Minutes 05-15-67MINHTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING, HELD IN CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, FkRY !5~ !967~ AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Micbmel V. Michael, Mayor ~nomas A. Summers ~ Vice Mayor Gilbert H. Collins ~ Councilman Leonard E. Nylund~ Count~--tm~an A. Clyde Wor~elI: Jr. Councilman Ronald Fruda, City Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor Miclaae! opened the meeting. The Invocation was given by M~. Renice Lansing, Elder~ First P~esbyterian C~hurch and the Flag Salute was led by George Johnson~ Recreation Director. PROCLA~A T_IO~N The City Clerk read the proclamation setting May 20, 1967 as Armed Forces Day. The Mayor presented the P~oclamation to First Sgt. Wilkes, Marine Corp, who~ upon receipt of said p~oclamation thanked the Mayor and everyone in the City of Boynton Beach for their wonderful support. RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES Certificates o~ appreciation for the number of years of service were p~esented to the following employees by Mayo~ Michael: 10 Years,. Gerald Thompson Nathaniel McGrady W, T. Welch Robert Potter F~ederick Mitchell 11 Years Hylett Byrams Eleanor Puffer John Johnston Callie Clanton 12 Years ~u~lRlons Amthur Black William Hands Willie Bagley Re~use Andrews Albemt Daniels -1- MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 15:1967 Years Eugene Wright M~rthur Waters John Harrington Ellis McAroy Henry Lunsford 15 Years Olive Wallace Tereesa Padgett 17Year~. Frank Johnson 19 Years_ Charlie Waters Kato Williams 20 Years Lenon Harris Lee Thomas The two twenty year employees received $25.00 saving bonds. It is hoped that future councils will recognize employees at 5 year inter- vals after 10 years of service. CH_ ~F OF POLIC~GEPLRY I~HOF~SON C/~ief of Police Gerry %~aompson officially tR~ked the City for a su~tantial pay increase to t~e Police Department ar~ pmesented a to the Ci%7 C~uncil signed by the 32 me. ers of tt~ I~partmmnt. letter Mnm s,, Mr. Sub, ers moved that the Minutes of May 1~ 1967 be accepted. onded by [~.Nylund. Unanimously carried. Sec- Mr, Harry LaFort came forth and thanked the City Council for the way they handled the rates for sterling Village, and advised that 40¢ is being paid by some for garbage COllection and trash pick~up (Sterling Village~ Hampshire Gardens ~ Ocean East Apartments and Boos ApartmentS ) and stated the majority of t~he people ~utd not object to the ~ncrease in the garbage rates. -2- ~INUTES CITY COUb~C.TL ~MEETING MAY 15~ 1967 Emily Jackson of N.E. 9th Ave~ also came forward and advised that she feels that the garbage rate chan~e is necessary and ~u~ted that everyone pay year around even though they ~? .!~ a-~y ecveral ~ont/~ during the yea~. OLD. BUSINESS Cormideration of position of City Mana~e~ Mayor Miet~ael ~ead a lettem dated May 11~ 1967., from G~ady W. Courtney accept~-ng the position o~ City Manager effective June 1, 1967. M~. Summers moved that we appoint Mm. Gr~y. W. Cou~cney as City Manager of Boynton Beach. Seconded by ~. Wo~e Unan/mously carried. Consideration of position of CitV Engineer (On the table). M~. Summers moved to remove this from the table. There was no second to this motion. It will remain on the table. BIDS.. AWARDING. 