Minutes 07-12-58MINUTES OF A SPECIAL E~ET!NG OF THE CITY COUi~CIL OF BOTNTON BEACH V~ITH A DEIEGATION FRO~ TH~ CIVIC ?~.~GUE (COL0~D) HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON ~CK, L. S. Ohadwell, ~ayor liartin D~rkin, Vice ~tt Partin Har~ey 0yet James J. Mahoneyo Vernon Thompson~ 211 N.~V. 10th Avenue. Edell Hester, £B5 N.E. llth Ave~e. Thomas E. l~mshing. &l& N.E~ 10~h Avenue ~re. Coleom, 1~£ N.E. !2th AvenAe Benjamin Cain, Ecl N.E, l£th Avenue. The ~yor called the meeting to order at 1.15 P.E. and said it had been arranged at the request of the Oivfc 5eagle (colored) of Boynton Beach to discuss recreational facilities, more especially a beach, for the use of colored ~i~izene. Thomas Rushing said he had been appointed spokesman for the delega- tion and said they w~nt a beach for the colored people of Boynton Beach, and that there a~e no recreational facilities available for their children. The ~*~yor invited the other member~ of the delegation to express their vie~, and Vernon Thompson, saying he had eight children, stressed the need for recreatioP~l facilities for the occupants of colored town. Edell Kester, school teacher, said he thought there should be some place for their children to go other tha~ the streets. It was hoped some arrangements can be made to provide s~vi~ing for the~. ~re. Coisom said she had been a citizen of Boynton for 21 years and asked the Cou~ucil to do whatever is ~ossible to meet the needs of the colored children. Benjamin Cain said he had been a resident of Boynton for 23 years and urged the need for recreational facilities for their children. In reply to a question from ~r~ ~honey as to the ~r~mber of active members in the Civic Lea~e, Thomas Eushins said approximately ~00. 2~r. Chadwell said he vould like to see every child have a place to swim and outlined in detail the present impracticability of providing an extra beach. Thomas Rushing said they did not come to t~y to force at, thing and agreed ~th what the ~yor had said. He said the Civic League had other ideas in mind. but at present a beach is the No.! ~r. 0yet said it seemed to him there ~ras no land available for a colored beach but that it ~y be possible for the City Council to consider a poe!. He asked v~_ether the Civic Z~ag~e was out for a chance to have good swimming facilities, or v~rs askin~ for a beach on an e~otior~l basis. Rushing said "We actually came to~tay to s~peak for a beach". The ~yor asked Wether they had ar~ idea of how this could be obtained or paid for. Bushing said they had no~ definitely seen any land and would not like to go into it so far'without cons-~lting City officials. The Ea~vor said Boynton does not o~m a.~v beach, it belongs to Ocean Ridge, and Mr. Oyer said Ocean Ridge has no colored population and Would not allow land to be purchased, even if available, for a pubiic beach without the proper~y ev~ers agreeing, and they cf course would not. He s~oes~ed a pool rather than a beach, to orovide a good form of recreation, and asked whether this would not meet the result desired. The ~yor said we ca~not integrate this beach, but if and when the Federal Government m~kes a rulih~$~t~ cannot do anything but co_~orm. Cain said "Either integrate, which we do not ~,~nt, or provide 100 feet of beach.'~ ~!r. Oyer explained in detail V~%at the results on the City's economy would be, and said it v~s not a queswion of whether the City v.~nts to provide a 100' beach. He said that if a pool could be ased, it would be a solution to the problem. There are four to five times as many white as colored, and they are putting on pressure for a pool for their children. Rushing said they ¥~ould go back and meet with the Civic League and ~_ them what the Council has said, and ask if the group will accept a pool. ~r. Oyer said if a pool will ~eet the needs cf the people, we should know about it soon so that ~ can arrange ~or it in the next budget. "If your group, or a ma~ority of the colored people w~ll say a pool will satisfy them, I am sure the Council will help all they can. It cannot be promt~ed for next year or any definite date as there are a ~ttmber of ether important things to be done. It sometimes can take several years to ~ass enot~gh money from taxes.~ Mr~ Chs~i~ll said the whites do have a piace to swim and he ~_~ped they will think the colored should have priority ~*~th a peele He added that taxes were so small from colored town that they were not snfficient to pay for one colored policeman and upkeep of car. If they get a pool the white people will have to pay for it. ~r. Durkin said, bei~ a lawyer, he could see both sides. He did not thi_~k there should be a~y delay in providin~ a swi,~u~ing pool with arrangements f~r mothers and yo~g children to bathe in ~he pool rather than struggle over So ~he beach. He thought a swi~ing pool should be a.prioeity to be arrar~ed for a~ soon as practical. He would like to see it as soon as the mon~ can be provided. ~r. Partin and ~r. ~?~honey agreed. The ~J~ayor said a pool within the City limits~ is necessary for mothers and you~_~ c~h~ldren, to avoid the necessity for transporta~iono ~ir. Durkin expressed pleasure that there had been no dispute and hoped they would gebb~ck te their people and d~iscues the preferability of a pool. Ee thought their people ~outd use ~it more ~han if a beach could be provided. The ~ayor asked them to tell their Lea~e wh~t they had heard this afternoon, and ,&T~t they think is possible, and to return and let the Cornel! ~ow the result. He said it had been a great pleasure to meet with thee and they h~d al~ been very nice about it. Rushing said it had been a pleasure to attend the meeting. The ~ayor adjourned the meeting at 2.&5 P.5~. Eayor City Clerk