Minutes 01-16-56MINUTES OF A REGULAR ~[EETING OF TB~ COUNCILLORS OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, JANUARY 16, 1956. PRESENT Mayor Stanley Weaver Vice Mayor Joe deMarco Mr. A.E.Shook ~r. Mott Partin Mr. Don Rehburg. City Clerk D.V.Wit!iams. Mr. Zelt Taylor Mr. Carl Stone Police Chief Carver. The meeting was called to order at 7.30 P.M. by Mayor Weaver, who announced that the order of business had been chsmged and that now the Minutes and correspondence would be read first, and the public half hour has been set for later in the meeting. He added that he had invited representatives of the County Health Department to attend the meeting to discuss with the Council some problems which might have to be faced in the near future in regard to water and sewerage in connection with any new subdivisions that may be proposed. Mr. Ben 0'Neal, Sanitary Engineer of the Count~ Health Department, said the County Health Department are greatly con- cerned that the rapid growth of Boynton Beach might result in a serious situation with insufficient water and lack of sewerage. He said it would be a good tb~ng if the possibility of sewerage for the City could be investigated, and suggested the preparation of a master plan covering water and sewerage; that it would be very satisfactory if some way could be found to start a com- prehensive program soon covering new subdivisions, and that it did not seem feasible for such subdivisions to put in sewerage individually. ~. Griffith was asked to look into the possibility of floating a bond issue for the purpose of installing sewerage. The ~ayor thanked the gentlemen from the Health Department for coming dov~ and supplying recommendations and information. The City Clerk read the minutes of the previous regular meeting of January 3~ 1958. ~#~. DeNarco moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Shook seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read to the town of 0cesm Ridge suggesting a joint meeting with the Council of Boynton Beach. Er. Shook thought a check should be made into the cost of supplying Ocean Ridge with the services of the Water, Police and _ zre Departments~ to see if we are adequately compensated and, if not, to arrange for~a larger proportion to be paid by Ocean Ridge. It was agreed to suggest Jar~_ary ~0 as a date for such wm~h Ocean Ridge. a meeting '~ Applications were read for transfer of liquor licenses (1) for the Dolphin Bar from Robert W. Williams to Cleo Williams (2) for the Deck House to Lutgm s. to be operated by Y~. Louis ~irisoka. Both of these were ordered referred to the Beverage Board. A letter was read from the bar at Wells Avem~e and 10th Avenue stat~mg that their present building is in poor condition and requesting permission to move across the street to a better building. During discussion it was pointed out that this move would bring it ll0' closer to the Continental, actually less than 400' from it. To grant the move would lessen the personal injury p ssmbmlitmes of the present location by getting the populace away from the intersection of Seacrest Boulevard with 10th Avenue. Nro DeEarco moved that on the basis of owner hardship and public safety the request for the transfer be granted. ~. Shook seconded. Notion carried. A recommendation from the Plumbing Board was read cover- ing ~mendments to the Plumbing Code. (Attached)~ Nr. Shook moved that the recommendations of the Plumbing Board be accepted. Nr. DeNarco seconded. Notion carried. A plan for an office building for Nr.N~teil was submitted, for which a building permit was requested. ~r. Shook moved, Nr.DeNarco seconded, that the permit be granted~ Notion carried. A plan was submitted for a Root Beer stand at the corner of N.E.