Minutes 04-05-54MII~TES OF A PdEGL~aR ~ETI}TG OF TPiE 6~E4ISSIO}~S OF BOYNTON B~-~kC, H~ FLORIDA~ ~D AT Ti~ CITY HALL PRES~[T: Mayor F.L, Purinton Mr. A.E,ghook ~ir. C. Howard Hood~ Mr. Stanley Weaver ~. Albert W. Deen. Mayor Purinton c~led the ~eeting to order at 7,30 P.M. ~. Joe Greasmar brought up the matter of b~is new block and w~uted to khow what zest ~s _eq~zred. The matter was turned over to ~.~. ~hook thought 1~. Gresemar should get ad, ice f~om Lake Worth or West Palm Beach where 2hey have Engineers, and if one of these Engineers approved the block muda statement in writing to this effect could be provided, then Boynton would accept ito Mr. Griffith suggested that M~. Greasmar agree to pay the charge of an Engineer for r-~_ning the test, ~nd the City of Boyr~ton to make application to ~..Broc~ay to have the test made~ so that there would be s~net~hing to be retained by ~he City from ~. Broc~ay~ and the City would not be liable. ~[~. Greasmar was asked to send a letter to the Cz~y stating that he would pay the cost of ~aving the block tested~ the inspection to cover the block for bu_±mzngs of one or two storeys. City Clerk Do_o~y~.~l_zsms r~ad the minutes o.~. the last reg~_iar meeting o_, the Co~czl of March 1~ Mr. Griffith suggested that t~e Resolution passed at the last meeting providing that buildir~s ~ust be set back i08 feet from the West boundary of the ~ighway R/WNorth of Boynton Canal be a~ended to read !00 feet from the West R/~. z~r. Gr~zfmtn also snggeszed tha~ a Resolutmon be passea making !'00 feet Highwa~ R/W for the entire length of the City; and that Lake ~venue R~W be held to 80 feet, being ~0 feet o~ either side of section line. After discussion, Mr. Shook moved ~md ~. Hood seconded that a Resolution be passed amending tlme hig~n~ay setback to 100 feet f~om North to South City limits for buildings; ~md also establishing the Lake Avenue building setback to 40 feet on either side of section line, providing 80 feet R/W for Co~utyRoad. Motion cs~ried. -2- ~. Griffith,. . with reference to the_ R_n~er that the smdmng to be put on t2me East side of the R~ s~ou2d be cor~rected to read ~ast Mr, Hood moved that the minutes of the last reg~la~ meeting be accepted with the above ~menS~ments s~ud correction. ~. Shook seconded. Motion ca~ried. The Bui!.ding Ir-s-oector~ s report for the month of _Ms~ch was ~ead showmng a to'cai of ($262~4~0.00. A letter was read from the Boynton Beach Chs~ber of Co~e~ce suggestihg that Lmproved st~ee~ lighting wo~d be most desirgole. Mayor P~inton stated that the City had been working on t~s matter for a long time ~d that it has now been decided to have the s~me light~ug as that at Delray Beach.; that the Florida Power & Light Co~o~uy has the orde~ that it will be put in h~ ~ed~ately~ ~d that the ohly cost to the City w~ll b~ month or ~60.00 ~o~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ $~00 a ~ .... the ~_t ye~ mo~e than a~ present. The City Clerk was inst~cted to ~r~ite to the ~mbe~ of Co~erce~ in reply to thei~ letter, expl~ning~ what is being done. A letter was read from the Association of ~icip~ities of PaLm B~ach Co~s~ty asking fo~ a contribution of ~2~.00, ~. Shook mowed ~ Hood seconded~ tha$ the contribution previously made of ~2D~00 to the ~ssoclation should be con- ~znued Motion cs~ried. A petition signed by 19 n~ues protesting the Coquina Cove changes was read. ~- ~' ' ~ b~e care of tnzs with the ~-fw..