Minutes 05-07-56MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY UOUNCIL OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT T_WE CITY HALL, B0~fTON BEACH, MAY V, 1956. PRESENT: Mayor Stanley ~eaver Vice Mayor Jo~DeMsrco ~r. A. E. Shook ~. Mott Pattern Mr. Don Rehbu~g. City Clerk D.V.Williams Mr. Ze!l Taylor Mr. Ca~l Stone. The City Clerk read the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council of April 18. Mr. DeMarco said the cost of~ the pipe-threader was $280, not~$450. With this correction Mr. DeMa~c6 moved that the mindtes be accepted. ~. Rehbttrg seconded. Motion carried. The report of the Fire Department for the month of April was read. T~e building report for the month of April was read amounting to $315,450.00. A letter was read from Mr. Stephen Middleton, Engineer for Palm Beach County. Excerpts from the minutes of the Planning Board meeting of April 28 were read. Mr. Weaver said he would like to have the Planning Board minutes checked up for ~ecessary asvertising. A letter was read from Mrs. Evelyn Miller re Lot 14, Block l, of Frar~k Webber Addition ........... It was agreed to turn the mshter over to Mr. Grlffith. A letter was read from ~r. ~.R.Field regarding railroad cross- ings in connection with the Rolling Green Ridge First saying h~1 will pay for the installation of signals, and asking that the railroad be so advised. A letter was ~ad from~Mr. James Nemec, addressed to Mt.Grimes, advocating the establishment of an engineering shop in connection with any contemplated~ airstrip. The Mayor said a special meeting will be held at the Datura Street building of the West Palm Beach Cou~t House at 10.30 A.M. May 14, to disct~ss the matter of a project to accommodate planes, private or othei~wise, and anyone interested is invited to attend -2- from the Boynton· 0oean Ridge, Delray and Boca Raton area. Mr. Barrow said he had given a copy of the Delray Resolution to Mr, Griffith, whe is absent this evening on account of sickness. Mr, DeMarco moved that to be re- advance for the Motion carried,~ Mr. Hay presented a check for $80.00 covering $78.00 rental for the hydrant and:t5,00 f0~ repl.a~ing~it. ~A lette~ was 10' removed from After that ~. be granted. Mr. re 4.Blacki~ton, dated May 7, public utilities easement ghts in exchange for an easement on o plat of ~f t~ej/Ba~retts Heights Mr, Shook moved 's reques~,~ ~e. Ear~ing m.Oving of the easement DeMar¢o seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Howard Deim~er p~esented a peition signed by 42 home owners in the' area szx blocks N~rth and South and four East and West on We~st 0c~an ~venuere~e~ting immediate action in clean- ing up vacant lots, The Mayor said many o~ the lot owners have already been notified that~the lots must be cleaned up. They will again be notified and,~failing compliance· their lots will be cleared off at their expense. .A request was presented by Mr. Paul Mercer from the Hosoital Commmssion reg~ding approval of a R/W on the North ~. ~* ~= property. They have recemved R~/~ from other property owners on Seacrest. Mr. DeMarco moved that the City approve the R/~ adjacent to the hospital si~e. ~h~. Shook seconded. Motion carried. A note was read from Mr~ Senior concerning the water prob- lem on the hospital site. They wish ~o start a~nursery for plants and to ~ut in grass. The Mayor suggested a well would be ~etter for ~heir purpose, and said the City will gladly cooperate with the water when the hospital is ready for it. In reply to a request for action from a man from the Laurel Hills Sectio~ re~ar~in~.,stre.ets.. ~o.r~ie~sVe~e~sdt~,e ~y is reaGy ~o go anea~ wit~f-~e s~ree~ -3- require the additional 10' width on