Minutes 01-02-55BEACH-¢ ~ORiDA~ ITFg,{,D AT THE CITY i~%%~ BOYNTON ,~,&~,0N JANIL&R% 2, 19~. PRESENT: Mr. A.E.Shook A.C. Carver Mr. Howard Hood D, V, Wi!lisms Mr. Stanley Weaver Z~I1 Mr. Albert Deen Carl Stone Mr. Joe DeMarco. R~ F. Griffith~ Jr. Mayor Shook called the meeting to order a~%7.~0 Mr. Rehbo_wg asked for a decision rega~ding property~ in Arden Park, saying that his present facto~-~y employs six worke~.s by day and tl~ree by ~o~ight, s_ud ~e hasouugro~-~ - the buz!d_ng.' ~ Mr~ Weaver said he had looEed at the property bu~ had no idea of its value. Mayor Shook said the price a year ago was ~3,500.00~ and as ~tr~ RelTdbrg W~n~S only half of it he suggested ~2,~,00 as a suitable p~iceo !-~. Hood moved that Lots 102, 103 a~ud 104 of Arden Park sold to Mr. Rehburg by the City for ~2,000.O0, the property to be conveyed under a soecia£ Warrah%y Deed, ~ad const~action of the factory to be sta~Jted by him within ninety mays~ Mr. Desn seconded. Motion carried. Mrs. Hoom said Mr. Van Fleet~ Rec~ation Director for ~e · ~aole Southern District, wo~o~d be here Eanuar¥ 7, and would like to meet t~e Co~cil. A meeting was agreed to for l0 A.M~ ay CityHall on Janua~- 7~ Ci~y Clerk Dorothy V.Wilti~s read the following:- "Mr. N.R.Pield an~ Mr. A.B.Cs~ter who are property om-nets and developers owning property north of the Boynton Canal and West of the Right of Way of Florida East Coast Railway have offered the City ~5~,000.00 to build a bridge which would extend Sea Crest Boulevard to ~he North City limits if the City can get the Co~.ty Co~miission to give the City that value in shell-rock, which rock would be used on City streets which lsG~ in the donors, property. The bridge would Oe built accord- ing ~o County specifications~ of a width of 2k fest~ with ~ foot sidewalks on ~ach side.~ After discussion~ Mr. Hood moved that the proposal be accepted but that the Cou~_cil should meet with the Co~mty Co~aissioners in a body to see if ~v~aediate action could be obtained. Mr. Del4arco s~co~8~. Motion carried. -2- ~elm ~ud ~.Csm~er~ who were M~yor Shook told Mr. ~ ~ that all oossible steps wo~Id be taken to help t~em. The ~zt~ Cler~ read the mi~tes of the last reo~u, lar meeting of tlme Cozuucil of Dec--er 20~ i9~4. ~r. Weaver moved~ M~. Hood seoonded~ that ~he minutes be ~epted as read. Motion Extracts from the minutes of the meeti~_g of Dec.her of the Bo~_md of Gove~n-ors of the Boynten Beach Municipal Park were i~. Weaver moved~ Mr. Deen seconded~ that the report be accepted. Motion carried. A o_d was received for a new la-~n mower from G.A.Stevenson. The bid previously rece~_ved z_om Herma~u Butts did not specify size of mower~ so the matter was tabled for fu~her ~r. Hood morea that the City pum~chase the Gulf tires in accordance with Mr. Brown's bid on them, s~o~tte~ ~ last mee~ug. Weaver seconded. F~. Hood~ as the re~irinM member of the C~ncm_,~ expressed D_is ws~m ~hsm3~s for the ~e~peration m_e had received from the general public, also the help~ dtu~ing his six years mn o_fmce The City Clerk then proceeded wm~_ the swearing in of the new Co-om. ci~en,- Mr. Partin, Mr. DeMsa~co sad Mr. Shook. ~. Shook left his seat as Mayor mud said nominations were in order for a new Mayor. ~_r, Deen nominated Mt. Shook for ~,iayor. ~w~, DeMarco seconded. Motion carried. 