Minutes 05-21-56¥INUTES OF A REGULAR Nh~TING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF BOYA~0N BEACH, FLORIDA, ME,~,D AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, MAY ~l, 19§6. PRESENT: N~y r Stanley ~eaver. Vice Eayor Joe DeNarco Er. A~E.Shook Mr. Nott Pa~tin ~r. Don Rehburg. City Clerk D.V.Wiliiams Chief of Police Carver Mr. Zell Taylor N~. Carl Stone. Mayor Weaver called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. The minutes .of the last regular meeting of the Council were read. of ~ay 7 Mr. DeMarco moved that the minutes be-accepted as read. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Notion carried. A Resolution was read regarding the p~operty at the South end of town. belonging to the County. (Resolution attached). The Mayor said he supp~osed the _many citizens here tonight were interested in the tentatively suggested air strip, but after attending the hearing a~ West palm ~Beach last week he real- Ised that such an aim strip was not favored. Hesaid he feels that public lands lying within the limites of Bo~ton should be used by Boynton and its citizens in accordance with thei~ wishes. M_~. Miles.sa~d he wishe~ to go on record as being opposed to the air strmp idea and demanded that a reservation be added to the Resolut~ion stating that the land wouldnot be zoned for an air strip~ Mr. Weaver said that at present the land is Class 'F', which is a holding zone and nothing can be pu~ in except by approval of the CoumciI. Mr. Shook said that at the meeting et West Palm Beach no one was w~ in favor of, or even interested in the air strip sugges- tion. ~. John McFarlane speaking for the residents of Chapel Hill, voiced objection to an air strip, ~as did many ~5hers present. Mr. De~arco said the matter seemed cut and d~ied to him. He agreed the place was not good for an alp strip, and added that the City would be lucky if it got about five acres for a park, as the County intends to sell the land. The Mayor thought the County meant to take the laud for a Cotu~ty or Munic~Pal park, and would not give any to Boynton, but that if f~is sold Boynton should receive part of the money. -2- After further discussion, the Nayor re-read the Resolution with the requested reservation added that the land would not be used as an air strip° Mr. Partin moved that the Resolution be adopted. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried. Mr. R.A.Sharp, Sanitary Engineer, of the Dubose Building, Veto Beach spokeof a new sewage disposal system they have developed which he.would be glad to bring to the attention of the Council when de,ired. He said he could save the City 25% · a on Construction nd 50% on Main~ar~ance costs. Mr. Rehbu~E, as Chairman of the Sanitation Department, made an appointment to meet Mro SharP next Wednesday to discuss the scheme. Mr. Paul Johnsonvoioed his objections to Ordinance 271 regarding the pa~ing of parking areas and asked whether it was being enforced. He said it should-not be enforced as not being practical, considering that it will have to be torn up when the Federal Highway goes thrOugh and will therefore cause un- necessary hardship. __ Mr. Griffith pointed out that the Ordinance had been good in certain ~ases s~h as trailer parks on the highway, but that all laws and ordinances~ should be tempered With reason. Mr. Johnson then asked if he had to pave his restaurant and the property he iowns further north before next August, or whether these, can be made exceptions ~o the ordinance, which he thinks should be' revised. The Ma~or samd ~ would be put on the agenda for the nextmeetli~ of Council and, in the meantime, there will be a meeti~gwith the Oounci! and Mt.Taylor to see if something cannot be A~anged until the highway goes through. Mr. ~ohnson left ~ith the Council three letters from the S.R.B. relative to the road w~dening. A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce on the necessity of providing recreational facilities for the City. A letter was read from the Board of Public Instruction, ~ O signed by Mr. Howell ~a~s n, protesting the charge of $645.