Library Board Chapter 12 LIBRARIES Sec. 12-1. Board created;membership;terms;vacancies. There is hereby established a library board, hereinafter re- ferred to as the "board". The board shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the city council. Two (2) members of the board shall serve for a term of one(1)year from the date of appointment;three(3)members shall serve for a term of two (2) years from the date of appointment; and two (2) mem- bers shall serve for a term of three (3) years from the date of appointment. Vacancies created after expiration of these terms shall be filled by appointments for three-year terms. In the case of a vacancy by resignation, removal or otherwise, the city council shall fill such vacancy by appointment for the remainder of the original board member's term. (Code 1958, § , L ' 2-31; Ord. No. 85-23, § 1, 4-2-85) Sec. 12-2. Qualifications of board; compensation; organization. Members of the board shall be residents of the city; however, neitherthe mayor nor any member of the city council shall be eligible.to be a member of the board. No member of the board shall receive any pay or compensation for any services rendered as a member of such board. The members of the board shall, immediately after their appointment, meet and organize by electing one of their members as chairman and such other officers as the board may deem,necessary. (Code 1958, § 2-32) Sec. 12-3. Board quorum; by-laws, rules and regula- tions authorized. Four (4) members of the board shall constitute a quorum. The board may make and adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for their own guidance and for the government and operation of any municipal library and reading room in Supp.No.21 867 §12-3 BOYNTON BEACH CODE the city as they may deem expedient, subject to the approval, supervision and control of the city council and not _ inconsistent with law. (Code 1958, § 2-33) }, Sec. 12-4. Powers and duties of board. Subject to the control and direction of the city council,the board: (a) Shall act in an advisory.capacity (nonadministrative) to the city council, to assure representation of the ideas of citizens and taxpayers of the city relative to the function and operation of municipal libraries and reading rooms in the city, and such advisory assistance shall include, but not be limited to, recommendations relative to control of expenditures of moneys collected or donated to the credit of any municipal library in this city, and the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms, property and buildings constructed, leased or set aside for munici- pal library purposes. ) , (b) Shall make recommendations for the appointment of a ' suitable librarian and assistants and their respective rates of compensation; establish regulations for the government and control of any municipal library as may be deemed necessary for its preservation and to maintain its usefulness and efficiency; fix and impose by general rules, penalties and forfeitures for failure to return any book or for violation of any by-laws or regulations of the board. (c) Shall annually in an advisory capacity assist the city manager in preparing a budget for the maintenance and expansion of municipal library facilities. (d) Shall keep records, inventories and accounts, budg- etary or otherwise, of all of the activities of the board ' and the municipal library system and make reports to - • ,} the city manager and the city council relative thereto s annually or whenever requested to do so by the council. (Code 1958, § 2-34) Supp.No.21 868 ( " LIBRARIES § 12-7 Sec. 12-5. Board meetings. :Th. In the performance of,their duties set forth in this article, (. 