R18-020RESOLUTION R18 -020 AlI 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 211 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE USE OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA) CONTRACT #GS- 35F-184BA TO ENTER INTO A 60 MONTH CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF INTERNET SERVICES FROM COMCAST BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC., FOR $640 PER MONTH FOR A TOTAL COST OF $38,400; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN A COMCAST ENTERPRISE SERVICES SALE ORDER FORM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City has become more dependent on its connection to the internet as technology progresses; and WHEREAS, the City currently receives internet connectivity via fiber optic connection to Palm Beach County; and WHEREAS, the installation of a redundant internet connection would help ensure that important software applications used throughout City departments remain available during an internet outage on the primary internet circuit; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach upon recommendation 23 of staff, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to approve utilizing the GSA Contract #GS- 35F184BA to enter into a 60 month contract for the purchase of internet services from Comcast Business Communications for a total 60 month cost of $38,400. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 30 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 3111 hereof. C:\ Users\ StanzioneT \AppData\Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files\ Content. IE5\ 52FYTEOE \Intemet_services_(Comcast)_ - _Reso.doc Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach hereby approves utilizing the GSA Contract #GS- 35F184BA to enter into a 60 month contract for the purchase of internet services from Comcast Business Communications for a total 60 month cost of 0. 1 $38,400 and authorizes the City Manager to sign a Comcast Enterprise Services Sales Order Form, a copy of said Proposal is attached hereto and made a part here as Exhibit "A ". Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6 day of February, 2018. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA YES NO Mayor — Steven B. Grant �-- Vice Mayor — Justin Katz M1 01 531 571 [:311 Commissioner — Mack McCray �-- Commissioner — Christina L. Romelus ✓ Commissioner — Joe Casello VOTE -J ATTEST: t JudiVk. Pyle, CMC IV City Jerk (City Seal) C:\ Users\ StanzioneT \AppData\Local\Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files\ Content. IE5\ 52FYTEOE \Intemet_services_(Comcast)_ - _Reso.doc DocuSign Envelope ID:1C72042E-DCC6-46DF-A497-26E05B95695B �.vrvu nal COMCAST ENTERPRISE SERVICES SALES ORDER FORM BUSINESS Account Name:CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH-50EDt MSA ID#:FL-13303555-Dingb SO ID#:FL-13303555-Dingb-10218397 l§kms ..^ A h x•a EUSTC)MER-INFORMATIONifor notices);. . }.