Minutes 01-18-65}~INUTES OF REGULtR ~-ET~qG OF CITY COUNCIL, H~LD IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, J~NUARY 18, 1965, at 7:30 P.M, ,PRESENT_: JA~ES J. EAHONEY, MAYOR ~TALTER ~. i~!ADSEN, VICE ~AYOR JO~ L. ARCHiE, COUNCII~N J. ALLISON BANKS, COUNCIL~AN CHAS. N. BOOS, COUNCI!¢~N Fo T. KAiN, CITY MANAGER GEnE ~00P~ CiTY ATTOP~EY TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK Mayor ~a_h~ey called the meeting tO o~er at V:30 p.m, The Rev. Henry Jarvis 6~f, SOuths.ide Baptist ChurCh gave the invocation. Mr~ BOoS led the Salute to ~*ha Flag, ~l~L~ES Mr. Banks moved that the minutes of Jmnuary 4th be approved as written. Mr. ~adsen seconded. ~otion carried 8-0. AWARDING OF BIDS ~ruck with Garba_ge Packer Bod~ Nr. Kain reported to Council on the recommendation of the committee assi~ed to study the bids. The following recommenda- tions provided ~he lowest combination of prices ~ th equipment to meet specifications: Garbage Truck - DeNarco Tractor Co. ~5,792.00 Compaction D~it w/ Option-H, A, ~ason Co. 5~297~80 ~11,089.80 ~r. Archie moved that the Council accept the recommendations and award the bids as listed above. ~ro Banks seconded, action carried 8-0. Two Two-Ton Truqks - One with Scow B_ody and One Flat Bed The following recommendation was made by the committee as reported by !~!ro Kain: Truck ~ith Scow T~ash Dump Body: Truck Luternational Harvester Body - Independent Truck Co. 1~78~0~ -1- ~4,726.26 MINUTES Boyaton Beach~ Fla. January 18, 1965 Truck with Flat Bed Dump Body: Truck - International Harvester $3,248,26 Body - Independent Truck Co, ,.1~I40~0__ ~ Banks moved that the bids be awarded as Archie seconded. Notic~ carried 5-0. reoom~ended. Twq Van Tru__cks 1¢~. Kain reported that the committee appointed by Council recommended that the trucks be purchased from DeMaroo Tractor & I~plement Co. at a bid price of ~3,590~00. This was the lowest bid received and the equipment which was G~C 1001 met the speci- fications. Mr. Archie moved that the Council accept the recommen- dation and award the bid to DeMarco Tractor & Implement Co. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5-0o Fire Chief's Car Mr, Kain recommended to Council that the low bid cf Earl Wallace Fol~d in the amount of $~,127~30 for a Ford Custom 4-door be accepted. Mr. ~dsen mOved that the bid be awarded as recom- mended, l~r. Archie seconded. Notion carried 5-0. !00 Fol~inE Chai~s f~r C%vic Center ~r. Banks moved that the recommendation of the committee be accepted and that the bid for 100 folding steel chairs be awarded to the low bidder~ Van Dee /~-dustries in the amount of $~2.00. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Gut~ers~ & Dgwnsoouts - Civic Center Complex It bein% 7:45 p,m., the ~Layor called for bids to be submitted on gutters and do~nspouts for the Civic Center Complex. One bid had been received at the January 4th m~eting from Carpenter Roof- ing & Sheet ~etal. and held ~opened for th~ receipt of other competitive bids in the ex~ended time allotted for the receipt of bids. No othor bids had been received~altho~h several local companies had be~n contacted by tbs City Hanager and had pronLissd to submit bids. It was decided to open the single bid. It was as follows: -2- cod ci Bo~mton Beach, Fla. January 18, 1965 Civic Center_ .Sr. Citizens Bldg. Galvanized Aluminum Copper ~1,55.0.00 ~.~ 362°00 (No b~d submitted) ~2,3O0o00 594.00 Mr. Archie moved that the Council award the bid to Carpenter Roofing and Sheet Metal Company for the installation of the copoer at a total price of ~2~944.00 .and utilize the contingency fond to make up the difference between the bid and the budgeted amount. Mr. MadSen seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Base Station and Four Mobile Units Mrs. Padgett opened an5 ~ead the following bids: ~iotorola Corp. Radio Corp. of America $1,836,00 - Radios 1,007.00 - Base Station ~1,809.00 - Radios 994,00 - Base Station Mr~ Banks moved the awarding of the bid to the apparent low bidder, The motion died for lack of a second. F~. Archie moved that the bids be turned over to a committee consisting of Mr. Kain, I~r. Taylor, Mr. Irwin and Mr. ~?