Minutes 07-05-55MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCILMEN OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, JULY 5, 19~5. PRESENT: Mr. A,E.Shook, Mayor Mr. Stanley Weaver, Vice Mayor. Mr. Albert Dean Mr. JOe DeM~rco Mr. Mort Partim. City Clerk D~h~ ~illiama. Ch~f of Police Carver Mr~Zell Taylor, Street S~t. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. There were no remarks from the public. City Olerk Dorothy V. Williams read the minutes of the previous regular meeting of J-~ne 20, 1955. Mr. Shook said Mr. Griffith'~ statement was to the effect that Mr.B~o2kway could give aa good a sewerage report, not that he had already done so. Mr. Weaver moved that, with the above correction, the minutes be accepted. Mr. Dean seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from the Electrical Board, dated June 2B, 1955, regarding the l~possibility of enforcing the Antenna Code. After a long discussion, the City Clerk was asked to check up on the Ordinance and notify by registered mail the installers of antennae, telling them that the ~rdinance will be enforced, and that violators will be subjected to fines and suspension of licenses. Mr. Grummons, Electrical Inspector, said another propomi~i~n he does not know how to handle is that covering the installation of wells and pumps, and showed pictures of the bad work done by an mn- licensed contractor. It was agreed that well diggers should be sent a registered letter stating that all wiring must be done by a licensed Electrical Contractor. The Police Department report for the month of June was read. The Building Inspector's reoort for the same month was read, showing building amounting to $3~9,2§0.00. - Aletter from the Chamber of Commerce was read a sign on the corner of Geoart Avenue and the Federal for ation of tourists. suggesting the inform- The Chamber of Commerce.was asked to provide a small sketch of what they suggested and it will be arranged. -2- It was agreed that various signs~ unIess of general interest, should not De permitted to remain on the highway. A Ietter was read from the Lake Worth Drainage Board Veri- fying the rental of their building on the Boynton Canal bank for $25.00 a month. A letter was read from the Animal Re~cue League, enclosing a ce~y Of their annual report and requesting financial aid, in our comih~ budget. Mr. DeN_arco moved that the City contribute $t00.00, the same amo~mt as l~st year. Mr. Weaver seconded. Motion carried. The Engmneer s report on the Hilland Habel buildings was read, signed by H.M.Tschirgi. E~en though Mr. Habel was notified by registered mail that there 'WOuld be'a hearing here tonight, he did not attend or send s representative. Mr. Hewett, representing ~he Hill Estate, was supplied with a copy of the Engineer's report, but did not appear. It was agreed to await the return of Mr. Griffith before taking further action regarding the buildings. Mr. Weaver moved that Rinker Snow Inc. be sold a parcel of land JustNorth of Boyn~on Co-operative~ representing seven acres, more or less, for $1,800.00 an aero. Mr. Partin seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Weaver moved %hat the~plat accepted and signed by the Mayor. Motion carried. ef Crescent Heights S/D be Mr. DeMerco seconded. Two offers of City Refunding Bonds of the issue of October 1, t956~ were read: 1. $307000.00 @ $97.00 plus accrued interest at date of delivery, from the Bessemer Trust. CeRosny, Jersey City. 2. $5,000.00 @ $90.00-plus 'interest from Thomas M. Cook & Co. Mr. Weaver moved that the $35,000. OOwerth of bonds be Purchased at the prices quoted. Mr. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried. There was a long discussion on the pump Dressure in the Water tank. Mr. Stone will be asked to check when he returns from vocation. Mr. Weaver stated that Ocean Avenue between 3rd Street and the Seaboard Ra~ilway is in bad condition, that the City had put in Lake Avenue~and the County Commissioners hsd promised to keep up Ocsn Avenue in return. BILLS O~i~ED FOR PA~?~T: Gen'l F~ud. Civil Service Assembly ~¢ary E. E~sklne American Legion Pest Noo16~ M .~-I.Bu~kett A~the~y Cel~o Semis Z~ma Bo~t~ 13~2~ 37%.00 a%o.o0 5.92 ~.IG .00 15.oo Beard 78.00 J.O.Bates 4.7t L.B.Sterrett & Sons 293.20 Brown-~oseley 102.55 Williams Chemical Corp. 9.75 l~i~mi ~nifo~ms Inc. 261.30 ~. j. snow 28.42 Asphalt Sales Co. 2~.00 Williams E~uipmemt Co. 100o00 Rubim Cens~ction Go. 48.00 Abrahsm, DeArmo~d & Dils 7.%0 City of Del~ay Beach 50.00 Southe~Bell Telephone & Telegraph Ce. Seaboard R.R. 347.20 George ~alEer ~;rhitehead 2%.00 Mary F. E~skini 37%.00 PayRoll 790.73 Pay Bell -Vaeation 93.$0 PayRoll 3,2%7.15 Charles Partier 32%.0© Boll 82.3 P.Brown - Vacation 39.0~ Bpy~t~n Beach Fire Dept. 230.28 Lake Worth Federal S~vi~lgs & Lean 9,000.00 First Federal Savi~gs & Loan Assert. 9,000.00 Florida Photo Offset Printing Ce. 69,%7 Florida Power & Lt. Co. 597.60 H~2sey & G~iffith 2G.6! Rubin Const~¢tien Co. 72.00 Abraham DeArmond & DilsElec. Industrial Electro, les Cerp,ration 1%.12 Palm Beach Typewriter 39.~4 Hill Manufac~b~ring Co. 24.00 Sundy Peed& Fertilizer 61.~0 Co~t Recom~ts 0o. 15.00 Chase Manhattan Bank 5.00 Add~essog~aph Multigraph cerpn. 25.25 Earl G. Brown 3~80 Wate~F~ad Wm. Wienstoek 4.90 Acct. ef L.Timms Jeau Cl~utie2 Acct. e£ A.M.Simpsen Acct. of Josephine " ~s. ~e~ ~tte~ i~s. ~e~ Rutte~ ~.60 Davi~?~ete~-ReDai~ 228.00 Dee~fieI~ Roek S~the~Be!l Tel.& Tel. Nep~e Me~ Ge, 999,17 Ch~Ies W. Kuss Ce~tra! ~ck L~es 1.%0 Estate ef~R~A.EcOo~ck OiSy ef B~mt~Beach 1,396,59 ~e. 373.t8 Estate of R.E.McCo~ek do, Ray Piante~ide City of Bottom Beach 186.90 ~s. David M~s. l~ae ~ons B~oc~ay, We~r a Broc~ay 38.00 ~erida Power ~ Light Ce. 61~.18 Co~ Merc~tile 6.7% Penin~ Supply Ce. 123.99 D~vis ~e~e~ Repa~ & S. Co. 59.28 J.P~.C~roll 2,k08.00 Aust~ S~Pply Co. 27.91 Brovm& l~oseley 76.63 Lake ~e~th Fede~ ~vimgs 5,000.00 City of Be~ton Beach Ro-~ Asseeiates Lake Worth Savi~s & Lo~ Assn. Robert Robert ~ens 6.00 Depositor's Fund. 7.50 7. 0 7.%0 7.50 7.50 7.50 15,00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7-50 7.50 3,300.00 7.50 -3- it was agreed that the matter should be taken up w~th Mm. Ben Sundy informslly~ inviting him to City Hall and showing him the state of Ocean Avenue. ~Mr. Taylor was asked to inspect the benches around the Casino and to remove those he considers dangerous. After discussion on two office desks needed for City Hall~ which Mrs. Williams stated would cost $700.00, approximately, Mr~ Weaver moved that Mrs. Williams be authorised to buy as 'it was thought that they wo~ld be more service- Mr. DeM~r¢o seconded. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.30 P.M. Mayor. City Clerk~ TO THE CITY CGUNCi-~ O~ BOi~NTON BEACIt, ~LA. ~nt I ~e~: 155~~ ~$e~a ~ode was ~n ~sc~ssed as to its we~kabtli~. Th~ Eleet~ie~ Beard has e~aused all ef its me~s e~e~cement $c' Shis 'code ~d~ ~e ~leet~ie~ be~d w~ld like some advice f~em ~he city Wi~ ~be present aS She nex~ council be ~cess~y te ~the~ advice Very ~uly yours, CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH E!e¢$p~l BoArd, ~~ .......... ~cretary ~ESOLUTIO~ .za~iens a~ others, ~ ~ ~ ~% f~ ~e City ~ ~ 1~ ~h ~e~ . Bo~ ~ ~t h~cef~th ~ s~h ~t~ e~ti~ ~ the Ci~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ City C~ of ~ City ~ Be~ B~ at its ~ meet~g cf t~s 2~ ~ of J~e, SEAL DESI~NATIN~ A ~EP~IT~RI F~R A P~TI~ ~F CITY FUNDS '~AS, in the ~u%erest ~f %he City it is deemed a~m~As~ble to t~t the F~T F~ ~ & ~ ~TI~ ~ D~ ~e~i~i~ efa ~i~ ef t~ ~ ef t~ Oily ef Be~m B~ F~ ~ ~ tke Ce~=~ ef the Oi~ ~f B~ ~h~ Fle~, ~ ~ D~y Ci~ Ol~k ~ co~%~s~ ~ the ~r ~ Vic~y~. ~ ~0~, t~t the F~T F~L ~V~ & ~ ~TI~ N~th, ~e~ ~ ~st~e~ te ~e~ze the si~t~ of W~v~ ~ V~, em ~ e~ ~su~ ~ t~ City of P~ A~ A~ ~ the ~y G~ of ~e Oi~y of ~n B~ch, its ~ ~et~ of ~s 2~h ~ ef J~e, 1955. ~EAL