� g :': Primary Contact:Charles Stevens City: Phone:(661)742-6079 Tittle: State: Coll: Address 1: Zip: Fax: Address 2: Allowable Contract Date: Ernalltstevensc(rbbfl.us Contract Generated Date:01/05/2018 ,'= ;; ',n " 3 ^t=;SUMMARY,OFCHARGES IDetailal:MtollowlRa Rgs IVY•= 10 - r 6 • Service Term(Months):160 SUMMARY OF SERVICE CHARGES" SUMMARY OF STANDARD INSTALLATION FEES Total Ethernet Monthly Recurring Charges: $B40.00 Total Ethernet Standard Installation Fees': $0.00• Total Trunk Services Monthly Recurring ing Charges: $0.00 Total Trunk Services Standard Installation Fees: $0.00 Total Off-Net Monthly Reaming Charges: $0.00 Total Off-Net Standard Installation Fees: $0.00 Total Monthly Recurring Charges(all Services): $640.00 Total Standard Installation Fees(all Services): $0.00 SUMMARY OF CUSTOM INSTALLATION FEES Total Custom Installation Fee: $0.00 Amortized Custom Installation Fee $0.00 SUMMARY OF EQUIPMENT FEES Total Monthly Recurring Ethernet Equipment Fees: $0.00 Total Monthly Recurring Trunk Services Equipment Fees: $0.00 Total Monthly Recurring Equipment Foes(all Services): $0.00 'Note;Charges Idethtied in the Service Order are exclusive of maintenance and repair charges,and applicable federal,state,and local taxes,USF fees,surcharges and recoupments(however designated).Please refer to your Comcast Enterprise Services Master Services Agreement(MSA)for specific detail regarding such charges.Customer shall pay Comcast one hundred percent(1011%)of the nenamordzed Custom Installation Fee prior to the installation of Service. - - ENERAL'}cO(QE 4� ri,rsOW`,' •f .f ;;,•sz :�. 'It� 1.:::'` �'��;,y`,, , r:�ales Vii•4 This Comcast Enterprise Services Sales Order Form aces Order')shall be effective upon acceptance by Comcast.Tnls Safes Order is medee pan of tha Comcast Enterprise Services Master Services Agreement,-entered between Conncast and the undersigned end is sublect to the Product Specht Attachment for the Service(s)ordered herein,located at htlp:/lbuainess.comcast wnYenterprise-tenns-of-s ervlceendexaspx,(the Agreement'.Unless otherwise Indicated herein,capitalized wards shall have the same meaning as in the Agreement Eel/NOTICE Oncost Business Class Trunking Service may have the Egli limitation specified below. •The National Emergency Number Association(NENA),a 011 Industry organization that makes recommendations for standardeed services relating to Eat 1,has Issued guidelines that atate'The PBX owner Is responsible for creating customer retards,preferably in NEMA standard format,that identify caller locations.'To facilitate Customer's compliance with these guidelines end with associated state and local requirements related to provision of Automatic Location Information(ALI)forE9l l services,Comcast offers two options: a.Comcast will send to the ALI database or Subscriber Location Database(SLOB)the main billing telephone number and the main address provided by Customer,or b.Customer may choose to sign up for up to 10 Emergency Location Information Numbers(ELINs)that Customer could assign to cones within Customer's premises that would be separately Identified to the E911 call taker.The location information,such as a specific floor,side of a building,or other Identifying infwmaton,could assist emergency responders to more quickly reach the appropriate location.Customer Is eelely responsible for programming It's PBX system to map each elation to one ofthese numbers,and for updating the system as necessary to reflect moves or additions of mations within the premises.Comcast will send the assigned ELINs to the ALI or SLOB database,as Is appropriate. •Many Jurisdictions require businesses using multi-line telephone systems to