~hit McDowell. It was determined that ~r. McDowell would have an expert opinion which would be unbiased as he was not connected with either company submitting bids. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARinG Rezonin~ Lots 3 ~ 4. B!k !~ E, Rober~ Addition from C-I to There was no one present to speak either for or against the requested zoning change. The request was made by Frsnk Smith. The Pls~u~.ing and Zoning Board had held a public hearing on the request and had recommended approval. Mr. Moore read 0rdin&uce 65-1 which affected the zoning change. Mr. Archie moved that Ordinance 65~1 be passed to second and final reading. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried 5-0. ~~t~re~ o~-~ ~.to~,~,h~,~st Corner of Mayor ~ahoney called for s~uyone present at the hearing wishing to speak in favor of the proceedings. No one appeared to speak MINUTES Boynton Beach, Fla. January 18, 1965 in favor. !~en the call was made for anyone wishing to speak in opposition, Mr. Jay Moseley, the owner, indicated that he would like a hearing. The City Attorney rea~ copies of two letters from the City of Boy, ton Beach to Mr. Jay Moseley mud the Shell 0il Company dated December 21, 1964 and January 8,~ 1965. Copies of these letters are attached hereto and made a part hereof. They were sent return receipt requested and the receipts are on file. Mr, Moore then presented the Council with eight photo- graphs which depiobed the property as of January t8, 1965 and indicated that these together ~dt~ copies of all ~o~re~pondence shoulSb~appended toth~ pe,~manent record o£ this meeting! o Building Inspector Harold Blanchette stated that the conditions had not been improved. Mr. Archie stated that he had personally visited the premises in question within the last three days and the conditions aa shown in the photograPhS were still in existence at that time~o ~. Moore, at the request of Mr. l~!osele~said that he had talked to a Mr. Woodruff of the hell 0~l ompany as of this date and that Mr. Woodruff had said that the oil ¢ompau~,~as at2empting to purchase some property i~mediately north of this ~ite in order to build the ~ype of station that they would like. Mr. Arehie ~sked the City Attomncy if an existing ordinance of the City did ct prohibit the erecting of ? 8as staltion on the pnoperty. Mr. Moore said that if the~ui~ding pemmit a~rea~Y issued had expired, a question as to a renewal 2h~reo~ weuld:definitely exist, Mr. Moseley asked the Council to extend the time on the con- demuation p~ocee~Lugs for ,sixty days 'and h~ wo~ld by that time have the buildings repairedor have ~hem removed. Mr. Madsen moved and Mr. Banks.seconded that the six~y-day extension be. granted, It was pointed out by ~r. Moore ~hat the condemnation proceedings gave Mr. Moseley twent~ days before the next step was taken, however, if an extension ~eme allo~e~ the procedure would have to be completely restarted. The motzon and '~econd was withdrawn. The Cocmcil instructed Mr. Eoore to read Resolution 65-1 which provided for the condemnation, Mro Archie mo~ved that Resolution 65-1 be adopted. Mr. Banks seconded. Motion carried 5~0. -4- MINUTES City Counci~ Boynton Beach, Pla. January 18, 1965 BIDS AWARDING One Used Jeep i~Ir. Kain said that the committee appointed by Council had inspected the two vehicles which were submitted on bid, namely, a 1961 Scout International from Fairoloth Truck & Tractor, West Palm Beach, Fla~ for ~1,200.00 and a 1963 Jeep 22~ from Earl Wallace Ford Delray Beach Fla. for $1,758.00. end that it was recommended that both bids be rejected as the ~nternational Scout was not suitable and the Jeep 220~ although suitable, was in excess of the amount of money