Minutes 08-07-61NIINUTES OF ttEGULA!~ MEETLNG OF CITY OOI3T~CIL HELD AT .CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLOP, IDA~ AUGUST 7, 1961 PKESENT: GENE MOOl~, CITY ATTOi~NEY TEi{EESA PADGETT, CITY CLER~ DIi%CK C~OOT]EI~BOEP~, DIll.- PL~-NtNTNG &INSPEOTtON JOI-IN TUITE~ FLR~ CTmIIEF EDHAR/) SHA.NK~ CI-ILEF POLtGE ZE¥,L TAY LO~, SItPTL. i,PUBLIC %V(1R_KS This meetinE, was catled to order by Mayor Archie a~7:30 p.zn. %Filliam Johnson, ~%sce~si(~n~ Lutheran Church gave the Invocation. Mr. Pipes. moved ths~t l~inutea of the~ l{egular lvJ:e,~t~9~.~: of J~y 17th, -Special ~ee~ng July Z~th a~d Special ~e~i~g. J~y ze~ be a~proved as written. ~o~on seceded by ~r. ~dse~ and u~i~o~sly carried. Mr. Suznnaers raGged t]~t the reconumend~tion of the Flo~da ~wer ~g~ Co. an~ ~s.~ll ~ ~o~ to -allow ch~ge orde: o: ~thod of electric ~eteoring of ~a/er pt~t, be ~ed. ~otion s~nded by Mr. ~pes ~d ~ea~ously carried. ~UBLIC AUDIEt~I CE: Mr o H~e~tom, lmresident of the Lions Club presented Coun~cil v~ith a fra~ned copy of the Bill =of l~ights to be h~g in the City H~l. ~ayor ~rc~e accepted~the g~ on beha~ of the City ~ City Council, Ezell Hester, 1106 N,Wo 1st Street, spe~uking on behalf of the Boy~ton Beach Giv/~ Leagne, complained t/~t the Police had been harrassing the people in the cote-red sector of town in that they were killing chickens ~ a~d that as a result it was enda.ug~rin~ ~he lives of their people° He further alleged that the dead chickens %rare le£t inthe street, cre.a~i~ a health kazardo He stated they v~shed to comply v~ith the law but felt they skoald have more =h~ ~4 hr o notice. Councilman 1VL~dsen stated he had been investigating ~ud ~s s~rpris~d th,ere %vere %v~ld f~ug chzc~ens that nobody cla~r~ea. I~e sta~ed the white people had ~so been war~d t~t chi~e~ ruling loose ~o~d b~ k~led. ~hief S~k stated that the the open ~rea and g~en ~o ~he people to ea~ N~for Archie stated he ~ould check on t~s ~atter the follo~g A&B & FordL Works Davis Meter M & H ~erioan O'~s B, R.D. Valve 0asr Iron Clow 'Wood' Pipe Pip~ Mc~faue Johns ~illis & Ferd Valves & BID TABULN~ION Pipe ~ ~ittings; OPened August 7, ~96~ Page 2 - Mdn~es '6" 21/k~ 6" 18/t0 2.02 8" 2~;/4f 2.59 8" ~ 8/40 a~ ~7 6" T 32,77 8" T .7. ~0 6 x 4 T 3~82 ~6T ~7 ~0 x 6 Red29,92 ~ x 6 Red29.