Minutes 10-01-56~i~rFs OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE COb$,~CIL (~ BO~ON Bw~CH~ FL~IDA~ P~iD AT THE CITY _HALL, BOYNTON ~-CH~ 0C~OB~ 1 ~ !956. PRESE~: Mayor S~nAey Weaver Vice Mayor Joe DeM-~-~co ~. A ~E~Shook M~. Mott Partin ~% Donald Rehb*~g City Clerk D~VoWit!i8~ns Chief of ~clice Csrver M~ ~.ell Taylor ~w~ Carl Stone The meeting was called to eras_ by the k~yor a~ 7°30 plumbing apply Rogers asked for a licdnse for general ~_ome Maintena~nce~ 4~acludLug and elec+~rical repair work~ the Electrical Board having advised him ~o ohs .~ounczl. ~. Weaver. suggested the Plumbing and E~ectrical Boards draw up some sort of defLnition as ~o ~nere re~ work ~ and construction starts, possibly amending the Plumbing and Electrical Codes ye include a category covering general re,air work° urzI~m~n said he had never heard of such a category in the State of Florida. He suggested the Co,moil look into it ~ith the possibility of creating such a elass_f~ca~zon. Mr. Rogers ~s asked to attend the next meeting of the Co~ci! on October 15. A resident of Lakeside Gardens vicinity spoke regarding the olean~_ng up of lots in his vicir~ty and presented a petition signed by several other residents. The Ma~or said %he o~¢ners of the lots will be notified that their lots must be cleaned up ~thin f~fteen days of receipt of notice~ after which it ~M_ll be done ay their expense~ FM~ Shook suggested an Ordinance _~king it - ~ ~he C=u~ clea~u lots every so often and bill the owners withdut having vc advise the The City Clerk read the ~_inutes of the lastg reguls~ meeting of S ep ~em0e~. 17. Ma% DeM~rco moved, M~o Partin seconaed, that the minutes be accepved read. Motion carried. The b~lding repor~ fo~ the ~onth of September ~s read~ ~o~ting to ~28 570.00. A tett~ was read z~om ~he ~B. request~g new a~o~s ~om ~oersB°~*°n~Beach to the Bo~d~ or cont~nce in o~ice of the ~osent -2- ~ Merkel end ~,~oBeineman 5~ving exp~esae~ willingness to serve again~ theyh were re-appointed. _,Ma~ Joseph Co Bates has resigned and the third ~_~ be held open for the present. appointment ' ~ ~ A letter was read from~St. Mmrk~s church ~sking whether Pence Pa~k will be free for the~._~ bazaar on February ~2 and 23 next. The ~yor said per~_ission is _~rant&d but they ~-11 ne~d a license if anyone excep~ the church got any portion of ~he proceeds. On a dicsusS~ion on Onr_s ~m~s lights it w~s s~ated ~hat the Cb~ber of CoEmerce has charge of these lights and Mrs. Dubois will have to get them from ~he Chamber. A letter was read from M~. Butts requesting per~ssion to~apuo up a commercial o~m_dmng on his property on NoW. 2nd Avenue. The Mayor said tlae propervy is not in a cammercual zone but the industrial Committee is recommending it as an Industrial zone~ and that he w~!l see Mr~ ~k~tts tomorrow° A letter was ree~ from Brockw~y~ Weber & Brocl~ay sub-~tti~g a plat of a subdivision immediately north of Lee Manor Isles. The layout was approved with the exception that a required p~ved ~rea be completed for a turn-around on the North and South streets and the ~o~n street-must be 50~ w~_de. A Resolution was read acceptiDg all the s~rse~ right of %~ays~ as platted on the plat of Paso Robl~s~ ~nab Kesolu~ion be accepted. Shook moved ~' - the se¢onded~ Motion c~ried. ~.~. Rehburg ~. Griffith read Ordinance No.286 for the second time° Mm. DeMmrco moved~ Mm. Shook seconded. ~hao Ordinance No.286 be accepted for final passage. Motion carried. Stone reported the need for a ledger flo meter to show capaci~ybeing pumped. The Council agreed ~o attend next ~nday~s County Conmzission meeuing. The Mayor su_~gested a letter be ~itten ~o M~. Ben St~day suggesting the acquisition of the right of ~ay ~o Ee~ rid of the bottleneck at the South end of %o~r~ on the Co%~ty side. Sm. Griffith was asked 5o -~n2ite a letter to S.A.L. railroad requesting a crossing ao ~oolbright Road~ A requesti was rece~vea xor a street light at N.W. 2nd Avenue ~nd 2ndd Street~ recoEEending the moving of the light on N.W. 2nd Street ~o this %ocation. The ~yor ar~uouneed tha~ a meeting%~ll be held ~omorro%.~ night at De!ray Beach w~_th Bo~-nton Beach~ Ocean Ridg% Boca Raton evc., %p discuss a _~utual problem~ mud it is requested that auy of the Boynton Beach Cot~cil who can, ,~ll attend. Bids w~re ope~ned on a new garbage truck and a ~cker body, After discussion~ ~, DeMarco moved tha~ the M. Bo Packer be purchased for $3,895.00~ also that a G.MoC. Truck be purchased for $3,010.97, which includes mounting of Packer bod~ and del~~ to Boynton Beach. Rehburg seconded. Motion es~riedo A man fr~m Delray Beach representing "~a~allace FordTM ~ said he had received such sD~rt notice of the bids calle~d for the truck and packer body that he had not bad time to make bids On the speci_~_caoions required. He suggested longer time be given ~ order to allow such firms as his ,,tnep~s~are bids ~ Mr. DeM~rco suggested thao in fut-~re thirty days: notice be given° The time for the meeting of the B~ilding Code Committee for final dis- cussio~ on the new Building Code was se~ for 7.30 P.M. Monday October $~ .,~.~e for announcement of the meeting in Delray and .~rrangements were ~ The Eudgev Or~ce~ No.287~ for the fiscal ye~ Nov~b~ l~ 1956~ vo ~tober 31~ 1957~ w~ read for the f~st t~me, ~. Shook moved, !~m. De'M~co seconded~ that Ordinance 287 b~e accepted for the firsv reading° l,~otion csa~p~J~ The meeting ~s adjourned at 10.20 P.M. RESOLUTION ~HJ3REAS, the City of Boynton Beach has entered into a contract for the purchase of certain properties in the city limits of the City of Boynton Beach for park, playgro~%md and city recretaional purposes, and that the said property is a part of Lots il and 13 of SAS~ BRO%~ 3R~S SUBDI%~SION, ands WHEREAS, the said properties are further described as being a part of Paso Robels Subdivision and that the said plat of Paso Robels has not had all streets and public ways as sho~m on said plat which ~s recorded in Plat Book 7, page P~bllc Records of Palm Beach County~ Florida, ~nd, i~REAS, the City of Boynton Beach deems it to the best interest of the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach to accept the existing right of ways in the said plat as therein laid out to provide proper ingress and egress to the said properties, NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, as follows: That the City of BoyntonBeach does, upon the passage of this Resolution~ accept all dedicated right of ways as laid out in the plat k~own as PASO RCBEiS, according to the plat as it has been recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, F!orid~ in Plat Book 7, page 67. L~[ANiMOUSLY passed and adopted by the City Commission at its re~aiar session this let day of October, 1§56. ~unOilm~n Conncilman Cofi~cil~an ttest. ~V_y Cler~