Minutes 04-02-56MINUTES OF A REGULAR N~ETING OF THE COUNCIL OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, B~T.~ AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON ~EACH, APRIL 2, 1958. P~S~T: Ma~or Etauley Weaver Vice Mayor Joe DeMarco M~. Mort Partin M~. Don Rehburg. Deputy City Clerk Olive Cierpi~. Mr. Stone Sr. Zell Taylor Police Officer J. Klingler. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.40 P.M. the Clerk Olive Cierpikread the minutes of meeting of the Council on March 19. Mr. Weaver said he had authorised the Greenwood water service connection to be made on the advice of Mr. Stone. The this rvice Board meeting which was to have.been at 7 P.M. was postponed until the next of the CounCil. Mr. DeMarco moved, Mr. Rehburg seconded, that the Minutes be accepted. Notion carried. The minutes of the special meeting of March 29 were read. Mr. Weaver stated that the suggestion was that Mr. Field pay for the pipe if the City pay for the laying. Mr. DeMarco moved, Mr. Rehburg seconded, that the minutes be accepted, with the above correction. Motion carried. A letter was read from David J. Wolff, addressed to Mr. Partin, regarding streets in Crescent Heights and Bowers Park. Zt was~agreed that a copy of the plat should be examined to see Whet~er ~ 60, x 130, lot should be accepted. A letter was read from Police Officer Js~es Butler regarding salary. It was agreed that a letter be written to him pointing out that any change.in salary, must be recommended by Police Chief Carver bo the Cmvil Service Board who, in turn, must~make their recommendation.to the City Council before any action can be taken. ~'~ A ~etter was read from the Property Owners of Royal Palm m±±age expressing ~ppreciation and gratitude for t~e way in which the p~oposed industrial zoning of the area adjacent to ~hem was handled by the Council at its last meeting. -2- The BuildingRe~ort fo~he month Of March was read. It included 84~permits, coveting residences, addlt~ ns, a duplex, garage, ebc., ~monnting to $506~25.00, breaking all previous records for a monthly period. A letter was read f~bm Mt.Bowies regarding the lack of an Ordinance covering fences and the use of signs in Boynton Beach. A letter was read from Mr. Bowle's 'regarding the meeting of the contractors on the new building code. It was agreed that the meeting should be held on F~iday, April 13. A letter was asking for Rolling Green Ridge. for two ~r & Light Company street lights at O.K. Mr., D~Marco'moved, Mr. Partin'seconded, the request~ Motion carried. that Council Mr. Hemmett of the Sun 0il Company brought up the subject of their proposed~ S~rVice Etation to be located on the corner of ~ederaI Highway ~nd~N,E. Eighth. He stated that they ~ended to S~end $~0,000.00 on this Service Station and that it would be the only one on the East side of the Highway South of ~he canal. Re contended'that in order to give efficient~service to the no~th bound motorist there should be a ~ervice Station on the East side of the Highway. Mr. Johnson, Manager, was present, and stated that they did not want a Variance to the Ordinance, but either an amend- ment to the existing Ordinance or a new one which would make a Service Station at this location permissible. Mr. Griffith suggested the whole problem be turned over to-the Planning Board and have a thorough check up of ~illing stations on t~e Highway; that our present Zoning Ordinance was drawn up several years ago. Mr. ~eaver said an extra problem was the fact that several requests hay, been turned down on the same basis during the past few years, a~d added that mhe would prefe~ to see the Ordinance amended. Mr. Rehburg moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an