Minutes 12-20-54B0_~ZiNTON BF2~, FT~0RiDA~. HELD A~ T~ZE CITY HALL~ BE&CH,. DgCE~_g3~. 20. Mayor A.E. Shook Mr. Howard Hood. ~'lr. St~aley ~,~eaver ~r. Joe De~a~co Mr. Albert Deer.. M~or Shook called the meeting to order at 7.30 Mr~ Rehburg asked regarming the possibility of buying Is~ud in Arden Far~ belonging to the City as a site for a factory to~-make wro~.gh~ i~n furniture. It was agreed that the matter should be postponed for dis- cussion ~tit tomorrow ~tsrnoon ~uhen a meeting of the Cot~cil is ~o be held~ l~, B!oker, 2~[~nager of the James Melton Motorola, w~ted ~ow the p~esent si~tation regar0.i~g bill boards on the to advertise the e~oition, which he described as bsing a great tourist attrac"~on. !¢s re~sted pe~ission to ~rect two bill boards -~%~n th~ City limits for a period of ~o ye~s. ~,~. S-riffith said the Council ha~. no power to ~r~t pez~ission for such signs, as they would be In violation of a 6ity ordin~ce, and ~at n~erous othe~ app!icatiom~ have ~en b'~n~d do~m. t~. Wsaver suggested taP~g the ma~er into oonsimeration letting Mr. Bloker ~ at t~ n~xt regalar meeting; th~ ~mself is ~ favor of ~ending the ordin~ce to aid somet~ng that is considered an attraction to the City. He ~aggested the matter be put on tbs agenda ~or tomor~o-~s meeting of the Council. Mr. Wray asked for a cham~e in tbs Liquor License 0rd~n~ce to co~ucide with t~ State 0rdin~ce ten.ding the closi~ of lice~ased oremises d~ing olectio~. Ci~ Cler~ Dorothy V.Willi~_s ream the m~u~es of tb~e previous meet~_g of the C~ucil of Decem0er 6. ~[r. Weaver said the first aid truc~ was nov for use as a paddy wagon buy in first aim cases in colored to~ ~mer the super- vision of time police department. He moved that~ ~th this cor- recbion~ the minutes be accepted. ~. DeMarco seconded. Motion c~ried. T~e City Clerk read the minutes of the special meezing on the elections oI ~ecemoer 7. m2- ~-~r. Hoed moved gat the minutes De accepted as read. seconded. Mot,ion carrzes. ~u~ch oz~erzng the ~erican Legion A iettem was ,read from Mr. ' °~ ' Hall for sale to the City for $.~.,000.00. It was agreed that a letter be written to ~.Dutch in reply thanking him for his letter and saying that it is no~ considered advisable for the City to purchase the property at this time, and also that the action of t~ze Council in not making tke ourchase still stam, ds~ although it is considered that the City needs that type of building for a Teen ~g¢ Cen~er. A letter was read, signed by jo~_~ Tuite, InspeOtor~ Fire Department, compla~im-ing of the poor electrical work ~mthe Scampi Restaurant. It was agreed that the license ~aould be held up until the building has been made safe and that, pending a report, action sho~ald be taken to prevent them from opening ~til the electrical and building inspectors~ requirements he:~e been met. Mr, ~=~fmtn said the Electrical Insoector h~self has the f=n~s it is in a dangereus condition, power to turn it do~¢n if he ~ ~ the Fire Department also. It was agreed to leave the matter foz~ the meeting tomorrow wb_en the inspectors ~-ill be present, The resignation of F~. Nmc~ Stevens as ~nam~an of the Zon~g Board was read. ~. Hood moved tb~t Mr. Stevens~ resignation be accepted. Weaver seconded, Motion carried. A letter was read f the Rouarv ~_uo~ s=g,,ed Oy ,~..ia, Mitchell, Secretary, advocating a Teen Age Center ~_or the A letter was