Minutes 12-07-66MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~IEETING OF CITY COUNCIL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD IN CITY HALL, DECEMBER 7, 1966 AT 12:30 P.M. Walter A. Madsen, Mayor Frank J. McCoy, Vice Mayor J. A/lison Bar,ks, Counc~t~n G~bert -Collins, Councilman F. T. Kaiu, City M~er Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Charles N. Boos, Councilman Mayor P~dsen called the meeting to order at 12:30 P.M. Report by Election Clerks: Clerks Edith G. Hood and ~Li!dred Hallier read their respective voting reports, a copy of each to be attached to these minutes. ~rs. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk, then made a complete report on the totals. ~. Banks moved that Council accept the reports as presented, and declare this as the official vote, and, also that ~[r. Nylund, Mr, Summers and 2~ro Michael be declared officially elected. Mr~ McCoy seconded and the motion carried Authorize payroll for Poll~orkers: Mayor ~adsen reconmmended that the pay be authorized at $25.00 for the clerks and $20.00 for all other poll workers because of the longer hours necessitated by counting the paper ballots on the referendum items. Mr. McCoy moved that this recommendation be carried out, seconded byMr. Banks and carried ~-0. Award bid on radios: The committee recommends the award go to Motorola, Inc., based on low bid of $1266.00. Mr. Banks moved to accept the -1- ~NUTES SPECIAL ~ETING OF CITY C ~OUNCIL DECE~ER 7, 1966 Attest: ~ereesa Padgett, City Clerk recommendations of the committee and award the bid to Motorola, Inc., seconded by Mr. McCoy and it was carried A-O. Meeting adjourned. ~al~er A o Madsen, May_or Frank .~. McCoy~-~e ~ayor / Gilbert- Co]_~d_us, -2- STATE OF PLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) ) ss ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We: the undersigned clerks of the General Election held on the 6th day of December: 1966 A.D. for the purpose of electing three (3) candidates for Council do hereby eemtify that at such~oeneral Electmon' the results were as follows: CANDIDATES NORTH SOUTH TOTAL POR PROPOSITION NO. 1 (L~3nit terms of 2ity Councilmen to 2 con- secutive ~erms) .3¢¥ ~GAINST PROPOSITION 1 FOR PROPOSITION NO. 2 (Re Assessmen~ and collection of taxes by Connty Office) AGAINST PROPOSITION 2 TOTAL VOTES CAST TOTAL WRITE INS CleP~, Sou~ Precinct Clerk, North Precinct Sworn vo and subscribed before me this 6th day of December~ 1966. Tereesa Padget/ City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO I~E HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF I~E 2ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: WeD the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the General Election held on the 6th day of December~ 1966~ A.D. for the purpose of electing three (5) candidates for Council do hereby eemtify that at such General Election~ the total votes case at the South Prebinct were l , of whi EZELL HESTER~ WALTER A. MADSEN GAPSS d. MAHONEY MICHAEL V. MI~AEL received .~_.~ votes received ~'~ votes received ~O vo~es received ~Y~ votes LEONARD E. NYLUND THOMAS A. SUM/~ERS received ~O / votes received ~ O~ vo~es WRITE IN VOTES POR PROPOSITION NO. 1 AGAINST PROPOSITION NO. 1 (L~erms of City Councilmen to 2 consecu- tive terms) FOR PROPOSITION NO. 2 AGAINST PROPOSITION NO. 2 (Re Assessment and Collec- tion o~ taxes by Co.0ffice) IX.? THERE WERE SPOILED BALLOTS. THERE WERE ABSENTEE BALLOTS. And we~ such Clemk and Inspectors: do make the foregoing as our me,urn to you of the results of such General Election and we do declare the above and foregoing to be the result of the General Election in the South Precinct. Deput~ Inspector '~ ~ ~i~fispeat0r (/ Inspector Inspector Inspecvor Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OF EOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL~N OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We, the undersigned Clemk and Inspectors 'of the General Election held on the 6th day of Deeember~ 19667 A.D. for the purpose of electing three (S) ~pnd~dat}s for Council do hemeby certify that at such General Eleetion~ ~ne ~otam votes cast at the North PreCinct were of which EZELL HESTER~ JR. received votes WALTER A. MADSEN received voves JAMES J. MAHONEY received votes MICHAEL V. MICHAEL received votes LEONARD E, NYLUND received ~-- ~ ..) ~ d~ votes THOMAS A. SUMMERS received '~ vo~es WRITE IN VOTES FOR PROPOSITION~/NO. 1 Ae~Z~ST~$POSITION NO. 1 ~terms of City Councilmen'to 2 conse- cutive terms ) FOR PROPOSITION NO. 2 AGAINST PROPOSITION NO. 2 (Re Assessment and Collec- tion of taxes by Co.Office) THERE WERE TME [ o SPOILED BALLOTS. ABSENTEE BALLOTS. And we~ such Clerk and Inspectors: do make the foregoing as our return to you of the results of such 3enamel Election and we do declare the above and foregoing uo be the result of the General Election in the North Precinct. }ector Inspector Inspector Clerk Inspe crop Ins~e~or Insp ~tor t, Inspe ctor~,' BOND PROPOSAL NO. 1 Shall the City of Boynton Beach issue not exceeding four hundred twenty five thousand ($~25~000.00) dollars General Obligation Bonds of said City~ bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five percent (5%) per annum~ and maturing not later than twenty- five (25) years £rom date of issuance thereof, for the purpose of financing the cost of construction and installation of cer- tain storm drainage within said City~ and other purposes appurtenant or incidental thereto a~ levy ad valomem taxes for the payme~t themeof~ all as provided .in an ordinance adopted by the City Council of said city on the 7th day,of October~ 1966. TOTAL VOTES CAST ¢31 ~OTAL VOTES CAST AGAINST toTAL BOND PROPOSAL NO. 2 Shall the City of Boynton Beach issue not exceeding ~eventy-£ive thousand ($75,000.0~) dollars 3eneral Obligation Bonds of said City~ beaming interest ~t a rate not exceeding five percenv (5%) per annum~ ~nd ma~uPing not later than twenty-five (25) years from the date of issuance thereof~ for the purpose of financing the cost of constructing and equipping a Municipal Pipe Station on proper~y now owned by the City~ and other purposes appurtenant or incidental thereto, ~nd levy ad valorem taxes for the payment thereo£, alt as provided in an ordinance adopted by the City Council of said City on the 7th day of October~ 1966. TOTAL VOTES CAST FOR //~/ tOTAL VOTES CAST AGAINST TOTAL Total number of registered freeholders Required 50% plus 1 = 2350. CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Tereesa Padgett~ p C~lerk STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OP THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Deputy.~ Clerk and Inspectors of the Special Election held on the 6th day of December~ A.D., 1966~ do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 1 Shall the City of Boynton Beech issue not exceeding four hundred twenty five thousand ($425,000.00) dollars General Obligation Bonds of said City~ bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five percent (5%) per annum~ and maturJzeg not later than twenty-five (25} years from date of issuance thereof ~ for the purpose of financing the cost of eonstruc~mon and installation of certain storm drainage within said City~ and other purposes appurtenantzor incidental thereto and levy ad valorem taxes for the payment thereof: all as provided in an ordinance adopted by the City Council of said city on the 7th day of October: t966. TOTAL VOTES CAST 3q % FOR of which And we~ such Clerk~ Deput-y~ and Inspectors of the Ndrth Precinct~ do make the foregoing as our return to you of the results of such Special Election~ and do declare the above and foregoing uo be the result of such Special Election. ~~~ d~~ Cie rk ff Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss OlTY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR ANZ COUNCILMEN OF THE 2ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We: the undersigned Clerk: Deputy~ and Inspectors of the Special Electio] held on the 6th day, o£ December~ A.D.: 1966: do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO, 1 Shall the City of Boynton Beach issue not exceeding £our hundre4 twenty five thousand ($425,000.00) dollars General Obligation Bonds of said City~ bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five percent (5%) per annum~ and maturing not later than twenty-five [25) years from date of issuance thereof~ for the purpose of financing the cost of construction and installation of certain storm drainage within said. City~ and other purposes appurtenant or incidental thereto and levy ad valorem taxes for the payment thereof~ all as provided in an ordinance adopted by t~e City Council of said 2ity on 7th day of October, 1966o TOTAL VOTES CAST / ~ ,90 of which 75 ACA ST And we~ such Clerk~ Deputy~ and Inspectors of the South Preoinct~ ~o make the foregoing as our retarn to you of the results o£ such Speeiat Election~ and do declare whe above and foregoing to be the result of such Special Election. Clerk~ inspector ±ns p'e ~r ' -i~spe ctor Deputy! Inspector Inspector Inspector ~nspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OP PALM BEACH ) ss CI%~f OF BOYNTON BEACH } TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR ANI COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy a~d Inspectors of the Special Election held on the 6th day of December~ A.D., t986: do hemeby certify that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 2 Shall the City of Boynton Beach issue not exceedinq Seventy-five thousand ($75:000.00) dollars General Obligation Bonds of said City: bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five percent (5%) per annum~ and maturing not later than twenty-five (25) years from the date of issuance thereof ~ for the purpose of financing the cost of constructing and equipping al Municipal Fire Statio~ on property now owned by the City, and other purposes appurtenant or incidental thereto~ an~ levy ad valorem taxes for the payment thereof ~ all as provided in an ordinance adopted by the City Council of said City on the 7th day of ©ctober~ 1966. TOTAL VOTES CAST /~ Y ~ of which And we~ such Clerk: Deputy: and Inspectors of the South Precinct~ do make the foregoing as our return to you of the mesults of such Special Eleetion~ and do declare the above and foregoing to be the result of such Special Election. Inspe,stor & w Inspector ~/.~.~.~_.~ Inspe dtSY I~speeto~ V Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspe'ctor Inspector Inspector Inspector STATE OP FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COHNCILMBN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerks Deputy and Inspectors of the Special Election held on the 6th day of December~ A.D.: 19E6~ do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on BOND PROPOSAL NO. 2 Shall the City of Boyn~on Beach issue not exceeding Seventy-five thousand ($75~000.00) dollars General Obligation Bonds of said City~ bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five percent (5%) per annum~ and maturing not later than twenty-five (25) years from the date of issuance thereof~ for the purpose of financing the cost of constructing and equipping a Municipal Fire Sts tion on property new owned by the City, and other purposes appurtenant or incidental thereto~ and levy ad valorem taxes for the payment the~eof~ all as provided in an ordinance ~dopted by the City Council of said City on the 7th day of kOctober~ 1966. TOTAL VeTES CAST ~- ~6 AGAINST And we~ such Clerk~ Deputy~ and Inspectors of the North Precinct: do make the foregoing as our return to you of the results of such Special Election: and do declare the above and foregoing to be the result pf such Special Election. Inspector Deputy ~nlspeetoP Ins / Inspe crop//