Minutes 04-05-61~uch a.s he: had *~i~gned i~~a, T~.~ll~v~'ng '3~it~esaea v~-_~'e swor~/~ Fla. Fla.o Fi~, l~s. Sa~t~e~', SaS. W~. O~eau~vemue, ~oym~o~t~ea~ch~ Fla. W-~at tl~p~ ~r/we rk? I t~ve ~. ~o. C~r~a~rorkLug..auymc:~oz,~ o~ t:ke ~. side Moo =~: Porei.* M~rskatl: ~ery ~ ore ti~ae of ~y s~ar~ed ~i~- a~a~i ~Jme~ .w.e tel:. ~,~e yo~,ee~ I~irn w~or]~ at ZZ9 SW ls.t AYe; i~- the last came Lu. Jan~a~y,:~aU~ ~ 3~&~ seeal hta~a'wozkLug ~few times. I a~n bac_kof, the~ ~v~cant lo~., off h~ s, tr~ck ?~ Saaa~- He EGt This ~aOr~g r~ . ~key hav~.£octe~ all froa~z' th/~ y~r. ~: .I~e you r ' ta~ea: I ha~e heard ~h:er~I ~e~rer go ~here ~o lo,ok., I hear it, yes. I w~ter f:ke / CE N April 4, 1961 ~his is t~ a~l~ise the City C~unuil at its regular sign a~kn~wle~gement of your receip~ of Arctic LOuis J. ~iezes /~ity ~anag~r N~r. ~Ov~is Smf~zss, Oi~y,N~nsge~ I wish t~e~: eeed~s. BOYNTON BEACH, FLOBXDA M~CH 6tho 1961 H~able City ~yar & Councilman: Boy~ten Beach, Florida Gentleman: We the mmtersigmed request the City Cemmoil, ~ ~e aeti~ ~ ~ ~~ A~. ~ a~d 3 o~ .2~ 3~.~ ~ae~ce o~ b~a D. Co--an. ~o~ ~e~ ~e n~oo~ nave oeen and eyeing. T~e ~e -- ~on~ ~e ~Xoc~, and we