Minutes 09-04-56MINUTES OF ~REGULAR NEEdliNG OF TH~ COUNCIL~ RS OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOEIDA, HE~D AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, SEPTEMBER 4, 1956. PRESENT: N.ayor Stanley Weaver. Vt~e Mayor Joe DeNarco. ~I'. A.E. Shook. M~. Mort Partmn. Mr · Don Rehbu~g. City Clerk D.V.Williams Chief of Police Carver. Mr. Carl Stone. The Mayor called the meeting to order at V.30 P.M. Mr. ~llliam WeinstoC~ presented au amended Plat of Boynton Ridge. After discuss.ion, Mr. DeMarco moved that preliminary approval be given to the amended ~plat. Mr. Pa~tin seconded. Notion carried. City Clerk D.V.V~ilti~ms read the minutes of the last regular meeting of August 20. It was pointed out that Mr. Humphrys had stated that heaVy machinery, w°u~d ~e manufactured here. Mr. Griffmt~ said~th $100.00 referred $o a fee and not a lo~o Mr, DeMarco moved that with the above corrections the minutes be accepted. Mr. Partin seconded. Notion carried. A letter was read from St.Mark's church requesting per- mission to set up a fair for the benefit of church funds some timein February r~Xt at Pence Park. Mr. DeMsrcoeEplained that the fair would be on the property of the church itself, and they may w~nt to use the adjoining street. Local t~lem~ only would ~ employed for the money- r~tsing project; no outside carnival people. It was agreed that a representative of the church be asked to attend a Council meeting to discuss the matter. A letter was read from George D. Kelley, Secretary of the Recreation Board, regarding a swimming pool for colored people. (Letter attached). Mr. R~yburg said ~ expert had attended a special meeting of the Board and had said plaus and s~rvey would cost about $2,500.00, and the final cost of the pool would be between $48,000.00 and ~50,000.00. -2- Mr. Rehburg was asked to inform the Recreation Board that it is considered plans for a pool can be obtained in other ways at less to ask them to look into the matter fu~the~ with the of altering and adapting plans of the Delray pool. The Building Report for the month of August was read totalling $t,21§,865.00, two and a half times the previous records A letter was read from Mr. Joe Tomberg regarding, the street between OCean Avenue and Lake on the Lyman p~Operty. It was agreed that the letter be held in abeyance until the problem is worked out. Kenny intercoastal that the Council would go dow~ at one o,clock to look over the situation outlined by Mr. ~ the wharf he proposes to build on the Mr. Griffith said he had studied the tentative contract sub- mitted by the Eus~ell Axon Company for a sewage survey and had round.several points in it which are not clear. He was aske~d to make notes of the objections he had against the 00ntract and to ~alk them over with theMayor of Lake Worth. : Reg~a~ding the land to be p~rchased in Sam Brown Jr.,s S/D for $30,00G. 90, Mr. Griffith said he had made up the con- t~acta~J~w~ zt to be signed this evening. The date Gf the final meeting of the Building Code CommiStee was set for 8.30 P.N., Monday, September 10, at City Hall. Mr~ Tombe~g Volunteered to notify the contractors, and announcement o2 the meeting was made in the local paper. The date ef the Equalizationmeeting was ~xed for Sept- ember!24th, ali dayS to be published