~O 8" Valves86.25 f 8" Plug 9.00 6~, Plug ~ 5.70 Hydrantsll8.90 6" bends 19,95 27.83 25.2,L 36°69 26.09 2~ .76 77o2~- ]+9.81 7.85 103~17 23.94 17.31 1.85 1.95 2.5? 2.77 29. 24 28.23 39.38 34,70 21.60 96.61 64.96 /+9.86 7.70 5.19 127.25 17.77 1.94 2;k9 2.76 29.~.7 26.90 39.44 27.89 23 90.27 6o. ~7 ~8.73 ~.59 127.40 25oS4 18.27 80.30 42.30 lO9.1o I .92 1.92 2,1~.6 2.72i 2.722 - 32.35 32.37 k6,20 46.2O - 2~ °60 29.61 - 31.t5 43d~. - 30.60 30.58 - 25.60 25.59 - 80.55 0~2.80 97.25 5~.80 62.60 6~.~ !+2, 80 ~. 20 49,65 ~.30 s.7~ ~.95 5.27 110. O0 13 0.80 14~ · 50 28.30 28.33 - ~.05 20003 1.71 1.79 2.30 2.54 30.56 ]+3.52 27.95 i0.9~ 25.03 20.25 88.39 43.98 8~05 116,17 26.7~ 1S.95 1.97 2.07 2.65~ 2.94~ 30.00 M ~ 5O 26.b~ 39.00 2~. O0 19.50 54.': 5 9.00 5.50 25.80 18.50 ~3.04 A&B F~lis L~eriean Davis M & H .~aerican J~es ~. Rs D~ & Water Meter Va]:~e Cast Iron Clow Wood ,. ore_ Works Pipe Us S~ McWane Johns Pipe Mansvills ELlis~ & Ford V~lves & Bo:ms P~ge,2 A Minutes Aug 7 ~96~ l.l~o 1 ~99 ]3o×es or 18-2~ Boxes 11.20 Alternaves £or PEXPE IEB & SEB The above bids listed on Page 2 & 2A - Cast Iron Pipe were opened° Mr. ~dsen moved th%t the bids be 'bUrned over to Dr. Akes and Mr. Taylor for tabulation. and unardsnously carried. Motion seconded by -3- Bids. for Blood ~lcohot ~ualyzer ~vere opened as P~oy ~son, Tatl~a~ee, F~. $599.50 - ~very in 30 days Stone--on Corp., ~e~ ~, N. J. $645.00- ~ve~ ? days. ~- ~pas ~Vad t~t ~e bi~ ~ t.az~d over to Purc~ing ~g~t . ~a. Me, om seconded by ~. ~es ~ ~moasly carried. The following bends ~vere 85cawn by lot to reiire 1946 issue of General Obligation ~On~. ~ v ~ w ~ ~ ~ U~pc~ reco~nr~mkdati~ of,, G~il3~h~k~ l~a(~S~I1, .it ~ ngr~ed that l~ayor A~cbie wrzt~ tei/~'~egardin~ pr~s,ent status of pos~ o£fic~ ~s soo~ as possible. A frown t~ssell :& ~r. on~ regarding ~vai~er rates for tow~ of Ocea~ s eco~d~e and Dr. ~ shatter be~t~rned ~ver ~o 'Dr. Akes and ry as to ~the f~--~ling of councilmen, ii was T~o£ Ocean l~idge. A request from~FJ~oxida t~ower & Light'Go. i~ re~qove U. S~ ~ay ~l~s r~ad. M~. 'S~e~ ~wed. t~ ~e r~es~ ~e approved ~ ~io~ COn~io~ Of this pOtPie'Of ~W~y ~1. ~otio~ seconded by ~. carried. f~l t/%e request of Jaxnes E~ WarbLug~on L~ regard to water li~e for Kuollwood.