each side. It was agreed that a for~ letter be sent to the property owners involved. Mr. Shookmoved tha~ the City advertise for bids on the 10/1/4~ issue Refunding Bonds to the amouut of $20,000.00. ~r. De~a~co seconded. Motion carried. A Resolution was read regarding the repai~ of ceftin streets. Mr. Partin moved th~ the_ Resolution be adopted. Rehburg seconded. Motion car~led Tuesday, May 22, at 4.36 P.M., was set as the date of the meeting at which any possible bsectmons to the assessments would be herald. Ordinance No.280 was read for the second time. Mr. DeMarcomoved that Ordinance No.280 be adopted for the second reading. Mr. RehbU~g seconded. Notion carried. Ordinance No.2@2 was read for the second time, covering changes in regulations regs~ding gas st tmons Mr. Rehburg moved that Ordinance No.~ 2 be adopted for the second reading. Mr. Parti~seconded. Motion carried. Ordinance No.281 ~une~ing approximately 23 a~.res of the City into Rolling Green Ridge was wead for the f~rst tim_e. Mr. Shook :moved that Ordinance No.281 be accepted for the first reading. Mr~DeMarco seconded. Motion carried. The n~etlng, wmth Mr. Mi~dleton. tentatively arranged for tomor~:>w,,~s'~ been unavoidab~y postponed to a later date. It was stated that the owner of the Lake City Trailer Par~ s~ill ignores bills for $200.00 presented to him. It was agreed to turn the matter over to Mr. Griffith. A bill for $3,233.46 worth of pipe for Rolling Green Ridge was tabled, as it could not be immediately ascertained who had ordered the pipe min the Cmty s name, and for what purpose. Mr. Shook moved that the City send ~.Car! Stone to Gainsville for one week at tmhe end of this month, to allow tmim to t~ke the sho~t water course and get a 'B' certificate, Mr. DeMarco seconded. Notion carried. -4- It was agreed that ~h~. Griffibh be asked to write Zinke-Smith a.letter regarding the valve boxes broken by them in Rol~in2 Green ~ Second Division, requesting replacement Immediately. M~. A.B.Ca.~ter said he has p.ut about $4S,000.00 worth of water pipe in h~s last three Subdi~imions and would like a ruling as ~o the regulations governing the putting in of water pipe in new d~velouments. He said he is willing to donate 'tt~e pipe to the City, but not if they make concessions to other developers. If such cOncessions are made he will demand a refund of his $45,000°00. The Mayo.~ said no .agreement has b.een reached with Rolling Green Ri~ Fir~s~Addftion, but a meeting is. to be called to decide what the ~ity Will d~ b.efo~e any furthe~ ste~ sro taken. The question of sewerage was discussed and tl~ ~e~essity was stressed for beginning to get something started so°n. ~M~. Pete Bra~d brought in the pl~t of Rolling Green Ridge Fi~s~ AdditiOn ~for approval. Mr. Shook u~ged against approval until dead-end streets a~e eliminated, aud. Provision is made for water service. ' Mr. Brand ~oin~ed ~ the difficulty of altering completed plat · n t~ree pa~$s~ ~and~sai~ they would be willing to.dedicate the. streets by deed, andithe City could hold t~? deed iin escrow until su~h.?ime as ~he ~st~e~s are made. The Engineer i~o d~aw a des- crmp~mon of the et~ets before the deed is given. M~. Shook said it does not mean a thing unless it is marked on the plat. .It was agreed that in order to avoid the necessity of re- draw~nglthe Plat the City would accept a deed for the Rs/W. ._.M~. ~hoo~moved that the plat of Rolling Green Ridge 1st Add~zon be given tenta$iv~ approval pending ~eceipt of deeds ~oveFin~ ~e~ditionalRs/~ ~.ud when the water system provision zs s~ralgn~ene~.out, tr. Rehbu~g seconded. Motion carried. Mr. DeNarco moved that a Resolution be adopted favoring the dedicetion of