Minutes 11-21-55MI~uTES OF A REGULAR ~EETING OF THE COUNCILLORS OF BOYNTON BEACH, ~LORIDA, HELD AT THE CITY HALL, B0~2~NTON BEACH, NOVEmBeR 21, 1955. PRESENT: Mayor A.L.Shook Vice Mayor Stanley Weaver M~. Albert Deen Mr. Joe.DeEarco Mr. Mott Partin. City Clerk M_rs. D.V.~itiiams Chief of Police C~ver Mr. Zell Taylor M~. Carl Stone Mayor Shook called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. Mr~ Nicholas Fornaby showed a.tentative plat of Westchester Heights. ~Lr. DeMarco moved that tentative approval be given to the plat, subject to arrangements being obtained for a five-foot easement for utilities. ~fr. P~tin seconded~ Motion carried. Mr. ~.R.Fietds vol0ed objection to the adoption o£ the new building code until at least the next meeting of the Council, to give him ti~e to study it and raise anyobJections ~hich he may think to be well founded. He added that several other contractors agreed with him in this. Mr~ DeMarco moved that a special meeting be called to discuss the matter and that all contractors interested be informed of the date of the meeting~ ~. ~eaver seconded. Motion carried. Mr. K.C.Mock, engineer of Lake Worth, ahowed a plat of am allotment in Hypoluxo and asked for information regarding the extension of City water lines beyond the North City limits. Mr. Griffith suggested that before anything is done ~m this connection a franchise would be necessary from Hypoluxo, and that M~. Brockway should be consulted. Mr~ Mock agreed to contact M~. Brockway and ask him to write ~ letter to the City giving his opinion. Mr. Brand of Economy Builders, Inc., asked for information regarding water service on N.E. 2ud Street, and asked for a definite de~ision regarding the installation by'the City~ which he said the Council had previously agreed to do. It was agreed that the City would install the service; Brand to provide the materials. Mr. Griffith was asked ~o write a letter to ~. Br~d co~_firming this. ~ Walter Holmes requested 8th and 9th Avenues be fixed. that N.H. 3rd Street between It was agreed that this street should be included with adjacent streets in the next advertisement of assessments. Mr. Ma~tell requested peEaission for a 50-foot driveway to his trailer sales location on North Federal Highway,.saying he would like to start grading from the sidewalk snd raise the level 6~ in about 25 f~st~ then slope toward the east. Mr. Griffith was asked to check into the width allowed for such driveways by the State. Mrs. Hood asked it was agreed that a full $600.00 allowed for funds for the WOman's Club Library, and check would be given to the Library for the for the current fiscal yea~ Mr. Weaver said he has had two requests as to what the City esau do towards levelling the s~face of N.W. 4th Street. M~. Taylor was asked to check into ~nat he thougn~ would be best method of remedying the condition. the The City Clerk read the ~vminutes of the previous mee~zug of the Council of November 7~ 19~. ~. ~eaver said the City would pay for the labor and driver if the Bo~nton La~_dseape Company would move the trees for the Garden Club to Forest Park ~chool~ ~ Deen moved that the minutes be accepted with this correct,on. Mr. ~eaver seconded. Motion ca~r~e~. Police Chief Carver said a blinker light at Seacrest and 10th Avenue would cost ~?n~00. It was agreed to p~ac a blinker light ~u that location as soon as possible. ~u excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Boated of November l~ was read. (Attached). DeMa~vco moved that this should be passed to the Zoning Weaver seconded. Motion carried. The City Clerk reported that the V.A. amd F.H~A. people are saying that there is no real zoning in Boynton Beach, and the Federal Agencies had no choice bnt to value our property lower would be necessary if we had proper zoning. This opinion was not shared by the Council. A letter was read from the Royal Palm Village Association. than BILLS 0 ~ EA~ FOR PAYP~NT: Gen'l. ~and. City of Boynton Beach Petty Cash 51,42 L.B.Sterrett & Sons 1,926.10 Boynton Beach Fire Dept. 347.41 Shaw Bros. 0il Co. 665.42 Norman Lolatte 15. 