Minutes 01-17-66Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Couucil, Boynton Beach, Florida, held in City Hall~ ~anuary 17, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Walter A, Madsen, M~yor Frank McCoy, Jr., Vice Mayor J. Allison Bm~ks, C~nnci~man Chas. N. Boos, Coun.~itman Gilbert Collins, Co'aus~l~n F. T. Kain, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Gene Moore, City Attorney The meeting was calX[ed to order by Mayor ~L~dsen at 7:~O P.M. The invo- cation was given by Rev, Henry Jarvis, Southslde Baptist Church, Boynton Beach, and the Flag Salute was led by N~s. Beulah Holmbergo M~. Banks noted a c(~rrection to be made in the minutes of January 3, 1966, on page 5, Resolution 6~-B, second sentence, which should read ".~Council set the ~umber of members at 15 Lustead of...". This is an insertion of '~t 15'~. ~. Boos moved that the ~utes be accepted with the correction. ~ Banks ssconded and it was unanimously carried. ~OLD BUS I~SS A. Continuation of Negotiations with F. E. C. for S. E. 2nd Avenne Crossmug Mr. Kain noted that at the Workshop Meeting he had recommended the signing of this agreement, but since then, Mr. Moore has found that several cities have been able to effect crossings with a more nominal cost than the stated amount of $25,000. Mr. Kain recommended that the agreement be re-examined by the city attorney, city manager and also the railroad and it may put us ina better financial position on this item. Mr. Banks movsd that the city attorney and city manager be authorized to contact the ra~]road in an attempt to develop an agree- ment which is more equitable for the city. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried. B. S.E. 25rd Avenu~ Water Line Extension Mr. ~u stated t~t 23rd Ave. is a road recommended for Lmprovements, particularly that ar~a between the F. E. C. Railway right-of-way and U.S. 1. To follow ti~rough on this recommendation for improvement, there was recently ~thorized a change order for sewer line and earlier this year t~ installation of temporary 2" ~ater line. An extension of a 6~' wa';er line is recommended at an estimated cost of $2~ 569.12~ and it w[~ provide adequate fire protection and water servmce for propert~,~s in this area. This is an expenditure which is covered by the aM~ropriations inActivity 6150, accomut #580. M~r. McCoy made a motion ~o authorize the extension of this Water line. Mr. Banks seconded m~d it was unanimously carried. -1- MINUTES Regular Meeting, Ci'~y Co~nuci'l January 17, 1966 C. Biscuss plan fo~ beautification of former Fo E. C. Station Site F~. Kain stated t,hau the a~.ea is clear no~z, but tblt there are several depressions. He suggestsd to co'~ucil that plans be made for the beautification of the site and include in the plans some arrangement for hard topping for off-street parking. The officials of F. E. C. said they would be ~greeable to such plans. Mr. McCoy made a mo~. ion that this be referred to the Beautification Committee and let them make a study and give the coLuueil an estimate as to how much mone~~ is involved, tir. Ranks secondsd. Mr. Boos aske~ the Bes.utific~tion Committee to come up with a plan to submit for the railroad,s sppro~al and also to get an idea of the cost~ Madsen s~ated that-some £iJ_I' ihou~d be put in the depressed ~reas. The motion was unanimously carried. ¥~o Madsen asked abcut the completion of the fouutaLn on the Hig~eay, and Mr. Kain stated that the stone an8 masonry work is c~mpleted. There is a pump installation tc be mzde and some electrical work: also l~ndscaping. These items are beane worked on no~. D. Improvement of Lots 53 & 56, De~,~y's S/D This property is seuLh of Ocean Avenue and west of the Intracoastal. Mr. Kain stated that on November 15~ 1965, the council declared the nuisance that this area is causing by Resolution 65-,~. This area ~has been a constant nuis.