1 the board shall hold at least one regular meeting each month. Special meetings may be called by the board chairman upon prior notification. Minutes shall be kept during all meetings and a copy given to the city manager and the city council. (Code 1958, § 2-35) Sec. 12-6. Removal of board members. Members of the board may be removed by an affirmative vote of a majority of the total members of the city council. (Code 1958, § 2-36) Sec. 12-7. Acts prohibited; penalty. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to trespass, cause injury to, or to destroy any library grounds, rooms, books or other property constituting a part of the municipal library system of the city or to violate any of the by-laws or regulations adopted by the library board and approved by the city council relative to operation of said municipal library system. Any person or persons found guilty of violating this section shall be punished as for a violation of this Code of Ordinances. (Code 1958, § 2-37) Supp.No.21 869 [The next page is 9191 • - \\ I . , • r"-7--- • ; , , OARD LIBRARY B . .,-.- -.1--;-.•, --t."':„-(r".° '4`-‘'.:1'7' ''' 7- - .;,k.----,---77-r•---i'-i ---`*--;•A's•:•„„,,• , r.,,-;,;c„;;;-;;;;,..-••,...;,•-;4"-4.4---,...•••,••,-,,i-•.---.:",./--.--rrf''‘,.. -,- : ' '"r--4—,:.14,)::,,,:. .: - .. ' •,•-,•-•-', ...:4--,.-"<„•,-4,-..-,- ‘•‘‘.---'-''.`vols4t, ,,,,,-r •-. .,t,-P - ..'._-.:,:i.*.-::;.61411eti ,,--,..,k",..7.,.-• .g..-'.' • ""`''•:,'...ta.-A1--mber:491- :i • .-- -•-•,,,,,„--, --- -,,. „ .------,,--‘,.-:-...----,- ,-,, ,_ - .. ..46-0, 1,-; .‘ ' 4,.. ., 1,.1:•-•1^-450.4:-Illbillf134''1,•'-44‘.' *4\gt*' Pi;i4ServI''• 1-•-•-?4,.,4,;.; ..,-.•--,,,, z.... .7- titime-% oz- .,,,..1.9;..;:•,,••, ,,--t...,T,,,-4.11,4101 1...4.F•.,••• . 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I . . i __ __ LIBRARY BOARD 2004 Sean Fenton 04/06 Donna Harmening 04/05 Robert Heffernan 04/07 Daniel Holthouse 04/05 Myra Jones 04/05 Barbara McGee 04/06 Valerie Pleasanton, Chair 04/07 Alternates: Eleanor Daley 04/05 lice Otis 04/05 S:\CC\WP\BOARDS\Board Membership Book\2004 Membership\Library Board.doc LIBRARY BOARD 2003 FENTON, SEAN 4/06 HARMENING, DONNA 4/05 HOLTHOUSE, DANIEL 4/05 JONES, MYRA 4/04 MC GEE, BARBARA A. 4/04 OTIS, ALICE 4/04 VALERIE, PLEASANTON, Chair 4/04 ALTERNATES: HEFFERNAN, Robert 4/04 ' I 1t LIBRARY BOARD 2002 COLLINS, MARVA 4/05 GRAMMER, MARION 4/03 HARMENING, DONNA 4/05 HEFFERNAN, ROBERT 4/03 HOLTHOUSE, DANIEL 4/05 PLEASANTON, VALERIE, Chair 4/04 SUSS, HERB 4/04 ALTERNATES: JONES, MYRA 4/03 OPEN S:\CC\WP\BOARDS\Sue's Board membership book LIBRARY BOARD 2002.doc 5/2/2003 3:23 PM I � LIBRARY BOARD 2001 COLLINS, MARVA 4/02 GRAMMER, MARION 4/03 HOLTHOUSE, DANIEL 4/02 HARMENING, DONNA 4/02 PLEASANTON, VALERIE, CHAIR 4/04 SUSS, HERB 4/04 WALKER, DOROTHY, VICE CHAIR 4/03 ALTERNATES; GOUDSWARD, DAVID 4/03 SANDERS, JUDITH M. 4/02 4/30/2003 4:20 PM S:\CC\WP\BOARDS\Sue's Board membership book \LIBRARY BOARD 2001.doc LIBRARY BOARD 2000 ' MARVA COLLINS 4/02 MARION GRAMMER, Vice Chair 4/03 ALICE OTIS 4/01 VALERIE PLEASANTON, Chair 4/01 DOROTHY WALKER 4/03 ALICE WARREN 4/02 JANE ZIMMERMAN 4/02 ALTERNATES: DANIEL HOLTHOUSE 4/01 JUDITH M. SANDERS 4/01 07/31/2000 11:44 AM LIBRARY BOARD 1999 MARVA COLLINS 4/02 BARBARA SMITH 4/01 DOROTHY WALKER, Chair 4/00 ALICE WARREN 4/02 JANE ZIMMERMAN 4/02 ALICE OTIS 4/01 MARYANN TATA 4/00 ALTERNATES: DANIEL HOTHOUSE 4/00 VALERIE PLEASANTON 4/00 LIBRARY BOARD 1998 