emergency Ordinance covering the location of serVice stations. Mr. Pa~tin seconded. ~h~. DeMarco ~b~tatned from voting. Notion carried. Sealed bids on a road grader were opened and read: Clewiston Motor Company Less allowance on oI~ machine Square Deal Machinery Co., Miami. $9,550~00 f.o.b. Boynton $ 4.50.00 Beach. $7,545.10 do. -fA - BILLS 0'KAYED FOR PAY~KNT: Joe D.Harless Trust M~s..L_ucille B. perry Westchester Heights Otty of DeIray Beach Dominion Signal Company East Coast Fire Equipment Trustee, FEC. Railway Ha~le s s Tractor Co. · & Gz~_ffiths CO. Be~kley loShing Paul Re st aurant Sewell O o · ~: Akers Ford Oil co. H~ ~sf0rd C Z~e Bcsw r~ B~t~ ~a~ Fire Dept. ~e do, Fred B. Scott, A~ent Louis C .Reger Reserve for City Hall Ex. Payroll Burroughs Ame~icsn Munitions Co. Austin Supply Co. Blue Cross of Florida Bo Del Printing Co. Herman Butts Clewiston Motor Co. Court Records Co. Eas~ Coast Fire Equipment Floz~ida Pwr. & Light Co. Foster & Roba ~Gold Coast Gas Co. Gulf 0il Co, Gulfstream Glass Hood's Auto Service Hopkin's Marine Hdw. General Fund. 150.00 ~liO0 - 1,71 4s/co 132 14.20 l, O0 135. O0 103.00 12.9V 2~.50 36.24 ttV · O0 5.00 20.~0 60.00 5.98 50,,00 45.55 26..98 16 11.95 69,~48 469446 lO,:. O0 40'~ 38 1,015.00 961.60 315.20 11.15 36.78 174.80 15,68 2.50 11.45 15.00 35.40 602~05 35;38 11.00 12;30 67~16 20;6V 4.85 1,400.00 Beach acqulaitio 100.00 dO. 500.00 -2B- Lake Worth Marine Ways Medical Suppl~ Co. Paul Mercer Service Stn J.E.Mize NcC oy, s Lake Worth W~c$ing Co. Harvey E. 0ye~ Jr. Palm Beach Typewriter 11.70 20. O0 50;13 825. O0 4- 13.00 283; 05 36. V8 Harvey S. Warwick Chase ~anhattan John Violante Rubin Construction Co, Kenneth Snpw Southern Bell T. & T. Stevenson Seed Store United Auto Service Nat M. Weems Gulf Stream Lumber Co. Jack Ga~ver Richard Wa~d Russell Voress L.C.Huttersen Dan~iel Hag~d- Fred Switzer Mrs. Carl Arnlin Ray Moore RObert Sege~ Edwin Bingham Ame~ican'Automobile Assocn. ~b~te L~ Ertel ~oses BB.~ 26.25 32.00 113.26 114.08 .70 1.62 2;00 10.00 32158 3.00 2,50 3.00 2;50 1.00 ti00 1.00 .50 1.00 2;50 3;5O 5;00 10;00 10;00 10.00 Bank for Withholding 581.50 ds 75.00 t0,00 150;00 40;00 88.00 Co, 56.70 28;00 of Commerce 221.50 eley 92.13 of Delray 61..06 Beach 35;:00 Assembly 3.50 r & Co. 44.63 67.32 nal Co. i6.37~ & Bt%;Ideas Supply 20.OO tot Co, 63,~6i ia Tractor Co. 55.45' 9,758.30 I & S. 6,988.75 I & S. -2C- Gulf Stremm Lumber Co. International City Managers Assoon. Joe ~ s Trucking Service Lake Worth Ma~ine Roofing & Sheet ~etai Supply Co. Rubin C OhS t~uction Town Of Palm Beach Stetson 0.Sproul Tax Coil. ~ & Griffith Seabord Air Line RR. Co, L.C.Moo~e Wm. Thomas BIack Aec. Bates Mag Oason O.A~S.I. P~rol! 228.18 7;50 1,169~14 .47 39.13 72.80 37~00 878;07~ 5~09 ~47;83 899.84~- 2;60 I0~00 11;01 1~00 40.00 94V.56 935;10 2,235~70 972;17 945;~27 2,125;01 1,308~70 -2D- Dorothy Bmown .50 P. Gatto 4.60 A,C. Spd!lman 6.00 William Skelly 3.40 Adams Chevrolet Go. 1,609,22 Brooks products of ida 148.55 Brown & Moseley 10.50 Cameron & Barkley Co. Neptune Meter co. 9.92 R.D. Wood Co. 71.64 Shaw Bros OIL Co, 30.39 Lane Construction Co. .30 .Zinke Smith Dox~thy Brown Wm. J. Koener Ea~ry Geller Charles H. Paschong P. Getto E.O. Sptnks Sketly Guthrie ~ores ction Co. Perry e.y 40.00 Co. 27;52 Florida 13~59 4.51 & Supply 6,649.8~ East Coa~t~ Fire Equipment T~s~ee~ ~ FEC. Co. l~o~er & Light Ne~te r C o, Bell T & T.Co. L~ber Co. )ne of Florida 4.50 2.00 653.46 22.96 82,70 19.62 523.57 3.53 4;60 10,00 87.00 6,78 12.00 Depositors' 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 ~7.50 7.50 7~a50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15;00 7.50 7.50 .