Minutes 03-21-55 ~ ~ CO~,~SSI0?~RS OF MINUTES DF A REGULAR ~ETiNG OF ~ BOSTON BEAC~ FLORIDA~ R~LD AT THF CITY HALL~ BOYN~ON BEACH~ M~RCH $1~ i9~o oP~ESENT: ~. A.E.SHOOK~ Mayor. A,C. C~RVER [~. STANLEY k~A%~ Vicc Mayor. D.V. WILLIAMS ~. ~B~T D~EN. ~LL TABOR ~. JOE DEMARCO CARL STONE 1,~. MOTT H. P~RTiN, R.F. GRIFFiTH~ Mayor Shook celled the meeting to order at 7.30 U.M. Mr, Wm. Webb again requested abandonment of street R/W near his home. Mr. Griffith said City will not ra~ase any property without description of_the property and e~finite information about zoning. It was agreed to postpone the matter until ~.C~iffith has had t~me to draw up sn Ordinance covering it. Mr, ~ete A. Fog!ia of Miami asked the City to give s R/W from his property to A-1-A through the ~roperty West of A-1-A o~oosite the Cesino~ now owned by Boy~ton Beach. Mr. Griffith said he had ~treadF informed Mr.Fogli~ that the City might consider it, A o~en was introduced. The man said he ~nd some men from Fort Lauderdale were going to develoo in th9 immediate future, They don't have access to of'exit from the orooerty. They only want to use the land in question as a R/W~ and will cay the City for it. According to their oresent calculations they want ~0~ from the C~ty'and the rest from Ocean Ridge to make an 80' Boulevard. They are willing ~o dedicate it for a mublic R/W. Mr. Weaver thought the City Attorney shputd have a check made on the title to the oroperty end have Mr.~rocKwoy bring in an enlarged clan showing the land with exact dimensions. Mr. Griffith said he could get the abstract i~ e couo!e of days. Mr. Shook said steos will be taken ~o get it done ss soon es oossible~ and that they could depend uoon the halo of the Council. Mr. Fruda ra~eo e discussion on ~he alley between S.~. G~m Street and S.~W. 2nd S~reet. A survey~had disclosed that Mfs.Brown's garage is astride the el!ay and that MroLeyl~nd~s garage is also across the alley end has been for years. N~r. Fruda suggested the m~y a~endon the alley. All owners of adjacent ~rooerty have been written to, excepting Mrs.Meyer~ who owns the land amgoce_~t to the Laylsnds and has told him there she would agree with other prooerty owners. He had asked Mr, ~rmf~i~h to drew u~ a Resolution that the Brown's garage should ~ rema_~n until £t is removed or destroyed. The main ooint is whether the oroperty can be sold with 100% consent of the ~wu~ers, the e=~ement to remain for utilities Mr~ Griffitk read a ~esolu mort granting Mrs.oro~n oermission to leave the garage building. Mr. DeMarco mo~ed that the Resolution be ~dopted. Mr. Dean seconded. ~ ~' 1.4o ~ ~on carried° -2- City Clerk Dorothy V, Williams reed the minutes of the test regular meeting of the Council of March 77 195{o Mr. Weaver moved, Mr Deed s=condea, that ~ne minutes be eeceoted as read. Motion carried. The '* Cm~y Clerk read the minutes of a soeciel meeting of the Council of ~arch 14. Mr. DeMerco mo~ved, ~. Deed seconded~ that the minutes be acceoted as reade Motion carried~ }~. Shook said Mr. Wooden co~moiains that planing has been going on all day, and s neighbor is also comoleining, and he~ Mr. Shook~ has asked Mt.Wooden to call him next time the noise happens and they will see whet can be done. He added that he thinks the noise is an infringement of the Ordinance and that Mt.Wooden has e just complaint. Mr. Stone said he had been to see M~.Iglehart, and Mr.Weaver said he hsd had e 'nhone call from Mrs.Ivy Biy about a hydrent~ wanting to know if she had ~o pay the $75.00. She thought she did not need fire orotection for her orooerty. She wes told thst the oeoole in her area should oay their orooortionete share of the total $75.00. After discussion~ ~,~.DeMarco moved that fire hydrants on which we are not co~lecting.shou~d~be, removed and~ if the oeopie concerned want them bac~, they to stenm the cost of reolacing them o!us a maintenhnce fee maid in advance by the next Coulncil meeting on Aoril ~. If no=~ct~on~ is taken by that ti~e Mr.gtone oroceeds Mr. %~Yeaver seconded. Motion carried. A letter was resd from