Minutes 02-20-56MINUTES OF A ~GULAR KEET~rNG OF TM CODT[CILLORS OF BOI~NTON BEACH~ _~LORIDA HELD AT T~ CiTY H~.L~ B0~TON B~ACH~ 0N FEB~JAR~ 20. 1958. PRE SE~: Mayor Stanley Weaver Mr. A. E, Shook ~r~ gott Partin Nr. Don Rehb~g. City Clerk D.V.Wilii~ms Chief of Police Carver ~r. Zeli Taylor Mr. Carl Stone~ Mayor Weaver called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. City Clerk D,V.Williams read the minutes of the previous regular meeting of February 8, 1~88. Mr. Shook said Wsheil rook and slag'~ should be "lime rock and slag~'. ~r. Shook moved that with the above correction the minutes be accepted. Mr. Hehburg seconded. ~otion carried. ~ letter was read from ~a~newa~ H. Hand requesting a beer and wine _zcense to be used in the building jusv vacated by ~Bah~ma Bar~. Nr. Shook moved that the application be~disallowed as the building should be condemned. Nr. Rehburg seconded. ~otion carried, A letter from Lester Shellh~.er regarding paving of S.W. Avenue and ~rd Street was read, in which ~r.S~e±~hau~mer said he would pay for the paving. Request granted~ 10th Mr. Shook moved that a letter be sent to the County saying that North 10th Avenue has been re-built twice in t~a last six years and asking them ~ ~ ' ~ w~ ~ ~ ev toget er t q~. o~p~r~nt~dent of Public ~orks to see if m thing c~_ be ~o~mSd ou~ ~egardmng East and ~est 10th Avenue. Also, again request promised building of l~th Avenue. Mr, Rehburg secona~d N tmon carried. A letter was read from ~ginston Carlton~ District Engineer (State Road Board) regarding a traffic signal at Wells Road and S.R.5, saying the State Road Department do nov feel justified in providing one at presen~. Plans showing the proposed alterations in the Shuffleboard Club building were shown, ~r. Weaver said the Club have decided to accept the ~&50.O0 in lieu of the ~1,000 originally requested. Mr. Shook moved that the Shuffleboard Club be allowed to make the addition to their building; that it should be of block const~ction owing t~ fire restrictions ~ud cost 3480.00. ~r. Partin seconded. Notion carried. A latter was read from the garden Club, signed by Harriot Bouton~ Corresponding Secretary, regarding the transplanting of vrees from the Federal Highway to the Forest Park School. ~s. Te~gesen said they have received no free offers of help in this connection from the Nursery, and it was decided to leave it up to ~{r. Taylor to make arrangements with the nursery, and to see which trees he could himself have moved ~o park areas. It was agreed that the Council would do their best to help with moving the trees around the middle of March, and that the Landscape Company should b~ contacted to see what they will do. A petition was read from the residents of Coquina Cove requesting more street li ghts. It was agreed to take tha matter under consideration, and the suggestion was-made that the white lights be extended for two more blocks, altar consulting with ~. Senior. ~r. Phillips of Busch~'s Seafood Restaurant of Ocean Ridge requested a permit to erect signs in Boynton B~ach advertising his place of business~ ~r~ Griffith said such a permit, if granted, would mean amending the Si~ Ordinance. The reques~ was tabled for further consideration. ~r. Shook said the matter of signs should be gone into~ that they should all be of a standard size, and certain ones dis- allowed, ~. Weaver suggested a latter be written to the Board of Realtors raminddng them that Ordnance rules that one sign only should be on each property for sale, and that this is continually ignored. ~ Griffith was asked to incorporate in the Sign Ordinance a '~tandard size, clause. Sales & Rahburg Shook moved that the request for license of the 0gr. en Boat Service site on Nort~ Federal Highway be granted. D~r. seconded. Eotion carried. ~r. Griffith read a Resolution covering changes in City Street specifications~ amending Ordinance No.~8~. -3- H~. Partim moved that the Resolution be accepved. Shook secondad. Notion carried. Hr. C?iffith read a second Resolution regarding property at Laurel Hills, repair of streets, etc. ~r. Shook moved that the Resolution be accepted. Rehbury seconded. Motion carried° Tuesday, March ~ at 4.30 P.H., at City Hall, was set as the date on which objections to the assessments could be heard. ~r. Griffith explained in detail the Old Age F.I.CoAo plan and how it affected City employees. He said that if the City desired to take part in this program it would be necessary to pass a Resolution and an Ordinance to cover it. Hr. Shook moved that the City participate in the voluntary old age F.~.C.A. plan, and that it be effective as of January 1~8~ ~r. Partin seconded. ~otion carried. ~Ir. Weaver said people are parking on both sides of N.W. 4th Street, the main street to the dump, creating a traffic pronlem. Police Chief Carver was asked to see that signs reading ~No parking on this side~ are erected in appropriate places, and the regulation enforced. Hr. Rehburg said ~. Lyman has agreed to let the City out in a ~mall boat launching site near the end of Lake Avenue~ ~u~ that if the Cit~ Attorney will draw up the necessary papers they will dedicate the required Right of Way additional lend to make NoE~th Street to 80' width~ Hr. Rehburg was asked to continue working on the matter. Mr. Shook suggested a letter to the County Cormmission to see what can be done about ~aking the island in the lake a piblic park. Hr. Griffith was asked to compose such a letter. Hr. George Broc~,vay, Jr., presented a olat of Lee Manor Isles and plate of the wa~er system and streets. Hr. Shook moved that the plat be accepted as the Council has been ass~mred that a bond has been put up with Attorney Griffith to ensure the completion of the streets and water. Hr~ Rehburg seconded. Hotion Carried. Mr~ Leo Felkner asked ~nat decision has been reached regarding the addition he wishes ~o make to his proper~y. ~ayor Weaver said that at the meeting of the Pla~ing Board on ~ednesday evening they will recommend vo the Zoning Board that addition bs allowed, it will then be advertised. the ~r. Brockway~ Jrt, showed a plat of Westchester Heights. ~r. Partin moved that the plat be accepted. Mr. Rehburg seconded. Notion carried. I'~!r. Weaver said several unoccupied houses in colored town are in such bad condition that the~ should be condemned, and it was agreed that the Councillors should go over there tomorrow after- noon and check into them. Regarding certain lots on Palmetto Street and Ist and 2nd Avenues it was agreed that Nr. Taylor should took around ~ud give descriptions of the worst ones~ and the o~rners snou~m oe asked to have them cleaned up, or they will be cha_~ged for the cleaning~ Regarding ~. Sam Ao Broom's request for a permit to use the Firginia Purinton Bowen property for a used car and rental business, which was denied, ~oBowen now wants to know if he can establish the business there if he will pave the property. It was suggested that a reply be made to ~r.Bowen that he will ~ave to pave the property and~ after the road widening goes through, he will be required to grade it in accordance with theregulations~ That, if he comes up to the specifications regarding the paving of the iot~ he can have the permit he requests. ~r~ Griffith had suggested ~ ~r~. ~iddleton that it would be a good idea if he could meet with the Co~uucil on ~rzday at noon. ~gayo_ ~ y ..... C~ty Clerk.