Minutes 06-20-55MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE COB~CT~,ME~ OF BOYNT_0N BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT TEE CI~F EALL, B01rNTON BEACH, JUNE 20, 1955. PRESENT: A.E. Shook, Mayor. City Clerk Ers.D.V.Witliaz~s Sts~ley Weave~, Vice Mayor. Er. Ze!l Taylor Albert Deen I~m. Carl Stone. Joe DeEa~co Police Office~J~ims ~gle~ NottP~$~. ~eF ef Police ~e~. Mayor Shook ~lled the meeting to o~der at 7.30 P.~. F~.Hewett, for the Hill Estate~ asked rega~diag the engi~eerwhe ~as to a~d was told that one had net ~et been ~s. Williams was aske~ to Wright ~ the m~rning te see if he e~rec~end M~. Brand asked about acceptauce Of his street drawings amd grades. He was reid that ~Er~ Broc~ay had Dromised to eheck on · these ~ut-h~d net done so ~yet.. He shewed the C~meil ~is plat on which there w~-a l~ng discussion. It was agreed that smeh me~bers ef the Co~ncil as could wo~ld meet at N:,E. 2nd Street tomorrow afteEaoon at five o'elock to check. City Olerk Deroth~V. Williams read the minutes of the l~st ~egmlar meeting e£ the CoEacil of J~ae 6. Er. DeMarco moved, Er. Deen,seconded, that the m~utes be accepted as read. Motio~ ca~ried. A left?r was read ~em the, Am~risanLegien expressing thanks for the d~nation from the 0ity ofh~$2~0.00 for J~y Fourth fireworks. A letter was read fro~2~, amd N~s. Green saying they wish to p~_vchase the_Bowe~s Motel, but ~efoPe doing sc reques~ permission to raise Chihuahua dogs on time land a~ the back of the motel. Mr. Bowers said he would not sell the motel to the Greens until they are given permission to raise the dogs. After a long discussion E~. Weaver moved that M~. and ~L~s. Green be notified ~ letter o~ the existing ordinance regarding nuisances, and per, mission to raise dogs in that loca$ion subjeet to their not be~ming a nuisance. Er. De2~co seconded. Er.~P~tim did not vote. 2~. Deen voted agsinst. Motion carried. A letter was read free the Coumty in answer ~o the Resolution req~esting development of Ce~mtypark area in the S.~. portion of the City limits. -2- A letter si ed __ _ __ ~gn ..by eecups~nts of eleven p~opel~ties ~e up, was ~ead. - -~==~ %~o~ee~ be cleaned A lettem was ~ead on Iand which ~hey o~ ~ Be~. An extract fr~m the Minutes ~. Shook Council sue but the place for fut~me. ~ese the PlanntngBoal~ was read. A letter was~ead from h~.~ing si~.gas at the the C~ambe~ ef Commerce suggesting intemseetien of A-1-A and Ocean Avenue ~X~eetlng t~affic to the p~ope~ lane, It was agreed that thesuggestien Should be com~lled with and ~. Tayte~ was asked-to a~ange for ~h~ signs. . .A letter was mead from%he Masonic Ledge stating the ~i~e ~otaemT te~ in Sawyem, s Addition is now $7,$00.00. N~,De~a~co p pose~ a o~mDr~mise ef $7,000.00. Aftem consultation WithM~. Weaver, M~. Benson a~nounced tha~ the Lodge Will accept $8,500 cash, a~d She LOdge will pay the street assessments. M~. DeNmmee moved that the Offe~ be accepted. Nm. Deen seconded. Motion ca~ied. ~ ~ ~ ~z~ :~ e · g $~ 0_00 ~m~ es · Y ennec=mon with t ag the alle to the _he ~emeval of the os Y no~th of l~L~.Bedfo~d Jo~, detailsir~_was ~ea~ from M~. Elmer i. ~s~'~ng~epo~s of the ' - house, and time to i~v~e~o,~ __~oor e_ondt%~en of his father, s ........ o~ ~uu get legal aid, ~L~, Shook ~epomted on hisinspection' of the p~operty today with the Building Inspeete~ and said the~e is no way in which it cmn be repai~ed, ar~ that it shou/d be destmoyed, The Police Department was inst~ucted to have Diet, mos taken ef the building. ~. Gmiffith reported that N~. W~ngo,~' the ~ep~esentative ef the John-J. Haste CemT~any, had left ~wo c~ntracts with him, with a lette~ attached, and that the te~ms given in the letter a~e not the -3- same as in the contraeto Costs have been added to the ~600.00 previously agreed to and it would require a la~ger outlay fr~m the 0ity. He doubted whether the repor~ on the sewer system was m~ch more detailed than that already given by Fa. Brockway in March, 1953, a~d recommends that the contrae~ be taken under advisement and re--censiderati~a o£ the acceptance agreed to at the last meeting of Co~¢il. Nwo Shook s%~ggested re-examination of ~L~.Bz~ckway's ~eport on sewerage, and meanwhile the matter was tabled. In connection with advertisimg f~ther street assessments, July llth, at ~30 P,M. in Ci~yHal~was fixe~ for possible eom- plaints. Mr Grifffth~ead resel~f~len eo~erlmgnew street assessments in Ea~bor Estates. N~. D~F~ree moved that the Resolution covering street repal~ assessments in Harbor Estates-be accepted, ~L~. Peen ~econded. ~etion carried. There was discussion on the cent!nuance of Lake Avenue Eastwards, ~elative to a request by the City about a year a~o to ~e~ica~on, p~o~m~ there will be no assessments, a~,d proper summer, s, etc.,,put i~by the City. The De~d has not been recorded. Mayor Shook' did not think the City wou~d benefit s~ffieiently at present,-tha~ it would be a costly preposition and mome details of the proposed arrangement should be o~t~ined. F~. Griffith stated $hat the Palm Beach County M~nicipalities were meeting-this evening t~ discuss a Building Cede which will be of interest t~ small as well as large ¢cemmnitles. The Building Inspector was asked to 'phone the Palm Beaeh Co~utyNumicipalities that he was ~nabl~ to attend the meeting ~ut would like espies of the literat-a~e referred to. Two bids received for the building of a new Pmmp House were read: ~I~, Fey Wa~d's figure was $798,50. F~. Leroy Laug's " $690.00. N_w. ~eaver suggested Shat the two bids be turned over to ~. Stone, and that he see the twemenand ftnfl out w~a$ the specifica- tions a~e. This was agreed to. For the sake of saving water mhd checking on where it is being wasted, Mr. Weaver proposed a Resolution that henceforth all present ne,-metered water outlets to c~¢hes, et%los, and ether BILLS 0~E~YED FOR PAYMENT: Seaboa~ Et~ Lime Rly. Herman Butts Asphalt Sales Ce. Bu~r~ghs Co~pe~ation Ole~lston Noto~ Co. ~pson Glass ~d B~oc~ay, We~ ~ B~e~ay B~o~-Epseley City of Del~y Beach Safe-T-G~ Si~ & Dec~ Hill R~bin Ce~$~c~ie~ Co. Br~ie ' s E~' s Sh~ ~da-Ge ~gia T~acte~ W-B. ~. ~. Pe~ Je~n's Remta~$ S~e~st ~ School B~d ~mber of ~s~ S~ Peek B~$on wBSaeh Fi~e Dept. ~' s ~b Libra~ M. J G~eat SO,hewn ~cki~ Ce. ~e!l Pa~ell M.M.Bu~ tt G~F Stre~ L~be~ Co~ Me~e~tile H.A. ~eele Ahde~s~ Cock Co. Payroll T. Be~e~d Boy,ton Beach Fire Dept. Seabo~d A~ ~e Rly. Jo~ M. M. J ~ssi~ Co. Bry~t Ad~ D~ake Bo~$on Beach Ne~ Fl~ri~ P~imting B~ten Beach State B~ ~se Na$io~t B~ P~m Beach T~e~Ite~ W~te~ J. Dorsey Be Del P~int~ Ce. Ge~' 1. Fu~d. 347.20 36. O0 511.88 5.12 13.20 50.00 3~-. O0 23.2~ 56.oo 18.~ 18~.S9 3&.Ta ~5o.oo 272.6D 1,391.65 25o.ee 5~ · 99 ~7.~8 726.06 796.1o iS.e0 313.27 347.zo 75.00 6.38 7.06 ~;o.oo 176.76 75~.50 450 6.~7 !0.00 22. ~o Chase Natiional Ba~k Anderson Cook Co. 736.89 '"~' I. & S. 95~.17 I. & S. -3B- W.J. Snow Doher~y-Snyde~ Meter Co. O.T jBowles Elec. C~arles D. Akes A.B. Co B~sineas Forms ReeFing & Sheet Metal S~evensem Beed Store Semvice So~he~n B~ll T.& T.Co. D~om Si~ Co. Fle~td~ Pe~e~& Lt. Co. Statio~ Pa~el! 81.50 13.75 1~.~o 120.6~ 5~.$ 330~00 5.~ 17.55 8.~o 1~00 15~ 11.33 232.~0 37-~3 35.00 68.7o %63.07 20o9~ 7.5e 3o,~8 2,221.t% 687.83 -3C- L.L.Hargrove Jr. 6.60 Boynto~ Beach State for ~ t~otding The C~e~en & Bar~ley Co, 1~9.30 Roy~ Pa~ Ice Co. 22.20 ~i~ Oil co~. ~5.~ Ad,ce ss ogeap~-~ t l~h C~. 13.20 3,08%. 