2~. Deen morea thav the nominations be closed. >~. Weaver seconded. Motion carried. In tD~ vote which £oliowed ~r. Simook was u~%mmimousiy re- elected as Mayor. T~he fo±low,sa_ Co~tttee apoointmen'cs were then ZONING BOARD: A.E. Shook Joe Harisss Jack Gar~er W.E.Nolau Homer Shetton ~ick Steve~as. .... DeMarco moved that the aooointments be accepuea.'~ ~ -3- BUt~LDING BOAR~ .~ A.E.ShOOk Fred Bowles Ralph Andersen A Plumber m~d Electrician to be %opointed oy Bos~ds respectively. Mr. DeMarco moved that the appointments be accepted. Weaver seconded. Motion cs~riedo FL~E'~!NG BOAdW~: Faut McBride George Feitis Charles Senior L.S.C~adwell Henry Merkel Jr. P~ Weaver moved that the ~opointments be DeM~rco seconded. Motion carried. accepted. Mr. CIVTL S~VICE Ralph S old, imps r Ms~k llit cb.ell Walter Dut c~n Pa~i Mercer C. T. Bowles. M~. Deen moved that ~he appointments be accepted. DeMamco seconded. Motion carried. PLL~.rB I~G BOARD George J~aes C.S.Bosworth A.E.Shook Paul J~mson. Inspeotor~ }~.~DeMarco moved that the appoin~ents Deem seconded. Motion carried. accepted. N~. ELECTRICAL BOAiaD: Ls on Gi~m~z~ons ~ Inspe ct or. Raloh S chr~aupe r George Zophie Smu Wootbright Albert Deeno Mr. Weaver moved that the appointments be accepted. ~. Deem seconded. Motion ca~ried. C~!ET~R!- BOAP~D: Lois Pa~tin Mrs. Bertha Chadwell Hrs. D.V.Wiiliams Mrs. C.S.Boswo~th Joe DeHsa~co. Mr. Deem moved ~hat the appointments be accepted. Weaver seconded. Motion carried. RE~ATIONAL BOARD: Fred Koepnick Jim Harre!l Renice Lansing ROSe Edythe Hood. Mr. %feaver moved that the appointments Partin seconded. Motion carried. accepted. ~. The following officers were re-appointed:- CiTY '~rTTOR2~EY: Robert F. Griffith. Jr. POLICE CHIA~: A.C. Carve~. !~JN!CIPAL JUDGE: Paul Stoeizel. FiRE CHi~: Charles Se~or WATER SUP~I~E~f: C~i Stone SU~ OF FUBL~ WOR~: Zell Taylor. CITY CLERK~ ~g~R ~ T~ ASSESSOR ~ COLr~ECT OR P~0P~SIEG AGE~: D.V ~ Wiltings ~ POLICE Y3~ D~i~PA RTP~ S: ROLLING STOCK: ROADS: S}i!TATION: Pm. Weaver moved~ the appointments of ~hese officers be Mayor Shook expressed his in~ntion of doing ~s best for the City of Boynton Beach~ -~ich has benefited so greatly from fast that all the O~missioners have ~orked together ~um have ~one a wonderP~ job~ of whica h~ is proud. Hs hoped that citizens would Continue to worm with the Cc-~cil ~ud thirds that the Oity is more th~ blessed v~th the excellent ~ype of people co~ected w~bh the various City Departments ~ Boards. ?~. DeM~co e~ressem his appreciation of ~ne honor of being on ~a~ Council ~m s~m it was gratifying to ss~ %~uat can be done ir all work to Eether. A.E.Shook. Joe DeMarco Mort ~.Partin Albert Deem. C. Stanley Weaver.' }I~. DePiarco seconded, ~hat accepted. Motion carried. Mr. Partin said that of all the pleasu~es~he mas ever had, ~s election to membership in the Co~acil ~s about the greatest. He expressed his intention of doing all he can to help the c~ity~ and said that ~ot only the co~operation o£ b~e Co~ucil is needed~ but tmat of all citizens of the community in order to accomplish what we wish to do~ A Resolution from the Delray Beach Co~neii was read recom- mending that the ~est Palm Beach airport be made a ps,anent installation. An application for e~loymen~ by the City as Life Guard was ~ead f~o~ Phil S~upson. It was agreed that the application should ce fi~ed. Those ?