the Ceunty p~operty, Section 5, T~P 45 South, Range 4~ East for m~nicipa~ purposes for the use of Boynton Beach, ~cean Rzdge, Delray3Beach, Gulf Stream, Boca Rain, and othe~ communities in the Southern part of the County, and that the City go on record as objecting te %he smale of any County property in Section 5 for any ptt~pos~ except as stated in this Resolution. N~. Rehb~g seconded. Notion carried. -5- Mr. Rehbu~g recommended the names of Mrs. Corwin Van Epp, Dully and Jack Shaver for appointment to the Recreation Board. The recommendation was approved. Ed. A meeting to establish bulkhead lines in Lake Worth will be held at the Datura Street County office on May lO at 2 P.M. between representatives of all com~nitieswhich border on Lake ~orth and the County Bulkhead Committee,~in an effort to prevent further filling in of the La~e~ A membe~ of the Council will'attend, M~. S~ook moved, M~. Partin seconded, that ~heGity donate $10.00 to the Tub Sc0nts Pack Following a discussion on paving parkinm lots around businesses, M~. Shook mo~ed ~.~hSh ~e follow ~din~nce No.~T1. M!~. Partin seconded. ~otion Ca~ied. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at ll.35 P.M. Mayor City Clerk. EX~EE~TS FRC~ ~INUTES OF i~ING BOARD EEETING OF AP~.II~ ES, !9§6. Mr. ~eBride moved that it be recommended te the ~o~mcil that from the North airy li~. Eaot ef ~l.S.1, te the Zake, then te the South to include Sea View Tim~i!er Park, owned by Phillip Bridget, be zoned to ino!~Ele motels, hetelo, ce-operative apartments, yachtels, bat basins, and sales and oervice shops re~att~ ~o these typeo ef facilities. It is cur feeling that there should not be any major boat building shop, and that boat business be eonfine~l to docking, sales, ser~ieing, and charter. We fee2 that the bUildings and permits for businesses should be underthe direct control of the City Oo~mcil, or a 0ommittee or Pert Authority appointed by them. ~r. Fe!t~s seconded. Motion carried. Il. Er. Oyer moved that it be recommended to the attentiom of the Co~nciI that a previous Pla~ing Board had made a recommendation te the CoUncil concer~ing our sewage disposal Dlant; that it was the Beard's Understanding that the City was having a sanitation survey made$ that if ouch a survey has been made the Beard we~!d like to be able ~o use it far future plauu~ng; that it is the feeling of this Beard that the existings~age disposal plant be ~t into operation, if p~ssible. Mr. 0hadweI1 seconded. Motion carried. Henry Merke~, ~r. Chairman, Boynton Beach P!anningBoard. Delray Beach~ Florida May ?th, 1958 Te The Honorable Gity Council City of Boynton Bea&n Bey~on Beach, FlOrida Gentlemen: As owner of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 13 and 14, BAF~RETTS H~E.~I~.~.TS (S. ~ ~In Avenue and Seacr~st Blvd. ) I ~u~e~. en ~ne eas~ o zeet ef Lots i and S ~ud abuttin the ~est property line ~ef L~t~ ~ be yacked ~d releaee~ of record by the City of Boynton Beach, ~o~i~a, Lets ~, & ~d 5 facing South on S. W. ~th Avenue now 81.1 fee~ wide; Lots i and Z facing ~est- on Seacr~st Blvd. ~e t19.18 feet deep. It is the desir~ of the o%~er to m~e Lets I and B lO~.18 feet does which will ~low Lets ~, & and 8 ~e be increased to ~0.1 feet wide. _ ha~ been informed by ~Ir~ Stent, Supt. of the ~ater Dep~tment that w~ter service to Lets i ~nd would be frem Beacre~ Blvd., in~te~ of from this ease- e~ce for L~s o; ~ and 5 wo~ld be the easement r~ng along ~e~ N~rth ~ide of the ~ub- ~i~i~ian; ~herefe~e, i~ wooed, be of no advan$~ge ~e main- ~aln this ea~emen~ while ~he inc~ezsed frontage of~lots- ~, ~ ~d 6 would o~eate more d~sirable building ~ %%~ Sincerely yo~s, 218 $. ~'. 7th Street De,ay Beach, ~orida