manufacturer or producer is renni~ed.to ~reoare a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the substance :or pro~.uct pursUant to the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) ;Title, I~ October, 1986 and/or Chapter 252, Florida Statutes the Florida 14a~ardous Matefiala Emergency Response and Community Right-To-know Act, July, 1988, provided that a.sub~mnee mag additionally be deemed a hazardous material or ha~ardo ~us ~w.aste upon a fiudin,c,, by the Fire Chi?f that the substance, because of its quantity, concentration~or physical or chemical characteristics, poses a significant potential b~rd to human [health and safety or to ·the environment if released into the commumt~. Shouldthe Fire Chief at any time determine that otherwise exempted materials should be sub ect to disclosure, t, he. Fire Chief may require the submission /)fa disclosure form. ' 10. Hazardous waste: any material that is identified in the Code of Federal Re~ul~/tion~ §, Title, 40, Sections 261.31-261.33. I 1. He'ih -'0ffi~i~li the H~alth Officer wi~ autho~' in the City of Bovnton Floriill/, 13. 14. l 16, 17, in suck a manner 18. 19, (b) l~fling of a Hazardous Material Disclosure Form. material. An¥,pemon who uses 0t handles a hazardous material must semiannually, the,m0nths of Januariand July, submit a complete disclosure form to o year. for the first time becomes a user or Beach Fire Rescu~Depa~tmem iahthin fifteen ( 15'~ days of such user or handler shall comvlv require the submittal of a disclosure form of any user or handier. The user or handler ~hall submit a completed disclosure form within fifteen (15) days. Any person required to submit a disclosure form pursuant to this Section shall filewith the Bo~ruton Beach Fire Rescue Department an updated disclosure form within fifteen (15) days of any of the following: a) A change'in business address. b2} 3/~ change i~i busii~ess Ownership, c) A change inbusiness name. d) Ce~ssati°n~ofbusiness operations. e) hazardous material. or manufacturing of a hazardous materi~il for Whict~ discloSUre has been previously made. every haza:dous material disclosed, ~iimludinq~, but not limileit to, toxicity, flammabili~, reactivity, and t the Fire Rescue Deparunem. information: ' the or the b) t of his or her patient andto the extent allowed by law. (c) Exemption~ Fr°n~l~2~ns~ ~TI~ following materials or persons are exempt from H~ardous!materials or;substances contained in food. dru~. cosmetic, or tobacco oroducts. Hazardbusi~atedals contained solely in consumer products packaged for use by and distributed to the general public unless the product is repackaged or however listribution of these herbicides and over the required disclosure amounts are not (ct) Any person, while engaged in the transportation or storage of hazardous materials, within the provisions of Title 49 of J:he Code of Federal Regulations, Subchapter c, as exists or as hereafter amended or chan~ed Infectious Wfi~te~generated by hospitats~ medicalcenters, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. Identification c~f Areas; keyed lo?k box; ~id~mificatior~placards. 1. disclosure form r authorized use · days of receipt o sfor the Fire Rescue lock box shall be as Identification of the ~einstalled in : the items specified above be or Record keeping, exemntion from nublic disclosure. I. Upon receipt of a disclosure form, the Fire Rescue Deoartment shall maintain files o£all diSclosure, forms received. 2. ' and all information, : location information on hazardous materials fumi~hedlo the,Fire Rescue D~artment pursuant to this section shall be confidential and exempt from the provisions of $1 19.07(1), Florida Statutes. (fl Enforcement. The Fire Chief or designee is authorized and empowered to enforce the provisions of this Chapter. The enforcement may include the inspection of hazardous materials in use,~storage, or disposal, review of hazardous matehals records, the sampling and testing of hazardous materials and other activities directly related to the enfomement of this section. No person shall obstruct or interfere with the Fire Chief or designee in the performance of thase duties. (g) Violations. In additiomtothe penalties and remedies provided in section 252.66, Florida Statutes, any violations of the provisions of this section shall be punishable as provided for in section 2-91 :and 9-61 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Section 2: Should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent iurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or any part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the day of ,2000. FIRST READING this ~" day of December, 2000 SECOND, AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED this __ day of .2000. CITY OF BOYN.TON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) ~:ca'~-dinance~hazardous materials 112700 NEW ORDINANCE PROPOSAL CHAPTER 9 ARTICLE VIII SECTION 9-71 TITLE "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS" JUSTIFICATION: Hazardous substances and hazardous waste which are present in the 'community may pose acute and chronic health hazards to ndividuals who live and work jn the City of Boynton Beach if such individuais am eXposed to these substances as a resu t of fires, Spills, in,~.Us~dal acC dents or °ther types Of releases or ernissions Emergency service P'em°nn~l in the City have a need to kn°w Of the USe and dangers of hazardous matada s in thec. qmmUnity in Order to plan for the response to potential emergencies and exposure !0 sUC.h ~matenals. Basic information on the location, type and the hea th risks of hazaraous materials being used or stored in the City is not now suffic ently avai ab e to [r. efi,ghters health officials, planners, and other emergency response personnel ' uis~!ost~m o~such information is, essential to:thes· Personsin meeting the r responsibilities for the health and welfam of the community. box ~) requiring users of hazardous Form with the · upon instatl an approved keyed lock and building access keys for record keeping and Florida law; 4) ARTICLE VIII HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SECTION 9-71 DISCLOSURE AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (a) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the terms listed below shall be defined as follows, provided however, references to statutes or regu at ons n existence at the time this section is adopted shall, aisc include references to such statutes or, regulat OhS as 4. Abstracts purposes Of the code name. c~de I its provided by the City EnvirOnmental Review: Boynton Beach,Code of Ordinances 13-25 All businesses which wo[!ld be; located within the city shall state, as part of the occuPationaiilicense application, whether the business would use, handle, store, or display hazardous rnatedal~ or generate hazardous waste, as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 261,= in.which case the business shall require a City Environmental Review permit. (Ord~ No. 94-15, & 1,6-21-94; Ord. No. 95- - 22, & 2, 7-5-95) Handle: to generate, traat~ use, or dispose of a hazardous rnatedal in any fashion. Handler: any person who handles a hazardous material. Hazardous Material: any substance or product for which the manufacturer or producer is required to prepare a Material Safety Data_Sheet (MSDS) for the substance or product pursuant to the Superfund Amenc~ments and Reau~orization Act (SARA) Title, III. October, 1986 and/or Chapter 252, Florida Statutes the 'Florida Hazardous Materials Emergency Response and Community Right-To-Know Act, July, 1988, provided that a substance may additionally be Chief that the substance, because of ts quantity co~centrat on or phys ca or hazard to human health Chief~at 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. lg. Health. ~ citYof Bo~,nton Beach, Ftodda. MSDS: a Matedal Safety Data Sheet prepared pursuant to regulations indicatecl in paragraph 8 above. Person: an individual, trust, firm, joint stock company, corporation, partnership, or 'association. Physician: any person recognized as a physician under Flodda law. SIC Code: the identification number assigned by the Standard Industrial Classification Code to specific types of businesses. ReCOvery: as defined in Palm Beach County Regional Hazardous Materials Response Plan. Storage or storing: the containment of substances Or materials in such a man,'er as not to constitute disposal of such substanCes or materials. Use: inCludes the handling, processing, or. storage of a hazardous material. User:. any person who uses a hazardous substance or handles a hazardous waste. 2 (b) Filing of a Hazaroous Material Disclosure Form. Any person who uses or ha?l~s a hazardous material must semiannually, d'~ring the months Of ,Jar~u~ a~d July, submit, a, comple~e disclosure form to the E~r~t°n E~a<~h ~ire IRes~;u· DePartment.. Fear, for the first t me becomes a user or [0 of becoming user or days. re form c) d) e) f) g) undisclosed hazardous material. ~handling, or manufacturing of a hazardous t.has,been previously made , flammability, reacU'vity, and corrosivity as a) b) determined by the public health safety, or the Where the physician determines that such information s necessary to.the medical treatment of h s or her pat ent and to the extent allOwed by law. 3 (c) Exemptions From Disclosure. The following materials or persons are exempt from disclosure requirements: 1. Hazardous materials or substances contained in food; drug, cosmetic, or tobacco products. 2. Hazardous materials contained solely in consumer products packaged for use by and distributed to the general public unless the product is 'epackaged or altered in any way; provided, however, the manufacture.and distribution of these pro0ucts are not exempt. However, pesticides, herbicides, and ammonium nitrate fertilizers over the required disclosure amounts are not exempt from disclosure. Any person, while engaged in the.transportation or storage of hazardous materials, within the provisions of-Title 49 oftha Code of Federa/Regulations. Subchapter.c; as exists or as ~hereafler amended or changed. Infectious waste generated by hospitala, medical canters, clinics, and other health care facilities. 4 (d) Identification of Areas; keyed 10ck box; identification placards. When required by the Fire Rescue Department, anyperson submitting a disclosure form.may be required to installan approved, keyed lock box to store safety data sheets, floor plans, site plans, .and building access keys for authorized use in the case of an emergency. If required by the Fire Rescue Department. the approved keyed lock box must be installed within ninety (90) days of receipt of a written notica from'the Fire Rescue Department. The specifications and location of the requiredkeyed lock box shall be as designated by the Fire Rescue Department. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 704, Standard System for Identification of the Fire Hazards of Materials, shall be incorporated with the application of the keyed lock box to -' provide exterior warning symbols for emergency responders. Hazardous matehala identification placard(s) shall be installed in accordanca with NFPA Standard 704. The Fire Rescue Department may direct that the items specified above be revised or reinstalled at any time. The City shall bear no expense for initial or subsequent work required of a user under this section. 4 (e) Record keeping; exemption from 3ublic disclosure. 1 2. Upon receipt of a disclosure form. the Fire. Rescue Department shall maintain files of all disclosure forms received. Under the provisions Of 252.~8(3), Flodda Statutes, any andali information, incluc!in9 b~! ~o~ limitecl ~o, site.plans and specific location information on ., Fire Rescue. Department pursuant to this ), (f) is authorized :and empowered to enforce the (g) materials ~e¥iew of hazardous, materials records, the sampling of hazardous matadals, and Other activities directJy related.to the enforcement:of this section. No person shall obstruct or inter~ere with the Fire Chief or Violations. In addition to the penalties and remedies provided in section 252.66, Florida Statutes, any violations, of the provisions of this section shall be punishable as provided for in section 2-91 and 9-61 of the City'of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Section 2: Should any section or proVision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word bedeclamd by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such: deoision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or any part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. 5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH! ' AGENDA ,ITEM REQUEST FORM_ November 9, 2000 (5:00 pxn,) November 22, 200~ (5 00 p tm) ~ 6 2000 ,(5:00 pan.) Requested City [] v~,~oo~ [] r~y 2o, ~oo~ Dec~'mb~20.2000 (5:00p.m.? [] March&2001 XI-LEGAL ITEM B. 1 Date Final Form Must be Trained to Cit~ CIe~k's Office Jalluary 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Janua~ 17, 2001 (5:00 p.nr) Felmuuy 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21, 2001 (5:00 p.ra.