29 Addre s sograph Multigraph 46 · 19 District Director of Internal Re venue 547.30 Blue Cross of Florida 171.20 L. B .~ter~ett 510.40 Armitage Re staurant 94.75 Republic Rubber Divl sion 477..75 Asphalt Sales Co. 1,427.41 Bo-Del Printing 66o2~ Boynton Beach Roofing Co/ 195,30 Boynton Beach Chs~ber of C om~oer ce 100.86 B0ynton Beach News Inc. 12~95 Brown & Moseley 98,09 Bro~mie's Men' ~ Shpp 53,~ Herm~nn Butts 14.%0 Bu~nup & Sims of Delray 287.56 Collins, Signs 200.00 The Court Records Co. 15.00 DeBol.iac Truck Equipment Co. 567.00 Dee~fmeld Rock ~o _r?n~ 833.00 De!ray Machine & Supply Co. 9.00 East Coast Fire Protection 51,00 E~_uis Constr~ction 73 · 74 Central Truck Sales 2,654.57 Lewis Lawn Mowe~ 27.35 Hill Manufacturing Co. 74.25 Halsey & Griffith 501.81 Palm Beach Typewriter 155.19 Ocean City Lumber Co. .50 R.L.Po!k & Co. 40.00 Roofing & Sheet Metal Supply 8.39 John Vic!ante 33.30 Kenneth Snow 1~!.30 W. JoSnOW 106.9~ 0. C. ~mppe~ As~ocza~es 312.56 Blue Cross of Florida 168.60 Williams Chemical of Miami 9.90 Stetson 0.Spro%t, Tax. Coll. Austin Supply Co. lo.38 Paul Merce~ SerVice Station 39.39 Charles Senipr 269.50 Linds!ey Lumber Co. 52.31 F. l~acF~quhar 85.09 I.& S. 106.01 -2B- Hood' s Auto Service United Auto Service ~o D. Adiemy Southern Bell Tel.& Tel Florida Power & Lt. Co, County Met cau~ile Gulf 0il Corpn. Gulf Stream Ltnnber Coo City of Boynton Beach Water Depzrt~nent Gulf Stream Lumber Co. Seaboard Air Line RoRo William Hunter Barton Seaboard Air Line 47.10 37.25 108.98 ~0.96 ~.59 133.53 304.67 5~6.42 5.oo 190.96 -2C- Water City of Boyn~on Beach 1,757.27 - 1,229 · 50 Shaw Bros. OIL Co. 53.78 Blue Cross of Florida 1.88 Bro~u~ & Mose!ey 105.25 Brooks Prod~cts 4- 59 Central Truck Lines Inc. 402.45 Cameron & Barkley Co. 192.20 Charles L. Meyer & Son Neptune Meter Co. 1,$16.52 Palm Beach ~Tp_ewriter Co. 22.5~. Builders Pro~dence Inc. 68. ll Kem~ueth Snow 31.00 Tosco Ch~cal~ of Florida 202.50 Puc~d Chemical Co. 32.50 Austin Supply Co. 29.~0 Blue Cross of Florida 13.00 Paul Mercer Service Station 5.60 Stevenson Seed Store 62,79 Fterida Power & Lt. Co. 669.09 Southern Bell Tel & Tel. 17.71 CoUnty Mercantile ll. 00 Gulf Oil Coz~pn. 29,02 Napoleon Sylvain Depositors' ~nd. 7.50 A second letter from the same Association was read ths~king the Co,mucil for the lighting already installed sm_d requesting more ~. Two letters fro_,~ Brand Brothers Construction Company were ~ead, one ~equesti~ mo~e faucets fo~ their landscaped p~ays in Rolling Green Ridge. M~. Deen moved that the faucets requested be ~pplied~ Weave~ seconded. M~ion c~ried. The City Clerk pointed out that the Broc~ay scheme of n~0ering h~ses ~ the subdivision was misleading, moved that the City follow B~and Brothe~s~ mec~endations ~ the ~be~g of houses, since they o~ all property be~een thet lready n~be~e~ mud Rolling G~een Ridge ~d 2~s ~ exactly h~ m~y streets ~ll be built helen. M~. D~en Seconded. Motion ca,tied. A lettem was read from ~s. Ada Ho~es requesting a pe~it to sell beer o~y on the pme~ses ~d to take out, at the property previously ~o~ as '~ ~alms'~· ~. Deen moved that ~s. Ho~es~ ~equest be De~co seco~ed. Motion carried. M~. G~iffith ~ead 0r~ce No.278 (Zoning) fo~ the second time. ~. Weave~ moved, M~. DeM~co seconded, that 0rdin~ce No.278 be accepted ~o~ ~e s~cond ~ead~g. Motion ca,tied. ~. V.G.Weaver said several places on S.E. 9th, 10th ~d llth Avenues should be shell~ocked to comuect sidewalks ~ith t~ paved portion of streets in order t~t children m~ ~ide the~ bicycles mud stay off Seac~est Boulevm~d. It was a~eed that this condition sho,~d be ~emedied shellrock. T~ee bids were received on a t~ew~item for the Police Depz~ent~ all for AFter discussion it was ~reed to accept the P~ Beach T~ewriter Co~muy~ s bid fo~ a Royal. ~. DeM~co reported on the bids ~eceived for a new police c~ ~d said he reco~ended the Ford offered by the W~yne Akers Comply of Lake ~orth~ fo~ $1,7~.~0, ~. ~eave~ seconded. Motion carried. ~. ~[eaver said ~s. ~-~illi~s had estL~ated the s.n~o'~ut of wate~ cons,~ed by the ~esch t~ailer pa~k based on a c~s~mption of ~0,000 g~!ons a mOnth. But, f~om the ~stallation of the z~ete~ ~ October l~ to Novembe~ l~, the mmo~t cons~ed was ~l,000 gallons. He tho~ht the City shoed t~ to collect if an agreement as to fi~r~s could be arrived at. M~o Griffith suggested making a reasonable settlement with the m~u, aud Mr. Weaver suggested that he, N~. Griffith, draw up a letter for the Council to sign. Mr.Eeaver said _.M~. Weber, of N~r. Brockw.ay s off~ce, told hmm the water condition was getting serious snd ~s ~oout 38 to inches shert ef rainfall for this time of year, ~nd that he mended the installation of down draw water gauges in City wells. After discussion Mr. Weaver reco~ended that down draw water gauges be installed in the City's three wells at a total cost of ~oproximately $20~o00. N~. DeMa~co seconded. Motion carried. ~i~. ~eaver said Mr. Summers, a resident on the opposite side the street to the Methodist Church, had requested a little shell rock because of the heavy S~uday traffic. It was agreed to remedy the condition wi~n additional shell. Mr. Weaver suggested that the County Commissioners be requested to grant the City a~uicipal strip from the City 1Lmit~ to U.S.1 on both sides of Woolbright Rbad~i, and Lake Avenue, ~nd further suggested that we go on record as having made this request. With reference to Mr. Lansing~s request that the dhildren from the school be allowed to play on the grassed areas in the park opposite the school, it was agreed that they should not do so. They are to play in the playg~o?~ud area only~ The S~affleboard Cl-~o requested that ~ho ~atter of enlarging the cottrts be tabled u~til the nex~ meeting of the Council, as they feel they have under-estimated the cost. Mr. Eeaver said his brother having been in the Service for first part of this yea~, his fa~er h~d applied for his homestead exemption on his house in Boynton Estates~ His ~other does not now live in the house but wants to know if he can get homestead exemption f~this year. It waz grouted by the Cotuuty. The City did not grant the exe~otion because the property was rented. By law, if it was rented he c~uot have homestead exemption. There being no further business the Mayor adjo?~ned the meeting at ll.l~ P.M. Mayor. City ~Cierk. / EXOEi~T FROM ~LiNUTES OF T~ BOTh~Oi~ BEACH ~TING BOARD ~EETIN~ HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON ~BEACH, N0~t~ 15, 19B5. "Er. ~cBride move~ that the Planning Bo~l~l recom~en~ So the Cou-u¢i] that the territory bounded by 0cern Avenue on the ~orth, Seacrest Bou!ev~rd on the East, ~oo~bright Eoad on the South, the %~est boundm~ ~i~! be S o~. !st Strset ~K~uuth), be classed '~Aw Zone. And that the ar~a bounded by Ocean ~Yvenue on the North, S.~~. 1st Street ~K~th) on the East, ~foo!bri~ht Road on the So'~th, and proposed State Poad 9 on the West, be zoned for 1£00 sqo~rs feet. ~r. ~yckoff seconded. ~gotion carried." Chair~an of P~annir~ Board. pp.