budgeted for the purchase. Nr. Arehie moved that the Council r~ject the bids as recommended. Nr. Banks seconded. ~otion ~arried 5-0. ResurfacinE 01d T~nnzs Counts ~r. Kain advised Council that~the committee recommended to Council that. the bids-for reserfaczng the old tennis courts which were received at the last meeting both be.rejected. Nr. Banks moved.that the recommend~ti°n of the committee be accepted and the bzds be re~ec~ed~ Nr. Nadsen se~nded. ~otion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HALF-HOUR Albert Neh~ell, 938 Isle Road, told the Council that he was very much against changing the name of ~he City. Nr. Nadsen stated that he was opposed to changing the name of our City. Donald ~ard, ~51 N. E~ 28th Court, asked the Council abou~ the unsitely condition of the old police station and garage located to the west. ~r. Kain was asked to investigate the condition and possible solution and report back to Council. Mr. Mard also said he was against renaming the City. Mr. Nadsen stated that he ~o uld like to see door to door mail delivery to 1800 homes throughout the City and he moved that a letter be written to the Postmaster in Boynton Beach recommending that he check to give us door to door delivery. ~r. Archie seconded. ~otion carried 5-0. Tou~h in Government Day ~yor ~ahoney appointed ~r. Banks and Er. Eain to assist ~r. Lansing, Principal of Boynton Beach Jt~ior High on the Touth in Government Day. -8- MINUTES City Council Boynton Beach, Fla. January 18, 1965 Report on Personnel Mayor Nahoney requested a report from the Personnel Depart- ment on a monthly basis on all employees of the City who resigned or are discharged aud date of resignation or discharge and also date of employment. In the case of new employment, the report should include whcn they are replacing or if they are filling some new position. Er. Archie moved that a monthly personnel report administered by the City Eanager along these lines be adopted as a matter Of policy, Er. Banks seconded. ~otion carried 5-0, ~icense Review Mayor ~ahoney appointed Ers. Padgett, Ers. Clanton and Er. Rain as a committee to study the license schedule and recom- mend cha~ges. ' $~tabliShi~ Date for Sedond Re~q~ r Mee~i~E,~in February Er. Banks moved that the Council establish Thursday, FebrUary 18th at ~o .80 p.m. as the regu~ r second meeting in February. ~r. Emdsen seconded. Notion carried 5-0. LE~GAL Quit Claim Deed on Lot 2~, Glen Arbor Addition #1 to Florida Powe_~r and Light Co. ~r. ~£Oore recon~nended to Council that they convey Lot 28, Glen Arbor Addition #l to the Florida Power & Light Co. as they had agreed to pay the back taxes and beautify it. In this way the property which had been given to the City would be placed on the tax roll again. Er. Archie moved tha~ the Eayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed to the Florid~ Power &Light Co. on Lot 28, Glen Arbor Addition #l. Er. Banks seconded. ~otion carried 5-0. Re-enactment of Ordinance 64-25 - Board of Adjustment Upon the recommendation of Er. Moore, Er. Archie moved that Council re~snact Ordinance 64-25 which amended Section 31-15 of the Code dealing with the membership~ organization, duties and powers of tbs Board of Adjustmsnt. Eotion carried 5-0. -6- M~INUTES Boynton Beach, Flao January 18, 1965 Resolutions 65~D, 65-E, and, 65-F Er. Noore requested that the Council adopt resolutions on declaration of the necessity of opening several downtown streets which were standard forms that directed the Supt. of Public Works te get costs estimates and place them on file, Resolution65-D dealt with: Opening of so Eo 1st Ave. from UoS.#1 westward to S. Eo 4th St. Resolution 65--E dealt with: Opening N. E. 2nd from U.S.#1 to 6th St. and N.E. 6th St. 2nd Ave. to Oceau Ave. Resolution 65-F dealt with: Opening of public alley between No E. 2nd Ave. and N. E.. 1st Ave. U. S. #l westward to N. E. 4th St. ~r. Archie moved that the Council adopt Resolutions 65-D, 65-E and 65-F and authorize the City Attorney to proceed to remove any encroachments existing on the right-of-ways. Nr. I~adsen seconded. Notion carried ADNIN ISTRATIVE ~emation Certificates Nr. Nadsen moved that the following cremation certificates from ~organ Guaranty Trust Company be accepted and recorded. Certificate dated December 3, 1964 - 1745 coupons No. from 1961 Series A Water-Sewer Bonds Aggregate ValUe Certificate dated December 3, 1964 - 1650 coupons No. from 1961 Series B V~ater-Sewer Bonds Aggregate Value Nr. Archie seconded~ Not_On carried 5=0 ~olicitation Permit - United Fund Nr. Archie moved that the request oF the United Fund for a solicitation permit be granted and any fees connected therewith be waived. ~r. ~adsen seconded. Notion carrz~d 5-0. -V- M I N U T E S Oity Council Boynton Beach, Fla. January 18~ 1965 Storage Building in Boynton Beach MemoriaI Par___k Mr. Banks moved that the approval of the plans for the storage building to be erected in Bo2nton Beach Eemorial Park be tabled~ Mr. Madsen seconded. ~otion carried 5-0. Street, Im~,provement S. E. 12th Ave. F.E.C. Railroad Crossin~ Mr. Rain recommended that in,keepin~ ~ith the street ~mprove- merit program the Council authorize the ~tdening and improving of the S. E. 1Bth A~enue F~ E. C. Crossing to forty feet which would be ~niform in width with the avenue paving. The total cost would be approximately $1500o00~ Nr. Madsen moved that the Council authorize thTs improvement from special projects account 59-4. Mr. Archie seconded. ~on carried Approval ~f Bills 1. Cleary Bros. Construction CO., Estimate Mr. Archie moved that Cleary Bros. Construction Co. be paid Estimate #~ ~hich covered the period~from November 28, 1964 to December 28, 1964, for work on sanitary sewer system 10-A-l, in the amount of $1~,644.00. Mr. Madsen seconded. ~otion carried 5-0~ 2. Ronlee, Inc. - Final Estimate Mr. Kain recommended Ronlee, Inc. be paid in the amount of ~5~,611o29 which amount represented the final estimate on the contract from August 20, 1964 thru September 6, 1964, less penal- ty payment of $1,250o00 and adjustments and cleanup of $8,000.00. Mr. Archie moved that the bill be paid as recommended by the City Manager. Mr. Nadsen seconded. ~otion carried 4-0. Mr. Boos abstained on this item and on items ~. and 5. as the business had been transacted and work done prior to his being on the Council. Russell & Axon Mr. Madsen moved that Russell & Axon bill for Consulting ~ugineers Invoice ~2 - 5V54-SG in the amount of b1557.75 be paid. Banks seconded. ~otion carried 4-0. Nr. Boos abstained. ~r. Archie moved that Russell & Axon bill for Consulting Engineers Invoice ~28 - 5754-8 (C-~) in the amount of $95~.41 be paid. Mr. Banks seconde~ Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Boos abstain- ed. -8- M I N U T E S City Council Boy, ton Beach~ Pla, January 18, 1965 4. Beery & Brown- ~J~orkmen's Compensation Mr. Archie moved that an additional premium of $1,804.22 be paid to Beery & Brown for workmen~S compensation insurance as a result of an increase in the City's experience rating from 73% to 89% based on loss ratios from July l, 1962 to February l, 1963. ~r. ~dsen seconded. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Southern Gulf Utilities Mr. Banks moved that Soutlzern Gulf Utilities be paid under their contract for work from June .20, 1964 to October 18, 1964. Breakdown and retainage as follows: Total riot earned To~at Prior Payments ~ VO4,143oV1 601,038o06 Net Retainage 103,115.65 Penalty 105 days at ~50 Adjustments & Cleanup 5,250.00 $10,250.00 Recommended Pa ym~t ~92,865.65 Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Boos abstained. Utility Relocation A~reement The State Road Department had requested execution of two utility relocation agreements on the widening and improving of Seacrest Blvd. and North 2~d Ave. Mr. Archie moved that the Mayor and ~ity Clerk be authorized to execute the agreements. Mr. Nadsen seconded. Motion carried 5-~. Resolution 65-G and 65-H drawn to carry into effect the intent of the previous motion were brought to the attention of Council· Mr. Archie moved the adoption of Resolutions 65-G end 65-H. Mr. Nadsen seconded. Notion carried 5-0. DeDartmental Reoorts Nr. Banks moved that the Police, ation and Budget reports be accepted. Motion carried 5-0. Fire, Public Works, Recre- Nr. Archie seconded. -9- MINUTES City Council Boynton Beach, Fla. January 18, 1965 OTHER ~ayor ~ahoney requested that thePublic' ~orks report include the number of hours of labor that is charged to each department by the garage on repairs be included hereafter° Personnel Changes ~r. Archie moved that the position of fire'fighter-driver be established in the Fire Department and~that the person filling that position pay scale be made retroactive as of Novembe~ 1st. Mr. Banks seconded. Notion carried 5-0; ~r. Nadsen moved that the personnel in the Police Department be reorganized to add an Assistant Chief and one Lieutenant as per letter from Chief Irwin. ~r. Archie seconded.~otmon' carried §-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. L.- Arc~ie, Councilman ~n Banks~ Councmlman Chas. N. Boos, Councilman ereesa Padge~ ~ity CIe rk -10- December t, 196~ December 2, 196/* 10369 Thomas J. Croft 216.66 10370 Oe~ne Moore 83.34 10371 City of BoynB~m(P.C.) 9J85 10372 Whitt MacDowell 132.00 10373 Thomas J. Croft 20.00 W~TEB P~ FUND .85 7959 U.S. Post Office ~50.00 7960 S. Blsnche Pouliot 6.00 7961 W.V. Weber 1.20 7962 Doris Timlin 2.90 7963 Lou Samy~ 1.00 796/, Maxine Matthey 5.00 7965 C~ne Moore 41.66 79~8 Whitt MacDowell 25.00 531.76 ~T~DEPOSITOP~ FO~D 5552 Acer of S. B!~uche Pouliot 7.50 5553 Acer of Clyde D. Mooney 7.50 555/* Acer of W. V. Weber 7.50 5555 Aect of Doris B. T~m]in 7.50 5556 Acct of Lou Samyn 7.50 5557 Acct of~i DiVa~no 7.50 5558 Acct of Maxime Matthey 7.50 52.50 S~AGEF0~D 0565 Rufus E. Miller 1~.25 Vei~ t03'74 10:~76 103"77 10~8 10 ~0 ~o~ 10382 ~o3s~ lO384 ~ 0385 lO386 10~8~ 10~8 10~ 10~0 10~1 ~0~2 10~ 10394 10395 10396 1 o 1 10399 10400 Boyn Bch Fir~ Dept. 1000~73 Fred's Auto Se~-'~'iee 130.65 Gerald L. Hawkins 2~o50 Wi~i~ Leviue 1.38 City of Bo~Bch(P.C.) 20.59 J~es A. & Dorothy Pl,~tead 2.00 DaSd Kinsey 1~76 Addressograph M~ti~aph Corp. Pied Chemic~ Co. 39.20 Inter. Ir~tit. of M~i. Cle~ms 10.00 M~y's Trouser, ~c. t0C.O0 TheTropic~ ~ress, Inc. 75.00 Fr~o~s ~ect~c S~ply, The Btoss~ S~ppe Vi~ Held ~s ~7.10 Tid~Ho!ding Corp. 18,18 M. M. ~rket S. G, Oos~ 15.66 P~t& BerkEley 23.64 R. L, G~ons Pr~ 12.00 Pa~ B~eh Office Supply ~blic A~inistrati~ Se~ice Fla. Heereation Asso. H~sey & G~ffith~ Inc. Unit~ States Penc~ Co. ~u~e~ Be~ Tel & Tel Co. ~.65 I057.36 December 3, 1964 December 4, t964 December 7, 196/~ PAYMENTS ~DE I~ DEC~¢MB~H 19~4 (OONT) 10401 1 o4o3 10404 10405 1o4o6 1o4o? 10408 lOA09 lO4.10 1o411 10/+12 1o4t~ 1o414 1 ~415 10416 The National Cash geEister Co. 9.90 Eemex Corp. 43.80 ~rroug~ Corp. 177.89 Thomas Ac Sh~nmers 19.20 Stun Sheets Photography 6.00 C. T~ Bowles Electric Co. ~8.60 Boyn Well-Pump & Spr. Supply 123.04 Burroughs Corp. 150.60 Cheuey Brethers, Ineo 11.02 Den's Firestone 72.37 Empire ~adio & TV 325.00 Frankhouse Electric Supply 15.13 g. L. Gr~tmmons Printi~ 60.45 Gulf Stream Lumber Co. 79.09 Harley Davidson of P.B. 18.77 79?9 7980 7981 7982 3o55.68 SYST~-M RE~'¢.-~ ~ W. H. Curtih & Comfy 1~.1A C~rald L. Hawkins Z~2o 50 Delray Bicycle & Sport~og Goods 61.53 Delray Blueprint Inc. 97.O0 S~,~%GE FU~ 0566 Lawrence W. Myel~ Ins. Agency 0567 ~'~11 Manufacture-rig Co. PUBLICIT~ ¢'~R 103 FrankhouseElectric ~o~ON FI~'S P~LIEF & =~:~ 21610 Char!es Senior 418.17 316.75 169.78 z~6. ~ 3 t0Z~17 10418 10419 lO42O oz,21 10422 10423 City of Boyn Beh(I & S) ,14000.00 City of Bo2~n Bch(~. S.P.) 5000.'00 The Chase Ma~tt~n Ba~ 7100.00 City of Bo~ Bch(~ner~) 25000.00 Ci~ of Bo~ Bch(~ner~) 25~0.00 City of Bo~ Bch(P. 3.) 19.02 C~y of Bo~ BonkP.C.) 6~20 76184.22 WAT~ ~JE F~D 7983 City of Beyn Bch[~.C.) SEWAGE F -dq~qO 0568 City of Boyn Bch(P.C. ) tOZ~ Borms Cor~truetion Co. 10425 City of Boyn Beh(Payroll) 7984 Ci~ of Bo~m Bch(Payrotl) 0569 City of Boyn Bch(Payroll) 2~.86 10.60 407.70 5464.'19 5871.89 WATEH DEPOSIT0~S FUND 5559 Edw. B. Cooper 15.O0 4038.30 76218.68 7359.08 t 5.00 PAYM~S M~LDE IN DECEMBE~ 196/~ (C~NT') December 8~ 1964 GEN~aAL 10426 10&27 10428 10429 1O43O 10431 1O432 10433 1O435 10436 ~o4~ 10439 10~ I0~1 10~ 1 o44~ 1o~ ~o~5 10~7 ~o~9 ~5o 10451 1O452 10453 1045£ 10455 7985 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) Tropical Acres Restaurant 6~7.50 S. C. Cosby 13.65 Tidal Holdin~ CorD. 16.84 T"ne J. H. Burke C~. lJ~0.00 Barclay Bridge Supplies 20.00 Americ~u Cast Iron Pipe Co. 9306.53 Jack S?~rpe ' s Inc. 6000.00 Ward En~ineerin~ Co. 300.24 Boyn Auto Supply, Inc. 96.00 Joe's Grill & ~estaurant ~~~ L. McGregor, Dist. 34.29 Olivetti Underwood Corp. t97.00 Palm Beach Offioe Supply 24.99 Picard Chemical Co. 28,62 City of Boyn Bch(General) 50000,00 Pur~ley Grass Co. Binker Materi~/Ls Corp~ 1~2.61 Rubin Construction Co. 85.28 Sewetl Hard~are of ~..~J., Ins. 66.35 City of Boyn Bch~zter) 709.10 SouT~hern Bell Tel & Tel Co. 15.75 The L~ier Compa~ Burrou~D~ Corp_. 177.89 Nation~/t Insti~te of Mun. L&w Officers 67.50 Sport' s Haven 40. O0 Steel City 88.50 Robert StoffreEen ~6.00 Tropical Paint Company 72.92 ~mer W. & Nettle Meyer 2.35 J. G, S+~wart Electric 2%.00 6S99t .23 P~_~JE ~JND' Boyntoh Auto Supply, Inc. 22.12 S~JAGE FUND 057A Se~ell~raware Co. of 0575 Ci~~ of Boyn Bch (k~ater) 0570 A.L. McGreEor, Dis~. 104 Elmer W~ & ~ettie Meyer I & S FUND 105 ~er W. &Nettie Meyer ~.~0~!C!P~SWT~NG POOL BO~D F~m~ 106 Elmer W. & Nettie Meyer CIVIC C~TER B0!~D 107 ~l~er W, & Nettle Meyer 13.52 2~0.9.~ 250. I0 .25 69263.94 Decembsr 9, 1964 PAYF~NTS ~DE IN DECE~ER t964 G~F~%L 10&5'7 10458 10459 10460 10461 10462 10463 1O464 10465 10466 lO4.67 1o468 1O469 10470 10471 10472 lO473 lO474 1O475 10476 10477 10578 10479 1O48O 1O481 1o482 1o483 1 o486 ~o488 10489 1049o 1o491 1o492 1o494 1o495 1o496 10498 Boynton Auto Supply, Znc~ 50.69 Collins Signs 48.00 City of BoynBch(P.C.) 57.39 Don's Firestone 62.52 E~eo Br~sh Co. 34.60 Fla. ~ityManager's isso. 5.00 Fla. League of M~d~_ieipalities 450.00 Flamingo 0il Co. 42~78 Frankhouse Electric Supply, Inc. 29.!1 Gulf Stream Lumber Co. I~.31 E. C~ Mock &Assoe.~ Inc. 85.00 Edy~ne Hood 20.00 ~-ldred ~W~lier 20.00 Arthur Hartwig 15.00 Robert Ryd 15.00 Maybelle Beckwith 15~00 Matilda Durrett 1~o00 Erna Weaver 15.00 Helen B~ll 15,00 Dorothea Hich 15.00 Marjerie Kirkpatri~ t5.00 Jan Wertz 15.00 A~a Sincoff 15.00 Marie Deyo 15.00 Frances Van Devender 15o00 Louise LeFort 15.00 Helen Kirkeby 15.00 Marie 01ds 15.00 Mildrod Lofiey 15.00 01lie Je~u Heath 15~00 Oaeman Emgineering 370.86 Palm Beach Office Supply Co. 5.73 Picard Chemical Co. 27.15 Pitne~Bowes, Inc. t2.10 Rinker M~terials Corp. 21.76 ~oin CoD~truction Co. 85.00 Southern Paper Co. 27.44 Trail Pord Tractor Co. 164.40 Van Dee ir~ustries 339.96 Va~ghn& Wright, Y~c. 265.26 Earl Wallace Motors, Inc. 75.00 Joseph M. & F~rianL. Samson 2.39 iCAT~ 7986 7987 7988 7989 7991 7992 7993 7994 7995 7996 7997 RS~ FUND Boynton Auto Supply, Inc. 21.89 Son's Firestone 3.00 Neff M~chinery, Inc. 335.37 Earl Wallace Motors, inc. 25.00 Acct of Robert Johnson 2.!0 Acct of Robert JoD~ason 1.96 James Marvin 1.00 E. D. Thomas 3.!0 Gerald. Wright 5.80 Johnny Rape 6.00 J. G. assay 6.00 411.22 PAT~NTS }~LDE !~? DEC~3ER 1964 (C0~) December 10, t964 December PAi~s ~D.E IN DECE~J~EE 1964 (CONT) M~.~z~DEPOSITOR~ 5560 Aecto£ JobmB. Tho~.s 7.50 5561 Acct of James 9~ 7°50 5562 Acct of E. D. Thomas 7.50 5563 Acct of Gerald Wright 7.50 ~ Acct of GeraXd Wri~t 7.50 5565 Acct of Jet. nay Rape 7.50 5566 Acct of James Ellis Jr, 7.50 5567 Francis J. Abbott 7.50 5568 Acct of J. G. ~say 7.50 5569 Estate of Roy Kerns 7.50 5570 Acc~ of Harold Constant 7.50 82.50 SEWAGE FUND 0576 ~Cor Chemica~ Corp. 51.23 0577 A.L. McGregor, Dist. 057~ Momar, Inc. 71.28 0579 Sears, Roebuck and Co. 52.26 185.29 PUBLIC~T~ 108 Fr~c~khouse ~lectric Supply 68.96 109 Joseph M. & M~rianL. Samson .10 69.06 C~C C~TER BOND SI~Kt~G ~0 Joseph M. & Marian Lo Samson .06 MU~C!PAL S~I}~G POOL B0~O 1tl Joseph M. & ~rian L. Samson I & S FU~rD 112 Joseph M. & Marian L. Samson 113 The Bond Buyer .O8 .16 6O. 00 60. t6 10~+99 Capri Diner 24.70 10500 The ~ationa! Cash Register Co t27.07 10501 First Bank of Boyn Bch 3178.64 10502 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) t0.56 10503 lrau Hilliard 50100 3390.97 WATER P~o~ FUND 7990 Hefunding & Imp. Rev. Bond ~1~79.65 SEWAGE FUI~ 0580 gef~ndin~ & imp. Rev. Bond 11_~.79 10505 City of Boyn 10~o6 1050'7 lO5e8 lO509 10510 19511 l~oh(Ps,vro~) 6570.15 Be, h(P~rroll) 10019.87 ~eric~ U~rs~ ~. Oo~ 0o1~ NoKe~ 15.00 ~ Z~ 15.~ Pa~ Rob~soa 15.00 City of B~ Beh(P.O.) ~.~ W. G. Lassi~r, Jr. 9.01 ~6686.~ 3379.82 26326.41 1~512 . ~al%er A. Madsom 1~513 J. Alex Arnette 10518 Ae~'~ of. Leslie K Swartz A~t of Le,lie Swar%~ De~t~r ~5 10~17 10~19 10~ 1984.52 1o00 I%00 7.50 ?; 50 7.70 ~s~v!e T~anSfer, I~e. Southern Be~ T~ & Tel Co. t12.9~ JOse~ L. ~ 2.33 2t~.e4 1.4.;4.0 9;28 6.?5 ~.80 Deeember 16, 1964' DeeemBer 17, 1964 PArqUeTS MADE I~ ~EC~ER 1964 (CONT) 10520 10521 10522 10523 1o524 10525 10531 10532 10533 10535 1053~ 10537 10538 10539 10540 10541 10546 10547 10548 lO549 10550 10551 10552 10553 10554 ¢i~z.of Bo;r- Sou'bherm Bell ~e:L ~ C~le~ Co. A~e ~eratio~ ~a¢' ~a~rs, ~c, C~ Recks, Inc. ~ek's ~r~e Don, s ~e '~-Na~ Dept. S~res CO. Nil~ Y~m~fae~iag ¢o. Joe!e Orill & Res~ura~% s ~e~s, Inc. ~C~ S~es of ~orida, A. L- Mcgregor, ~or~ee P~ker Pic~ Oh~c~ Co. Semite S~ P~ Beach Poet T~ City of ~es~ P~ 13.24 1.10 25.00 135.14 50.00 78;09 lOlJJ3 130.00 18.86 23.52 75.73 ?8.75 88.85 ~.94 82~0e ~0~ ~2. ~ 78~ O0 201~ 50 10555 10556 10534 ~ATER REv,F.z~u~, ~ R. L. ~erwekh 408.28 S0uther~ Dell Tel ~ Tel Co. 26t~.46 C~-'~Z o~ ~ '~c~(~-te~') 26~e~ De~!S ~ire~t~me(see previous 'page331~/. 18 8009 $oUt~ez~ Bell Tel & Tel ¢o. 42.25 8010 Brooks Products of Yla., ~o. 151.~5 8011 Delray 8porti~ Ooods 17.91 8012 R. 8013 Ci~ of B~ Beh(Wa~r~ ?9.34 ~18 Pioa~ Ch~e~ Co. 8019 S~e~ ~ Tel & Tel Co. ~;20 3~. SE~A~E ~ 058.6 _ S.o~t~er~ Bell Tel & Tel Co. 1.65 058~ ~torida Femee Co., Imc. 265.00 0~8 Fr~e Elec~c.~pp~, I~. 5.73 05~ T~&~e's 150.~ 0~90 ~13 ~ae~r~ Co, 169~78 592.16 PmlE~OITY FUND 114. Boy~. Bch. O~ml~er of Commerce 41~.10 OEE~RALY~D 10558 G~lf0il Corp. 45.02 10559 Gulf Oil Corp. 950;22 10560 0i~ of Bo~Bch(P.C.) 50.75 10561 ~es~ 1.~ 1046.~ 4711.59 Deeeaber 18 December 21, 1964 ~AUm~TS ~m~ ~ Dm~ 1964 (eoF) WAT~R~V~ FUND 8012.. ~c%ef.C, Deaglas Sampsom 8015 ~lf 0il Corp. 8016 James Narvi~ 0591 Gulf 0il Corp. 0592 James ~ PUBLICITY ~ 115 ~* 0il 0erp. 10~6s 10569 10571 10572 10573 10572, 10575' 10578 WA~ER 8020 8o~i ~2 ~t~a WelI-P~mp & Spr. Brothers, Ine. ~em~s ~ires~ome S~ore ~rayb~r ~ec+~ic Cc., Inc. Beaeh C~y ~of B,B, (Acet. of DeMarco ) & B~r. Corp Ps~oll) 5576 A~ctJof ~Moore 5577 A¢ct efC..H. Johnson 5578 A¢¢% of Rob~.'B Turnb~11 55?9 Acer of ~ar~ Combs SEWA~ ~ 05~3 City of Boym B~(Payr~ll) 10~79 Ia%er. Assoc. of Elect. I~s. 19580 10581 10582 10583 10584 1O585 19586 1058~ 10588 TA J. Croft Cit~ of Boya Bch(P.C.) Harry J._ Narms T. J. ~roft Ca,lord Brothers, Inc. Kea~ts Traeking Service $t~1 ey, Easek Beery & Browm Ageacy, Ime. Geme Moore 91.2.7 1.~0 107.~7 6.~o 4. oo 10~0 15.26 12.50 26%84 41~05 15~40 10~7 12.00 1;'70 ~ 2 409~. 3 10~00 22.23 39~70 60.00 77.7~ 2.16.10 132,00 28.1'7 1168.05 Dece~er 22, 1964 1051~) 1O590 10591 10592 1O593 10594. 1o595 10596 WATER 8023 802~ 8026 Ce. Beaeh Linen Supply Sewell~ardware Co. of Lake Worth SEMA~EF~ 0600 Rufas E. ~iller 1~7 T~ail For~-~racter Co. 105~ City ef 10~ ~ey & G~ffi~,~ lac. WATER ~ FU~D 8027 Halsey & Griffith, Imc, O59$Tre~igas lac. 0595 ¢i~7 ef ~e~Bch(Water) 1(~02 _ City .of ~o~ Beh(Payro~) 8028 8029 8030 8031 ~ F~D Everett L. Jester First Fe~. Say. & I~a~ cf 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584. 