Minutes 05-15-61IVlINUTES OF llEGUI2IP~ itCE.~TINQ OF CITY COUNCIL, BOYNTON BEACH, HELD AT CITY ~ BOY1YTON ~Gti, FLORIDA, Af~k~f 15, 1961 PllESENT: LOUIS J~SMtTZES, CITY I~5tNAGEP~ GENE MOORE, CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK ZEJ~ TAYLOR~SUPT. l~BI~C WORI{S ffOl~ TUITE, ~ CttIEF EI~WAP. D ~$¥f~d~IK, Ct4-IEF OF POIZCE This meetiz%g %vas called to order at 7:30 p.~mo by Mayor ~%rchieo The Invocations was given by Father Bruce Powvei1, St. Joseph Episcopal Chur ch. t%~inuteS of the l{eg.u.lar Meeting, Alay 1st v~ere approved as, vcrittezz, ~%pozl naotiozz by ]~iro P~pes: seconded by Dr. ~/~es and unaninao~Isly carried. Officer JobJasoz~ cost, needed the me/nber s of the school safety patrol a~d thanke~ th~ Ci/y~ wariot%s ciwic clubs, b~zsiaesses ~ prt~;a~e indi~i~uals for making the trip of the s~fety patrol ~nez~bers to Washington~ D. -C~ possible. Mayor Archie presented a~rards to znembers of tko school safety p~trolo The £oLtov~r~g bids, ~ere opened ~or Fire D. ept. umi£orms: Donald S~ Lavigne L/S Shirts $5°00 Trousers $9.50 S/S Shirts $3o 95 White Caps $zi~50 { 30 days to complete & Cashierts Blue Caps $Z.50 check ) jX_rg~ Uzui£orm Co. L/S Shirts $Z~o75 Troasers $9.35 S/S Shirts $3.75 White Caps $4.75 (30 days to complete Blue Caps $4.75 Cashierrs check) t~tr o Madsen mo~;e~ithat t]~e City ~isazager and Fire Chief tabulate bids during recess and report back their recornrne~dation. Motion seconded by Mr, Suz~ner's and una,uimously carried. Bids. %vere opened for lot clemrin~ as foll~s: · Lo~ 178,']B~ick A Lots~ 30 %l~v~ .Rg. inCo 'Block 16 ?~6 o O0 13.5. ~0 Tr. O~ 35~. 00 156~ 0~ 85. O0 114. O0 15o O0 255.00 165.00 235.00 145a00 I~Sts ~5/ZgI~ 3D, Block 8 186.00 45°00 Lot 3~ 90.00 40~00 ' i~ 23 ' 55. O0 7. OD Total Bid $ !~t94.00 $727.00 I:Iaa~drives Bid/Rond. $74070 -ietna~ Casualty g: Sozcety; complete in 45 cale~ar &~ys~ ~. ~ mo~ed t~t ~e ~ds be t~ed du~ng recess and rem~ed by Ci~ ~er t~t~ i~ the eyeing, if possible~. ~tion seconded ~y ~r~ ~es ~ ~n~sly c~rie~ ~t the public beanbag for zorn{rog re:quests the. Cpuncil took the following a~ion: ~ra~ Z ~ ~tm I0 ~ 11~ ~k 7 G~ral ~k ~ex, t3~ S. Semcrest Blvd. M~ion seconde~ by ~. Mads~ ~d ~mo:u~y carried. Tr.