Minutes 06-05-61HELD AT CITY HALL, BOY~T~N BF-~[CH, FLoi{IDA~, ~NE 5, i96t P!%ESENT: Th~s me,eting w~s called ~o order a~ 7:30 p~n~o by lviayor _A~rchie0 l~ev. Edw~krd. Watson, St~ Joseph~ Episc~)p~/ChUrch gave the Invocation~ M~u~tes of the l{egu3~a~r tvieetin~ of ~y tS~h ~d Speciml ~leetings of ~th & ~ay 3~ were ~ppro~d as ~r~ ~d posted upon ~o~on by ~ · and se~ed by ~,. S~ers, Mo~ c~ried ~-O~ (Dr, ~es not pres~) The City :ivianager reported that the l~lice Del~rt~ae~ had ~e ~ e~lier date, The City M~ager reco~en~ed ~ to~ clear--ce of ~ objects be accompli~ed befo~ g~ant~n~ l~cense, I~ reference to the I-Lun~ reqtlest for ab~doD_ra~ut of an a~ey at ~ 1, ~e ~di~on, ~ Suers ~oved that ~o alleys be ~b~doned u~iI ~e ~ity water ayate~ ~s bee~ co~ple~d ~ ~ ~s ~o~d t~t ~ey ~re n~ needed, -2- Mayor -4~rChie regfzeSi~_d that =n-~n 7:45 p~m. ~ ~ ~ ~t ~e~ng be ~eceived ~t ~ ~ ~dsm~ ~o~ed ~a~ ~ bads ~ ~r~d o~- ~ ~ by ~. ~p~s and ~i~sly c~ied. ~c~ a s~rv C~tmcil ~-~ u re ~re , q ~s wi~ 'n ~ fo~w. e ~.~ w~e the proced~e ~ ~es ~ed ~hm~ ~he ~oVe r~aes~ be s~ o~ S~re~ be ~Ph41d, ~ f~thez ~e=s vOt~g ,M~ bec~se he does ~o~ ~el sec~d~d by ~ Ma~en.~d ~as~y c~ied. In ~,~r~ ~ the l~e~ of S., ~.- ~zc~, ~e~n ~idge, fo~ zon~g seeo~ ~e~ ~.'~ $~r~., ~d ~~ly ~ried~ ~i~n~ ~ S~o~d~ by ~. ,SU~s ~d an~z~ly c~ried. B-oard~ ~J~t~=~,~c~mded, by ~/ir~ Pipes ~ tma~x~o~st~ carr~ecl. ~le, t~eZ :~o~ H61H6 .D,~wu, Coas~!/x~e ~e~ offezing s~e of E. 400~ x ae~nde~t~. ~c~,carri~d ~0~ .Gi~ M~gaz to write le~er " 7 - , ;~:~ ~n~ ~.~ h~ ~l~aa on t~ z~l. the Ci~ ~tto~ey adv~sed~t, ~ the ~ ~d~:~ev. ~he Wes~tO~ wo~&g0 to~ & W .~e~s. ~ ~e o~e~ z,u ' ~ ~ ~, ~ s ere at U ah~ e~ ab~fer . . ~ ~o~1 e ~essed a de ~ p, , P g to keep p~, fzom blo~ng in her M~ a~d ~so e~ressea a aessre ~o ere ~uto coarf ~ -4- A thank you lettez from the Flozida State FLremen~s Convemtiom Cozornitt~e l~r the Electio~ B~ ~lzar ~rJaie ~et the date of ff~me 14th at 3:~00 p.~m. as Sl~cial ,Meeting to canvass t~ ~otes. o£ Blaim ~'~eete- to remove ~zm~es of tvlich~el ) ~lp~n B~. the City ~ bzo~ to Ci~ ~ ~d st~ :. to co.art dec~e a~d procedare fe~0~ procedare. Motion seconzted by ' d cee er mises: I~c..~z~$ received f~r reauar~ng payme, r~ ox, v~.e~ re~ f,~u~, ding ce~mct d~ted S~pternher 30, !95~, to br~g comzrac= ~p ~o ~a~e. -5- }Tir~ pipes raoved that }Jlr~ Frad~s request be in writing v~cancy on ~he'Pla~m~ ~oaz~; I~iotlon meComde~ By Mr ~ ~m~s and ~no0~sly carried~ City Manag~rt~ writelet~er0 az aCCel~ed L~te~est carr~ ; limtsen aadmmnimot~sly out auditor for'City. r~e l~y ~a~g~r broagkt up ~or diacusaio~ the Engineering tLeporI pertaining to Thomps. on p~ojeCto on th~. Tko~pso~ p~pe~ ~ se~ is ~e a~er to it ~s ~lt that. the~ storm s~er ~h~ch ~1 be co~tr~cd on ~e near ~t~ ~iI1 k~p ~levia~ the ~=~e. ~a~or ~c~e ~eCO~ded the C~y M~ger be hstracted ~ send ~s. Tka~ps~ a ~tt~r stag tko 'Oi~s, regret but hoca~e 'm roy t~e C' ~s ~ ~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~ts con~ii~ ~d tke .Ci~ fee~ ~ sit~-~ ~ b~ re~e~ s~me~t ~hen. the fo~ t~ng of U,~ H~ ~1 is co~p!ete~ second~ by ~., SA~ rs and ~ons, ly c~rried. PA~EE_~T$ APPBOYEB FOB ~BIL 19Gl B~r~cm Pozzcr ~109~BP.