1. Demolition of Casino M~. Nylund moved that we award the contract to Big Chief~ for $1~127.00~ but d~olition is not to be commenced before May 1967. Seconded by M~. CollLns. ~hnanimously carried. 2. Repairs to Swimming Pool Only one bid was received on this from Bates $ Data,Co. for $3~500.00. M~. Sun~ers moved that we award the bid to Bates g Daly Company of Pompano Beach in the amount of $3~500. fop mepair of the Pool. Sec- onded by Mm. Nylund. Hnanimously carried. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Michael advised that they had received a letter from the Boynton Beach Junior High School, student Mayor of BOynton Beach, extending an · . ht~, invitation to attend their "Ninth Grade Presentatmon Nmg being held Tuesday night~ May 16th~ at 8 P.M. The Pi~e Chief was unable to be here tonight~ because they were out fighting a ~ire. Mayor Michael issued warning not to start any fi~es ~ and re~emred to a proclamation issued by Gov. Ki~k declaring Palm Beadi County an emergency area due to drought conditions. -5- MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 15~ 1967 LEGAL RESOLUTION 67-K - appointing resident members to the Board of T~ustees ~f the Municipal Police Officer's Retirement T~ust Fund and the Munici- pal Firemen~s Pension T~ust Fund. Mr. Fruda, City Attorney, read the Resolution. Mr. Nytund Moved that we adopt Resolution 67-K as read. Seconded by Mr. Worrell, and unani- mously carried. Consider instal%ati_on_~qf lights at S.E. t5th Avenue Bridge Mr. Sun, ers advis, ed that Florida Power & Light %~uld like authorization to go ahead and install the poles for lights on the bridge and the entrance thereto. Mr. Summers moved that authorization be given to Florida Power & Light for this project of installing ten street lights necessary on the bridge and whiteway. Seconded by M~. Collins. ~kn~nimously carried. Receipt of e~emation certificates f~om. Chase Manhattan Bank Mr. Supers moved that we accept the notification we have from the Chase Manhattan Bank for the c~emation of these certi~icetes and they be made part of the minutes. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unanimously carried. ReGDest for transfer of funds Re: Maintenance contract on Burroughs Aeeounting Machine. Mr. Nylund moved that we make ~his transfer in accordance withMrs. Wallace's recommendation. Seconded by Mr. Summers. ~nanimously carried. List of Paivments made in Ap~it,.1967 Mr. Summers moved that we accept the list of payments for April. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. ~nanimou$1y carried. pproyal.of. Bills Russell & Axon's bill for $1,472.14 covering engineering services connected with sanitary sewer system. Discussion followed. M~. Nylund moved that we hold up on this until we have some more information as to just what it covers. Seconded by Mr~ Worre!l. ~nanimous !y carried. 2~ Seacrest High School Band: $150.00 annual amount paid by the City to the Band. Mr. Worrell moved that we allot this $150. to go toward the Seaerest High School Band. Seconded by M~. Suf~aers. ~nanimously carried. MINUTES CI~f COUNCIL ~ETING MAY 15~ 1967 De p_a~_tm_en_n_~- Reports MP. Summers moved we accept the departmental reports as submitted. Seconded by ~i~. Nyl~. Unanimously carried. OTHER M~. Nylund brought up letter regarding Annexation Report. The City Clerk ~ead the letter from Henry E. Thompson ~egarding annexation of certain properties by the City. Mr. Nylund requested a letter be sent to the Attorney General for an opinion. Mr. Nylund moved that we have a letter written to the Attorney General regarding The letter from Mr. Thompson havin~ to do with Annexation for the City of B0y~ton Beach. Seconded by Unanimously carried. 