~/D, Air. C~e~ard ~as adv~ised tha~ tko beat interests (~f the city would be for the v~ater line io contin3ae z~or~h at its pr~sani schedule rather than juxnp £rO~ one lo6atio~ to another. ~k letter frown l~ussell ~ ~xon regarding x~ater ii~e fro~ ~ 13ih Argue ~st fr~' ~rs~c~o~ of ~ 13th ~e and ~ ~ Street was road. , ~r.~ ~en ~o~d ~at tko reco~en~i~ of.S~pt.~ of P~blic Wor~ ~d ~Ei~er b~ ~c~pted. ~otiou seconded by ~. F~pas ~d ~n~. car~ed. -4- ~ requ~esi from Leonard S~nith to live in~ ho~[se trailer at ZZ8 NE 10th T~e ~i~' Oterk~ms ~n~tru~ed to write ~. ~i~k r~r~ng ike ~tion letter frozn Grad¥ Moffel~., President of ~foodcrest ~or' ~ co~pl~g of ~e ~ois~:.~d'~=te hour ~ the~ ~g:ue ~.~k thai ~O~dL~zce, 6 ~-16 (Barbez OmdL~ance) be tabled. Ivfr~ ~ds~oved that resolutio~ of F. $. Sm!thers and Co. be re- moved £~orn the..taBleo' l~{oiion seconded ~ Dr ~ ~es ~d ~o~ly c~rried. Tko City.At, meT re~d the r~ol~i~ whisk per~ to the sewer sys~e~. re.g~r~g~he ae~ ayste~ ~ ~oy~ Palm V~lage. Tt~e City ~me¥ r~ead Ordinance 61-19 regarding the b~g of obscene literzture o~.ne~ stands in Boy~o~ Be~ch. ~r~ ~em ~ove~ th~ Ordnance 61-1~ be p~sed to aecond a~ f~ re~d~. ~oti~ seconded by Dr. ~es ~ ~o~sly carried. The Gity'_~to~a~ey read.Ordinance 61-gl repe~ng City ~,ger ~d~nce 60,5. Dr. ~es mo~ed tMt Ord~ce 61~gl be passed to second ~d f~l re~ng~ ~otion ~eqonded by ~, S~ers ~d ~nimously ~rried. The ~'ity Attest,ney read Ordinance 61-22 creating office of City Adrninistraror o Mr~ Pipos rnovedthat Ordinance 6t-2Z be adGpted as an Emergency Ordi~al~ce:, %Viotio~t seconded by Mr.' Sn/nzn. ers and u.ua~irno~ls%y carried. The Gity _Attorney read the I~esolutio~ appointing the Cii~Z Administrator o Mayo,r ~chie recornnaende~i that J, B. t-le-~derson be mppoiated ~ity to receive s ~t~ary at rate of $10,500, per annulm ~,~vitk $75000 per month -5- Dr o Akes me~ed that the ~iayor~s recoa~aen~atio~ b,~:a~cepied the resolution adapted. Motion seconded by M_r. Sa~n~aer$ and u-uanin~o~sly Carrie~. Tke City A~t~rney ~oa,d_Ordina~ce 6 [-23 repealing. Sections 13, 19 re. sion of lot ~ea~img proced~e~ by Mr. _M~a~ a~ a~imo~sly carried. ~ le~er ~ ~e~d~r-eg~d~g~aysid~ ~k project. ~. ~pes ~o~d th, a~te~ive apprnv~ ~ given on ~ing Qree~ ~idge T~zd Ad~tion, aubje~ to ~dimgs of sireots, ~ez and ky~rs. ~otion seconded by ~. ~6s~e~.