~uce to the Mosquito Control District 5ecause of the breeding places ~or mosquitoes. Resolution 65-h~ specified that this property shoul~ be cleared, filled an~ bulkheade~. Preparation of specifications and the authority bo go for bids is called for now. Chapter 7-20 of the Charter gives this authority. The o~ers have been provided with m~re than adequate time, but no statement has been received from them° l~r. Banks made a motLon that Mr. Kain and Mr~ Moore and any other officials needed, be given the authority to prepare cost estimates and preliminary specLfications for performance of work on bid basis. N~r. Boos seconded, a~d it was unanimously carried. BUSINESS A. Report by Mr. Bees on meeting in Clearwater A meeting on the proklems of the aged and other factors which have par- ticular interest to ~mtired and senior citizens was held in Clearwa'0er Zu December and attended by three council members and the city manager. Several organizations have been established in this State to deal specifically in this area and the City of Clearwater has carried out -2- MINUTES Regular Meeting, Cindy Council January 17, 1966 some very extensive and successful programs along these lines. Mr. Boos gave the hi-14~hts of the meeting and it ~s noted that there is a tremendous pot~nttal of education ao~d ~er±enee iu this over- 65 group ~hich can I~ utilized by our co~nu~ity. ~&r. Modsen appointed Mr. Boos as cb.~i~nan of a Senior Citizens ~ Service Committee. M~. Boos invited th~ members of the press to ~sk questions ~t any time. Ordinance 6S~28 ¥~r. McCoy moved to ~mend Section 1 of this Ordinance By chang~_~g the 21 days to 7 days. Mr. Coll~us seconded. Mr~ Banks stated thst this brings out a real good poLn5 since tbs 21 days time is the ex, ct time between election and filing of a candi- date; however, he d~dn't think the 7 days too practical since it would not gl~ce too much tdme to answer any charges. Mr. BarJ, s suggested that 12 to 14 days ds more practical and that in t.his ~y~ a~er the filing of candidate, it would give at least a week to ans~r. McCoy agreed that a candidate should be afforded ample t~Lme to answer charges, but feels 7days is ample. Mr. McCoy stated that if 7 days creates any problems this can be changed. Members of the press expressed some views on this "gag law". Mr. Murray stated that h~ would like to see it renealed entirelvo Afte~ further dmscussmon, .~r. Boos aske~ ~f the motion could be amended to eliminate the Ordinance in its entirety. Mr. Banks stated that the law is designed afte'~ the state law and even though the city does not have to pattern ~ts laws after state law, it should be consistent with some of these t ~ings. He stated that he could not agree on e] ~m~nating it entir,~ly, but thought the amendm~snt was good and for the betterment of th,~ community. Mr° Boos stated that he does not like to take someth~ig out of context, and feels that unless the entire thing is adop~ed that it has little real Value. N~r. Banks stated that they wer~ not trying to test the legality of it, but just wanted to chang~ the number of days. The original motion was unanimously carried. Mr. McCoy made a motLon that the agenda be reviewed on Friday night preceeding Monday night council meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the public invited. Mr. Banks ~econded and it was unanimously carried. Mr. Kain stated that there wottld be a workshop seasion a week from tonight at 7:30 P.M. -3- MINUTES Regular Meeting, City Council January 17, 1966 Mr. Kaiu said he ha i several items of importance to be presented to council: l) Cavali~rs Corp., Inc., t~O1 N.~L 1st St., was asking per- mission to conduct ~ festival on the sits of the Wilson ?ark. Th~ proceeds v~ill go fo~: youth improvements s~d assistance work~ They are now negotiating ~ith the fair t~hat will hat, tls the festival. A permit will be isau~,~d to individual opera~or and a fee charged, Mr~ Boos moved to g~'an~ permission to conduct this festival. He asked if there was proper insurance. Mir. Eain said they provided all insur- ance recommended ,by the city attorney. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously carried. 2) Sunshine Square is requesting release of &' of e 12' easement granted to city for inatalls~ion of water line obtained two years ago. Sun- sh~ne Square has executed a contract for a theater building, and this easement is of Sufficient width for ~his construction plan. Mr. Eain stated that he had examined the easement with Mr. Carnahan and checked records. The water line is no~ in~ the east ~' nor any other ut~ities, and the easement runs north ~aud south along the western edge of Royals Depa.rb~ment Store. The~ are ~s~ for the release of the easterly 4' of tnat easement~ T~e icity h~s no use for it, ~ud Mr. Kain recommended favorable consideration of ~elease of said easement. There is no money involved. Mr. Banks moved that the city attorney and city manager be authorized to draw up release o~ said easement. Mr. McCoy seconded and it was unanimously c~rried. 