September 8th aud 12th; the b~oks ~o be op~nsd to the public from the 13th to the 18th. All pretests tc be tn writing, and in City Hall by the 20th. Police Chief Car~er suggested hiring two elderly retired men asa.U~llia~ policemen to be on duty at Boynton Beach and ForestlHills $~hools from ~30 A,M. to 8.30 and from i to ~0~ P.M., to relieve the police ca~s and the regular patrol men. He said~he had two men in mind. ~ Th~s exoense was not ilGcludeld in his budget as it had only occur~&d to~imwhenhe saw the number of child~e~ going to and comingi0ut of ~he s~hoois~ yesterday at the beginning of the school ~ear. BILLS O'EAYED ~OR PAY~TT: Clerk Circuit Court J.A.Connor Fred M. Nissen Charlie Bennie Byrd Arrearage Restaurant American Industrial Products Austin Supply Co, Bo-Del Pti nting City of Delray Beach eoords Co. East Oomst Equip. CO. CO. Sheet Metal Supply Service E~ectric Co. N.J~EstoTe~ Jes. C. Bates Ckas. Senio~ Kennee~n Snow M,J. EstOfen & Co. S~the~ Bell Tel & Tel. B.F. Goodrich Sto~e Rpbert G.. Gri£fith M ~. Burke~t Andrew Smith E ~mund Willis Jr. Jc~n Doug~ey V~illie Berta Brown Se~cres~ High School, Band M~ine ~i~e Eq ip. General Fund. 96.50 lee. ,ge 15 38. O0 ~4.19 17.92 13. 5V ~5.00 15.00 102. 71 38, 22 Z8.O0 220.a0 32. 14.45 t~. ~0 13. 70 12. 50 5.5V 6.42 62. ~6 35.00~, ~- 1!0.2~ 6.02 100. ?0 ~. ~0 ~. GO ~.~0 13.50 93.66 750.00 2. O0 100.00 g.99 10.00 40.00 25.00 10. O0 50. O0 33.00 -2B- Boynton Bea~ News Delray Book Shop R.L. Gz~mmons Central Truck Lines Clark J. Smith T.N.Cook & Co. Fred B. Scott, Agt. do. Louis C o Reger Reserve to City Hall do. The Chase Manhatta~ Jack Tnite Blue Cross of Florida Brown & Moseley F$orida power & Light Gulf 0fl Corp. Franc~s Mac Farc~h ~r Crown Fence Co. Jos. C. Bates Petty Cash Preston Brown Boynton Beach Fire Dept. Jeff Baughman City Recreational Fund Paul johnson' s Restaurant Glorida Pwr. & Light C o. Southern Bell Tel & Tel. John Violant e The Court Records Co. Combs Cleaning Service Adsms Chevrolet Co. Bo-Del Printing Co. Pan American Fire Co. Kenneth Snow John Sdmmonds 63.60 3.15 V.95 4. O0 54 · '70 I. & S. $V,760.00 Bch. Acct. $1,400.00 " 5,000~00 " t00.00 8,000.00 2,500.00 6,863.75 I. & S. 75.00~ 250.15 1~2.15 731.16 56.90 232. ~1 50.00 14.35 218.90 5B0~66 332~0~ ~9.50 300.00 26.65 660.23 116.97 43.50 15. O0 37.50 !'7.51 36.68 364. O0 144.60 '75.oo -j Postmaster Joe D. Hartess Paul Mercer E.W.Ennis " 13.50 G.F. Barker 4.90 Jean C o~bin Helen R. Pemilla~d Mrs. Donald J.Brode~ick I. Lo~ All $~te Pipe Co. 259.74 Blue C~oss of ~lomida 15.25 Supply Co. 18.11 B~ooks P~duets of ~l~. 141.25 C~e=~ & B~kley I54.32 Ce~ Truck L~es 2.06 Chase National Ba~ 16.70 Florida ~. & Li~t 815.54 Nep~e Me~m Co. 651.00 Jo~ Vlolante 33.~5 Ke~eth Snow 1.00 Southe~ ~ete~ a S.Co. 140.00 R.D.WoOd Co. 452.88 -2C - war er Fund 500.00 Ja=~ W~! die Robt. F~ Griffith D.E.Brown 4.50 Miller FUrnit~me Co. 8.00 Castro Convertible P.Co. Joseph Viny Mamten BUilders " 1.00 Herbert Mc~amara 10.90 D.E. Brown~ I~--. McNam~ra Raleigh Fountain Inez L. ~Eegan 3.40 Chapel H~lt Homes Raleigh ~. Fountain 4.10 All S~ Pipe Supply 0o.1;5.91 C.T.Bowle~s Elec. Co. 682.00 B~gwn & Moseley 1.55 Cama~on & Barkley !21.~2 .98 Corp. 6.00 Depositors, Pund ~.50 7~50 15.00 15.00 7.50 V.50 7.50 25.