Minutes 05-02-55MIRITES 0P A -~-GUY-~%~ I{EETI~G 0~ B0~TON B~OH~ ?LORiDA, ~LD AT TNI B0~ITON B~C~ ~Y 2~ C0~%~ CiL~S~N OF CIT~ ~L, PRESE}~T: ~. Stan!ey%~eaver~ Mr. Joe DeM~co P~. Albert Dean P~ Mott ~artim. Vice Mayor. Cmoy }~. Zeli Taylo~o w~ Carl Stone. Police Chief C~ver. In the absence of Mayor Shook, Vice H~vor Weaver salled the meeting to order at 7.30 F.iM. Mro J~es r. M~money asked for definite in~o~ation regarding zoning regmlations etc., for a client of his ~ho is interested in purchasing some toos in Lake A~dition for the pv~ose of a Trailer Sales business. He was tots that a s?itabie Ordinance is~einM drs~m up to cover this partic~ar smtuation~ and Mrs~ %Ym±tis~us was asked to ~_~'~mve to P~. }~sZ~o~ey that as long as the re~l~t~o~s as %~i!I be s~L ~o~5h _n t_e O~a~n~.~e a=e co~.~_ea ~i~ City Clerk~ D.¥.~z_.l_=ms~ read the min~.tes of the last re2ular meeting of the Coumci! of April 18. Mr. Deen moved~ ~,LP. OeHaPco seconded~ that the mln-a~es be accepted as read. PIotzon ear_,zed. The Building !nspeetor:s reoort for %ke month of april was read amounting to %348~215~00. The report of the Fire Dep~_tme=~t for the mono.._ of A~rit A letter v~as _e~a from the Cnaz~oe~ of Con.saree giving reoort on the Advertising F,~nd, a letter was read from Charles A. Schiefe~ requesting ~street markers, stree~ l_ghvs~ ~ad stoo signs ia Royal ~ ~ ~Village~ A l~tter was read from several residents rpquesting a street Imght at ~.W.3rd Street end S~W. 3rd Avenue. _~,.., De:m_co movem un t ~re~ ma_k~rs be l~am~ea as reou. ested~ and that the street lights be s~lrveyed by the Pmorida Power & Lm~ht Come~s. Pk~. sarhin seconded, carried. -2- Representatives of the Florida ?ubiic Utilities Corapany of West Palm Beach asked for a frm~chise to bring hat, al gas into the City. They outlined their proposed project in detail and supplied booklets smd copies of a suggested Ordinance covering the gr~ting of a fr~mchlse. For the privilege of a franchise they say they will pay the City ~% of the revenues received from the sale of gas in the City, and the instal!at ion will be of no cost to the City. Mr. Grifftth s~k~d for time to look over the Ordinance with whicm he was ~=~f~mil!~. The ~mtter was tWoled as the Co~J_ncit require more ~ime to go into it, ~nd have the Attorney chock the Ordinance. When this has been done Mr. Key will be notified. Mr. E~zim.~ of Chicago, presented a plat which does not sh~ ~he layout of water mains a:ad asked for the tentative approval of ~ae Council on the ince~olete plat. Mr. DeMa~co moved that the Co~.ci! tentatively approve the East half of the plat sul~itted by Mr~Brocl~ay file No.R.F~1459. Mr. PartL~ seconded° Motion carried. Mr. Griffitm read Ordin~ce ~o.269 for the secono~ ~. Deem moved that 0rdin~uce No.269 be accepted for ~he second reading. ~. DeMarco seconded. Motion c~mried. Mr. Griffith referred to the ?~chase of property over on the beach s~d said .a Bill giving us power to p~smchase the property anm amend ou~ Charter will be before the Le~istat~mre before Mae enm of this months Mr. Brocim~ay has prepsa~ed a corrected des- cri~tion of ~ne property~ ~ letter was read from Mt. Wooden, dated April 25~ with further reference to the' Gulf Stre~ L~ber Company. ~. Griffith ~hought a prosecuting.witness would he necessar~ in the case. A letter was read_?rom Elwyn L. M._mdle~on~~ ~ - ' gozu~_ty' A~o~n~y~' ~ ~ regarming Senate Bill 153 and ~ouse Bills 376 smd 120 relating to riparisn rights in Falm Beach s_nd Dade Corm_ties. b~. DeMarco moved that the PsZm Beach in their ~ag~estion. cs~rlgd. Coumcil snpport tb~ terra of Mr~ Deem seconAem. Motion ~rs. %f!lliams was asked if she had heard from the electric cathode people, e~um replied that tluey had said the ts~uk inspected the t~_ird week ~ ~prit, It was stated that M~. Bedford Jones had applied fo~ a pe~rait to erect a sign which is said to be already up. ~Ev. G~iffith said he was in violation of the Sign 0~dinance ~ ~uch is the c~se. ~i~. Sehrt~pe~ said the sign was already up on the highway. The Police Department was instructed to ~otify ~Lv,Bedfo~d Jones that the sign must be ~emeved within twenty-fo~ hours of notification. The ~epo~ oF gasoline con~ption £o~ the ~enth of July was read, s~.~_eLmtzuo te 1,~7~l/10 gallons. It was announced that the Boa~d of Equalizatio~ would meet on F~iday, August 1~, f~om 12 to ~ P.Mo at City Hal_. ~_e~e being n.~ fu~the~ business, the Mayc~ adjourned the meeting at 9,~20 P.lI. ~yo~ City Cl~k. -3- Hrs. Wiiliar~ said Mr. Sharpe~s mainten~uce sh~ge is ~600.00 a year at present, but that for ~!,000.00 he will co~®tete!y maintain inside and out of tho tank. His contract is up for renewal. ~,~u. Weaver suggested the increase be eomsidered~ Hr. Deem said Mr; Ms, hew had mffered 20 ce~ts a cubic y~vd im tb.e gro'~am as is for f~u._ ...... erom C~t~-o~ed pro.perry on L~ke Avenue jus~ East of the ~o-operative~ plus ~8.00 per hour for mrag line hire. i~r. weaver thought it would bo best to have the l~nd sur- veyed by an engineer and grade stakes set to show ~mhethor it ~ill - ~ t~_ng s~y out. se necessa~ to fill s~e soots before ~ ]~irs. W~l~m~ said e~o has roeemved a Peck to sell her lot ~ ~n the cemetery. ~. This reefaest was referred 'bo the Cemetery Boar~. A request for a beer smd wine license was road from Mrs. Florence Davis for the Blue Gypsy. !~. De~,larco moved that ~he t_,cemse resuestoe_ be ~anto5. Mro Partin seconded. Motion carried. _~kn applmcat_on frora ~Ir. Bedford Jones was r~ad for a ~arage m~d repa~_r slmop~ kmo,~, as the ~ou. th opee~ Deem moved that the recuest oo grunted and tlae llce~_se There was a long discuss~_on on ~__e City:s parkin~ meters. oha~ an of ~8.~0 each be made to Mr. DeMarco suggested ~ ~ o~'~r_ er ~ the Compmay to repossess the meters, Police Chief 9arver asked Shat ~25.07 be g{ven So Jl~s Klingler towards his e~ensos in chaperoning t~e members of the ~afet? Patrol ~ao have won trips vo Washingvon. Mr. Do~laroo moved that ~ ' .... e Omty agree to this exmense of ~2po00, ~r. Partin secomaea. Motion carried. After dieoussion~ ~. DeMaroo moved, Mr. Deem seconded, that the expenses of Mr. ~tone to ~a~ from Ga!morillo to attend the Short Water Course there ce paid by the City. Motion carried, After a~scuss_on~ Mr Deem moved tb~.t trailers in ali trailer soles pa~2~ be held Uaok ~8 feet from the center of ~ne ~mTh~ay~ Mr~ ~artmn seconded Motio~ c~rrze~. BILLS ~,M~r, TOW Gen~.Fundo Sy!vester ~lle~ H~rris lO.0O E~en~ Dennis 2~.00 Lissie Famm~ 150.00 Recreation~l Board 300~00 Michael Ear,gem 20.68 Wm~ Eub@nks 27%0 V~!m Be~oh ~ost-Times 4.50 Hood's ~uto Service 24:12 Mercer ~ervice Station 7.45 Delray Ignition 29.68 Palm Beach T~j-oe~it@r Co. 6.50 Schsmbech Ciesners 8.00 The Court Records Co. i~.00 The Chase National Bank 22~00 0.C.Winmer ~ Associates 37~86 Neff Machinery Inc. 7.26 Bsrkley~s Grocery 8.30 Bo.ynton Beach News 18~90 irdustriai Electronics 64.04 Ro%er~ Gr~ffith 60.00 Florida nower ~ Light Co. 608.01 H.B.Grew ~ Co. 80.85 Felix McKenzie Clewiston Motor Coo 8~09 DeWitt S~DDI~ Co. Vsu~hn ~ Wright of West ~lm Beach 18o18 ~ustin Su~DtM Co. 19.64 Mary F~Erskine ~ R.So~rs- kine. Juli-~s Klingler 25. O0 ~_ 2.~, O0 Eugene ~ethea M.M~Burkett 14o40 Jack F. C~rver 12~00 Boynton Beach Fire De~t. 355o25 M.J~Estafen & R.F.Oen 13.3% M.MoBurkett ~2.00 ~ F. m~skine 375.00 ~mr=e~ of Ynternal Revenue 636.70 Mission Co. Inc. =u~ Cross of ~torida M.M. Burkett ~ ~yroll Boynton Beach State B@nk M. N. Burke t ~ Burroughs Cor~oor~ion ?!~20 292.50 5.23 8q.10 760~86 636o65 770o91 ¥66.6O 86. 2 322.73 Water Fund Kenneth J. Green Mrs, Joh~ !. Miller 3o~0 Lee Thomas 64°20 Ennis Construction Co. Ray ~ianteini~e Chas. S. Geary Mrs. CScar Ristad Acct. of James 0.Co!lins Jr. do. 5.6o Acet of A.B.C.oaeking Co. 50.00 John T. Davenoort Acct. of ~iehloes Forneby Shaw Bros. Oil Co. 2~.22 oicard Chemieat Co. 32~0 Florida vower ~ Light Co~ Southern Bell Tel ~ Tel. ~oO2 Dav~s Meter Remairs & Su~o!y 169.t~ Austin Snmoly Co. !1.t~ Neptune Meser Co. 2!~60 Chef!es L. Neyer ~ Son 106o99 Bo-P=l °rinting Co. I~6.2~ ohilio $~Co!e Tesco Chemicals of Floride H.T. Burhans ?.E.Lexen 4,30 S.J.Schwinn 1.80 County Mercantile 18.88 Builders - °rovidence Inc. 76.31 Bo-Del °rinting Co~ 3p~9~ R.D. ~ood Co° Florid~ Power ~ Light Coo ~63.22 ohi!liv So Cole 300.00 Jmmes B.Ciow ~ Sons 245.52 Neo uure Meter Co. 2~60 AI~ Engel W~F.Hurtz Gild~ Brunretti Beet. of Joe Yolendo john H~ Collins Director of Internal Revenue 68.60 Blue Cross of Florida Robert Muel!er 2~20 Dudley Bariow &cot. of Bert L~ke do~ Devositors ' ?°5O 7o %0 7.~o 7.~o 19.9o ?,5'o 7~ 5'0 ~¥.oo 7.~'o l~.OO ~0.O0 15. O0 7~ 50 ~o ~und The Police Caief was asked To have his Depart~ient notify all Trailer Sales to this el_feet. Mr. Par~in thought that the Police STation sho~ld have a water cooler ~aad moved that this be provided by ',~he City. Mr. Deer. seconded~ Motion carried. Thmre bein~ no f~rther business~ the meeting was adjourneao Vmce Mayor, Cmt~ Cler~.