Minutes 06-14-61MIb]TJTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL ~ BOYNTON BEACH HELD AT cI~TY 'HALL~ BOY'TON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ JUNE i4~ 1961 PRESENT: JO~N L. ARCltIE% MAYOR WALTER~ M3~DSEI~,~' VI~E MAY®R J~ ~ILLARD PIPES, COUNCILM3d~ ~S~ A. SUi~L~ERS, COUNCII~LAN LOUIS J. SMIT~ES, CITY MANAGER GENE EOORE,.CITYATTORNEY This meeting was ca~led to order at 4:50 p.m. by Mayor Arc~ie. It was 'called for the express ~urpose of consid- ering an amendment to Ordinance 61-13, pass,ed on the first reading on Ju~e 14, 1961 at approximately 3:30 p.m. The City Attorney read amended ordinance 61-13,as an emergency ordinance. It was the feeling of the council that this should be pa~sed as an emergency measure to become effective immediately. Motion was ma~e by Counci'lman Madse~ and seconded by Councilman Summers that Ordinance 61-13 as originally i~troduced is hereby rescinded and Ordinance 61-13 as amended is hereby adopted as read. Motion carried 4-0, Dr. absent. City Clerk, tzes ~sa Padgett John Arc.hie, Mayor ~alter M~dsen, Vice Mayor ff. 'C~rles Akes, Councilman .._ ._._~llard ~i~s, Councilm~ ~omas A. S~ers,Counci~an ~. ?~:~tT~,~ OF~!~CI~-~L ~IF~E,TIN~,QF C~TY ~O~NCIL H~L~ ~T CITY ~LL. BO~NTOlXI BE-&CI~, FL0~ /UNE 14, 1961 3I~UIS J. S/VlITZE~, CITY OEIkrE MOOILtE, OtTY ATT'O1RAXTEY TERI~SA Pi2)' 'C~TT, ~TY ThiF; ~me~ting ~a~ calleclto Qrder at 2:00 Pi M. by t~ftayor Archte. The A~z~or gave the reit%ms of the r~fer~xlun~ electi~, held J~e 13, 1961, ~ pressed ~o, k~ ~ ~s. The~ ~o~in, Clerk of tha Election ~o~d. ~ot~se Bill No, 574 - 736 votes cast - Z98 '£or Zhe Bill 438 against the Bill PI aae. B~ll No~ 1029 - 736 voies cast Z77 for the Bill 458 agai~l the Bill Certified ~opie-s of said rei~rns are at~ached hereto. tvla¥or ~a_rchle stated~Tor tke recor~ that Mrs. t~ldred I~Lallier had ~erved as I~pecter inm~e absence of ~s~ ~ Adams ~o had been appe~ed ~y the C~cil. ~. ~pes ~oved t~ tke resets of the ~peci~, ~ ~e ~ be acce~d as 6~ci~. ~oti.on se~nded car~ed Upon a ~Gtio~ duly rn~de by ~- Mads. en~ a~d seconded by Ivir~ Pipes request of %~alter Dutch for a pem~ait to er~ct~ a balk oil plant in Lud~strial was .removed fro~ the iable. Motion cma~ried unanimously. _after a len~hy discussion in %vhich a~l members of Co~n%cil expressed t~,$~r option ~a~ ~er a tho~ check i~o the ~er, tk~ ~ed ~g a c~e in ~e e~sti~ ~r:d~, ~r~ ~pes ~o~d th~ Sec. ~-Z of ~ ~d~nces be ~en~ed to r~ ~ 500~ e~o~e of a~ ~urch, ~e~er -Z- cgmri~d~ tO ¸of ieconded by ~~v m~a~ ~~ 61-13 amen~g ~c. iA-Z of the C.ode ~O~'~C~e ~a.~ire. ~ ~ Co~ac~icat fi~ ~s~g the ~. ~s ~::Go~:for cl~ilic.~ion ~ proce~re on ~. FindUs ~ ~SL ~e.~ ~a~ t~s r~q~t be tabled for ~r~e~ study ~ ~ot~o~ ~ 8~<~s ;,~$~.ed gpp~o~ of Oo~c~ to pay Yo~g ~. ~ds~:~oV~ that ~is bill be p~d. Seconded by ~r. S,~ers Gi~ ~!~rk ze~ a le~r fro~ ~. & ~.s. F~d W~h~m, ~. ~nes~ ~V~nue, ~ask of U. ~. ~f ~d Lots 1 thr~ 9, ~c. ~d ~s lSthru Z6, Tb.o~nar~ ~. ~Si{wrfi~:~s, c~t~cil~a~ T~ THE NONORABL~ HAYOR AND C~UNCT~ OF T~E CI~T OF BOYNT~N BEACH, FLORIDA: Me, ~ae ~adersig~ed ~l~ ap~im~e~ ~lerk, J~e, A. D. 19~I, ~e here~ e~i~ $~t the fe~e*~ for ~use B~ ~. 57~ ~ ~r She ~ssien ~ the Vo~e~ of the ~ty of ~m Bea~ ~e ~en ~ ra~ h~ a Sp~i~ Act ef the 15$~ sessiem ef ~he ~ri~a Legislat~e at ~he Refer~ ~tiem ~ be hel~ ~ ~ fer of J~e~ AN ACT EELATIN~ T~ ~ CITY OF BO~NTON BEAG~ ~I~ ~9~7 ~ ~, B~G ~ ~G ~T~ OF S~ ~G ~R A SA~ OLA~ ~ ~D~ ~ A ~F~ V~ ON ~ ACT. VOTES CAST~ ~7~, , cf which / F~ THE BILL AGAINST THE B~L A~d we, sueh Clerk, Depmty, amd I~s~ecters, ~ make ~e fo~ as e~ ream ~ you of ~e ~e~ts of ~ch Refer~4~ ~ec$iem ~ we ~ de~e ~e a~ve ~ fer~o~E ~ be re~l~ ~f sm~ Ref~ ~ec~em. day ef J~e, 1961 A. D~ Public ~ota~/ F~b ~, Stat~ of ? orida at h~r~ My Commission Expires March 2, 1963 Bonded by American Surety Co. of N. Y. STATE OF FLORIDA ) ¢IT~ ~F BGYNTON BEACH ) eF ~NE OITY GF B~NTO~ BEACH, FLORIDA: Beymten Beach, the ~aestiem te ~% .i~..Nemse B~tl No. 1079, Se~-g a S~al Ae~ ef ~he ~1 s~s~m ~f ~e ~erida. Leg~s~e.at the Refe~ ~ti~n ~ ~e he~ ~ ~ f~r ~ Oi~ ~ the ~3th ~ay eft J~e, 19~t. ACTS ~I~ATTNG ~A~D SETTING ~LA~$E AND FOE A of which F~R THE B~ AGAINST THE Am~ we, such Clerk, De~mty~ am~ I~s~eters, de mske the feregei~g as emr returm te yeu ef the results el. such Referem~um Electiem, am~ we ~e declare the abeve amd foregeing to Se the result ~f such Referendum Election. ~lerk Inspector Imepee~r day of J~me, A. D. '~6~.