%Ct 3 - The City ~tt~r~ey read O~dlnance 6t~9 :covering tha~ part o£ the~N~ ~ 3 ~cSec B3~45-43 lyin~ ~vest ef Seacrea~ Blvd~ app~-ox~ 850~ The ze.qae~t be public .-a.a diekce: ~.' Geci,~ ~a~gl~, Soathe.rn Greyhom~ ~e.s. ~p~red ~fore Coanc~ ~ r~er~'~a'their desire ia e~a~ish addi~o~ b~s s,~vfce to ~est p~lm St~ Pe~e. The Gity ~rney read ~e, resolution petting to ~e above, re~aesI. ~ Wes. io~L ~z ]~Lro Ttz~rto~ of Florida ]SasI Coast. ~ailway prese~ a resol~:w~ ~e~ed ~ the ~rg~ of FEC ~a~road ~d Se~o~ ~ez~ G~c~m~ ~pes voicod ~ op~on th~ ke saw ~o need ~e. ~t~ ~ h~ ~volve~ ~ the ~i~o~d tangle ~e Co~c~ ~ not r~d ~~ ........... S/D re~:s~ Oil. Bi ~r~ a~ Cl~a ~rach, i~m~ ~ ~e. Z~ Boam& had recommended ~s request be de~ed ~d mO~ ~e~:ed pe~g de,ci~io~ of .the P~g 3~d. ~. Maas. ed mo~ed t~ttke request of ~. ~rs~ ~ deied. MaCon ae~nded bye; Smera ~a mimo~ly carried. Air. Tho]~s requested that the speed[of trains be che~e~ when ~hey C&ieI Taite annoanoed t3xat ~ Givit. Defens<e ct~ss would begin ~;ed~Sd~y night 1~ l?th at. the Jr; I-Iigh Scbol and Urged attendance~ donatLo~ ~s, readl -In rw~ieTe~ce.to ~ pe~gion ~siEmed by ~najori~tx, of t~omerz ~r street ~pro~em~;~. ~s.t ~ Z~~s~, 6~O.~,bt~, MayOr retroceded ~_at peti~ be- ac~ted ~ G~ ~a~g~ ob~ 'c~St e.a~ma~e. <~.: RiFe.moved the ~or'$ rem~io~ be accepted. Motio~ ~er the me?~ ,,1~:,]~1 re~o~vened, the comzqil reviewed ihe So~h~e~ ~e~s~, !~c.. 'for permission ~o,: pa~ ~ve. a~ ~ac~m the ~cg~e~ g0~ ~,e o~ Feder~ High~y, T~s~ ze~e, st, hadbee~ ~ over ~ t~e ,~a~st ~ ~,. $~mers~ ~. B~ ~s~ repz~,e~ed ~e cor~ra~n ~d at.eH ~ke t~ezs ~o~d be "fray~t ~ 't~ce" ~pe trailers. a~or~ng go s~tch Sub~ed. ~o~on second~ ~ Dr~ ~es and ~moasty ~egal - !~iro A~oore a~b~ised that ~ informal m~qa~est, had been made for reiss~ce of ~r~ <Coz~S ~e~.e, ~egi~g th~ his p!~ce had bee~ clewed ap. The Gity ~or~ey r~ommeaded tluat ~ef Of Police ~he~ .~o this ~tter and zepor[ ~ck. reco~d~zonwas m~o~ly ca~ied. /~Lr. tviadsen one ~t that t~e C~iy Attorney he g~anted perzniasion to prepare docuanemts in reg~z~t~go rel~a~ug per, ordnance tx>md for C~olf View Harbor upo~ the conditiO~ ~at. city ~eq¢irennents have been met. ~vtogior~ secondecl by tViro Sun~ers and u~ani~ao~3~sl y carried, -5- Cituf _~cC*z'~y re~d Ordinate 61-11 t~ reg~r~ ~. refeze~dm J~y l ltk for p~ ch~ of g~tion~ be~ch .property. ~ds~ mo~ that' the ~d~ce 61-I1 ~ de~ie.