~ho had. received persone~ service s. served on the various Boards ~-ad had ~ot letters were thsbked by the Mayor for t~eir The Building Inspector's reporv for ~e month of Decembe~ was read, ~s~o~ting to ~118~290.00 ~. Griffith said he had received a letter fram, Mr,D~_bar agreeing to meet wit~ the Council o~ January 6 at the City Hall. Mr. Griffith also saiC he had received a letter from J.H.Jo~_uson Railroad Foreman of Engineers as to the sigr~i on Oce~m ~venue, in reply to his letter to the blocks Mr. Griffith read Ordin~uce No.2~5. ~ending Ordinauce for the second time. He aisc read sever~l replies he had received to letters he had written asking for the procedure in variousother to~a~s~ and said that all over Florida cities allowlicensed pre~ises to remain open on Election deZ~s~ with the exception of Delray Beach which eanno~ mo so without cha~_ging their Char~ero Mr. Deem moved, ~. DeM~co seconded, be accepted for the seconm reading. Motion carried. that 0rmin~ace No.265 ?artin did no~ vote. Mr. Griffith read Ordinauce No.266 for tf~ first time, relating to billboards~ amenming Ordinance No.247 ~nd repealing Ordinance No.l~2. /?~ ?~r. Weaver asked for a definition of the te~fa ~attracttonsTM, his idea being *~hat it ~applies to those of m~tion-wide reputation only. After a long discussion, during which it was suggested that the decision be left up to the Councilmen rather ~han to the m~u applying for the permit, ~ud -~at it s~ould be, in the opinion of ~?-~ governing body, an e~tertainment ~mat will ce of benefit to the grpwth of the co~mty. It was s~ggested that the attraction ~st be located within a five-mile radmus from the center of Boymton Beach. -S- These ~aendmentswere agreed to and Mr~ Gri£fith incorporated them inzo 0rminauce No.266. Mr, Weaver moved that 0rdin~ce No.286 be accepted for the first reading. Mr. Deem seconded. Motion carried. F~. alfred Wo~men exp.~ressem &ejections To ~ppointments on Boards being given to amy but resiments of the City. Mayor Shook said they had tried to get people who would in the certai~ fields anm who reside in the City. One exception was Mt.Lansing who, as Principal of the local school smd therefore close ~o the children~ had been appointed ~o t~e Recreational Board. ~. Partin said that while l~.S!arless did nco reside in the City, he isan excellent m~ to be on the Zoning Board ar_d o~s considerable property here. ?~. Griffith said he had ordered Mc~2ailt~uMun~ciDal Cor- poratior~ 3rd Edition~ as an addition to his library ~ud asEed that the Council recognise t~e subscription of ~25.00 as a ~ecess~wy ch~ge. Mr. DeMareo moved~ Mr. Partin seconded, that the scription reco~menmed by Mr. Griffith be pa~d for. Motion carried. Mr. ~artin suggested that some ch~ges ce made in ~ke street lights on ~ells Avenue in colored town~ ~ud a~Lso sc~e lig~ts in white ~own. Mayor Shook suggested that the Council taXea ride up there after the meeting to see how the li~_ting csn be L~proved. Police ~nief Ca~ver spoEe of the p~rking difficu~ties in colored to~ On