2. ~yor Michael read copy of House Bill ~579 whichwas called to the attention of Council by Mr. John Ford o£Manalapan. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Summers moved to adjourn. Seconded by M~. N¥1und. Unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. Michael V. A. Clyde Tereesa Padget~~ City Clerk -5- c~'mo, ~ THE GHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. --- ..~_,OR~ORATEoPERATiON~,ANDDiviStO_~iAGENCY CREM~TION~ ~ gRTIFICATE" ~ '"'~Jl~Ill 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y, 10015 3290 ~"' "his is to certify that We have this day cremated the following described coupons: NAME OF CORPORATION.' City of Boynton Beach~ Florida ~ESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: Refunding Bonds PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ~J: TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS 67 $~, 1T8. O0 COUPON MATURITY NUMBER OF COUPON TOTAL NUMBER DATE COUPONS VALUE VALUE 39 l~/1/66 4 $ 2.00 $ 8.00 ~Z 20.00 220.00 $228.00 ~o mo/~/68 5 $ a.oo $ ~o.oo ~ ao.oo 9~o.oo 52 $950.00 The above coupons were paid during the period of Nov. 3:1966 thru Jan. 9~ 1967. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE COUPOE CRE~,ATI OF~_ OERTI FICATE THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A, 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10015 ~his~ is to certify that we have this day cremated the following described coupons: NAME OF CORPORATION: City of Bo;~nto~ ~e~ch~ Fto~1~a ~DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: ~4a~r-Revenue ~o~lds ~a'0ed ~/~/5o ,CORPORATE A~ND A CY OPERATIONS 329I TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $3,200.0o COUPON MATURITY NUMBER OF COUPON TOTAL NUMBER DATE COUPONS VALUE VALUE ~ z21z/~ :[28 ~2~.00 $3¢ 200. O0 The above coupons were paid during the pe~_od of Nov. 29~ 1966 th~a J~u. 30~ 1~7. CTR 100' 3-65 ~¢¢7 CR~%IATIO~eERTIFICATE - 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. This is to certify that we have this day cremated the following described coupons: NAME OF CORPORATION: Ci~,y THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N,A, 10015 ~ '¢~' '"DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: ~inm~ng Pool Bond Series E Dated 9/1/60 .CORPORATE AND AG .F~CY OPERATION~ OiVISI~N COUPON NUMBER 13 TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS 60 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ~1~125~oo MATURITY HUMBER OF COUPON TOTAL DATE COUPONS VALUE VALUE 3/1/67 6o $18.75 $1, i~5. oo ~.e above coupons were ~id d~ing the period of March i~ 1967 thru March 8: i~7. CTR 100' 3-65 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK~ N.A, - 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10015 , CORPORATE AN~D ,AGEJNC~ OPEP. AT{ONS- DiVISiON 3293 Th~s ~s to certify that we have this day cremated the fo ow ng descr bed coupons: · . NAME OF CORPORATION: Cifoy of ~oyntan Beach~ Florida ~DESCRI~ION OF ISSUE: Wat~ Revenue Bo~s ~e~ ~/~/6o TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS i, 305 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $27,25o. 55 COUPON MATURITY NUMBER OF COUPON TOTAL NUMBER DATE COUPONS VALUE VALUE ~ ~/1/66 325 ~o.oo $ 6, 5oo.oo 980 20.75 20,750.55 1,305 $27,250.55 The above coupons were paid during the period of N~ember 2~ i~66 th~ Deceafoer 2~ 1968. / 67 / i AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N,A, ' 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N, Y. 10015 'This is t~ certify that we have this day cremated the following described coupons: NAME, OF CORPORATION: City of Bo~n%~n Beach~ Florida %DESCEtPTION OF ISSUE: Ci%~e C~ter b~3nici~l Building Bonds D~ted !~/10/61 OPERATION~ 'D~V~ $10N 3294 TOTAL NUMBER OF COUPONS 105 PRINCIPAl- AMOUNT $~, 837.50 COUPON MATURITY NUMBER OF COUPON TOTAL NUMB[R DATE COUPONS VAl-UE VALUE ~o L~/!o/66 lO5 $1% 5o $i, 83% 5o ~"' The above: coupons~re paid during the period of December 5~ 1966 thru February 7~ Z~T. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ~UPON THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. ' · CORPORATE AND AGENCY 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10015 OPERATIONS [~VISION'' .... This is to certify that we have this day cremated the following described coupons: NAME OF CORPORATION: ~ity O · ~DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: _Ref%llldiD~ & ~r~vement Revenue Bonds d~ted 6/1/~4 TOTAL NUM'SER OF COUPONS 1~168 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $I14,216.3S COUPON MATURITY NUMBER OF COUPON TOTAL NUMBER DATE COUPONS VALUE VALUE m $ 87.~0 $ 87.5o 3 9~.87 ~9o.g~ 80 87.50 7,000°00 175 93.75 759 lO0.O0 75,900.00 $113~ 3~.2~ above co'~oons ~rere paid du~ing t__e period of Dece~oer i, 1966 thru Feoruary 23~ !9~7 ~ATED CTR 100' 3-65 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK National As.~Jafion 1 Chase Mahatean Plaza, New York, New York 10015 SECURITIES: 5 cancelled City of Boston Beach, Flo~_d~ ~ ~micipal Oivi¢ Center Building Bo~d dinted December 10, 1961, with no coupons attached, ag~'egati~g ~5,000 principal amount, n~mbered 21/25 for $1:000 each. The above bo~ls were paid on December 5~ 1966o DATED PAYMENTS MADE IN APRIL BY DATE APRIL 3, 1967 ........................ APRIL 4, 1967 ....................... 3~612.86 APnIL 5, 1967 ........................ 13.61 APRIL 6, 1967 ........................ 535.96 APR,L 7~ 1967 ........................ 8,953.20 ~nn]L 10~1967 ........................ 889.10 APRIL t1,1967 ........................ 202.62 APRIL 12~1967 ......................... 7,852.30 APRIL 13,1967 ........................ 107.50 APn,L 14~1967 ........................... 13,980.94 ~!L 17,1987 ........................ 2,663.20 AP~L 18,1967 - -- 26,927.O1 AP~ 19,!967 ........................ 39,377.22 AP~,L 20,1967 .......................... 3,678~80 APRIL 21,196~ .................... 10,688.47 AP~,U 24,1967 ' -- .... 3,912.74 ~PnlL 26,!967 ......................... 631.62 A~R~ 27~1967 ........................... 3,190.04 APRIL 28,1967 ......................... 17,911.~7 146,934.67 PAYMENTS MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND .......................... 87,297.22 WATER REVENUE FUND ...................... 33,113.O5 SEWER REVENUE FUND ...................... 25,146.O4 WATER DEPOS!TORS FUND ...................... 460.00 SEWER DEPOS~TORS FUND ..................... 6.50 F~REF"~EN~S RELIEF & PENSION FUND ................. 24.27 POLICE RETIREMENT FUND .................... 13.61 PUBLICITY FUND .......................... 