Minutes 10-16-61!~l~S OF ~AR ~EET~G OF CITY COUNCiL HELD ~ C~o~C/L ~F~S AT CLWT P.L~LL~ BO~_~ON BEACH, FLOP~DA, OCTO~ 16, ~961 PP~SENT: Invocation was givau by the Rev. E. J~ ~atson~ Sro Joseph~z Episcopal Ch~o~ ~. ,~o_u~es of t~e Eeg~Jkar !~et~g of October 2nd w~re approved ~s corrected~ upon motion by Dr~ £~es s~ud seconded by /~r. Pipes, motion s~rried .... ur~uimouslyo ~po 9 _ ~dd word ~not~ ~nd line from bop) .~utes cf the Special ~eting of October ~th were approved ms written upon motion by k2~ ~dsen~ seconded by Dr. ~s and unanimou~ c~ried. ~o Sur~n~rs ~oved that the request om the Plu~b~--ug Board be moved fro~ the table~ }~t±on seconded by i~ Pipes and ~uimously carried~ ~tion by ~. S~ers tb~t City Attorney b -~ ' - e ~eques~em to c ~tarify code upon >~itten recc~mr~ndation of PlumbLug Board~ ~tion seconded by Pipes a~ud ~n~mously The ~ollo~o~ o_ds ~re received for re~odelf_ug of J~il. Fred i~sser~ De!ray - plumbing repaY-rs $230.00 R!dgeway t~_~fo f_ug 279.00 ~M. M~dsen moved tb~t the bid. be a~rded to i*~ bidder in t~ amouut of ~230.O0~ F~tion secor~.ed by ~. $~m_~ers and %%~ai~ousiy carried. /~a refer~uce to the Resources Development Boand rscuest to appokat ~uother m~oer~ ~Ir. badmen moved this matter be tabled~ ~btion seconded by Summers ~ unanimously carried. Lu reference to the request for abandoD_ment of 7~ easement, in ~di~tr~a~ Pa~k~ ~s reque~%e~ by. Joseph Tomberg~ ~r. Pipes mov~i, this item be t~bz~ _or £umther study, -~btion seconded by ~o Madsen and %uusm_imously carried~ Iu reference tot'ne request 'oy the Parents Ad~_'sory Board of BY_A Nr. ~WLadsen moved this matter be tabled, for investigation. ~tion seconded On, .the request.of .fi.he. B~_ _yntc~ Beach Elementary School parents group, reques~mn~ permm~s~on ~o hold Halloween l~rade October 2gth, Su~ners moved that ~rmission be gte,uteri for Halloween carnival. 2~otion seconded by Mr. ~dsen and uns~imously carried. The City Attorney read Ordiuauce 6i~32 re driv~_ng while intoxicated or drugged° Mr. Pipes moved tk~at Ord~na,uce 61-32 be adopted on second and final rsadim~. ~tion seconded by Pro Akes ~nd unanimously cart_led° Th~ City Attorney read Or ~diu~uce 61-33 prohibiting commissi~ of ~isd~e~uors~ l~ 2~adsen moved that Ordin&uce 6i-S3 be adopted on second and fL, ual rea~= Motion seconded by ~o Pipes and unan~ousljr carried~ The City Attozmey read. the proposed Resolution re Civil Ser~ce~ ~eo ~dsen moved the resolution be adopted. ~otion seconded by l~o P~lpes and u~uimo~ly carried~. The City Attorney read resolution re affiming salaries of Depart- ment Heads as set out Lu the 1961-62 Budget° ~w~tmon by Dr. Akes to adopt resolution, seconded by ~v~. Summers and ~uanimous~v carried. ~0_s City Attorney read Ordinance 6~-3~ re clarification of Section 26 r~tive to repe ~a2J_~ Sec, 26-5-6-7-8-9 of Code of Ordd~uances pertaf~_ing to utility sarvice. ~,~, ~iadsen moved that Ordinance 6~-3~ be passed to second and fLua! reading, seconded by F_~, Strainers ~ud tuuanimou~ly carried. ~c ~r~: No objections z~. the a~uce. ~ ~0~ a~eared befo~ co~c~ ~p~senti~ Ro~ug ~en ~dge ~sociate~ ~ ~f~n~ to zo~ ~d pressed plat of ~ ~een ~dge~ ~uch as c~cil ~s not f~ar vi th the lo~tions ~volved, 2~. ~ ' se tabl~. Motion seconded by I~, ~rs an~ ~o~ ~dsen moves, the ~tter ' ~ ~ ~ Public Audie_~..ce .