~. ~io~ $~e~ by ~do~me~]~f an ~ ,o~ ~ta 23, Z4, ,Z5 & ~Z6:~ Bik. 3 as re~est~ by ~ene Co~ine. It ~as: r~~tio~:of the Ci~ ~ager ~d ~r. ~oote~boer th~ Ci~ rel~ ~t~y: a~ is,~ o~de~ io c~ iQ p~de ser~e i~gr~ss ~d agress seco~ed ~y ~r~. S~ S ~d ~a~o~s~ly /~ir~ ~?~9te~bo~ ~eca~nmoadad,that the ~tance of $i9~Z~ 03 be pair yo~t~g gz ~al~lim ~r ~7~e tezms az~d co~iti0ms Ofltie I~brs~vy contr~cto After extras w~re add~l bzz~t. ~i, he= i}~msl del~te~i~ zke r~et. ~tifference ~zas am addition of $235133:, ~ ' ' -6- carried. /~r ~ l~xise~ r~o~e~tkat the date of Ju~e. 8th ~ schedule~ for T~ ~e on ~Opa~ desczihe~ O~ ~C~e~ lts~ ~ ~e~q~e~ ~ ta~s'. ~o~ S e~n~ed Dr. _A_kes move~ t>~t the ~rO ~s,of ~e C~ ~r~ay ~r aZto~ fees proce.e~s ~-t~e. ~O~t ~ ~,,~Z~30 he ~ppz~Wed. ~ ~eS ~ith~e~ his m~on ~pOn request ~ Mri~ ~dse~ ~t hi~s be Voted sep~tely. Mr. ~i~en~ naoved t-hat ~t~Orney fees in the Cornrnaa case ba p~d~th s~ip~i~ tk~t the ~ce. Dep~e~ report ~at he is, not do~ Air o ]~L~dse~ moved that. Cit~ ~ ' ' Attorney s bill ~r~ a~ao~ of $4,8~2.30 be paid for sezw!ce~ in tke S,wimnn~ Pool B~d. Yalida~io~ procee~fCm~o /viotion seconded by Ikro _Akes and mzaniznously cazried. MgyGr ~cA.ie r eco~r~ne~uded, a~thoriza~ior~ for ~ ~ez ~ yol~.r ~orkers ~ 15~.~ve. ~hle~c Field, project i~ ~ppreci~ for s.er~es r~dered. ~r. ~pes ~ve~ ~ ~%e ~er he ~u~o~ize~ ~ re~ended ~y ~yor ~r~ia O~ ~e~ ~y ITth ~ 6LDO p~ i~ app~i~o~.for s.er~ces, ten.red the Florida ~wer ~ ~-~t CO~ ~en at, the Attic Field. ~otio~ seconded c~l ~d ~e~e bends. ~e~ seceded by ~ $~e2;s. ~d CoU-Ucilrnan o, Coo.~di~azo~ NOTICE OF BNPAID DELINQUENT CITE Netise is hereby given t~at the foltewimg describe~ lands will be setd at pmblic auetiom begi~ om the 8th day of Jmme, ~961, ~egi~g at the hour of ~2:©0 o'~eloek moe~ at the ~ity Hall, Beymten Beaeh~ Florida, %o pay the ~m~n% ~e for ~ity of Beya:%o~ Beae~ %axes her~im se~oppesite %e ~he ~ ~g~ ~h ~11 ces~ ef s~ s~e ~d ~ve~i~ f~r ~e year 79~. -Deseriptien ef L~ad lyimg $ &%rof ~ ~ 0auat m cf Sec. 5~6~3 E e~E ~ ~ & less Sec~ ~2~5~3 ef ~ ~ less Rd. R~ Amomm~ ~waer 9f Tax Gos%s ~imes ~. ~. $ a~3~ $ 6.73 Grimes ~31.25 I8.5~ Earico ,~armso 16.t 5 3.28 See. ~h tract lyiag ~ of ~B~k_ s. 5~A, 5aA, ~6A & ~A ef Imke Beyat~m Estates 3.8~ See. 2~-&5-~3 s l?e; of E 7~' of N½ of Beg at t~tersect cf para to 150~ N mere fr~m ~ lief Sec 33 Em~ ~ ra~i~ ~ ~ ~ 1~.