Wells Avenue~ and more especially on Friday Satyrday mi~ts near theOontinen~al Club. He thought one side pe~king only might be ~anged sma suggested i~ 'be left to the discretion of the Police~Depart~nt~ He also brought up the ~ues~zon of parking meters~ s~ying the Meter people were worrying hLm about putting them on, ~ud that he would like them left off as long as possiDle. M~. Weaver saim the majority of the merch~uts in totem do not want the meters, saying they are bagful to their business. Mr. Griffith was asked to look into the contract to see what s~eps can be taken regarding the meters and to r~port at next meeting. Carl Svone read the repor~ of the Water Department for the months of 0c~ober s~ November. BILLS O'ic~2-EU~ FOR PAY]~T: Gert ~ 1 A.L .Edwards 185.05 J.M.Tuite 124.5% C .E .Wright 126.15 ~. C. Carver 135.00 J. W. Butler 141.45 J.M. Collins 117.33 C .E.Hodges 120.95 J.~ .Klingler 106.90 N~ B. Sennish 106.90 D. V. Will lams 139.15 Mae Cason 82.20 -Otlve CierDik 118.85 M .~. Loftey 81'~ 95 ~ .E .Shook 50. O0 C. H. Hood 50.00 C. 8. Weaver %0.00 Joe D~Marco 50. oo A ,W.Deen 50. O0 Peter Rosenswelg 50.00 C. To Bowles 1 O0.00 C · P.Ho chmuth 150.00 B .F.Griffith Jr. I00.00 oaut Stmoelze! 50. O0 ~Whitt MeDowell 30. O0 Fred Bowles 100.00 Blue Cross of Florida 137.70 Frank Cotton ?.00 ~iilie 'White ? ~e, sto~ iBrown ~o. 48 Jo~n Gu~rlne 25~0'. 0008 J. 'iHamr~gt on 43.24 48.~0 Frank J°~son 46.20 Da~e L~n~er %4.20 H~ L~ns f~r~ 23. O0 Ellis McAvoy 4k.16 Wm. Schuessler 5~. 00 Carl Stone 8.66 Lee Thomas 8.$0 Cha~lie Waters ~2.10 Mc~ 40.48 Karo Zell 67.04 40. O8 M.D. 5.00 c1 co. 78.03 ~and 33 · O0 l16.ql I02.~9 gas re ~rotection Service. 36. ?~ Riggs Bros. Inc. 29.80 -6B- WATER FUND. Henry Lunsford 37.72 Carl Stone 58.16 Lee Thomas 57.20 Charlie Waters 20.70 MeArthur Waters 3.68 Karo Williams 18.90 Zel! Taylor 22.50 Albert Fields 13.80 H.P.Herring 56.00 John Linaley 12.40 Acct. County Mercantile 2.63 Austin Suopiy 16.44 James B.Ci0w h ,~30~ 56 Farquhar,Machtnery Co. Davis Meter Reoalrs 703.48 Neptune Meter Co. 233.7~ C.T.Bowlea 80.15 oorter waints 104.19 Parry~Trailer Sales 1.68 Charles L.Mayer 148.36 Royal Palm Ice Co. 27.00 ~to~idapower & Light Gulf Etream Lumber 16.6k Mercer Service Station 1.35 Crane Company 180.53 R.R.Barnes & Son 58.50 Cameron & Barkley Co. 73.~6 Chase National Bank 10.95 Delray Mch.& Supply ~.00 Acct. of Kolendo R.L.Brandewie Wm. Edell Wilfred J.Roux Mrs° George Christiansen 176.05 Henry Lunsford 43.2~ Carl Stone Lee Thomas 57.15 Zetl Taylor 13.50 Albert Fields 8.28 O~ul Stone 5.00 T.E.Padgett 109.02 ' 25.00 H.Lunsford 6.25 C.W. Stone 22.92 Lee Thomas 2%00 Willie A.White ~8.~2 John Harrington 23.92 Lenon JoHarris S2.~0 Hendy Lunsford Carl S~one ~8.58 Lee Thomas Deoositors' Eund. 15.00 !!50 50 5o -6C - Kato Williams 25.$0 Zell Taylor 39.00 Albert Fields 27.60 City of Boynton Beach 303.86 WilTie A.White 15.72 John Harrington 5,52 L.J. Harris 10.35 H.Lunsford 36.80 Carl Stone 71.73 Lee Thomas 60.30 Charlie Waters 16.05 Kato Williams 18.90 Zel!Taylor 15.50 Albert Fields 11.96 Frank Cotton 35.~8 Teresa E.~adgett 107.95 Hetene D.Himber 96.95 Blue Cross of Florida 26.80 Frank Cotton 35.12 Henry Lunsford 17.