Minutes 05-02-60I~t~JTES OF THE REGUL~ ~NG OF ~ OIT~ COUNCIL OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MAY 2~d, 1960. Louis J. Smitzes, City Namagcr Gene ~oore, City Attora~y Dirck Greetenboer, Supt. of Pmblic Works Jack Tuite, Fire Chief Allen~ S~er~ Detective, Police Dept. The meeting w~s c~l ed to order at 7:40 P.~ Rev. James Roy, Pastor of the First ~ethodiet C~mrch, Boy~ton Beach, g~ve the invecati~. ~Lmutes of the regular meeting held Apt. il 18th, 1960, were read ~ad uua~im~usiy appr~.~ .with the.followingo c~rrectie~.s: Page ~, para. 5, "He rec..ommended the ~.dimEs ge mm ena temporary basms, ~ cer~orm with cur buil ~ding cede, stlp~la ~t~mg the fall of 1~61 a~s lemg~ of the permmt. Page 5, para. l, ~s~lutiem adopted.," to be added. The secretary was insT~ucted to check the~reserd to ~scertain~the accurmcy of~ the l~st paragraph en Page 4. Ni~utes o£ specie! meeting held April 27th were read for Council appreva!. ~. ~dsem ~k~ ~mt it ~ sti~t~ ~ ~e re~ of ~. ~te~, quoted ver~ ~ ~a. 6, ~e 2, were ~ C~e~ti~ ~ the s~vey s~es o~ ~e ~ee~e~r~ o~ N~ ~acrest Bi~. ~. ~c~e moved ~at ~ ~tes ~ ~ep~ ~ ~rrec~. ~, ~es seceded ~ ~otion w~ ~ss~ ~sly. D~ri~ the public half ho~r Er. J. A. O~os voiced his objections to '~he Co~cil e£ the ma~aer i~ w~ ~. J~k O~l had ~sid~ over ~ re~t meet~ ef ~ Z~ ~d st~i~g ~t c~t~ m~be~ ~ attendee were ~ot giv~ e~t~me to voice ~e~ ~ ~ ~ the ~c~ to ~ves- ti~ ~e~t~. ~. B~mov~ ~t ~ ~c~ act on t~s ~ t~t ~. C~ be br~ght ~te ~e C~c~ ~ ~wer ~e~e ~ges~ ~. ~dsen ~pplmc~ for the ~e ~ Zo~ amd ~ ~bjee~rs ~ ~ ~e were graven t~e ~ s~ the ~e~ de~ra~d ~te a sq~bble, w~ c~plete~ ~t ef ~ 1 ~~ at t~t t~e ~. Ga~ ~ for ~d~. Uo~ ~ c~ for ~ ~estm~~ ~e ~ti~ ~ mcr em ~ c~s, ~ de,ed ~e ~ ~o, ~L~. Dave N~bb addressed the CQumcil as p~st Secre~tar~ y-l~u~ger of the with the. pe~i~ee dep~t~aut, i s+~tim~ that. he had.only referred the comp!ai~t that had cOme ~-~to h~s office, as he had m~my others. ~ir. Harry LeFert requested that a recording be ru~ of future Board meetings. Nayor Oyer Stated that this could be done. -1- Nr. Jo H.-Psinter asked the Oomacil when N. ~W. 4th Street was t~ be res~rfaced as~ had bee~ promised. Nfs. ~Lildred Hs~tlier asked abo-~t the progress om her claim ~gaimst the City, ~ was im~ermed by N~. t{oere t.h~t he was im the process of tacti~g all pre. tries owners co~cermed. Nr. ~llimm F~m~l~ke informed the Oc~ueit that he ~d ~lied for ~ ~t ~ ~d a~e for ~self ~ it ~d ~e~. ~r, ~t ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ract~s ~m~natiom ~st ~ ~ ~'t ~ h~ ~em im- fo~ ~t ~ ~tiem ~d ~em ~ven ~er ~pre~r ~ ~er md~s~ ~. ~d~e ~t he sh~d apply to ~e ~ ~d f~r a r~~ ~d ~ if it were ~e~ed, ~ ~e~d ~ve rec~sa te I~-. Jac~ T~ite, Fire Chief, i~fermed these present efa Civil Defense alert to ~e place at o~e o'~lock o~ Nay 3rd. ~.yer Oyer expressed the symp~_ th~ of the City smd the Council im the recemt demise of w~ry Ms~sfield, radio dispatcher for the Police Dep~rtment. A letter fr~m the Superimtendent ef ~he Florida F~st. Oo~st P~lway _Cemp,~ ? res~ expr~.ss.i~g i~terest im getting adequate croasi~ proteetiom for the Cmty ~_ud premmsing to come to the City as early as possible. A card expressimg appreeiatiem for exSemded sympathy fram the f~ly ef the~ late Flossie Bosworth was re~d. A letter from the Bared Boosters Club requestSn~g the ~ donation of $200.