program teir systems to transmit specific location information for 911 calls.Customer bears sole responsibility to ensure that It Identifies and comptieswth all such requirements.In any event,IfCustomer does not maintain E91 records In a timely end accurate manner,the Egli call taker may not receive proper location Information,and emergency responders may be delayed or even prevented from timely teaching the caller's location. - •Battery Beck Up-The integrated Access Device(IAD)provided by Cornetist is not equipped with battery backup.it Is Customers responsibility to ensure adequate bads-up power Is provided to ensure service camtinulty during a power outage,as employees would otherwise be unable to use the Services,Including dialing 9-1-1,when power is unavailable. •Calls using the Service,Including calls to 911,may not be completed if there lea problem with network facilities,including network congestion,networtequlpmerdfpower failure,or another technical p oblem. •All questions should be directed to 1-e00.391-3000.Egli Service,Private Branch Exchange,and Direct Inward Dial Service. By signing below,Customer acknowledges,agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions of this Sales Order. DocuSigned by: CUSTOMER USEvONBl19fby,authorizgdtkresenfative} , _ AN Ir ft,)it pUSE Q ible(bby au horizgd epr e—ntbele r T_h Signature: ° Mr' Signature OB1�1 9a�... Sates Rep: David Ingber Name: ilh [Tl? Name: '' n Sales Rep E-Mail: david_ingbaraa comcastcom Title: Idle: 1 ce •resi 'en ore • _!�, - Florida CITY GES 2/27/2018 Date' 2/22/2010 Date: Division: Central DocuSign Envelope ID:1C72042E-DCC6-46DF-A497-26E05B95695B COMCAST COMCAST ENTERPRISE SERVICES SALES ORDER FORM BUSINESS ETHERNET SERVICES AND PRICING Account Name: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH-SOEDI Date: January 05.2018 MSA IO#: FL-13303555-DIngb SO ID#: FL-13303555-DIngb-10218397 Short Description of Service: Service Term(Months); 60 Solution Charges 1�"r al{ id.'I l� ," l"WZ. ^7 150 = L�'"��1�natYl'� Nj.� J! CillllyFl....l 7",['TV,`i1• --- — - lf Ix780 HIGH - RIDGE RD- CITY OF 1 New Add EDI-ENI-10100 Port BOYNTON $0.00 $0.00 BEACH 50EDI 2080 HIGH RIDGE RD 2080 HIGH RIDGE RD- CITY OF 2 New Add EDI-50 50 Mbps BOYNTON Interstate $591).00 $0.03 BEACHSOEDI 2080 HIGH RIDGE RD 2080 HIGH RIDGE RD- IPv4 State Address CITY OF • 3 New Add Static IP Block BOYNTON Block f27(30) $50-00 $0.00 BEACH-5OEDI • 2080 HIGH RIDGE RD 2080 HIGH RIDGE RD- EquipmeM CITY OF 4 New Add EQP FEE Fee BOYNTON $0.00 $0.00 BEACH-50EDI 2080 HIGH RIDGE RD • $ervjce Chamrc• Services Location Details attached Total $896.00 "Performance Tier Matrix Attached (For On-Net to On-Net or On-Net to Off-Net) Eault:o n Fepq, $0.00 $0.00 • DocuSign Envelope ID:1C72042E-DCC6-46DF-A497-26E05B95695B COMCAST COMCAST ENTERPRISE SERVICES SALES ORDER FORPJ BUSINESS SERVICE LOCATION DETAIL INFORMATION Account Name:CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH-50EDI MSA ID#:FL-13303555 Dingb 30 ID #;FL-13303555 Dingb Date: January Ob, 10218397 2018 1 k' fz. • T*TPL . i -".P.4'77,./.14 �.� ,pro¢ j 6,.t-0,;„ ,,,a,...,, ,,..+' "-Aa. 4y - fl , Lei _ r,`,sa,1 r,�r.i"MY' ', + ,r ¢ N 4 tfd'Ow'"' , I. +i{ i Py fwd , i z} ��r. Ir of � v., e . , • $ '4 o. . LIV5 fl44 • i .l •e 6 i '_- 2050 HIGH �_ -i _ RIDGE RD- CITY OF 2080 HIGH BOYNTON BOYNTON RIDGE RD BEACH FL 33428 No BEACH- 50EDI • I ii I is i( i 1 r, t, i i , 1. 1 , DocuSign Envelope ID:IC72042E-DCC6-46DF-A497-26E05B95695B Coreceit Ent rprma Services Saks Order Form Ethernet Transport Services } I I Performance Tier(PTS Metrix •l avuesn. PT1 PTB PT4= FT! PH 113 113 P72 PT2 PR PI1 P13 Pia. P12 P13 P72 FR ITI 173 PIS P74 P14 2T3 1T4 PT2 PT3 P13 P79 PT4 P12 tiPA1 n3talitrkesas,: P13 PFI F73 FT2 P12 PH 173 112 PTS PTS 113 1T2. PTB PT3 PT3 PT3 P73 PTI PTS P72 9T3 P13 Pia P13 112 F73 PTI Pia •113 973 1L4iM7 ,1 PR P1 P73 1 119 P12 174 PT3 P14 P14 PH 1T4 PIS P13 113 P14 P13 II4 114 P13 P13 P13 PT4 P74 P 3 173 PH P13 PH PT4 PT4 GlOfgN 113 P12 113 PT1 113 P15 P12 P12 P13 PI9 PT3 P13 113 P13 P72 ITS PIS P12 179 111 PT4 1.14 P12 P74 113 P12 P12 P13 PM PH PT3 P12 PT? Pi! P12 P74 PH PIS -PH P12 113 PT2 P12 P12 173 P12 PT3 P13 112 PTD P12 P33 P13 P12 P13 P13 P19 P12 P13 Pf3 11Eastern, .._. wee tem PTD PTS ►T4 PTB FR PR P73 PT2 174' 113 PT3 173 1H PTA 113 PIS PT3 P72 PH PT2 FR /T4 Pia PT4 PT2 FH ITT PT4 PT4 PT4 - 173 115 115 P12 PT3 113 P11 PTI PTS PR 173 115 ITS 115 P72 P73 P73 PRR P13 'P12 PTA 1T4 PP74 112 PT2 1H P13 P14 P13 PeTfhendte.44 � Q,17e1e)ter Ahem PR PR P74 PR PH 171 PTl PT 1 P73 PT2 P12 PT 2 PH P1 P12 2 P12 P 13 12 P12 1 P12 Pia PTS P12 PT3 PT2 P12 PT2 P73 PR 113 Pee* IT2 P13 P74 173 FI3 114 P19 PTS P71 P72 P12 PT3 173 PT2 ITS PR' 112 PH PTB P13 P14 P14 PR 114 PT3 PTA PTS P14 114 0:61 grouter�rtsya„n 172 P73 PH 173 P72 P73 P72 PT2 P12 111 P12. PR 1T2 PT2 P12 112 P72 112. 172 113 PTB FIB PT3 P75 172 373 P13 PI5 ITS P12 05111 11910e7crPh11.8 P12 F13 PT4 P13 P13 FTS P19 172 PI2 PT2 111 PH P13 PI2 113 172 PR P12 115 173 P74 P74 Pia PT4 YTS PTS 373 173 PT4 112 Q4[nSefssy- 4 [Houston(110U3 PIS PR P79 1H P12 113 113 P12 PH PT2 1T3 131 PFS 112 P12. 115 P15 PR 173 PH F13 P12 PT2 P73 PT3 P13 P11 P13 PT9 PH P12 FTS PH P13 P12 P73 PR PT3 PTS PT2 PT9 PH 111 PR PTS' P12 113 P12 Pit P15 P13 P13 P13 P19 P13 P13 PT3 973 P19 P13 11NuP1 kid to I$111701 1I2 PTS 173 113 PT2 113 PH P12 112 1r2 P12 P12 P12 111 1R 172 112 P12 PM 113 PH P13 PTD P13 .F13 119 113 P15 P13 P12 cksonvtile(}AO 173 FIB 114 P12 P12 P13 112 172 P13 FF1 P13 172 179 P1I PT1 113 P73 P72 F73 P12 PR P74 PT2 PT4 193 112 P73 P13 114 P15 11-Wiesen FTI P13 P73 ITS PR Fr9. PTD P12 112 PT2 PT2 PH PT2 PT2 113 P71 P.T2 PR 112 1H PT3 113 Fig W3 PH PH 112 PT3 PH P11 Sld-Adentfc 'P12 PI3 P14 113 PTA 173 P13 112 PQ .P 2 PR PM P13 P112 P12 171 PR 113 113 P14 PT4 119 P74 P13 P13 113 113 PT9 P12. *Idle FRP12 PTS PT2 P12 PT2 P72 P12 PR 172 PF2 P11 PII PIS PTA PT3 PT2 PTS FT2 PT3 Pig PIT PTA 1T3 ),8lnnes alMrn1 'F13 113 173 PT3 FTI PTD PIS P19 P53 /R 173 YT3 172 P12 PTS PR P13 P71 111 P13 PPS P13 PH P13 FH P13 P12 PIS PIS PIS nA111i.4I 119 P32 PT3 P72 P13 P12 P12 P12 PT3 P13 PT3 PT3 PT3 PT3 P71' PM PTS PT2 P 2 P11 114 114 119 P14 P12 P72 P12 173 114 P13 'PO/there CA 1PICP4' F14 119 113. 174 1T2 PT4 119 P13 PR 913 P137 F13 P15 113 114 P13 114 173 PH P14' PT1 P72 114 P1I PTO 114 P73 P12 '112 P14 SIfesen - P12 P13 114 PT4 P13 P74 PT4 1173 P74 P19 FR P73 115 PH Pro 115 P74 PT9 P15 P14 P72 171 P14 PT2 P14 P14 P11 P72 P12 P14 3Kashington(0111South Pioiiea • 113 P73 PT4 P72 PTA P13 P12 P72 173 1T3 Pfd P12 112 PT3 PTI P73 013 P72 P13 P13 PT4 P74 M. 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