~ C~Orge ,-'~iles r~quested ~-r~formation on w~hat dispostion is being ~de of ~tility ta~xes already collected, on natural gas. t~ayor ad.~rised that they follow~d the same disposition as before, to m~ke deposit in_ C~neral ~n~i smd that Couucil d~d not feel the ordinance ~s ~u error. Mr, Fo~as~ ~25 N. ~, ~th Ave° made request Lu reference to ~obmsh -3= ~ud tramh and cc~plained their trash was not bsJ-ug co~_tected reg~ He v~s ~d~%ssd by ~>. H~derson t~t due ~ the fact U~ S~ ~ was beLug cleared ~ud city ~s p~_~ the t~es on the b~, the crews ~d been t~en fr~ this job ~ they co-ed e~ect the re~ ~ectio~ to ~s~e Lu the ne~ Mro Beck, Bo~nton Beach '~ ' ' Star a~-~sed Ps would ]J-ks to c~_~ry the trash collection sched~fLe ~y week J-u his paper so citizens would kn~,~ ~at days to e~oect collect±on~ mUShers that the caws h~ve been out of se~rlce a~ud they are now repaY_red, ~¢ief E<tward ~anZ< advised it v~il be up to the Civil Se_~_ce Board that another ~n ~.~ have to bs approved to ride ~_u the patrol c~ro Dr~ Akes az~uounced the F~_rst Aid Class beiug held at Jr. H~.ig~ each ~esday night at 7:~Op ~m~ Evez~yo~ w~s urged to attend. Chics ~te recom~er~e~ that _ new weaning siren be ~ade a~ilab-~e for Civil Defense war. ~u!~ sigr~io Az%er ~s~ssion: ~ l'~dser~ recommended that Col, .~Itman be con~ tscted end eff~z~Ss be ~de to secure a power plant. cumbers ~oved that the item be tabled, seconded by 1~. Pipes ~ud u~ously car~ed, '~ request to Zuspsction Dept~ submitted by .Harold Bl~nchette for gasoline station Tot 2~ Laumel ~s vms discussed, and brou~at about a lengthy discussion from ~ Br~n and ~ Dutch as to why the station whie~e they requested permission to b~J-ld ~ months ago, had not heen built, It was felt by council that any ~-rther pszC~its sho~Id 5~ve a beg~.nr~nqE date for construction to begin° ~. P~es moved that the Canadia~u Petroleo.m Co. request be granted to permit constz~ction of service station on ,Lot 2~ ~a~el Hi~_ls and ~zork must be started within 60 da~$ from date of building pe~_~it~ Motion seconded by ~,~ 14~dsen and Zn reference to Florid& I~ague of }i~-icipalities Convention, Jackson- rills, ~o ~-pes moved that city pay e~pense of these att~ud~_g the convention. ~-o~on secondea by ~ ~sen e~ud ~ni~ously carried~ ~v~. }fadsen moved that the City C[Lerk~s request to enc~oer $2500~ in the curre~ b~dget for codification of ordin~nces~ be gz~nbeo, and t~ tn~ city attorney check in~o the contract. Motion seconded by ¥~, Pipes a~d oz~hmously carried. ~ .~ds~n moved that the followi~?~ dates be scheduled for evenJ~g registrztion: October 19th, October 26th~ Nov~mber 7th and between primary and general election, November 28th~ (The hours ~:CO bo 9:00 p~m~) ~r~ Su~uers seconded the mo~ on wb_ich carried 3~o l~Qse~ moved tb~t the Police, Fire, Public ~rof~s and Budget repozts be accepted,~ ~tion seconded by Dr. ~Z~es and ~anardm~usiy carried, }~. Henderson recommended that the b~ from Severest Realty for Fire & ~e~ed Covera~ for I.~r~y City Atto~ey in ~o~t of 050.~ be ~tion ~ acb~t~ City ~strator~ ~co~endation~ seeded by }~. Pipes ~d c~ri~ !~ .reference to 0itY Clerk~s inquiry about filing 8isgoili~y o~ tb~t so~ ~ ~ho~d be ~d~ted ~8~strat~veiy, Zu reference to reciprocal agreements between cities of Delray, lantar.~, ~, Sumnue~s moved tP~t the City Attorney be authorized to check into matter s~d dr~w np a resolution. Motion seconded by Dr. Akes and Thomas