5) ~ir. Eain read a ]~etter from Hardriv~s Corp. dated January 14th, re- questing a permit to remove lOC,OeO cu. yd. of fill from ~m~m~e tract of land o~ned by Mr. N. ~ Field and w~hichlies west of the Seaboard Railroad an~!! south of N.W. 17th Ave. The letter was signed by ~Lr. Jack NutbrOwn. Vice President. Mr. Kain stated that Adair, Fishe and Brad E Jeers ' · · Y, ng~ · , have provided the cmtywmthmaos and sur- veys of the area, an~!iMr. Carnahan has examined t~is and i% is in ~ccordance with speo~!fications. The code provides a method for mssuance of a permit f thms kind. The bulk of the fill goes to the 15th Ave. bridge. M~. Kainalso stated that he has exsmined the site with Mr. Patrick, and that the amount of fill to be removed comes within the requirement of the code. The permit has to be issued by the city council. Mr. Nutbrown was in the audience and was asked to come forward. He was asked if it would cause any!damage to the streets in transporting this fill. Mr. Nutbrown stated that they are using county maintaLned streets, but that there is no way out other than 17th J?~e. Mr. Boos noted tP~t there is a pot hole on the north end of the tract and asked if the cor~ract calls for filling of this hole. Mr. ~utbro~.~ said this had been discussed with >ir. Riley and it does not cover, MINUTES Regular Meeting, City Council January 17, 1966 however, figures havre been furnished for this purpose. Mr. Banks asked if they would agree not to remove any fill from Boynton Beach other than that beSJ~ used at the 15th Avenue bridge. M~r. Nufbrown said he would go along with this. Mr. Boos n~de a moth'.on granting the request predicated upon agreement not to remove fill .qrom City of Boynton Beach excepting for approaches to 15th Ave. bridge~ Mr. Nutbrown also stated there w~]~ be no holes left at site of exc~vation; they will start on south end of property and work north down to ~n eleva~o~ of 20', notb_ing lo~r than 20'. He also stated the {~e low area~17th Ave. will be f~ted. Mr. Banks seconded the z~otion, and it was unanimously carried. Mr. McCoy asked if fr. Eaiu had come to any conclusion or recommendation on Mr. Edell's letter. Mr. Kain said that he h~ and stated that Mr. Edell would be required to pay $30.00 per day foz use of the auditorium. The $30.00 supplied ~7~ be considered initial deposit and he will pay the balance of $~0.00~ Mr. Kain also thought s~ occupational license should be required. Mr. McCoy asked if the City of Boynton Beach ~d anything to dc with the annual Boynton Beach E~position. M~. KaLu explained that this ts not a non-profit organization, but sole pro- prietorship, and is ~ot a city-sponsored thing. LEGAL A. Proposed Ordinan~;e 66-1 - Purc~se and sales of second-hand merchandise Mr. Moore read the ~)ove named Ordinance. ~. Banks moved that Ordinance 66-1 be pa~sed from first to second reading. Mr. Boos seconded, and it was ~uanimously carried. B. Proposed Ordinance 66-2 - Club Beverage Licenses ~lro Moore read the a~love named Ordinance. Mr. McCoy moved that this be tabled tuutil next regular council meeting to have tLme for further study. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried. C. Proposed Ordinance 66-3 - Amendment to licensing ordinances M~r. Banks made a motisn to table until next meeting for further study. Mr. McCoy seconded an~ it was unanimously carried. PUBLIC AUDIENCE %. Albert P~hrel~ ?ane f? .r~ard and expressed h_is opinion that the nree councLunen na~ ~rre~ ~n voting for the reappo~t~nt of Mr Moore ~ud felt that a majority of the voters voiced this chsnEe by their vote ~o remove ]~r. Archie and Mr. M~honey. -5- MINUTES Regular Meeting, C~.ty Council January lT, 1966 F~rs. Latchamcame forward an~ voiced her opposition te the reappoint- ment of Mr. Moore, and asked t.hat the situation be discussed at an open meeting. Mr~ F%u~rer came fozwardand requested side~.