R93-21RESOLUTION NO. R93~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CTTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL LOAD CONTROL PROGRAM AGREEMENT ("CILC-I") BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W/{EREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, upon recommendation of staff, has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Florida Power & Light Company ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section io The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Florida Power & Light Company to reserve the CILC rate structure for the West Water Treatment Plant, which Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. That this Resolution effective immediately upon passage. shall become PASSED AND ADOPTED this /~ day of February, 1993. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Co~ioner ATTEST: Ci~ Clerk (Corporate Seal) Authsig.doc Uti.WWTP 2/11/93 This .a~rcement is made this day of , 19._._, by and between The City of B0,¥nt0n Beach (hereinafter c ailed the,Customer.), located at 5469 ff. Boynl:on onda (hereinafter calied the Com~aay ). 1. The Company agrees to furnL~ and the Customer agrees to take electric service subject to the terms and conditions of the Co _mp~my'a Co.~er c~fl/l~.dus t ri~... ~Load Control Prngram Schedule CII.C-1 (hereinafter celled 'Sched~Je CILC-1') as orus ? be mo ed Me to by the oride ub.c Coma iun rherein*aer =iied ~I~i~ ~.~ ~'f~ ,~C~-s~ ~t~o.m~er .mlders~n?.;andegr~ t~, Whene~r/refereiice is made. ia this Agreement to Schedule t~j', ~- ~u~.v approveo :~..ne~me C~L.C-! ts attached hereto as Exllibit A and hereby made an integral part of this Agreemeet. Z dTuO~.h~hShp~.j~t~l eql~l/~~ ~.or,,~_,c~_ und~r.S?e,d.ul.~ c,~C.1, [he ~C~:~omer must have had amax/mum demand · r- u.~ u~ ~ ~s~ greatar.tlmn tl~..mrm Dema.,-id' level specified in paragraph 7 below. ~m,',:~,~a~r"~r~: ~ an? ~:°??°?s' ? -r any °l:l~er C0inm~ssl°~det ermmm'°n~ 'T'9~ e C°m pony and the C~atomer aee that ~ ~ !y edified or w~thdrawn iub em to det~r--minat~ ..... , ~J ous made erCo Nun- . . . .. . . . : Und ~on RUle 25-6.0438, F.A.C From ~=iectric ~ervwe Terms and Condmous, or any other Comrmss~on deternlinatibn. ' 4. i~;:c~oanth;andCd'~aa~e~otmO~;~ u.~n_d~S~_~_e~l~ ?e C~_,C-.1 [he C~?~[0m?.r m~ pr~ the Company access to ~ ,~,~v~ equ~pment,'ano mm als0 h~e re~ived arm-oval from the mat sam equipment is sethfactory tO effect cOntr°l of~e C'm,2~,,er's ,~,~ '~- - ~---- ~ .:: a I/ca e ' ~ ~ , pons/bie for meet n any pp bee ]ect~cal code standards and~ .... . · . g .. . - ~g~ requ)rel~ents pertamm[~t0 ~h~ fnstallatton maintenance and re ir of me _.~_m..pme~t. The Customer .shaft[,be raspo~usible for '~ain//aining} th~ Cu/t6rne~'S· ~und conirol ~nui~mem provl~ ~e ~ompany access at any reusonable time to iiis~ct t1~ can't off:0~t~ ~ul~mm for p~ of d;t;~r~ g rellell"-- upoe by the CustomerYt~'~"~' ~mu rater m.Specfiuns 0Y the Company ar~ n~[ fb~ the purp°se of, and are not to be for, determining [he load centre! equipment has been adeouatelv maintained or is m Compliance with any applieable electrical c0de' star/dai, c~ Or }egal ~.equh~ei~.t~. ' - 5. The Cussomer agreus to perform the aecessary cbanges by (date) 12/31/94 , to allow control of a partion of the ~eff$ load. Schedule CII..C-1 cemaot apply earlier than this date uffiess agreed to by the Company. by Company. In order to recerv~ service under SchedUle CILC-1, it ~ be nece~arv for the Customer to a new men · Agree t, which will again make the availabdlty of set-v/ce subject to the 'L/mitatiun ~ Upon completion of the installation of the load control equipment, a ter~ of this equipment wi[t be conducted at a time a.ed O tnmer. The ist o,a ,oad co. o, no, --, .~ . ~.,j~..,.~{vv u~u me compleuoa of the testing of the load control ui meat the ' toa'l~m~:Demand". ServiceunderSched I CR.C lcannnrt.~,~,,, · - eq p - ' Customer wffi agree .... u · -- ........... ence prior to the astallat{on of load control equipment aaa the succusstul completmn of the test. -- - The Customer agrees to a *Firin Demand* level of 0 kw during the periods when the Company is controlling the Customer's set,ce. This #Firm Demand* lev*l ,shall not be exceeded during periods when llle Compaoy is controlling load. oUr~l~>~emrgua2,a,~_~_ ~m.e~_c~.3he C~m.