~00 be remitted for. the Benefit of th~ Se~crest High School Ban~, was read. It wa~ poimted out that $200.00 ha~ beem alloca+~d in the budget, for this purpose. ~r. Archie m~ved that the request be granted in the amount of $200.00. ~r. _Akes secomded the motion ~iich p~ssed ~imously. A letter f~am the Boyntem Beach improvamemt Committee reg~ ~e prop~ed ~ of ~e ~k a~s f~ ~ ~tom B~ ~t~ S~oo!, ~ch ~ be~ ~ ~s ~o~ht to ~ne attemti~ o~ O~c~. ~. ~g~ m~ ~t ~ ~~ss ~ ~e ~ ord~ of ~s. ~. ~dsen seco~ ~e ~tio~ ~h pass~ ~o~y. A lstter w~s read from the ~ of Co~erce recommending that the City ~$±der ut~l~zatio= of City owa~d property for a,wayside park and public beat ramp. ~Ir. Nadsan moved that the matter be referred to the City ~uager for his recc~men~atioms and the City Attorney. Dr. ~kes secomded the motion which passed u~anim~sly. ~-. H. P. Brawaer, representimg the Boymton Beach C~amber of O~erce, presen~ ~ the ~ a ~e~act~ brae for ~e ~ the ~r ~ adve~is~ ~e City amd requested C~c~ ~sie~ to ~c~e ~,~0 of ~e ~e~. 1~. Bra~er e~ te ~e O~e~ ~t ~ mo~l associa- tio~ ~d ~d ~ go ~ ~ ~e City ~ t~ p'~e ~ o~er t~t ~a~ c~d be~fit fr~ ~ 35~ ~ ~ice, ~e to~ ~e ~ ~ proart. ~. ~dse~ sta~ ~t ~ ~ o~e~ ~ em~sis ~d beem pla~ ~ fishing and ~ggested that other attractions in B~ymtom be give~ e~ pl~y, such as the shuffle court amd City Hall. Er. Brawme~ presemted to the Council a recap ~f three bids ha had ob~aime~ for the brochures, the low bidder beimg, ~lo~i~a Pri~tiag Co. at $2~295.00 per ~hirty-five thousand. The G~unc~! members felt that ~he brochure was adequate, with the em~eptien ef the ~ver- emphasis on fi~ a~d recommended several additiemsl Boymtem facilities be incorporated i~ the brochure. Dr. Akes m~ved that 20~000 bro~m~res be pur- chased fr~m the Florida Primtimg Ge~., l~w bidder, ~at the 35~000 rate, om a prera~a basiS, with the Motel Ow~er~ As~eci~tiem, a~d that before the bro~rares are prim%ed a revised l~yeut be ~ese$~ed te the ~mcil, for approw!. Er. Archie sec~aded the metiem which passed u~amimeu~. Eamager may desi~te by letter f~ed with the City Oler~.: app~oval~ a qualified administrative officer of the Git~yo the metiem which passed ~msmimously. Dr. ~Akes moved that ;Ordinance 60-5 as amemded be adopted on second ~nd fir~l~read~. Er.~irchie seceded the motion which passed umamimously. Ordinance 60-6, ama~di~E .Ordi~j~e ~205 a~d rezaning the fellowimg parcel te comm~ercia! D w~$ read. . L~t!~ of $~m Browa, Jr.'s Hypo!uxo $/D of See. 15, Township 45 South, ~P~mge 43 ~t, e~ept ~e fo~o~ ~c~. ~g~- ~ at ~e ~cer~ of ~t lO - ~3.67 feet~ ~ce ~r~erly a~r~t ~s to ~e ~se~t oo~e 7.9 f~t~ ~e ge Wester~ p~el ~ the ~u~ l~e o~ ~t 10 9~4 feet l~ef ~t lO ~ 59.36 feet to ~e ~t of ~g~g. Mr. Archie m~ved that Ordinance 60-6 be passed om secomd and fimal reading. Dr. Akes sec~ the motio~ which was sunanimously passed. The City Attcz~ey recommended that the request for m sw~.