$8 Carl Stone 52.73 Lee Thomas 51.10 Fenole Chemical Co. inc. 2~.50 Davis Meter Suooly & Re~air Co. 72.20 James B.Clow & Sons 1,~828.06 Neptune Meter Co. L61.29 Brown & Mosley W7.13 ohillip S.Cole 228.00 Trustees~ Florida East Coast Railway Co. 1.00 Bo-Del Printing Co. 50.93 Mueller Co. 9.79 Teresa pad gett Joseph Reese John Polesak Earl D~niels ~. 50 Manuel Nunes $. 90 E~r! Wa~ins 2. ?0 A. E. S hook Austin Supply Co. 18.70 Brook Oroducts 105.2.~ Oarry Sales 1.6~ CarSton White 6.00 The Cameron & Barkley Co. l~O.?l Wallace & Tiernan Inc. 17.90 Royal oalm Ice 20.$0 Crane Company 72.52 Charles L.Meyer & Son 181~78 Florida ~ower & Light ~28.8¥ Earl G.~owo 13.86 Nentune Meter Co. 261.29 K.D.Wood Co. 29.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.oo 7.50 -7- i~r. Weaver drew attention to the dangerous situation along Boynton Road ~nC Military Trail, where a m~a was recently killed practically on account of sDeem. There are no spee~ si~ on the ~oads o~ at intersections, ~m t~ee deaths have occurred o~ ~er~ in the last s~ mon~D~, due ~nly co spe~d. He recommends tb~t the Codicil go on reco~ as request~g the authorities responsible to mo s~et~g abou~ it. _Mr. Pectin said it is strictiy the C~anty Co~.ission~s job ko put up the si~as a~d tb~t fro~ here to the Range Line is the most neglected area in the ~r. ~eaveI~ ~ov$~ Mr. D®~areo seconded, tha~ a letter be written to the County C~m~ission urging them to put up the necessary traffic signs along the Bo~rnton Road and Military Trail~ ~d at intersections and cross roads. Motion carried. There was a discussion on gms Fl~uning Board~s recos~eno~ation that Paint, otto Street be 80 feet %uide. Mr. DeMarco moved that"Woolbright Road ru~aing West should have 80' Right of %~ay~ a~ud Palmetto Street f~om North-East Second Avenue ~outh have 70' Right of Wsj~ ~. Weaver s~conded. Motion carried. !~_r. De,farce moved ~hat ~uy proper~y owners who desire to have their drive extended to the street paving can bare th_is done a5 se~e time ~he s~eet is paved ~ud at the s~me price per Mr. Deem s~conded. Motion carried. l~r. Deem moved that s~%yone constructing a new commercial building nm~st h~e it surveyed by a regular surveyor ~o get its proper setback~ t~r. Weaver eecon~ed~ Motion carried. ~. Deem said the trash pick-up is a couple of days behind people ~._~J~t to know whether they c8~ as a temporary ~ea~re~ put ~heir tras~ on t~e street. was agreed ~layo~ Shoo~ said the Foiice Department dim not get the holidays at ~b~istmas and New Ye~-~ to wb~m they were entitled and felt they should have a day's pay or a day,s leave ir. lieu. Mr. Deem said his Ss_~_itation Deportment are asking if they can have a day off at a later date when they have ~o ~ork hr. a holiday. Mayor Shook thought tha~ al! City employees who wor~ ~ a holiday should either be paid for mu extra day or have ~ exsra day off~ This was agreed to. The City Clerk said s~e has ~9,000.00 in the I.& S. Water Fund~ above c~3~rent needs~ which is not ea~aing interest. Mr. Weaver moved th~ the money be deposited in the Deiray Federal Savings and Loau .~ssociatior_. }~. Deem second, ed. Motion ~ ~ ~ The~e being no further business~ _~za~or Shook adjo~ned the meeting. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Ir the undersigned, having been duly elected as Vice Mayor of the City of Bo~nton Beach, Florida~ do solemnly swear ( or affirm ) that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United. States, the State of Florida, and of the City of B~ynton Beach; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the laws of the State of Florida, the Charter Md laws of the City of Boynton Beach, and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of Vice Mayor of the City upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me-t~is 3rd day of January, 195~. My Commission expires; STATE OF FLORIDA CO~TY OF PALM BEACH ) SS CiTY OF BO-~NTON BEACH ) V the undersigned, having been duly elected as Nayor, and also as .reszden~ of the City Council, of the F ' City of Boynton Beach, lorzda, do solemuly swear (or affirm) that Z will support, protect and defend the Cons~_tutlon and Goverrnnent of the United States, the State of Florida, s~d of the City of Bo~mton Beach; that I am.. duly qualified to hold office under the laws of the State of Florida, the Charter and laws of the City of Bo~uaton Beach, and that I Will well and fal~hful=y perform the p · resmdent of the City Council of the about to enter, so help me God. duties of Mayor, and City upon which I am Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1955. My ommm s s ion expires ~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF FALM BEACH J SS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ] I do solemmly swear (or affirm) that I will support, orotect end defend the Oonstitution and Govern- ment of the United States, the State of Florzda9 and of the City of Boynton Beach~ that I am duly qualified to hold office under the laws oF the State off Flormda~ mae charter and laws off the City of Boynton Besc~ and that I will well and feitaffully oer~orm tme duties o~ ~ne City Councilman or the City upon whic~ I em about to enter, so help me God. ~Subscribed and sworn 5o bel'ore me this 3rdldsy off January~ 1955. Ndt~ r y ?ub~ ' My' Commission exmires: STATE OF FLORID2 COU~Y OF PALM ~EACH CIT~ ~ ~O~¢Z'UM BEACH SS suoport~ ment of the Unlted Ststes~ the City or Boynton Beach$ hold o~fice under the laws I do solemnly swear (or sFZmrm) that I will protect end defend the Consitutlon and Goverm- the State or Ftorida~ ~nm of ~nat I sm duly quailrled ~o or the Sta~e or Flor~da~ the cnsr~er anm laws or t~e City oi- Boynton Beach~ and t~t I will well and Zait~I~aily oerform ~e duties of the City Councilman of t~e C~ty upon wniem i sm about ~o enter~ so help me God. Su~DscrmOed and sworn to Del'ore me tams 3rd day ct ~ot~ry Pub~_c My Com~issioD~ exz0ires: STATE OF FLORIDA COU~I~Y oF PALM fdEAOH ) SS CITY O? ~0Y~TOi~ ~EACH ) I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will suppor~ orotect and defend the Constitution end Govern- ment of the United Ststes~ the Stave of F!orida~ and of t~a City or Boynton Beach~ tnaz t am duly qualified to hold office under the laws of ~he State cZ Florida~ the charter and laws of the City of Boynton Besch~ and tna~ I will well and rait~/'uily perform ~ne duties of the City Councilman o~ the City uoon w~ic~ I sm about to enter~ so helo me God. Subscribed and sworn to berore m ~h~s 3rd day or January~ 195~. M~ Gom~iSSlOn ei~oires: