Minutes 04-18-55MINUTES OF A REGULA~ ~]ETTNG OF ~HE COUNCiL!~N OF ~'. N ~ ~ R-ELD AT THE CITY HALL~ BJ~TO~. BEA~H~ FLORmDA~ BEACH~ APRIL t8~ PRESENT: Mr. A.E.Shook~ Mayor° Mrs. D.V.Witliems~ ~o Albert Deen. M~. R.FoGriffith~ Jr. Mro Joe DeMmrcoo Mro Cerl Stone~ Mro Mort H~ Oartin~ Mr~ Zell T~yloro Absent: Mr. Sten!ey-We~ver~ Police Chief A.C.Carver Mayom Shook called the meeting to order at 7.30 O.M. Mr. Weiken presented a oetition signed by fifty~four residents of 0cesn Avenue objecting to the traffic of beery trucks on the Avenue. After discussion it was agreed that more effective signs should be put uo forbidding trucks end that the oolite De~ertment will be notified to bring in viotetors~ Mr. Br~nneti requested the hydrant be replaced near his -orooerty-dn A-!-A. He egreed ~o write s letter to the City Hell egreeing to may the belches due on the hydrsnt~ whereuoon the hydranz will be reolecedo Mr. Wooden egain co~olained of the noise from the Gulf Streem L~2mber Comoenyo ~he City Clerk reed a letter which had been written ~o the Comosny dated 6th April~ informing them thet the nuisance must be abated immedietety~ & reply to the above letter~ signed by Mr° McMillan, attorney to the Comoany~ dated 8th ~oriI~ was read~ denying the nuisance° Mr. Griffith said the next Court end heve a heeringo To an affidevit of como!eint. stsc was to bring the Comoany into this end Mr. Wooden agreed to sign City Clerk~ Dorothy V. Willie~ reed the minutes of the lest regular meeting of the Council of Aoril %. Mr. DeMerco moved, M~. Deen seconded~ thet the minutes be acceoted as reed. Moyion carried. An extrect from the m~FfuIes of~'the:~reguler meeting of the Recreational Board of Aoril ll wes resd~ requesting the Council orovide wire end labor for the beckstoos for the tennis court in Oenc~ Park° 12- Mro Taylor wes asked to looked into this° ~ letter wes reed from the Electric@! Board~ signed by Mr. Grummons~ Ch~irman~ recommending a change in the Electrical Code. (Letter attsched)~ Mr~ Gru~mons exolsined the reasons for the ch4nge end that the 60-ampere switch was mainly necessary f~r the inst~llers of terazzo flooring~ Mr. Shook s@id there were so few terrazzo contractors end that these only should be required to use the 60-amoere switch. it wes agreed~th~t ~ letter be w~itten to terrazzo contractors informing them of the new regulation rege.rding 60-~moere switches. Mr. DeMarco moved that violators of the regulation regarding the use of 60-empere switches by terrazzo contractors be fined $25.G0 and their licenses susoended. Mz~ Dean seconded~ Motio~ earried~ A letter was re~d from the Civil Service Board, signed by M~. Mark Mitchell~ Cheirman~ asking the Council to acceot the Civil Service Rul,es and Regulations~ Mr. Dean moved that the Civil Service Rules ~nd Regulations be acceoted. M~. DaM~rco seconded° Motion carried. A letter addressed to M~ O~rtin from Mr. F.J.Treiber wes read~ requesting oeving of Ocean Avenue.° it was ~greed that this should be out on the street agend~o ~ letter requesting the oaring of S.E. 3rd Avenue~ from Mr. Oster Jo Shi~e~ wes read. Tt w~s ~greed ~o out this on th~ next street ~genda. Mro Griffith re~d Ordinance No.268 for the second time. Mr~ Dean moved that Ordinance No.268 be ~cceoted for~the second reading. Mr. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried. Mro Griffith reed Ordinance No.269 requested by the Zoning Bo~ard~ covering~the creation of an Industrial Zone H. Mr. Griffith said he hsd cont@eted the League of M~mnicioalities who h~d gmven ~mm ~ cooy of ~n Ordinance which he would like the Zoning Board to consider st its nsx~ meeting~ Mr. DeMarco moved that Ordinance No~269 be acce~ted for the first re@ding~ Mr. Dean second~d~ Motion c~rried. -2A- BILLS 0'KAtZD FOR Allen Chemical Comnany Geo. Zoehie Boynton Beach Fire Dent. First Fe eral Savings ~ Loan 32000.00 The Sherwin Williams Co~ ~2.07 B.D .Cole ~02.54 The Garland COo 13,10 H.M.Fountsin 3~29 Treehouse service Center 13.23 Williams Equipment Co. ~2.3~ A.C.Wiooer,,~ Associates 70.29 The Court Records Co. 1~,00 Evans Booker 32.20 ~reaton Brown 40.08 Albert Fields ~0~08 John Guarine 23.90 Jahn Har~ing~on 40~48 Lenon Harris Frank Johnsom ~%i0 Dave Lanier ~3.10 Henry Lunsford ~6.92 Ellis Me~voy ~0.48 Wm. A. Schuess!er Charlie ~a~ers 47~0 McArthur ~ters ~0~8 Keto Williams James Taylor !i.~0 Jobm P~ Cochrane Jr. ~00.00 Asnhalt Sales Co. 213.~3 Zinke-Smith inc. M.M.Burkett Deerfield Rock Coron. M~ry F.Erskine ~ R.S.Erskine A.L.Edwerds 129.[~ J.H.Tuite 12~.~ C.E.~right 126.t~ ~.CoC~ver 13100 J.W. Butler 110.~ J.H.Coi!ins 139.33 C.E~Hodges 11~o9~ N.B,fennish 106.90 D.V.Wiliiams 139.1~ Mae Cason 91.80 Olive Cieroik !18,8[ M~J.Loftey 81.9~ H.D.Himber 96.9~ J.A.Klingier 106.90 Zeii T~ylor i~7.9~ J.R.Henderson 127.70 Evens Rooker ~0.48 ~reston Brown %0.08 Albert Fields 40.48 G~n~l. Fund. 29,00 3O.OO 320o9~ 18.89 1,826.70 City im- orovemen~s. h 6 0 00 Soecial I~orovemnts. 7 0.00 -2B- John Guarine John Berrington L.j.Harris Frank Johnson Dave Lenier ~.Lunsford Ellis McAvoy Wm~ ~o Schuessler Cheriie Waters Mc~rthur Wszers K~to Witiiems George Dunn Nou~se Shaw Bros. 0il Co. Florida n-~r. & Lt. Southern Bell Tel.& Tel. Gulf 0il Corpn. Austin Suvply Co. Evens Booker Vreszon Brown Albert Fields John Guarine John Harrington L.J.Harris ~ra~k Johnson Dave Lanier H.Lunsford Ellis McAvor Wm. Aachuessler Wm. C. Sehuessler Lea Thomas Char!ie Waters McArthur Waters Karo Williams Mereer Service Station Rubin Constrmczion Co, Asvh@lt Sales Co. Deerffeld Rock Cornn. 0elm Beach T~me~riter Co, Scsbie Funeral Home Homer Adams Bo-Dsl stinting Co. The H.B.Drew Co. G. & Ro Inc, Gulf 0il Oorpn. 24. O0 ¥o. O8 ¥8.¥O ~3.2o ~0.60 40.¥8 4?.40 ¥0~08 ~.o0 426~ 03 613 o tl 133.23 199 ~ 90 27.~3 40.48 40 ~ 08 40~ 08 a~.00 48.4o ~3. ~0 40.~8 v6.60 68.30 ~7.~0 32~80 s~3. ~o 26~.~0 49.87 3~.oo f.oo 10.00 6.31 84.63 -3- Mr~ Griffith said he had been informed by Attorney L.A. Mooney, reoresenting the Hill Estate~ that he had not received notice of condemnation of the building and wanted ~o re~air it. ~s. Williams was asked to send the notification by registered mail. Mr~ Griffith requested official signatures on ~ corrective Deed to ? given Boyn~on Beach Land ~Como.a~y on the~orooerty. ~ in ~creage Sectio~ 3~ sold to them by the Cmty several years ago. Mr. Grif£ith to check descriptions mn agreement bezo_e releesing A plat of Mr. Harrington~s new S/D North of Lake ~venue was sh o~n. Mr. Dean moved the? the water .t~yout 5e aece~ted~ date~ Aoril~ i9~ Brockway fi!e~No~T.F.l~?l, ~r. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried. to sever¢l streets whi~a are in they be ostched, oiled and further business~ Mayor Shook ~djourned Mr. ?srtin called atteDtion bad oondit~on and suggested that slagged to save. ~here~being no the meeting. Mayor. At m a?ecial meeting cs2ied on~oril l~th, 19~ held in the City Hall the Electrical Board discussed an amendment to supercsde tb_e ~mendment of March 18th~ 19~' The Electrical inspector was instructed to footboard this ~en~ment to the City Cormmissioners for their consideration ~dapproval. ~Hotion was made by ~lbert Deem and seconded by Irvin Lacey that ~l ts~0orary buildir~ services be of at least capacity and all temporally services be inspected by the City Electrical Znspectoro ~ fee of ~l.00 to be chs~ged-for each service ~ud permit be issued for s~me. Notice be also sent to Florida P~zer & Light Co. that the se~ice ~.st have au ihspector's tag of approval attached before it can be connected to their power lines. ~lso, this notice should be sent to all electrical and general contractors licensed in the City of Boynton Beach~ to take effect as o£ June ist~ 19~. This da~e has been set to give the contractors tLme to prepare the mew service equipment~ This motion was carried u_~animously.~ Very tz~y yours,