$1 assessed ~gainst the school for street repair. After discussion, Mr. DeMarco moved that the street assess- ment levied against the schoo~ property in colored tov~nbe abated. Mr. Shook seconded. Motion carried. A request was read from the Fire Department regarding the pension fund. The matter was tabled for further discussion. A letter was read from the Florida Power & Light Company, -3- accompanied by a check for the franchise, amounting to $14,064.88. Ordinance No.281, covering the taking into the Ci.ty limits of approximately 23 acres, was read for the second time. Mr. Partin moved that Ordinance No.281 be adopted for the second reading. Mr. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried. Mr. DeMarco moved that a letter be written to Mr. Grimes and Zinke-SmiSh informing them that they should have secured a permit for the construction of abridge, and also submit the Engineers' plans for approval. Mr. partin seconded. Motion carried o The Chief of Police said that in order to attend the F.B.I. Instruction School some of the policemen had~to Work extra hours as no e~tra help had been hired. He suggested adding such extra time to ,their summer vacation, and that it w~ll be necessary to hire additional help during the vacation period~ Mr. DeMarco moved, Mr. Rehburg seconded, that the off duty time put in .by the policem.en attending the F.B.I. school be added to their ~Eaaation time. Motion carried. A copy of the annual_audit was handed to each Councillor and the Mayor asked that it be looked oVer by tomorrow afternoon and thoroughly examined before the next regular' meeting. Mr. Shook moved that the 2" pipe on private land in Boynton Heights, Lots l, 2, 3 and 4, be~ moved, as requested by Mr. Gr~mmons. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. After discussion on the type of work to be done on Ocean Avenue, West of the Seabord, ~i~ Taylor was asked to check into it and see what would be best to do, aud get some figures on it. A letter was read from Mr. Hatless regarding the development of an Industrial Center in Arden Park, and street paving there. After discussion, Mr. Partin made a motion, seconded by Mr. Rehburg, that the City adopt a Resolution accepting an additional l~' of property from the Anniston Company t~ widen the alley. Motion pas~ed. (Resolution attached). The Mayor said he hoped the Council could attend tomorrow afternoon~s meeting an hour early, that is at 3.30, to work on tax valuations. Mr. Weaver said he had been asked to check into the possib- ility of purchasing the old Baptist pastortnn and moving ~t to Teen Town, and w~uld ~ok it over before any decision is reached. It was stated that the Chief of Police has requested that the City adopt an Ordinance incorporating the provisions of the State Traffic Laws. -3A- BILLS 0 'KAYED FOR PAYMENT: 1,541.54 V5.00 Joe,s Trucking Service A.L.McLeod Medical Supply Compsmy of Miami 20,00 Paul Mercer Service Stn. 95.04 Palm Beach Typewriter Co. 2.06 Roofing & Sheet Metal S.A. 13.98 Rubin Constr. Co. 168.80 S~ple Rook Co. 3,105.00 SoU~jaern Building Code Congress 25°00 Willism~Chemical Corp. of Miami 10.00 ~.C.Wipper &Associates 41.05 Roland Stant~n 1.00 vaU~han & Wright 21.50 ' O Shaw Bros. 0~1 C . 698.37 0,A.Beacroft B~.00 S0~00 Lions Club Of B.B. 250.00 ~rank'Viggian 5.36 ichard F.P~trekus 1.00 JoSeph C.Ba~es 5;25 B.B. Fire Dept. Vi6.@V Pay Roll 938.25 ,, 2,408.53 , 929.09 ~ 935.44 . 1,368.96 ~, 1,9V2~0~ Harr~yKenneth Hill 100.00 John Carter ~a~er 28.00 Petty Cash 105.81 V.M~?