~ing pool in Lske Boyaten E~tates~ referred t~ him mt the last meeti~g~ be ~ranted. Dr. Akes move~l t~ the ap_~lication be grated, lgr. Arehie seconded the motion which passed u~limcusly. The 0ity Attorney brought to the attention of the Council a request by the Florida ~e cf Fm~ictpalities for a copy of the City ~rter. Dr. Akes moved that the City Clerk be a~thori~ed to forward to the Florida League of i~tmiaipalities one complete se~ o£ the City Charter in Cedificati~. Nr. Archie seconded the motion which passed unanimOUsly. The following license for BeDr and ~ on pr~m~ses and to take out ~ere approved by a u~uimous vote ef the Council: James Summers~ 1]ql N. Federal Hwy; Yatch B~sim Resta~lra~t (TranSfer), Carl T. Hedrich, Oasa Lena Recommendations of the Zoning Bo~rd f_rem action take~ at their beard m~eti~g cn Apr~_l 21, 1960, w~ere read. The City ~tteraey, as instructed, had pr pared ~.oA~eeS om ~/%ese app!~¢ati~s that t~he Z~nimg Board had recom- una~imo~aly passed to a second readY, ag u~ a moti~m~by Dr. Akes, seconded by Mr. Dr. Akee proposed that all request for razoming te C~mmercial, Ymtltipie ~ ~ Iud stri~l be accempammed by .a proposed layreut as regards off-street parkLng and set backs. After discussion, Er. Moore w~s requested to submit his ~ece~endatioms as te~h~, the Council ¢~uld m~i~t~ control ~£ these land uses ~mtii a proper zoning ord3j~uce was adoDted for the City. 0rdi~wee 60-~ amending Ordiuance ~205 and creat~ new zo~*~g ~s read. Nm. At, hie moved that the rec~m~end~.tiom of the Zo~*~g Board be f~!lowed az~ t~t the Ordinance be passed to a second anti_final readying ~ith the reserVatier~ that ~he set backs be 25 fee, t om both streets a~d 6 feet om the rear s~d side. Dr. Akes seconded the motion %f~ich passed unanimously. 0~ '~d3~ 60-9 ame~di~g~Ordi~ance ~205.w~s read. M~. A~chie moved that the 0~dimance be passed t~ sece~i and final reading. Dr~ Akes seconded the mstion which passed una~0usly. Dr. ~es moved t~t the dedication ceremony for the sewage dispossl plant.be _scheduled for 2 o~cleck ~y 18th. ~ir. Archie seconded the motion ~d~ich received four votes Lu f~vor. Fro. Baughmam ~bste3l~do A writte~ re,assr fram the City Olerk for authorization to hav~ legal work 4one in ~n effort to set U_D a current file on City owaed~property was read. Er. Archie moved that the matter be tum~aed over to the City l~uager and that he be authorized to +~ke appropriate action. Dr. Akes secoD~led the motiO~ w~ich passed ~ously. A request from the Recreation Board for repairs te the Eecreation Building and a~ addition of a patio at the rear of the ~building was brought to the attention of the Council. Er. Grootenbesr gave an estimated cost of $i~089.00 to de the work requested. Er. Madsen ~?ggested that the above amount be spent on completing a portie~ of the second floor of City F~l which'could be used for recreational p~rpo.ses and t~at the old Oity Hall be used as a po!ice station~ After disCUSsio~ Er. Arckie moved that the Council grant -4- the re~uest ef the Recreation Board~ using l~r. Breotenboer's figures of $1089.00 as a hig~ figaro. Dr. Akes seconded the motion whieh passed P~cemmemdatier~ of the FLuamce Department, tabled at the last meetimg, were removed from the table by a ~o~s vote of the Council, Recommendm- rictus were m~sfelt~ws: T~at the two Savdmgs and Log Accomm+~ ~mich h~ve exceeded the $10,O00 izm~rablelimit ye reduced to_$9~0~00.00 and that the mo~ey withdrawn be depesit?d in prep~r acec~ts; that the ~i~em~S Relief a~i Paros!om Fu~d which, s~?o exceeds' $10,000 be r~ed to .