Minutes 09-19-55F~i~u~£ES OF A REGULAR MM~TING OF THE COUNCILLORS OF BOYNTON ~B~.F~CE, F~OR~DA, HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOTNTON BEACH, Ma~er A.E.Sh~ok, City Clerk D.V.Wllliams. Vice l~ayer S~!ey Weaver. ~. Ze!l Taylo~ ~ ~lbe~t Dee~ ~. O~l Stone. The Mayer called the meeting to or,er at 7.30 N~. Betts presented a plat of Crescent Heights for approval of possible changes before p~esenttug it to F.H.A. and V.A. He said he had cemsuited ~. Hatless who had said he did not th~k there would be any difficulty ab~it zo~r~g the surrounding property Reside~tiai A. since they have w~itten consent from a majority of o~lers. 1~. Weaver moved that ~so Williams w~ite ~ letter to l~L~. Botts eutli~tng the discussion ~hich has taken plaee'at the Co~ucil meeting this evening and stating that, after the correct legal steps have been taken and the recommendation of the Zoning Board received, ~u Ordinance cove~ing this zoning will be prepared and p~esented tO the Council for a first reading at its regula~meeting on October 17. ~Lv. Peen seconded° Motion cs~ried. M~. Fr~mkSincoff complained about the condition of the sidewalk nea~ his residence. Taylor was instructed to look into it. M~o Boos presented a~d read remarks made on behalf of the B~ynton Beach Boa~d ef Re~itors, which he requested be included in the minutes o£ this meeting. (Copy supplied ~yM~. Boos attached). l~yor Shook emiolained that money is not available for the sewerage system at present; that au engineer's survey of it is ~nh~idumtil such time as the City is fin~aeially able to take'care of it. 'He added that it is too late to do anything this year vaiuing land before next tax roll. M~. D~iei Snider asked fo~ the ~esult of his inquiry rega~dLug his ft~e pe~it end said his chief concer~ was that Shat 'aerest~ should not be recorded aEainst him. but Would to them the sig~s and ZOne; Crest ROa4~ ~nd 10th ~. Shook said h~ ~ad not yet got in touch With M - do so this Week. m. Sen~ov Ezell Hester headed a deputation f~om Celo~ed t~ ~ho Wished seve~ mat~s to the atten~t~ of the CO,ell, ~engst ~ve ~ the~ ~ P~Otect the~ ;a chOSen ~ additlon~ ~et lights ~d co~ect en hew ew~ sehoel Patrel Ooea~ Avenue; tha~ the sig~al ~ ~ a~e street lights the streets ~e way in w~ cemet~ lots o~ be ~mo~i~ eemete~ was e~l~ed, as be*~ ~ ~y m~ wee~y Payments. City ~erk ~s. D.V. ~itli~s ~ead the m~dtes of t~ ~st ~e~ ~eet~g of the Co~cll of Septembe~ 6. ~- Weave~ said She moti~ reg~ the ~eric~ Le~on,s ~equest w~ to t~e c~e of the new ~j ~ho ~e goinm ~quest ~- license, ~d he had moved c~e of ~uhe~ it c~e ~to City Hall,~ ~e~ ~eGuest he~t~n t~s eve~g,s meet~g. ~d not have ~- Weaver moved t~t With the above correction t~ minu~es be aecepte~. ~. DeMote seconded. ~o$ion e~ied. the ~ have a~eed' to hold their ~eet~ngs a on Sat~day nights imstead of at the - t ~ ~-~as~c ~11 Cas~o ~- DeE~co Said Street ~a~k~ at Roll~ ~d h~ ~eed to take G~een Rmdge. ~' e~ the ~. ~e~e~ said t~t ~ fu~e ~. p~ep~e ~1 street ~d h~ase n~be~s. B~oc~ay~s office sho~d A lette~ ~s ~ead F~ ~. ~O~est ~ave~, the P~'incio~ of the new School, d~a~g attention to the d~ge~ to waling ~ 10th Avenue, W~eh ~s no slde~ks. A ~te ~ ~z~s ~ea~ ~om ~he Co~ty ~ ~swe accom~g ~f the 19 ~ ~o~t of ~lf a ~1 ~ ~oad ~ B~id e ~ re~est ~ ~ess t~ last -3- yesr,s, unless