~ittaker i,00 Augustus Robinson 1.9~ Boynton Beach Recreational Board 200.00 Atlantic Municipal Vorp. 378.04 So. B~ilders & Realty Co. 5.00 William Eugene ~ibbets 2~.00 Lucien Zang 40.00 Roy E. Evans ~0.00 John C. Ewing 115.4~ Joe D.Harless Trust a/c 3,054.3~J~ Seabord Air Line R.R.Co. ~01.04 John N. Tuite 28.00 Charles Senio~ 53.O0 Abraham Langer 10.00 Elmer Hubbard lO.00 Town, o£ Ocean Ridge 150.00 Hal Gray, Attor. for C.J.Gray 25.00 Blue Cross of Florida 452.95 All State Pipe Supply Co. 360.35 -3B- Asphalt Sales Co. 68:2.50 Austin Supply Co. 44.:22 Boynton B~ach News 18.20 B~oynton Landscape Co. 131.75 Brown a Moseley 89.23 City of Delray Beach 40.00 County Mercent ile 2.07 Oo~t Records Co. 15.00 Delray Awning Co. 2.40 Delray Ignition 15.44 De V;itt Supply Co, 25~25 Duro-Test Corp. 11.53 %¥ai ter DutCh 539.75 East Coast Fire Equipment 90.70 Fenole Chemical Co. 9.31 Fto~ida Powder & Light Co. 640.26 Robert F.,Griffith Jr. 125.00 Gulf stream Lumber Co. 77~6.3~ Rood, s Auto Service 23,69 ~e~Ckson& S Auto 2t. 59 ~Chant Ca~culat ors 35.00 Palm Beacn T, ypew~te~ 47.09 ~oh~ Vio!a~e 30.:25 Pierce Fire ~o. 53.68 R~b~in Censt~. Co. 16.00 ~ ~ G~ ~ign Decal Co. 19.49 Sample ROCk ~o. ' 1,560.00 Se~ice Elec. Co. of Delray 3.94 R,Stan!.ey 9.00 K~n~e~h Snow 2:28.93 Southern Bell T. & T.Co. 90.53 ~ne Akers Food . 6.85 W~gt~n Auto Associates Store .82 Williams Chemical Corp. of Miami 3.35 Lake Worth D.D. 150.00 Gulf 0il Co. 91.5:2 Chase Manhattan Bank :21.10 B.D.Co!e Inc. 837.25 Armitage Restaurant 6!.00 A~phalt Sales Co. 892.26 Add~essograph ~ultigmaph Co~p. 190.:25 All State Pipe Supply Co. 68.21 Birmingham Slag Co. 314.33 Boynton Beach News 22.08 John P. Cochran 500.00 John M. McM~hon 88.95 Foster & Raba 2.90 L0u~s Jennings :25.00 S~?~.ley Porter, Donald Ward 10.S0 ~bin Constr. Co. 3:2.00 Ake Sandst rom L.C .Vaughan R.F .Potrekus Ralph Roas Deaton Truck Lines City of Bo~nton Beach Brooks products ef Florida Brown & Moseley Davis Meter Repair & Supply Co. East Coast Fir.e Equipment Delray Glass & Mirror Co. Paul Mercer Service Station ~h~les r,. N~yer & Son Neptune N~ter Co. Piebald Chemical Co. Pu~e water Products Shaw B~os Oil Coo Davis Meter Repair & Supply Co. J.A .~cFee 32la, am? Pipe Co. Har*ld ~H~ison Retry Cash . AugUStus Rooinson C~le ~ Stevenson Rol~d H. St~ton D~. ~.~.Rabo~ J .A .~cFee ~b St one 0li~er mF~Cinelli &u~stus Robinson LOr~tt~ M. Bates Harold ~H~r ~ s o n A.D jJu~ney H. M. Seibe~t Ch~idress Window Co. ~h~d A. Pot~e~as Ch~ldress Window Co. C o~ad ~authne~ of Florida Co. Province p~Truck Lines Barkiey Co. rMsrcan~ile & Co. Power & Lt.Oo. Snow Water Fund, 6.00 6.00 .40 6.00 345.48 7,581.41 130.50 11.13 585.37~~-' 8.50 Depositors, Fund. 1.00 40.00 520.80~35~ 292,20 425. O0 59 · 72 39 3.86 2.50 2,850.18~ 4,30 4.90 2.80 4.90 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7,50 7.50 7.50 7.50 3.70 13.10 26.10 8.64 15.35 2.10 4.12 10V. 49 2.30 25.79 64.77 729 · 97 18.70 7.50 M~. DeMa~co moved that Zell Taylor be authorised to arrange a barbecue on Wednesday at noon and be gTanted not over for this purpose. M~. Shook seconded. Motion carried. Thomas Mo Cook & Company offered ten refunding Bonds issue of October 1, 1946, for 97 plus interest to date. Mr. S~ook moved, M~. DeMarco~seeended, that the City purchase the ten bonds and a Resolution be w~itten authorising same. (Resolution attached). M~o Shoo~ made a motion that a tax and ~n appropriate Resolution adopted. ~otion carried. sale be held on June 2$th Mr. Rehburg seconded. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10.30 P.M. AUTH~IZING TB~ F~CHASE O~ i0 C~ ~ BOY~ON BFACH _REFUNDING 2%-4% REFU~ING BOh~S, ratTED 0CTO~ 1~1946, -~ DD~E OOTOBE~ 1,1971 ~, the City of Boynton Beach has built up a surplus of fuuds designated solely for the payment of bond interes~ and reduction of City bonded indebtedness, and ~K~ERE~S, T~omas M. Cook & Company have offered l0 bonds at 97~ wkich was the price paid for the last advertised bid let to reduce indebtedness, N(~ T~0RE~ be it resolved that the City Councilmen of the City of Boynson Beach~ Florida, do hereby accept the offer and authorize the City Clerk to draw a check for S P~SSED AND ADOPTED bhis 21st day of M~y 195~ A.D. at reg~al~r meeting o~ the City Council. Attest: City Clerk May~ ~ ~ Vice ~ oune~l~q / Councilm~n Councilman this ~E tT EES~VED B~ TEE ~ITY GOUN~ IL ~F ~ CI~ Beach at its ~e~ta~ meetin~ ~f ~hts 21s~ day sf