Minutes 04-17-56MI~UT~S OF A EEGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HE~,D AT THE CITY HALL, BO~NTON BEACH, APRIL 17, 1956. PRESENT: Mayor Stanley Weaver Vice Mayor Jo DeMarco Mr. A.E.Shook Mr. Mott Partin Mr. Don Rehburg. City Clerk D.V.Wil!iams Chief of Police Carver Mr. Stone Mr. Zell Taylor Mayor Weaver c~lled the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. The regular order ef themeeting was changed to allow the many residents of Royal Palm Villagew~o were present to have their hearing on Lot 34 of Sam Brown Jr.'s S/D and the parcel abutting to the North and parallel thereto, and to voice their objections to its advertised zoning for industrial. The Zoning Board considered it at their meeting of April 10th and, after a divided vote, agreed to leave the decision up to the Council. After lengthy discussion, during which the Mayor said an industrial district was most necessary to the City, Mr. DeMarco moved that the advertised zoning for industrial of Lot 34 lying N.W. of Sa, Brown jr.~,s S/D be rejected. ~. Shook seconded. Motion carried. Mr. RehburE asked that ROyal Palm Village reconsider the turning down of'the requested zoning and agree to meet with Lakin, who has not had a chane~to voice his side of the matter. He said Mr.Lakin is revising h~s~ request and would like to talk to the Village people about i~.; that all he wants is an opportunity to plead his case, bmt that i~ is of course the prerogative of Royal Palm Village to ~u~n it down. Nttorney Schissel agreed to talk with Mr. Lakin. ~n reply to a question f2om the audience as to further indus- of Sec~ tion 15 be zoned commercial. One lady said she thought women are more interested than men in beaut!i~y~ng a City, and that :more ~ttention should ~e given to beauttf~ymng the entrance to Beynto~ Beach, using ~this opinion as an argUment agSinst industry on the Hmghway. The Mayor said the Councl~ fully agreed with these ideas and that they and some City organisations had done a great deal to this end. He thought ~ot much could be done between the Highway and the railway North of the Canal. One resident of the Village wanted to be assured that commercial would not include an~hing undesirable. Mr. Weaver said Mr. Rehburg was working wfth the Chamber of Commerce, end the~ are trying to see that nothing undesirable is included in the City~ M~. E.Reading, owner of Inlet Village, wanted to go on record as being opposed to anything which is not stated in definite te~ms. He was assured that ,commercial' was entirely different $o ,industrial'. Mr. Weaver said if Royal Palm Village would like to have a general discussion with the Council, they would be glad to strange for~it. He thanked the residents of Royal Palm Village who had shown so much interest as to attend the meeting this evening. Mr. de la Rappelle, owner of ,Mon Plaisir'restaurant, said he objected to a trailer camp being allowed Back of Bowyer,s Motel. After discussion on the complaint of Mr. Bollb~ahkregarding a water main which had been put in by the City on hi's property, Mr. Partin moved, Mr. ~ seconded, that the water main be removed from pr&rate property. Motion carried. M~. Stone was asked to check it over. in a discussion regarding garbage collection, Mr. Griffith said Boynton has no business.~roviding services outside the City limits; the County has given a franchise ~and the City has no authority over it. The Mayor said the City has discontinued out-pr-town services entirely and is not inclined to begin it again. Mr. Ray Zompa p~esented preliminary plats of a proposed sub- division to be develvped by himself and Mr. Raymond Brandewie. The Mayor suggested an Executive meeting with the two partners and M~.Ghadwell; they to be notified of theme~ing later. This was agreed to. Mr. McFarqLth~r, President Of the Lions' Club,asked for a donation of $250.00 to the Club. $ 5o.oo R~bu~g DeMarco moved that the City donate to the Lions' Club in recognition of their good work in this a~ea. Mr. seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Duncan Hunter spoke of the need of a launc~Ltn~ a~ea for small boats, with a club house, and thought land ~$~dby the City in Ocean Ridge would be suitable. -3. The Mayor said as the ts_nd is in Ocean Ridge, a separate City, it must be cleared with them before a decision can be arrived at. The City Clerk r~ad th8 minutes of the last regm~ meeting of the Council of A~rt$ 2nd. M~. DeMa~co moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Mr. Rehbu~g seconded. Motion carried. ~. DeMarco reported on the g~ader which had been chosen. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of April 10th were read. Regarding the proposed trailer park behind Bowyerts Motel, Mr. ~eaver said this is now Being advertised as it should have been to allow both sides to express their opinions, and that this would mean returning it to the Zoning Board. The minutes of the Zoning Board meeting of April llth were read. Mr. Griffith said the Zoning Board were evidently under a misapprehension as the~ had only to recommend the changes to 1200 square feet. The remainder, as advertised, had already been accepted by the Zoning Board. He recommended the Council accept the zoning as marked on the colored map~ of Rolling Green Ridge. Mr. Shook thought the colored map should have the numbers checked against it. Regarding the addition of a beauty parlor to Mrs.Gladys Jordan's home in BoWer's *ark, Mr. Shook said it is not good zoning but is a case of hardship. Mr. Griffith Said he did not wish to e~0ress an oDinion on the matter, but ~hA~ the Couhcil has the power to decide. M~. Shook'moved that the recommendation of the Zoning Board be accepted; that the requested addition to M~s.Jordan,s property be allowed withthe understanding'that the permit' is until January, 1961; that should Mfs.Jordan sell her property before the ex- piration of that time the license will not be renewed and the zoning will revert to ~esidential B. M~. De~arco seeonded. Motion carried. In a discussion regarding ~ sign ordinance, Mr. Griffith said it is impossible to set up such an ordinance covering square footage of signs, and gave his reasons for such an Regarding a fence o~dinance' Mr. Griffith saidthis was a big probl®m to get into; that the type shoul~ be Eqve?ne~by ~estrig~- ions, and he thought some one other than ~imse£r s~ou±~ work on BI[~,S 0'KAYED FOR PAMMENT: Pay Roll Hazel Johnson Mazella'Wynn Bennette General Fund. 944.63 25.00 25;00 Roger K. Jacknin 1§.00 Boynton Beach Fire Department- 1,102.82 Addressog~aph Mult ig~aph Corp. 26;00 Wa Ford 22~ 07 ce Corp. 59~68 804; 3V - Co. 28.86 13?; 95 ~eber~ & ~oc~ay C o. 268;95 9; 60 15.00 2 Co. 3.89 70~3 ~.~ ~ 91. O0 Ae~ic e 9 12 ~ 0. 1~ ~0 Serv ice 1,8~2 ~ne. 35J~0 · iter Co. ~ o. v J~O ~0.~ 1~7~7 ~a~ o 5 ~0 Store T. & T.co. 95~ Associates Beach Book Co. ~upant Co. News ley Equipment . Eaehler 467. 10. 8 100 ~¢~0 -3B - Water Fund Davis Meter Repair Supply Co, 71i18 Neptmne Meter Co. 421;09 A.D.Wood Co. 394,85 Shaw Bros9 0il Co. 27.72 Ma~t in Builders Gulf Stream Homes Rolling Green HOmes Joseph C. Bates Associates 17,54 6.97 1.55 Lines of U.S.A. 184.53 Davis MeterRepair & Supply Co. 141.72 Delray Glass & Mirror 17.95 D~l~ay Machine.& Supply Co. 3.75 Finle~'~s Municipal Supply Co. 628.16 Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. 70.17 Flo~id~ Power & Lt.Co. 844.83 Dang Construction 100.00 Francis McFarq~ha~ 2.00 Neptune Meter Co. 547.15 Kenneth Snow 7.50 Southern Bell T.& T.Co. 19.07 Petty Cash 2.95 Albert S.Lain St~uley Fopiela~czyk Raplh k. Wade W~ter Hulden John Tittle Fred Kienzel Frederick ~, ~Anderson James C~eno Lewis A~F.Pot~ekus Lewis V~u~han AkeS s om Js~es Jo~n Ti~t~e Johlt Tmi~tIe s C&wno 6.00 3.40 Deposi$ors, Fund. 15.00 7.50 ~.50 V.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 25~00 7;50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 ~.50 7.50 7.50 4.10 1~50 1.50 4.10 1.50 6,00 3.40 6.00 6.00 3.40 6.00 Mr. Griffith raad Ordinance No.281 covering the taking of certain acreage in Rolling Green Ridge into the City. Mr. Shook moved that~Ordinance 281 be accepted for the first rea~ing. Mr. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Gri~fith read Ordinance 282 cove~ing the change in regula- tions governing fi~ing stations in the City~lLmits. 282 Mr. Rehburg moved that G~dinanoe~oe accepted. Mr.Partin seconded. Mr. Shook and Mr. DeMarc? were opposed. Mayor Weaver cast his vote in favor, Motion carried. Mr. Griffith reported that the railwa? Company is ready to agree regardingrailway crossings, which will cost approximately $34,000,O0 for the two, one at WoolbrIght Road -and one at N.W. 17th Avenue. Mr. Griffith reported on the conference b~$ween himself, Mr. F~eld~ Mr. Middleton and Mr. Carson.. Mr~ Field has obligated ~imseif for the sUrVey by Brockway, Weber & Brockway, which should be finished in about three weeks. Mr. Mield wants the City to submit a proposal to him. The report of the Police Department for the month of March was read by Police Chief Carver. Mr. DeMa~co moved that the City purchase the ~Rigid" pipe threader for$~O~ M-r. Rehburg seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Shook