Minutes 09-06-55~INUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF T~E COUNCILLORS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~W~LD AT TH~ CITY HAT, L, BOY~-TON BEACH, SEPTEMBER 6, 1955- Mayor A.E.Shook, ViCe Mayor Stanley Weaver. N~. Albert Deen Mr. Joe DeVotee. M_v. ~ott Pa~tiu. N~s.D.V.Williams, City Clerk. Mr, Zell Taylor. %k-. Cs~! Stye. Police Chief Carver. Mayor Shook called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. A ~epresen~tive of a Committee of residents of Rolling Green Ridge re~aested street and house m~u~bems. It was stated that I~. Brann had said he was going to attend to this, ~ud it was agreed that a letter should be w~itten to him to s~ee if he os~n~mber the streets amd give house numbers to the lots. Nm. Boos said he had been a membe~ of the EbB for five yearm andwishes te su~mithis resignatien~t this time. He said Mm. place. M~. Boos said that-Mr. Joe B~tes is willing te serve on the Board l~his place. ~. De~eo move~ that ~. Joe Bates be nomimated to fill the vacancy left by the ~esigmatien-of Mr. Charles Boos en the RDB. M~. been seconded. Motion ca,riel. Mr. Tatum said he had not given a Deed to the City for the easement ia connection with the new school on S.W.-3~d~Avenue, He would like the-bad oondttimen of S.W.15th Street te be taken up with Mr. Sundy~ as he thought the CoUnty could be persuaded- to put.im the street. I~vs. Hoed br~mght up the recommendation of the Recreatio~ Boa~d that the Wednesday night~ for Teen Tew~ at the Casino be changed to Saturday nights du~i~g School days~ An e×oezTot from the minutes of the Rec~eatio~Board to this effect was read. Mayor Shook thought the m~.tter should be gone into further before a decision is arrived at. ~3~. Weaver Vol~te~red to talk with Mr. Ha~rell tomo~ow to see if itwo~ld be possible for them to change. -2- City Clerk D.V.¥illiams read the mimutes of the last regm!ar meeting of the Council of August 15. Nr. DeK~co moved .that the minutes be accepted as ~ead. M~. Deen seconded. Motion ca~z~ied. A letter ~ead : to change the Domef~!e ~equestimg permission his business. Nr. ~Yeaver moved that permission be g~anted to De, elSie's license te ~emew locatiom, ~ter black$~pe~ ~d o~ye~by ~. Tayl~. ~. De~ce secon~d. Motion c~ied. A letter was read from Jehu Walker ~eq~esting a beer and wine license at ~he Garden Patio, fez~er!y Sto~'s D~ive-In. lb. Weaver moved that the ~e~uest be granted. seconded. MOtion ca~ried. Deem ~ The repoz~ for gasoline cons~tion for t~he month of August was read, amountLugto 1,798¥/10 gal!ohs. The Fi~e Department report for the month of Augast was ~ead~ The~e w~s a discussion on the fi~i~g e£ N~. David Schneider for allo~_~g a fire to spread onhis own property without trying tc put it o~t. He had ~eceived a fi~e permit. Nr. Schneider said he was working ~on the £i~e when the police arrived aud asked for h~s fire pe~mit. They said he was under arrest, and refused to let him continue his effor~bs to put the fire out. It was not near auyone:else's p~operty. 1~. Weaver said his understandi~gwas that no fi~e pez~it should be given without a previous inspection. ~L~. Shook said it appea~d to be amistake on the pc_vt of the City, as mo p~evious i~spectienwas made, amd that a taxpayer should not be fined for such~stake; ~hat the matter had beem handled wrongly a~d that the Fmre Department, ~nd mot the Police, should have taken care of the matter after giving a pez~it. ~. Schneider was told that the Fire Chief would be ~e- quested to check into the matter, and he would be info,ed of the ~esutt. T~e' BuildingReport for the month of August was read, amountmmg to M~. Griffith~ead Ordinance No,273 for the second time. N~. Nearer moved that Ordinance No.273 be accepted for the second reading. ~ir. Deem seconded. Motio~ carried. ~. Griffith said he was iz~uirlng into the possibility obtaining frc~ the Cou~t am order to tea~ do~m the Hill p~operty, ~. G~iffi~h said he ~d ~ceived offers fo~ the p~ehase ~f certificates of ~d~bte~ess to be issued for the D~c~se of beaeh t~t ~e~ who c~ ~ w~d De served w~e the ce~ificates ~e~ wo~d ~e sold at less~-$~an p~ ~lue. He ach State ~ ~ive the mo~ ~d put it ~ a special ~d~~ Weaver said that Brarm Bres ~i~ sslngs thems~ wamt to pay for the would the om the water If=es in Rolling Green Ridge it a meeting be a~a~ged te settle questions system installation. ~. Deem moved that henceforth subdividers put fm streets and water witJaout asszstanee from the