~alks on S. W~ 3rd St. be- cause of the dangerous conditions for children goiug amd coming fram school in this vicdnity. He asked that the police department be asked to check the cars going at high speeds, and no~e cars with insufficient lights or no lights in this area. Mrs° Thompson came £orward and objected to the city beautifying some areas when there ar~ bad conditions such as exist on~ E. 7th Street. Mr. Boos stated at She present time the engineers are working on a re- port on this area c~ncerning the cost of extending 7th Street on so~h. The church people ~d property o~ners have indicated that they are agreeable to paying their share of this assessment. He stated the only way anything can be ~ccomplished to help these conditions is ifthe people are willing uopay their share. Mrs. Emily Jackson (~me forward and co~nended the Fire Department on their quick action ~ extinguishing a recent fire involving a car. She also thanked the co~cit for havLug the workshop msetiugs in the open. She asked if the Public Audience on the agenda could be put back before Legal, so it would not be so late on the program. Mr. Paul Johnson cane forward and stated that he thought the council should anser the people about Mr. Moore. He asked if the council is going to look into these charges~ .and that the people in the city are entitled to an answer. Mr. Madsen stated the council had answered the charges by stating they did not think they were so. Mrs. Kathleen Kirton came forward and stated that she had made the charge against Mr. Moor% and had not changed her mind about the charge that he had violated~the Charter. Mr. Oakley Smith cam~ forward and asked why his sewer bill was raised $1.05 more a month. ~. Banks asked Mr. Smith how many outlets he had in his home. He rep. 4ied that this did not make any difference. After some discussion with.council, Mr. McCoy asked F~. Smith if he favored front foot assessmen': and he answered he would. Mr. Paul Harrington ~$poke ~nd said he would like to know if there are plans for a traffic 2ight at the corner of South Federal Highway and 15th Avenue. Mr, Ka~ stated tD~t the city is doing everything they can to convince the fltate Road Department of this need, and that it is a State Road Department decision. Mr. Harrington suggested that he might be able to help on this point, and ~Lr. main said they would welcome ~nyhelp. MINUTES Regular Meeting, City Council January 17, 1966 Mr. M~I es asked about sewer c~arges made to a private home of $4oOO and s~me charge made to an apartment of $2.00. Mr. Madsen stated that this gees back again to a statement made by RUssell & Axon~ and that Mr, Miles was given a copy of this letter. Mr, Banks' said this had been brought up before and acted on by co~u~cil and that it ~?~s acted on because council felt it was in their authority to make this change in rate.~ This cord be done in multiple units 9n advice of the engin- eers. '~'nere was ea~e discussion on individual cases and Mr. Kain suggested that thes~ could be answered in his office since this is an extensive ordinance covering this problem, LEGAL D. Resolution 66-C - Commending Boynton Beach-Ocean Ridge Board of Realtors Mr. Kain read Resolution 66-C~ Mr~ Boos moved for adoption of this Resolution. Mr, Banks seconded. Mr. Kain pointed out that one of the awards that was mad~ to the local Board was a state award that recog- nizes their efforts for civic and com~i~ity achievement. This speaks very well of the Bosrd and reflects a spirit of cooperation between City an~ Board. It was unanimously carried. 4DMINISTRATIVE Mr, ~ain gave a review of payments made by funds in the month of December~ 1965: Gener ~1 Fund Water Revenue Fund Sewer Revenue Fund Water Depositers F~nd Special Assessment Fund PublL ~ity Fund Civic Center Sinking Fund I & S ~nd ~wim~g Pool Sinking Fund olic~. Retirement] ~ Firem~n's Relief & Pension Fund $202, 982.02 18, 950.60 38,O67,72 1,211.95 133.11 1,363 7,023.25 21. !0 5,000.00 33,099.21 9,528.50 Total Expenditures $317,380.81 Mr~ Boos made a meti¢~ that the bills be approved. Mr. Banks seconded and it was unanimously carried. Mr. Banks moved that the departmental reports be approved. Mr. Boos seconded and it was unanimously carried. -7- MIk~JTES Regnlar Meeting~ CiSy Council January 17, 1966 APPROVAL OF BTT,T~S Russell & Axon $2,011.91 Engmneering service~ for construction completed through DeceEber 20~ 1965. E~ ~ineeriug services R~;sident Inspection $1,011.91 1,000. O0 ¥~r. Kain explained l~hat the extensions on this bill have been verified and monies are ava~f.ahle in the s~nitary sewer construction fund. Pay- ment of this bill i~ recommended. Mr. McCoy moved that the b~ll be paid. Mr. ~anks sec onded and it was unanimously carried. 2. Advance Air Condition & Heating Inc. - $3,636 Mr. Kain stated that the equipment has been installed and operating, and that there are sufficient funds available in the 1965-66 budget, Activity 4220, Acconnt #~18. Payment of this b~il] is recommended. Mr. Boos moved that the bill be paid. Mr. Banks seconded and it was tluanimously carried. 