873.98 146,934.67 PAYHENTS HADE IN APRIL, 1967 APRIL 3, 1967 GENERAL FUND 16024 MICHAEL V. M~CHABL 16025 FRANK McCoY PUBLICITY FUND 138 BOYNTON BEACH JUNIOR NIGH SCHOOL BAND 75.00 25.OO 100o00 15o. oo 250.00 APRIL 4, 1967 GENERAL FUND 16026 F.E. HALBTEAO 16027 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH-- PETTY CASH 16028 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PETTY CASH 16029 CITY CE BOYNTOH BEAEH -- PETTY CAiN 16030 BOYHTON BEACH FIRE DEPT. 16031 ABRAMS FLOORING COMPANY 16032 16033 16034 16o35 16036 16~37 16~8 16~39 1604o ADVANBE A~R CONDITIONING ~ HEATINGt INC. ALLEN CHEMICAL COMPANY WATER REVENUE FUND 10010 POSTMASTER-- U.S. POST OFFICE 10011B ANO H SALES INC. 10-~012 EQU~PT. SERVICE ~ SUPPLY 10013 WHITT MACDOWELL SEWER REVENUE FUND 1712 ALLIED CHLORINE ~ OHEH~OAL PROD.~ 1713 PICARD CHEMICAL iNC. 72° !5 95.o5 24°67 23.8~ 933.30 69.1o 32.40 12.5o 126.o0 34.04 324.00 30.49 lOO.O0 13~.oo 115.5o 78.82 24.O0 250.80 13.62 ~BLICITY FUND 139 GR. BOYNTON BEACH C. OF 0o FIREHEN~S RELIEF & PENSION FUND 21654 ~AHOLO P. HERRING 621.32 24.27 APRIL 5, 1967 ~0~OE RETIREMENT FUND 21989 ROBERT B. WILCOX 13.61 13.61 ~ , PAYMENTS MACE IN APRIL, 1967 (CONT) APRIL 6~ 1967 GENERAL FUND 16041 16o42 16043 16044 16o45 16046 MANUFACTURERS LIFE ELLIS MCAROY ~. COOK SoC. CossY F.E. HALSTEAD WATER 10014 10015 1O016 10o17 lOO18 10019 REVENUE FUND CHAS! W. PETERSON J. MAZZOLENI RAY ELLIOTT MRS. FRANK L. CAse MRS° FRANK HEART MANSFACTGRERS LIFE INSURANCE WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7070 ACCOUNT OF MRS. C AHLAND 7071 ACCOUNT OF FRANK RACEK 7072 ACCOUNT OF SIDNEY T* PURNELL 7073 ACCOUNT OF CHAS. W, PETERSON 7074 ACCOUNT OF Jo ~AZZOLENI 7075 ACCOUNT OF RAY ELLIOTT 7076 ACCOUHT OF FRANK L. CASE 7077 ACCOUNT OF SARA. MOODY 7078 ACCOUNT OF MRS. FRANK NEARY SEWER REVENUE FUND 1714 MANUFACTURERS L~FE INSURANCE CO. 183.92 5.00 5.oo 76.28 133.33 27.01 6.00 4.90 6.00 3.1o ~.6o lO.9~ 7-50 7-50 7-50 7-50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 1.40 535.96 APRIL 7, 1967 GENERAL FUND 16047 C TY OF EOYmTON BEACH -- PETTY DASH 16048 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PAYROLL 16049 BOYNTON CiTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION WATER REVENUE =UND ~0020 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PAYROLL WATER 7079 7O$O DEPOSITORS FUND ACCOUNT OF MRS. ROBERT GRAHAM SEWER REVENUE FUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PAYROLL ~ 150.00 6,731.58 480°o0 '1,024.90 7.50 5O.0O 57.50 5O9.22 8,953.20 APRIL 10, 1967 APRIL 11, 1967 APRIL 12,1967 GENERAL 16050 16051 16052 PAYMENTS MADE tN APRIL, 1967 (CONT) FUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- WATER DEPARTMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- " " GENERAL 16o55 16054 FUND CITY OF BOY.TON BEACH -- PETTY CASH CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH ~ PETTY CASH WATER 10021 10022 1oo23 10024 10025 REVENUE FUND CARL LOYEJOY KEITH BROWNING WATER 7081 7082 7083 7o84 7085 7o86 7087 DEPOSITORS FUND ACCOUNT OF CARL LOVE~OY ACCOUNT OF KEITH ~ROWN)NG ACCOUNT OF WM. A. BUCKLEY ACCOUNT OF GEO. THORSON AOCOURT DP RICHARD GREIRER ACCOUNT OF THOHAS WHALEN ARNOLD ZELLER$ PUBLICITY FUND 140 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH * PRTTY CASH G~tERAL FUND 16o55 16056 16057 16o58 16059 16o6o SOUTHERN BELL TEL, & TEL. CO. SOUTHERN BELL TEL. & TEL. Co. SOUTHERN BELL TEL. ~ TEL. FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT CO. FLORIDA PO~ER ~ LIGRT Co. FLORIDA PO~ER ~ LIGHT Co~ WATER 1OO26 WATER 7088 7089 7O9O REVENUE FUND FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. DEPOSITORS FUND ACCOUNT DP JULIAN PATRICN HRS. JOSEPHINE GRAY ~CCOUNT OF ~OBERT BARTLETT 348.50 lol.5O 4~9.1o 37.02 87.77 6.00 6.oo 4.90 1.17 7-50 7.50 7.5o 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 52.50 2.66 338.67 26.65 15.75 3,519.37 468.82 281.96 ~X'g51.22 2,240.58 7.50 7.50 7.50 22.50 889.1o 202.62 1967 PAYMENTS MADE IN APRIL, 1967 (CONT) SE~R REVENUE FUND 1716 CITY OF BOYNTOH BEACH ~ WATER DEPARTMENT 1717 FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT 1718 FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT Co. SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND 325 ROBERT J. BARTLETT 249.20 355.32 326.98 931.50' ~,85~.3o APRIL 13, 1967 APR,L 144 1967 APRIL 17, 1967 GENERAL FUND 16061 HENRY WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7091 ACCOUNT OF CRAS. N. Boos GENERAL FUND 16062 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH --PAYROLL 16063 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 16064 FRED G. BENSON 16065 SOUTH SPEED SHOP MATER ~EVENUE FUND 10027 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PAYROLL SEWER REVENUE FUND 1719 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PAYROLL GENERAL FUND 16066 BETTY T. HART 16067 F~UOA & HUMPHREY 16068 BLUE CROSS--BLUE SHIELD OF FLA.~tNC. WATER REVENUE FUND 10028 d. SARNO BUILD~RS, INC. 10029 HRS. ROBERT STERN 10030 N.H. GREINER 10031 BLUE CROSS--BLUE SHIELD OF FLAo~ INC. 10032 GEORCE ROBERTS 10033 G. VAN ZILE 1003~ AATNRYN E. PITTMAN 10035 JOHN ~RCH~E WATER DEPOSI~ORS FUND 7092 ACCOUNT OF HRS. ROBERT STERN 7093 ~ " M.E. GREENER 7094 . . GEORGE H, ROBERTS 7095 ' ' CLARENCE VAN ZILE 7096 ~ ~ N. VA$$ALOTTI 7097 ,, ,t KATHRYN E. PITTMAN 100.00 11,283.74 595.00 15.oo 12.00 11,905.74" 1,686.'40 388.80 475.00 125.o0 1~209.52 1,809.52 9.40 4.90 217.37 3.65 3.00 2~20 6.00 15.o0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 107.50 13,980.94 PAYMENTS MADE ~N APRIL, 1967 {CONT) APRIL 17, 1967 WATER DEPOS~TORS FUND (CONT) 7098 ACCOUNT OF JOHN AROHIE 7.50 7099 , ~t ERNEST E. CREEL JR. 7.50 7~00 " ' MICRAEL G,ERSNISR 7.50 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1720 ELUE CROSS--BLUE SHIELD OF FLA. INOo 24°66 2,663.20 APRIL 18, 1967 GENERAL FUND 16069 POSTMASTER U.S. POST OPF~¢E 350.00 16070 ATLAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES INC° 18°88 16071 BOWMAN PRODUCTS DIVISION 61.82 16072 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLYi IMCo 237.17 16073 OASl CONTRIBUTION FUND 13,405.96 t607g BLUE CROss-BLUE SNIELO OF FLAo, iHC. 194.50 16075 C.A. WHITMAN JR. & SONS 535.00 16076 OELRA¥ POOL¥ IRC. 105.00 16077 CON'S FIRESTONE DEALER STO~E 38.96 16078 GOODYEAR EASY PAY STORE, NC. 9.48 18079 NARDR~VES, INC. 25.00 16080 DIRECTOR OF NTERNAL REVENUE 6,285.17 16081 DDCoR CHEMICAL CORP, 2.49 I~082 INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & CHEMICAL CORP. 227.48 16083 KELLY TRACTOR COMPANY 31.83 16084 OUSLEY SOO COMPANY 90~'00 16085 D.H. SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 65.O0 16086 SOUTHERN PAPER COMPANY 13-57 16087 Fi~ST BANK OF BOYNTON BEACH 2,343.04 1~088 K~N SNOW 36.20 16089 AUTOPROOUCTS tNC. 12.48 24,0~9.O3 WATER 10o36 ~0037 10038 10039 1oo4o REVENUE FUND BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY, INC. 15.29 OASl CONTRIBUTION FUND 1,666.38 DON~$ FIRESTONE DEALER STORE 4.50 ALLIED CHLORINE & CHEMICAL PROD.