the Boynton Masonic Lodge, signed by Mr. Fred Benson, offering to the City the lots which they own in ~ mark oo~osite the school in Sawyer's Addition for $8o500.00. ~he Mr. Willadsen urged tha~ the City ourchase the orooerty and keeo the Boy Scout hut. M~. Weaver asked Mr.Griffith whether it would be ~easibie to increase the amount to be financed for the ourchase of 600 ft. of beech orooerty by this extra ~8,500.00~ all being urger Oarks and Playgrounds. Mr. ~artin~ after stating that he w~lt try to find out whether the City can ourchase this orooerty without borrowing, moved that the matter be tabled for the time being. Mr. Weaver seconded. Motion carried. A letter dated Mar~h 20, from the Recreational Board was read, signed b~ k .Fred Koeonmo~, Jr., ~hem~man. A ±ett=r was read from the Electrical Board: dated March 18, 19~p~ signed by Mr.Grumuons~ Electrical Insoector. Mr. Weaver moved the5 the recommendations of ='~ ~n~ Electrical Board be adopted. Mr. Deed seconded. Motion carried. Gen'l, Fund. A.L. Edwards 129.~ J'~M.Tuite 12~.~ C.E,Wright 126.1~ &.C.~arver 135.00 J.W~Butler 138~ J.H.Collins 117.33 JoA.KBingter 106.90 _,.B.S~Is~ 106.90 D.V.Williams 139.1~ Mae Casom 82.20 Olive Cieroit t18.8~ M.t.Lofley 81.9~ C.F.Hochmuth 1~0.00 Zell Taylor Alice .~e=!y 40 00 Fred Bowles I00.00 Leon Gr-mmmons 100~00 A.E.Shook ~0~00 Joe DeMarco 50.00 Mort Oartin 50.00 A.W.Deen ~0.00 C.S.Weaver ~0.00 R.~.~_l_mz~h Jr. oaul Stoelzel ~0.00 ~eter Rosenzweig ~0,00 W~itt McDowel! 30.00 C.E.Modges l=p.9~ Evans Booker 18~40 Oroston Brown 40.08 Albert Fields 40.08 John Guarine 24.00 Johm Harrington 40~W8 L.~.~arrms Fr~nk ' Joanso~ ~.20 Dave Lanier ~3o20 Henry munsford ,po08 Ellis McAvoy 40.49 ~. A. Schv_~ssler llo~N Charlie Waters ~7.40 McArthur Waters 40.~8 Keto ~i!liams 4~.40 J.B.Henderson 127.70 M.M.Burkett ~8.~9 Boynton Beach Fire Deoartment p~o.32 Evans Booker kOok8 Oreston Brown 40.08 Albert Fields 40~08 John Guarine .~.He~r_s 48.40 Frank Johnson Dave L~nier ~.i0 Henry Lunsford 47,84 n,~zs ~l~CAvoy 40.48 Wm~ Schuessler ~8.25 -2B- Charlle Waters McArthur Waters Karo Wiliisms Blue Cross of Florida Florida Power & Light Doherty-Snyder Motors Inc. A.B.C.Business Forms Austin SuDply Co, Bro,gn & Moseley Stevenson Seed Store Boynton Beech News Mercer Service Station The Court Records Company Earl GA Brown Be-Del Printing Goddard Distributors Inc. M.J.Estafen C.C.Anderson L.B.Sterrett & Sons W,F.McKenzie Newi~n's Pharmacy Hood's Auto Service Herman Buzzs East Coast Fire Protection Service ~homss CanavaD R~oin Oonstruction Co. Shellrock Quarries Oal~ Beech Typewr_iter Greet Southern Trucking Co. Evans Booker oreston Brown ~ibert Fields John ~uarine John Harrington L.J.Hsrris Frank Johnson Dave Lanier Henry Lunsford Ellis McAvoy W~o A. Schuessler Chartie Waters McArthur Waters Karo Williams M.M. Burkett A.L.Edwsrds J~M,T'uite C,E.%Yright A.C.Carver J.W. Butier J.H.Coilins C.E.Hodges J~A.Kting!er Y.B~Sepnish D.V.Williams Mae Cason Olive Ciervik ¥7,30 4o.48 ¥5.¥o 13 i. O0 131. No ?°69 1~3.76 19~60 7,80 29°4O 16.40 i5,oo 1~.69 lO.O5 121.80 33.25 36.66 802°20 6~0 zO.~l 15.oo 120.80 3.75 1~,9o 3.5i ¥0.08 ¥0.08 24.00 ¥0.48 ¥8.¥0 45.20 0°¥8 b8.60 ~?.¥0 bo.k8 ~5.¥o kl.36 135.00 117.33 1!%95 ~o6.9o lO6.90 139.1~ 82~20 t2~.9~ -2C- Acct. of Banyan Tree Inc. Clyde Brown " 4.00 William Beck Chspet Homes Inc. Henry Lunsford 3.68 Lee Thomas ~9,30 Evans Booker 3.68 Fra~m Cotton 39.10 Delray Machine & Su~ly Co. 28.11 Florida Power & Light 491.27 Austin Surely Co. 15'.37 Bo-Del Printing 11.30 Ail ~tate P~e Supply Co~ 3!~o62 Farquhsr Machinery Co. 32,39 Brown ~ Mosle? 12.27 T~sco Chemicals of F!orids 121,~0 Newlan's Pharmacy 2.~0 Brooks Products Inc. 87.00 R.D,Wood & Co. 239.20 Davis Re, alt ~ Su~vly 112.5'3 ohi!li~ S. Cole 30~.00 Royal Palm Ice Co. 1~.20 Charles L.Meyer & Sons 140.16 Lee Thomas 5'7.30 Frank Cotton 39.10 Teresa ~ad~ett 107.~ Carl Stone 132.3[~ BB, State Balm for With- holding. 61,10 Lee Thomas ~9.30 Charlie Waters Kate Williams 3.1[ Albert Fields 2.76 Evens Booker 11.04 Frank Cotton 39.10 John Nobel ~cct. of Ralph Vade Souther~ Bell Tel ~ Tale C.T.Bowles Electrical Co, 77.90 Central Truck Lines Bo~Del Printing The Cameron ~ Barkley Co. 284.12 Brooks Products !nc~ 18.P~ Neptune Meter Co. 243.60 Teresa E?adgett Heiene D.Hi mber Carl Stone Evans Booker Frank Cotton Lee Thom~s D.W. Stockham Acct. of " First FeVers! Savings ~ Loan Water Fund. 14, ~4 7. ~0 ?. ~o ?.~o 7. ~O 1% 0o 37.5'0 i07.9~ 96.9~ 132.3~ 39.90 6o.~o 4.90 (Transfer of funds) Water i.& S. $900~000.0C A letter wss reed from Sch!issel & Scher~ lawyers for Royal Oalm Village~ regarding Secrest Boulevard Extension ~e~uesting notification of meetings of the Council at which discussions of interest to them are intended. Mr. Wesver said there wes a little trouble with the water last week and Mr, Jack Sharo of Orlando wss contacted, Mr. Sharp had inspected the taD_k this morning and had drained it. He had found that several cathodic rods had been eaten through and had fallen down into the tank, which now hss been cleaned out, Mr~ Sharo described the condition of the tank in detei! and ~dvised a mud ring~ He said for a complete clesnsing job~ with the recommendem.mud rmng in the tank~ new srra~g~men~ of la~ers~ ~om plate sandblasting and two coats of oeint hms ormce WOULd no~ oe over a ce~lin~ of $3~000.00o His maintenance contract would be an sddit!onal $400.~0~ to~elling $1~000.00 ocr year ~or life of con- tract to be submitted~ Ha said he could be here with his would tske about fifteen days~ unless specifications and celt for bids. crew next week and the job the City wants to dr~w uo Mr. Weaver said he thinks this work should be done and the sooner the better~ and he does not see why we should ask for competitive bids on it~ as Mr,Sharo has been working on the t~nk and knows the conditions ~nd~ for his ~art~ he ~ould like to enter into negotiations with him~ In answer ~o a ouestion Mr. Sharp said he thought s new tank would coast about He said he would be haopy to do the work on aD horsily rate basis as before with a gusrentee that the job would not exceed $3~000.00, He asked that the City orovide electric current and he would orovide the eauiomen~. After further ~iscussion~ Mr~ Weaver moved thst Mr.$harp come in as soon as oossible~ sandblast the tank~ out on the necessary o~int~ cte~n the risers~ ~tso insteli the mud ring in the bowi~ and reoair the tadde~ on the tank for safety ourposes. Mr. Oartin seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Sharn said he would draw uo the contract and have it down here by Monday. Mr. Griffith reed the second Resolution regarding oaring of N,E.2nd Street in the C.W.Copos Addition, A meeting was arranged for 4.30 Co~mucil $o sit to hear any co~laints, Tussday~ April ~th~ for the Mr. Griffith read Resolution authorising the Superintendent of Oublic Works to get costs om psving S.WolOth Avenue, Mr. Weaver moved~ M~, Deen seconded~ that both Resolutions be adopted. Motion carried~ The subdivider of Rolling Green Second Aammt~on has ~gre~m t~ ~sy for the oioe sod has left s enevk with ~oGriffith for same.. He is ready to order m~terial~ excepting fire hyersn~¥ fro~ Davi~ Reoamr ~omoany. H to orovide mste~l~ and~hus do sway with the oreviou~s~rangement by which the su6dmvmder~turned money later. M_~ Weaver moved~ Mro Dean seconded that bids be entertained for redeeming $25~000.00 worth of re~mnding bonds° Motion carried. oolice Chief C~rver read hie report for the month of February~ Mr. Shook thinks the City should figure the amount of deoreci~- tion of equioment~ cost of Fire Department ocr fire~ average cost of fire~ includ~n~.~y~ything, and that this should be kept in m±nd° Also that Our ~g insurance should be checked into to see if it covers f~rem~n outside the municioality~ any fireman on duty~ etc. Mr. Weaver thim_ks a olam should be sdooted ~.o~ develooers hooking on amount to be charged e ~ ~h~. Grm~fmth was asked to enquire into t~.~s. regarding ~. fixed to the City weter~ Mr. Weaver moved that in any ~'S~Sivision~ old or new~ where giving water servide to~ny oarticular oie6e of prooerty requires the crossing of a street by the water line~ the buiIder or oroperty owed_er will bear the exoenses~ Mr. Deen seconded. Motion ~erried. In ~ discussion on the drilling of a third wel!~ M~.Weaver s~id he thinks this is needed and should out us over the h'umo until it is necessary to go to a northern loc~tion~ also that it would be more in the nature of a standby, excepting for e few hours during the dsM. A bid was ooened ~nd read from the Curtis Drilling Equioment Comosny for-drilling the well for $2~621.00. A second bid wes ooened end read from Carroll J.P. ~umos end Well Drilling of West P~lm Beach for $2~408.00~ excluding fox,nd- orions etc. Mr. Weaver moved that the City and drill s~well in accordance ~mtn Motion c~rried. instruct Carroll to go ahead his bid. Mm. Dean seconded. Mr. Weaver suggested that in the letter to Mr.Carroll he should be asked to drill his well a oroper distance from existing wells~ to avoid interference with them. Mr. Weaver said he hsd received a comolsint from residents South of 12th Avenue who requested that the City maya that street and pave East of the Railway to Palmetto. He said they v~ll be told that if the neighbors will get together we will find out how much it will cost and will do the work if they will bring the cash in. Mr. De,arco reported that the drag line was delivered tod~y is in good -5- Mr. Psrtin moved that since the Budget does not provide enough funds for the purchase of the badly needed drag line~ the same shell be paid for out of City Improvement ~o. nds. This piece of equipment to be the property of the Street Deoartment~ and rented to other Departments when needed. M~. Dean seconded° Motion carried. Mr. DeMerco moved that a printed sign be attached to the tpaffic light et Ocean Avenue and No.1 saying "TO THE BEACH AND A-1-A"4 Mr. Partin seconded. ~o~on car_lea. ~ d Mrs. Williams said that? to her recollection~ Mr.Webb ns never oeid his material bill for streets end drivewsys~ as he had agreed to do -when requesting same, although the City provided labour and eeuzoma~-~,~nd she wondered should he be granted further favors ~h~ bill is paid. until ~ ~ aolice Chief Carver referred to the Circus. scheduled to be in Boston on April ?, and thinks a share of the profits could be obtained for the baseball team~ but that some other orgenisation in town should take this oyer instead of the oolite. Mr. Bosworth setd he understood that Mro Oete Rosenzw~ig b3s handed in his resignation af the Custodian of the Shuffleboard Courts, to 5aka effect April l; that the only suitable carson to replace hi~ is Y~s.Harry Russell~ that her husband will do the work but cheeks must be made out to her es he has a ~ension. m ~ Har. y Russe±~ be sopointed as ~us~odmon Mr. Dean =ovea that Mrs, ~ ~ of the Shuff!ebosrd Courts on Mr.Bosworth's recommendation. Motion -~' s on ~. DeMarco's seconding° Mrs. Williams showed a tentative plat to deveioo oar~ of Acreage Section 33 by Dr. J.H.Dewey. It was agreed to have the owner submit the otst to M~.Brockway for approval of the water lsyout. There being no further business~ Mayor Shook adjourned the mee~ ng. Ma yor. March 18th~ 19~5 TO TB~ CITY COMMISSIO~-F~RS OF B0~0N BEACH: Gentlemen: Et an electrical board meeting held in the City Hall on March 16th, 195~ the following recommendation was made by unanimous vote that thefollowing addition be adooted and added to the electrical cods. ~nat all terrazzo grindersin the city will have to furnish 60 amp. disconnect switch and this switch be located within ft. of existing temporary service and may be electrically cormected ahead of fuses on temoorary service by means of battery clamoso There shall not be more than one of these switches used at one t~le.,, E cooy or this addition to be mailed to each licensed · ~ terrazzo contractor that does busmness._n the city of Noyn~on Beach~ The electrical insoector was also instructed to get in touch with the City Ettorney about fines to be imoosed and prooer word- ing of same. This carefulstuay' and aoproval. Very truly yours~ L~/h Electrical Inspector