Minutes 01-30-56J MI~MJTES OF AN EXECUTIVE MEETING OF THE COUNCILLORS OF BOYNTON BF~%CH, FLORIDA, WITH THE C0~ISSIONERS OF OCEAN RIDGE, F~LD AT THE CITY HALL, B07fNTON ~EACH, JAkWJARY ~, 1956. PRESENT: Mayor Stanley Weaver Vice Mayor Joe DeMaroo ~r. A. E. Shook Mr. ~ott Partin ~. Don Rehburg. ~. Clarence de Watlot ) Mr. Thomas W. Cart ) Mr. B.F.New-man ) ~rs. T. W. Cart. ) City Clerk D.V.Williams. ~r. Zeii Taylor. ~r. Carl Stone. Bo~nton Beach. Ocean Ridge. Weaver called the meeting to order a~ 7.45 P.~. He said there were several outstanding questions between Ocean Ridge and Boynton Beach which it was hoped could be settled on a friendly basis. One is regarding the water lines in Ocean Ridge. He said, for the protection of the interests of Boynton Beach, when any subdivider introduces a plan covering a water line, the plan should be turned over to ~r. Stone, ~r. Taylor and ~g~.Shook, to see if there ~we any objections to it as far as Boynton Beach is concerned; adding that Boynton Beach has learned through experience the best way of doing certain things. Also that Boynton Beach should have a copy of the plan so that service can be arranged, as a matter of business, and our man would know where to find a valve to turn off when necessary. That Boynton Beach has the franchise and should know where the water lines are and might be able to make suggestions which would save the subdividers money. ~. de Wallot thought they would go along with that, and ~r. Cart said he thought this should have been done long ago. ~r. ~eaver asked Ocean Ridge to notify their subdividers to put the water pipes in when they put in their roads, and that the roads mus~ be in before the plan can be accepted. He outlined the regulations made by Boynton Beach with subdividers regardmng the laying of water pipe in new subdivisions, and suggested Ocean Ridge follow the s~s procedure. There was a lonM discussion on Water, Fire, and Police protection for Ocean Ridge. Mr. Weaver referred to the heavy tax on the recently a~quired beach property and said it was felt that, as a municipality, Boynton Beach should not have to pay the tax. -2- ~r. Cart said, as tax collector, he did not thir~k he had any right to reduce the tax, and that the seller of the property Mas still liable for the tax. ~r. Weaver suggested for cOnsideration that, although the property is in the name of Boynton Be~ch, the towna of Ocean Ridge will benefit from it more and more in the future. ~r. Weaver said BoyntOn Beach does not o,~n the water system in ite entirety, but supplies the water; that the $V5o00 ~unual charge objected to by Ocean Ridg~e for each hydrant is for service and is called for in the Bo~on Beach bond agreement · It was pointed out that BoyntOn Beach had various expenses to may while Ocean ~mmge ~ - ~,-~s each firs costs for~th~m; that Detray Beach ~eo~ their city limits. ~d they refuse to take on places outsid~ Nr. DeN~CO said Boynton Beach has to pay the s~me charge ~x ~0 per hydramt~ In reoly_ to a question from ~r~.~ de. ~allot as to the basis on which the charge for police pro~ctmOU is made, ~r. Shook gave the de~ails of the increasing costs of the ~olice Department to Boynton Beach for each of the past s~veral years. uestzon of oolice ~rrestS in Ocean Ridge~ Regarding the ~ -. ~. Weaver said he ~ould ask polmce Chief Carv~ to go over to ~r. C~r one evening to discuss the method by which such cases can b~ tri~d~ ~d that the police Chief would also b~ asked to check on speeding on A-1~A- ~r. Ne~ ~aid they did not understand the charge for the hydrants as they thou~t only the repairs were to be paid by Ocean Ridge. ~ ~. D~Iarco s~d BoyntOn Beach w~ts $~,000.00 for ~mr olice, and service on l~ hydrants at orotection; $1,B0~'90.~°~ w~8~e will abate the t~ 9n ~he~ S~ ~n He said tna~ lz ~T ...... ~o~ ~ ~,n~aid hydr~t cnarg~ ~' ..... · .... +~= to ~1.280.oo, ==~ ~ ~ ~ ~=a a~ will ~r ~ years 195~, le0~ ~ ~, ~ ~ be abated by BoyntOn B~aoh. ~r. Weaver suggested Ocean Ridge float a bond issue ~d buy th~ pipe, ~d Boynton Beach will sell t~em the water system their to~ and Ocean Ridge can pay off the bonds from revenue from the water~ ~r. Cart thought the charge of ~0.00 on the hydrants exorbit~t compared with the charges in other cities. The City Clerk said a recent survey showed that several cities charged from ~$.00 do~. -3- ~r. de Wai!ot suggested a flat charge of $3,000.00, covering Police, Fire and Hydrants, and Boynton Beach to pay half of the tax bill on the beach property, saying this would meau a loss of ~1,500 tc Ocean Ridge. Mr. Weaver pointed out that the residents of Ocean Ridge b~nefit by the cut in insurance raves owing to the protection of the Boynton Beach Fire Department. · ~!r. de Watlot~ Ur. Cart ~nd Er. Nev~nan then retired to hold a short conference between themselves. On returning t J o the meeting, Nr. de Wallot repeated his suggestion of settling the matter by Ocean Ridge paying $8,000.00 to Boynton Beach to cover Police' , Fire and Hydrants, and mbzting one-half of the tax bill on the beach property, although Newman said he felt they did not have the right to settle the question in this way. After further discussion, ~r. De~a~co,s suggestion was ~greed to for the i9~8 contract~ i.e. Ocean Ridge ~ ~ 1,000.O0 for fire protection, ~l,~O0.00 for po~ic~] ~u~ service cha~ges on fifteen hydrants at $~$.00 each ($1 l~.00) a total of ~$,ZBS.00. Ocean Ridge to abata the $1,~85.00 tax'on the hmach property. ~s. Williams was asked to draw ~p ~n agreement between the towns of Ocean Ridge an~ Boyntom Beach along the above lines. ~ayor ~eaver then adjourned the meeting a~ ll.20 P.M.