~ INC. 250.80 BOYNTON WELL--PUMP & SPRiNkLER SURPL¥ CORP.17.95 ~ ,954.92 1721 1722 REVENUE FUND CASI CONTRIBUTION FUND ALLIED CHLORINE ~ CHEMICAL PROO.~ 438.76 iNC. 444.30 28,927.01 PAYMENTS MADE IN APRIL, 1967 (CONT) ~PRt~ 19~ 1967 GENERAL 16090 16o9d 16092 16093 16094 16O95 16096 16097 16098 16099 16100 16101 16102 16103 16104 161o5 FUND RALP~ D. HUGHES CAPRI Diner CNUCK~S CAMERA CENTER HAROLD]S SALES ~ SERVICE JOE'S GRILL ~ RESTAURANT STANDARD OIL CO.[KENTUCKY) 100.00 11.00 17.96 50.00 22.00 I24.92 26.20 10.00 23.35 135.15 52.20 35.00 18.49 9.24 43.27 93.9~ 772.72 WATER 10041 10042 lOO~3 1o044 REVENUE FUND ~gNIVT MACDOWELL 9-55 PALM BEACH LINEN SEA¥1¢E 1,OO REFUND, ~ ]MPROVE.REV.BOND SINKING FUND 18~770.50 O1TY OF BOYNTON BEACH PETTY CASH 5°76 18,786.81 SEN~R 1723 1724 REVENUE FUND NOLCO CHEMICALS, lNG. 233.75 REFUND. & IMPROVE.REv. BONO SINKING FUNOq9~483.94 19,717.65 PUBLICITY FUND 141 7ALPH D. HUGHES 100.00 39,377.22 APRIL 20~ ~967 GENERAL 16106 ~61o7 16108 16109 ~6110 16111 16112 161~3 16114 16115 16116 16117 16118 16119 FUND D~LRAY I~NlTION~ 1ND. 48.56 OEMARCO TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT COo 16.50 DON'S FIRESTONE DEALER STORE 48.23 ENGIN~EERINe MAOHINS 0Oo$ ]NO. 60.41 R,L. G~UMMONS PRiNTiNG 41.40 Noo~'s AUTO SZRVl0E ~1.35 MUNiCiPAL F~NANCS 0FF~CZ~S ASSOCIAT~eN 12.19 NEW YO~K ATHLZT~C SUPPLY Co. 493.05 ~HZ PA~T KZTTL~ 33.20 P,C~O CHEMICAL C0. 72.8! YNE H.W~ WILSON Co. 17.00 APRIL 20, 1967 APRIL 21, 1967 APR,L 21, 1967 PAYHENTS ~,AD: ~N APRIL, 1967 (CONT) WATER REVENUE FUND 10045 SIDNEY T. PURNELL 4.30 10046 W.H. CURTtN & Go. 29.45 10047 DON'S FIRESTONE DEALER STORE 4?°64 10048 LESTER EISENHART 100.00 10049 RUSSELL & AXON~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 2,300.00 SEWER REVENUE FUND t725 W.H. CGRTIN CO. 7.50 1726 GEORGE ~AONEILL~ JR. 100.00 107.~'~-3,678.80 G~ERAL 16120 16121 16122 16123 16124 16125 16126 16127 16128 16129 1613o 16131 16132 16133. 16134 16135 16136 16137 16138 16139 1614o 16141 16142 16143 FUND CITIES OIL Co. 1=f191.51 ALLEN CHEMICAL Coo 13o50 ATLAS ELEOTRIOAL SUPPLIES! iNC. 15.92 BOYNTON WELL--PUMP & SPRINKLER SUPPLY 286.04 DEMARCO TRACTOR ~ JMPLEMERT Co. 25.92 FRANKHOOSK ELECTRIC SUPPLY~ iNC. 70.30 WH ITT ~AOD0~ELL 12.45 RUBJN CONSTRUCTION OD. 79.91 TRA~Sl--TRoN ~ CS, iNC. 12.66 BOYNTON CiTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 413.00 CITY o~ BOyNToN 8EAON -- PAYROLL 4,820.26 ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING CADILLAC ENGRAVERS, CiTY o~ BoY~ro~ BEACH = WAVZ~ DSPA~T~Z~T 95-O5 C~TY OF ~OYNTO~ BEAC~ -WAV[~ DEPARTmeNT 429.65 CHAPP'S LTO. 250.00 C~TV OF BOY~TO~ BZAC~ - WAT[~ D[,A~[~T 225.80 F~X~HOUSS E~[C. SUPPLY, I~C. 114.70 H~. FOST~'S STO~E, I~C. 25.50 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL 96.0~,, WATER 10050 10051 10052 10053 10054 1OO55 10056 REVENUE FUN~ CI~IES SERVICE OIL COMPANY 89.41 PICA~D CHEMICAL COMPANY 45.18 CITY OF SOYNTON BEAOR -- PAYROLL 1,136.02 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- i~ATER DEPARTMENT 51o50 EARLEY SUPPLY COMPANY 48.46 SOUTRERN METER & SUPPLY CO., INC¢ 67.53 ROY HELMUTN 4'5© 1,442.60 WATER 7102 71o3 DEPOSITORS FUND FAIRFIELD APARTMENTS~ INO. 50.00 A;OOUNT OF COL° THOMAS F. WALL 7.50 PAYMENTS MADE iN APRIL, 1967 (CONT) APRIL 21, 1967 