Minutes 09-11-61S/:~CI~L ]~!F_~!~G CITY COUNCIL HEI/~ LN COUNCIL CITY I-IArJT, BOYNTON BF~ACSi,~LO!~LI~*~ S~E~tBE~ 11,. 19.61 TICs me,ting w~s calledto Order by ~iay~r ~rchie~ aA 7:30 p,m. l~btic Pie~ring fg.r t~e ~ollo~vimg zoning requests wva.s held: Trace 1 . Tko C~ty ,Attorney read Ordi~zme 6.1-Z7 ~overi~ the request ~r ~c~. H~eS. ~ '~ ~-zone ~ ~I · ~ t5 S~S Ad~tz~ fr~ A ~ D. for m~e~ .~se to po~ o~ice. ~r. ~s~ ~o~e~ that ~s zequest ~ ~ble~, ~e~o~ed by ~pes ~ ~im~sly .~t~r. ~scus. aion~, it ~as agreed u~ousl~ ~at Mmyor ~chie ~md Ci~ A~ir~.r ~ ~=~ ~enderao~. ~e ~ ~ip~ to A~a~- for the. expr~s p~pose ,of ~t~g. pos~iti~e ~ct~m on the b~d~g of past e~ice~ Tz~c~Z- ~ ~tt~rney :read Ordinance 61-Z8 covezim~ the request of The Bib~h of ~d ~ ze~-zone L~. ~57, ZBS, Z59, Gherry H~airom A-Z to G for p~e of b.~ding~m ch~rch; ~. ~I~e~ ~o~ th~ ~di~a 61~8 ~ ~ss~ed to second ra~ 3 - '~e re u~t orA. ~nl Yo~g ~ re zon~ ~t 9 (N.J.0 T ~t 10 ~ ~~ ~Y p~k ~om. B to D, Mr. Ma~e~ moved ih~ reco~e~tion of ~e Zo~ng Board be ~ccepted mn d do~y t~s ~que~t, ~econd~ ~ Mr~ ~ummers ~ un~usly carried. Tra¢g.~- On,lbo. request of Ho~rdVf. P. il~y, Jr. ro re-zone ~creage .of ~. M~c. 16~5~3, lying.~.of ~e ~abo~d ~ ~/W a~4 north of Wester~ proj~on.of N.W. 17~ Ave.-, less that p~t of E 1/Z of ~ 1l of S~ ~ ~ lyi~ west o~ the Seaboard ~/~. To be re-zoned fzo~ "F~* m~z~ed to lndu~i~. -2- City ~torney re_ad Ozctima~ce 61.Z9 r. eading.. ~o%iez~ s~c~rudext t~r Air. Ma~lse~ a~d ~ani~onsly carried. a~ 7:30 P-m- re.g~g~possibitf~ of refe~e~clu~z~ for a.~e~. :C~ic. C, en~er~ Also Spec~,~eeti~_g.i~o 'ba h~]~df.Wedn~y, ,S. epte~aher Z7~k aZ Z'.00: p,na. for the secead re:adf-~g:o£ ~ke Ittzdget ~rkce. The City 2kt~orney =e~cl the _~ptxroprigtionm Orcli~anmce 61-30. Mr, l~[~dsea~ m~z~l ttza~ Or, din~nce 6t-30 be pass-ed to second re~dir~g, ~ity ~t~o~n~y re-axi Omdina~ce 6t'31 establishing tl~ millage fo= 1961 al ?, 25 zmills, Mottos by Mr~ Pipes, seco~decI bxf Mr, Mnrn~ners that Ordinance 61-3~, h=e, passed ~to .s,eco~cl a~d~ final Zeg~g, l~ carried