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Bids [] UnfinishedBusmess [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: A motion to approve proposed ordinance to amend the investment policy of the General Employees' Pension Plan. EXPLANATION: The General Employees' Pension Board approved the "Statement of Investment Policy", Exhibit A, to outline the invesmaent objectiveS of the Plan. PROGRAM IMPACT: This will give diversity in investment practice to the Plan's investment managers. FISCAL IMPACT: This would increase plan returns with possible reductions to required City contributions. ALTERNATIVES: N~A Department I-Iead's Si~a~re Department Name City Attorney / Finance / Human Resourc~ S 5BULLETIN~ORM S~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 18-!45, ENTITLED ,~V-REAS~ ~he City Commission .of the ,City of Boymon- Beach adopted Ordinance 95 ~-~0 creating an Investment Policy for the C~nerai Employees' Pension Plan ("Plan"); and WHEREAS, the General Employees' Pension Board of Trustees ("Board") has determined,the necessity to amend the terms of the Investment Policy in order to meet the investment'needs of the Plan in an ever-chang/ng investment market; and W~I~.REAS, on September 15, 2000, the Board has approved and recommended the adoption a new Inve~anent Policy, as more part/cularly set forth in Exhibit "A"; and WNW. REAS, it is the des/re of the City Commission to adopt the Investment Policy recommended by thc ,Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH+ FLORIDA~ THAT: SeCtion 1: being true end correct end are incorporated: herein by this- reference. attached hereto are hereby incorporated herein. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boymon Beach hereby ratifies the Investment Policy approved and recommended by the General Employees' Pension Board of Trustees on September 15, 2000, as mo,e particularly set forth in Exhibit "A.' Section 3. The foregoing "WHEREAS". clauses are hereby certified as All exhibits aA." Section 4. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a pan of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florid~ The Sections of this ord/nenco may be renumbered, re-lettered and the word "Ordinance" may be chenged to "Section", "Article" or such other word or phrase in order to accomplish such intention. .Section ~. All Ordinances or pans of Ordinances, Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be end the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. If any clause, section, or other part or application of this Ordinance shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such :unconstitutional or invalid part ~ application shall be consid~-ed as Page 2 of 3 Chapter 18~ Article II, Division 5, Section 18-145 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, entitled "Investment of Funds," is hereby repealed in its entirety end re-enacted as more particularly set forth in Exhibit eliminated and so not effecting the validity of the remaining portions or applications remaining in full force and effect. Section 7. occurred: (a) This Ordinance shallbec0me~effective when the following have the City Commission has received and has accepted a report establishing Co) when a collective bargaining agreement :rafting the foregoing ch~ges to pension benefits h~ been ratified by uhe City Comnfission and the C~neral Employees' Pension Board of Trtme~, or their successor organizati0n. Upon satisfaction.of all-of theabove requirements, then in that event, flag,terms and provisions of this Ordinance ~hall become effective. FII~ST READING th/s dayof SECOND,. FINAL READING and ,2000. ,2000. PASSAGE this day of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor ATTEST: CITY CLERK (CORPORATE SEAL) Mayor Pro Tern Commissioner Commi~ioner Page 3 of 3 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY FOR THE , EMPLOYEES' . .. .,1.-_~, ,.~ Ule Boa ..........~ -_ mmm mr a nurnoer c~ pu~entlal Investment puiides with varying c~mmitments to stocks and purpose of this Statement is to: 1) ~a~d,n~nt manager a more ~,',,,a~ ~lldh'lg of tim T~ invesb.ent 2) Indkab= tbe ullerla by v~ich ~ Investment menacj~s performance will be evaluated. I'NVESTMENT MANAGER RESPONSZBTLTT~ES 1) W thin the guidelines and restrictions set forth herein, it is the intention of the Board to give the investment manager full in~estme~!~t discretion, with respect to assets under its The inve~bhent ~nanager sha discharge its responsib ities n the same fund, it hereby imposes the 2) 4) s) INVESTMENT GU~DELZNFq cn beneral ~-mployees Pension PuncL Allocation Range Equity securities 55% 30% - 70% Fixed income securities 45% 30% - 70% Cash 0% 0% - 10% To implement t~s~ aba .l~Jy,, the Board ~S~ ~chosen to him one ormom professional investment managers. 5peanc asagnments and additional guidelines for each inVeStment~ manager w be outlined in addenda to this overall Statem~t[of ~nvestment Policy. The following guidelines and restrictions apply to all Fund investments, Beach ~1 Employees Pe~sionl Fund*{~ll be invest:ed in a diversified aortfolio of fully negoUab[e, equity, fl~ed income, and moheY market Securities, p~thev ~ the follov~i~ criteria: -- "= EQUITY SECURTI~ES: Investments in equity securities shall be limited to no mom than 70% at market va ue nor ~0% at cost. valUation of t~e Fund's total,asset'value. 2) All equity investments shall be limited to fully and easily negotiable equity securities. 3) .NO, .mo .m than ~% ~t ~value of an investment manager's equity portfolio may be invested ~n me snares ora smg~e ~ issUer. 4) [nveab,ents in stocks of foreign companies shall be limited to 20% (at cast) of the total investment portfolio. 5) [nve=tq',ent in equity securities whose market capitalizaUon is less than $3 billion dollars shall be limited'to 20~/0 of Ule total equity portfolio. 6) Investment in those c~rporaflons whose stock has been pubifl:ly t3aded for less than one year am limited te 15~ of the equity portfolio. 7) Equities may be managed through the purchase of c~oen-end, no-load mutual ~unds or commingled funds as long as these funds in aggregate adhere to the equity guidelines herein. 4 FIXED INCOME SECUR_TI'[ES: 1) The fixed income porl~olio shall comply wrdl the following guidelines: a) The average credit quality of the fixed income portfolio shall be rated "A" or higner. b) the marke{ index. The I CorpomteBond~Index. 150% of the duration of Government a) Poor's rating the minimum rating, income ~portfolio 3) ~.5% of the restric~_~_ to issues 4) s) a) b) insured .. Association (FNMA) or Standard & Poor's rating services: Any test shaft be sold in fixed Income securities issued directly by the ~ or instrumentality thereof. aggregate adhere to the CASH EC~U[VALENT SECUR..'-~E$: 1) The inve=b,ant manager may invest only in the following short-term investment vehicles: a) The money market or ST[F provided by the Plan's custodian. b) Direct obligations of the United States Government with a maturity of one year or less. c) Commerdal Paper with a maturtty of :270 days or less that is rated A-1 or higher by Standard & Poo~s or P-1 or'higher by Moody's. d) Bankers N'ce__ptances issued by the largest 50 banks in the United States Iin terms of total assets). PROH[BTrF. D iNVESTMENTS [nve,b,,ents in interest only or prtndpal only CMOs, precious metals, limited partnerships of any kind, real estate, repurchase agreements, venture capitei, futures contracts, ol~tions contracts, municipal bonds, trading on margin and short selling are prohibited. REVXEW OF POLXCY it is the intention of the Board of T~ of the Boynton Beach General Employees' Pension Fund to review this Statement of aweat~nent Policy and Rs addenda per~dically to amend ~ to reflect any changes in philosophy or objectives. However, if at any time the inveal~nent manager believes that the specific objectives defined herein cannot be met or that these guidelir~s unnecessarily constrict pe~ormanea, the Board shall be so notified in writing. Reguest~d [] November21. 2000 [] ~ 5, 2000 ~ 19.20~ ~u~ 2, 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH X.I LEGAL F RST READING TEM B.2 AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM R~lu~ted CiVy Commission Meefiu~Dat~ [] Janua~ I6, 2001 De~mber6 2000 (5:00p:m~)- [] Febm.~y20,2001 2000 (5 00p. m.~ [] ivf~6. 2001: Date Final Form Mum be Turned to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) Januza-y 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m. Februa~ 7. 2001 (5:00 p.nm) Fela'ua~ 21,200I (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans r-~ Consent Agenda [] New Business [] PubUcmaring [] [] Bids [] Unfinished Busmess [] Aaaouncemeat [] Presentation RECO_MMENDATION: A motion to approve proposed ordinance to provide enhanced rotiroment benefits to include a DROP program to the members Of the General Employees' Pension Pi:tm EXPLANATION: The General Employees' PensionBoard determined that best interest of the plan members world ~: b~est .serv.e? t_Offf~ .ntin_u~ tbe..Pl, an as a def'med' ben~efit Plan with enhanced benefits to the members. Letter of ptemoer l~, zmm oy Steve ralmqnlst Of Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Cb, ~mmar4a~ benefit enhancements. It is ~mo~o.rtant for. t.he proposed ordinance move thrangh the Commission process by January 2, 2001 City Commission ~meeung ~ e.nqble me..mbers_~f the plan may make ~n informed decision rogarding the "Early Retirement Incentive rrogram wmoow ann oenefit enhancements with,tbe DROP progran~. PROGRA~ EMPACT: The benefit enhancements will benefit all members of the General Employees, Pension plan. FISCAL IMPACT: Provides increased benefits to members without increasing the associated costs of such increased benefits to the City. ALTERNATIVES: N/A Department Head's Signature Department Name Ci~ Manager s Signature City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:kBULLETIN~ORMS~a. OENDA ITEM REQUEST FOP, aM. IX)C ORDINANCE NO. A_N,ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ! FLORIDA MEMBERS TO ~A~,i~the)~eneral Employees' Pension Plan (the "Plan") o~the City of CODING: Words in s{~ke--t~ type are deletion fxom.existing law; Words in underscored type,are additions. ~ Page 1 of 13 Boynton Beach ("City") is a defined benefit Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees ("Board") of the General Employees Pension Plan of the City of Boynton Beach studied the proposition of converting the Plan to a defined contribution Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board determined that it would be in the best interests of the Plan members for the Plan to continue as a defined benefit .Plan, but to modify the Plan to provide increased benefits to the members without increasing the associated costs of such increased benefits to the City, pursuant to Section 18-1 II(c) of the Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida, has received an actuarial report in connection with the above mentioned requested change to the Plan and desires to hereby amend the Plan as requested; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed the recommendations of the Board and finds the amendments to the Plan proposed bythe Board as provided herein to be in the best interests of the Plan members and the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY 'COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ THAT: CODING: Words in ~ type are deletion from existing law; Words in underscored type are add/fions. Page 2 of 13 Section 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby certified as being tree and correct and are incorp°rated herein by this reference. Section 2. Chapter 18, Article' II, Division 2, Section 18,79 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Floricla~ entitled "Termination of Membership." is hereby mended to read as follows: Sec.~18~79.'~ T~rminati0n' 0~'~embership. credited section 18-117 of this article. of the member o~the City of Delray have terrrLtna~d ~ervice with withdraws his t'or the 111 or 1;8~114 s Section 3. counted. either 7 but 18- Ordinances of the'City of Boynton Beach, Florida, entitled "Employee Cona'ibutions," is hereby mended, to read as follows: Sec. 18-94. Employee contributions required. CODING: Words in ~ type are deletion from existing law; Words in underscored type are additions. Page 3 of 13 Planl.doc~- --'' - -'-'" - - Subject to the limitations imposed in section 18-95, employees who are members of the plan shall contribute . ~ ~ . ; .-~ ~, ~.~ seven percent (7 %) of ~ to ~e ~d fo~ ~at mon~. Section.4. Chapter I8, Article 1/; Division 4; Section 18-111 of the Code of Ordinances. of the CBy 0fBoY~l:onBeaeh~ Florida, entitled '~Normal Retirement," is hereby amended tO read. as follOws: Sec. 18-Ill. Normalretirement. (a) An employee who retires on or after January 1, 1977, but before ~ 200~ witl normally retire On the first day of the month following his or her ~ixty-seennd (62re) birthday or the first day of the month following ten (10) years of completed service with the city, whichever is later. (b) An employee who retires prior to January 1, 1977 will norma!ty refir~ o~ the ~ day of the month following his ~ixty-fiffil (65th) birthday 6r the ftmi day of the mOnth following ten (1 O) years of completed service with the city, whichever is later. (c) On or after ,2000, an employee wiI1 be. eligible to retire on the first day of the month following his or,her fffi-V-fiRh (55th) birthday and completion of twenty-five (25) years of service, or his or bet CODING: Words tn ........ gh type are delelaon fxom existing law, Words in underscored type are additions. Page 4 of 13 sixty second (62nd) birthday and completion of five (5) years of service, or thirty (30) years of service regardless of age. (ed_) In the~event of-nonnalre[ir~ment,'the:refiring'employee shall be entitled, to and :shgl b~aia ~ ~nU~t~:payab!e' ~0~tl~yi~ng with ;th0 m onth;{~ r~ire~?t, ~a :C6ff~tii.n~ U~. {il :~e.a,~h.: ~i oi'iib~ of annuity 'to;Whi¢~ffie, ~etifi~r~pi~b~ee· ~u.3~' emlt~d ~i[1 i3~ ~6~e~la/0d as follows: , 1988, shall 1988, An 2000, beginning . The · be plus twemy-five ho~over, the CODING: Words in ~ t~pe are deletion from existing law; W0rds in Underscored type are additions. Page 5 of 13 ~~,.. ..... __a ._-_ _., :.. . _ a fraction, the numerator of which is the employee's full years and fractions thereof in months of credited service at normal retirement date and the denominator of which is twenty-five (25) years. (3) An employee who retires on or al~er 2000 shallbe ent~tted to and_shall be paid an annuity in the mount of th,mc. percent ¢3%) times the number of years of his or her service to the City times his or ~ Final Axremge Monthly Compensation, subieet in any event to a maximum of seventy five percent (75%) of his orher Final Average Monthly Compensation. "Final average monthly c0mpensatio/t," for the employee's in his .date:falls on or at~er January !, 1979, and e if :ontinu¢ 18-95. ~ received overtime but (4-.5_) ~Ben¢fits. The City. Section 5. Chapter 18, Article II, Division 4, Section 18-114 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boymon Be, ach, Florida, entitled "Retirement Prior to Normal Retirement Date," is hot,by amended to read as follows: CODING: Words in ~ ~ ar~ deletion from existing law; Words in underscored type are additions. Page 6 of 13 Pension Sec. 18-114. Retirement prior to normal retirement date. (a) The early retirement date of an employee shall be the first day of any month prior to his r or 10) of' re es a er CODING: Word~ in stdk-~h~-~h type are deletion from existing law; Word~ in underscored type are additions. Page 7 of 13 Section 6. Chapter 8, Article II, Division 4, Section 18-115, entitled "Death Before Retirement Date," is hereby amended as follOws: Sec. 18- ll 5, Death before retirement date. ~ Prior to ,2000, in the event of death of an employee prior to the receipt by such employee of any 0fthe benefits under the provisions of this article, then the total amount.of contribations by said employee to the fund, ~p~to thOtime of:his-death, shall: be ~aid tothe bene~ciary of the. deceased emploYee, tOgether ~th interes~ theieon at the rate of three per cent t, 1977 and 5%) thereaRer, section payments he died. in which case pension ~ date before On or after , 2000, in the event Of the death of an employee prior to the receipt bS, such employee of any ofthe benefits under the provisions of this article, then the benefidiary of the deceas~l employee who was no~ vested, may receive the total emoum Of contributions by' emplOye,e, toithe fund, up t0~e time ofhis br her death, together with the, interest thereon at the 'rate ~f five percent (5%)per an~nm thereafter, commttedinlthe manner prov~led in section 18-117. The bene~ciary of an employee Wh0 became vested'prior to, their death may ~eceive'the pension benefit em.ed by the emploY~'e as though th~ employee had .reth, ed on the date befor~ (~he died. section, 7. Chapt~ 18, Article 1I, Division 4 shall hereby be emended to create a new Section 18-117, untitled "Termination of Services Prior to Eligibility for CODING: Words in ~ type am del~ion from existing law; Word~ in underscored type are additions. Retirement," provided as follows: Sec. 18-117. Termination of services prior to eligibility for retirement. In the case of voluntarY resignation or discharge of any member of the plan, the total amount ~:ontrib~ed by s~d:employee to'the fund ~pto the time of his resignation or discharge (together With interest atthe rate of three per cent r annum $ are made under the time of his wi~h r member. described t relating accordance ~o reduce used to CODING: Words in ,s~a4lc~si, oagh type are deletion from existing law; Words in underscore~_ type are additions. Page 9 of 13 Section 8; Chapter 18, Article 1I, Division 4 shall hereby be amended to create a new Section 18-127, entitled "Deferred Retirement Option Plan," provided as follows: Sec. 18-127 Deferred Retirement Option plan (a) A deferred retirement option plan ("DROP") is hereby created Co) Eligibility to participate in the DROP is based upon eligibihty for normal serV~:e-r~tirement ~n~the ~i~n. (c) Participation in the DROP must be exercised within the first thirty (30) Years °fem~10vrnenti pmvicled~ however, that participation in the DROP, When combined with participation in the retirement plan as an active The maximum period of (5) years. An employee's election to Darticioate in the DROP plan shall be irrevocable'and shall be marlo~ by executing a resignation nofice~°n a form pr~SCribed by the City. . (d) U~n0n exem~sin~ the rieht to oarti¢ipate in the DROP, an emolovee'srcreditable ~¢e, accrued benefits and COmpen~on calcul~on shall be ~an and shall Utilize the av~ge of the five (5)highest of the ten (10'~ years! ~ediatel~ proceeding participati0n in the DROP as the compensation basis. Accumhia'ted, unused sick and vacation leave shall be, included in the compensation calculation; provided, however, that a minimum balance of 1-20 h°ursof~iek leave and 120 hours of w~_n_'on leave, hallbe maintain~ by the employee and ~.c. luded from.this calculannn. The, retained leave balance, including any additions, shall be dis~ibuted at the concluS~.ofDROP Participation and-separation from service. (e'~ Pavmant Shall be made into the employee's DROP account as if the emolov~ had termimti~d emploment in the City in an amo-nt detemfined bv theeh~toi~ee~ ~eieciioii~ofthe 6avmen~ O~tion. CODING: ords m ....... ~ type are deletion f~om extstmg law; Words in underacored type are additions. Page tO of 1.3 (f) An employee's account in the DROP program shall earn interest in one (1) of three (3) ways. The seleCtion of the earnings program ~hall be irrevocable and shall bemade prior to the first deposit in the DROP account.'-The options are: (D Ca/nor lose/merest at the same rate aSthe Plan; or (2): ~ At m annual, fixed rate, of seven percem (7%)7 or mutual funds 7 at the ~ sllnl CODING~ Words in ~ type are deletion from existing law; Words in underscored type are additions, Page 11 of 13 survivor benefit shall be payable in accordance with the form of benefit c. hosen at the time of entry into the DROP. (m) Upon commencement of participation in the DROP, the member Shall no longer be eligible for di~ahili~ retirement from the pensio, plan. If a member becomes disabled during the DROP period, the memb¢, shall be treated as if{s)he retried on the day prior to the date of disability. Section 9. The City Commission of the City of BoyntonBeach hereby grants a one-time opportunity to participate inthe DROP to :those members of the General Employees Pension Plan who have already exceeded the eligibility date for the DROP upon the effective date of this ordinance. A member who elects to take advantage of this limited opportunity shall enroll in the DROP in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Plan within forty-five (45) calendar days of the effecti~-e date of this ordinance and may participate in the DROP for a maximum of five (5) years. Section 10. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Boymon Beach that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a pan of the Code of ordinances of the City of BoyntonBeach, Florida. The Sections of this ordinance may be renumbered, m-lettered and the word "Ordinance" may be changed to "Section", "Article" or such other word'or phrase in order to accomplish such intention. CODING: Words in ~ type are deletion f~om existing law; Words in underscored type are additions. Page 12 of !3 S :'~CA\O RD~Petlsioff~anend~:I~ ~0 Genial EthiC'~ Section 11. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions or pans of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 12.~ ,: I~anyclause~ secti6n,~:or ~ther pm:t or ~plicafionof ~s ~din~ce shall be ~eldbymy eo~of competent j~s~cfion to b~ ~consfimfion~ or invalid, such ~onsfimfi~l 6~d~~o~ ~P~iCafion~be:e°~id~ ~ el~at~ ~d so no~ e:ffee~g ~e v~ o~e r~gp~niom or ~eafio~ r~ng ~ll fotce~d effect. Section 13; occurred: (a) This Ordinance shall, become effective when the following ~have the City Commission has received and has accepted a report establj~hiufl the actuarial soundness of these amendments; and (b) when a collective bargaining agreement ratifying the foregoing changes to pension benefits has been ratified by the City Commassion and the General Employees' Penaion Board of Trustees,: or their successor organization. Upon satisfaction of all of the above requirements, than.in that event, the t~,s and provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective. CODING: Words in ~ type are deletion from existing law; Words in unde~cored type are additions. Page 13 of 13 ponsion FIRST READING this day of ,2000. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this ,2000. day of CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tern CITY CLERK Commissioner (CORPORATE SEAL) Commissioner CODING: Words in ~ type are deletion f~om existing law; Words in underscored type are additions. Page 14 of 13 GABRIEl. ROEDER, SMITH & COMPANY September 14, 2000 Ms. Barbara LaDue Pension Administrator City of Boynton Beach General Employees' Pension Plan 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Flodda 33425-0310 301 East L~S Olas SlvcL · Suite 200 * Ft. ~C~i~. FL 3,3,301 * 954-.~7-1616 * FAX 954-525-0~ ~ Re: General Er~ ployees Pension Plan Dear Barbara: We have valued the final set of benefits selected by the Board of Trustees. As indicated by the enclosed table, the required City contribution would dse slightly from 3.82% to 3.87% of covered payroll. Proposed changes in benef'~ are as follows: Multiplier changed to 3% per year of se~,ice; maximum pension would be 75% of average final compensation. · Employee contribution changed to 7% of pay. · 100% vesting after five years of service. · Early retirement penalty reduced to 3% per year. · Preratirement death benefit to be provided in the event of death of a vested member. · Implement a deferred retirement option plan (DROP).. ~ - /~/'/~ 0 ha~/e in~ud~ rfo~"3vwl~'ngchanges in assumptions: In tandem with benefit changes, we 1. The 8% assumed rate of investment return would be changed from a gross to a net rate..As a result, investment related expenses would not have to be added to normal cost. This will mean that the fund's gross return will have to be about 8.5% in order to net 8%. Barbara LaDue Boynton Beach General September 14, 2000 Page Two 2. Reduce expected rate of inflation from 4.5% to 3.5%. 3. Reduce the sa ary increase assumption by 1 5% 13e~ Year New o - - .-.__ will range from 7.2)~ at age 25, to 5,8% at age45, to 3.5% atage 65. 4. Reduce the expected rate of employment terrninations by 15%. 5. Increase probabilities of retirement. We hope ~his package is in keeping with the Board's wishes. the Board s meeting on September 15~. We look forward to a discussion:at Sincerely yours, J. Stephen Palmquist JSP~r Enclosures GABRIEL. ROEDER, SMITH & COMPANY SUMMARY OF VALUATION RESULTS COVERED GROUP ~ ]'; :': '~ ~A. Number ncj~d.e~!.~ n th~ Valuation . 99. 499 2 Inactive Members 153 153 LONG ' C. Actuarial preseritValua of Projected Benefits ' 71,243,690~ 73,139,838' D. Actuarial;Va!ue of Assets 53,943,256 5;3,943,256. E ActuadaLP~mS__ent Valua of Future Contributions 1. Total: C D '17,300,434~ lg, 196,582 2. Portion Assigned to Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Uability (UAAL) (4,397,230);~. : (1,N36,711): 3. Fu,~on Assigned to Future Normal ¢-',¢*~ ~ 21,697,664, 20,603,29:~ CURRENT ANNUAL COST F. Annual Payment Needed to Amortize UAAL (T'/'8,644): (609,374~! As % of B' (4.56)% (3.61)~ G. Annual Employer Normal Cost 1,431,346, 1,261,900. As % of B 8.37% 7.48~/~ H. Required Employer Contribution on the 652,702 652,526 Valuation Date: F+G 3.82% 3.87% As%orB I. Increase Due to Rise in Projected Payroll from VaL Date to Contribution Date 34,030 23,807 j. Required Employer Contribution: H+I 686,732 676,333 K. Year to Which Contributions Apply 9/30/00 9/30/00 1. Plan Year Ending 9/30/0i 9/30/01 2. Employer Fiscal Year Ending ' 10/15/00 10/15/00 ~e(s) ofEmployer Contributions .~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Comnnsston Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Meetin~ Dates in to City Clerk's Off~ce Meeting Dates [] November21.2000 November9.2000 (Sz00p~m~ [] Januaryl6,200I [] DecemberS, 2000 November22,2000 (~:00p.m.) [] February6,2001 [] Deeemberlg. 2000 Decem~l~6,2000(5:®p.mj [] February20,200! [] January2.2001 December20,2000 (5:00p.m.) [] March6.2001 [] Administrative [] NATURE OF [] Consent Agenda [] AGENDA ITEM [] Public Hearing [] [] Bids [] [] Annomlcement [] XI-LEGAL ITEM B.3 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office Janua~ 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m./ January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 5:00 p.m.) February 21,2001 (5:00 p.m.) Development Plans New Business Legal Unfinished Business Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the December 19, 2000 City Commission Agenda under Legal, Ordinances -First Reading. AS you may recall, this request was approved at the December 5. 2000 City Commisston meeting to abandon a 30-foot Right-of-Way easement (there are no conditions recommended by staff nor the Plan~ing and Development Board). Staff recommends that this request be approved. EXPLANATION: PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PCD {BJ's WHOLESALE CLUB) (RIGItT-OF-WAY) Roscoe L. Biby, P.E. gimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Umversity of Florida Foundation. Inc., A Florida Corporation end University of Florida FOundation Inc., A Florida Corporation, as Trustee Southwest comer of Boynton Beach boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard Request for abandonment of 30-foot Road Right-of-Way easement. PROGRAM IMI~ACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A D ~q~op~nt pep~arVm~ ]Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources ORDINANCE NO. R00- AN ORDINANCE Of THE Cl'l'Y COMMISSION Of THE CITY ~G A THIRTY RIGHT-OF-WAY (BJ's MORE NAYOR FOR WHEREA~, ROscoe Biby of Kimley-Horn &Associates, Inc,. as agent for B_l's has requested abandonment of a thirty (307 foot road right-of-way, Beach~ Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard; and WHEREA~, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments; and WHEREAS, public headngs have been held before the City's Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said road right-of-way no longer serves any useful purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI' ORDAINED BY THE CTrY COHM]:SS:ZON OF THE CTI'Y OFBOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section l. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and thro_ugh its City Commission does hereby abandon a thirty (30') foot road right- of-way, located at the Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard and more particularly described herein as Exhibit "A". Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. 1/ Section 4. Should any, section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. Section5. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon .passage. FIRST READING this day of December, 2000, SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this day. of .lanuan/, 2001, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR[DA ~layor Vice kla¥or Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City aerk $:ca\~'s 30~OW EXHIBTr ~A" The 30.00 foot Road Right-of-Way lying in Pa~lm Beach Farms Company Plat No. 8, ~s recorded in Plat Bo°k 5; Page ~3~6f the PQblic RecOrd~ of Palm Beach County, Florida, being described as follows: Bounded on the North by (S.R, 804), ~unded on l Block 4 and Lots ' line of BOynton Beach Boulevard the West line of Lots C, D, E -BI0ck4 and Lots A. ~n th! the Easterly ! ! L DISCLAIMER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Boynton Beach, F or Ua, a mu nic, ipa' corporation, under the laws of the State of FlOrida, does hereby abandon and disclaim a thi.~ (307 foot road right-of-way, located at the Southwest ¢orner of Boynton Beach Boulevard ann Winchester Park Boulevard, The pmpe~, andil Beach,florida, ;ha~e .hereunto~set their hands and affixed the seal of the City this day of..lanuary, 2001. A'FFEST: ~ FLORIDA Suzanne Kruse, City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) BEFORE I4E, the undersigned authority, ~nally appeared GERALD BROENING and SUZANNE KRUSE, Mayor and City Clerk. respectively, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, known to me to be the pe[sons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free hand and dccd as such officers, for the uses and purposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WTI'NESS my hand and official seal in the said State and County this __ day of .lanuary, 2001. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLTC, State-of Florida EXHIBIT "A" The 30.00 foot Road Right-of-Way lying in Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No. 8, as recorded in Plat ~rds of Palm Beach County, Bounded on the North by the South Right-of-Way line of Boynton Beach Boulevard (S.R. 804), bounded' on the E~st by the West ine of Lots C, D, E Bock 4 and Lots A. Block 28 and bounded on the South by the Easter y Corn L~ H BLVD. ~'o' NA¥ON, KOPELMAN, O'Do~s TO: . TO:, , , · . , TO: F~s~mile No.. :.~,,, , , , , ,~,, . ~ Facsimile No.: . I'ROM: RE: "~t~ I~'tp~or the emt~yee ~it h~ ~ te de~e~ it to tf~e l~ t,~4pf~t,,tiie reaOer t~ . p~e ~, oFilm ~ Reo~d~.mf PaJ~l Be~:h County, betn~ desc~u~J a~ follm~l: Phi No. 6. .O Requested City Commission Meetinu Dates [] November 21. 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December I9. 2000 ] January2 2001 - XI-LEGAL ITEMS B.4 & 5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Finn[ Form Must be Turned tn to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) November 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) December 6~ 2000 15:0£ p.m.) December 20. 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested City Commissior Meeting Date_s [] Januar3 16,2001 [] February 6. 2001 [] February 20, 2001 [] March 6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Citw Clerk's Office January 3,200l (5:00 p.m. January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 21,2001 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative ~ Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearmg [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of proposed ordinance. EXPLANATION: This is one of two(2) proposed ordinances, both mending provisi6ns of the Land Development Regulations that address signs. The proposed changes reflect an ongoing review of the stgn code stimulated in by the expiration of the five year amortization period and by staffand legal review of implementation and enforcement issues. Regulatory ordinances such as the sign code are fi.equently subject to changing zomng conaldemtions, market conditions, and legal developments. Amendments such as the ones contained in this ordinance will be proposed fi.om nme to time to enhance both the usability and the enforceability of the regulations. Additional ordinances will follow in the near future. PROGRAM IMPACT: Enhanced usability and enforcement of the sign regulations. FISCAL IMPACT:None ALTERNATIVES:None Departr~l~t Hetad's Signature City' Attorney's Office Department Name City Manager's Signature city X or i//?itmce / I uman Reso ces SABULLETiNSFORMSXAGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 X'r-LEGAL FIRST READ~'NG ITEM B, ~ ORDINANCE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER I, ARTICLE II OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, ENTITLED "DEFINITIONS", REGARDING THE DEFINITION OF, A BILLBOARD; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION: PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. Wt~R.EAS~ the City of Boynt0n BeaCh wishes 'to create a aesthetically pleasing community without visual blight; and WHEREAS, it is det~mdned that the presence of billboards within the community not only causes visual blight, but creates a visual distraction to motor vehicle waffic and pedestrian traffic; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of Boynton Beach recognizes any regulation imposed on signage must be done so as not ro regulate the message or content on the sign, so that any sign that is allowed to be erected within the City can contain any words regardless of content; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of Boynton Beach recognizes the need for a well maintained and attractive appearance in the community and the need for individuals, organizations and businesses to engage in f~ee speech through the erection of signage within the City;, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are true and correct and hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Commission. Section 2. Chapter 1, Article IL of the Land Development Regulations of the CITY Page 1 of 3 J:~SHRDATA~A~)RD~DR Chan~hanlJbi~.o~t.dcc 1 2 6 7 8 9 [0 1! 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 OF BOYNTON BEACH, entitled "Definitions", is hereby amended as follows: for-the purpose of dthe~:;commemlal or noncommercial Section 2. Conflicting Ordinances. All pr/or ordinances or resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the ~ecaaiffmg portions of this Ordinance. Section 5. Inclusion in Code. It is the intention of the City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Florida, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Code of Ordinances; and that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinanco' may be changed to "section," 'a~icle," or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions. Page 2 of 3 J:~-qHRDATA\CA~Danht-DR Chan~nfib/lll~d.o~l.do~ 2 3 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 Section 6. Effective Dare. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission. FIRST READING this day of ,2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this day of ,2000. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor Vice Mayor Commisstoner Commissioner Commissioner Page 3 of 3 J flSHRDATA~CAK)RD',LDR Change~kanfibillbo~d.ord.doe ORDINANCE NO. O 00- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 21, SIGNS, OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CLARIFICATION OF PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING NON-COMMERCIAL COPY ON ANY SIGN: DELETING BULLETIN BOARDS, OCCUPATIONAL SIGNS, MEMORIAL SIGNS, TRAFFIC SIGNS, VEHICULAR SIGNS, DANGER SIGNS, AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING MATTER FROM THE CATEGORY OF EXEMPTIONS; CLARIFYING LIMITATIONS ON OBSCENE OR MISLEADING ADVERTISING; CLARIFYING DIRECTION~AL SIGNS; CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS ON POLITICAL SIGNS; · ~.DELETING ON DISPLAY SPACE ON BUS ESTATE SIGNS; RESTRICTIONS ON SIGNS IN Y,Z-LEGAL FIRST READING ITEM B.5 IN SIGNS PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, AND WHEREAS,, provisions of~ adminisixative guidelines; and adminism~tion has been,in the process of a rewew of the t. Code .and has ma~ie rec~mmendati°ns based :upon emerging ,trends, aesthetic concerns, and emerging legal W~I~REAS, the City Commj'ssion has determined that it is in the best interest of the comm~lhity to ~endr Pmvisi;onsof the Sign Code to facilitate enforcement, administration, and to comply with emerging legal guidelines; and WHEREAS, the amendments hereinafter set forth will facilitate the administration of the City's regulation of signs~ ~in a manner which balances aesthetic concerns, commercial needs, and existing property rights. 1 $:~SHRDATA\CA'O RDXLDR Changes~CHAPTER 2 t Sign Code.doe 1~/~/00 SAC/Imf NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. :. ~ foregoing '~'WHEREAS" clauses are true and correct and hereby ratified and confirmed by theCity Commission. the Code of Ordinances ~is mended ~ follows: CI-I~TER 2t. SIGNS :' Part III of Article I. In General Article:~: Variances/Exemptions and Prohibitions Article IlL "speCial COnditions Article IV. Signs Allowed ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Section [. Short title: This chapter shall hereafter be known and cited as "The Boynton Beach Sign Ordinance.~' Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to create the framework for a comprehensive and balanced system of sign control. It recognizes the need for a well maintained and attractive appearance in a community and the need for adequate commercial and non-commercial site b~kn::: identification, advertising and communication. It is the intent of this chapter to promote the health, safety, convenience, aesthetics and general welfare by controlling signs which are intended to communicate to the public and to authorize the use of signs which are: A. Compatible with their surroundings. Bo Designed, constructed, installed and maintained In such a manner that they do not endanger public safety nor contribute to vehicular visual distraction. C. Efficient in transfer of information. D. Aemheficallg pl~ualn~,_ and do not e.m,~e a visual distraction to pedestrians. E. A safeguard and an enhancement tO oroverW values within the commun/W. 2 $fiSHRDATA~CA~ORD~LDR Chang~'~C HAPTER 21 Si~i Code.dm; 12/6/00 JAC/h~f F. Designed to preserve the beauty and unique character of the city. Any sien. containing, noncommercial copy shall be deemed an on-premises sign, and any sign authorized in this chapter is allowed to contain'noncommercial copy in lie~ of any other copy. Section 3. Penalties; enforcement. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine not exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars. Each day such violation is committed or pemaitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. Enforcement of tiffs chapter may also be secured through the Code Enforcement hearing process under Chapter 2, Article V of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Section 4. Permitting. Except as provided in Article II, Section 2 it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, repair, alter, or relocate within the city any sign or other advertising structure as defined in this chapter, without first obtaining a permit from the Boymon Beach Development Depa~hnent and making payment of the fee required. All illm~inated signs shall, in addition, be subject to the provisions of the National Electrical Code. Signs or sign structures previously erected without a valid permit shall be in wolation of this chapter and shall be deemed illegal signs. It shall be mandatory to obtain a permit for an illegal sign, or to immediately remove such sign or sign structure upon notice that the szgn or s~gn smacture is illegal. The notice shall contain a time period for removal. Section 5. Application. Application for permits shall be made upon blanks provided by the development department and shall contain or have attached thereto the following information: A. Name, address and telephone number of the applicant; B. Location of building, structure or lot to which, or upon which, the sign or other advertising slructure is to be attached or erected; C. Position of tho sign or other advertising structure in relation to nearby building, slxuctures and property lines; D. Two (2) copies of the plans and specifications and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. Plans must include all proposed sign colors. 3 J:~SI~RDATA\CA ORDXLDR ChangeSXI2HAPTER Zl SlSn Code.doc 12/6/00 JAC/lmf E Documents showing that the structure is designed for dead load and wind load tn any direction in an mount consistent with the requirements contained in the Standard Building Code and as required by this and all other laws and ordinances of the city. The seal of a Florida registered engineer or arcl~'tec~:sha!! be:affixed :~to dm~wi~'ngs of signs or sign strUctm:es Which hav~-an'areaexceed/~-g thirty-tWo (3~) ~uare fe~ agd/0~ exceed/rig ten (10) feet in height, certifying that such signs are designed to meet the required loading. In cases when required by the director Of development, si.gns Shal~ show calculations for wind loading. .F. Name of person, firm, corporation or a~sociation erecting the sign structure; G. Wrkter~ COnSent of the owner o£ the b~Iding, structure 0r-land te which or on which the stmc .t~: ~eis t~:erectec}; ': .... : ,,- : ~ :/ H. The type of sign or sign structure as defined by this chapter; I. The estimated value of the sign and/or sign structure; J. All electrical details required to .determine eOde,~ompliance for the. ~ign; and K. Ail. such other information as the development depath~ent shall require to demonstrate compliance with this and all otherlaws and.0~dinances of the City. Section 6. Permit issuance. The development depathuent shall examine plans and specificationS and other data and the premises upon which it is proposed to erect the sign or other advertising stmetare, and if it appears that the .Structure is in compliance with all the requirements of this chapter and all other laws and ordinances of the city, the department shall issue a sign permit. Ail permits are subject to the requirements contained in the latest adopted Countywide Administrative section of the Standard Building Code. Section 7. Permit fee. Every applicant, before being granted a p~mfit hereunder, shall pay a fee to the development department prior to permit review or issuance. Any sign erected or in the process of being erected without a permit is subject to a total permit fee of four (4) times the normal permit fee. Section 8. Annual imql~efion. The city may inspect at any time each sign or other advertising slructure regulated by this chapter for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same is unsafe, in need of repair or J:XSHRDATA~C A'ORDLLDR Chanse~\CHAPTER 2 l Sisn Cod¢.do~ 1 JAC/lmf maintenance, not in conformance with the permit application or otherwise in violation of the prowsions of this chapter. Section 9. Revocation of permit. The development department is authorized and empowered to revoke any permit issued if there has been a violation of the prowsions of this chapter or a rmsrepresentation of fact on the permit application and specified in the latest adopted Countywide Admiuistrative Section of the Standard Building Code. Section i0. Unsafe and unlawful signs. If it is. determined that .any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is · is am~na¢~ to the,::Public, .or has been constructed or erected or is being · of the' prOvisions Of this ordinance, he shall give written notice to the remove or alter the structure so as to comply with the ; time prescribed in the notice, such sign or other ~wacmre may be removed or altered to comply by the city at the expense of the property upon which it is located. The developmen~ department who refuses to pay costs so assessed. The ¥ sign or other advertising smlcture which presents an to be removed without notice. Section 11. Permit number posting. Every sign or other advertising structure hereafter erected shall have placed in a conspicuous place thereon, the permit number of the sign.. Section 12. Maintenance. The owner of any sign as defined and regulated by this chapter shall be required to properly maintain said sign. For a sign to be properly maintained, the sign~ together with its framework, braces, engies or other supports shall be in a safe condition, properly secured, supported and braced and shall be able to withstand weather conditions and loads as required by the regulatory codes in effect within the municipal limits. Maintenance shall include painting and parts replacement. Section 13. Licensing, competency of contractors. A person shall not engage in the business of erecting, painting, wiring or maintaining signs within the city without first having procured an occupational license for such business from both the city and the county. The following qualifications shall govern the categones of sign work: 5 J:~S HRDATA\CA~ORD~LDR Chan~CHAPTER 21 Sign Code.dc~ 12/6/00 JAC/Imf A. Sign contractor, electrical. Those who are qualified and licensed to install, repair, alter, add to or change any electrical wires, apparatus, raceways, condui{ or any part thereof on electri.'cal signs and who are also qualified to erect signs. Such contractor may connect to any existing sign circuit and may'contract and' secure permits for ithe erection of electrical signs or s~gn structures. B. Sign conutactor, .non-eleqtrical. Those who are .qualified Md licensed to ingtall, repair, add t0(P~iint or change non-electrical Sigm, ac~0rd/ng to the Starn~ dard Building Code and who may secure permits for the '~ection 'of eieefficai signs or sign structures (but must sublet the electrical workunless an electrical con, actor is associated wi~ the firm). C. Owners, lessees. Notwiths:rag, ding:~th~r~ 0f ~ a~ove ~l~sitSc~atig~, nothing hereto contmned tn this s~claon shall'be{~eff.:~, pr~v~ii~!~a~ ~owner or, see of property Irom constructt~g arm erecting a nonm~ ~ ~ ~. ~i ?t;~amg tmrty- two '(32) square feet marea md/or slx ~ ~:,~i~h: ~ol3~;,~;d~prop~;;;~ii¢~ work shall be erected tn a professaonal manner and ~.[~{ eomgtiF ~!~}!~0tl!~ sectmg~ ~ chapter Section 14. ~ ~ · tO other ordinances of.file ~city. Section 15. Removal of abandoned signs. Any sign now or hereafter existing which no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted or a product sold shall:be taken down and removed by the owner; agent or person having the beneficial use of the building or stmcturo upon which such sign may be found, within ten (1 O) days after the business use ceases. ARTICLE II. VARIANCES/EXEMPTIONS AND PROHIBITIONS Section 1. Variances. After denial of a sign p=tmit by the development department~ a request for vanance may be filed with the board of zoning appeals. The board of zoning appeals may grant a variance if it finds that the unusual shape or topography of the property tn question prevents signagn allowable under the proVisions of this ordinance from adequately identifying the business or other activity located on such property. The board of zoning appeals may oniy grant a variance to: A. Allow a setback less than:that required under the chapter; B. Allow the area and/or height of a sign to be increased by up to twenty-five (25) percent of the maximum allowable height or area; or 6 J:~S HRDATA~CA~ORD'~LDR Chang~'/~HAPTER 21 Sisn Code.do~ 12/6/00 SAC/lraf C. Allow the number of signs to be increased over the maximum allowed by this code. No variances may be granted to signs expressly prohibited by this chapter. (Ord. No. 96-6 I, } 1, 1-21-97) Section 2. Exemptions The permit requirements of this chapter shall not apply to the following signs, provided howe~ver, that said signs shall be subject to other provisions of this code: A. Real estate signs not exceeding fixce (5) .square feet in area which adyertise the sale, rental or lease of the prermses upon which such signs are located. These signs must be set back ten (10) feet fi:om the property line, meet the structural requirements and must not exceed four (4) feet in height. Only one (1) such sign ~s allowed per street frontage. B. A single residential yard sign, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area C. Window/door signs using less than twenty (20) percent of the total glass area facing in any one direction. This area is not included in.the total sign area allowed under this chapter. These signs are not permitted in residential zoning districts. Chapter. Political signs. These signs must comply with Article III, Section 6.D of this E. Flags. 1. Signs indicating the address and/or name of the residential occupants of the premises, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area. J:~ HRDATAXCA\Oan',LDR Chan~es',CHAPTER 21 Sisn Code.doc 1216/00 JAC/lmf K. V:k2:'~:D-- L Bus shelter signs. Section 3. Prohibitions. The following signs and related equipment are prohibited in all districts: A, this Chapter. B. ¢. D. Banners, (not including special civic event, temporary business identification ~igns) - ' Any sign and/or sign structure which does not meet all the criteria set forth in Animated/flUttering signs BalloonS E. Bus bench signs F. Festoons G. Flashing signs H. Roof signs [. Rotating s~s $. Signs that swing K. Sidewalk signs (sandwichf'A" frame) recreational, expositional or Portable signs Signs that obstruct free ingress to or egress from a door, window, fire escape or other required exit or entrance. O. Snipe signs or s~gn~ attached to or painted on fire escapes, television antennas, satellite dishes, utility poles or any other associated strucrarc. P. Signs which emit odors, sounds, smoke, vapor or other'visible matter. 8 $:~HRDATA~IZAXO RDXLDR Changes'CHAPTER 21 Sisn Code.d~: 12/6/00 JAC/lmf Q. Signs or sign structures supported by visible guy wires, cables or where there is visible electrical conduit. R. Unauthorized signs on property owned by or under control of the City of Boynton Beach. S. Banners overany street, sidewalk, within a city park orplayground without a permit being issued. T. Off premises signs, except those permitted under ChaPter 21, Article [II, Section 6 (Special Signs) or Chapter 22, Article II, Section 7 Paragraph O (Neiehborhood Identification Signs). U Electrical~or iIluminatedm signs cf a :c~:r~iz2 na~.x':', in res~dentml' ' zomng districts, except that in a.development where models are being demonstrated, an illuminated sign, meeting the other requirements of this chapter, may be used provided no illumination is shown between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day W. Billboards. X. Non-geometric signs shaped to depict figures or demonstrative shapes used to attract attentionlo the:business activity with which the sign is associated. Y. Painted Wall Signs. (Ord. No. 96-61, § 2, 1-21-97; Am. Ord. 98-03, § 1, 1-20-98) ARTICLE HI. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Section 1. Traffic hazards. No sign or other advertising sumcture regulated by this chapter shall be erected at the intersection of any streets in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision; or at any location where, by reason of the position, shape or color, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device. Section 2. Obscene matter/misleading advertising. 9 It shall be unlawful for any person to display upon any sign or other advertising structure any obscene or; indecent: ....... fa! matter. It shall be unlawful for a person to display false or misleading statemems upon signs, :c~,,culated ~to,?misle~d~ the:public:~as~,t0~anythi~ sold, any set'ices -to be performed or informatio, n disseminated. The fact that any sign or display shalLc°nmin Words, or language sufficient to mislead a reasonable and pmctent person in reading same, shall be prima facie e~idenc~9£~ violati°n~o£~ seCtion~b7 the perSon~ disp!aying the sign or permitting same to be disPlayed. Sectioa 3 Aesthetics. % :- ~e~aeSihetic quality of a building or an-entire n~ighborh0Od isl materially ,affected by acl!ieving ~sua$ harm~rLy of ,the~ Signs on or about a stm,c~,~,~e as it relates to the ~rchitecture of the b~i~;°r ~th~ adjacent s~0undings.::~:Ir!' additioa to ~ mechanical limitations on and a!:~t~f~-sgbj,~ti~,revie~;b¥ the Plmg,~tc~D~,V-~:Iopment Board when required. A. The sc~ of the s~gn retest be.,CO~i gtent: with the scale of the building on ~o~l~h ~t ~s located. However. in noeases li~ 'ce ze~o~dect~m~ ;eet~(this~ehapte~.: · B , ~e; a~e~,effeet~iof ,~,~0 ~:~,:; fion.g.°r~ eolohng; of; the sign shall be ~ ¢~m~igarat~oa a!~d colors shall be comptementa~r with ath~4~igl!s already on ~e}~d ng.~ and!on adjacent propemes. All freestanding s' feet· ~anner, appropriate to the ea i~°t less than two (2) Section 4. Interpretation. Where a question arises regarding the interpretation of this chapter, the most restrictive interpretation shall prevail. Interpretations of this chapter shail be made by the director of developmem or designee. Section 5. ,Setbacks. All signs must meet a minimum ten (10) foot setback measured from the property line to the closest surface of the sign. Where a building is closer than ten (10) feet from a property llne, a freestanding sign can have its le,dlng edge one half way between the property line and the building. Wall signs can be on the building surface. 10 J:~HRDATA\CA'ORD~LDR Chang~I2HAPTER 21 Sisll Code.doc 12/6/00 JAC/lmf When an accessway intersects a public fight-of-way or when the subject property abuts the intersection of two (2) or more public rights-of-way, all siguage within the triangular areas described below shall provide unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet. The triangular areas above referred to are: A, The areas of property on both sides of an accessway formed by the intersection of each side of the accesswayand the public right-of-way line with two (2) sides of each triangle being ten (10) feet in length (or more when determined to be necessary by the development depamnent), from the point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the end of the other two (2) sides. B. The' area, of property located at a ~omer formed by the intersection of two (2) 0r more p ~ublic or private~.figkts~of-way, with two (2) sides of the triangular, area being thirty- five (35) feet in length along the abutting public right-of-way lines, ~measured from their point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the other two (2) lines. Section 6. Speciat sigus A. Temporary project development signs. Large areas under development shall be permitted two (2) signs not to exceed a combined aggregate area of two hundred fifty (250) square feet. Said signs shall be located in accordance with the requirements contained in.this chapter relating to the specific zoned area. Permits for said sign~ shall be limited to the timethe development is completed, terminated or abandoned. The permits for such signs will not be issued prior to the date upon which an apPlication for a permit for the related building construction or site development is filed. These signs must be removed within sixty (60) days after the p¢lmit is issued, if construction has not commenced, or if such construction is substanti~illy abandoned for ninety (90) days, as evidenced by a lack of insPections and/or other pertinent conditions, Signs must be removed when the final building inspection is called for. B. Temporary construction signs. One (1) non-illuminated sign may be permitted to be erected on the premises or.attached to a tool house on the premises subject to the following conditions: 1. Such sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area. 2. Such sign shall not be erected prior to the issuance of a building permit and must be removed when the'building or project is completed; provided, however, if such sign is erected as permitted hereunder and Construction is not commenced with/n one hundred eighty (180) days after permit is issued, or if such consmaetion is substantially abandoned for one hundred eight (180) days as evidenced by a lack of successful inspections and/or other pertinent Conditions, Such sign shall be immediately removed by the Owner or lessee of the premises. 11 3. Such sign shall be 4ocated on the premises being developed in accordance with the requirements of this Code relating to the specific zone areas. Directional~ signs. (1) General dir,ectional signs limited to six, (6) per civic organization, church, recreational facility and,!!imited to one hundred forty-four (144), square inches per sign and located at street i~temections or Other locations for ~he convenience of~the traveling public, my bepermitted in city fight-Of-way when approved by the director of development. The owner shall have the signs, m,ade~ at thc: own0~!s:,expense, ~b,~tt acc°rd, lng to the specifications of the city. S~ s~gns shall:be, Placed by the,re$~omible goveynn3ent~fl body at the~:e~ense~ of.the:,o~wn,ec~?;~when~thei~si~,i~ ~:pnb~,right-of-way;~t shall be placed on opgo ~ig~S:i,M li~ ;0~:Si~j~; ~j~. on: ~ne::( i~p~l~ ~ma~y~b~ .permitted a~,ea¢t~itreet':.inte=ection3 ~- ..... . :. -. 2. a models~at for the }-d~ys of the street and 4. ~ building signs agreement, setting ;les* as possible to ~esidenfial development or neighborhood t be allowed one (I)identification sign at OF ~ have no more r be located in the approved by the , a liceme appro~ to Place the sign on 12 J:~HRDATA~CA'ORD~LDR Chants\CHAFfER 21 Sisn Code,doe 12/6/00 the public right-of-way is granted. Approval does not preclude the necessity to secure approvals from other g{~vemmental agencies. D. ~...T, e2pn~or~?~ political signs,may be posted on private property within the city during the c!xty (SO) .~y period preceding any local, State, or national election, with the consent of the propert~ owner.. Candidates or parties desiring to post such signs shall file with the city Clerk a nOtice of ~ntenfion, to post same prior to the posting Of any such sign elCo:cch. :No fee shall be required in cormection with the posting of temporary political s~gns. P01!tical circulars and handbills may be ~listributed within the city during the a~cvc o..7~., ~ ..-:~ame penod. All p0htmal mgns must comply w~th the stmcmrat and setback requirements of this Code. E. Bus shelter signs. Signs 9n city transit stop shelters m~ay be, permitted when au~h0riz~d by.~tt~n agLeemen[apprgved hy gction of the City Commission pUrsuant to the ProvisiOns' of Section 337.407(2), F.S. When so authorized, the following standards shall apply: 1. Signs on city transit stop shelters and associated, structures and eqUipment, including but not limit~ to bench,, t~iqycle racks, and trash receptacles, shall be permitted only at city tr~ii stops desirered by the city, or'other areas approCed by the City. Placement of bus shelters shall be subject to city review.so that no shelter shall be permitted to obslxuct a public sidewalk or create a hazard or to otherwise be detrimemal to the public safety. A permit for each bus shelter shall be required, but no permit fee shall be charged. 2. Bus shelters and associated structures or equipment shall be designed to meet city building code requirements, i£any. 3. Any bus shelter or associated structures or eqUipment located on a sidewalk within a public right-of-way, shall be so located so as to leave at least thirty-six (36) inches clearance for pedestrians and persons in wheelchairs. Such c~earanee shall be measured in a direction perpendicular to the Centerline of the road. In addition, shelters and pads shall comply ~tk the Americans with .Disabilities Act Implementation Manual, Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Facilities; Part IV of the Federal Register, Transportation for Individuals with DiSabilities; Florida Statutes, Section 337; the Florida Adiuiniatrative Code Rule ~ter 14-20 and any city standards or guidelines for placement and design. 4. Not more than on6 bus shelter or associated structures or equipment displaying signage or intended for the display of signage shall be permitted at a city transit stop. 5. Display space on bus shelters shall be limited in location and size to the side or rear wind screen anels ~ .... ~ .- 13 J :LS HRDATA\CAXORDLLDR Change~\CHAPTER 21 Stsn Code.do~ 12/6/00 JAC/lmf 6. Should any bus shelter, associated,,structures or eCl~ipment or sign on an associated Structure. or' equ!~ent, or'bbs' shel(e~ s'ignl faii t~: C0n~°rm' to the above standards; or shouic[ a residenti~:pr0perty oWner object to the pt~se~ee of a bus shelter abut~ing'hi~'pmpe~y~-then ~e cit~ may 0rd~r the~ponsoring 0rganizafi0~ t~o r~gve such bus shelter ~ind~ ~ failiiig, ~ r~n6ve sam¢~at ~e ~xg~nse o'f ~e~ iS~O~i~0ring ofggn/zation. of the Sign Code. within hereafte~ or change not constitute 14 ISSHRDATA\CA\ORD\LDR Changes\CHAPTER 21 Si~n Code.doc 12/6/00 JAC/Imf ~ after the adoption of into the City of 1, 1994) shall be Shall be brought into t order sought prior to the within five The provisions to all billboards ~f this chapter, shall Relettoring ~gn structure, shall Nonconforming signs shall be removed, changed or altered to conform to the provisions of this chapter by December 3l, 1999, A sign shall not be deemed nonconforming if any one of the following conditions apply: A. The sign is a freestanding sign which does not exceed 24 feet in height but is otherwise in conformance with all provisions of this chapter; or B. 'The sign is a wall sign or freestanding sign which does not exceed the sign limitations set forth in this sign Code by more, ~a~ 20 percent and is otherWise in conformance with all provisions of tiffs chapter; or C. The sign is a,~reestanding sign which does not meet the setback requirements of this ghapter, but does not otherwise Violate the setback requirements Set forth in Article 1II Section 5 or any other provisions 0fthis chapter, If any nonconforming sign is damaged by any cause or is otherwise in need of repair, to such an extem.that the eqst of repahSn/g the sign equals fifty (50) per cent o} more of the riginal cost of the sign, fliela its cl~ssificati0n.as a "nonconfo~ing" sign under this section shall be automatically revoked and repairs shall be made so that s~h sign shall meet ail the reqturements of this chapter. (Ord. NO. 96-61, § 4, 1-21:97) Section 8. Overhead clearance. A sign projecting over areas where vehicular traffic may be required to pass shall be erected to maintain a mmlmum clearance of sixteen (16) feet for the free passage of such vehicles. ARTICLE IV. SIGNS ALLOWED Section 1. Si~t, ns allowed in residential zoning districts The following signs are allowed and regulated in residential zoning districts: A, One (1) plaque not exceeding two (2) square feet in area. B. On plots containing permitted nonresidential structures or uses, a flat or freestanding sign, not exceeding thirty-two 02) square feet in area will be permitted for the lir~,.'tedpurpose of advertising only the main use of the premises. A flat wall sign on a bmlding must not be higher than ten (10) feet, and a freestanding sign must not be higher than six (6) feet~ .Signs on entry walls may not extend above the top of the wall. 15 l:kg HanATA\CA\ORD\LDR Changes~CHAPTER 21 Sign Code.doc 12/6/00 JAC/Imf C. Temporary real estate signs 1. Single Family: One (1) real estate sign not exceeding five (5) square ?eet in area and no taller than four (4) feet is allowed per street frontage. 2. Multi,family or commercial: One (1) real estate sign not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area andno taller than six (6) feet is allowed per street frontage. D. A condominium; residential 'development~ or incorporated residential neighborhood ~soc~ation m~y~ ~e~t~ ~s!~g!~ ~a~.e~m9 s!.,gn~ 9n ~each ~de of all.entrances On site~ Walls or One (~!):;~es(.~i~gl/~ ,~ f0~'~,,a~ p~i~artce, :T~e,s~:signs !are not to exceed ~rty-two (32)square f~t m :area~.ngr be~re than s~ (6)~feet ~ heighi. E Directional signs fox multi~fam~y, or penmf'~ no~esid~ti~ structures, not exceeding four (4) square' fe~t m'i~ lr~r'~re (5) fee~ in !~nmy~be'al!~d at pmnts of ingress and egress. (Ord. No. 96-61, § 5, 1¢21-97) Section 2. Signs allowed in eo~er.eial~nonresidentia} districts not otherwise excluded. nonresidential A. One (1) real estate ~, the Sale, rental Or lease of a feet in area, nor sm (6) each street frontage. B. One (1) double faced freestandi~g .sign advertising ~lae-uee-activit¥ occumng on of-the premises. The maXimum area. for'thi~ Sign sh~ be one (1) square foot of area for each linear foot of Street frontage; no SUch si~ shall ~x~eed SiXty-four (64) square feet in area. No sign shall be taller than twenty (20) fe~. C. One (1) or more fixed projecting or fiat wall sign(s) which advertises ~ e~activity occurring, on the premises, prOvidediithat for the projecting sign, the sign and its supports shall not extend more titan three (3) f~t beyond fihe face of the wall, nor ~shall either si~ en ve the nsra~et of the buildin~ ot beyond file building comers The~ maXimum --~- extend abo . e ~ , ~ : area for this signage shall be one and One half ( 1-1/2) square feet of area for ~each one ( 1 ) foot of linear building ftontage. D. ~ addition to the ~ther, stgus;: in this section, one (1) on-premi_'ses si.gn, described as follows, shall be permitted in tho~ commercial districts of th~ city where drive illustrated face not to exceed twenty-five (2~5) square feet. Such Signs Will anow ~or instructionS on use of pick-up windoW servic~ and list the menu and price of items to be served, with the top 0f~he sign not to exceed five (5) feet above ground level at the base of I the sign. 16 J:~S HRDATA',CA'~O RD\LDR Changes~CHAPTER 21 Sign Code.doc 12/6/00 JAC/h~f E. Non-illuminated identification signs shall be permitted on the rear door of all business establishments provided such signs are limited to three (3) square feet in area. F. Directional signs, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, nor five (5) feet in height with a limit of four (4) signs per lot, located at points of parking lot ingress and egress. G. Temporary business identification signs shall be permitted instead of other wall signs permi~e,~l in this section. One (1) temporary sign for a maximum of thirty (30) days, can be permitted when a Certificate of Occupancy has -been issued, pending the avproval of a sign application, if at the time of the C~rtificate of Occupancy ~u~ application for a sign permit has been submitted to the development department. Section 3. Signs allowed in shopp'mg centers andpublic use districts. The follOwing signs are permitted and regulated for shopping centers the premises and height. One re_al "For Sale/Rent/Lease", may be placed on ~quaro feet in area, nor six (6) feet in B. One (!) freestanding s~gn.gdvertising tta~--useactiviW conducted on -of the premises. The maximum area;for this sign shat1 be one (1) square foot of sign area for each linear foot of Street frontage of the lot pr~ided such sign'does not exceed o~e hundred sixty (160) sqUare feet in area or a maximum height of twen~ (20) feet. Lots which front on more than one ( ! ) collector and/or arterial roadw,ay shall be allo,ted one (1) additional freestanding sign, not to exceed one hundred sixty (160) square feet' in area with a maximum height of t~enty {20) feet?° be''located 6n the ~l~iti0~al ~oadway. -- C. One (1) or moro flat wall si ~.~(s) which advertises the-ase-ofactivit¥ occurring on the premises. The maximum area for this silage Shall be one and one half(I-t/2) square feet of area for each one (1) foot of linear building frontage. D. Where a covered walkway is present, each storo shall be permitted one (1) under canopy sign not to exceed three (3) square feet in area. This sign shall be placed in front of each occupancy perpendicular to the building face under the eoverod walkway and shall not be less than ninety (90) inches from the walkway, with a rigid mounting. E. A directory sagn, not exce~g eighteen (18) square feet in area, is permitted. This directory Sign can not exceed a height of six (6) feet and must be placed within the building setback area. F. Non-illuminated identification signs shall be pemdtted on the rear door of any business establishment, provided they are limited to three (3) square feet in area. 17 J:~S HRDATA~2A~ORD~LDR Chang~K2HAFrER 21 Sign Co'.doc 12d6/00 JAC/lmf G. Directional signs, not exceeding four (4) square feet ~n area, nor five (5) feet in height with a limit of four (4) signs per lot, located at points of parking lot ingress and egress. H. Temporary business identification signs sh~l be permitted instead of other wall signs :allowed in this section~ One (1) temporary sign for a maXimUm of thirty (30) days, can be permitted when a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued-pending the approval of a~ sign application if at the ~me of the Certifica~ of Occupancy, an application for a sign p~it has b~en subm~!t~d'~b the develoPment dep~tme;m.. Sectio~n 4 face of each major These r are attached. allowed a three-sided face. A in height egress. This direciory building setback area. five (5) feet parking lot ingress and , is permitted. I must be placed within the D. Non-illuminated identification signs shall be permitted on the rear door of business estal~li~ninents, provided they are limited to three (3) square feet in area. the premises heigh[ One s~gn adverlisin$ "For Sale, rP. ent/Lease'', may be placed on feet in area, nor six (6) feet in Section 5. Signs allowed in industrial zoning districts. The following signs'are permitted and regulated in industrial zoning districts: A. One (1) real estate s~gn advertising that a premises is for sale, rent or leas "_' ~:' :, ~ ", may be placed on the premises: and shall not exceed thirty-two 18 J:~HRDATA\CA\ORD~DR Chan~s~CHAPTER 21 Sim Code.doc 12/6/00 JAC/lmf (32) square feet in area, nor six ~6) feet in height. One (1) such sign is permitted for each street frontage. B. One (1) freestanding sign, not exceeding sixty-four (64) square feet in area, advertising lta~ase-o~activitw occumng on the premises. This sign shall be predicated on the basis of one half (1/2) square foot of sign area for each one (1) linear foot of street frontage, with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. C. One (1) or more fixed projecting or flat wall sign(s) which advertises activity occurrin og.p.~__hhe-as~a-f-the premises, provided that .for the projecting sign, the sign and its supports shall not extend more than three .(3) feet beyond the face of the wail, nor shall either s~gn extend above the par~et.0f the building Or beyond the bttildingcorner. The maximum area for this signage shall ,be one (1) square foot Of area for each one' (l) foot of linear building frontage. D. Non-illuminated identification signs shall be p~mfitted on the rear door of business establishments, provided they. ~re timit~ to ~ O) square feet in area E. A directory sign, not exceeding eighteen (18) square feet in area, is permitted. This directory sign can not exceed a height of six (6) feet and must be placed within the building setback area. F. Lots: which have uses ;which front on 1-95 may be permitted additional flat sign(s) subject to the limitations imposed in Article W, Section 5.C if the building is designed to ~ont on 1-95. For purposes of clarffication, fronting m this section means that the building entrance faces I:95 arid no garage doors are- xrisible from the Interstate. Additionally, the area between the use and.the Interstate must be. landscaped as if it were fronting on a s~reet. G. Directional signs, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, nor five (5) feet n height, with a limit of four (4) signs per lot, located at points of parking lot ingress and egress. H. Temporary business identification signs shall be permitted instead of other wall si~s permitted in this section. One (1) temporary sign for a maximum, of thirty (30) days, can be permitted when a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued pending the approval of a sign application, if at th~ time of the Certificate of Occupancy, an application for a sign permit h~been submitted to the development department Section 6. Signs in the central business district. The follOwing signs are permitted and mgnlated in the central business district (CBD): 19 JSSHRDATA CAXDRD~LDR Chang~s~42HAPTER 21 Sign Cod~.dc~ 12/6/00 JAC/lmf A. One (1) real estate sign advertising that a premises is for sale, rent or lease,"~ .... :!:. :_ . :',. may be placed on the premises and shall not exceed sixteen (I 6) square feet in area, nor six (6) feet in height. B.:~ One (!)freesmnd~g~ sign~ not .to,exeee<d eighty (80) square feet in area, advertising act/:~ity. 0ccuring or2~: U:,~ o~the premises:,. The maximum area for this sign shall be one, (1) square foot of sign area fo~ each~ one. and one half (L, 1¢2) linear feet of street frontage, with a ~mum height of tWenty (20) feet. , ....C. ~ . ~ )ne (~!), ~r ;m. or0..fi~d;proie~ti~g~o[ flat iwall sign(s) which advertises activitw ,~ ~ th~ p~e~, ~es;· p.r,~d~thal~:for.the.prejectmg stgn, the s~gn and ~ts ~Ugp0~t~ sh~~ ,~e,~,:~,~ ~e~ :4~ ,feet;be79Pd.~the/face of the.wall~nor shall e~ther a~e~ ~o~ ~this.,,,~~g' '~. shall be one (~)~sqixa~e~ ~foot, of area for~ ..... each~ one;,(})· .foot of linear egl~ess, : - ' Where a covered walkway is present, each s[ore shall be permitted one (1) ~ not to exceed three (3) square feet in area. This sign Shall be placed in and shall~not be less ~an ninety (90) inches on. the rear door, of business G. Temporary business identification signs shall be permitted instead of other wall signs allom~d .in, this section. One (t) temporary sign for a maximum of thirty (30) days,' c~ be p~tted when a C~ficate of OccupancY has been issued pending the approval of' a sign application, if at the time of the Certificate of. Occupancy, an application for a sign permit has been submitted to the development depati~ent. Section 7, Signs permitted in planned districts. , The foll~g ,are the. general requirements for signs, .in planned.districts (P .U?, .PCD and PI])); for ~fic,alloWable signage, see the regulations for each mgnlar zoning oismct. A. Purpose and intent. The purpose of this section is to encourage continuity for signage in the planned districts, while allowing for flexibility with respect to type, color, number, location (exclusive.of setbacks) and design of signs.. The g.ene~j r~uirem~e.nts .for each planned district can be found in the corresponding regular zou~ug district in uns sign chapter. The approval of si~.~ in planned districts require the submission of a sign program for the entire project as part of the site plan approval process. 2O I:~S HRDATA~CA\ORD~LDR Chan~es~CHAPTER 21 Sisn Code.do~ 12/6/00 JAC/lmf B. Sign program. All requests for approval of a sign program shall be filed as part of the original site plan approval process or as a modification to the approved site plan. All applications shall be filed by the s~gn owner or his agent, with the appropriate fee and shall describe and set forth the following: 1 The type and number of signs or s~gn structures. 2. The area per sign and dimensions of structures. 3. Three (3) certified copies of the site plan showing sign location, sign elevations and construction details, such as materials, colors, wind resistance requirements and structural details. 4. In addition to the above, one (1) set of colored sign elevations with all copy shown in the type style to be used. Section 3. Conflicting Ordinances. All prior ordinances or resolutions or parts thereof In conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4, Severshility. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court 'ofcornpetent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 5. Inclusion in Code. It is the intention of the City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Florida, that the provisions of thia Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Code of Ordinances; and that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions. 21 $SSHRDATA\CA\ORDkLDR Chang~,CHAPTER 21 Sign Code.doc 12/6/00 JAC/Imf Section 6, Effective Date. Th.is Ordinance shall become effective thLrty (30) calendar days after adoption by the City Commission. FIRST READING this day of ,2000. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this day of ,2000. C1T~ OF BOY.ON BEACH, FLOR]DA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk 22 J:~S HRDATA~CA~O RD~LDR Chan~CHAP'I~R 21 Si~n Code~do~ 12/6~0 JAC/lmf Reauested Cit~ Commission Meeting Dates [] November2 2000 [] December 5. 2000 [] December I$ 2000 [] January 2. 2001 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Date Final Form Must be Turned in to Citw Clerk's Office November 9 2000 (5:00 a.m. November 22. 2000 [5'00 p.m.) December6,2000 (5:00 p.m./ December20, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) Requested Ci~ Commission Meeting Date~ ] January 16.200l [] Februai~ 6. 200t [] Februar3 20, 2001 [] March 6. 200! XI-LEGAL TTEM C.1 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office January 3, 2001 (5:00 p.m. January 17. 2001 5:00 ¢.m. February 7, 20OI (5 00p.m.) February 2 I. 2001 (5:00 om NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans [] Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Heanng [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Motion to ratify the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Boynton Beach and the Police Benevolent Association (PBA). EXPLANATION: The current PBA collective bargaining agreement expixcs on September 30, 2001. However_ tt was determined that there was an unmediatc need to place additional police officers on patrol and without an increase in personnel, this could best be accomplished by reconfiguring the patrol force to a twelve hous shift rotation. Current eight hour shift deployment places sm to eight officers on patrol on any given shift. A twelve hour shift deployment places twelve to sixteen officers on patrol with the division at full strength. This Memorandum of Understanding was negotiated to facilitate the reconfiguration and provides unit members with the following enhanced salary package: Four percent salary increase for all unit members One percem (lump sum) medical insurance off-set Eight and one halfpercem ass~gament pay for all members working the twelve hour shift. Thc four percem increase is funded from budgeted salary increases m the current fiscal year. The one percent medical insurance off-sct was approved bythe Commission m executive session earlier this year. The eight amd one half percent assignment pay is funded from the deparlment's existing ovextime budget. The total amount allocated to the department for overtime is $700,000.00. Based on spending in the past fiscal year ir was determined that $286,000.00 could be diverted from the overtime account m fund the assignment pay. The twelve hour shifi configuration should result in decreased overtime expenditure thereby allowing for the diversion of overtime funds without adversely affecting the operation of the department. In the event that the twelve hour shift rotation proves to be undesirable, the deparma~nt could revert back to the eight hour shift configusauon with ten days notice to the PBA. S:kBULLETrN~FORMS~AGENDA ITEM R.EQUEST FORM.DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM PROGRAM IMPACT: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: !~epan~nt Head's Signature Cit7 Attorney's Office Department Name Cit~.Ma ~aa-ger s Signature City AttdfiL~77 Finance / Human Resources SSBULLETIN~ORMS',AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC XI-LEGAL ITEM C.1 RESOLUTION R OO- A RESOLUTION OF THE C~TY COMM;[SSTON OF THE CZ-FY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFY;lNG THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDTNG BETWEEN THE PALM BEACH COUNTY POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOC_/A'i'~ON (PBA) AND THE C~I'Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAID MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFE~ DATE; WHEREAS, although the current collective bargaining agreement between the Qb/of Boynton -Beach and the PBA runs until September 30, 2001, the PBA had requested that the agreement be reopened to discuss wages and scheduling, and Qb/management concurred; and WHEREA~, the City of Boynton Beach and the Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Association have successfully concluded their negotiations, and have reduced them to wdting in a Memorandum of Understanding; and WHEREAS, the Memorandum of Understanding was ratified by the Bargaining Unit of the Union; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach deems it to be in the best interests of the residents and citizens of the City to ratify the Memorandum of Under~b~nding; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE Zi' RESOLVED BY THE CZTY COMMTSSTON OF THE CZI'Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR.I:DA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby ratify the Hemorandum of Understanding between the City of Boynton Beach and the Palm Beach Count~ Police Benevolent Association, authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding, a copy of said Memorandum being attached hereto as Exhibit "A", · Sec-ti0n2. This Resolution will beCome ,effective immediately upon passage. · PASSED ANDADQP~ED,~[~ , ,. c~ay of De~ember;,2000. Hayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Clerk (Corporate Seal) s:ca~'~so~r~me'~120800 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA and the PALM BEACH COUNTY POLICE*BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION (the parties)'ag~ee as follows: 1. The City and PBA agree that the existing anguage of Article 12 Section 1 (Wages) of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be changed to delete any unit shalt receive a base wage ncrease of 4% effectNe October 1,2000. to aR pay n~ of this agreement. Unit' assigned pplied to a of the I, Section 1: 11.5 shifts for not exceeding 170 hours. Dudng the City and PBA that [12) hour work schedule Pursuant to Article 9, and wide ,I be as set The normal work 10 hour shift.-For cycle will be 28 days. Bargaining unit schedule) for members of the shift schedule. ), ]'he following, language found in Article14, Section 1: assigned to work an 8 or I1,5 or, 12. hour shift, the normal work not working an 11.5 or 12 hours shift schedule shall be paid overtime for alt hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in each seven (7) day work cycle. Any bargaining unit member who fails to physically work forty (40) hours in the seven (7) day cycle will not be paid time and ~half (1 !/~ )~9r the actual n~mbe~ Of hours u nder~t~o~ ~40) hours This app es to icl~ time. ~ni~,~ .ivacatiop,,comp and personal tirne ar~:,a :exempt fr(~m this reqUi'rement fo~tl~ p~rposes of ca cu ating overt me ~ber will ,all the o Disci /hen an and is ay the the receive a ~ as~of the date it is shall remain.status qu~. 10. This MemorandUm of of any schedule remainder of the term The parties represent that they have full legal authority to enter into this agreement. All other terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the pedod from OCtober 1, 1998, through September 30, 2001, are b riding except Where expressly mod fled herein or hereinafter modified by the parties. Dated this day of ,2000, ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA City Clerk Ku rt Bressner, City Manager Dated this Approved as to Form: day of ,2000. James A. Cherof, City Attorney ATTEST: PALM BEACH COUNTY POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION Alan M. Amnson, PBAAttomey Ernest W. George, President City of Boynton Beach I00 E. Bojm~on Bes~fi P.O. B~x 310 , F~orJd~z 33425.0310 FAX: (561) 375~054 ITEM C.1 ]CITY ~ANAGER S OFF!CF Via Facsimile On1¥-(56t) 68%0154 palm Beach County Police Benevolent Assoc/ation, Inc. 2100 North Florida Mango Road West Paint Beach, Florida 33409-6400 November 17, 2000 Re: City ofBoynton Beach/PBA Contract Bargaining Thank you for your tetter of November 16, 2000. Please draft a Letter of Understanding for a contract addendum including the changes and forward the same to me. By copy of ~ letter I am requesting the City Mena~er to place this item on the agenda for Comm, ssion consideration at the December 5m City Commission meeting. Our deadline for submission of the item for that meeting would be Wednesday, November 22~ at 5:00 P.M. SAC/mr cc: Kurt Bressner, City M~ger ~[att Tmmler, ~ PoUcc Chief Art Lee, Human Resource Director Very truly yours, City Attorney MAILING ADDREss A00 N. Florida Mango Road West Palm Beach, FL 33409-6400 (561) 689-3745 (561) 687-0154 Fax Facsimile (561) 742-6054 PALM BEACH COUNTY POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, INC. November 16, 2000 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 2100 N. Florida Mango Road West Palm Beach. FL 33409-6400 (561) 689-3745 James Cherof, Esq. City of Boynton Beach, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Flodda 33435 Re: PBA/City of Boynton Beach Contract Negotiations City's Final Offer Dear Mr. Charof: The rank and file voted over the course of several days last week with respect to whether or not to accept the City's Last Best Offer as it related to wages and file have accepted, in principle, ~,~tys last offer as n relates to wages and scheduling and has authorized the PBA to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding or any other mutually acceptable documem which would put the City's offer into effect. · Plea. se contact this office so that wa can discuss the preparation of such a document as qu~cldy as possible. "'/~[lan M. AronSOn General Counsel AMA:gs co: PBA Reps The Voice of Palm 8each County's Law Enforcement Emma W. C.n~rge, President. Robe~ Provost, ~t- ~ A~II~ S~-T~ 2/~ ¢~ Requested City Commission Meetine Dates [] November21. 2000 [~ December 5. 2000 ~ D~cember 19. 2000 - [] January 2, 2001 XI -LEGAL ITEM C. 2 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM QUEST Date Final Form Must be '1' ~qaed in to City Clerk's Office November 9. 2000 f5:00 p.m.~ November 22. 2000 15:00 pma.) December 6.2000 I5:00 p.md December 20, 2000 (5:00 P.m-) Requested City Commission Meetine Dates [] January 16. 2001 [] February 6. 2001 [] Febmary 20. 2001 [] March 6. 2001 Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office Januar) 3. 2001 /5:00 p.m.) January 17, 2001 (5:00 p.m.) February 7,2001 (5:00 February 2I, 2001/5:00 p,md NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM [] Administrative [] Development Plans 5~1 Consent Agenda [] New Business [] Public Hearing [] Legal [] Bids [] Unfinished Business [] Announcement [] Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Ratification and confirmation of the following appo'mtments to the Community Redevelopment Agency Board: Larry Finklestein, four (4) year term, Board Chair: Jeanne Heavilin. four (4) year term. Board Vice Chair; Henderson Tillman. four (4) year term; Don Fenton, one (1) year term; Michelle Hoyland, three (3) year term EXPLANATION: Thirteen applicants were interviewed by the CRA Director and presented to the CRA Board for consideration as replacement board members for the five positions vacated by the City Commission. This appointment is the result of the desire of the City Commission to appoint an independent civilian board to be charged with mvtewmg and recommending to Commission, actions to be taken within the Community Redevelopment Area of the City. PROGRAM IMPACT: This is a major sr~p toward achieving City Commission's desire to create a' f~lly independent Community Redevelopment Agency. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: City Commissi~~ea~.~CRA Board members. r: , op ett / birt :tor City Manager's Signattj~e ~ Development Department Name S:\BULLETINWORMS~AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources XI -LEGAL ITE~/ C. 2 RESOLUTION NO. R00- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE Cl'TY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD, S~i itNG FORTH TERMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS, AND APPOINTING A CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered the applications submitted, and qualifications necessary for representation on the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, and wishes to bestow upon the following named individuals such right and honor of service; NOW, THEREFORE, BE :IT RESOLVED BY THE Cl'TY COMM:[SSt'ON OF THE C~'TY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR[DA THAT: Section 1. The "WHEREAS" clause above '~s hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and incorporatec~ herein by reference. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby appoints the following individuals to be members of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, and sets forth the terms for each appointment: · Larry Finkelstein appointed to a four (4) year term; · 3eanne Heavilln appointed to a four (4) year term; · Henderson Tillman appointed to a four (4) year term; · Don Fenton appointed to a one (1) year term; and · Michelle Hoyland appointed to a three (3) year term. Section 3. That the City Commission hereby designate Larry Finkelstein as Chair and Jeanne Heavilln as Vice-Chair of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of December, 2000. CTTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR[DA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner A~-FEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) s: ca\Reso\appointments\ CRA meml~ers~ip121100