read from the Jok~ J,Hart~Comps~y relative natural gas coming to Florida. ~tracts from the M~uutos of the P±~uning Board meetingOf December l~ were read. Mr. Weaver ~ove~ that the reporO be accepted a~d that ;he resi~ation of the ~bems of the ~lamfl~g Bo~d be accept~ as s matter of ~or~m and t~at the Board be ~itten a letter thom for their services, i~. Hood secon~e~. Motion car~ed. Afte~ a disc~assion on tb_e proposed widening of HighwS? No.l~ Mr. Weaver moved that a ~esol~tio~ be d~a~ up asking that the C~=uoy Cozv~ssion reco~lend ~o the State Road Department that the b~gb_way tbm~ough Boynton be ~dened as much as possible to get as much right of way as they c~ South of th~ ~o~tOn Cmual~ and North of the Csnala ~inimo~ of lO0 feet because of the railway~ mud that medi~s be constructed at definite intervals. ~r. Hood seconded. Motion carried. -3- i~. Griffith said he had received a letter from the railway and they ~ve _oommng into the problem of _mghts on Ocean M~. Griffith read ~a ordinance a~nding ordinance for the first time. Mr. Weaver propose~ the adoption of the ordinance for first reading. ~. Hood seconded. Motion ea~ried. ~ cid was received from i~. Butts on a new !awn mower~ but no acumen was taEen as it was the only bid submmttem. Mr. Weaver said he h~s a~hormsem the purchase of a chemical injector for ~210~00 from Phillip C~ Cole. Two bids were read on tires for the fire truck, one from Brown s~d one from the Pierce ~- ~_re Cor%~any. ~. Hood asked that ~m. Pierce be called to see ~ his tires were nylon before ~uy decision is made on the bids, ~ue said he would check on it in the morning. Mr. Weaver reported that a coral vacant lot in the South-East section, boring lot wondered if the CiZy could snake had been seen on a ~ud the occupant of a neigh- ac anything about it. Mayor Shoo~ suggested sending a notice to the owner. The City Clerk ~eported that Jo~nmMorey would like a refund of ~10~.00 on his restage, rant license~ as he has never usem it. ~4~. Weaver thought it would be a bad precedent an~ movem that the request be rejected~ as the license could hove O~en used if Mr. ~o~o~ had wished to ~o so Mr. DeMarco seconded. Motion carried~ Mr. Grmf~mth was instructed ~o w~ite to the ~omm_ss~one~s~' ~ -~ ~ of Ocean Ridge ~am invite them ~o a meeting v~th the Cou~acil on Jsnuary 6~ at 7.30 P.Mo~ at City Hall. ~r. ,Weaver~ with reference to a site for t~he junior College, said two e. ifferent men had oeen ye see him in the last month w~ut~ng ~o ioca~e ao~ ~lf~y acres o~ ±a~d~ s~ he thoug~ht an effort snoL~d ce name ~o contact some o~_ the larger owners of land in Boynton in this corn~ection. ~e said he fmn~s that no decmsmon has yet been made by the County School Board on the location. Mr. Weaver moved that Friday before 6~nris~as Day and before New Year's Day be holidays for City employees. I~,~. Hood seconded. Motion carried. BILLS O~K&Y~ FOR PAYPm~T: Lak Worth Federal Savings & Lo~ Preston JohG-~arine Jolmu Harrington L. J o Ear tis Frank Joluns on He~y L~sford Ellis McAvoy ~. Schues sler C~l Stone ~.~lis Waters Mc~thur Waters Karo Willis~s J~es DaSd Bozem~u Peter Rossnsweig Jobm Guarine Jo~ Harmin~on Lenon J. H~ris David Lmier Ellis McAvoy Wm. Schue s sler Ch~lie Waters McAt thv~ ~fat ers Karo Williams W ~ r. H~rring Zeil Taylor J. J. Tuite C. E. Wright A ~ C. C~ver J.W. Butler J.H. Collins C. E. Hodges J.A. ~ingie ~ D. V .Willi~ Mae Cas on Olive Cie~it M.B. Lofley A. E. Shook C.H C. Joe DeH~co C. F. Ho cb~auth R.F~Griffith Papal Stoel whirr McDowell Fred Bowles Blue Cross of Florida 86.21 ¥o.o$ 34.50 ¥5~2o 5~2o 4~.