~ ~O~y car~ed. ~ reference to c~fi~i~ for payee,:of ~resi ~e Septe~er 1st seconde~ by ~r. ~dsen and ~mously c~r~ed. ~r, ~a~e~ove~ ~at t~e Tr~s~re~r~s ~ort, B~dggt ~e~, secanded by-~. ~pes ~d m~ni~o~sly Teme~a P~FCfty ~erk Councilman ~AY~T6 APPROYEB ~UC-U$? 1961 22918 ~mDRmssosa~pm-H~,~xeazpm Go~p. P.O. 40?8 116.82 ~A. ~060 1 · ~ 7 . O~ 1.~ 5211 ~x Bor~o~ Bm~cx S~ ~048 1!.3~ ~. G1 8~. 507-6-6 $21~. ~xsP Co~s~ FIam 22921 $215 32t6 Fz~r~eo Or~ 00. 3217 Fsi. 3220 R. L. Ga~mmoms PaZNTIN~ 3221 E. H. H~m ~ 0o. 3222 H~pma ~ Baos 3224 3225 H~¢u~T ~ ~ssocr~Tms, I~¢. 32~6 K~THLEEN 3222 LrNDS~mY Lvxmm~ 3S S 41I~ I. 92? .04 Disc 1.93 3.96 ~OGG $.~9 3964 2~.38-0. A. .62 $0.2t 403~ 23.58 ~055 39.92 63.50 4140 27.50 41~1 52.50 60.00 26. 45 27.20 9.96 7.05-~0.~.29,79 A~r.O. ff. 14.55 $3.00 ?.$0 l~.O0~-?-~i 3710 4021 3408 3409 3407 3~06 4133 3879 ~112 4139 4117 63.80 3.19 DISc. 60. 61 1.92 .04 Disc. 1.88 3229 J. B~ LIPPINCOTT 0o. 3405 l~.17-Apm. O.Y. .14 14.03 3230 W~I~ Y~¢Dowr~ 4125 32.95 P~ Z~EI~f$ APPRO YED AU~[I$~ i96~ 8-16-6! Pz~z ~ 3231 3232 2£922 3233 3234 323~ 3236 3237 $238 22923 3239 3240 3241 ~TTOR~EY ~$ FEE vs. K. ~. W~mZm~om-35.00 ~s. Lox~m~ f~o~sex-~O. O0 85.00 3232 21.80 App. J.L.A. .22 21.58 3877 ~072 1.85 7-$-6! ~09~ 7.95 4095 80.95 1.82 Drsc. 88.93 7.14 4119 3671 3.50 3948 3.50 4114 3.50 .21 4148 4113 4080 3906 ~003 4016 4118 ~083 3 782. 4043 1. O0 ~.7~ 93. 50 97. 20 ~ISC. 10.29 42. 76 18.00 5. 75 190. 70 1.13 46. 06 A ~. J.L.& 299.00 $ .oo s3 .oo 7~3-61 l PPRO FED TOTAL PAYHENT$ ~PPRO~ED AUNUST 1961 8-14-61 INSULAtIOn, INc. 3097 3102 3105 Sm~ZCE Om RADZOS ye~ J~nx !00.00 PEATY CASE $9.18 P. O~ma ~ ~$I 50.00 $996 4~.00 ONE~-H.~LF ~F [~IVIF01~ ~LL OW~NCE ~. ~0 4032 99.76 T~vm~ Exm.~o. J~Y, 61 18.50 3988 ~G5. O0 S.S.M. Gt~BENS-JuLY, 6! ~O0. O0 BOYN~N BE~C~ Fzam Dmm~. H~$ eF J~L 1961 ~55.17 5136 5152 5155 5155 FOR JA ZEE~ ~NTERP~ISES~ 22881 OzTr $154 OrTr 3161 GrTY 3162 Fzns~ B~mK ce oN L~s 10 & 11, 8.7, GENTaAL PACE ANNEX 15.00 L !5~, B. E~ B.B. Hm~. Pm. 10.00 ?SC ~5483-P.P. 4~.97 RmA~Tr, I~¢.- G~cm~rom T$C~496 2.20 ~545I 24.11 £E~¢~ Or Bxm Berm- H~w~m~ Lo~s - G~o~p III 5.00 Mow~ Lo~s mE~ Bzm !00.00 PE~s~s~ Fe~ Jeer 15.00 Fao~ Oc~. 