5585 5586 5587 5588 DEPOSITOB. S Ace%- ef Stanley Petter Acct of Victer E~ire A¢ct of Rede Ch~_~iai~ Acct of Everett L. Jester Acer of First Federal cf Acer of Davi~[ P~se Acet ef ~ester Bridg~A~ Aect ef Wm. Hathaway Acer ef Johm Ke~aek 0596 ~i~r of Boym Bch(Payroll) 107~.48 52.78 100.00 ~019 58.60 11.~1 81.52 31~11 2298,,14.- 100.00 = 2198. t4 352.16 2.00 21~71 375.8? 2681.26 -I{X).O0 150.21 22~.80 , 4~3.33 153.16 155.24 308.Z~ 8~.~3 10,2~),$0 5.60 6.00 3.30 210~.70 2120.60 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.~ 7.50 7.50 7.~ 7.~0 ,, SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND 270 Acer of ~ictor ~-~re 8.60 13164.90 December 29, 1964 DecemBer 3~, 1964 December ~1, 1~64 ~ December Tramsfers PAYI~ NA~E 1~ DEC~2~ER 1~6/+ (C0~) GENERAL FUND 10603 city of Boys Bch(P.C.) ~1.12 8033 Paul Ner~de~ WATE~ DEPOSITORS F~ND 5589 . A¢ct~ ef Chester ~uppy 5590 Nae~l]a~ & Newett 5591 Acc% ef Pa~ He,em 5592 L.W. ~a~r 5~93 Ae~$ ef ~ E. ~ke 6.00 12.00 7.50 7.50 7.501 7.~0 ~7,50 lo6e4 - 10605 10606 1~07 1O608 10609 FUND T. J- Croft ~ity of Boys Bch(P.C.) Limus B & Hele~ D._Marlew 12;20 American Recreation Society 10.~ Advertisers Press, Inc. 71.25 Picard Chemical Co. MATER SYSTE~ Rmv.t~DE F~ED 803/+ Oity of Beys Bch(P.C.) 11.98 803~ Leu Sa=~ 2~20 80~ ~e~ ~v of Te~om 2.~ t6~ 18 NAT~DEP~ITORS FUND 5594 A¢et. ef~melite Div. of Tex. 5595 Acer ef L. Sam~m 5596 Acer of W.G~ McBride 7;50 7.~o 22.50 SEWAGE FUND 0§97 Ci~r of ~ENERAL F~ 10610 ~alter A. M-d-em ~5100 10611 James J, Mahomey 15~85 lO612 City ef Boys Bob(Payroll) 60551/~ 10613 J, Alliso~ Bazuks ~5.00 6141.31 REVENUE FU~ Claude Hickex City of~ Beym Bch(Payroll) WATER WATER DEPOSIT(]~$ FUND 55~7 _ Asqt. of Claude Hiekex 1029.11 7.~0 SEWAGE FUSB 0598 ,~ty of Bo2m Bch(Pa2rotl) !06~' First Fed Say. & Lean of Del. 435.~ 1065,8 " " " " " ~7,11 I~59 Ci~ of Bo~ ~H(BBM~. ~.) ~.~ 1283. 1~6~ Fi~% F~J~S~ & ~ of Del 52.~ 90.62 271.33 7570.32 C PAYMENTS MADE IN DEC~BER BY DATE 1964 December 1 ..................... 1,046.11 December 2 ..................... 4,038.30 Dec~ber 3 ..................... 76,218.68 December 4 ..................... December 9 ..................... December 10 ..................... Deeember 11 ..................... ~ecember 14. ~ ~ .................. ~eceml~r 15- .~. ~ .................. ~eeem~er 16 ..................... Deeember 177 .................... December 18 ..................... Deeember 21 ..................... December 23- ............ December 29- .................... December 30- .................... December 31 ................... 251 7,359 · ~8 15.00 69,263.94 3,3~9.82 26,326.41 20,W9.~2 2,705. ~7 2,581.26 ;33 PA~ENTS NA~E IN ~ECEMBER 196~ BY F~NDS ..... : 22,8~9.88 METER D~,~POSITORS.. F~N~. ............... ~EWAGE ~ .................... ~ 16,583.70 SEWER I~EPOSITORS ~ ................ 8.60 OF NEYV YORK THREE T~0USAND SEVE~ H~N~RE~ T~ SEVEN ~F~TY CENTs ($33,737.~0) £ace value eauealled'Co~pons detached frem Oi~y ef Bey~ten Flerida water & Sewer Revenue Bonds Issue ef 196t, Series A Dec--her l, 1961, as follews:- Aggregate Co, on__ Nos. Maturity, ·Date . .Number. of C~,~or~ Face Value Face Value 3 June 1, 1963 1,550 $19.25 $29,837.~ 3,900.00 $33,737 The abeve coupens were paid by Morgan Guarant~y Tr~st Cempany of New York during the period Jmue 1963/Novewber 1963, Inclusive. MORGAN O] OF NEW YORK cancelled Cou_~ns detached £rem Cit~ of Boya%e~Beach~ F~e~i:de Water & Sewer Revenue Bends Zssue of 1961, Series B dated D~e~mber 1, 1961, as follow:- Aggre§a%e Nos. Na%urity Bate Number of Coupons Face Val~e Face ~al~e 3 June l, 1963 Z,hSo $20.0G 3 Jume t, 1963 2~ 2!.25 Of ~he above aggregate face value $20.00 was paid in West Pa2a~ Beach, Fterida and .$33,230.00 was paid by I%rgan Guaranty Trust Cempamy ef ~ y mew ork d~ring the period June 1963/Noveaber 1963, ~mctusive.