-Vth Avenue and the ~e'deral Highway for Mr. Reese~ and a building permit requested. ~ ~r. Shook moved that Beer Stand to be built by ~ot ion carried. the permit be granted for the Root Mr. Reese. ~. DeMarco seconded. Nr. Griffith read a Res'olution covering assessments for the repair of certain streets fo~ the first time. ~. DeNarco moved that the Resolution be accepted. Shook seconded. ~otion carried. Chief of Police Carver read his report of the Police Department for the month of Decemb~r~ He said he had hired one of the newly appointed special policemen for duty on New Year's Eve and asked that the man's pay be allowed. Y~o DeNarco moved that the m~u's pay be allowed. ~r. Shook seconded. ~otion carried. Mr. Weaver thought the Road Department should be requested for permission to put up a stop light at Federal and 10th Avenue North. Et was stated that Briny Breezes wished To express their admiration and gratitude to the City Fire Department for their work in dealing with the fire there last Saturday. A letter, dated January 9, 1956, was read from Brockway, Weber ~ Brockway Inc., covering a grading plan for Crescent Heights, which was submitted for approval. ~he plan proposes re-Daving and re-grading a portion of S.W. 9nd Avenue~ to ensure adequate drainage. Under this plan the surface water along S.W~ ~nd Avenue will drain directly to Seacrest Boulevard. It was agreed that some members of the Co~acil, together with Mr. Taylor, should take the plan out tomorrow at one o~clock and check into it at the location. Regarding grades for the Lawna Subdivision, Nr.Shook suggested the replacement of the present engineer by one who would be more satisfactory and of greater benefit to the City. Mrs. Williams was asked to.call ~r. Brockway ~o find out if the price billed included the placing of grade stakes. Regarding Parry Tra'ilers~ it was stated that he was notified last year to keep his trailers back from the highway and the Police Department ~%as instructed to tell him to move his trailers back the required fifty feet.~ ~ ~ ~g~%~y ~ ~ ~, ~ in order t6 facilitate After discussion, Mr. De~.arco moved/the work of ~r.Zell Taylor, Superintendent of Public Works, a telephone be installed in his residence at the City's expense. Nr. Shook seconded. Motion carried. There being no further business~ Mayor ~eaver adjourned the meeting at 10.1S P.M. Mayor / City Clerk. January 16th, 1956 TO THE CITY ~OMMISSI0~RS OF BOY~0N BEACH: Gentlemen: At ~ regular meeting of the Boynton Beach Plumbing board held at the City Hall on January 12th, of 19~6 at ~ P. M. the following amendments to our plumbing code were approved by unanimous vote by the board and plumbing inspector was instructed to forward same by letter to the City Co~issioners for their consideration. Emendments approved are as follows: #I. &n accessible control valve having a water way eaua! in diameter of the entrance pioe into the building shall be i~stalled on all supply pipes connecting with the oublic system and such valves to be equipped with wheel handle. The control valve shall be located at the building. In order to get a full w~ter way it may be necessary to install a gate valve. #2. This control valve shall be plsiniy marked by means of a concrete or metal box which is to be furnished by the general contractor. #3. The ~=mnmmum required size of water pipes for eaoh building shall be ss follows: Number of ooenings. Size of oipe. 3 ]4 inch For any and~l~ building re~~ p~_:e size larger th~n the a~ove ~. Cr~le~nd ~, fie~d d~ns{ for septic tanks have been aoproved on the ~ozlowing sch~ule. S~ze of septic ~ank ~quare :~;~9~ cr~dl~ ~ra~n or noe regular arson, fmela drain required. ~*0 ~ 7~ Sq.~Ft. i9 ft. or 7o s?. ft. k Any building requi~ing a larger si~ seotic t~k than the above~ size of drain will be spec!fled by the Dl~m~ng~ inspec~or,~ $~. All cold or hot water pmoe~ supply~g~~ combination f~ture, such suoolies must be equi~pe~with ~heel handl~ stoo cocks. $6; The drippings of temoerature and pressure relief valves shall discharge as folIows: Any relief valve located in closets must discharge to the outside and relief valves which are located i~ utility rooms must discharge to the outside or to the floor of the utility room. #7. The cost of plumbing permits shall be according to the following schedule: Closets~ lavatories, sires,bath tubs, slop sinks: floor drains~ wash machines~ garbege disoosals~ water heaters, showers, dishwashers~ catch ba~ins~ grease trsps~ laundry tubs, urinals~ drinking fount~mns, soda bars shall be $1.~0.eacho Septic taD~s and sewer connections shall remain at It is nod d that the City Commissioners will give the above amendments careful consideration, as the amendments are very much called for toma~_e~ a better set up of our ol~mbing, code. Submz ¢ d to you as re~ueste~o Very truly yours~ CFH/h C. F. Hockmuth ~~.~ ~% Plumbing Insoector