Minutes 08-01-55MINUTES OF A REGUL~_R ~,~TING OF T~ BOT~TON BEACH~ ~LORIDA~EELD AT TEE COU~C!LLORS OF C±'~ ~ALL, PRESENT: M~. A.E.Sheok, Mayer. Mr. Stanley Weaver, Vice F~. Joe DeEa~co. N~. ~ott Mrs.Olive Cie~pi~, Deputy City Clerk. Chief of Police Ca~ver. ~L~.Eell Taylor. M~. Ca~l Stone. Mayor Shook called the Eeeting te o~der at 7.30 P.M, Mr. Williams presented a plat of Crescent Heights and said they wanted to get their request for certain zoning be£ere the ZGning Boa~d as soon as possible. It was agreed that tb~$ would be advertised in time the ~ext~e~ting of the ~enlng Bo~d. Deputy City 91erk Olive Oie~pLkread ~ letter from V.R. Cus_bma~, re_~ues~g a charge Lu zoning. It was agreed to turn this over to the Zoning Board. A letter was read from the Council to the Veterans, Adminis- tration regarding upkeep of streets after dedication. 2~. Weaver moved that this z~nmno matter be t~tr~ed over to the ~roper Board ~d that the le~er be signed and mailed to the ~eterans, A~bistration. Kn~. ~eMa~co seconded. ~s. Hood recezmuen~d ~eeping the librs~y at the ~oman~s Club ope~ all d~-Vi~g the s~u, mmer and requested additional financial help to this end. 2~. Weaver moved that the City ~t the s~m of $75.00 to the p~b!ic library at the ~Yomans, Club to cover the next three months. M~. Partin seconded. Motion ca,tied. A representative of Southern Bell Telephone Company presented a draft of an Ordinance covering ~ ~enews1 franchise of the Com- pany to operate in the City oF Boynton Beach, as the present franchise had exp_i~ed. Mr. G~i£fith said the Ordinance seemed to be in the usual for~ of a l~anchise, and suggested that the Council should stipulate that the lines Eo under the~sidew~lks instead of ~nde~ the streets, in o~de~ to avoid the trouble other Cities h~ve been having. -2- M~. DeM~co moved that the ordinance be checked for any further changes that may be needed a~, sfter approval by the Co~cil, pIaced en t~ Decem~e~ ballot. ~. ~eave~ seconded. ~ Boos s~d that the p~e~ty o~ers en S.E~ 1st ~ ~d Streets ~d S.E~ 6~h Aven~e i~icated they ~ted a st~set the~e ~d ~d ~ ~ pay~t~ ~ve it p~$ ~. ~. G~iffith said that ~ the money is made zvailable ~ City could p~t the work out on bids. ~. Shook suggested on what basis to necessary bids Est be N~v. DeI~arco moved that the City let the Ctty kaow does net have the from contpactors~ engineer to make a Motion carried. Attorney J.C.Lew~y sa~d he was repr?senting. Jehovah's Wi~esses im its applicatzon for a permit to build a church LuBo~ton Beach, necessitatmno a change in zon~o. A new petition, sig~ed by twenty-three property ~ners, was read · the protesting~ change in zoning~ N~. Low~ystated that it v~s a matter of ~a~uthat churches a~e proper Lu a~y residential a~ea. In every other case ~nere this has been denied, the Cou~ts have ordered the City con- cez~ned to issue a pez~it. It was agTeed that in view of the fact that the majority off ~he su~eunding property owners a~e opposed to the ~equested ehs~ge i~ zoning, in order to obtain a building per~it the chn~ch must take the matter to the Cou~ts. The Deputy City Clerk read the minutes ef the last ~egular meeting of the Council of July 18. Nv. Weaver said the benches Fo~ the Casino a~e to be built, not being built. Also S.E.18th Avenue is to give access to prope~ty owned by the Boy~t~n Land Company, instead of to City property. ~.L~. Weaver moved that with the above corrections the minutes be accepted. Nv. ?a~ttn sec~ded. Motion ea~ried. In a discussion on applications for taxi licenses in ~he City, it was stated that there is nothir~g in the ordinance saying that the Cotn~cil must give its consent to a taxi license. -3- jR¸ ~. Weaver thought~ as M~o Paul johnson has not acknowledged the Iette~ to ~ asking hLm to voice ~ ob~ectie~ fo~!y to t~ 0o~eil~ She C~cil sho~d gr~t other ~_~icenses ~o ~s. MoOdy ~d to ~.E~d Don~f~i~ ~d E~I wallace. N~. ~eave~ moved that the City grant a tempo~y license to ~s. Moody ~ud also to ~. Domof~ie. and