Minutes 11-20-611VAINUT~ OF 1R/~GU~ 1V£EaiTING O CITY COUNCIL HELE~ IN CITY BOYNTON BE-&C.I-I~ FL01{ID~, NOVEMBER Z0, i961 PP. ESENT: JOHN L~,~Ai{CHIE~, lvtA. YOI{ J~ B., ~-~ON, CITY WALTER IVkADSE~ VI~E ~AY~ GE~ ~, ~TY D~,. ~L~S~ COUNOIL~ TE~ P~G~TT, ~CITY THO~ SUMPS, COUNCIL~ EDW~DS, W~K,.~GE CHIEF JO~ T~TE, F~ CHIEF This rneetiz~g ~vas called to ordar at 7:5G p.m. by t%~yor Archie. ~- l{eVo Johnson, ~zscension Lu£heran C~b_urch gave the I~vocm~ion~ Upon motion by Mr. M~dSe~, seconded by Mro.Sum~ers the Minutes of the November, 6th meeting ,wore approved as written, }¢iotion unanin~ousty carried. The committee regarding uSe of Wilsor~ l{ecreatzon Center zor Poznc~an School reported Ihey h~d ~et~th ~ ~ De~ ~d ~ ~ii~e~ and found that s. pgc~e is ~eded for ~itio~l ~.sroo~s i~ order to ~void double session. .~a[or ~ckie ~d ~r. Summers ihe~ ~et ~ith ~r. ~a~, Go.-S=pt. of Schools ~d represe~a~es ~ Poi~cian~ SckooI, and e~or~ to ~eviate the coagested condition. The Gity Adrn~ats:ator recomrm~d,ed~t~he~_cont?~ct for fence aro~d ~he water pl~ ~ a~r'ded to low b~dder, ~ ~ ~o~t of $17t&~Z ~e~s ~ey wa~ to co~ider the ~ime elect ~d i~ that i~t.a~e to a~ard bid to Flo~da F~nce Go., ~oyn~n Beach at a sl~ktty higher fignre~ ~e~ of ~he ~ct th~ the time el:e~ is i~volved ~d ~eir bid ~ o~y $Z3~80 higher, ~a~ a ~tal bid of $17~8. Motion seconded by ~r~ Madmen ~d ~i~o~sly carri~e~. .0~ the request:of the lSOr(~p~or~ist Club for a Motorcs~de on December 1~61 with police escort in connoctio~ with ~eierend~, ~. ~a~en moved tha~ the toques% be grated except for p01ic~ escort. ~0~on s econd~d by~ ~r. thank you letter was re~d from the ]District GOvernor of I~ons lmier~tto~l 0 · On the re~tues, t o£ Mr. ,~harles C~or,~on to held ~ Goffee - No~ember 28th at the C~%ty Pial~ l~ir. ~S~narner$ rnoved~/k~ ~he- r~quest, be gr~ntedo A/iot~on sec~ ended by D~, .~.~s am~ un~ously cmrriedo The follo~vin~ bids for ~ater meters were BADGEP~ ,t~ETF~P~ co~. - $26.05 57. $1 107o45 ~ 975 2.605 5/8" x 3/~" 3/4!! coa i g 1 1/Z~t douplfngs Z6o 60 58 o5Z 109 o 72 .99 2 ~ 66 GA/~ON NLETEP~ DIVISION - 5/S" Z~ 09 1n 57.29 1 1/2~t 1 }2 o 49 3/4" couplings ~ 98 1 I/Zn 3.80 NEPTUNE ~Y~ETEK CO~, - ' (cont.) -3- 5/8" x 5/4" 25.60 1" 56 o 3Z ! 1/2g bwo~ze 14;75 per se~ IZ m~s 3Supply .2013 pe~ g~ ZO # $~9.50 per 55 30 ~ $49~50, p:e<_55 g~l. 40 # $49.50 l~z 55 g~- ~c~regor ~ros..- Not less ~ .9~ ZO~ 30 ~ 4a~ ~59 2] ~ per g~. - Gro~ gasot~e 33.55 per 5~ g~. 33~55 per 55 gal, 33~55 ~ ~, g~ Stanrlard$-t 'cases. 4o9Z per case. Druan dap. $6,00 returnable upon return of can i~ good condition. 24. Z per .gal. exclnsiv¢ of Fad. Tax. · G~0-1f ~Ear% I%~own. per gal. ,20.12 90. per gal. P!JBtJ_G ~NCr ~,lle: Plarming B~r~d~s Ma~i~er P!sa% tViayor-A.rcl~ie a~uo0-uc:ed tka% it is the ~n of ~e Ci~ GoUnc~ tO ~ r;ecord ~ ghe ~n~es of eVer~ne t~ h~ co~S to ~oug t~ proposed ~s~r Pi~. No r~g ~ h~ ~e at this ~ ~r is ~t. t~ i~ent to =ead ~e o~n~ce for 'tke first ~e. ~l~.