R93-06RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND RICHARD P. WILLE, AS SHERIFF OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FOR UTILIZATION OF THE COUNTY'S FIRING RANGE TO COndUCT TRAINING OF ITS AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES; A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Boy,ton Beach Police Department is desirous of entering into~an Agreement with Richard P. Wille, as Sheriff of Palm Beach County ~for the use of the County's firing range to conduct training of the City of Boynton Beach's agents and employees; NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CItY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a certain Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and Richard P. Wille, as Sheriff of Palm Beach County, for the utilization of the County's firing range by the Boynton Beach Police Department, a copy of said Agreement being attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution immediately upon passage. shall take effect PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of January, 1993. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA oner / ATTEST: Cify Clerk (Coz~orate Seal) BBPD/CountyR/Agr ~/14/93 THIS ~/(~R~:M~NT is made day of Januai-y ............. 19 .%~ ~ l',y an,~ het~een RICI-I~RD P. D~ILI.E~ as SHERIFF OF P~.I_,I'~ BE~C}i COUNTY~ ST~.TE FLOS£i),~a~ hereafteP :refer;re,~l ~o as".q'.he.ezri- ' ~=" . and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - Bo,~m~'-n '~l~a-,~, Poi±,-e De~,ar.~ment . State of ';4est Just i ce !~etween Palm Beach · s a constitutional officer of the ape located at 3228 (;un Ciu}' Road~ ~'~HEREAS. ~P~e ShePiff l~loPi_~a {~hose offices ~;e.a,]~, B loz ~,l~; and .:~H~Rn.~S the ShePiff is the DPopPieto~ of a CPim~nal T:Pa~.nin,s CenteP u~,on a site situate,1 on 8ansb~sPy Com~ty~ Florida~ an,1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - Boyn%on Beach Polic~ De~D~j~.r(,eD~% .............. seeks pePmission of the Sheeiff to utilize the Shez'iff'~ C~im%nal J~stice T~ai. nin~ Cente~ to cenduct c~li~inal justice h~aining of it's a~ents ~rid employees~ and N~ERE~S, the paPties deslPe to pPovide a statement a~xpi, re tin 1 9 _. _.[[!3 T~40. The teem of '(:his ~qmeement ~-,- ~ =~.~1 ~,e,~mn on the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 8eyntmn See :r.. Folice_D_.~p~.~.E!~DJ2 .............................. shall p~'OVl,.~e supemvlsmon duz-in,j any ~se or, or I:maininq e]-[emcise coD~ur~e,:] '~pon. ~he C:~imJ. n~l Justice Tmaining Cente~. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - shai] conform the condu,]t of it's ag'ents end employees ~ith re,Fa:cd to the '~se of the ~.mztr, lnal Justice Tmminin,~ Centem in a,/co~d~nce ~iqh ].a%~ and the l'ulss the SP~emiff ,:-~hich see at. tache,~ and zncorpor, ated into this as if FOUR. provide dake(s) ~nd time<s) ih ~e~k~_ - -- Dermisslon Justize Training' Center. fully set fo~'t5 her. emn, identified as "EXHIBIT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ]7he .... ~oy~tgD~e~qh Pg~ic~._peD~,.~tm~n_~ .................... the Sbez-iff n/net? (9~) daVs ~itten notice o~ the FIVE. The Shemiff e:.[~,messly mesemves the ri~ht te deny ~ee of %he Cr'iminat Justice T~ainin~ Cente~ ~n the event the intended use -by-~i~y.-~-~O~-~h ............................. is ~on:fiict ~ith any othem ~se ok~ t:eazninq. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SIX. The . use of t.h~ C~iminal Justice T~aininq Eent~z-. shall l:,e :eesulh of it's CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .Boynton Beach Folic~ Depamtment ................................................ fails CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH is noL pe:Rmitte~ to .incl~zde tony ,Tuest~ ~ndependent cont~actom any otbe:~ :~e~son uD.,~e~~ the te:-r,s o:~ conditions of this i~:~eement. N:I:I:E. ~u:'v nc~tice :~e,Tui~ed o~ pe:~mitted to be qiven umJmr this ~]g:-eemmn% shall be in ~itin,~ and m~ile,~ %o the addz'ess T~m!nln,~ bu:'ea: and: City Manager Palm Beach County Sheriff's Offiz~ P.O. Box 310 3228 gun Ctnh Road Boyrlton Beach, ~eSt Palln Beach, Florida 334~ 33425 to his pr-inc~.pal place TEN. This A,7~'eement is not assi_~nabte. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~2LEg'EN. The ......... ~?fn'~on 8each Police Oe'pa:F_~[~. ............... ass,~mes all l. ia~,ility an,: ~esponsibility for ,~.~mage. o;~' fea!:.~, al'l$1n,z oI!t of the cori,:luct of it ' s sqents and ~.n a,Pcoz'.r!ar)~e ~i'bh the 'p;covlslons of Se,z~ion 768 on Statutes. and aq~'ees w/mespect to any suit om claiai fora darna,2e~ CITY OF mesui, tin,l f~ofe B,zts~ o!r~lssions o~' ,]on,~urt of the B0~TON BEACH _e l)ep~m.tmen~ theim employees o~ a~Tents~ oc,.:~..~l-~.n,~ ~hi.le usin,~ said Sheriff's Of-' ~ . Z~_e C~iminal Justice Tmain.ing' L:ent. er~ to hold haz'mless and indemnify the Shez'iff. 'I'r'C¢;LUE. This instrumen't conta:ns the ~-ntire pal.ties. 'Kt may rot ~,e chan,jed oz'ally~ but only and szqno,:~ ~y br:)~h pa~'ties. FL ['k~[EREOF -!ay th,.=- Dar. ties hays executsd this ......................................................... t9 ......... . ~'~ITNESS RICHARD F~ ~ILL=. SHERIF? Palm Be~ch County, State Fl.o~J,ifa~ as ~he.e.~ff -,, 1.6 N E ..... R Ai..,..* O',~:,R. I.,tsL 7 /I°/ Wi~ess Witness/ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, / Mg 7/0 r - FLORIDA