3. John Churey, Contractor $1,175 ~[r. Kain stated that this is a bill for brick and masonry work on the fountain on North Fe4eral Highway. This represents Mr. Churey's por- tion of the work and this portion of the project has been completed. Funds were budgeted ~nd available, Activity 5800. Mr. Banks moved that the b~]] be paid. Mr. Boos seconded and it was unanimously carried. OTHER Mr. Collins commende~ the Delr&y Beach News Journal for the fine cov- erage it has given the Boynton Beach City Council and other affairs of Boynton ~each. He also announced that on February 3rd, Boynton B ' each wmtl have anotler weekly newspaper, The Boynton Beach News Journal. Mr, Boos read a letter from Mr. Johuson to ~. Kain asking for a letter of commendation to be written to James Guckert, life guard on the public beach ia ~oynton Beach, for making a rescue under a difficult situation. ~ir. Kain stated that a letter had been sent. Mr. Madsen read a let ger complimenting the police department for their cooperation on ~he recent grand jury investigation. -8- MINUTES Regzflar Meeting, C:.ty Council January 17, 1966 Mr. Madsen also resd a letter from ~[r. Bill Hays and the Chamber stating that F~iday, February 4th will be Boynton Beach Day at the Harness Racing Track, Pompano Beach, Florida. Meeting adjourned st 10:00 P.M. Atte st: ~~' Clerk Walter A. Madsen, Mayor Frank Mccoy, ~r., V~o~ ~. Allison Banks, Councilman / -9- PnYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER BY DATE 1, 1965 2, 1965 3, 1965 6, 1965 7, 1965 8, 1965 9~ 1965 10, 1965 13, 1965 14, 1965 16, 1~65 21, 1965 22, ~965 27~ 1965 28, 1965 29, 1965 30, 1965 31, 1965 ..................... 46,514.95 ..................... 102.60 .................... 81,420.17 .................... 15.55 .................... 7,952.98 .................... 2,982.87 .................... 787.50 .................... 14~051,~15 .................... 6,0~8~.07 .................... 777.35 .................... ~51 .................... 500.77 .................... 6,686.70 .................... 4,~84.14 .................... 3,974.41 .................... 5,329.55 .................... 78?°52 .................... 1,296o2~ 317,380.81 PAYMENTS MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND ....................... 202,982.02 WATER REVENUE FUND .............. 18 60 SEWER REVENUE FUND .................... 38,067.72 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ................... 1,211.95 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUN~ PUBLICITY FUND ...................... CIVIC CENTER SINKING FLND I & S FUND SWIPtMING POOL ;INKING FUND - -----'----=--_-_'-_-_'-_-_- POLtCE RETi~REMENT FUND FiREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND 317,380.81 133.11 1,363.35 7,023.25 21.10 5,000.00 35,099.21 9,928..50 :~AYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER 1965 (CONT) DEc. 29, 1965 DEC. 30, 1965 WATER DEPOS TONS FUND 6247 6248 6249 6255 6251 6252 6253 6254 AC~(~UNT CF' '~ILLIA~ Lewis Acc( UNT eF C~ESTER G~PPY HOLIDAY BUILDERS I. AND S. FLND 21636 TsE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK CIVIC CENTE~ BOND S)NKING FUND 21637 T.E ~.ASE MANNATTA. BANK GENERAL FUND 12887 12888 12889 12890 12891 12892 BOYNrON CITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION CITY OF BGYHTON BEACH (PAYROLL FUND) CHAR.ES Ne BOOS WATER REVENUE FUND 8800 CITY oF BOY.TON BEA¢~ (PAYROLL FUND) 7.90 7.50 7.90 7.50 15.oo 7.50 7.55 50.00 110.00 21.10 lO.75 117.00 6,556.10 34.50 32°00 20.00 35.00 6,794.60 1,365.58 1,296.24 31, 1965 SEWER 1099 REVENUE FUND CiTY OF BOYNTOH BEACH (PAYROLL FUND) GENERAL FUND 12915 12916 12944 12945 12997 12998 12999 485.14 14~900.00 15,385.14 " " " " (POLICE R£TImE. FUND) 493.O9 MUN. POLICE OFF. RETIRE. TRUST FUND 1,596.29 CITY CF BOYNTON BEACH (WATER DEPANTMSNT) 4,662.50 " " " " (WATER REV. FUND) 7,930.22 " " " " (W~TS, M£vE, DE. F.) 192.50 ~ " ' ~ (SzwER REV. FUND) 6,418.27 23,545.32 ~AYMENTSMADE IN DECEMBER 1965 (COST) DEC. 22, 1965 Dso. 27, 1965 GENERAL FUNI} 12857 BOYIITON CITY FEOERAL CREDIT UNION 12858 CIT'r OF BOY.TeN BEAON (PAYROLL FUND) 12859 FLOI=IOA PRINTINm CO~PA.¥ 12860 Hum.£s OFFICE MAOBINE REPAIR 12861 FRAIIKHOUSE ELEOTRIC SUPPLY WATER 8~8 8~ REVENIIE FUND B & H SALES INC. CIT" OF BOYNTON BEADS (PAyRoLL FUND) REF, & IMPROYE. REV. BO~D SINKING FUND SEWER 1091 1092 1093 lO94 1o95 REVENUE FUND CRAFLES L. MEYER & SoNs DEWITT CNEHICAL COMPANY EDWARDS ELEOTRtO CO~Po C17t OF BOYNTON BEACH (PAYROLL FUND) PUBLICITY FUND 21633 POPPA P)ZZA 21634 FRANKNOUBE ELECTRIC SUPPLY 21635 BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GENERAL 12862 12863 12864 12865 12866 12867 12868 12869 1287O 12871 12872 12873 12874 12875 12876 FUND ARMOUR AGRICULTURAL C~EMIGAL COMPANY THE 3Lesson SHOPPE FLORIST BOYNrON AUTO S~PPLY~ THE ~OYNTON BEACH STAR CITY OF DOYNTON BEAO~ (PETTY CASS) GLEAMY BROSe CONSTRUOTION COMPANY CITY OF BOYNTOH BEADS (PETTY CASH) ~ H ~ ~ (WATER DEPARTMENT) DONI,$ FIRESTONE DEALER STORE THE JrLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY TNE trLORIDA NEWS COMPANY O~BR E~ SUITER & O~BRIEN~ INC. RED! & RELIABLE MAINTENANOE SERVICE SUN--~STI~EL 242.00 lO,87o.89 65.75 19o0O 101.79 13,189.70 137.50 1,994.48 5,975-59 8,107.57 37.62 17.00 679.23 16~727.08 17,486.93 45.00 349.26 416.62 81o.88 339.75 25.00 76.39 458.08 54.97 113.00 44.89 142.25 145.?~ 2,624.00 219063 90.OO 250.00 2.80 128.50 4,712.98 39,595.08 PAYMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER 1965 (GONT) DEC. 21, 1965 DEc. 22, 1965 GENERAL 12825 12826 12827 12828 12829 12830 12831 12832 12833 12834 12835 FUND CENTANIUM ALLOYS AND RESE~RON CUMPANY 41.94 DON'S FIRESTONE DEALER STORE 56.5o GReasEs SAFE ARD ho¢~ 37.20 R. L. GRUMMONS PRINTING 31.85 GULF STREAM LUMBER CO. 22.71 KELLY TRAOTOR COMPANY 870.07 DOR~LU S. LAVlON£, INC. 261.00 H£N~I'S RESTAURANT 12.85 JOE'S GRILL & RESTAURANT 181.40 TRE PAINT CENTER 17.25 PAUL McBRIDE 25.00 3,919-73 WATER 8786 8787 REVEN[ E FUND HOW~RB MALLORY DUN(AN--EDWARD COMPANY WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 6245 AO¢I,UNT OF W. ,J. HERDER 6246 AOC(~UNT OF HOWARD MALLORY GENERAL 12836 12837 12838 12839 1284O 1284q 12842 12843 12844 12845 12846 12847 12848 12849 12850 128~1 ~2852 12853 12854 12855 128~ 4.30 35.38 39.68 7.50 7.50 15.00 FUNI) MARl:EL APPRAISAL CHART COMPANY Se00 MIAHI HERALD 15.30 MINIIESOTA MINING & MFG. COMPANY 79-50 PALH BEAON OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY 20.14 Poe-ER PAINT CO~PANY 106.82 RINI~ER MATERIALS CONF. 95-41 RUDIN CONSTRUGTION COHPANY 88e27 STAIIOARD OIL Co., lNG. IN KENTUCKY 85.~ STAI~ PRESS 28.60 SUR.-SENTINEL 6.50 T~AIL AUTO PARTS 18.49 EAR~. WALLACE FORD, INC. 241.42 C~. W"ITMAN, ~R. & SONS 24.00 DAWED WRla~T AND SON INC. 20.98 TRE MIDNI£ COMPANY 3.50 TRO'IOAL ACRES R£STA~RANTt INC. 868.60 PAU~ BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY 14.60 PAL~ BEAOH POST TIMES 17.16 INT [RNATIUNAL INSTITUTE OF MUNICIPAL CLEBKS 10.00 DECkRRIE MUCK PIT 128.00 DEC,ROe TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT COMPANY 12.50 3,974.41 PAfMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER 1965 (CONT) DEG. 20, 1965 GENERAL i2800 i 2801 128O2 12803 128O4 128O5 12806 12807 128o8 12809 1281O 12811 I2812 12813 12814 12815 12816 12817 WATER 8784 8785 8909 FUND THE NATIONAL CASH RESISTER CSMPANY 144.22 WAOES CANWAS & TRIM SaeP 52.80 R. L. GRUMMONS Pal~VIHm 272.00 F. E, HALSTEAC 71-37 THE L&HIER Ce~PANV INS. 17'50 NAT~('~AL IHSTIT~T£ OF M~IOIPAL LAW 0~r~e£R$ 67.50 C. A, OSTROM pLU~SINGt lNG. 13.60 SE~EI,L NARDNARE Co. OF LAKE WORTH~ iNC. 46.30 SOUTIIENN PAPER COMPAH¥ 31.11 ADAM~; CNE~ROLET GOMPAN¥ 61.77 Beya"oa GLASS SENWICE, lnG. 7.65 CHuc~r's CAMERA SaOP 41.62 CO~R'F RECORDS, I~¢. OEMA~eS TRAOTON & I~PLE~ENT COMPANV 50~-~9 4,512.84 REVENUE FUND HO~E$ BY LEON DANA PUTMAN SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. 4.3o 4.90 1.55 lo.75 SEWER REVENUE FUND 109° WANg ENSINE£RI~S COMPANY 30.55 WATER 6241 6~42 6243 6244 DEPOSITORS FUND A~O¢~NT OF DANA PUT~A~ A¢C(UNT GF HOMES BY LEON AOO(~UNT OF ARTNUR HETLAND 7.50 7.~ 7.50 7-50 30.O0 4,584.14 DEC. 21, 1965 GENERAL FUND 12818 12819 12820 12821 12822 12823 128~4 HENleY LUNSFORD GAS[~LL--0ERTEL ADVERTISING AGENCY FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY CAP~I DI~ER BOY,TON WELL--PuMP ~ SPRINKLER SUPPLY 77.0o ,376.79 25.00 615.49 36.85 P~YMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER 1965 (CONT) DES. 17, 1965 WATER REVENUE FUND 8903 MRS. J. M. COOPER 8904 MRS. CHARLES HINKLE 8905 A.R. HOLMES 8906 GILRI:RT ~ SHIELDS 8907 GILU~:RT & SHIELDS 8908 NOLA,I WILLIAMS SEWER REVENU/[ FUND 5.20 10.60 9.1o 809.00 516.60 WATER 6232 6233 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 624O DEPOSIFORS FUND Je S~ELTON LAMB AOOO~NT OF VERA WILLIS A000~NT OF ~S~ J* Mo COOPER AOOO~T OF A. R. HOLMES AOOOURT OF GILBERT & SHIELU$ AOOOUNT BP GILBERT & SRIELDU AOOOURT OF MOLAR ~ILLIAMS 7.50 7.~ 7.~ 7.~ 15-~ 82.50 6,686.70 DRC. 20, 1965 GENERAL 12586 12587 12588 12589 1259O 12591 12592 12593 12594 12595 12596 12597 12598 12599 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 FUME BOy, TON WELL--PUMP & SPRINKLER SUPPLY CORP. 22.67 F. E.. MALSTEAD 219-95 ERW~N R. PELKONEN 12.78 OEW TT C~EMIOAL COMPANY ~-~.46 DON~S FIRESTONE 119.95 EL£(~TRONIC ASSOClXTES 21.00 FLAHI~GO OIL COMPAHY 10.60 Goer STREAM L~M~ER COMPANY 41.89 BOYIITON AUTO SUPPLY, I~o. 62.64 0OE'R GRILL & RESTAURANT 54.15 KELI.Y TRACTOR COMPANY 1~341.81 INTERNATIONAL MANAGERS! ASSOCIATION CIT~ o~ Be~;o~ B[~=. (P;TTY C~SM) ~1.O~ . . . . ( " " ) ~.89 W~rv Mac DOWZLL 22.50 MoCaIN SALES OF FLORIDA~ I~c. 375.~ 15.~ 9.~ 12798 MEN~MARA'R CASUAL FURNITURE 12799 MIA~I HERALD pAYgENT$ MADE IN DECEMBER 1965 (CONT) Dec. 14, 1965 PUBLICITY FUN~ 21673 ClvY {F BeY.TeN BEAt. (PETTY CASH) 21675 LUlGI $ SPAGRETTI HOUSE 6.19 91.20 50.00 . 777-35 Dec. 15, 1965 GENERAL FUND 28.60 12785 CITY eF BOY.TO. BeAOX (PETTY CASH) 139.25 SEWER REVENUE FUND 5.10 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 6234 Acco ~.v oF MRS. C. M. SM~TR 151.85 D~o. 16, 1965 GENERAL FUND 180.60 12787 M0X~RR FLAS.ER$, Imeo 83.52 12788 SuPeRS ELECTRIC, [~O. 263.52 sEWER REVENUE FUND 1147 MI.lilt; Al.LIEN PARKER 1149 MAR~AReT S. JO.E:$ 1150 DeN,~LD O. HUNTER 59-25 88.25 82.25 229.75 Dec. 17~ 1965 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 6231 MARRY GeLLeR GENERAL FU~D 12789 BO~'~VON CiTY FeDERAl" CaeS~T UNIO, 12790 Cl~'v e? BOY.TON BEAt. (pAYROI"L FUND) 12791 TROMAS J. OReF? 7.50 5,091.60 5o.oo 5,278.60 500.77 WATER REVEI4UE FUND 8901 CIrv OF BOY.TON BEACH (PAY.el"l. FUND) 8902 M.s.C.M. S~TR 774.90 .4O pAfMENTS MADE IN DECEMBER 1965 (CONT) 13, t965 SEWER 1143 1145 WATER 62'17 6218 6219 6220 6221 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 ACOOUNT REVENUE FUND R. L. G~UMMGRS PRINTIRS R. L. GR,MMeNS PRINTING TISBALE~S 19.40 20.00 62.50 , ,, ,035.15 DEPO$IIORS FLeD AC,C,O~NT OF CRIT CRAT SUNC,RIES AOC,OtNT eF Mas. DOReTmY WARSAW AOCOIINT OF LARRY M. WARD 7.50 ACOOIINT OF ~ARY ANN LAVENDER 7-50 J* WILLARC' CORP. 7.50 OF R, C. DEMARGO 25'00 100.00 6,068.07 DEC,. 14, 1965 GENERAL FUND 12780 ATLA,TIC, REFRIGERATIOn. INC. 25.00 12781 CITY OF BeYNTC'R BEA¢~ (PETTY CASN) ~4.57 12782 CiTY OF BC,yRTON BEAG. (WATER DEPARTMENT) 366.99 12783 CeLC,N & DC'Re'TRY KINNEY 6.61 12784 SOU~N£Ra BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY 55.15 5o8.32 WATER 8896 8897 8898 .8~9 89oo REVENlE FUND Gom;om ZANO~LE 10.~0 ETNEL S. DILL 13.50 CIr~ er BOYRTON BEAO~ (PETTY CASH) 21.99 . . . ~ (WATER DEPARTMENT) I0.50 SOUl'RERN BELL TELEeNONE ~ TELEGRAPH CO. 1~.40 71.29 SEWER REVENHE FUND 1146 CiT'r OF BOYNTC,N BEA¢~ (pETTY CASH) WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 6227 AOC)UNT OF GORC,C,~ ZANSERLE 6228 AOO~UNT OF ~THEL S* DILL 6229 AOODURT OF ALBERT DAVIS 6230 ACCOUNT OF GENE CNAMBERS 15.00 15.~ 7.~ FAYIflENTS MADE IN DECEHBER 1965 (CONT) DEC. 13, 1965 GENERAL 12766 12767 12768 12769 12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 12777 12778 12779 WATER 888O 8881 8882 8883 8884 8885 8886 8887 8888 8889 889O 8891 8892 8893 8894 8895 SEWER 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 114o 1141 1142 FUN~ BURROUGHS CORPORATION CITY OF BOYNTON BEAeU (WATER DEPARTMENT) FLORIDA Pow£R & LIG~T COMPANY DoErs FIE/STONE DEALER STORE R, L, GEUMMON$ PRINTING PALM BEACH LINEN SERVISE ERIO F. YALLOP BUSINESS MACRIHE$, INC. STE¥[;NSON SEED STORE EARL WALLAOE MOTORS~ INC. REVENUt: FUND FIRS1' FEDERAL SAVIRGS & LOAN ADS~N. ~1 LL;I~M MARMAOUKE B. & H. SALZS INC. H & ~ VALVE & FITTINGS COMPANy PALM BEACH LINER SERVICE A. & B. PIPE AND SUPPLY COMPANY REVENUE FUND COASTAL MAOHIN£~ INOo EARLE~ SDPPLY COMPANY ~. ~I'~TER PICAR~ CHEMICAL COMPANY REO! ~ RELIABLE ~'~AINTENANOE SERVICE STAND~RD 0IL COMPANY JNCe IN KENTUCKy H & $ CONSTRUCTORS SOUTHI[RN STATES OREMIOAL CO~ARy DON~$ FIRESTONE DEALER STORE 15.00 47.00 74.99 85.20 419.35 24.59 377.~ 102.6~ 24.90 18.98 30.OZ 59.10 311.12 75.00 3,579.98 279.48 6.38 24.6O 170.4o 23.94 4.72 178.55 1.50 15.02 25.00 383.54 141.oo 81.67 5.14 1 , 352. 9~ 26.00 72.00 6.30 24.50 1~0.oo 7.08 8.00 253.68 339.38 37.06 PA'~MENTS MADE IN DECEMBER 1965 (CONT) D£c. 9, 1965 GENERAL FUND 12743 MRS. ~ILDR£D MILL£R 12744 MRS. ~ARIE DEYO 12746 C~TT 0~ BOYRTO~ BE^CS (p~'TT CASR) 22.50 22.50 110.OO 125.84 763.34 WATER REVENUE FUND 8878 L£Om CLDUTIZR WATER DEPOSII~R$ FUND 6216 MRs. N£aL K. GEAY 16.46 7.50 787.