~?~y_ ~and ~e Customer, the C'ustomer's Fu'm De~d may su uent be raised ------~, ~ ~ouM ~ u~ change m toe -eu'm Demand* ,-- =- ............. ~ ly ,~v~t ~, uut a r~:~mt o~ a transfer of load from the ControHabie pon/on of the Customer's load. The Customer shall notify the Company upon adding firm lund. In order to minimize the/requency and duration of interruptions under the CILC Pro/ram, the Company w/Il attempt to obtain reasonably available additional capacity and/or ener/y under the Continuity of Se~/ce Provision in Schedule CILC-1. The Company's obligation in this regard is no differem ~han its obligation in general to purchase power to serve its Cnstomers during a capacity shortage; in other words, the Company is not obl//ated to account for or otherwise reflect in its generation and wansmiss~n p~nnin$ and construction the Pce~bility of providing capaci~ and/or eneriy under the Continuity of SelMce Pro./on. Customers receding ser~lae under Schedule CILC-1 may elect to continue raking service under the Continuity Of Service Provis/on nad it will be provided only if such capacity and/or enar/y can be obtained by the Company and can be transmitted and distributed to non-firm Customers without any impaifmem of the Company's system or service tO other finn Customers. _ The Customer ~ [ doe~ not elect to continue tak/ng service under the Continuity of Service Provision. The Customer may countermand the election specified above by prov/ding written notica to the Company pursuant to the guldelinus set forth In Schedule CILC-1. The Company's obliffati~.s under this para/raph are sub,{ec~ to the terms and conditions spacificelly set forth in Schedule CILC-L The Cnstomer a/re. es to be responsible for file determination that all electrical equipment to be controlled is in good repair and working condition. The Company shall not ha responsible for the reps/r, ma/ntenance or replacement of the Customer's equipment. 10. I~ the Cmtomer no longer w/shus to receive any ~pe of electric semdce from the Company, the Customer may terminate this A/r~ment by/lying U~rty 00) ~ advance vai~n notica to the Company. 11, The Company may term/nato this A/reement at any time if the Customer fails lo comply with the terms and conditions of Schedule CILC-1 or this A/reemenL Prior to any such termination, the Company shall notify the C'ustomer at least n/nety (90) de~s in ad~unce and delmribe the Customer's failure to comply. The Company may then terminate this A/reement at the end of the 90-dey notice period uuless the C~stomer ~&ns mnasurel necessary to el/minate, to the Company's,~atisfaction, the compliance deficienc/ns described by the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if, at any time during the,90-day period, the Customer either refases or fails to initiate and pursue corrective action, the Company shall be entitled,lo suspend forth~th the monthly billing under tho Schedule CILC-1, bill the Customer under the otharvAie applicable firm sen,ice rate schedule and apply the rebilling end penalty provhions enumerated under TERM OF SERVIC~ in Schedule CILC-1. 1Z Tha Customer a/rees that the Company will not be llabla for any damages or injurius that may occur as a rusult of control o~ electro set'v/ce pursuant to the terms ~/Schedule CILC-1 by remote control or otherwhe. 13. This A/r~ement ,supersedes all previous a/rcemants and representations, ulther wr//aen or oral, heretofore made hatween the Company end the Cestomer with ruspac~ to matters herein contained. Any modification(s) of this A/reement must be approved, in writing, by the Company and approved by the Commission. 14. This Agreement may not be essi~ned by the Customer without the prior written consent of the Company. 15, This A/reement is subjec~ to the Company's "C~eneral Rules and Regulations for Electric Scrv/ce" and the Rules of the Commissio~ iN WITNESS ~OF, the Customer and the Company have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. Compeny: City of Boynton Beach Name: arline Weiner ~e: ~yor FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Name: ./fi/.~'-~'~ ~ ,-¢ ~'//