Cc~nty valuation withim o~ City increases con- siderably. together, a~d that traffic be kept to a spees~ of fmfteen' miles per hou~ by the City Police Department. It was a~eed that it s~uld be d~ded t~t t~ bus p~king be ~ged fo~ ~ ~e back ~f the school. ~. De~co s~d he wo~d telephone to ~. At,ns ~ the m~ tell~ ~ of t~ ~ion of the Co~c~. A letter was ~ead f~om ~s. Ebhet Pierce. Pos~astem, reg~d- i~ per,al detive~ seduce, ~ molesting pe~issien col!sermon boxes ~ v~s p~ts of the Cit~. to place l~s. Witli~s was asked te ta~ to the Post Office ~d diso~$ thes'~mtmon' of sett~g the boxes ~th bhem. ~. Gm~fith said he had ~ven t~ new beach pr~er~ Bonds to t~ City Clerk, ~d ~gges~ed the ne~ meeting of the C2~cil, ~ October 4th, be~n a little early to allow t~e fo~ sel~ them. - 1~. DeI~a~co moved that a Resolution be adopted that ne occu- pational license be issued to taxi cab owners un, i! identification ca~ds a~e provided, together with finger prints of all drivers, and p~oof that they caT the necessary lnsu~amce. ~. Deen seconded. Motion ca,tied. ~. meM~co secon~d. Motion c~ied. ~' Bids on t~actoms were %boned and read as follows:- Fair Deal ~achine~y John Steitz ~lormda~eomgia T~actor Co. ~th res~lar~equipment One used National ~actor $5,000.00 $6,250.00 $4,100.00 3,750.00 $5,000.00 on ~t~ctor of~ere~ by John Steltz, ~, ~e accepted rot a price of $6,250.00. ~. Deen seconded. Motion ca,tied. The City Clerk was asked to check to see if the City held any accident liability insurance on the casino. M~. DeMarco moved that the request of the PTA for the use of the pa~k across From the seheol for a Hatlow'een Carnival on 0etober 31st be g~anted. Mr. Weaver seconded. Motion c~ried. Mr. ~eaver moved that the request of M~.Yates for a license f.o.r a lawa mower a~d bicycle repair sh~ next te Cronenweth o~ the ~Eighw~y be g~a~ted. M~. Tares s~.ated he had spoken to the ~eople o~ the north and south of him and they ha no, e jeetmon. M~. Dean seconded. Nation carried. M~. Deen moved that $25,000.00 ef Ct~y. of .Boy~ton Beach Indebtedmess, dated 9/1/55, be ~nz~.._c~hased with City Rasez~res. M~. kVeaver secomded. Notion ca~rme~. N~. Parti~ referred to a suggestion he had ~eceived from e ~ Am ric~ Legmen r~a~ that the City might give them a piece of land for a new hall ~ It was pointed out t~t any new hall should be in a O0~lero~ ~ Z one o T~ere w~s a long discussion on cha~ges to be established for garbage pick-up, but no definite decision was reached. There being no further business, the Nayor adjourned the meetmn~ at llo .~ ~Yayor. City C!erk~ A~¢ a ~ee~_~ s, ee~/n8 of the Board of Real$ors there we:ce several concern was evlden~c ~- ~,~ ~o a. oPeage~A!nte~ooas$~i and highway and a~os~ daily a~d ~st ec~e ~e~e~a~ For several years now we have requested Shat the Realtops~ whose business it ia to kno~ and nnderstand real estate~ be reore~ sensed om planning and zoning boar~s~ Ifa know it is a thaoD£1ess ~as~ ~0 real est~os ore,_er ~ants the jo~ NevePtheles~ we fee! %let the kno}~edge and e~eriencs of these neopie is rital tc the oroDer growth of our eommuniey and that' they will serve~ In many eltfes ~hese bo~rds are made u~ en- tireiy of Realtors_ ~net to he eonfu~ed with real estate saiesmen}~ Oemtairf%y~ i~ 19 ~o~ ts the best %~tsres~s of the aommunity for these