Minutes 06-04-56MINUTES OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA H~ELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, JUNE 4, 1956. ' PRESENT: Mayor Stanley Weaver Vice Mayor Joe DeNarco Mr. A.E.Shook ~. Nott Pa~tin M~. Don Rehburg. City Clerk Dorothy V.Williams Chief of Police Carver Mr. Zell Taylor Mr. Carl Stone. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. City ClerkD.V.Wllliams' read the minutes of the last regular meeting of May 21, 1988. Regarding the ~av~ng of parking areas of businesses on the Highway, M~. Griffith said this would cause no real hardship as, when the Federal Highway goes ttn~ough, those who had complied with the Ordinance would be compensated for such work by the road authorities. Mr. Taylor said he was still checking into the type of road which would be best for Ocean Avenue West of the Sea~6rd but had not yet made a decision. ~r. DeMarco moved that the mmnut~s' ~ be accepted as read. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Motion parried. Er. Brandewie presented a plat~ of Venetian Isles for acceptance, accompanied by a check for $9,48o.00 to be held escrow for the construction of streets in the subdivision,/ in ~ ? ~. DeMarco moved that the plat be acceoted subject to~a satdsfactory water deal between ~he Ci%y an~the developers. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Notion carried. Mr. Brandewie was asked for a further check of ~25.00 to cover inspection of streets in the plat, etc. ~r. B~andewie presented a small plat of S.W. 8th Avenue. ~'~. Griffith said it could not be accepted with a ~5' R/W as the Ordinance calls for 50'. ~r. Shook moved that platted, and that the 25~ seconded. Motion carried; the plat be accepted without ~he 25' be deeded~to the City. Mr. DeMarco It is understood with Nr. Brandewie that the road will be held up until the City receives the Deed. The building report for the month of Nay was read, totalling $595~400.00~ the htohest yet. An excerpt from the minutes of the Plarn~ing Board meeting of May 23 was read~ recommending the acceptance 'of the residential plat of Venetian !~!es. An excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Recreation Bo~d of May 22 was read, recommending that the toilet facilities a~ the Casino be improved.~ It was agreed that this matter would be checked. A letter was read from the Republican Club of Boynton Beach, signed by Mrs.Koepnick, asking that the new hospital be required to have a Boynton Beach address. It was agreed that this matter should be left up to the Hospital Board, although' the Council~ agree with t_eb ~__o~____~ ~o~l and thin~, the Boynton Beach Post Office will undoubtedly hsndle the hospmtal mail. A p ~mtion was read signed by nine residents of that locality asking for a continuation of the cleaning up of the Habel property. Two letters were read from residents of S.~o 2nd Avenue asking for paved streets abutting their property. Mr. Taylor was asked to infoEn them that the work could be done if they advance the necessary money to City Hall. ~. Bud Grace spoke of the necessity for a suitable and larger ball park, and M~. Bill Schenkl backed him up and hoped that the City would have this by next year. They were assured that such a project was high up on the Council~s 'must' list as soon as money becomes available. In the meantime they were asked to cOntact the Recreatio~ Board. ~r. Tomberg spoke of the need for launching sites for small boats. He said if the City will pave the road from Ocean Avenue to Lake, the Lymans will also pave their road and make adequate provision fo~ boats, and will agree never to charge more than any of the surrounding places for service. They will donate the land. Mr. Tomberg asked that a ~emporary paving be put in so that the lift csn be put into operation as soon as possible, until some- thing can be worked out satdsfact0rily from the financial as well as other points of The matter was .t~bled. Mr. Tomberg pre!sented a petition signed byCity liquor license holders, e~olaining that its purpose was to prevent the City from having too~many beer~and wine and liquor licensed premises. He suggested a zoning ordinance