Minutes 11-06-61AIIIqUTES OF ~EGULAt~ 1V~ETING OF (~ITY COUi~CIL HF~I.r) ItN- CITY iV~YOR CITY ATTOR/~Ey, GENE/VkO.Ot~E A23SEt~T: This naeeting ~vas aa/led i~ order ' by Ariayor ~ohn ~k~chie at 7.30- p.~. ~ocati,on was ~ye~ by ~e~. J~es ~oy, ~irsi ~ethod~/ ~nu~es ~.~e~r ~e~ October 16th ~-Speci~ October 3~A ~ere approved ~s ~tken ~pon ~o~ se~ed by ~. ~dsen ~d ~a~ously ~r~ied. ' ~e~ be re~oved fro~ t~e table. Motiom seceded mously carried. The City 2kttorney read O~dinar~ce 61~36 re zoDim~ of ~pO~ed ~o~ing GreenZite, 3rd AddiSon. fi~ rea~ng. ~o/ion aec0~ded by ~. ~adsen ~Oved that the request of 3Oseph To.being ~r ab~d- O~ent of 7.1/g:, ease~ be re~o~ed fro~ ~ble~ ~on seconded by ~'-Su~e~ ~d ~manimously car~ed, Air. ~A/ia~dsen mo~ed ihat t~ae Joseph Toneberg reqaesl, ~or abandon- ment of 7 1/2~ easement Boyn~z~!nc[u~trial l~ark t~e turned over t~ 1Vir. ~rootenb,oer~ Aiotioz~ ~ecended by Dr o Akes and unanimously carried. foil ow $: Bids were ope3aed for fence around %%rater 1Treatment l~lai/t ~s /~ids were Qpened as follows for :She/1 lb3ck: Keatts Trucking Co. !~0 pe~ y~. To~ $~,~00 ~ell rock -Z ~30 per yd, T~otal 3, ~.0 ~ ~ock ~I,.~.K~ Go~. ~..!,9~ per ~f. To~ $5~ TOO S~ rock ~r, S~ezs ~oved ~otion secon~d by Dr, ~$ ~hat. bid ~ awarded ~ Ke~s -~ letter from r ' 1%4r. VanDevendez,.~a~znerican Legion, B~to~ egar~g prese~a~on of 8~ ~ ~ ~ G~y of Bo~/.OnBea~. Alette-~ ~=*~ ~- - ~ . g Post and Gor~ress~ P~i ~ogers, The large ~g l.O be used ~r, J, ~ Hi,coat complained a~.~ con~iions proper r~course ~ through the co.ts ~ t~t the Gi~ Go~c~l co~d noz do ~y more than they h~d~ because of ~e zone. ~d Gl~rk, ZOgO ~ grid St..complained ~at weeds i~ vaca~ ~ts on either s~e ~ ~ pzopez~ are very ~ (2] that ~e ar tr~s ~t~ tOO . . ' ' ' ~ .. ~ d ~a~wa ~rees selected ~era ~e~ poor q~Iity. Tkeze w~. a request f=o~ ~arry. Lefort ~ trim trees i~ Goqu~a COV e, ' Correspondence: -3- Dire'c ~ors of Uni~exi ~%uud ~ hold a i~cheon at Boy,,on ]Beach Jr, High Monday afiernoon at 1Z:45 p,m, rnoasty ca~, by ]VLv, ,S~znmers ~z th~azver-o£ iiaense £ee~. ~ ~ Oal~ · < . ~ ..... IVfO~iO~l ecl ~y ~_r, ~u~r~rs an~I ~nTrno~sly carrze~ M~ Madse~ mOVed ~llat l]%e~ Gity ~ a f~l p~¢ ad in the HOmse It, was reve~ed that t~ Buddy~Pop~ Day WO~d be .N. ove~ber i~ a~ ltth. ~ ,~k Shank you letter frozn Civic Lea e ~a in reference transportation for p~trolrnan, w~s. read. ~-~thank yea letter from Mr~ g~ Mrs. -Sincoff was read i~ regard t.o walk~ay ~ the be~ch, Poinciaz~ $,chool requested pernazssion to use ~e ~ecmeation Build~g f~O~ 8'00 a.~ ~ ~-%~ - ' ~ , ~ ~-~ p.~. ,Ior class roo~s ~ Order.to avoid .do~le session. ~. ~a~en and Mr. S~e~s ~ere ap~,ed by Mayor -~ a committee to ~e~t ~Ih ~r. ~tche~ ~d the SckooI Bo~d. ,_a_ thank you Ie~ter fron~ L~. Col. Herbert D~Isey w~aS read in regard to b/s appoiutn~ent as ~sst.' C~vil D~efense I)irector. ~-~unounceme~t of -A~merican LegiOn MemoriaLService to be held at Bo~to~ ]~each A~ien~orial l~rk ~emetery November. ltth. ~k thank you letter from Lions Club fo:: use of Council Chambers during their rece~ n~eeting_was read. D~sc~ssion in regard to Fire protection for Briny Breezes Tra~ler Park, ~c. Mr,~Su~ez:a mOved that ~e Fire C~hie~s recom~enda~on be app~0ved to f~k f~e pzote~ion fo~ .~00. per year p~ $75.00 per c~ for Breez,e officios ~e~in~ forth above -4- The follo~ving nomineea for electlo~ to gour~cil were read: James MaAozmy Fr ed eri~k- llri~acts e~n E~e~tior~~ ' ~' ~oll~ng be a~i~einied l~- s,er~e o~ ~e M~s. ~elen - Mrs. Peggy seconded bx Mr. Su~rs. ~ ~=ou~Y ~1,~. ' ~Ot~O~ ; I ~ '., ,W~ter pipe ~ ~ gas:~e, mOgOr oH aad ananimoualy carried. Chief. Swank requested that, Polic~e Pension ~kz~cls be transferred from ~st B~ of Bo~to~ Be~ ~ ~ir st' ~e~er~ Sa~ngs & ~ ~ief Swa~ aubje~ ~, approv~ of City A~o~me, y. ~otion seceded by P~ smell& 24u~on recomznend[ed thaz th~ City delete from the Inter- co~y ~r~ ~e $~l~ging ~ ~pes ~hich~ reset, in a sa~ of ~i~.. l~ds~ ~oved tha~'~e r~om~e~a~on Of ~sell ~ ~on be roll--ed. ~o~io~ seeded by-~r..~mers a~d ~O~s~ o ~ ~r S, Co