$%000 a.ud ~ momey withdrawn l~ deposited im p~oper ace~u~ts; that the $4800 im the Boymt~ ~ach ~emori~ Cemetery F~ a~d $1060 i~ the S~$~ Nemori~ Garde~ . Bank be t~au~fe~ te time deposits a retm~ ~n this mo~ey; ~e~t ~50~0~0 ef the the adve~t_$se rtebe Upom a passed The Tax Colleo month of AprLl was re~d. Bez~ts be the the reeemmauded ~1~/~ ~, The. Ci~ Olerk read the re.s?l~tien i~ regard to deiinquemt taxes. Mr. Arehi~ ~ved.that She Oo',~cil adopt the resolutio~ as read. Mr. Baughmsm seco~nded the motion wkich p~ssed unanimously. The Sui~diug Relm~rt for the month of April was read sho~d~zg ~ total buildimg f~ for the m~th ef $219, V56.~00. Tae -Nayor brought te the attention of Council t~e necessity of appoints- img t~e fiscal agaut for the bonds te finane~ the ~Jater Improvement Progremo ~e Oity Nanager recemmemded that the Cem~cil engage either of two higkly qmal~ied firms--Ira Haupt CO. or F. S.. Smithers & Co. Mr. ~Madse~ moved that Ira Haupt amd Ps~m Beach I~vestment Comp~uy be rets~ned as fiscal agents. Nr~ Baug~ seconded the~moti~n. After considerable discussion, Nr. Nadsen wi~ew his m~ien amd Mr. Archie moved that the City e~gage F. So S~ithers & Co., 45 ~sll St., New York~ as fiscal ~gents i~ .the Water Improyememt Program~ aod that the City be authorized to e~ecute the proposed contract mmbmitt~ by F. So ~mith~s & Co after approval by the City ~w~ger and City Attorney. Dr. Akes seconded the motion whd~ch passed ~man~mously. ~r. Archie moved t~at the Ger~ral Obligation Bends for the colored swimm~ug p~eol be t~u~ed over to the City~ Nsmager for his recommendations. Mr. Ba~ghma~ seconded the motion which passed un~uimo~sly. A letter frc~ the State Board of Health i~ regards tea verifax copy of the letter from Mr. Charles Cook of. th~ ~lorida state Board of Health t~ Dr. Brumback~ Director of the Health Department i~ Nest Palm Beach, asking for imform~tion regar~ing the p~sibility of cbtatming samitary sewer con- nectioms for homes i~ I~ke B0ynton Estates. F~ro Archie moved T~at receipt of the let+~r be acknowledged and t~t it be t'~u~ed over t~ the City ~ger for him t~ consult Rassell & Axon and submit his recoz~mendations to the Council. Dr. Akes seconded thee motion which passed Nr. Arch~e brought te the attention of Council the necessity of approvi~.~. ~the pral~ary pta~s for the colored ~immimg pool. Several c ~hanges in the ~epesed pleas were dismussed. Nr. Archie move~ that the Cet~u~ oil accept the p~elimiuary D!az~ subject to. ~o~eval by the Supt. of Pablis Works s~d the City Ms~ager, and request that they follo~ through with them. Nr. N~dse~ seconded the motio~ Mhieh passed Umam~imously, At the request of the City ~ger, Mr. Archie moved that the Council authorize ~he City ~zger to goout for bids~for ceiling, partitions f~mmishir~s mm~the r~em designated, for the office *f the Oity Na~ger on *~e gr0~m~ fleer of the City Hall. Mr. Nadsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously° Mr. A~chie moved that the Council a~thorize the advertising for bids for a~ 8-~yli~der ear for use im the Pa!ice Departs. ut. Dr. Akes seconded the motion which p~ssed un~moUsiy. Mr. Archie moved that the Cit~y Manager be authorized to remt a car to be used by him for City business u~til such tiSe as a car, owned by the