~ ~or pt ~ ~ p~a ~ &25~ ~em $ ~ ef Sec 33 sd. P~a ~ a ~st of Ja~ B~ker 17.93 para te & ~50~ Nef $Iii a dist of 1 I0.?~~ ~ P.~.B~ -2- C AR~ PARE C.C.& Nargaret Jet,an 13.6E Let 11© Let ~65 ~mllie & ~_Emily Bagley Lots $ & IG. less N~y 9 R/~ Blk ~ &~t ~ less $ 7.84 BOWERS PAR~ · T~ 2~ ef Let ~ & all ef Let 5, Btk ~ 2.3~ Le% 2~, Blk 8 Bee .38 2.81 E.D.D.O. ~erp. 50.13 T~'~TN ~F BO'Z'HT~N K.D.B.O. ~rp. 9.38 Ni~ael & Ma~elfme. Eelemlo ,~ef Lets 11 & 12~ Blk 3 ~ ehael & 27.~ Hs~elfme ~lem~e ~zlfs~ream Petters, 239~33 Ruth ~ J. Jemes 32.~5 N~rmam & BebBie Lee B~rg, Jr. 1.68 2.9~ 2.36 Kende Cerl~, 5-10 1.55 Ke~Te ~rp. 13o2~ 1.8~ R~er% L. ~ooke 1~.50 1.72 Eea~e ~r~. I~.5G 1.72 -3- Jack & ~rothy W~lim &~,t5 Ken~:~ ~rp. 29.10 2.78 2.27 Eemmle ~. 2~.03 2.18 K~e ~r~o 38.?0 2.56 Ke~e ~erlm. 25.~3 2.15 ~*~ & Fleremce 21.~ 2.O& Walter Ely & 41.05 Viola G~ TLl~em Nary Sal~l & Irene 477-77 Nalpern ~APEL HILL 5, Blk ~ 7~ B!k ~ 3~ ~lk 2 3, B~ 8 ~2, ~ ~ ~ Less ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ B~ 11 33. B~ ~ 20.55 21.37 23.17 23.17 19.12 20.25 2~,82 Z4.37 25.12 $ 2.e6 2o0~ 2.05 2.06 2.06 2*2] 2.17 2.12 ~.te 2.02 2.0/, 2.t0 2.10 2.02 1,97 2.01 2.01 2.13 2.15 2.11 -5- Lets 38~ thra ~387 Lets' %%~ & ~45 ~ts ~53 & 55~ Le%s ~ ~arm ?~ Blk 2 ~QUI~A COVE Let~ 12 Emgeme N. Betts $ 26.85 25.27 22.12 25.12 25.12 22.87 26.25 25.12 25.12 Liltian Thomas ~.5~ ~emas' & Barbara 3.~3 Jehm Niller 21~12 H~rol~ B. eli~t~m 7.65 Ha%%ie Pearl ~Ltler 2.77 Joh~ & Derethy 2.~3 Ed,~ie & Carrie Wa~ers Ermes% & 31.15 Elizabeth Amdrews Nfs. W. E. Dal~m 26o95 Geerge & Feline 1 t 1 .~ J~m~s Earl & Vara ~i~aael 5~.~ 2.2I t 2. t7 2.06 2.15 2.©9 2. t5 2.15 ~.75 2.33 2.2] ~.7~ 3.G2 -6- FOREST ~ILL~ ~L~% 6,. Elk. 1 Let 5, BI~ 4 i~% 6, Blk 4 I~t 7, Blk 4 Let3, Blk? HAPPY HOF~E HEi~HTS · Le% I~I~ BI~ 2 ~ . ~%s 1 & 2, Blk 3 Let t6, Blk'3 I~% 2, Blk 4 Le~ ~ 5, B~k 4 Let t6, Blk & 12, Blk 9 of Let ?..Blk R POINT ~y a Jem~F Bell 3.38 Rebecca Cl~y I. 53 ~a~a ~s 1~.~0 ~ ~ipp 3.75 ~ & ~ Ja~m 37.9~ S~lem~n & Hilda Pitts .29 Jack & Belle J. E. Andrews 3.38 Frances Eru~ek 40.