~- Florida-G~rgia Tractor Co. II. $9,328.50 - cash discount 2% . f. o. b · Boynton Be ach. Mr. DeMarco was authorised to compare the bide and decide which would be most advantageous. The decision to be given at the meeting tomorrow afternoon. ~ Mr. Griffith read Ordinance No.280 covering street speci- fications for the second time. Mr. DeMarco moved, N~ Rehburg seconded, that Ordinance No,280 ~e accepted for the second reading. Motion ca,tied. ~r. ~ion cove~ing one additional block to sill be advertised for two weeks, Mr. DeMareo moved, M~. Rehburg seconded, that the Re solut ion ~'~ adopted- Moji on carried. Tuesday, ,Apri~ 1V, ~,30 P.M., was agreed on as the date of the meet~ug a~t which Co~plaints against these assessments will be heard. After discussion, Mr~Partin moved that the City no lon~ger lease C~ity equipment for p~ivate use. Mr. Rehbu~g sec onded. Motion Mr. Griffith ~ead a Resolution annexing twenty acres, more oF less, in the N.W. corner of Section 18. Mr. Rehbu~g moved, Mr. DeMarco seconded, that the Resolution be tabled. Motion carried. M~. DeMarco was asked to look into the matter of purchasing for the City a pipe threader, and obtain bids for same. In a discussion on the Mield' s over-all water system, Mr. Weave~ said the CLty would save app~oximate!y 30% of the cost by doing the work of pipe laying themselves. Mr. DeMarco suggested that, considering the large ~uantity of pipe required,it might be obtained from the factory direct by wholesale, thereby saving approximately ~ ~r. DeMaroo moved that Mr. Griffith be authorised to p~oceed with Mr. Field and his attorney in the preliminary legal work in connection with the water system for an agreement with Brockway, Webe~ ~ Brockway. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. The report o£ the Fire Department for the month of March was read. Mayor ~eaver :said the n~mber of employees of the City had now reached the stage where bette~ rates and gTeater ~ d benefits can be obta~ne for them from th~ Blue C~oss In~u~ce -4- plan. The extra cost will be .48 cents per employee per month. M~. Pa~tin moved t~at the City adopt the new contract for City emplOyees in the Blue Cross Blue S~ield Insurance Plan. Mr. DeMa~co seconded. Motion carried. Mr, ~DeMa~co moved that t~e Cit~ furnish the Shuffle- board ~ub with a gFease trap. N~o Partin seconded. Motion carried. It ~s stated that the'owner of the Banyan Tree has asked for information regarding the cost of being included in the City limit s ~ Mr. DeMa~¢o moved'that the 'salaries of the three City Inspectors 'be raised b~ $2~=.00 a month each. Mr. Pa~tin seconded. Notion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10.30 P.M. CONTINUATION: Present: Mr. Mort Parttn Mr~ Don R~hburg Vice Mayor Joe DeNarco. The'following motion was made Tuesday, April 3, 1986, at the continuation of the regular Council meeting: ~. Partin moved, Mr. Rehburg ~econded, that, in accord with 9he letter frbm Ge~rgeS.Br~C~wa~ signing his p~oposal to pe~f0~m engineering services relative to the'sngineer~ngsur- vey which will be needed fo~ tbs contemplated improvements in th~ muni6ipal water'sys~em, the said Firm of Brockway, Weber and Brockway, Engineer, West Palm Beach, Florida, shall be employed 'to make the sUrVey as outlined in said letter, subject however, to ~he~pproval of the proposal by the City ~ttorney, Robert F. Griffith, Jrt,. and conditioned upon the advancement of the engineers' services of $2,000.00'being ps id for by N.R. ~ield, with the condition that the money be repaid by the City ~ater Department to N.R. Field should the expansion oE the mUntciapl water system be completed as recommended by the~ engineers. The matter being referred to the City Attorney for completion. Deputy Ci~ Clerk. '' [ '