City, is availmble. Dr. Akes seconded the motiou which p~ssed unsmimously. A letter fr~m ~he Street Lighting Board and a letter from the Parks and _Playgrc~md Bo~rd were t~bled by a ~n~. ~rd~ous veto ef the C~ucil. Mr. Greotenboer was asked for his recrm~mend~tious as to the purchasing ef the p~cker for the sanitary dep~rtment, recommending that. the contract he awarded for ~ahe truck chassis to BeN, roe Tractor & Implement Co., Boyntc~ Beach~ and the packe~ b~cly from the Florida-Georgi~ Tractor Company, in West P~dm Beach~ Florida, net cost of recommended purchese $10,078.00. The City ~sm~ger requested permission te go over the bids '~ith the Supt. of P~blic Works. l~lr. M~dsen moved that the bids be referred to the City ~w~u~.ger~ Mr. Baug~man seconded the motion which passed, unanimously. There beS-ug no further busies the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 Vice-Ns~ver SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL BY COUNCIL AT REGULAR ~{EETING MAY 2, 1960 Austin Supply · 1 Austmn Supp y Co. Battery Mfg. Co. Bsynton Auto Supply Ce. Boynton Beach News Boyntau Wom~u~s Club Library Brooks Products of Fla. Earl G. Brow~ Earl G. Brown Cheney Bros. Motor Co. The H~ & W~ 'Drew Co. Eas~ Coast Fire Equip. East Coast FLre Equip, B~b Eackler~ Printing Shop supply ieip Supply Florida Po~~r ~& Light Flerid~ Power & Light ~r. & ~s Gordon ~riffith :& Moore D. H. ~reotenboer D. H. Gr~b~ · ~se~ & ~r~ffith ~ds D~ ~ ~ok Shop ~idetbe~ -Resta~t Restaurant ~ng Service )ffice Supply Co. ge .ment I~uc. ~vigne ~ Wate~ ~ C!inic ~om~s T ~ & Radio palm Bea¢h -T~iter uo. ~m Beach (~iter Co. '~m Beach ~iter Co. ~d~d Oi~~ So,ice Station Jo~ M. $8.82 7.35 13.6O 6.93 20.83 128.60 82.50 67.75 82.28 9.20 1~3.37 3~.88 38.00 4.00 20.37 3.89 90.37 3O.89 39,00 154.40 9.S5 65.92~/ 77.80~ 72.38 49.10 10.OO 35.~6 700 .OO 135.79 47.6~ 7.20 .95 57 984.84 19.~0 9.64 11.~O 825.5O A5.00 18.~ 35~.16 59.89 28.:~t ABATE~E~TS 1959 TAX ROLL FOR ~MONTH OF APRIL, 1960 Personal property ~est. & Bar (corrected by H~n~icutt) Personal property Liquor store (assessment reduced by Hunnicutt) Boynton Isles Tkat N'lyportion of S/D (assessed value red~ced~ by Hu~uicutt) Persenalproperty Oil Do. (correctexl assessment by Hm~nicutt) Personal property Equipment (equip. never installed~ returned to factory) Personal Property Rest., Sa~_d Sp~r (equip. sold for 2 yrs.) Tropicaire ~-1-60 Boynton Liquor Store ~-A-60 Brookd~e Co. Gulf Oil Corp. ~-5-60 Boynton N~s ~-12-60 %~a. Peatt~ Jr. L-26-60 $ 30.00 146.56 181.73 1.50 100.73 klso known as Tract "A" as shown on Recorded Plat in Plat Book #25 Page 34 Palm Beach County Records. I/~OICES SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL -APRIL 15, 1960 American Automobile Assoc. Artex Truck ~ Equipment Co. Boya~on Auto Supply Boynton Auto Supply Boynton Beach Plumbing Boynton Gun Shop Brockway, Weber &Brockway Corhettls Service Station Goods ~chine Co. Inc. Motor Works Goo Inc Mr. Chas. Gordon Shop Of Delray Inc. Service Cash ~egister Co. · Lumber Co. Spring Co. 0il Co. i Tel. & Tel. Station $125.00 6251.15~ 39.43 56,04 7.50 !4.60 ?.00 4.00 2.88 35.00 47.36 48.30 95.29 20~00 46.28 7.56 .98 ~15.00~ 69.27 60.00 24~.95 91.05 117.80 16 .~ 9 .O0 22.25 15, 75 35~t3 3~ t011~t0 ~00 16~2t Approved for Payment