~ J. B. Cas~, A¢~i~g Fed. 78.98 $ 2.08 2.04 2.~ 2.05 2.36 1.50 2.61 Lot 25 E. ~. ~ashburm 25.20 Frazier Mmrph 1.37 Preston & Oly~e 4.73 Lee J~r4am~ I~eela & ~hemas Norf~s 3.38 -7- ~ 8/~ of Lot ? LAKE ADDITION LAEE P~XNT~N ESTA~ Stalwert~ ~sbelle Eich elmam Eerem ~& Rese 8t.23 F~arie Ereediam 2 -33 Lets 11 tl~'a 17, Rlk le L~ts $ thrm 6, Btk 12 Let $ less ~2~ &E ef ~t t5, Blk ~ 42~5' ef Let 23 & Ail ~t 2~, L~ts 9 thr~ 16, Blk 22 I~E GARBS Fmrem & Eese ~. · Eree~iam S~a ~ ef Palm Beach Smn Ed ef Palm Bea~a Peter & Amgeli~e Voss~ F~rem &Eese Eree~iam ~erem & Rese _ Kree~ian Eerem & Rese _ Kre~ F~re~ ~ Rese . Kr ee~ian Lake Beyntem All~ K. ~rt~n 26.A8 2.63 27~78 l~.e3 12.38 68.93 I~7.28 6.68 2.23 1.73 1.73 -8- LAUREL HI3.t~g~ 5%h ADDN. I~t 252 N~ of L~% 2~7 & All ef t~t 258 ~DONALD PARE Le~s_ 28 ~_kra 3~, Blk 8 ~&~ Let lC, Bi~ 2 Btk~ PAI~I BEAGH ~0UNTRY CLUB EST~ Blk3 Lets ~ ~%hr~ 21, Btk 3 Let 8, Btk & ~rs. Jem~ie Nm4o $ t~.85 Wm M. Simmems 5.93 Ralph e. ~tehell 8.85 Jeam N. Reeves 52.95 Charley & Jesephine ~6~35 ~L Hareld & B. I~ise Shalleway J~h~ ~. Jem/cims ~. ~. Emtsey &Wife ~.?~ *.58 .67 1.ge t.77 2.99 ~.~ ~.~ ~.92 &.~2 -9- Lee & Nil~ed . Na.rtzell Kenneth & S~irley . Place Y~, 9:, Blk 12 Le1~ 25, ~tk ~ L~ 15, Blk 43 Lewis & Nel~m greea ~matd Jess~p ROLLING G~E~ RI~GE, SEA'REST A~DN% ~o~-35, B_lk 8 .... Field & Riley Ce. ~EACREST F~T. Let 6,. Blk. 5 Hilton & Elaine Nickex ~ax G. & ~eraaverne Smi~ .Kolen~le S~EPARg-~NK AD~. :56.~'0~ of ~ Blk ~ Johm & D~ris Timlim~ I~ts 36 t~¢ 38, Elk 2 Riehar~ & Ressie Bell ~hite SEY RANCN EST. 28.38 69.78 Il .63 lk,.35 2.25 2.61 3.67 2.6§ Fe~ Gte oery ¢~ff,~'~t Products Ce,, N~v~lties_ ~mlfstream Pottery Rm~ti~gten Ste~oil ~. Palm Boh Sates~ Tr~pieal I~dge Qapri Restauramt amrway Res~amrant .~raffemberg Baker 3~-3~ 2.3~ ~m a Jame Parsems 138.~ 5-5~ E~die J. G~am% 1.5© 1.45 · ee Ha~%zell 2.2~ {.~7 ~ J. ~n .7~ ~.~3 ~beri ~ 7.58 1.63 ~h~~ Bl~s~ ~nc ~25 1 ~r~ce ~i~ 1.50 ~-~5 ~e~siem Pools ~c. 15-35 { .86 Foy ~ 2.25 { .~7 ~ L~e 25 · 50 2. ~eves H~o~e 37.5~ 2.53 F~ ~est~ ~z~ ~.75 3.~ Don Novel~ ~. t. 5G ~ ~pe~ & 11.25 ~e ~e Fey ~ 3.3~ ~me~ ~es~ 37. ~ 2.~ ~itmess my ha~ am~ the efficial seal ef the ~i%y ef Beyaten Beach~ Flerida, ~this 8~h ~ay ef N~V, tg~t~ Palm Beach ~emmt~, Florida