N~. ~allace, not to exceed Motion carried. Mr. Griffith was directed to d~aw up such an ordim~aee. A ~ai£orm Building Code for the County was presented for conslaera~m a~d adoption. N~. ~eaver moved that the Code'be tabled~util the Building Inspector has had time to look it over and g~e.his view~ to the 0o~mcil,'after which the Council, the B~ildi~gLu~¢ter and the City Attorney c~n get together and look it over. Nr. DeMarco seconded. Motion ca~rled. A plat ef Mission Hill was sub~itted'for approval with an agreement on water supply, ~ud a cheek For $7,000.00 t~ be held in escrow to corem the water supply. l.~. Weaver moved'that the agreement be executed app!yi~g to the iustaltation of the water system ih ~ission Hill and the check for $?,000.00 be accepted. ~. DeMarco seconded. Motion An ag~eememt covering zonimg For residences of Mission Hill was read. N~. Griffith said it would be necessary to d~aw up anew ordinance covering setbacks to make it enforceable. Mission Hill want the zoning to be co-ordinated, so that the City a~d the Deed restrictions are co-ordi~ated. ~. Griffith said they must request a z6~g, and the Zeroing Boa~d can consider the whole thing. A letter was read frem Mission Hitl~ Inc., to the Coumcil, dated July 29, 1955, saying that Mission Hill will landscape the islands in Chapel Hill Boulevard if the Citywil! pay for water ~ud mainten~_uce. ~ney will pay For ~ll materials necesaary for a sprtmkler system, the City to i~st~ll the system, furnish water, and maintain after installation. They ~e puttiug approx- imately$1,~50.00 in eserc~ for the purpose of landscaping. A plan oF the proposed layout was show~. -4- I~L~. DeMa~co moved that the Missie~ Hill iandSCalS~ plan be accepted with the u~der~tanding that the City has the right to change fmem Bittern Blue to some g~ass that is not memo e~pensive but which is not subj~eot to chinch bugs. t~. Weaver seconded. Motion caz~ied. A fu~them agmeement was mead fmom ~ssmonW' ' Hill covering street N~Vo Weaver moved that thais agmeement be accepted. Partita seconded. Motion carmiedo Weaver moved that the ~plat ef Mission Hill be accepted. Dei~a~ce seconded. Mormon' cammied o A me uest was mead ~e u the tm~usfe q ~: m o£ Jack Gaz~ner~s ~eem and wise license to Beynton Stereos Inc, N~. Weaves moved that this be passed through the usual channels. M~. Ps, tin seconded. Motion ca~mied. A lettem was ~ead from M~. Jack Ga~dnem submitting his mesignation fmcs the Zem~g Boa~d. I~i~. DeMs~ce moved that the resignation be accepted with ~eg~et a~d that ~, G~ae~ be th~ked fo~ ~s offers ~ co~ea~ion ~th the Zo~g Bo~d. ~. Weavem seconded. Motion A letter was mead f~o~ ~s. Ethel Pierce requesting the Council to supplement her offerors to have tmain No.7~ st~o at Boynton, to expedite the handling ~f the mail~ M~. DeMa~oo moved that the City Clemk be autho~ised to w~ite a lettem ~o the F.E.C. maitread, to be signed by She Council, to follow up ~s~ P~erce s request. ~L~. Weaver seconded. Motion oa~mied. A letter was mead fromm. Senie~ regarding street lighting in the City a~d making suggestions for the entire $~hite Way lighting system of B0ynt°n Hills, amd ,n 0eean~ven~e amd 2nd ~ve~e. ~. Weaver moved that the ~ecommen~ations fmom the Flomida Power & Light Company be appmeved. M~. DeMsl~¢o seconded. Motion ca, tied. N~. Senior also smbmitted an estimate of the cost ef the stmeet lighting requested rom Shome Road, Coquina Cove. A letter dated July 2~th fmom the Flomida Imdustrial Com- mission was mead covemingwages of labor, etc., emolosfug a copy of Senate Bill 497 covering wage ~ates to he, come effective on August 3, Resolution was mead confirzaing the sale of Lots Nos.19, 20 and 21, Blk.3, Beynton Hills Addition. ~. De~a~eo moved that the Resolution be Pa~tin seconded. Motion carried. accepted. M~. 