7~ 60.00 E.L."Jaek" Sha~pe Neptune ~e~er Ce, Reme Aoe$. of ~d ~tle~ " Ed ~be~ia~ " 6.00 327.93 J. S. C-mee~ ~ He~y Me~l J~. O~l W. Stone 75.00 G~f Stre~ L~ber Go. 7.37 Davis Meter Eepa~ & S.0e. Fenole ~emic~ Co. 32.50 65.00 6.41 10,229.30 Ricard Chemical Co. Stevenson Seed Store Davis Meter Repair & S. Co, N~s. JolmmWinters Sydney B. Hone L.A.Horton Leroy La~g AllauStewa~t ~Irs. Wm. Y~ke Sa~ ~lls Acct. of Leon~ Ris~ed " Leen~ols " SUs~ P.Geltze~ " ~s.R.W.L~gley " ~s.F.L. P~inton " ~Eic~ L.Costen " Grove~ " N~s.R.D.Atk~se~ GVh~e Depositors' 7.%0 i5. oo 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.55 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.%0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 $10,080.00 I.& S. 7.50 -3D- Bo Del Prin~ng Ce. 25.90 Joseph G.PellaPd & Co. Inc, 77,00 A .A ~tpper Associates 167,62 C.T.BoWles Elec. Co. 19,50 Chase ~ar~aa~tan Bank B~ooks P~o~uo~S 87.00 Co. 351.26 ~ ct~ic Co. 5.31 Epy~ Pa~ Ice Co, ~.6~ Gene W~i~ ~.00 5o So~e~ Bell T & T.Co~ 8.92 A.D,~o~ Co. 13.80 Pierce T~ Co. , 25.25 ~e~ida POwer & Light C~. 569,38 AustL~ Supply Co. ~. 81 Le~a RisSe~ 5.~0 G~over Eeatle 5, 60 ~s, R.D.Atk~en 2.50 D~c~ H~te~ 5,20 C~I E~ee 1.50 Le~se F. G~fenbe~g 2.50 Civic buildings, be metered, and each of ~hese allowed 60,000 gallOnS a ye~ £ree, after which t~ey w~d be charged the msm~l rate; each new non-metered leeation should be notified o£ this Chugs and supplied with a copy of this Resolution. Mr. Pa~tin se¢onde~. Motion ca~ried. Weaver said the D~ai~age District had offered their After discussion, it was agreed The Clerk street tst y a~vise~ the assessment is submitted on the same basis as ~I1 other lfe~s. M~s. Hood read a notice from the program for the s~er course, a~dsaid She buil di~g. The should Bos~d outlf~img P~ice and e~uipment eensidered necessary for this cc~se the cost would be about $78.0~ a list cf the estimated ~Lv. DeMa~ce meve~ that the City donate $78.0G for equipment for the s~e~ eo~se with the specific stipulation ~hat the RecreationatBea~be mesp~nsible for whatever is p~chasedand aoco~ut for it whe~ the cease closes. Fir. Weaver seconded. ~etio~ carried. It was stated that the applicati.n of the "Blue Gypsy" beer a~d wLue license has'been t~v~ed down, by,he C~ty. Mr. DeMa~co moved, M~, Peen seconded, that the paid fo~ the license he retu~aed to the "Blue Gypsy". Motion carried. for a M~. Weave~ moved that the next meeting of the Oou~cil be cha~ged from July ~th to July 5th. Mr. DeMa~co seconded. Motion ear,led. vm! ng aa ?Eers o .proper on the S.E. eomne .z ~a~esma? ~ar~e~s are ~g ~o b~ld a~ge dmtch cross~ their p~ope~. ~is dlt~h, 1I ?~$.a~osquito~z~ ~d t~ Co~ty asks She Ci~to remedy ~ s~mon by putting in a !6" ~ve~ f~om a~esmde D~ive to the l~e. It was agreed to ans~,e~ the letter by saying tJae Oity cannot go on private property. ~ ~t.~as agreed that a Proclamation should be issued by the ~ayo~ a~ ~e r~quest ef the Genez~alFederation ~g s~e ~mv~ ove~ t~ c~g J~y F~th~ek~end. -5- Mr. Deen made a Resolution approving the ~2~r of part oF the City money new in Boynto~. Be. ach State Bank to the ~irst Federal S~vLugs and Loan Association of Del~ay a~ the Lake '~o~h Federal Savings and Loma. ~. Seh~imper said Er. Bedford Jones had begum noisy operation at his repair shop at 6 A.M. as soon as ~he noise staPts, dist-~vbi~g the neighborhood. Soh~per sho-~ld col! up the Police and Mt. Jones be i~fommed Shat he is The Police Ohfe£ was asked to go to ~.J~es in the me~mg to notify him that he was creating a nuisance whieh n*~st be abated. ~ e~ima~ion for 0f£ieer Eemde~sen, be a¢oepted. seconded. Mormon carrme ~Lv,De~areo moved that the salary of 0ffi,eer Henderson ~e raised to $2~0.00 per month, begimai~g Jmne t~th. Er. Deen seconded. Mo$ion carried. The~e be~-uo no further business, the Mayor a~jou~ed the meeti~go Mayor