Minutes 06-06-55PRESENT-: N~. A.E.Shook, Mayor. M~. Albert Deen ~. Joe Nr. Mort Partln. Ns. D.V.Williams, City Clerk. Chief ef Bolice Carver. ~w~, Zell Taylo~ M~. Ca~l Stone, Nayor Shook called the meeti~g te order at 7,30 P.M. be extended Bob Holmma~ aske~ that Lake Avers City kmows how m mob street R/~ remaims. N~. Griffith was asked to check ~o see what the R/W is. F~. Wil!adsen spoke at length en activitie~ for youths in Boynten, stressimg the good work of t~e Boy Sc~m~s. City Clerk D.V.Wil!iams read the minutes of the last regular meetinE o~ the Counci~ of Nay 16. ~. DeMa~eo moved that the miLd&es be accepted as read. ~Yr. Deen seconded. Motlen ca, tied. A notice was read regarding.sale e~ July 12~at Tallahassee ef submerged laz~ East Merkel wmmts to fill · A lette~ was rea~, signed by BenJami~Br~d~ President, Economy Builders, regarding pavi~g of N.E. ~d Street. ~e asked to ~v~ ~ ~eek p~t on ~s~eet w~en he pa~ hale of ~s s~eet assessment. It was agreed that f~the~ Luvestigation of g~ade stakes ~ad Fill removal should be made. The Building I~peotor's re~ort £o~ the month of May was read, totalling $309,~00.00. .A letter was read from the Plumbt~gBoa~d, sigmed Hochmuth, Plumbing Inspector, dated $~u~e 1, rec~m~ndi~g certain amendments te the Pl~btng Gode, (Setter attache~). After .d.iseussion~ ~, De~s~ce moved that the the Plumbm~g Boardbe accepted. ~, Dee~ seconded. ca,tied. ~Tae Building Inspector,s report o~ ~he highly d~mge~us ditien of the Habel property was read, in which he ~aid the Fi~e Marshall agreed. lb. GriFfitk ~as asked So notify M~. Habel $o apDea~ fe~ a hea~i~g at Ci~H~I ~ J~y 5. ~ te~e~ f~m~. F~da, date~ J~e 1, was ~ead ~e~d~ the ~ley to the No~th of ~. Bedf~ J~es' A second letter fr~. F~da, dated J~e 3, ~essed te ~s. ~illi~, was rea~. A thir~ letter from Nr. Fx~ada, of the same da~e, addressed Se the Coumoil was read. it was a mistake Jones' D~simess. ~. G~i£fit~ sa~d 'N~. Jones had made application for ~zoni~g amd the ZenlmgBoa~d had ~preve~, ~d that a p~er m~ning e~dtn- ~ce was~de, ~d $~s e~ee was p~sed, 9hichce~Ieted ~e zo~ ef the p~rty. U~er o~ pFoced~es we h~e ~ o~in~ce that g, ve~ ~desiPable t~es ef h~Eess ~d where a b~s~ess of t~t na~ ts e~e im ~to the a~d this was as fa~ as the Council could go. Regarding the alley, Mr. SCh~fmper said he had lived on his pre~ent proport~ ~er eight years~ amd the rea~ had bee~ open dmri~g all thattime. N~. Benson said as ~ea~ as he could remember the ~oad has bee~ open fo~ £ifteen yea~s. A petition~ signed ~y 54 residents, dated Nay 30, pretestimg the license fo~ a garage a~d ~epair shop granted to ~. Jones, was ~ead. A second petition, signed by 55 ~eside~ts, date~ Nay 30, requesting th~esc~n~ing of the license gra~ted ~o M~. Jo~s, ~d voici~ objection to 'spot' ze~g, was read. A ~ird petition, si~ed by%5 ~esi~nts, dated ~y 30, ~e~estmng $~t She street ~e~een ~he Federal ~P~et~e, t~ b~ ~o~th of ~. J~eS' prepe~ ~eve~ ~o its st~t~ ~ie~ to placement of the posts, was ~ead. -3- Mayor Shook