~ i 8[mom~: Comsulta~, Jacksor~v~. Florida. sg~ed ~t lot,of co~roversy b~to ascerCai~ ho~ yo~ feel. ~er roco~ is made, the Co~cil ~ill take ~1 co.pin.ts ~ co~ideratfo~ The following people appeared before Core.il eit]~er by couzasel or in person: to be 0m f~le in co~junction -~rith map. ..Walter I~atch: }~ep~es~nting D~ck l~othscka~er. Letter on ~ w~h the Plying Board. in re~d ~ 30.4Z ~cres ly~g .so~th of Z3.rd ~ve. aba~i~ on East ~de of ~C ~. ~, a po~i~ ~ked ~-1 ~d ~ce ~-3. ~eqaesZ that zo~g re~a~ as is or }~-1 so sale ~ be con~ded ~ a~o~t of $150~ aa0. J~e I4_'~phr~ys rep]~ese]x+~i~g ~Iehn PIoward: Written app/ication Lo 10 Sam SnbdiviSio~ on ~tle w~ith .Planning Board . Objection to zolzi~g, l~obert ~riffith, rep=esenting .~m., tfirton,_W..$. ~She~arcl, ~o~ Blls~ciello,, J0hr~ ~z Ilomotky ~Iorey, Irv~ gr C~ra tfirsch. Ob~ectio~is m--'----~de a~l reqtiest t2&~t Zohi~g remain G-1 on U. S~. ~I. B~oynto~.Nurs~erigs, Inc, in south 'end of town in vicLm~jty of g3~d S~. Hope ~o hawse development in area. Letter will come in, -5- E~eynol~ts, representing .Leo~a Miller ~ L. 16, t7, 1.8 dire~ly sooth.of ~ep~d property ~ U.,S..~t. ~eq~at"pr~ r~a~ ~e~c~ for reas~s o~ b~ ~r. ~ith.. ~ ~dev~e~ ~, th~s~ ~ople ho~ght have do~ ~ces~kh~ ~i~ ~nc~ the no~e. ~P~s ~e ~a~ tO present s~r~ctnre of hospit~ s~r~y ~ ~os~tat belongs ~to ~a p;e~pt~ and they ~. it situatien be ~en C~:~ s~. ~$327,000 Fed, Ora~ ~o be m~cke~ by eq~ mo~ of ~y is r~am~ by whi~ ad~anal stzu~ume ~t[ ~ ~p~r~y in sa~ :end Of toque. , First pro~ei~y, ~St-Of Tro~cal Acres %~an~ zoning to ~ernai~ as is~ owner Tr~opical~ Ar~bo-mat~zn U. S. #1 - Weald li~e p~ernises S, -~-. ,Piazc~ ok, 706 Shore Ilrive ~ O~ns Lots 1ZT, 128 located on corner of ~ 3r~ ~ NE Z~d ~ve. west of CiIy H~. ~ ~as com~erci~ ~hen p~ased ~d p~d co~erci~ prices for it. ~eq~ests t~s be zoned co~mez~, C~karte. s Boos - In,pressed by the fa. ct that the i~laster Pla~ skews a g~e~ de~ of ve~ c~p, ahle ~gl yery ~te~Ige~ th~ug~ ~d ~zef~ endeavor on the ~=t0f pe~le who ~d ~e work, ~rst. thing ~at ~ople look to ~ oar Qezlald~l~el!s_(wiil~ubnatt. letie~i) repzasenting client~.~o, 5. Sch!aag, N.. Federal. Highwayo .~kgrees with Mrs: PI~np~nreys and h/ir..O~iffith a~on~eys for lando~rs on U.~S, #1~ C~ien~ has ~n znind a developz~n/ a~dwoutd be strongly opposed to zoning ~his area. l{~3. P~,~ u~ ~lcBri~te ~ The only trouble on the .I~zasteruPlan seems to be the request. ~ ~e~ ~i~ the ~ez f~= to Zone G~I ~ sO' I ~ ho~'appmove- ~. quest p~0p~=~[~'zo~ ~e~cf~ (W~i send ~ te~er ase it for ~;e~e~ .W~ area le~ G~l. J~-~-- ~t 6Z-67 ~kesi~e. Gary--s ~onld of 5,0~0 sq. ft. and fr~ag~ of 5~ ~. .,~a=~, ~Ort.~- ~hgt z~. covers Dun properS? ~w~r~ ~1~ said otherwise ~ he le~ ~e room. ~r~ ~gr~as ~ Ob3~cts to ~r~i~g any 550 sq~ ev~ Pay any ~es., ~p~s~d to ~r~ ~roll~s r~quest. It.~t b~co~ sl~ district and ~ea mi~ sho~ be 1, O~O sq. ~. ~d colored ~own 750 sq. ~. V~s .G~roll~s request Dz, .