Minutes 11-26-56 (2)~It~zES OF AiM EXECDTIVE ~TING OF THE COUNCIL 0F BOYi~OE !~ACH, FZOP~IDA, ~ITH T~E BOYE~ON BEACH BOAT CLUB, P~.?~ AT CITY F~ALL, ~0 .~E 26, 1956. PHESENT: ~ayor Starley ~eaver. Vice ~ayor Joe DeY~arco, Com~±ssioner ~ott Partin, Boat Club ~$emhe~s: -~Tr. Donald Hunter, Commodore. ~r. Henry Olson ~Ir. Buck LaCretx ~r. Gene ~ah!meister ~Sr. Stanley Pickering, and others. In ca!lin~ the meetir~ to order at ~.~0 P.~., the ?~ayor said this would only be a get-together az no defihite decisions can be made thio evening, regardir~ the five acres of lake front prooerty recently ~archased bythe City for $$0,000.00. He said the City has a right-of-way through the property, and b~s no definite plans except the making of a shel2 rock parking area and a ram~ for small boats; also a lot of blasting would be needed in order zo make a channel, becauoe of the rock~ He asked ~hether the Boat Club had any s~o~gestions. ~r. Henry Olson, spokesman for the Club, said he thought the City had made a good move; that the Ciub had plans but they were not yet in the blue print stage. One thing ~eeded is the ramp; they would also like a lease on a small plot for a club house. The club has about 25 members and would improve the land for the club house at their own expense, doing the work themselves, w~thout askir~help from the City. They promise the buildir~ ~ll be a credit to the City. They w~ld also like a space near the v~ter for their more or less private house. The ~a~or said the property should be surveyed to see exactly what the City has, and then try to locate a plot v~ich will be beneficial to the Club, and not objectionable ~o other citizens. He thought the plot ohould preferably be adjacent ~o Sh~ commercial area and suggested the Club appoint a p!annir~ committee to sugges~ their ideas to the Council, · ~c v~lt appreciate s~o~ch ideas. Hr. O!son asked ~ether the City would like the CDab to take sound- ings as they have the facilities for doing so. ~r. ~eaver thou~b~ the Cou~uty might provide the shell rock for the launching site, a~d said steps would be taken at the next Co~Lucil ~eting to contact the County Commission to know what can be ex~ected from the~. -2- He then thanked the members of the Club for comin~ to the neeting a~d'said the Council ~11 ~ppreciate anything they can~do. The meeting was then adjourned. Secretmry.