~rzf_zth said he would -~ ~ o Zoning Board. I~ Griffith said~ regarding the ~it of ~ad~us to the Electrical Board to issue per, its to the Eastern ~lectricai p~uy~ the latter have asked the Electrical Board to ex~iain why the license was revoked. It was revoked b - - ecause of the stipulation that a licensee must be a residen~ of Palm Beach Co~ty for one yea~ prior ~o receiving a license. He said the contracts ~der discussion were '~udertaken withonv km,_o~_edge of the clause. After discussion~ it was a~eed that the Ordinance should remain as it is a s being a protection to the people of the City~ but, to take care of this oar~_~mlar_ case only~ Mr. Shook moved that the clause under discussion should be waived M~. Hood seconded. Motion carried. ~. Griffith sand he had preps~ed a !icenss agreement with Rinker Materials Cor~or~mon~ giving them the right to use the ~est 18 feet of R/W of Railroad Avenue~- lots 99-107, inclusive, of Arden Park~ so that they wo~mld not obstruct the whole R/~f.' With refei~enee to the apolication for a permit for a ~tlm~g~ . stay,on at the junction of S ~- ~ . ~ smd High~ay Fo.1 ~ci~ na~ been t~ned do~ by the Zon~ that no d~scr~znat~on should ce marne ~ong the Hi,way, ~d tha~ a filling station would be momsdesmra~e ~y and would ~t no one. AFter discussion M~. P~uton~ ' suggested a re-hearfn~ the ZOn~g Bo~d of tb~s ma~ter~ and a comb~ed meeting~°ofbYthe Council smd ~e Bo~d to re-open it. The Police Repo_~' ~or~ the month of M~ch was read. wasThe question~ u~°f ~udthe re~uesta -mmmt~f°r fire p_wotec~mon~ for Ridge G~ove br°T~h$~ was Suggested~~s' ' ag~eementoto that of the City with Ocean as having bee~ recor~ended by ~. Senior. - Mayor P-~mn~on ss~d he would talk it over with t~. Senior, M~. Weaver sugoested~ ~ that it would be desir~ole to think t~s matte~ over seriously before snte~io~ into in o~de~ to protect othe~ new d~vetopments. ~y such a~eement, it was agreed that the ~sco~m~ndations of the Chief of the Fi~e Department should be acted upon. ~'~. Weaver s~d he would like to See the matve~ the t~ole before a fin~ decision is roads, o~ought on Mr. gnr-s~zmusen ~ead his ~eoort on ~e Wate~ the month of ~. 7~?~ - · ~ fo~ $,_oo~ suggested some kind of bond issue in orde~ to finish the streets already o~ned by the City, which ~mul~ clesn the City Mr. Grif£ith said bonds m~ght be sold locally and tha~ the ~ou~cml ~as the power to stent such a_u issue for the purpose of improvements. He was instructed to go sd~ead a~d see what be done regarding such a bond issue. M~. Deem proposed ~,~. Sam Adama Jr. as a member of tb~ Electrical Boe~d ye replace i~f~. Jack G~dner~ resi~ued. M~. Shook moved mad M~.Hood seconded that ~. Sam Ad~s J~. be appointed a memoe~' ' -~ of the ~lec~mc~' ' - Board· Motion c~ied. Mr. Ker~aeth Ad~s ~ ~ as~ if there was any objection to a it bec~e a nuisance. ~ Council saw no objections a~ Clerk ..... .~ s~o.~ea ~ha~ the 19~3 ta~xes are 90~_ collected as of 'sb~s date. -4- ~t~ Clerk drew attention to miscell~ueous bills outstanding amd asked for pe~nission to enforce collection. Several complaints were voicedby ne~ghbors~ ' of ~Ir. Kin~ on the Hmg.~way, and Mayor P~o_winton said that such complaints should be made in writiug ~_ud signed by the objectors, to be settled only by the Judge. A r~mber of p~op!e in the ~dienoe raised their bauds wdaen asked zf they v~ished to sign ~o~plaznts. Y~. Griffith said he adv_sed~ the l~fayor to ha~e c~uplamn~rs~ ~ ~s~gn~ a cc~?p~aln~ ~or v~olat~on oF o~d~n~uces~ ~d that the C~t ~s ~ne ~g~ ~o ~ax~ no~s7 do~s ~omoved if thoy are a nuis~ceJ The Police Chief said the property there is~preferred co~erciai and suggested it be decided whether !~. King can keep a dog kennel th_ere, or not. He distributed the complaints ~ud the objecting neighbors sighted them, w~ereupon he ordered I~. F~ng to remove the ke~uels by .~pril 13. When one citizen co~olained that the collection of boxes behind ~. King,s fruit stands constmtuved' ~ ' a fire hazard, Mayor Purinton said he ~uld request the Fire Chief to look~n~o' ~ this. ~ oas=ness., the m~etmr~g was adjourned There be_rig no further ~~ by the Mayor.