moved that the hydrants outside of City limits and outside Ocean Ridge on A-$~, which are not paid for, be taken out~ Mr. DeMar¢o seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Griffith read a Resolution on streets to be repaired. M~. DeMarco moved, Mr. Partin seconded, that the Resolution be accepte~i. Motion carried. It was agreed that $80.00 be donated to send one school Datrol child to Washington. ~. Rehburg suggested Mrs. Marie Russo, who can write short- hand, as Secretary-Treasurer ~f the. Recreation Board, in place of some of the members'who never attend meetings. He also suggested Mr. John' Stmonds for the Eoning Board. A Resolution was presented for signatnre by the Council in connection with the opening of a branch of the Lake Worth First Federal Savings & Loan Association in Boynton Beach. Mr. DeMarco moved, Mr. Partin seconded, that the Resolution be adopted. Motion carried. -5- The~e being no fu~the~ business, at 11.45 P.M. ~h~meeting was adjour~ned April 16~ 1956 Boynton Beach~ Fl~ Hon. Stanley Weaver. Mayor and members of the ~ity Commfssion, Boynton Beach~ Florida. Gentlemen: ~ne Boynton Beach Boat Club~ organized less than one year ago~ Compmises 86 members~ most of whom are res- idents o~ Boy'ton Beach a~d many of whom are business and professional people here. Wa are growing fast -- nearly as fast as the mounting interest in boating in this area. Wa certainly recognize the need for a launching site for Small boats and parking for:the boat owners adjacent thereto. We recuest your consideration of a civic improvement which we believe ties in well with a launch- Lng site. If the ~ity now o~ns~ or c~u secure such a site~ which would have more land than that actually needed for a ramp~ we would like to lease this land from the City for a clubhouse~ to better provide for the comfort and plaasure of our members. We would be willing to erect a dignified and good looking building thereon and landscape same at our expense. The plans for same would be submitted to the City Commission for your approval. Naturally~ the launching site would be open to the public but our clubhouse limited to members and their guests. We will cooperate in every way to properly maintain this facility so that it will stand as a credit to a fine city. Sincerely~ BOYNTON BF~CH BOAT/CLUB A RESOLUTION OF TM CiTY COUNCIL CONCERNING ESTABLIS~NT OF F~F~.AL ~AwN~.~8 AND LOAN A~SOu!A~±O,~. W~R~EAS~ the City of Boynton Beach~ Palm Beach ,oun~y~ Florida~ is faced ~ith the need for a Federal Savings ~nd Loan Company~ and ~EREAS~ the Builders and De~e!o~ers at ~resent ~re compelled to go to neighboring cities to arrange tne_r nortage loan financing~ this imposes a hardship inasmuch ~s service and appraisal fees are usually greater and as ~ar as these lending companies are concerned it is an out- }f-towA loan and the appraisals are usually less. T~REFOR~ it is felt that the City of Boynton Beach should ha~e its own f~cilities for creating mortgage Loans and this association should be local in n~ture~ ~ause local management h~s a b~ understanding of }robiems. THEREFORE~ we s~rongly urge the chartering of a ~avings and Loan Association in Boynton Beach and recommend charter be given :o a local group of re~utable hhat this :itizens. PASSED A?D ADOPT~ Dt~ANIMOUSLY BY }~YOR A}$ ALL CITY COUNCIL ~T~e APRIL 16~ 19~6~ ]OUNCIL~N AT REGULAR D.V. ~mllzem~s~ ~m~y Clerk Mayor ~ Counc ilman / '- Counc ilman BROCKWAY. WEBEK ,g BR. OCKWAY, INC. April 3, 1956 Hem. Mayor & City Council City of Boymto~ Beach Boymtom Be~ch, Florida Gentlemen: Re: Water Expansion Progr~ This is te comfirm o~r verbal proposal, m~de at your Co~cil meet- ing held om March 29, 1956. We propose te make all surveys and clo ~ and all work~ and prepare an emgimeering report for use i~ bond vn'ltdation precee~gs. This re- port would be complete, with a layout of +~he proposed w~rk, a cost estim~,te, amd a schedule of a~ticipzted revenues a~d e~penditures. If the bonds are valld~ted, we propose to fur~ish all of the Engi- nee~g services (Including the above memtiomed engimeering repo~) and supervision mecessary for the construction of the proposed works. ~e will perform these services for fees in accordance ~*lth the schedule of f~es published ~y the Florida Emgineerimg Society. However~ if the bo~ds s~e not v~31dated, or if for any other re,sons the project does net proceed beyond the report stage withi~ one year, our feel will De $2,000.00 for the engineering report. Very traiy y,ars, BROCEWAY, WEBER AND BROCKWAY, INC. ~ //~/Roy E. ~e~er