City. N~. Weaver seconded. Motion carried. Mr, Weaver ~epo~ted that he had recently discussed the widen- ing of No,l and found that ~ water lines, etc., $o be moved would be the ~ffair of the City~ ~. DeI*~eo said the owner of the Lincol~ M~morial cemetery would supply'~l.ots for $75.00, but eould not do se fo~ $50.00. Y~. De~a~eo said he would a~uge a meeting with the owner, and it was agreed that a pez~petual contract ~ith him would he a good thing. An executive meeting was arra~ced for F~iday night, September 9th, with the owner at City'~a~. The Budget to be discussed at the sa~e zeetln~. Regarding the requested transfer of a liquo~license to the ~ew owner of the Dutch Nill, Mr. JOSeph and Stel!a Theriamlt, ~. Weaver moved, I~i~. Deem seconded, that the usual course be followed. ~otion carried. A request for a beer a~d wine license was received Chester Anderson. N~. D~Ma~co moved, Nr. Deem seconded, that the license be g~anted. ~otion carried. Clerk was requested rewrite a letter to ~.Habet =fast be clewed up withina eertai~time. ~L~. Weaver moved that all subdividers from now ~ be required to 1~a~nish a plat to the Ottywith proper house mm~ber~ as per B~oc~ay~s l~y~t. Mr. De~[areo seconded. Motion carried. -3A- BILLS o'EAYED FOR PA~NT: General 9.26 ??8,22 721~09 2,329.79 77~7 1,409.51 1,8o3.51 906.12 Petty 0ash Pay moll Pay Roll Petty Cash Mary F. F~skime 375.30 Director of Internal Revenue 523.50 Seaboa~dAi~Line R.R. 347,20 Burns, MiddleBon, Rogers, Ferrell 100100 Boom,ton Beach Fire Dept. 276.02 Zinke Smith 213,35 L,B.Ste~rett 853.60 GulfStres~ Lumber Co. 143,~7 Edward Doble~ 75,00 Bcy~on Woman' s Club Library 75.00 Boynten Beach S tare B~nk fe~ Withholding 531.40 Bi~mi~Slag ~o. 165.00 Miami Uniforms Inc. 48.13 Jo~hn Viola~te 29.60 Thompson Office Equipment 0o. 32,48 The Bend Buyer 60.75 ABCBusi~ess Forms 97.5G Ab~J~am, DeAz~e~d& Dits 7.50 So~the~nBelt Tel & Tel. 107,01 Paul Nercer Service Stati~ 19.97 Petterso~'sPharmacy Fairc!othT~ck & Tractor He~man B~ttS Rub~ Cons~ction Bro~a~d.Graln& Supply Co. ClewistOm Notc~ Co, Deerfiel~ Rock Electric Shaw B~os. 0il Co. J, Alex Arnette EoM.~schl~gi 9.46 · 5. co ~.72 n .7o 89.60 5.30 24.62 o9, 8 24.87 3.89 255.32 7~9.32 12j60 50.00 F~d. -3B- Br'ownie:s Men's Shp~ FI~. Pw~ & A~mitage Restaurant Hoo~, $ Auto Se~ice Bill ~th Radt~ F~Geo~gia ~aetor Co. Locksley ~ompson G~ Oil Co~. Broc~ay, Webber & B~oc~ay Be~t~ ~H~o~c ~6 B~d Boos~,~ dozing ~ Realty SOuth Hill Dept. Station Lock Co. Sons & Associates ~ews Lumber Co. Bank %;ithhold ~g 73.52 562.89 20.25 35.69 3.10 62.75 75.o0 168.97 6~22 4-97.O0 8,500.00 2~.00 347.20 235. oo 5.6~ 15.oo 88.96 7.00 ml.m5 265.78 15.00 75.75 1~4. 80 33.75 22. O0 .99 27 11 .~7 375.oo aS.~ I9.60 Z3.50 55.6~ 3. ao 2g ~ ~1 5.83 6o~oo 534.90 BILLS 0'EA~i~-D FOR Water Fumd. C.A.RamsdeI1 6.00 Shaw Bros. 0il Co. 150.63 Phillip Ma.t~-~h~er 7.50 " 6.00 Napoleon Sylvain 7.50 Roy B.Kerns 7.~0 Cha~le~ M. Frey 7.90 Charles Me!lom 7.50 Dennis Silver 7.50 't Bu~g Frum Co. 7.50 W~. A. Foglescng 7.50 " .70 Martin V.Oase Jr. 7.50 Jearmette Martin 7.50 Mila Lee Ford 7.50 LiZe~te Campbell .70 Virdie Nola~ 7.50 W.S;Ea~pente~ 7.50 Weaver Insu~,Company 210.07 Blue Cross of Florida 28.60 W.$.Carpenter 5.20 Picard Chemical Co. 32.50 J~me~ B. Clow & Sons 208.90 Spartime Meter Cc. 400.00 · esc~ Chemicals 202.50 Mac Farcuha~ 5.75 Petty~O~sh 38.50 A.H,~a~t~! 15.00 I~m. F. ICmipple 3.20 " 7.50 Fred Runsmill 7.50 M~s. C.A.Hog~ty T.50 M~s~ Willie Lang 7.50 City of B~eyn~on Beach 960.56 " 1,760.50 Neptune Meter 688.20 GulF~tre~Lumber Co. 6.55 Harringto~ Homes 7.50 K~neth A. M~fF~t 7.50 Wm. A. L~mbe~t 7.50 Jo~u W~ B~ekley 6.00 Acct~ of ~ 7.50 J.L.Denton ~.50 Acct. of " 7.50 Deposito~sF~. j~M~o Weaver moved that the American Legiom's request that thei~ tieez~se be transferred to the new owners of their Hall be g~anted. N~. e~larce seconded. Eotion carried. Nv. De, arco moved that ~. Sehvimper be requested te move the Banner Poles f~om near the American Legiom Kall to nea~ the Chamber of Comme~ce. N~. Weave~ seconded. Eotlo~ carwied, T~he putting ef 15 , hmghway f~t~ abu~tmng on the South limit ef the Lawns SubDivision on the tax roil Was discussed, if this pa~e~l ef ~e he The City Ot~k Was of the opimion that this_~_l~' wo~ld be rotund to be a dedieate~ street 04 the Pl~ kko~a~ ~ Dewey's I~abDi~isfonj ~. Griffith said he will check into the matter OFm cla~i- Dying Cemmerelal (D) Zoning. There being no further business the Eayor adJoarned the meeting at 10.~5 P.M, tiayor.