DANIEL HOTHOUSE 4/99 VALERIE PLEASANTON 4/99 BARBARA SMITH 4/01 DOROTHY WALKER, Chair 4/00 BETTY ANN WELCH 4/00 JANE ZIMMERMAN 4/99 ALICE OTIS 4/01 MARYANN TATA 4/00 ALTERNATES: KATHRYN PALLADINO 4/99 ALICE WARREN 4/99 ( ) LIBRARY BOARD 1997 SHAWNE BLAIR 4/98 DANIEL HOTHOUSE 4/99 VALERIE PLEASANTON 4/99 BARBARA SMITH 4/98 DOROTHY WALKER, Chair 4/00 BETTY ANN WELCH 4/00 JANE ZIMMERMAN 4/99 ALTERNATES: KATHRYN PALLADINO 4/98 ALICE WARREN 4/98 i I LIBRARY BOARD 1996 SHAWNE BLAIR 4/98 ROBERT GOLDBERG 4/99 BOBBI OPPENHEIMER 4/98 VALERIE PLEASANTON 4/99 NAOMI SECHTER 4/97 MARIE SHEPARD 4/99 DOROTHY WALKER 4/97 ALTERNATES: OPEN 4/97 ELEANOR MANN 4/97 S:\CC\W P\BOARDSUdBREC.W PD April 26,1996 Ii -- LIBRARY BOARD 1995 BOBBI OPPENHEIMER, CHAIRWOMAN 4/98 SHAWNE BLAIR 4/98 ROBERT GOLDBERG 4/96 VALERIE PLEASANTON 4/96 NAOMI SECHTER 4/97 MARIE SHEPARD 4/96 DOROTHY WALKER 4/97 ALTERNATES: MARK SCHOR 4/96 ELEANOR MANN 4/96 1 - LIBRARY BOARD 1992 Marie Shepard, Chairwoman 4/93 Valerie Pleasanton, Co-Chair 4/93 Kathleen Kirton 4/94 Emanuel Lubin 4/93 Roberta Oppenheimer 4/95 Katherine Pawlowski 4/95 Dorothy Walker 4/94 1993 Robert Goldberg 4/96 Kathleen Kirton 4/94 Roberta Oppenheimer 4/95 Katherine Pawlowski 4/95 Valerie Pleasanton 4/96 Marie Shepard 4/96 Dorothy Walker 4/94 Alternates Eleanor Mann 4/94 Naomi Sechtor 4/94 1994 Marie Shepard, Chairwoman 4/96 Robert Goldberg 4-/96 Roberta Oppenheimer 4495 Katherine Pawlowski 4/95 valer-—M Pleasanton, Secretary 4/9-6 Naomi_S_acht er 419a ( ) Dorothy B. Walker 4/97 Alternates Shawn.e Bla i r 4/SS Eleanor Mann 4/95 LIBRARY BOARD 1990 S-.n d r a—frau-t-errs-e-h l ag er &h irwom-an 4/12 Emanuel Lubin, Vice Chairman 4/93 Naomi Creason 4/92 K-at4i.-1 e-en— en.-een 4-/-9-1 Kathleen Kirton 4/91 Valerie Pleasanton 4/93 Marie Shepa-rd. 4193 1991 Marie Shepard, Chairperson 4/93 Valerie Pleasanton, Vice Chairperson 4/93 Sandra Lautenschlager, Secretary 4/92 Kathleen Kirton 4/94 Emanuel Lubin 4/93 Roberta Oppenheimer 4/92 Dorothy Walker 4/94 LIBRARY BOARD 19RR Sandra Lautenschlagen,_Chairwoman 418_9 Emanuel Lubin„Co=_Chairman 4J90 Christine_Edward,__Secratary 4/90 Naomi Creason 4/89 Kathleen Deneen 4/91 Kathleen Kirton 4/91 Marie Shepard 4/90 Staggered 3 year terms - April to April - Regular Members 1989 Sandra Lautenschlager", Chairwoman 4/92 Emanuel Lubin, Vice Chairman 4/90 Naomi Creason 4/92 Kathleen Duneen 4/91 Christine Edward 4/90 Kathleen Kirton 4/91 Marie Shepard 4/90 LIBRARY BOARD 1986 (Appointed 4/1/86 - Staggered terms) J 1 Naomi Creason 4/89 Kathleen Deneen 4/88 Christine Edward, Secretary 4/87 Kathleen Kirton 4/88 Sandra Lautenschlager, Chairwoman 4/89 Emanuel Lubin, Co-Chairman 4/87 Mickie Wynn _ 4_13Z 1987 Sandra Lautenschlager, Chairwoman 4/89 Emanuel Lubin, Co-Chairman 4/90����`'; Naomi Creason 4/89 Kathleen Deneen 4/88 Christine Edward, Secretary 4/90 Kathleen Kirton 4/88 Marie Shepard 4/90 it Staggered 3 year terms - April to April - Regular members l LIBRARY BOARD 1983 (Appointee A : r_ term) Martha, Muschella, Chairwoman ) Emanuel Lubin, Co-Chairman Christine Edward, Secretary Naomi Creason Kathleen nPnepn . I - • • Sandra Lautenachlager LasA 4 ,641 ' 9 'O. : 4 - 1 ear term) Martha Muschella, Chairwoman -\ Naomi Creason, Co-Chairwoman Christine Edward, Secretary Kathleen Kirton Sandra Lautenschlager Emanuel Lubin Kathleen Deneen 1985 (Appointed 4/16/85 - Staggered terms) Beatrice Brown 4/87 Naomi Creason 4/86 ) Kathleen Deneen 4/88 Christine Edward, Secretary 4/87 Kathleen Kirton 4/88 Sandra Lautenschlager, Chairman 4/86 Emanuel Luhln , Co.,-Cha '_rman 4/87 . LIBRARY BOARD • 1982 Mildred White, Chairwoman • Martha Muschella, Vice Chairwoman (12) Christine Edward, Secretary . Naomi Creason Sandra Lutenschlager . Emanuel Lubin Rubie Mack • (12) LIBRARY BOARD 1979 Mildred White, Chairwoman Martha Muschella, Co-Chairwoman • Christine Edward, Secretary Sandra Lautenschlager " Rubie Mack Geneva Smith Mrs. Curtis Weaver 1980 Mildred White, Chairwoman Martha S. Muschella, Co-Chairwoman Christine Edward, Secretary Sandra Lautenschlager Emanuel Lubin Rubie Mack Nan ie Weaver 1981 Mildred White, Chairwoman Martha Muschella, Co-Chairwoman Christine Edward, Secretary Naomi Creason Sandra Lautenschlager Emanuel Lubin Rubie Mack (Library Director: Virginia Farace) /' LIBRARY BOARD 1976 man • Mrs. Mildred White, Co-Chairman Mrs. Janet Centola, Secretary Mrs. Christine Edward Mrs. Sandra Lautenschlager Mrs. Ruby Mack Mrs. Martha Muschella 1977 Estelle Schaap, Chairman__ Sandra Lautenschlager, Secretary Christine Edward Ruby Mack ) Paula Moore Martha S. Muschella Mildred White 1978 Mildred White,_Chairman Estelle Schaap, Co-Chairman • Christine Edward, Secretary . Sandra Lautenschlager Ruby Mack Martha S. Muschella e Mrs. Curtis Weaver - 0_i N\\ LIBRARY BOARD 1973 Mrs. Estelle Schaap, Chairman Mrs. Mildred White, Vice Chairman Mrs. Christine Edward, Secretary Mrs. Kathleen Kirton Mrs. Sandra Lautenschlager . Mrs. Ruby Mack Mrs. Paula C. Moore 1974 Mrs. Estelle Schaap, Chairman Mrs. Mildred White, Vice Chairman Mrs. Kathleen Kirton, Secretary Mrs. Christine Edward Mrs. Ruby Mack Mrs. Sandra Lautenschlauger Mrs. Paula Moore Mrs. Florence Sullivan (Honorary Member) 1975 Mrs. Estelle Schaap, Chairman Mrs. Sandra Lautenschlager, Co-Chairman Mrs. Christine Edward, Secretary Mrs. Kathleen Kirton Mrs. Ruby Mack Mrs. Paula Moore Mrs. Mildred White - LIBRARY BOARD 1970 Mrs. Mildred White, Chairman Mrs. Kathleen Kirton, Secretar Mrs. Carolyn Murray Mrs. Nanie Weaver Miss Barbara Butler Mrs. Ruby Mack Mrs. Christine Edward 1971 Mrs. Estelle Schaap, Chairman Mrs. Kathleen Kirtom, Sepretary Mrs. Christine Edward Mrs. Sandra Lautenschlau.er Mrs. Ruby Mack Mrs. Mildred White Mr. Don Tinker 1972 Mrs. Estelle SchaapChairman Mrs. Kathleen Kirton, Secretary Mrs. Christine Edward Mrs. Ruby Mack Mrs. Mildred White Mrs. Sandra Lautenschlauger y Mr. Don Tinker LIBRARY BOARD 1967 Mrs. Nan Gordon, Chairman Mrs. Janice Wertz, Secretary Mrs. Mildred White Mrs. Estelle Sabot Mrs. Nanie Weaver Mrs. Judith M. Sanders Mrs. Valmarie Lambert 1968 Mrs. Mildred White, Chairman Mrs. Christine Edward, Secretary Mrs. Nan Gordon Mrs. Nanie Weaver Mrs. Estelle Schaap Mrs. Ruby Mack 1969 1 stel 1 P Srhaap, Chairman Mrs. Christine Edward; Secretary Mrs. Doris Oakes Mrs. Nan Gordon Mrs. Mildred White Mrs. Nanie Weaver Mrs. Ruby Mack 1 LIBRARY BOARD 1964 Mrs. Mark White, Chairman Mrs. Herbert .Keatts Mrs. Lottie Pierce Mrs. Gaylen Goodwin Mrs. Helen Brull Mrs. Estelle Sabot Mrs. Edythe Hood 1965 Mildred White, Chairman Clorice Keatts Lottie Pierce Thelma Goodwin Nan Gordon Helen Brull Estalle Sabot 1966 Mrs. Nan Gordon, Chairman Mrs. Mildred White, Secretary Mrs. Clorice Keatts Mrs. Lottie Pierce Mrs. Janice Wertz Mrs. Kathleen Kirton Mrs. Estelle Sabot / LIBRARY COMMITTEE 1959 Sal DeCanio Richard Monahan_ John Archie Mrs. Sullivan 1961 Dr. Reginald Kitching Vince Early Mrs. Mark White Mrs. Gaylen Goodwin Mrs. Helen Brull 1962 Mrs. Herbert Keatts Mrs. Mark White, Chairman Mrs. Gaylen Goodwin Mrs. Edyth Hood Mrs. Helen Brull 1963 Mrs. Mark White, Chairman Mrs. Herbert Keatts Mrs. Gaylen Goodwin Mrs. Edythe Hood Mrs. Helen Brull, Secretary