~o 28.84 49.65 25.34 32°92 21.16 3O.?O 4?O.OO ~5.00 ~0.o8 2~._~.00 hD~20 5~o2o ~o.48 47.40 56.oo ~31.55 z29.55 13~oO0 !20~95 i05.90 106.90 139.~ 83.62 139.09 84.o! ~o.oo 5o.oo 6o.oo 5o.oo 5o.oo ~o.oo 100.00 150.oo 100,00 50.oo 3o.oo 100o00 128o~0 -3B- Bpynton Beach Fire Dept, M~M.Burke tt 72.33 Petty Ca~a 77.12 Wom~ s C 350.00 J~mes W. Bu~aler 30,00 ~ston Bro~ 40.08 Jo~ Guarine Cat, eton & B~kley ~L~. Mar~ Mitc~ei1 12.00 Fred Koep~ ck 12.00 Dorothy Shepperd 12~00 ~ice L~ Shep~d 12.00 Alice Kelly H ~ F. He~ing 70,00 Preston Brown 40.08 J~ Gu~ ine 25,00 Jo~ Harringt on Lenon J. H~is Dave L~fe~ ~h.20 Ellis cAvoy Oha~li~ Waters 49.67 McAt th~ Waters Karo Willi~ 48.27 Zell Taylo~ &lbert Fields 31~80 Willie &. W~ite 40.48 Boynton Teen Town C~mittee ~. L. Edwards 129 J. H. Tuite 1~ C ~ E .Wright 126.15 A. C. Carver 13 2 J.W. Butler ll0 J ~H~ Collins ll7,33 C. E ~ Hodges l~O, 9~ J.A ~ Y~ingle~ 106 ~ 90 N. B. Se~ish l06.90 D.V.Willi~ 139 Olive Cie~ik 133.18 M. A ~ Loflsy 81,9~ H. B. HL~ber 96.95 J. M. Tuite 25,00 C.E.Wright 25. O0 A, C. Cs. rve~ 25,00 J.~ Butler 25, 00 J.H, Co!!ins 25.00 J.C.F~i~ier 25.00 ~(,B. Se~ish 25,00 D. V ~wili~s 25.00 Olive Ci~i~ 25~00 Mae Cason M. J. Lofley 25.00 H. D. H~ber 2~ ~ 00 J o~u Harrington Lemon j. Harris Fr a~_k Johnson Dave Lanier Willie krnit e Hen~ L~sford ELlis McAvoy ~mmli~ Waters McA~th~ Waters Karo Willia~ Zell Taylor Albert Fields ~ice Kelly Job~ Gua~ne H. P. Herring J.W~Butler A. C. Ca~ve~ Geo. S. B~ock~ay Austin Supply ~y & Navy Salvage Stye Cl~¢iston Motor Co. Scobee F~eral H~e Steve~¢n Seed Sto~ South Lodge Florist C. T, B~les Porter Paints Nations& Institute of M~ cipal Clerks Mack Moto~ T~¢f~ Co. Pa~ J. Johnson Montg~ery Wa~ ~: Co. Gulf 0il Corporation Jacobsen ?~g. Co. Florida ~:¢. & Light Co, Heidelberg Re staurmut Hill Mffg. Co. Southe~ Bell Tel. f Tel. M~s. Hal S. Ives Delray Gas & Electric Deerfield Roc~ Co~oration City of Delray Beach Fenole ~emical Co. Merce~ Service Stati Ch~les D. Akes, M.D~ ~e~ican S~ Views W? J.Dorsey Asph~t S~es Co. The Cou~t Reco~ds Co. Rubin Construction .Co. Civil Service Assembly Cr~e Co. Preston E. Broma Jo~ H~ringt on Lenon J. Harris Frar~ Jo~s on Dave L~er Ellis Mc~voy 23.92 27.70 s4.io 53 .i0 36.80 17 ~48 4o.48 26.6o 36.80 26.50 5~.oo 18.~o 25.00 23.90 2.00 35.oo 849.00 19 o 87 39.00 ~2.oo 16.00 25.61 2o3.57 67.89 i0.00 5.28 6.oo 59.48 47.77 1.75 458.¥5 4.9o 24.08 125.72 58.50 12.50 z~.25 50. O0 9.87 3o. 73 6. oo 2.50 I7, O0 87 ;87 !2.50 4~, 80 75.00 52.1~ 12.50 l0.42 25.oo 25. O0 25. O0 8.33 - 3D- ~m_. Sc huessler 22.92 Zel! Taylor 6.25 ~na~lie Waters 2~.00 McArthur Waters 10.42 Kato ~ iiliams 25.00 Claud T~Bowlss ~ .92 ~d Bowles 6.25 Bo~t~n Beach Fire Dept. 25.00 Mae ~ason 82.20 Aetna Steel C~p~y 294.~ Wiilie&. ~i~e 11.98 ~re ston B~wn 40.08 Jo~ Gu~ine 25.00 Jo~ Harring~on 17.48 L~ J~ H~ris i6.10 Dave L~uier ~4~20 Ellis NcAvoy 40.48 Wm.A. Schue ss Ie~ ~8.60 ~arlie Waters 16.i0 McArth~ Waoe~s 40.48 Karo Williams 21 Z~ll Tayio~ 28.00 Albert Fields i2~ 88 Boston Beach State B~ ~.00 S~tson A. SDroul 1.38 G~oie Roofing Co. ~.00 Willie A. W~t~ 26~88 Preston B~wn 40.08 Job~u Gu~ ine 2~.00 Jo~ Ha~ri~ton 36 ~80 L, J.Harris 38.05 Frmuk Job. s on Dave L~aie r ~. 20 H. L~sford 3.68 Ellis McAvoy ~0.~8 ¥~. A~ Sc~esslsr ~2.~ ~marlie ~fate~s 32.25 McArthu~ Waters 40.~8 Karo Wiili~s 26.~0 Zel! Taylor 59.71 Albert Fields 28.i2 H. P. Herring 56.00 0L~ge State 0il Co~ 76.08 Natio~at institu~e or M~uicip al Officers 47.50 Roge~ B. Ol~incey 17.63 A~C.WoPPell Jr. 7.70 R. J. Jo~ on 14. 30 Dr. Thor~as M, Shoal Cont~_ent al Cafe 12.00 L. J.Nichol s J~mes David Bozem~ 36.60 The Chase N~t_onal~ ~ Bank $736.50 I. & S. -3E- Water Fund. Counv~ Mere~atile 26.25 Shaw ~rOeo 0ii Co. 106.83 Mercer Se~¢iee Station Carl Stone 57. 8 Le~ Thomas 53.30 ~iie Waters ~ .70 MoArth~ Wa~e~s 16.56 K~ o Wiili~s !8.90 Zeil Taylor ~. O0 Aoo~. of ~a~o~d La~oint 6.00 ~t%eor<:~' cf 3.10 Gao C~isti ansan 176.05 Carl Stone L~e Thomas 6i. 30 Brooke Promucts Deaton T~ack L~ass 238.80 J~aes B.C!ow & Sons 2~0~8.i7 Lenon J.H~ris 14~ Ellis McAvoy 16.~6 Carl Stone 32.92 Lee Thomas Charles qate~s lA. 9~ McA~thur {aters 20.2h Kato Willia~ H.P.Herring 70.00 J.L. 0verby W~L.Lau~r F~g~et Kuss LeRoy L~ug Acct. of J~es J~es Bowers 6.00 Hs~y L~usford 41,40 C~t Stone Lse Tk~as 60,~0 Joi~ Moray T. E~ Pa~ett 90.62 H. D. Him~ ~ 99.03 Blue Cross of Florida Brace J. Du~in Petty Cash 30.77 A. L. Edw~ ds B~s~ce J. Dunkin Jo~ Harrington 16.56 Lenon J.H~ris 20.70 Willie }Ynite 5.68 Deposlto~ s ~ 7.50 7,50 7.5o 7.5o 7.50 7.5o ?.5o 7.50 7.50 50,00 7.50 ~.50 .50 T.~e Chase N t~ona± Bank, i, & S. <~5~80.00 [~o DeMarco men~zonem somebody from Fort L~derdale who wanted about five h~umred ~res to set up a ~efiner~y, on a railway s~dzng in or near BoyntOn Beach. ~L~. Shook said the Pl~rnaing Board had asked that PaLmetto Street be 80 feet w_e.e~-~ a~d he thought a meeting sho~ald be held with the Fla~uning Board to decide such matters. It ~zas agreed that the Councit~ with the Pt~uning Board~have a ioo~ ove~ the position tomorrow afternoon~ after t~he meeting of the C o~aeil. ~ ' ~ ous~ness, t2~e Mayor adjourned the There oemno no further ~ ~ meeting, Mayor. City Clerk. EL~P,i~S ~RO~ 'T~ ?~It~W2ES DF A ~-ETING 0~ T~..i~ BOAPSO O~ DeoemToer ~1. 195~. "Z~ter discussion it w~s agreed that the new Cor~mission sho~ald be advised that the Board of Ggvernore of the Boynton Beach ~;~emorial Park were appointed for two years, and that their term of appointment has no¥? ex"pi red. ~ ~r. E!emons suggested that the roads in I~emorial Park needed attention, and it was agreed tb~reeornmend to the Council that these be repaired.~ E~2~EACTS F~ ~I~YJTES OF A ~GU~E ~f~ING ~ T~ P~ING ~A~' ~ ~Y~0N B~, ~RiD~, HELD AT THE CITY H~L, B~O~I B~CH, ON DECE~R l~, 19B~. "~r~ Koepnick moved that the Pl~uning Board recommend to the CounoiI that no school property front on U.S.1 or Seaorest Boulevard in fu~re. 2~r. Todd seconded. ~,~otion carried? "!t v~s agreed that the Plmunim& Board, should reco~wend to the Council that the~ oetition the County Cor~ssion to have Boynton Beach highway ~t on the State January budget for roads.~ "It was agreed that in order to give the Cou-uci! an opportunity to appoint a new Plarmtng Board, or re-appoint some of the members of the present Board, the members of the present Beard tender their resigr~- tioga, to take effect im~.ediately. At the same time they v~tsh to express their appreciation of the honor of havir~g been appointed to ser~e on the Plan~ing Board." H,L.Nyquist, Secretary of the Pla~_uing Board° PP.