expressed regret to the property owners concerned that such a misunderstauding should have arisen regarding the license, and ~. Taylor was ims$~ueted to remove the pos~ blocking the s.t~eet. ~. Griffith said ~. Jones is conducting a b~simess for which he is n~t properly licensed. The properSy owners co~xeerned were asked So met ii~ She Police Depa~emt if ~. Jones eontinaes his OPerations, and Shook added that this is all the City.cam de Jus$ new. Ext~acSs From the ~umtes of a meeting of the Planning Bea~i May 17 were read. M~. Shook said he would make a point of attendLug a meeting the Plamntmg Boa~ to discuss ~he tw~ matters ~e~erred Nr. He~et~, representing 1~. Moo~ey~ atto~e~ for the F~ill Estate, s~ai~ t~ie f'~.m~m ~f Brockway, yebe~ & B~ock~ay, engineers, ;ion of the ~uilding..H~e.~ea~ a letter whie~h the N~. M.ooney d~scrib~ng She general as bexng goo~. ~ Hewett asked the Council the Resolution eo~de~n~g the bu~la~g. had Mayor said findings Inspector amd Fire Dep~tment aud am omtside engineer had After a , du~ug which M~. He~tt was iz~oz~ed fha' a i could not be re,built or ~ode set back 0~ from t~e Section line, ~t was agreed th~~ the opinion of a third eng~ineer should ~be obta.Lued to avoidha~dship to ~uybody, and that ~. Eewett will be advised whem the engineer is to make his inspection. M~. Deen said he had spoke~ to ~. !glehart about the pipe t? on A-l-A, and that he seems ~aite satisfied to convey the li~e to the City without ref~mding agreement. N~. Peen added that ~. Iglehart is now in New Tork, bmr will be asked for au appointment en his return. report The Police Dep~tme~t/f~ the month of May was read. Mr. Gri£Fith read a Resolution en the Harbor EsSates streets for the first ~eadLug~ M~. Deep,eyed, ~. DeEa~co seconded, that t~e Resolu$ion be accepted for the first reading. ~otion c~ried. ~. De2~co ~oVed, ~. Partin seconded, that the City f~m~nish la, or..and equipment to p~t in Seaer~st Bemleve~d f~m the C~i No~w~d to ~-~y~ ~, .... ~ as so~ ~s possible, in ex~uge fe~ ~ p~k oF fe~ ac~es f~. Field. ~. Field to f~sh all m team,s. Motion c~ied. adopted subject te acceptance of County Commis sion: RESOLVED that the City C the the Cit~ N~. De~Ia~co seconded. Resolution passed. Deen made a motion that the following Resolution be curve degrees by Pale Beach A ~esoluti~ read (Copy ef N~. Griffith reported that he ha~ ~eeeived a Rep~esemtative Dickinson reg~ding Acts, C~ancil on the beach, fo~ the a~ne~ation ef N~s, Bosworth, Chairman of the Cemete~ Beard was~ needed in the cemetery amd do it. She also said abo~t ~ She was ~equested toask $~eeial said ~aeh Cemmty .el Fez~iliser meetlmgs. Mr. Pa~tin secomded. Motion oa~riedo I~m. De~Ma~co moved that the City p~c~se a $I,000.~9 City Re~ Be~ issue ~f 0cteb?r l~ 1946, f~ $960.00. Pa~tfn seconded. Notzen c~ried. ~. GriFfith was aS~d to ~ve~tise the zem~gef colored to~ ~ Tenth Avemue No~th be C~, 1%0' West ~f Seac~st Bo~ev~ te Midway Ne.9, to be residenti~. Afte~ d~c~si~n, ~.P~ moved that $250.00 be d~ate~ t~ the ~e~c~ Legion tow~ds t~ ~eh~e ef f~ewe~ks She J~y Forth eelebPation. ~. Deen seconded. Notion ea~ried. ~. De~ce moved that the eld Nede~ A. Fo~d t~c~ be sel~ $25.00. ~.