~0 O~c. 10, 1965 GENERAL FUND 12747 BoYRKON CITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 12748 CITY OF Bovmvom B£Aem (PAYROLL FUND) WATER REVENUE FUND 8879 CITY OF BOYNTOR B£AOR (PAYROLL FUND) 233.00 ,126.45 lq,359.45 2,O76.O? SEWER REVEN~E FUND 1131 CIT~ OF BOYRTOR BZAON (pAYROLL FORD) 615.63 14,o51.15 D£c. 13, 1965 GENERAL 12749 1275o 12751 32752 12753 12754 12755 12756 q2757 12758 12759 12760 12761 12762 12763 12764 12765 FUN[ ADA~IS CNE~ROL£T COMPANY BO-[)£L PRINTING COMPANY ED (;LANTON TR~OKING COLIJ~BIA UNIVERSITY PRESS Se (~. CODBY~ DBA CQDBY ENT£R~RIDES DEM~ROO TRAOTOR ~ IMPL£MENT COMPANY ~8.71 22.30 126.00 65,69 91.63 197.41 8o.27 35.00 250.00 521 60.76 25.00 274.79 10.30 55.15 29.75 30.00 PA~ENTS MAOE IN DECEMBER 1965 (C0NT) O£Co 8, 1965 SEWER REVENUE FUND 1128 BLOE GRoss-BLc~ S~IELO OF FLORIDA 1129 CITY .~F BOWTO, BEACH (PETTY CASH) 1130 THE M~N~FACTURERS LIFE INSUHAHC£ Co. 16.37 10.92 1,33 28.62 WATER DEPOSIT3RS FUND 6207 62O8 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 A¢OOt~T OF Lou SAHY~ FORR~:ST W~ [R~OK$OH AOOO[~HT OF H. W* KILC¥ ~00011HT OF ~ W. KILBY 7.50 7.~ 7.~ 7.~ 7.~ 7.~ 7.~ 7.~ 7.~ FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND 21621 C,~ .Es S£NIOH PUBL I C ITY FU ~D 21672 CITY OF BOY,TON ~EAOC (PETTY CASH) 12.87 2,982.87 DEC. 9, 1965 ~E~AL 22 12723 12724 12725 12726 12727 12728 12729 12730 12731 12732 12733 12734 12735 12736 12737 12738 12739 1274o 12741 12742 FUNg MRS. MILHREH HALLI£E MRS, LIZ£TTA TERGESER NAHXEY STUART MRs, MARIE OLDS MRS MARJORI; KIEKPATRIOK MRS FRANCES VAn DEYE~DER ~S. AGNES DUFFY 27.50 27.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22. 50 22.50 P~¥MENTS MADE IM DECEMBER 1965 (¢0NT) ~_~ DEG. 6, 1965 WATER REVENUI! FUND 8871 MBO. W. M. DEG. 7, 1965 DEG. 8, 1965 SEWER REVENUER FUND 1127 CITY GF BBYNTBN BEACH (WATEB REVENUE FOHC) GENERAL FUND 12705 12706 12707 127o8 12709 12710 12711 12712 12713 JORN Bo DgNNLE ~GSE;R M. FABOLO PAINTING ~ DECORATING SGUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE ~ TELEGRAPH ~RRDUGR$ CORPORATION FIRST BARR OF BeYNTON REGIETRATION ~ CERTIFIOATIO~ COMMITTEE STETSON Oe SPRO~Lt TAX COLLECTOR CITY OF BOYNTOB BEACH (WATER DEPARTMENT) PUBLICITY F~ND 21679 BGY~TGN BEAGB CHAMBER OF COH~ERCE GENERAL 12794 12715 12716 12717 12718 12719 12720 12721 CIT~ OF BeYNTO. BRACE (PETTY CASR) SO~9'~ERN BEL~ TELEPHONE ~ TELEGRAPH Co. WHII'T ~AO DOWELL CHU(~KIS CAMERA CENTER WATER 8867 8868 8869 8870 8872 8873 8874 8875 8876 8877 REVENUE FUND ~L~il CROSS--OLDE SHIELD GF FLORIDA LIT7 GF BOYNTGN B/AC. (PETTY CASH) THE MANUFAG?URBRS LiFE INSDRANGE CO. SOU',r~ERN BELL TELEPHONE ~ TELEGRAP~ Co. U* ~;e PO~T OFFICE Lc~ SA~YN N. ~. KILLY 9.55 3,~1.92 26.~ 177.89 3,732-~ 2.00 3-99 7,~0.17 352.8i 1,648.77 86.4~ 26.34 1~8.98 93.80 132.00 2,239.76 85,80 20.61 G.46 2.35 5.Go 450.00 1.60 4.00 5.20 2~00 605.62 15.55 7,952.98 pAlfME~T$ MADE IN DECEMBER 1965 (CONT) DEC. 2, 1965 DEG. 3, 1965 WATER 8859 886O 8861 8862 8863 8864 REVENUE FUND GEORGE DEABOLT A. We LEAD,RE WATER 6196 6197 6498 6199 620o 62ol 6202 62o3 6204 6205 DEPOSll0R$ FUND ~GGO~T OF FLOYD DARTY AD¢O~NT OF' BUDDY TEI~EELL Ae$O~NT OF MRS. ~. R,,. ELMB[ADE ACGO~NT OF ~A~E~ Y~RK AGGOI;~T OF A. ~e ERASURE GENERAL FUND 12697 12698 12699 127OO 12701 12702 12703 12704 DOYN'~ON CITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION CITY OF BOYNTON BEAON (PAYROLL FUND) CITY OF DOYNTON BEAOI~ (lo ~ Se FUND) JosE~ ~. FASTED WATER 8865 8866 REVENUE FUND CIT~ OF B~YNTOR BEAON (PAYROLL GENE MOORE FUND) SEWER REVEN[E FUND 1126 C~T~ OF BOYNTON BEAOR (PAYROLL FUND) WATER DEI:~S1TORS FUND 6206 CST" OF BDYNTD" BEACH (WATER REV. FUND) MUNICIPAL SUtIv~ING POOL SINKING BOND FUND 21630 CIT" DF BDYN. BeN. (ivaN* SWlH. POOL 6.00 5.6o 27.~ 7.50 7.5o 7,50 7.~ 7,.5e 7,50 7,.50 75.,00 128.00 11,711.26 7,500.00 3,00O.00 25,000.0O 100,00 83.~4 72,522.60 2,156o15 41.66 2,197.81 1,035.31 664.45 5,~0O 102.60 81,420.17 DEC. 1, 1965 PAYMENTS MADE IN DEC~ER 1965 GENERAL FUND 12677 12678 12679 12680 12681 12682 12683 12684 12685 12686 12687 12688 12689 12690 12691 12692 12695 12694 12695 12696 25.95 ~.75 FLO~eA Pe~z~ & Lle.r Ce~A~y 563.88 19~72 17.~O Post ovv~ ez Bov~'reN B;~c. ~ CROFT WATER 8857 8858 REVENUE: FUND BOYNI'ON AUTO SUPPLy~ INC. ~HIT1 MAC DOWELL SEWER REVENUE FUND 1123 CmTv DF 80¥NTO~ BEACH (WATER DEP~RT~ENT) 1124 FLORI)A POWER ~ LIGNT COMPANy 1125 STANB,tRO OIL COMPANY ]NOe IN KENTUCKY FI REHEN'S EEL EF & PENSION FUND 41.89 15.oo 140.66 588.8o 582.71 11.O6 1,523.23 21664 21665 9,500~00 POLICE RETIRE]VENT FUND 21666 MNN. PUL. OFF. RETIRE. 21667 " ~ . " ~, . ( lS? FEe) 7,O00.00 21668 - ;, . " " " (HOME FZO) 7,000°00 21669 .: · . " ' " ( 1ST FRO) 7,000.00 ~2,987.88 46,514.95