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 -2D- Stanley Port er-Donal d Wa~d Standard Oil Co. Stevenson Seed Sto~e R.D.Wood Go. Shaw Bro s Oil G o. Helen Webster Nathan Bates City of Boynton Beach Frank Musto T .W. Jord~ ~'s. Cow~ .~lth Robert L. Sto~ ~. B. S~onson city of. ~t~ Beach G. Tato~ Robert Keith Love Acct. ~o ~verson ~s V~A AOc~ ~nty Kle mons " ~. B~A.Kirsch H~ N~sfield Acct. E~ Kwls~lowski Monty Klemons ~S. W.~B. Topping A~ctj ~ssell ~math A~tmn Supply Co. ~OOks 'P%~Ucts S~e~n Bell T. ,& ~.Co. Pio~d~ Ohe~c ~ J~ Vtbl~t e Wea~ Bo Co. ~1 StYe ~pply De'ray M~hine & Supply Co. C.~. Finley Chiles L.Meyer & Son C ~e~on & B~kley Co. ~re Water P~duc~s 4~ee$~ie ~st-Proofing Co~. Scotty Thermion High Point Constr. Co. Chas. Kuss Davis Meter Repm~ & Supply Blue C~ss of ~lorida Finley, s ~icipal Supply 6.10 .44 63. O0 24.06 48.22 t.50 2.00 1o00 6.00 1,878.39 3.70 !~3.75 128.26 33.00 201.98 156.25 59.52 2.25 58.09 56.62 425.00 243.00 4.50 1.60 6.00 ,233.65~ 21.60 467.06 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7;50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7~50 1~00 7.50 He was asked to check to see what the two men would expect in the way of pay and report to the Nayor on the mattere An ordinance covering a supplemental budget for the fiscal year Novenber l, 1955, to October 31, 1956, was read for the first time. Mr. DeMarco moved, Mr. Rehburg seconded, that Ordinance No.288, amending 0rdinaf~e 27§, setting up a supplementary budget for ~he year ending October l, 1956, be accepted fpr the first reading, Motion ca~riedo Friday, September 7, at 7.30 P.M. at City Hall, was fixed as the date of the Budget meeting. M~. Partin reported that the Shuffleboard Club roof requires painting, tt was ag~esd that the City does not want to spend any money onthat building now. Mayor Weaver reported that the Little League ball pa~k is to be moved to one part of Pence Park, leaving plenty of space in the S.E. portion for shuffleboard cou~ts, tennis couz~cs, etc. Mr. DeMarcc said he will arrange with Zell Taylor ~bout t~ucks for the shell rockj o~ which about 25 loads will be needed. Mr. Bud Grace was assured the boys will have their field and he could tell them so. Mr. Tomberg said the liGuor dealers would like the required distance between licenses to be raised to 1,000 feet. It was decided to check the matter over. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at ll.20 P.M. Recrem%ion Board of Boynt~ B~ach, Florida August g~, 1956 City O~m~&ss ion 0ity Hall Boyn~e~ Bosch, Florida Your It i~ the pieaaure of this beard upon motion duly m~de, seconded and passed at its meeting of August ~8, 1956, to necommend to the City Commissi~ ef Boynt~ Beach, Flm. that this board he empcwere~ and authorized to hire engineering firm te make a survey of the.cities need ~ud desires ~nd ~re~ent p!~zas mud sp:ecific~timns f~r the bmilding of m swimming pool for the Boynte~ Beach Colored peepleo This pool to be ~tmndard Olympic si~e ~e~ad cost betwee~ $4§,000.00 ~ud $50,000.00 or ~uchother price r~gs as ~he city can afford. The cost of this survey t~ be included in the final price. It is the ~pinion cE this ~eard that such m poo! cmn ~e h~iI% within the ~ove price range a~d should be un~er~ken at the e~rliest posmible moment. GEK/p Nost respec~fully yours., Recreation Board ef Boynten Be~ch, Fla.