~ P~t~ sec~ded. Moti~ ca~ie~. ~I~. 0haoles Wi~go, ~ep~esenting the John J. Matte Ce., Architects-Engineers of Atianta, Georgia, spoke a~ Iemgth ~n the advantage natural gas would be to Boyn~en Beach. He said the Henston~Gas & 0il Company would p~t .i~ ~I! pipes, and gave estimated cost a~ profits te the City. He said his Company is mos affill- ated with any other. -5- .He said the initial engimeerzm~epe~t would be the only cost if their project were t~mned dew by the Ce~cil; that they wemld give two e~gineering reports,- o~e a smrvey For a mat~al gas s~t~, ~d o~e ~n a collection system, $~00.0~, ~i~ ~ the ef aceep~ ef the p~e, cots. date mee$i~g amd discuss the be willing to piece by piece. He added that they wc~ld be glad people to of ~atu~al sewage system. a A£ter fuz~her discussion, ,~.De~[a~co I~00.00 1~o ~he Jehm J. E~te Ce~y f~ ~a~ gas ~st~iB~t~g system ~d ~ . lect~ s~tem. ~. Deen seconded ~otion ~ A Resol~ was ~ad ~$i~g Police ~ef' fr~ $325.~0 te $350,00 pe~ month effeegive J~e %he mty pay ~ sm_wveys of a ~ad eel- ~a~ve~' s s~laz~j 1. ~. Par~in moved that the Resolution be adopted. De~n_~econded. Motion carried. There being no fuz~her business, Mayor Shook ad Jell-ned the meeting. ~ne 1st, 1955 TO TIl~ ~ITY ~0a.~[[SmI0!~mRS OF ~0lq%.0N BEACH, PLA. GE h~f L~V~.~ N: At a regular meeting oz~ the Boston Be zch P'±~mozng~ ' Board which was held in the City Hall on the iSth day of Nay~ 1955 at 7:30 P. M. the ~o±-owang a ndm~n~s to ou~ plumbing code were discussed and then passed by unanimous vote. The amendments are as follows: ~ permit of $2.00 will be required for the re-laying of any drair~lelds such as repairs. This becomes a p~t of Sec. 3~ Page ~l of our plumbing code book. The cost of p!o_mbir~o permits for all swimming pools will be as follows: ~!.50 for the fillers~ $!.~0 for main drain~ .50 for each opening for scom c~ps and circulating openings. This becomes a pa~t of S~c 5~ Page ~V of pt~mbing code book. 5 Hers after at~ copper water papa regardless of smze or ±coat±on on any job wmll be required to be "L" copper tu~ing. No "}g" copper tubing will be allowed on any part of the job. This becomes a p~t o~ Sec ~8 Page 20 of our p~ozng code book. if on any job it is found necessary to use sadd%e tile for a drone square feet mus~ e~at the sm~e number of pa~. ~c 37 Page 21~h~ of%~ r }i~mbing~ code book. T~ae bo~d has i~~~pio~bing i~pector to ~orward the ~ s~endments to the comm~ ~ ~ ~ .... -~ ~ - .... ~Y ~mz~ meev wmvn tnemr approval,-~ ~ Very yours~ Pl~mbin Inspector the 6htef ~ Ordinance or Resolution, and be pai~ te fixed By the '£~t~EFORE, BE IT:RE~O~v~ that the salary ef ~ Chief of Police Carver h cha~ge~ PASSED AND ADOPTED by ~he City Ce~cil of the City of Bo~mten Be~h~ Florida, sittiug i~ reguI~r session this~ 6th ~ay of J~e, A. D. 1955. ~ayor ATTEST: