Minutes 02-18-65MINUTES OF RE~R I~EETING OF CITY COUNCIL, HELD IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, FEBRUARY 18, 1965, at 7:30 P.M. ~ PRESENT: JA~ES J, ~/4ONEY, ~AYOR WALTER A. ~.~%DSEN, VICE MAYOR JOHN L. ARCHIE, COUNCI~&~N J. ALLISON BANKS, COUNCILMAN CHAS. N. BOOS, COUNCILMAN F. T. KAIN, CITY ~ANAGER GENE MOORE, CITY ATTORNEY TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK Mayor Maho~ey catledthe m~eting t? order at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Henry Jarvis of the Southside Baptist Church ~ave the invo- cation which was followed by the Salute to the Flag. MINUTES Minutes of regular meeting of February 1, 1965 and p~blic hearing and special meeting of February 8~ 1985, were brought up for approval. Mr. Archie made the following corrections: On the February 1st meeting, Page 7, next to last paragraph, Ameri- can Legion Poppy Days should be February 1~ and 13; Page 9, line 5, in first ~ragraph, should read, "...to supply water at a ~ur- charge of 25%..."; minutes of February 8~h, two pages had been retyped and submitted by the Council Stenographer ~n order to facilitate the insertion of a paragraph inadvertently omitted on Page ~ of the final copy. Mr. Archie moved that with these cor- rections the minutes of February tst andFebruary 8th be adopted. Mrs. Edythe Hood stated that on page 7 of the February 1st minutes her intent was not made clear in the minutes. Her main point was not in regard to her removal from the committee but to substantiate the remarks of MrS. Lottie Pierce and Mr. Ryan, who had spoken prior ~o.her in the public half-hour regarding the mix up of the notsf~cati~n of the scheduled meeting of the Inter -Racial Committee. Na¥o~ ~ahoney stated that it was impossible to include every word and s~atement made in the minutes of the meetings. Mrs. Emily Jackson objected to the portion of the minutes located on Page 6, last paragraph. She called the Council's attention to an error in the date of Check ~t0004, which was dated O?tober 8, 196~ instead of 1963 as the minutes read. She also sa~d that sh~--~-~lt that the minutes were written so as to present the Council in a favorable light. Discussion was held regarding what actually occurred during the public-half-hour of the February tst meeting. Since there was no recording of the meeting, Mayor Mahoney requested Mrs. Padgett to explain the absence of a recording. Mrs. Pad~ett explained that on Saturday prior to the meeting on Monday night, she understood the machine -1- MINUTES Council ~eet lng Boynton Beach, Fla. February 18, 1965 had been used in the conference room and that upon its return, the microphone was not plugged-in. The record was cut but the words were not audible. She said that it was not intentional on her part or on the part of the Council, she felt sure, to leave the microphone unplugged. Mr. Archie restated his motion that the minutes of February 1st arid retted. Mr. Madsen seconded. Boos abstained.' When a Mahoney, ~V~r. Boos said- that on page 6, next to last paragraph of the February 1st meet- ing that the inten~ was not clear in that the minutes reflected with Hunnicut~ would like the his edifJ dated of the stated answered ~ed to Mr. ClaypOol that the meeting Mr. Boos request. He said that he that the meeting was not called for from the City Clerk, ~ best of her quote verbatim, the renewal Md Mr. Boos Council and was ference was ingly. the ~UBLIC HEARING Ee: Promosed Improvement of The Portion of S. E. 1st Avenue L¥inq Betwee8 U. S. Hiqhway #1 and S. E. 4th Street - Resolution 65-r Mr. Joseph Tomberg, representing Mr. Alva Shook, owner of a four-unit apartment house that is located partially on the public right of way and partially on S $5' of Lots 8,9,10, and W ~5' of of S 85' of Lot 1t, Block 7, Original Town of Boynton, expressed opposition to the proposed improvement on behalf of his client. He said that his client would not object if he did not have to bear the cost of moving the structure. M~. Henry Thompson, owner of Lots 5,6~ and 7, Block 12, Original Town of Boynton, presented the Council with s letter in which he stated that he objected to the adjacent property owners being assessed for the removal of the structure in the right of way, that he objected to the estimated cost as shown in Resolution 65-K for a proposed 86 foot paved street and also the five foot sidewalks, curbs, and gutters; however, he would approve of a -2- MINUTES City Council Boynton Beach, Fla. February 18, 1965 resolution requiring the owner to remove the structure and a thirty foot paved right of way without sidewalks, curbs and Gutters at an estimated cost of $1,691.$0. ~r. R. L~ Brandewie~ representing Inlet Vista, Inc., owner of Lots described as E 1/2 of Lot ll, less the N 60' thereof, Lots 7 to 14, incl. less the N 60' thereof, Block 7, Original own of Boynton, ob3ected to abutt%ng ~property owners being assessed for the removal of the bui~ng located in the right or way, h?wever, the firm was in favor of the improvement with- out the sidewalks, curbs and gutters and the amended cost. Mr. Paul Johnson Lot 1, Block 12, lng of a and also the removal of abutting property owners the estimated expenditure street would and Gutters and for the removal of said that he would of Lots 1 thru 4, less E 10' of objected to the pay- curbs, and 9~tters, of the Yohnson learned that .$0 and that the sidewalks, curbs be assessed ght of way, he assessment. Mr. Moore said that this of an abutting prope: thought that trw as borne.by them; h~wever, the City woul~ either ~ave~to Court to ~equ~re the Ownerto construction of the road. at ~he request it was the original desireo~the property owners, the Structure would be going to be the case, ~t ~z ask the Circuit which ~ould delay the After the feeling vitalization tion of tl moved that amending the abut1 to eliminate estimated cost carried 5-0. and Mr. Archie expressed vital to the re- - and:due considera- Mr. Boos 65-K, any cost to the of way and also reduce the ~ motion which Mr. Madsen moved that the Council instruct the City Attorney to take such action as is ~ecessary to clear the encroachment from the right of way. Mr. ~oos seconded, Notion carried 5-0. MINUTES Oity Council' Boynton Beach, Fla. February 18, 1965 C Proposed Improvement to East-West Alley between N.E. 2nd Ave and ~.E.lst Ave,, from U.S.#1 Westward to N.E.4th St, - Resolution 65-L Public Hearing on this improvement was called. Mr. Howard Austin, owner.of Lots 3 thru 5{ Block 1, Original Town of Boynton, opposed the Improvement, stating that Austin Hardware Company had planned to use that property for a parking area and that it would add to the congestion at the intersection ?f N. E, 4th Street and N. E. 2nd Avenue. He suggested that the City abandon the alley and give it to the abutting property owners. It was estzmated that the cost of the proposed improvement would be $825.00. An~approximate distance of ~82' ~gmains to-be paved. 5~r. Banks further with vantage in his plan opened. discuss this improvement t would be to his ad- to have this alley Mr. Howard Hood, Service, owners of. 1 and Z, Block 1, :on, spo~e in opposition to ~he %mpro~e.ment. ~ening up of the property as,in his opinlon~ it a traffic hazard on U. S. #i. He said that he did not ~ee that~ the Droperty owners needed the alley in there. Mr. William H. Wohlleb, representing the First Bank of Boynton Beach, spoke infarct of the improvement, stating that the bank had already paved part Of the alley and would bear the cost of Mr. Austin's half of the improvement. He said that the Bank felt that it wouldeliminate traffic tie-up by allowing more ingress and egress. Abutting property owners were, Austin Store & Farm, Inc., C. Stanley Weaver, Florida East Coast Railway, First Bank of Boynton Beach, Ann Barrett and Cities Service. · N~..Madsen moved that the objecti?ns heard tonight.were snsuffscsent and contrary to the ~best interest of the Csty and that they be overruled and the City proceed with the project in accordance with Resolution 65-L, and that the City Manager and Superintendent of Public ~orks proceed with the ~mplementation of the project. Mr. Boos seconded. Motion carrsed 5-0. -4- MINUTES ~ity Council Boynton Beach, Pla. February 18, 1965 .OLD BUSINESS Shell Oil Station - Corner of N, E. 2nd Avenue and U. S. #1 .Mayor Nahoney informed the Council that Shell Oil Company had Informed the City that they had no further connection with regard to,a lease wi.th the property which was the subject of condemnation proceedings located on the NorthweSt corner of N, E. 2~dAvenue and ~. S. Highway #1. Mr. Banks moved that the license ldxngPermit that had been issued to the Shell Oil construction and operation of a service sta- tion ~ removal of the existing structure within be revoked. Mr. Archie seconded. The motion r from Shell Oil Company confirming the break in the lease was read into the record ~y the City Attorney. that Mr. mit representing the license f agreement dealing matter be ta~01ed seconded. ~4otion carried owner of the property, I~Lr. 3. ~rd his client did not reoog- ~heSheli Oil Company and .on should be Moseley, and that to the removing of the per- property. Regarding he contznuatlon of the ondemnat~on proceedings, it touch with refezence to an ~r. Madsen moved that the meeting. Mr. Archie ~tudy of Ratesand Exoansio~of th~ S~wer Svstem- Russell &Axon Mayor Mahoney met hous~ of rates of theC'm~ $500.0 sen that the Co~cil had the day and t.hat it was their ~ against an actual .1 authorize the study and Axon at a cost of calendar days. Mr. Nad- Renewal of Contract ~ Hu~nicu~t & Associates Mayor ~ahoney dated December 16, with~nafew days a of $Z,075.00,,~ that she had recei moved that the contract Hunnicutt & Associates, they would mail the City or the year 1985~ at a price t96~. Mrs. Padgett stated referred to. Mr. Archie Associates in the amount -5- MINUTES Oity Council Boynton Beach, Fla. February 18, 1965 of $2~075.00 be approved.for the year of 1965 and that the ~yor and City Clerk be authorzzed to sign the contract after it has been.approved by the City Attorney? Mr. Nadsen seconded. Motion carrie~ 4-1. AYES: Nesters. Arc~ie, ~dsen, Banks and Mahoney; NAYES: Mr. Boos. fe~ Nfs. Kathteen Kirton said that she had transcribed the con- members of the , Couac~l and Hunn~cutt & Assoe- L1 re- read into the record recent ,ons, Inc., which ti property AWARDING OF BIDS Annual Supply,of Gasoline and Oil ~on the recommendation of the committee, }~r. Arch~e move~- tha~ diesel fuel· ~asoline, motor 9il, ~rease and chassis lubr~- cat~n~ oil be 'awarded to the low b~dd~r, Standard Oil Company; diesel oil be awarded to Gulf Oil Company; and that the bid for hydraulic oil be spl~t bet een Gulf Oil and Cities Service Oil as their bids were identical and they had a~reed to split on a half Fear basis. ~.~ Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0. AnDual Supply of Pipe Mr. Archie moved that this item be tabled. Mr. Banks seconded, Motion carried 5-0. ~nnual Suoply or-Chlorine Mr. Madsen moved that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Delray Chemical Company. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Annual Supply of Tires & Batteries ~r. Archie moved that the recommendation of the co~zmittee be followed and that Don's Firestone, the low bidder_ be awarded the bid on t~res and Boynton Auto Supply· low bidder, the bid on batteries. ~r. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0. -6- MINUTES ~ity Council Boynton Beach, Fla. February 18, 1965 Tennis,Courts The committee recommended the low bid of F. C. Feise Com- pany in the amount of $5760.00 be accepted, contingent upon the resurfacing of the two existing tennis c~urts by this company be completed before commencing const.r?ctxon of the n~w courts. Mr. Madsen moved that the recommendation of the committee be accePted-and, that the bid be awarded as stated abo~e. Mr.Arch~e' seconded~ Notion carried 5-0. Highway Island Naintenance anti be the awardin~ of this bid bid from Hasten Johnson in the · to approximately one-fourth of the Mr. Archie moved that the item Motion carried 5-0. ,.Tennis Court Contract with P. C. False Mr. rchle: draw up a contra, and City Cl~rk ! motion carrmed T ~ftorney be instructed to else Company and that the Nayor same. Mr. Banks seconded; OPENIN~ OF BIDS Mr. Archie moved that the bid items tabled at the last meeting because of receiving only one bid each, namely, annual supply of shell rock, lime rock and ranching around the new ten- nis courts, be removed from the table. Mr, ~adsen seconded. Notion carried 5-0. Shell Rock and Lime Rock The following bids were received: 1. Herb Willard Trucking, Lantana, Fla. Shell rock $1.85 per yd. Lime rock 1.88 per ton ~. Ed Ctanton Trucking, Boynton Beach, Fla. Shell rock $1.80 per yd. Lime rock 1.85 per ton 3. Keatts Trucking Service, Boynton Beach, Fla. Shell rock $1.84 per yd. Lime rock 1.89 per ton -7- MINUTES City Council Boynton Beach, Fla. February 18, 1965 Mr. Madsen moved that the bids be tabled and turned over to a committee of M~. Kain, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Allan for recom- mendation~ Mr. Archie s~conded. Motion carried 5-0. Fencing Argund Ne~,,T~nnis C~urts to go secure · had been received, the Council agreed hadaudeavoredto Florida Fencing Company, ~UBLIC HALF-HOUR 3__unior Chamberof Commerce Proposal for Recreational.,Pacilities Mr. Joe Cook representing the Boyn±on Beach Junior Chamber of Comma{ce said that that grganization was in favor of promoting and working for the completion of two items. The first, the improvement of the park and ramp facilities located in the north section of town, He pointed out that Bovnton Beach was being by-passed by the boating public, and pre~ented the Council with an artist's sketch of the facility as they would like to see it improved. Mayor Mahoney appointed Mr. Archie to work along with the Junior Chamber of Commerce to implement this program. The second item that Mr, Cook said the Junior Chamber of Commerce was interested in working toward, was the locating of a recreational facility on property running .from the highway to the Intra~Coastal Waterway south of Hampshire Gardens. T~e parcel of land was owned by Florida Inland Navigational District and hat organszatson was wsllsng .to lease the land to the City at a rate of $1.00 per yea~ with fsve-year contract with a renewal clause. E.I.N.D. made the stipulation that the property could be h improved by using t e fell from.the east side of the property --canal fill--and that no buildings could be placed on the pro- said this piec~ of this City to a park than restrooms. NLr. Cook was interested in making it to the City. to ~ork with the Sayeees on that the Council instruct the F,t~N,D. to lease this ~r. Archie seconded. Mr. Moore -8- M I N U T E S City Council Boynton Beach, Fla. February 18, 1965 asked if the City wanted to assume any financial obligation in respect to this. After discussion, it was decided to leave this up ±o the committee as it was not possible to determine how much help the Ja~cees would furnish and also how much assistance would be forthcoming from the StateRoad Department. Mr. Archie ~ointed out that all this contract would indebt the City for was 1.00 a year, ~pon a call for the vote, the motion carried 5-0. MiscelI the ng recent re- pairs made to existing problems. He ~ on this, Mr. for a traff places State Road Depa this was one of them. ~ attention to the need L just in front of were five thatl ~ been r~ommended to the installation of storage lanes and Mr. Thomas Canavan, 518 N. E. ~th St., asked Councmt hen the sewer was going to.b?availabtet? his residence. He was told that it would deftni~ely~not be installed before the fgll. He also complained about excessive taxes and was told to brmng the matter to the Equalization Board in July, if not mn person, a letter would do. Resolution 65-M -,Amending Civil Service Rules - Police Department Mr. Moore read Resolution 65-M which amended the existing Civil S~rvice I~ules and Regulations regarding promotions.within the Polmce Dep~rtment. Mr. Banks m~ved tha~ the-resolution be adopted. ~. ~adsen seconded. Mormon car~ied 5-0. Resolution 65-N - Urginq Construction of State Read 9 Mr. Moore read the resolution. Mr. Madsen moved that the Resolution be adopted. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Kain was requested to place on the agenda of a workshop meeting the desire of Council to set up a meetin~ with the City Manager to look over the proposed route of Inter-State 1-95 so that entrances could be<considered. Prooosed Charter Change with Respect to Section 53 Mr. Banks stated that his position on the Charter change affecting the position ofMayorwas, after considerable thought, that he felt that it would not be a step forward to go back to the old system. He was still of the opinion that the new system -9- MINUTES City Council Boynton Beach, Pla. February 18, 1965 was not the right way. He felt that the people should have an opportunity to vote for the Mayor and the most advantageous way would be to have ~ separate election for the Mayor at the same time as the Council election is held. Mr. Archie moved that theCouncil instruct the City Attorney to delete this section from those Charter changes to be presented to the State Legislature. Y~r. Banks seconded, Motion carried 5~0. - T Contract on Fire Protection own of Ocean draw up Ridge, sen Archie Ci!y Attorney be instructed to pr faction for the Town of Ocean this contra~t was signed fire - under the old,contract. Mr. Mad- tied 5-0. ADMINISTRATIVE Acceptance of 1963-64 Audit Report Mr. Madsen moved that the Council accept the 1963-64 Audit Report. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0, Appointments to Civil Service Bqar~ Mayor Mahoney suggested that the Council appoint Ernest J. Vermeersch to the Civil Service Board to take the place of Mr. William Allan, who was recently employed by the City as Tax Assessor and Purchasing Ageni. Mr. ~dsen moved that ~. Vermeersch be appointed to fill the position. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor 5~honey suggested that Bedford Jones be appointed as an alternate to the Board to fill the term of Colonel Dolsey. Mr. Archie moved that Mr. Jones be appointed to fill the alter- nate position. Mr. Madsen seconded, Motion carried 5-0. List of Paymen_tsby Funds made. in January 1965 Fir. Banks moved that ihe list of payments made in January 1965 be made a-part of these minutes. ~r. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES City Council Boynton Beach, Pla. February 18, 1965 Payments made in January 1965 by Funds: General Fund Water Fund Meter Depositors Fund Sewage Fund Sewer Deposit Fund Publicity Fund I~t~rest & Sinking ~und Civic Center Bond Sznking Fund Boy~,~tgn Beao~ ~morial Park Fund Municipal Swimming Pool Bond Fund $173,138.11 43,649.56 367.50 17,088.96 13.50 662.84 11.80 1,220.00 1.~5 Deoartme~tal Reports $242,171.95 All the departmental reports were tabled until the next meeting. Mayor Nahoney called a workshop meeting for Saturday morning, February 27, 1965. Mayor Mahoney said that he would call for a progress re- port of all committees on the first meeting in March. $pproval of Bills 1. Gerald Hawkins, Certified Public Accountant Mr. Madsen moved that the bill from Gerald Hawkins, certi- fied Public Accountant, for auditing services ending October 31, 1964, including audit reports of April 30 and July 31 and a spec- ial report on the Sanitation Department, be paid. The funds to be paid from Accounts #1820P-4 and 6100F-4-b. The amount of the payment $1,455.00. Mr. Archie seconded. Notion carried 5-0. 2. Cleary Bros., Estimate #4. Mr. Archie moved that estimate #4 in the amount of $35,353~89 for work on system 10Al for the period of time from December 29, 'd 1964, to January 25, 1965, be pal , from the t964 Bond Issue. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES City Council Boynton Beach, Pla. February 18, 1965 3. Russell & Axon - Invoice Mr. Madsen moved that the bill for $1,784,44 from Russell &Axon for engineering services and resident Inspection during the month of January 1965, from funds available in the 1964 Bond Issue, be paid. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried §-0. OTHER Mayor Mahoney advised the Council that he had asked Mr. Kain to investiqate the cost o~ ~nst~lling a spe~king system that would re¢o~d from any position in the Council Cham~bers'and also r~ ~ individual speakers for each position at the table, wired directly to the recording maching and report to Council. The meeting was adjourned a~ 10:40 p.m. hie,/Coun lman // Tereesa Padq~h, City Clerk Ch~s. N. Boos, Councilman -12- PATMER~S ~E IN JANUARY NT DATE - 19~5 Jam~ar~/+ ..................... $6543.4? 5 ..................... 6 ..................... 552.29 ? ..................... ~6~1.49 8 ..................... ~148.76 11 ..................... 12 ..................... 162..4.3 '[$ ..................... 31.e~ ~4 ..................... 15 ..................... 9266.29 PA/ME~S MADE I~ JA~HuRY 1965 BY i~I~DS WATER FUND METER DEPOSITORS F~ S--~AGE FU~D ~EWER DEP0~IT FUND PD1~LI CIX~ FUND t.&S. FUND CI'F~C CF, t~T.~t, BONB SiNKI~C, Ye.fiD B.B. MEMORIAL PARK ~ MUN. SNI~ING POOL BON~ F~ January 5, 1965 PAYmEnTS MADE IN JANUARY 1~6~ 10614 10615 10616 10617 10618 1{3{,19 10621 10622 1 0623 10624. 1~25 10632 t0~ T~emas 5. Orof% 216.$6 Geme Moore 83.34 WhiSt MacDowell 132.00 Amerioa~ ~ater ~s. Assoc. Bill-A-Pak Come, my 6.76 Boymton Auto S~pply, ¢0. 173.80 E~ Clariten Trmoking ~0,00 Denis Fires~me 2~.20 E13~otts Generat~r Service 35,00 lrleri~a Printing ¢0. 3~,24 Gr~vbar Electric Co., Inc. 3~;29 · es el~h Tomberg 21.6~ S. ¢. Costly 414.52 ¢. 0. w~aer 280. 19 ~oe's ~r'~ & Rest&mr&m% 7~.1~ ~Ma .?&in% Kettle 28.?0 Pioneer ~lag 0ompamy 39~00 $emex Corp. 15~.00 ]~ab~. C~mtructi~n Co. 2669.49 S-~_?t~3r Mattress Co, 165.'eo $~gnal Associates Inc. 303.?5 Va .ha & r ht, 156, ~mies Oan?as a Trim Shop ~'ic F? Y~ol~ Bus. Mash., Ino. 2J~ Eo~ratom ~te11-Pump & Spt. Sup, 182~03 ~on!s ~ire~ tsme ]Nmeaa-~war~ Co. ~s A. E~, Jr. 6165~111 WAT~ REVENGE 803~ Gene. Moore. 8040 ~]~itt MacDowell 25.00 8041 Ameriea~ Wa~er Works Assoc. 15.0~ 042 B I · 42.03 ~ ~ea~ Bre~ Ce~t. Co. ~.~ SEWA~ O~ ~01 ~amkhomse Eleotric Supply gepNazmfaetmri~gOo. .1.~?. $%am Sheets Photography 116 Rubin Constx-action Pma~ 106/,,6 1064'7 106, 10649 10~51 1%4o 188.69 28~.71 319J/1 The Blossom $heppe $.50 Florida Pla~ & Development 5.00 R. L. 6~mmmens Printing 14.38 Jackson Auto Electric Inc. 17.75 Joe's Grill & Rest&infant 59.80 Markal Appraisal Chart Co. 5.00 A. L. McGregor, Dist. 20!.41 Real Estate Directories, Inc. p, lm Be&eh J~aior College 15.00 6843.4? ?AYM~T$ MA~E IN JA]~ARY 1~)6~ January 6 January 7, 10652 lo653 1065/+ 106.56 Florida Power & Light Co. Florida Fower & Light City of Boyn Bch(Water) So~therm Bell Tel & Tel Co. S~ut~era Bell Tel & Tel Co. WATER R. ~ ~ Rimker' ~a%erial~s, Cor~. Florida Power & Light 0602 Florida Power & Light Co, 0603 City of Moy~ B~Water) 118 . Souther~ Bell Tel & Tel ~L F~ 1.~. ,Be~ton Bch Fire Dept. GENERAL F~ff~ 10661 1O662 Ie663 1O664 1~66'7 10668 lo669 ~T~ 8049 ~51 8055 5_598 5599 56OO 5601 56o2 5603 5604 56O5 56O6 ~EPOSITOR~ ~ Ac0%, of _Mae Acer of Jehnuy Parker Acer of 8~ L. ~e Aeet of ~s, ~r Sh~er Acc% of Ola~e Hiekox Robert Ro~riq~z Acct of ~o~olida~ Dev. Ao~t of ~%o ~r O~ude RJ T~l.r Acc% of Jo~ Aect of A. A. ~ Ci~r of Boyn Beh(P. 0. ) ~.7.76 514.95 152.10 15.75 14. 3~f 18.13 2o~2.~2 2085.02 636.55 90.82 ?2'/./+0 11,70 3.85 17, 54. 246.25 .80 1,.90 2.60 361.29 7.50 7.50 '7'.50 7.50 7;50 7.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.:50 7.50... 90..00 ~017.32 552.2~ Jammary 8 Jamuary 11 Ja~aary 12 PA_~m~S ~S ~W JA~A~ 1965 I & S FUN~ 119 The C~-~e Mamhattem Bamk CMC CEI~T~ BO]~ SI~SI~G ~ t20 ~he.Chase Manhattan Baak ~ERAL MTND 15670 Ci%y of Beya Bah(General F.) 15671 U. S. Pest 0ffice 10672 0i~ of' ~y~ Bch(P.C.) 1~ C. Pop~ 1~ ~ssieaer ef Me~r V~ct~ 1~75 City ef ~ Beh(P~e~) WATER Rsvsmum FEN~ 8052 H. $. Pes~Offi¢e 8059 ~ity of Boy~ Bob(Payroll) SEWAGE FUND 06Q5 ~OUSe & Moms, Inc. ~06 ci~7 of ~a Sch(Pa2roll) 61;30 100.00 ~9~ 3o 90.15 2029.~? 1112.38 10678 10679 10680 10681 10682 10683 10684 19685 WATER REVEN~E FEND 8060 JO~es Chemicals, Ime. 18;11 178:; 58 35.oo 17.85 115.52 8.OO 6.00 1~.00 167.12 591;1.8. SEWAGE F0~D 0607 Jones 0~emicals, Ina. GENERAL ~N~ !i0~6~ Cem~ssiemer of Notor Vehicles 1068~ Capri ~imer 10688 oft7 of so3m Beh(P.C.) 8061 Doris Copp 8062 Homelite 9iv. of Textron WATER 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 DEPOSITORS 1~ Aec%. of Doris .Copp A¢c~ of Ed. Jones Aeo~ of Grady Merrett Acer of Wm. Nar~in Acc~ of De'-~,iu N. Brown E~nest H. Wilhelm SEWAGE F~R 0~08 Homelite Div. of Textron 3.75 32;5{) 1 O0, 23 5.20 1.~0 6.70 7. 50 7.50 7.50 7;5O 7.50 7.50 45.00 PAYNE~T$ NA~E IN JANUAE[ 1965 (C0NT) Jamaary lA, 1965 Jamuary 15, 1~5 ~dAGE DEI~$IT FU~D 271 A¢ct of Audrew Hums 6. 0 GEE~ERAL F~I~D 10591 Atlantic Eefrigera%iom, Inc. 2~.00 Inc. 83,84 10692 10693 10695 10696 10698 1O700 lO?02 10V03 I07e~ lOYO? 1OYES 1~09 1~10 1~11 1~12 1~13 Personnel Assoc. ef palm Bob. C%. 10.00 Edwi~ R. Pelkonem 22. 56 Tidal Holding Corp. 178.18 tour% Records, Inc. 50.00 De, arco Tractor.& Imp. 0o~ 3~.~? ~eWitt ~hemieal ~o, 53.21 De~!s Firestone 15.80 FlOrida-Georgia Tractor Co. 287.~4 R~ L. Gr~mmone Primti~g 20;85 C~tlf Stream LumBer 0o. 17;01 Harl ey-Ravi~s om 48 Indepe~eat Truck Equi~memS Co. 38.~ Joe,s Grill & Restaurant 156.50 Kea~ts Trueing Service 49.40 A. L. McGregor, Dist. 73.32 ~er Trmok E~ipme~t Co. tY of. Boy~ B0h(Payrctl) .34 ~ity 0f Bo3m Bob(payroll) 4803. peaoeck,s Radiator Service ~4.26 Pier. r8 ~hemical Co. 17.6~ PlUm,s Professional Pharmacy 77.2~ A.l.v-ia W. Elutte 119~50 City cf Boya Bob(Payroll) ,22 City of Boym Bch(Payroll) R.B. Masom 6.00 Estate cf Christima N Norris 2.00 Doyle Ir~im WA~ DEP~ITORS FUND Aect of Lowell Armstrong HOmelite Corp. Acct of R. B; Masom Aces of ~eo. Norris Acc% of Boyle Irwim Aeot of Jack Torr~as METER 5616 $617 5618 5619 Joha B. Duakle Eartey ~uppl~ Co. w~3 Nam~ac~ Ce. ~EWAGE 0511 7. 50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.~ 7. 0 45.00 2.85 16.17 85.53 162.43 31.05 ~Am~S ~ ~N JA~A~ 1~5 (C~) 0612 A. L McGregor, Dist. 5.64 8613 City 0f Beym Bch(Payrell) 416.83 627.02 SEWAGE DEPOSIT 272 Ao¢%. of Aewetl krms%ro~g __ PUBLI¢ITY FO~D 121 BeymBc~ C~amber of Cemmerce 323.83 _ Jam~ary 18 Jauuary 19 BOYNTON ~[~AC~}~;I~0~T~T. PARK FUND 125 City ofBoy~ Bch U ' 1~71~ .General Ias. mderwrmters, Iac. 1~;'/17 1¢/18 1~'/19 1 ~/25 1~/21 10"/22, 1~725 1~26 1~27 leT~ 1~32 89?2 8578 ~E~AGE Q614 ~f5 0617 0618 15.eO Amerieam Playgream4 Beviee Ce, 40.97 Nr. ~eergg.. Fres% 283. 55 0r~ Exte~mimat~mg $ew-11 ~ard%,are Co. Supply Tropical Paint Vaa Dee Ia4ustries Earl .~/allace~ Me,ers, Inc. -?0I~ 39.47 137.~ 74.19 TOm Wee~ Truck E~uipmemt Co. ~ue .~ross & Elue Shield cf ~a. ~ ~ae~r & ~p. ~o. 17;81 1494.32 495~ 14/.62 4~75,~-283.50 0il Cor~. Fm~t'arers I~fe I~s. Co. 63~.49 R... L. Grummoms Pri~tiag ~;25 City o£ Boyn Bob(P.O.) 2;23 Tro~g~ ~c.. of.~o~ 11%69 ~ue C~se ~ ~ue~ ef ~a. 12.3~ ~f~e~ Life ~. Co. 1,108 PUBLIOITY FUND 122. ~lf Oil Corp. 1(~16 America~Pmblishers Corp. 100;59 10733 City of B?yn~oh(P.C.) ~2.9~ 1(E;'3~ Gene M~re 35.00 1~35 Bo~n Travel ~ency 91.2~ 1~ E~c F. Y~ep~. ~ch., ~. 11.25 9266.29 5768.33 - 283.50 5~84.83 C 10737 1O738 1~741 10742 10743 1~ 1~45 1~46 1~47 1~50 I~51 I~52 Sargent-Sewell, I~c. 163;63 Sperts ~aven 91.26 M~ci~ C~e Co~. 171.~ ~obbs-~e~ ~ ~ Ce. 21~23 ~e~c~ Pa~ Ce. 33.80 Yo~ & W~e ~ Co~. 1~.8~ ~ou~ ~e~ Tel & Tel Ce. 511.~ S~ Bell Tel & Tel Co. 43.15 ~ Beach S~ 1~.03 Bee~ & ~ ~ey, Ymc. 13~;0~ O~ Co~butio~ ~ ~ ~s~ ~e of ~ P.B. ~.~ S~e~ Pa~- ~o~ 1~3 ~ P~uc~ ~ P~ Beach 12852~e2 8Q8e 8e82 Souther~ Bell Tel & Tel Cc. 2.55 S.o~%her~ Bell Tel & Tel Co. Beery & Brewn Age.y, Ime. .450~00 OASI Contribution ~ 681..~ 1148.82 SE'dAGE 0621 e622 ~623 Douse & Seas, Ins. 595.00 Jehu B. Daakle. 5.70 8outher~ .Bell Tel & Tel Ce. 3.95 Beery & Brc~nAge~cy, Ins. 4.22 OASI Con~ri~utien FAud 1~1.$1 ?60.28 I&S~ 123 Bey~ton Beach ~ar GENE~ % FU~ 1.075/+-C[flzrch of Latter Day Saints 10755 10756 1~75~ 1O758 10759 10760 t~761 10762 .~66 1~67 1~68 Picard ~heaLical Co. Cadillac Engravers, Inc. Beynton Auto Supply. ~ Del~..rco Tracer & 'I~. Co. East Coast Fire Equipment Donald S. Lavigne~ I~e. Wades Cauva~~ & ~Trim~.~hop Jemes' Equipment ~e. ~harles L.' '~eye~ & $~u Raymond O. Proctor ~ L~e~d ~arner E~rly Supl~ly Company T~ Baker & 'Taylor ¢o'. WATER 8084, 8085 8086 8093 REVEBUE FUND Boyaton Auto Supply Ch~les L. Meyer & Son Davis I~eter & Supply Co., Inc. Ocean Ridge ~e~. Ce. Do~e3.d R. Webb 2~Q1 10.05 65.30 92.~3 313.00 23e. 16 ?%20 20.00 1.63 3.51 35.30 2~e.86 t80~ .O3 2.2~ 212.50 .50 6.~ 553.~ 14770.65 Jammry21, 1965 Ja~aary 22, 19~5 5621 Acc% ef 0cea~Ridge Dev. Co. 7.5e 5622 Acot of Jo~mMomcur 7.5e 5623 Aeet of T. N. ~araer 7.50 5624 Acc% of $. Cin~ue 7.50 5625 Ace% ef H.'~. Killy 7.50 5626 Aee% of Dorm~ld R. ~ebb 7~$ 45.e0 ~E~A~ ~ 0625 0h~les L. Meyer & Sea 12.36 0626 Tisdale's 62.5e 06~ ~e Moore ~LIOITY ~ 125 P,,~w,.Beaeh Couaty $reight Tra. 808? City of BOys ~eh 8~88 Oi~r of Boy~ Be~(Sewer ~) ~ ~ey &/Griffi~ ~c. 2.~i2 81~1 Re~ & ~p. Rev. Be~ Sk. ) 9283~ 0628 City.of Boys Bch(~eral) 78o~2 0~9 Cit7 of Bo~ Bch(Wa~r) ~3e ~. a ~. ~- ~. Sk. F.) ~3.2e 11~9~1 PUBLIOI~ FO~9 126 City .of.Boym Bob(General) le363.5~ 4.30 2087.72 2~8o02 3123.46 75987.87 ga~. 26, 196S PA_ S JAW A Y 1%5 (toFf) WAT. F,R DEPOSITORS FUN~ 5627 Midian Briesh 7~50 5628 Thomas E. W~33iams 7.50 562~ Ci~ ef Beym Bch(Aect A.Welff) 7.50 5631 Acer of Leon Cloutiee 30.00 SEWAGE ~UN9 0631 Ci~ of Boyn Bch(Pa~retl) 1~ B~n Au~ ~, ~. ~.~ 1~91 Bo~ ~C~, ~e. 63.1~ 1~93 ~ ~n 2~,~ I~ ~o~ si~ 85.~ 1~9f ~ 1~, ~e. 55.7A ~096 Riley-Field ¢0. 437.10 80~7 Riley-Field 00. 1820,$2 8~98 N. R. Field, TrUStee 2Z~?.80 809~ A~3~tate Equipme~% Re~tal 35.S0 8100 B & H Sale. s, Inc, 1203.~0 8102 Boynton Auto Supply, Inc. 7.3% 5950.86 FUND Beyate~ Aute Supply, Y~e. 11.12 Da~$ Me~er & ~p. Ce~ ,~c. Ci~ of ~.~J~A~ct.~e Wa~) 11.2~ 1(~/96 Delray [gai'U. en 16.59 1~ ~e~'s ~resteme 71.05 1~98 ~w~ Co. 11.~ 1~ Earl~ ~ 20.29 1~ ~nm~EO ~ C~ 52~05 10801 ~. ~. 0~ ~ ~.35 1~02 ~a~o~e ~ec. ~ 8.~ 1~3 ~aye~ ~io ~c~cs 122.78 131~/.10 Jan. 2~, 1965 ?Artemis ~A~E n~ JAN~U~, 19~ (co~.) 1~80~ ~e'~s orill & Res~auramt 10~ 1 1~8~9 10810 1~811 10813 1051~ 10816 1{)817 1~18 1~81~ 10820 1~21 Joe!s, Grill & Restaurant Demal~ S. La~gae; Inc. Bemald S. Lavig~e, Inc. L~xer Ligh~i~ ~ro~uc%s Palm Beach Spr'~g Ce. palm Beach Office Sapply Ken Snew- ~euthern paper Cempaa~ District. Dir. Int. Revere Petty Gash Xe~ ~ ~ea..¢~sualty ¢o. ef Wise. ~urber's A~erica~ ~riffi~h, I~c, Inc. of Fleri~a Seuther~ Bell Tel, & Te~. Seutherm Bell Tel. & Tel. 23.72 82.65 139. le 116.77 29.% 26.25 31.11 80. 3~ 1~.2~ 6.15 101~. ~9 ~.20 59, ~ WAT~FU~ 8103 ~almBeaeh Co. Fr~.Traffic 200.00 810~ cit~of B.~. (P.e.) 14;5o 8105 Sea%hera BellTel.~a Tel. 79.00 5530 Eraest. Beck ~ _ 7.50 5~32~ ~'e~"B~(Acct. Jasm. ~eaa) 7.50 5633 ~Luc~130 ~cKee Thomas 7.~0 SE~AGE FUND 0634~ DO~S Firestone 12.62 0635 ~uucan~E~ward Co. 16. 17 0636 Framkheuse Elec. ~apply 10.35 0638 Yeemaaa Brothers. Co. t?.67 o~3~ C~t~ of s.B. (~.c.) .~.~ P~BLICiT[ FON~ ~1971 T~e Nautilus 1~3 ~Lu!gi's Spaghett;A Nomee 45~$. 15 15825 Cem~ssie~er ef Molter Veh. 7.5@ 10825 Ci%y ef B~B. (P.~.) 39,66 10826 City of B.B. (. P~C.,) 80.~6 585.37 '72~2.02 Ja~. 28, 1965 PA-VigilS HADE IN JANUARY, 196f, 10827 ~ae Paymaster Cerpora%ion 10828 Walter A. I(a~se~ 42.50 35.00 8108 Framk 0. A~4a~o 1.90 8109 J. W. ~ilber~ 4.90 8110 H. W. ~ .,2.~ 9.?0 DEPOSITORS ~ City of B.B.(Aee%.E~ge~e ~taz) 7.50 Cit~ of B.B.(A~%. ~ A~e) 7.50 ~ of B-B2 (A~=%.J.W.G~ber%) 7.50 Ho~ F~.~s & ~ 7.~0 60.00 10829 _ Oolor-Drives of PIori~a 100.00 1083~ 0ity of B.B. (Payroll fume) 5915.62 10831 U. Si Pos% Office 350.00 10832 James J. Ma~Omey 2~.00 10833 Jeha L. Arekie ~ ~1]! Cil~ of B.B. (Payroll lh~) 8113 Brolliar-_l~ay Corp. 8114 Lon Saa~a. 1038,78 ~3.50 1.80 lO~4.08 565 city off ~.~. (?&yroll Fu~) MET~ DEPOSITOiiS F~D 5651 Ci~ of B.B. (Acct. B~ie~y) 5652 Leon Clo~tier 5653 Ci~ of B.B. (Aec%. 556.38 15.00 7.50 ?.~0 30. O0 1A7.20 8063.08'