barring this type of -3- business from residential areas, and ~o restrict them to U.S.1, also not pez~itting the licensing of ~ny establishment within 1,000 feet of another. Nr. Vincent ~¥ray also spoke in favor of ~estricing the number of licenses, suggesting the prohibitimg of over 3.02% alcohol content to new licensees. The Mayor said the present ~rdinance covers most of these points and that present licenses,must remain undisturbed until given up. He suggested further~ study before the next Council meeting before ~aking any change in the presmht Ordinance. Police Chief Ca~ver read the report of the Police Department for the month of April. After discussion, ~. Shook moved that Mt.Taylor be authorised to put in a tank for t~t~st gasoline for the sole use of the Police Department. The Police Department t6 be responsible for all ~eco~ds. M~. De,arco seconded. Motion carrie. The MayOr thought a study of the water meter connection charges should be made to bring them nearer to the actual cost of service° Mr. Field said he had received prices on transite pipe from the makers and that the use of this pipe would result in saving more than 50% on the cost of pipe, as it would be cheaper to install as well as lower in price. Mr. George Parker, spoke at length on the of transite pipe. a representative of Johns Manville, good qualities and general superiority Mr. Field said the difficulties which had arisen in con- nection with transite pipe were due to the lack of the proper tools. Johns Manville pamphlets on transite pipe were handed round &nd it was stated that C.I. pipe of 6" diameter is $1.87 a foot, and transite $1.~8 a foot. Mr. Field said the pipe would be paid~fo~ by him, but would be billed through, and delivered to, the City in order to avoid sales tax. Mr. Parker said the economy would be chiefly in labor and time. Mr. Field said that in the long run it would be cheaper to buy a ditcher than to hire one. Mr. Griffith said before any change to transite pipe is made, a motio~ must be made rescinding a previous one banning such pipe for use in the City. -4- After further azscuss~O~ ~.~ro Shook moved that if ~.T~ylor finds the transite pipe good Fo~ the City's water system, ~he former motion prohibiting its use is hereby rescinded, and Taylor is authorised to order the necessary pipe for the Rolling Green Ridge Subdivision, no transite pipe of less than 4" in diameter to be used. Mr. DeMa~co seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Parker agreed that the price of the tr~nsite pipe would not be raised. Mr. Field referred to the refund which should be paid out of water revenue ~ud said he would be satisfied to be paid only once a year, .M~. DeM~co moved to countermand the motion made previously wherein the City refused to enter into any refunding agreement on the w~ter,.a~d to authorise a?efunding ~greemen? with M~. Fielder ~olling Gree~ First Addition, whereb~ he will pay for all mater~al and for mnstallation costs, a~ will be refunded from the revenue earned from ~he system, 33 /3 % being paid by the City Administrative D~artment net less than once a year. Mr, Shook seconded. Motion ca, tied. The Mayer read a letter from the County Engineer regarding a Lake ~orth bulkhead line, transmitting two aerial photographs of the shore line uuder Boynton Beach's jurisdiction. It was agreed to hold a meeting on tax valuations at 7 P.M. Friday evening. Mr. Shook moved that the annual audit for the year ending October 31, 1985, prepared by John P. Cochrane, be accepted. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting was ad~otL~ned by the Mayor at 12.15 A.M. C ~t~C lerk J " ~r, Z~pa moved that the ~eerea~ien ]~eard recemmen~ ~o ~he Oe~cil ~t ~/cen~tion ef the teilet facilities in ~he locker ~e~ at ~he C~ine be ~v~, ~ tha~ th~ should be ~efe~ in. ~r. ~e secen~e~. ~tien car~e~. Fred Koepnick, Jr., Chairman, Recreation ~a~. EXCEEPT PRO-~ THW, ~INUTES OF ~Hw, PIAN~IN~ BOARD ~EETING ~r. Chadwelt moved that the Plannir~ Board recommend $o the Council ~he acceptance of ~he residential plat of Venetian Isles. ~*r. ~erkel seconded. ~otion carried. Hemry ~erke!. Jr. Chairman,, Boynton Beach Plamning Board.