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND(CONT) 7104 ACCOUNT OF ROY HELMUTH 7105 ,7 ~' HENRY MILLER 7107 " '~ JOSEPH KENNEDY 7108 " " MRS. LILLIAN BROWN 7109 t~ ~ W~LLIAM POTTER SE¥~R REVENUE FUND 1727 CITIES SERVICE OIL COMPANY 1728 4ERSEY--SPARLING METER 1729 City Of BOYNTON BEACH -- PAYROLL 7.50 7-50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 102.50 35.78 33.28 lO,688.47 APRIL 24, 1967 APRIL 25, 4967 GENERAL FUND ~I~:'oCG~iSS~O~°GFV~0f~S~ERICLES 1.50 161&~ C!TY OF BOYRTON BEACH -- PETTY CASH 24°23 16146 HRS. DONALD Ro FRYE 1,30 16147 JAMES W. METZ, JR. !5~00 16148 ERWIN J. & LYDIA WESTPHAL 1~,00 16149 JOSEPH TOMBERG 69.69 16150 HUN~ICUTT & ~SSOO~ATES, IRC. 1~404.00 16151 WILL,AM ALLA~ 5.00 16152 G~TY OF BOYNTOH BEACH - ~ATER DEPARTMENT ~ 3,~79.%7 WATER REVENUE FUND 10057 MRS. LEON BECKWITH 1.00 10058 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PETTY CASH 17.82 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7110 ACCOUNT OF MRS, LEON BECKW~TN 7.50 SEWER REVENUE FUND 17~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PETTy CASH 6~95 GENERAL FUND 16153 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - OETTY CAIN 28.19 16154 ATLAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, ~NC. 47.39 16155 THE BOYNTON BEACH STAR 68.54 16156 CHAPP~$ LTO. 20.70 16157 BON~S FIRESTONE DEALER STORE 17.04 ~.10 16158 FLORIDA PRINTING Co. 16159 HALSEY ~ GRIFFITN 1.27 16160 KELLY TRACTOR 470.94 16161 PICARO CHEMICAL CO. 44.10 16~62 STANOARO 0~U Co.(KENTUCkY) 19.80 16163 XEROX CORPOSAT~ON 179~25 -~43o32 3,912o74 PAYMENTS MADE IN APRIL, 1967(00NT) APRIL 25, 1967 APRIL 26, 19~7 WATER REVENUE FUND 10059 EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORPORATION 10060 FLORIDA PRINTING CO. 10061 HALSEY & GRIFFITN SE~,~R REVENUE FUND 1731 BERDSTROM CONSTRUCTION GENERAL FUND 16164 POSTMASTER, U*S. POST OFFICE 16165 POSTMASTER~ U.S. POST OFFICE 16166 FLORIDA POWER & LISHT CO. 16167 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PETTY CASH 16168 CITY OF 50YNTOfl BEACH m PETTY CASH SEWER REV~UE FUND 1732 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT Co. 193.75 43.12 3.92 374.00 32.10 28.55 252.59 99.73 98.59 120.06 1,556.11 631.62 APRIL 27, 1967 APRIL 28, 1967 GENERAL FUND 16169 SEABOARD AIRLINE RAILROAD CO. WATER REVENUE FUND 10062 KENNETH L. MOCASNIE 10063 SAM PURVIS WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7111 ACCOUNT DP LEE WILBURN 7112 ' ~: ROHALD 7!13 r, ~) MRS. THURMAN BROTHERTON 71t4 . 7! WALTER 7115 ' " CHARLES ANDREWS 7116 i, ~ KENNETH 7117 ' ' SAM PURVlS 7118 . ~ GARY SPATE GENERAL FUND 1617© CITY 16171 CITY 16172 CITY 16173 FLOR 1617N 16175 16176 OF BOYNTON BEACH -- ~ATER DEPT. OF ~OyNTON BEACH -- WATER DEPT. OF BOYHTON BEACH 6 WATER DEPT. IDA POWER ~ LIGHT Coo FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT Goo BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH -- PAYROLL WATER 10064 lOO65 REVENUE FUND FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT Co. CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- PAYROLL 3,119.94 3.00 7.10 10.10 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 -~.00 58t.50 129.80 41.70 529.69 86.84 689.00 12,9t4.99 !4,973.52 200.25 1,551.46 1,751.71 3,190.04 PAY?dENTS MADE iN APRIL, t967(OONT) AP"IL 28, 1967 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1733 CITY 0¢ 1735 FLORIDA POWER 252.2o 656.23 277.71 17,911,37