Minutes 12-08-550~ ~0_~05~ ~-h%gH, FLO~JD~, ~-D AT ~,uT~ CITY FB-LL~ D~CE~,~ER 8, 1955 o P~MES~IT: ~[zyor~.E. Shook. E01~ING BOAID: ,~r. ~oe D.~a~te~, Mr. Joe De, arco. ~ ~l~r. Walter ~fr. ~Iott Pa~in. ~aildir~ Inspector F~d J.~es. About twenty-ei~_t Contractors attended the Also P~sent Er, ~1_~ A. BoBb, Jr., Executive Ea~r ~f the ~s~ated Gene~l Contracto~ of ~erica, Inc., (Florida East Coazt C~p~er)~ and Secreta~ of Joint ~ont racto~. ~r, ~. J. Lissenden fro~ ~est Palm Beach. Mr. Ed~r Grego~ f~ Zake ~s~ from ~ke ~ook called the ~eeting to order and said the above four ~entlemen were here to explain the new Building Code and to answer any questions regarding ~r. Bobb gave a detailed explanation of the Code desoribi.~ it as tivi~g one ~?~hich can be kemt_ uo~ to.~date all the time, a~'_~a de~azled~ ' the reasons whys'it ~ou!d be of benefit to contractors. He said the County ve~ enthusiasti~ abou~ havin~ a ~fo~m Code, and that a Com~ittee wou~d ~-ch would have a ~ ~ ~r. ~l~seu~en, v~ao said he ~d ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ' ~.aae l~ P~el_m~- studies of the Code~ . spoke of it as bei~- a ~'ot~ta~y pro~sltion. He said he tho~ht hu~rzcane section -*vutd be ~ded, eventua!ly~ - In an~%~r ~o a question as to %'~¢t Cities ar~ usir~ this Code East 0.cast of F!o~da, he said Palm Beac~h, ~est Palm Beach, ~ke Delr~ Beach, Lant~a, and about ten others~ Various q-destions were asked by con~raoto~ p~sent a~ ~re antacid by one or other of the visitors who said the~ are sti]~ ~ things in the Code which ~st be i~ned out. It v~s described as a peach,nee code, thai is ~at is to be done to the best advantage of the public as a In reply ~o a ~ar~r f ro_~ one of the contracto~ p~sent that he would be opposed to the Code as it is, ~fr. ~f~d~ said the Code px~vides ~or Board of ;-P~al in the case of a dete~D~t!on by the building inspector v;hich is ~t a~reed ~o. ~%r. Sts~u I~rartin said he ~_ not yet seen the Addenda and shoul~ be at the disposal of all contractors in order that ~ree~ent be arrived at. -2- ~r~ 5isse~en explmined that it was never intended that the Code should be ~dopted without amen&ments, ~ach co~.~ty v~o~ld be e~ected to stay it, ~o thzt each comity gets vzh~t it w~t~ be~o~ it is ~r. ~d~ ~zid Lake ~ffo~h adopted the addenda on fir~¢ readi~, ~tth a few char~es on accost of the ~bIic utilities se~ice~. 0ut~ide oF that Lake ~?o~h and Pal~ ~ach h~ve th~ e~e ~de~ He s~gested a Committee consisti~ of the City Atto~ey~ z loc~] Ar~uitect, etc. ~ to ~tudy the Code ~ud ~ke ~com~end~tion~ ~r. Bo~b offend to s~pDIy fifteen copies of the Code. ];ir. Grego~ said he wou~d suppIy fifteen copie~ of the Lzke ~o~h adder~a. The r~es and addresses of thi~een cont~cto~ p~sent ~.o wished to have copies ~mre t~en, ~[r. ~bb thought copies of P~phlets 90-A a~ g0-B of the Nm¢io~! Bo~ of Unde~ters should be s~pplied for by the City Clerk. ~[r. ~in s~gested that a notification be sent mo al~ license8 contractors ~ter copies of the Code and Addenda have been received. The ~aeeting was ~djourned at 9 ~.~i. by the [~yor v~mo t~ked the visite~ for comdr~ rand for the useful i~o~ation z~%.ich they h~. been good eno-~a to supply.