Minutes 10-17-55~ES OF A REGULAR N~ETING OF THE COUNCILLORS OF BOYNTON BE~CH, FLORIDA, HELD AT ~ CITY ~, BOTNTON BEACH, OCTOBER 17, 1955- P~S~T: Mr. A. E. Shook, Mayor Mr. Stanley '~,Ieaver~ Vice Mayor. Mr. Albert Deen. Mr. Joe De~rco Mr. Mort Partin. City Clerk D.V.Willtams C~ief of Police Ca~ver. Mr. Carl Stone Mr. Zell Taylor M~yor Shook called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. Mr. A. B. Carter said they were ~ous to get street lights in their develo~ument in Rolling Green Second Addition, rand that his Oomp~m-.y were willing to pay the costs of the lights for the first year to get them into operation right It was agreed that the matter be taken up with I~. Senior, City Clerk D.V.%{illiams read the ~inutes of the last ~egular meeting of October 3. Mr. Weaver moved that the minutes be accepted as read. ~. DeM~co seconded. Motion carried. Mrs. Bosworth, representing a committee from the Woman's Club, asked whether, before the tou~ig~s come, arrangements could be ~ade to collect E~bage without the necessity of placing the c~ns on the curb. ~. Shook s~id he was in favor of such an arrangement, but that it would z~ean an outlay of approximately $25,000.00 for a new truck plus the other expenses that would be entailed, and the City cannot afford it at present. Mr. Hartman spoke of a parking lot, and Mt. Taylor recommended allowing it. Mr. DeMarco moved that as soon as the present Daiz~y ©3aeen Parking Lot is black topped, an occupational licerme be issued. ~. ~eaver seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read f~o~ Mr. Hatless regardi~ the Zoning Board ~eeting called for October 10, 1955, at whmch there was not a quorum. He pointed out that no objections had been re- ceived to the advertised suggested changes in zoning and asked that, under the circumstances, the recommendations of the Zoning Board reg~ding them be accepted. -2- ~. ~eaver moved that o~ng to the fact that no one had appea~ed to objec~ to the proposed zoning changes, the recommend- ~{~o~s of the ZOning Board be accepted. Mr. DeMerco seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from Mr. Fred J, Bowles, Building Inspector, recommending the acceptauce of the new Buildi~ e ~ Code, with two .changes amd a few minor emendm n~s. l~, ~eaver movedthat ~the City Attorney be Lust~cted to draw up au Ordinance covering the adoption of the new Building Code ~ecomme~de~ by.~lr. Bowles. Nr. Been seconded. Motion M.~m. Bowles presented a small book which he said showed building reco~mendations for a~all houses in si~li£ied form, which the local contractors w~ld like to have printed so that they could purchase copies. A letter was read requesting transfer of license fr~m Sc~pi~s Restaurant to Tropical ~ Resta~t, Inc. Mr. Weaver moved that the license be transferred. ~¢r. Deem seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Grlffith reported that the closing of the new beach property purchased by the City has been ce~pleted. Mr. Grm~fztn read 0rdinsnce No.274 covering ga~oage collec- tion, for the second ti~e. Mr. DeMarco moved, ~. Deen seconded~ that Ordinance 274 be accepted for the second reading. Motion carried. It was agreed that the charge for collection of garbage should be included in the water bills, beginnLug with November 1. M~ Grz~fzth read a Resolmtzon coverzno changes to be made unde~ Ordinance No.274. (Copy attached)· M~. Deen moved that the Resolution be accepted. ~. DeMarco seconded. Motion car_zed. I~. G~iffith read 0rdine~_ce No.276 for the 2nd time. M~. Deen moved that Ordinance No.276 be accepted for the second reading. Mr. Weaver seconded~ Motion ca_rzea. The City Clerk read 0rdin~uce No.27~ ~ ' cov~rzng the Budget for the fiscal year beginning November l, 19~, end endinE October ~l~ 19~6, for the second time. Mr. Deen moved that Ordinance No.27~ be acceoted for the second reading. ~. Weaver seconded. Motion carried. BILLS 0tEATED FOE PAY~-~ENT: Gen, !. F~nd. Brockway, Weber & Brockway 35.00 Cdntral Truck Lines 2.37 Earl Wallace Ford, Inc. 15.78 Kenneth Snow 28.50 MacFar~ar . 290.72 ~ed~G.Koep~ck fora City Recreational ~orida-Geo~gia T~acto~ Co. ~.~0 Mi~i Unifo~s 10.00 Bm~'s Men' s Shop ~1.9~ ' ' ' F d Beach A~u~smt~on M.M.Bu~ket% 42.80 F~s. Ha~ ~nos 4.00 M.M. ~keSt 9.~ Guardian - Titl~"&~bs-trao~,~'.~ 44.67 S .A .L. Railway 520 o 80 Os c~ Asbury P~.tt~ M.M.B~kett M. J.Estafen Ruhi~ LC~n~ction Co. Aus~Ln SUPply Co. Mercer- Ee~vice S~tion Hood, s AUto Servmce s Dress Sho~ B~bara' s~th~s S~li Eervice~- L.B.~Ste~ett & Sons M.D. OD. Beach ~11 Tel & Tel. Co. Drainage Dist. ,u~ty Resources Slag Co. InD. ~5o.2o 189.70 4.~s 197.85 12o.oo !o.85 4~.~9 49.59 90.00 3.00 492~!0 28.~9 ~.00 ~4.67 50.00 15t.02 615.72 170.80 100.00 ~5~o~o 1~.57 3.~5 lO~.O0 25.00 2~.GO 8~.eo 3~'0° Pay Roll 782.54 Pay Roll 800.52 Pay Roll 2,214 ~65 Pay Roll 8~8/78 Pay Roll 827.09 Pay Roll Li,~79.99 Pay Roll i,825.00 First National Bank of Lake Worth $120,000.00 -2C- Water FGnd 8.~ Petty Cash Wm. Heinstock Oliver F~l cinelli Roy Kerns Jean Cloutier Hat ~ington Homes R. S. Schult Gilbert Boyd Acct. of A.~.Lovell A .I~Y. Lovell 5- 60 K.J."Jack" Sha~pe 180.00 Neptune ~ieter Co. 61.96 Davis Meter Repair & Supply Co. 2~4.01 Burroughs Corp. ll2. 60 Austin Supply Co. 5,12 Mercer Service Station 2.00 Pure ~ater P~oducts 475, 00 Charles L~ Meyer 71,50 ~alter Dutch 53 · 65 Southern Bell Tel.& Tel. 24.69 Florida Pwr. & Light Co. 606.51 R.D. Wood Co, 838.~0 H. T. Rex Albert G. I~ill Acct. of J.L.Ed~ards H. T .Rex F~ed Benson Acct. of J,T.White J.T. ~it e 4,50 Acct. of Thomas Wo~-kman Thomas Workman 1,90 Gulf Stream Lumber Co. 21.60 Frabcis MacFa~quha~ 38.49 Brown & Noseley 5.00 StevenSon Feed Stere 5.~0 City of Boynton Beach 2,166.27 C. Lea Shoff Depositors~ F~u~d 7- 50 7.5o 7.50 7.50 7.5o 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7 5o 7 50 7.50 7 7.50 7~5o 7.50 7-50 7.50 7J5o 7.50 15.oo 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 Banya_u Tree~ I-uc,, through the Ch_icl of t~e Fire Department, ~equested infor~mation relative to the possibility of the City of Boyaton Beach extending their water system so~th far enough to affor~i tlnem fire protection. After discussion, it was agreed t~hat the only way Boynton Beach could protect this property was for the property owners to petition for ar~uexation ~o the City and extend, at their expense~ the syste~. ~hfter d~scusszon~ durmng ~hichM~. Gri~fmth suggesteG physical cles~ance to obviate future possible claims, ~ir. DeMarco moved that the sum of $186.80 covering d~age to the Mustang m~t~ bicycle r~dden by ~eAustinboy, which was w~ecked by hitting a ho~e in the ~0ad, be paid. N~. Part~n s~conded. Motion earr~ed. Police Chief Carver read his report on the Police Department for the ~onth of September. After dfscussion it was agreed to check into the advis~oility of p%r~chasing a Motorola tricyle truck for the Water Department. M~. Weaver suggested the City write a letter to Ben Sunday asking that the County Co~missioners do sometl~ing about the Boynton Road and the Military Trail South of the Boynton Road, because of the number of accidents resulting fzom Skidding in wet weather. 0r~ October 12 there were tk~ee accidents there ~nirty mi~tes. It was agreed that a letter be written to the County School Board regarding the Woolbright Road. The City Clerk sa~.d Dully s Restaursnt requests a beer and wine license. ~L~. ~eaver moved the request be granted. Mr. Partin seconded, Motion ca~ied. There being no further m~eting~ the Mayo~ adjou~ned the meeting at 9.32 P.M. Mayo~,