1954 TO NZ~¢m 1961. 1822.87 1961 ~PPBOYEB TOTAL $ 9, 927. 55 PAZHEN~$ APPRO¢E2) AYGU$~ 1961 8- ! ~-G1 19525 Aco~. 19526 Pm~m~ 22896 H~ Rcssm~ 22897 fists. N. Boos 22900 S~aza~ 22901 P~ms 22902 ~. ~. Co~s, S~. 2~05 Wz~s Dmz~s 20992 20995 2099~ 2099 ~0~ 21007 210¢8 210~9 21GLO ~1~11 21012 210~ 9.10 4.50 $. 70 1.90 $. O0 ~1'0 6. O0 ~.90 7. ~0 ~. 50 7. ~0 7. 50 7. 50 7.~0 7~ ~0 7~ 50 7. ~ 7. ~0 7. ~0 ?. 50 7.50 7. ~0 7. 50 7.50 ?. 50 7.50 APPBO FED PA19~NTS API~0VE~ - AUGUST 1961 3337 3312 CITY OF BOYNTON BEA~H-~ATE~EPARTMENT 348.31 3313 FLOEIBAPO~ & LI~T C~Y 4,~.31 33~4 ~OB~T 3316 S~ BUI~ &~ ~G. 8.3~ 3317 3318 ~. S. ~OST O~ICE . 90.00 3~19 ~9~ FL~IBA PO~ER & LIG~¢O. 1,531.68 22953 GtTT O~ B~ON BEAGH - PAYZOLLF]tND 66.66 · ?.96! aITX OF B0~NTON BEACH - GF/~F. RAL FU~D 1,278.12 3333 alTY OF BOYNTON BEAGH - SE~ REVEllUE FU~9 3334 GI~ OE BO~T~ B~H - B B ~t~ P~ ~ 33~ ~I~ OF ~TON BEtH - S~ ~I~ ~I~ ~$ 3336 GITY GE BO~ BE~H-S~EGI~ ~S~S~T ~ 3335 ~I~ ~F ~T~N BE~H-~LI~ ~T~T ~ 3339 GITY OE 3~ ~I~ O~ 19538 19539 2,560.58 755.08 20.08 127.41 92.70 2, ~87.40 BOYN~N ~H-FIREME~8 RELIEF & PENSION FIEND 1,839.73 BOYltTON BEAEH-S~W~ DEPOSIT FUND 174.90 254.48 .55 547.00 6:000.00 8,1~6.91 NO. 3242 3276 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3321 332,2 19331 21025 21026 2102~ 21029 21030 21031 21032 21033 21034 21035 21036 2103~ 22929 22930 22935 22936 22937 22938 22939 2294*(} 2.2941 PA.Y~E~TS APFROVE~ - AUG~JS~ 1961 CITY OF BOSTON BEACH- I & S FUN~ ~ 1,454.54 CITY O~ ~N BEtH -.PE~.C~H ~ BA~ . . . ~ . . 9.00 a. BO~N BE~ C~A~ OF CO--CE CI~. 0P BO~TON BEtH - PA~ ~ 9,001.59 C~ ~T~ ~H - pE~C~R _ 7.92 Ct~ ~ B~N B~H - ~E~ C~H 42.70 C~E ~T~ B~ 11,875.~ ~I~ ~ ~N BEtH - F~ V~tE C~ .7,~0 ~I~ OF B~N BEtH - FOR ~A~ ~N~NS CI~ OF B~N BE~H -n F~ ROBOT S. V~ 7.50 Z~A & ~ BRaE n 7.~0 GI~ OF B~N BE~B - FOR ZOlA & ~ OE B~TON BEtH - FOR JO~ ~IS 7.~ CI~ OE B~N BE~H - F~ $~T~, W~Y,D~ & ~ 7.~0 ~96~ W~ ~ B~ 5,941.62 OI~ OF ~TON ~H - PA~O~ ~ ~0.74 GI~ OE BG~TON B~H - PE~Y ~T~ BE~ ~PHO~ ~ 16.43 ~ ~I~S 4. 70 STOLON, ~Y, DAVIN & CO 4.00 J~ ~T~ 6.0~ ~ OF B~TgN BEtH - PAEO~ ~ 966.27 CI~ OE ~N BEtH - PET~ C~H ~ 11,23 68,137,26 C.A. 8/23/ PAYMENT8 APPROVED AU~3$T 1961 NO. 3285 ADAMS CHEVROLET COMPANY 20.28 3288 BO'f~TON~ ~ ~OP 7.84 3287 G~ SCI~IC CO. 8.43 3288 C~Y. ~S. 7~. 48 S289 ~ ~IL O0~Y 8.72 329~ F~0RDA D~ST ~0~EOL SEVI~E S.~O 3291 FOE~ 14. 3292 P~ BE~ C~IC~ C0. 61.00 $293 p~w ME~M ~EI~ C9 15.19 $294 ~I~ ~ ~. 17~.$8 3293 E0~I~ P~.~O 31.~6 3296 ~ ~ ~ ~NT CO 39.38 S297 S298 Z~ ~~G ~O~TION 22.2Y $299 ~TA ~N~ & ~G CO 20~.80 $301 SH~ ~eS OIL GO. 7~.~2 S3~2 BO~ 33~3 E~ ~N & ~PPLY CO. 2.50 SS04 ~A~A~ ~B~ ~N~ 39.83 ~305 3307 3308 ~A ~t~G CO 55.00 3309 ~. L..~S ~I~NG 4.9~ 3S~Q ~ ell ~ORP~ION 1~. 52 3311 ~e~ ~S ~STA~T INC. 10.iS 22942 22943 22944 22945 19534 19533 19535 SRA~BROS O~L COMPANY ELI~IS & FOI~Sb-2PLY CO EVERGIa~E PAPERCO STATE SUPPLY CO BOY'TON BEA~HNE~S ~,I~.I~F_~ T~CKING lNG SEGEITY-COL~BIA BANK NOTE CO. ¢._A. 8/25/61 58.67 58.53 C.A. 8/7/61 2.46 119.71 C.A. 8/?/6t 4.90 300.00 C.A. 6/19/6i 209.88 C.A. ~172 PAVHENT$ AP~F~VED AUGUST 1961 93 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 BELYEDERE 5 ~ 10 STORES BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY Co INO BOYNTOH WELL--PUMP ~ SPRINKLER 0ORP GLE~ISTO~ ~0TOR CO 3173 GED Wo FOWLER COo, 3174 GEORGE'S ELECTRIC Co 3175 GEORS~A NEws Ce 3176 GOOOTEAR SERVICE STORES 3179 ~YL~E M, 3180 DONALD So LAVI~NE )NC, 3181 MODERN FLASHERS 3182 OAKE$ G~LF SERVI¢~ 3183 T.E OLYMPIA SPORT SHOP 318~ PAL~ BEACH CREM~OAL 3185 PALMETTO HARKET 3186 P~¢ARS CHEMiOAL COo 3188 R~CH toe CREAM 3190 SURSE~'S AMoco SERVICE 3191 3392 TRORICAL PAI~T CO 3194 Jou~ VIOLANTE -- ROYAL PALM lcE Co 22909 JOHH VIOLA~TE -- ROYAg PAL~ iCE CO. 3195 W~DE'S TRiM SHOP 3196 WSST[~. AUTO ASSOCIATE STO~E 16.68 7.ii 7~24 1.10 17.49 22O. 86 1.53 80.85 4°94 9.?0 7.50 14.52 14.32 5.22 12.60 ~1.O5 2o. 95 9-75 6.23 154.84 22.75 7.62 39.83 33.46 13.33 38.34 19.16 34.00 27,65 22907 HERSEV--SPARL~RG METER CO 96.38 22908 P[CARD CHEMICAL CO. PAYNENT$ iPPROYED AUGUST 1961 ,229~ 22915 22925 22928 32~7 SRO0 N. J. gsv~mm 21014 21015 2~18~ D~. N. F. 5~mE~m 22914 N~¢~m I~mcs~rES 22916 22917 21022 22927 Has. HOFFr~T M~som IPPBO YED $$6.90 28~ 17 !5~00 14.78 15. O0 7. 50 1,055.99 1. O0 7.50 7. 50 15~ 00 6. O0 8. ~0 1.50 1.50 50. O0 7. 50 7~ ~0 7. 50 $, 705.08 1 $, 798~ 55 2.50 G. O0 2, G~7.09 P~YHE~-T$ APPROVED AUGUST 1961 3163 How~aD P. O~aa~Ea, Ja. 97.92' 3197 $198 $201 3205 PE~TY C~sm 18.19' $ 10,$~$.12 APPROVED ~/' ? ~q 32~9 $25~ PAYHK~r?£ ~PPROVED AUGUST I961 3250 J Y ADAr~s KEY SEem F~s~ C~ST FZRm 3~59 R. L' Ga~o~s Pazm~z~ SBG! H~ ' s PO~E~ 'S Sma~zcx S~rom S~ Az~m P~s~zcs 22931 2~93~ APPROVED /~//~ / 21.75 6.10 48.70 85.10 20.76 27.85 63. ~0 35.8 fi 12/27 55.~ O0 52. O0 6. ~0 97. $9 50.00 58.6~ ~3. 60 95.97 I2. O0 B. O0 s~. oo $. O0 1 $, O0 5. 50 11.I0 ~2.80 5£5.05 10.~0 PigMEnTS APPROYED ~UOUST 1901 22890 FLa. PowE~ $109 I~e. $980 $979 $110 3111 $112 $114 14. O0 16. 60 I. 65 $910 2. !~ $976 4. 62 3858 !. 46 3860 .69 3714 6, $6 3552 19, 85 5991 $. 61 5638 4.04 $952 15.81 1,!1 5960 11,44 4007 4-,97 3894 3986 $885 15. 73 8954 8. $5 39 73 39.05 4005 1 ?, 21 $920 4, 87 3900 5. $$ $977 4.20 $748 10. 65 $750 8,45 $115 6116 $!17 BOY.TON BEACH BOYNTOm WE55-P~mp $118 3119 $120 39?5 300? 4019 13, 20 13~22 30~ 78 5. 72 D~$¢. $974 4015 $802 13. $5 $772 ?. 50 $828 19.75 $92 7 9.50 $918 9.90 $.24 13,9~ 1.50 54.22 10.50 50.94 B. B8 2,525.80 Drsc. 28.97 Dxz¢. 54.36 16.41 3.29 12,00 113.84 3,52 9.00 51.48 86.74 50.00 31~4 E~¢~ $~TIONER~ $~O~E 3871 4010 3125 EFER~A~Dm P~PE~ Co. 3963 5126 5133 3137 22891 3150 3138 3159 3140 22892 22895 3141 22894 3142 3143 39~8 3987 4031 3993 4024 4026 4025 Ho~,ow CmNVER Pa¢mzm~ Go. 3983 HUR5~IC~NE FENCE FIRESTONE F~. Powma ~ L~m~ Go. 4001 5905 3998 4008 3997 4009 400~ 3845 THE L~NzmR Co. 401~ ML~,z,zi W~mR C~z~I¢ 3798 3664 Ommm Noo~m 5970 3969 N~ION~& C~s~ REO~STEa CO. 4002 4020 Tmz OzYmmIc $~oa~ $mom, INc. 4023 _~ UGU~T 1961 8- ?-Gl 10. $8 .17 2.40 1. GO .36 Disc. l~.G.~l 39.66 7. 75 19. O0 12.30 20° 67 3.72 .04 Disc. 71.90 54o71 15.50 41.65 14, 53 14. O0 No. 8D 063 " ~B 064 ?0. 38 16. 33 2.40 2.80 4. O0 1 ?. 78 75.56 186.37 2.25 59.72 3.68 99.00 201. ~ 2. O0 4, 356.88 I0.00 .90 DEm~aR~m 10.90 2.30 52.00 805.60 1,565.20 2. 3o 22.50 21.26 805.60 -48o000R. 19.30 5.50 13.55 95.77 87. 86 40.47 PAYkIEN?g APPROLCD AUGUST 1961 $14~ Tsml2axN~ Km~Lm 4000 6.95 40B2 $145 P,~mm Bma¢m ?rmmW~rTma ~o. $778 .60 39~8 g. O0 3~G 22895 P~c~ C~m~c~ C~. 39&G 85.~2 ~030 85.52 3146 Pzc~a~ C~x~z¢~ C~. 3984 3953 31~? Rzmmma ~maz~z Coat. 3808 33, 86 . 3!~8 R¢~z~ Co~s~a. Co. 3950 G~. O0 39~9 6~. O0 2. 56 Dzs¢. 3!~9 SmWm~L H~wm. Co. OF L~mm Woads, INc. 3770 I1. 3886 26. 31~0 ~ ~ ~ ~OOG 8-?-G1 Pa~m ~$ 39.44 4!. 65 171.04 33. i~ 125.44 49.22 3.4 0 C ~'OfAL 1 O, 5~,, 75 APPROYED