$$9 199. AP$B 0 YED P~YfENT$ APPROYE~ FOB NAY-l~961 2618 2620 2625 2626 262? 2628 2629 2631 26~2 2635 265~ 264.5 264-6 ~2267! 22679 22681 6~E foo~m ~LF~E~ LassI~ $I99(P~TIaL) 250.00 5-I-61 ~IFEN $090 LIEU OF PEi~FORJ~mJ~¢E fay 1575.00-15-6: riO. O0 O.A. 66. O0 $120~000 Swzm~z~e Pool Bo~r Fz~rmaTZOm P~ocmm=z~=z 484.2.30 ~.A. 200.00 5-15- 1961 98.4.2 15.00 6.91 B~rzLmzn=-Fz~aL pa Y~E~T I952. 05 C. ~. 5-15-61 769 105. O0 O. ~. 5-15-61 &PPRO FEB TOTAL 9754.47 PAlr~iENT$ ~PPBOYEB FOR I~Y 1~61 2267? ~ITY oF B. Bma=H " " " 2658 " " " 2626 " " 2627 " " " 2643 " 22691 " 22692 " 22693 " 22694 1960 BOND 22G95 19495 19494 19499 19496 19497 19498 626.71 2409.28 6128.09 498.72 383.02 6965.64 410.00 1 1 700. O0 280.44 156~. 52 Lx~a~r Fu~D - Tz~msmm~ F~Nms 80.00 Wz~ I ~ $ FUNB-T~s~ma F~NDs 5812.81 ~ENE~ FU~ -- T~NSFEa FUNDS 1130.10 ~N~ - T~ANSFER FUNDS ~000.~0 Dmc. 1, 1950 7 somas 11, $60. O0 CITY OF " " " ~Emmaam F~mm-f~mSFm~ F~NDS 5000.00 (Fo~ cITY $ 77, 667.44 APPROVED 225~ 22G$~ ~2588 208~ 208fi£ 855 p~IHEk~PS IpPROF~B FOR NAY 1061 ~0~$ ~A~KElZ A~rz~ c. B~o~ I. B. Sw~xm EP~SCOP~A Aoe~ om Irt B. ~ee~ o~ B. P. 5.60 .10 ~. O0 $.10 $.i0 5o 60 $ 7.~0 117.10 ~PPB 0 FED ~81 Fz~s~ B~x ox BoY~e~ B. Fz~xo~z~e f~x ~583 Fz~s~ Fz~. ~zNes ~ ~o~ ~sse~. Bm~ - fZXES 75.9I t303. 32 20~59 ~ec~ OF S~ns~r~ ~ Eo~m~mem ?. 50 208~0 ~ccv op Bosma~ Emw~ams " " " " ?.rio B08~ Acc~ oF P~a~oom Coms~. go." " " " 7. gO ~. O0 2~673 BOST Emw~ams " " " " 2. 80 $ ~-G2G. 53 ~PP£OFEB PAIpIEffg$ ~PP£OYED FOB ~I~lr 19GI 251~ JO~N ~. JOHNSTON 2517 HODEam Boopzmo 0o. 2569 OITZ OF BOY. TOm BE~O~ ~571 25?2 2575 ~o~ PA~z~oD~ 22651 g. B~ Rzc~r 22652 B. OONF. -HIAmI - " " " 20.00 O.A.4-3 ~xm. ~o FA~. Assoc. OF ~IFIL ~E~. Pmaso~mA 0o~. 5-$ ~=a fi-G-6I 50. OO o.A.~-~ O-I-G1 9S0 ~5299 & 5~I0 O~mama,~z~ OF ~xms " " 17. 5151 25.$0 ~-1-61 pzrao~ F~sm 8771.75 ~EFFN~ OF BID BOND $198 2576. 50 O.A. 5-20- 2328. 97 5262 ~5. O0 ~261 ~. O0 90.00 ~mT~r Ozs~ ~6.17 281~ 17.50 ~28. O0 3263 90.00 Expm~sms roa smxc. Nmc~z~zcs Co~Lm~m r~ Oca~a Wm. O~ MZr 15-19 75. O0 FLa. S~vm Fxam Momwz OF lmazL 15. O0 " " " $.50 DA FIN " " " 5.20 " " " $. 50 " " " $.!0 " " " 5. O0 " " ~ 7.$0 "~ ~ ~ 1.80 P.4YkIENT$ APPBO~EB FOR MAY 19Gl 2.082fi 20826 £085i 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 ?. 50 ?. rio 7.50 7.50 ?.~0 15. O0 7.~0 7.~0 7. 50 7.50 1~.0~ 7.50 ~ 17, ~-88. SG ~PPROVEB