0rdina~oe No.271, providing a Supplementary Bmdget for the City for the yea~ ending October l, 19%%, was read for the second time. N~. Weaver moved that this ordinance be accepted for the second reading. ~. DeMa~co seconded. Motic~ ea~ried. A Resolntion for the eo~st~uetion a~d re-building of streets was read, and 4.30 P.M., Augast 15, was set as the time the City Commissien will~sit to hea~ any obje¢~ior~s that m~v be~ade to the assessments. Mr. Griffith read a letter from the F.E.C. railroad relative to an agreement regarding railway crossings, whish agreement was never sig~ed by the Council and should be. Mr. Griffith ~ead Ordinance No.270 for the second time. Mr. ~e~ver moved that ~his ordinance be accepted for the second reading. 2~. DeMa~co seconded. Motion ca,tied. i~h,. Grz_f_th read 0rdLu~uce No.272, covering pavinE of drive-ins and ca~-parking lots, for the 1st time. ~i~, Weaver moved that Ordinance No.272 be accepted for ~e First ~eadlng. Mr. DeMa~co seconded. Motion ca,tied. The Life Guard suggested widening the ropes at the beaeh by about t~en~y-~ive fee~ and pu~ting another rope in the center. He asked fe~ a w~itten agreement that iff anything happened outside of the ropes he would not be libels. ~o Griffith said he could not be held responsible as he is an agent of the City ~ud the City would i~motect him. ~. Shook told ~. Zopfie to do what he th~Gght ~as necessary and te obtain the identification ~adge he ree~uested, The City Clerk was authorised to purchase a to, cede buoy for ~se on the beach. - ~. Zopfie said he had no way of enforcing the o~der that no dogs are allowed on the beach. -6- ~. Griffith requeste~ cert_fmsd co~es of certai~papers from City Hall in connection with certificates of indebtedness to be issued for the ptt~cha~ of beach property. N~. Griffith read a Resolution covering the purchase by the City of~BOynt~B~ach of six hund~e~ feet ef 0eeau~rent, and the issue of ce~ificates e2 $100,000.00 ~% interest in con- neetion therewith. N~o De~ia~co moved, N~. Weaver seconded, that the Resolution be accepted. Motion ca~r~ed. ~z~. Eeaver moved that check for $100.00-b~ made payable to B~Eas, ~iddleten Rogers~ F~rell~ attorneys, ~ cover certain expenses of filing etc. incennection ~ith the above. ~Lvj Pa~tin seconded. Eetio~ c~ried. 1~. Weaver moved that the City should require a setback of ~ feet each side ef section tine on N. l~th Avenue (Wells Avenue) West of F.E.C. railroad. N~. DeMa~c~ seconded. Motion ca,tied. TheBuildin~ Inspector's report for the month of July was read, amo~mting to $162,98~.0~. The report o~ the Fi~e Department for the month of July was rea~, l~s. Cierpik said the Civil Service Boa~d checked the exmz~- lnation for police officers and James E~win was Sop man of the exa~mination. The Boa~d were mot yet ready to make a foz~l resolution bu~ they recommend that E~n be put on duty. ~M. De~a~co moved that the Chief of Police be authorised to hire E~wino 1~. Weaver seconded. Motion ca,tied. Mr. Weave~ said there were no water mains in Mc~t~nald Park except the old 2~, and the~ 6~ put in by the City this s~u~ner. ~. Stone was asked to work ~ut the approximate cost of installing the water system in McDonald p~k as per layout fu~aished by N_r. Brockway. N~s, Bosworth read a petition signed by nineteen property c~I~ers in H~rbor Estate's sa~.'..r~, tha? they agree to put up the cost of thezr assessments wzthin thirty days. A letter was read f~om ~4~o Bud Merkel ~egarding the paving of streets in Harbor Estates. -7- ~,~. Weaver moved that the plat of Ridgewood ~ianor as presented to the City Council be accepted. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. It was agreed that the owner of the Beebe Model Eo~e, whieh was.s,~_0posed t? have been removed after ninety days, should bE. notified that m~ must be remevedlwithi~ thirty days after ~ec ~pt of the notification~ After discussion, ~,~. Del~a~co moved that the rate of $1.00 should be used in figar~ng' the best e£ buildimg permits for slat houses a~d glass hbuses. ~. ~here being no fu~the~ business, She Mayor adjourned the meeting at 12.$5 A.M. Deputy City Cle~. / "