~ter H=~ - (Le~er ~ f~e} Snb~it r~qu~st of Lots 5, 6~ ? in.ne Great ~[~e ~b~si0n a~cent,~ pla~ed ~ the hospit~ border area~ ~ 0ri~ plan tke~e lots ~ question ~ere included ~ t~S pl~. ~e~aest is to r~s~e to omig~al tailing. ----7-- Free[ Gonde - Lot 6, Sam Brown, Jr. (Letter ~ill come in) I object.. o~ file) ~,s: ~et~e~ 6th & 7th,Str~t: o~ ~,~h ~[&a of Bo~on ~oad~ h. 2 L~e BO~an ~states whz~ Plm~ Bo~d zoae~ O-i. ,~efer~ce ZO* s~k ~;tke r~r thiS~ is z. eq~ ~n C-i zonmg. ~s ~e o~y i10 b~d~,, ~.i~ b~e~ O~ke factt~t. Z3~ ia gi~;Io s~t~, ~e ~bj~ct ~o the ZO~ s~tb~ck ~.~ r~. (l~e.~.may ~<in b~k ~ ~r. Tobin and ~r. with Pla~.~ ~:g Board ~m& suBxnit~e~ ~ ~l~etch. Lo-~te~ ~a~u~h .o£~Pen~y l~u~se~y. ~Mx,.$/~nOns~ ~ia~a~. Consultant spoke br%e~fly after c.o~ i~ of preset, ed the~ faze:, The ~st .he~i~g ~s ke~:oa or.~in~ pl~, that ~i~ ~r~ worked {over by the ~1~. Board. Fro~ to~gkton this is goz~g tO be :~he P!~ ~f th~ :~o~le a~d City-G.o~mis siDn-~hi~ re~s ~e ~n~y it repr:e~s ~o~e of the. ~oat d~o. cratic .~s~rume~ts in the ~y gove~me~.and. ~da ~p.~o~me~g of lke p~o. ple, .If yo~ ~wn a~ ~ea that doesn't come up t~- star~dabrds a the or dija~na~ce ~ of the city w~s in~olv~ct, ai recorcl at the time. of gh~. ~ a~d follow particular lots that leas than 5% .~on ~Uo ,S. ~I where This s~aks we~ ~ to co~o~. ~ggestions 1VLV. PIen~erson reported that the Committee composed of Dr. 3kkes, Zell Taylor & him,self reviewed thee ~ida .for wrater meters and I~eptane -8- exception o~. 1 1 i Z'~' connections.. Committee reco,zn~ne~&s tvieter Co. ~as l~ ~ith bid be a~a~ded ~ Napt~ ~eter Co. O~e bid (0z~ty] w. aa ope~ecl for G~avely Tracto~ ~ rota~ ~ow~ in ~o~ of $~61.47. De~ry ~. he made in 5 d~ys · Truck with dump b,o.dy for.sanitation: Bids ~;ere ope.~ed as follows,: DeBotiac Truck Ec!uip~nent Co. t~et~larCO Traetok .& Imptem, · Co, Dump body as s~e, cified .Fla. ~e Ckr~r.C~s,is G ~ D Tr~ck S~vlce - dump Earl~ce Y~ d c~assis ~. O~ Tr~ck ~es ~ Set. $1575. moanted and paiz~ted, Del. in 3 weeks. 4, ziL fl2~IC Moji.. T ,B -4011 t, 58~5 ~od. ,DM tripl~ koist ~1. 4-6 wks · 3 ~ 3?3, 50 t, 570, ~al., .~th~ 45 days i;565. ~1. i~ i0 days 3,&03~ ~od~ G~60O Del. 30-45 days 5:6~9.73 Ck~sis ~od, T 6803 t, 595. (~ss~10~) D~I, ~ 15 c~, days l, 495 (Class 9 ) (~Lep resentative of I{owland Track requested bids be a~alyzed in view of informa- tion he bro~ht~odl abotz~. Cl~s I0 & ~as~ 9) S~ers ~ ~. ~aylOr. Motio~ seconded by Mr..Sam~ rs ~d ~. carried. Tires & Batteries - Bids :opened as foil ws. Dm~%~i~estn,ne: - Delco' 6 v ti,9;0 TIre~ ~T~et siate pri~ 1Z v t5,85 St.a~cta~d ~! C~. Tire~ ~ State ~et price less 3~, lass Z% cash Batteries 6v ~.57 iZv 18.87 ~a~ move~ th~ bi~ bo ta~late~ ~d Mr. ~emders~, Utility !tq~dy * half too - Wa$~:: Dept. bids were opened as follows: Ci~ ~r~y r~e~d Ord~ua~c~ ~61-3~6 or~-ad zG~n~ o~e De.tn 550 ~ 75G [-1. ~eaol~tio~z was rCad.~u~tho~iz~ purr chas~ug items ap ~. $E5.00. as. ~,~en~¢d by Mr, ~e~ ~d u~onsly carried. Meeting ,a. cljo~mzned al: 1.1:15 p.m. Th°mas ~- :Stmume~s ~ Comxc[lman